Merge branch 'master' into qiwye/asgd-dev

This commit is contained in:
Qiwei Ye 2016-11-24 11:10:30 +08:00
Родитель 9b66aeec1e bb60423a48
Коммит 2b8b3047df
40 изменённых файлов: 1856 добавлений и 335 удалений

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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
# Note: reader configuration comes from AlexNet.cntk or AlexNetComposite.cntk, depending on the test
RootDir = "."
ConfigDir = "$RootDir$"
DataDir = "$RootDir$"
OutputDir = "$RootDir$/Output"
ModelDir = "$OutputDir$/Models"
precision = "float"
deviceId = "Auto"
command = Train:Test
parallelTrain = "true"
traceLevel = 1
numMBsToShowResult = 500
modelPath = "$ModelDir$/AlexNet"
stderr = "$OutputDir$/AlexNet"
Train = {
action = "train"
BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = {
imageShape = 227:227:3
labelDim = 1000
# Local Response Normalization
# k : bias
# n : half radius
# alpha: scale factor
# beta: exponent
LRN {k, n, alpha, beta} = {
apply (x) = {
x2 = x .* x
# reshape to insert a fake singleton reduction dimension after the 3rd axis
x2s = SplitDimension(x2, 3, 1)
# 3D convolution with a filter that has a non 1-size only in the 3rd axis, and does not reduce since the reduction dimension is fake and 1
W = ParameterTensor{(1:1:2*n+1:1), learningRateMultiplier = 0, initValue = alpha/(2*n+1)}
y = Convolution (W, x2s, (1:1:2*n+1), mapDims = 1, stride = 1, sharing = true, autoPadding = true, lowerPad = 0, upperPad = 0, transpose = false, maxTempMemSizeInSamples = 0)
# reshape back to remove the fake singleton reduction dimension
b = FlattenDimensions(y, 3, 2)
den = Exp (beta .* Log(k + b))
r = x .* Reciprocal(den)
# initValueScale are determined to generate Gaussians with variance of 0.01 and 0.005 (for the two DenseLayers)
model = Sequential (
ConvolutionalLayer {96, (11:11), stride=(4:4), pad=false, init='gaussian', initValueScale=0.95265} : ReLU :
LRN {1.0, 2, 0.0001, 0.75} :
MaxPoolingLayer {(3:3), stride=(2:2)} :
ConvolutionalLayer {192, (5:5), pad = true, init='gaussian', initValueScale=2.44978, initBias=0.1} : ReLU :
LRN {1.0, 2, 0.0001, 0.75} :
MaxPoolingLayer {(3:3), stride=(2:2)} :
ConvolutionalLayer {384, (3:3), pad = true, init='gaussian', initValueScale=2.07857} : ReLU :
ConvolutionalLayer {384, (3:3), pad = true, init='gaussian', initValueScale=2.93945, initBias=0.1} : ReLU :
ConvolutionalLayer {256, (3:3), pad = true, init='gaussian', initValueScale=2.93945, initBias=0.1} : ReLU :
MaxPoolingLayer {(3:3), stride=(2:2)} :
DenseLayer {4096, activation=ReLU, init='gaussian', initValueScale=2.40038, initBias=0.1} : Dropout :
DenseLayer {4096, activation=ReLU, init='gaussian', initValueScale=1.6, initBias=0.1} : Dropout :
LinearLayer {labelDim, init='gaussian', initValueScale=3.2}
# inputs
features = Input {imageShape}
featNorm = features - Constant(114)
labels = Input {labelDim}
# apply model to features
z = model (featNorm)
# loss and error computation
ce = CrossEntropyWithSoftmax (labels, z)
errs = ClassificationError (labels, z)
top5Errs = ClassificationError (labels, z, topN=5) # only used in Eval action
# declare special nodes
featureNodes = (features)
labelNodes = (labels)
criterionNodes = (ce)
evaluationNodes = (errs)
outputNodes = (z)
SGD = {
epochSize = 0
minibatchSize = 256
learningRatesPerMB = 0.01*25:0.001*25:0.0001*25:0.00001*25:0.000001
momentumPerMB = 0.9
maxEpochs = 110
gradUpdateType = None
L2RegWeight = 0.0005
dropoutRate = 0.5
# TODO: try less bits?
ParallelTrain = {
parallelizationMethod = "DataParallelSGD"
distributedMBReading = "true"
parallelizationStartEpoch = 3
DataParallelSGD = {
gradientBits = 32
numMBsToShowResult = 100
# Reader
reader = {
verbosity = 0
randomize = true
randomizationWindow = 1
deserializers = (
type = "ImageDeserializer" ; module = "ImageReader"
file = "$DataDir$/train_map.txt"
input = {
features = {
transforms = (
type = "Crop"
cropType = "random"
cropRatio = 0.88671875
jitterType = "uniRatio"
type = "Scale"
width = 227
height = 227
channels = 3
interpolations = "linear"
# type = "Mean"
# meanFile = "$ConfigDir$/ImageNet1K_mean.xml"
type = "Transpose"
labels = {
labelDim = 1000
Test = {
evalNodeNames = errs:top5Errs # also test top-5 error rate
# Reader
reader = {
verbosity = 0
randomize = false
deserializers = (
type = "ImageDeserializer" ; module = "ImageReader"
input = {
features = {
transforms = (
type = "Crop"
cropType = "center"
cropRatio = 0.88671875
type = "Scale"
width = 227
height = 227
channels = 3
type = "Transpose"
labels = {
labelDim = 1000

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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
# ConvNet applied on CIFAR-10 dataset, with data augmentation (translation and flipping).
command = TrainConvNet:Eval
precision = "float"; traceLevel = 1 ; deviceId = "auto"
rootDir = "../../.." ; dataDir = "$rootDir$/DataSets/CIFAR-10" ;
outputDir = "./Output" ;
modelPath = "$outputDir$/Models/ConvNetLRN_CIFAR10_DataAug"
#stderr = "$outputDir$/ConvNetLRN_CIFAR10_DataAug_bs_out"
TrainConvNet = {
action = "train"
BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = {
imageShape = 32:32:3
labelDim = 10
featScale = 1/256
Normalize{f} = x => f .* x
# Local Response Normalization
# k : bias
# n : half radius
# alpha: scale factor
# beta: exponent
LRN {k, n, alpha, beta} = {
apply (x) = {
x2 = x .* x
# reshape to insert a fake singleton reduction dimension after the 3rd axis
x2s = SplitDimension(x2, 3, 1)
# 3D convolution with a filter that has a non 1-size only in the 3rd axis, and does not reduce since the reduction dimension is fake and 1
W = ParameterTensor{(1:1:2*n+1:1), learningRateMultiplier = 0, initValue = alpha/(2*n+1)}
y = Convolution (W, x2s, (1:1:2*n+1), mapDims = 1, stride = 1, sharing = true, autoPadding = true, lowerPad = 0, upperPad = 0, transpose = false, maxTempMemSizeInSamples = 0)
# reshape back to remove the fake singleton reduction dimension
b = FlattenDimensions(y, 3, 2)
den = Exp (beta .* Log(k + b))
r = x .* Reciprocal(den)
model = Sequential (
Normalize {featScale} :
ConvolutionalLayer {64, (3:3), pad = true} : ReLU :
ConvolutionalLayer {64, (3:3), pad = true} : ReLU :
LRN {1.0, 4, 0.001, 0.75} :
MaxPoolingLayer {(3:3), stride = (2:2)} :
ConvolutionalLayer {64, (3:3), pad = true} : ReLU :
ConvolutionalLayer {64, (3:3), pad = true} : ReLU :
LRN {1.0, 4, 0.001, 0.75} :
MaxPoolingLayer {(3:3), stride = (2:2)} :
DenseLayer {256} : ReLU : Dropout :
DenseLayer {128} : ReLU : Dropout :
LinearLayer {labelDim}
# inputs
features = Input {imageShape}
labels = Input {labelDim}
# apply model to features
z = model (features)
# connect to system
ce = CrossEntropyWithSoftmax (labels, z)
errs = ClassificationError (labels, z)
top5Errs = ClassificationError (labels, z, topN=5) # only used in Eval action
featureNodes = (features)
labelNodes = (labels)
criterionNodes = (ce)
evaluationNodes = (errs) # top5Errs only used in Eval
outputNodes = (z)
SGD = {
epochSize = 0
minibatchSize = 64
learningRatesPerSample = 0.0015625*20:0.00046875*20:0.00015625*20:0.000046875*10:0.000015625
momentumAsTimeConstant = 0*20:600*20:1200
maxEpochs = 80
L2RegWeight = 0.002
dropoutRate = 0.5
numMBsToShowResult = 100
reader = {
verbosity = 0 ; randomize = true
deserializers = ({
type = "ImageDeserializer" ; module = "ImageReader"
file = "$dataDir$/train_map.txt"
input = {
features = { transforms = (
{ type = "Crop" ; cropType = "random" ; cropRatio = 0.8 ; jitterType = "uniRatio" } :
{ type = "Scale" ; width = 32 ; height = 32 ; channels = 3 ; interpolations = "linear" } :
{ type = "Mean" ; meanFile = "$dataDir$/CIFAR-10_mean.xml" } :
{ type = "Transpose" }
labels = { labelDim = 10 }
# Eval action
Eval = {
action = "eval"
evalNodeNames = errs:top5Errs # also test top-5 error rate
# Set minibatch size for testing.
minibatchSize = 512
reader = {
verbosity = 0 ; randomize = false
deserializers = ({
type = "ImageDeserializer" ; module = "ImageReader"
file = "$dataDir$/test_map.txt"
input = {
features = { transforms = (
{ type = "Scale" ; width = 32 ; height = 32 ; channels = 3 ; interpolations = "linear" } :
{ type = "Mean"; meanFile = "$dataDir$/CIFAR-10_mean.xml" } :
{ type = "Transpose" }
labels = { labelDim = 10 }

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@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ TrainConvNet = {
ConvolutionalLayer {64, (3:3), pad = true} : ReLU : ConvolutionalLayer {64, (3:3), pad = true} : ReLU :
ConvolutionalLayer {64, (3:3), pad = true} : ReLU : ConvolutionalLayer {64, (3:3), pad = true} : ReLU :
MaxPoolingLayer {(3:3), stride = (2:2)} : MaxPoolingLayer {(3:3), stride = (2:2)} :
DenseLayer {256} : Dropout : ReLU : DenseLayer {256} : ReLU : Dropout :
DenseLayer {128} : Dropout : ReLU : DenseLayer {128} : ReLU : Dropout :
LinearLayer {labelDim} LinearLayer {labelDim}
) )

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@ -31,4 +31,12 @@ Run the example from the current folder using:
`cntk configFile=ConvNet_CIFAR10_DataAug.cntk` `cntk configFile=ConvNet_CIFAR10_DataAug.cntk`
As seen in the CNTK configuration file [ConvNet_CIFAR10_DataAug.cntk](./ConvNet_CIFAR10_DataAug.cntk), we use a fixed crop ratio of `0.8` and scale the image to `32x32` pixels for training. Since all training images are pre-padded to `40x40` pixels, effectively we only perform translation transform without scaling. The accuracy of the network on test data is around `14%`, which is a lot better than the previous model. As seen in the CNTK configuration file [ConvNet_CIFAR10_DataAug.cntk](./ConvNet_CIFAR10_DataAug.cntk), we use a fixed crop ratio of `0.8` and scale the image to `32x32` pixels for training. Since all training images are pre-padded to `40x40` pixels, effectively we only perform translation transform without scaling. The accuracy of the network on test data is around `14.2%`, which is a lot better than the previous model.
### ConvNetLRN_CIFAR10_DataAug.cntk
The fourth example added local response normalization (LRN) to the previous example. LRN is implemented as a BrainScript function using 3D convolution with a constant kernel. You may run the example from the current folder using:
`cntk configFile=ConvNetLRN_CIFAR10_DataAug.cntk`
This model achieves slightly better accuracy of `13.8%`, which demonstrates the effectiveness of LRN. Nevertheless, as mentioned earlier, LRN is now rarely used by state-of-the-art deep networks.

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from cntk.layers import *
from cntk.models import Sequential, LayerStack from cntk.models import Sequential, LayerStack
from import MinibatchSource, CTFDeserializer, StreamDef, StreamDefs, INFINITELY_REPEAT, FULL_DATA_SWEEP from import MinibatchSource, CTFDeserializer, StreamDef, StreamDefs, INFINITELY_REPEAT, FULL_DATA_SWEEP
from cntk.learner import momentum_sgd, learning_rate_schedule, momentum_schedule, momentum_as_time_constant_schedule, UnitType from cntk.learner import momentum_sgd, learning_rate_schedule, momentum_schedule, momentum_as_time_constant_schedule, UnitType
from cntk.learner import momentum_sgd, learning_rate_schedule, momentum_as_time_constant_schedule, UnitType
from cntk.ops import input_variable, cross_entropy_with_softmax, classification_error, relu, minus, element_times, constant from cntk.ops import input_variable, cross_entropy_with_softmax, classification_error, relu, minus, element_times, constant
from _cntk_py import set_computation_network_trace_level from _cntk_py import set_computation_network_trace_level
@ -71,9 +72,9 @@ def convnet_cifar10(debug_output=False):
# Set learning parameters # Set learning parameters
lr_per_sample = [0.0015625]*10+[0.00046875]*10+[0.00015625] lr_per_sample = [0.0015625]*10+[0.00046875]*10+[0.00015625]
lr_schedule = learning_rate_schedule(lr_per_sample, epoch_size=epoch_size, unit=UnitType.sample) lr_schedule = learning_rate_schedule(lr_per_sample, UnitType.sample, epoch_size)
momentum_time_constant = [0]*20+[-minibatch_size/np.log(0.9)] mm_time_constant = [0]*20+[-minibatch_size/np.log(0.9)]
mm_schedule = momentum_as_time_constant_schedule(momentum_time_constant, epoch_size=epoch_size) mm_schedule = momentum_as_time_constant_schedule(mm_time_constant, epoch_size)
l2_reg_weight = 0.002 l2_reg_weight = 0.002
# Instantiate the trainer object to drive the model training # Instantiate the trainer object to drive the model training

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from cntk.ops import input_variable, cross_entropy_with_softmax, classification_
from import MinibatchSource, ImageDeserializer, StreamDef, StreamDefs from import MinibatchSource, ImageDeserializer, StreamDef, StreamDefs
from cntk import Trainer, persist, cntk_py from cntk import Trainer, persist, cntk_py
from cntk.learner import momentum_sgd, learning_rate_schedule, momentum_schedule, momentum_as_time_constant_schedule, UnitType from cntk.learner import momentum_sgd, learning_rate_schedule, momentum_schedule, momentum_as_time_constant_schedule, UnitType
from cntk.learner import momentum_sgd, learning_rate_schedule, momentum_as_time_constant_schedule, UnitType
from _cntk_py import set_computation_network_trace_level from _cntk_py import set_computation_network_trace_level
# Paths relative to current python file. # Paths relative to current python file.
@ -83,8 +84,8 @@ def convnet_cifar10_dataaug(reader_train, reader_test, max_epochs = 80):
# Set learning parameters # Set learning parameters
lr_per_sample = [0.0015625]*20+[0.00046875]*20+[0.00015625]*20+[0.000046875]*10+[0.000015625] lr_per_sample = [0.0015625]*20+[0.00046875]*20+[0.00015625]*20+[0.000046875]*10+[0.000015625]
lr_schedule = learning_rate_schedule(lr_per_sample, unit=UnitType.sample, epoch_size=epoch_size) lr_schedule = learning_rate_schedule(lr_per_sample, unit=UnitType.sample, epoch_size=epoch_size)
momentum_time_constant = [0]*20+[600]*20+[1200] mm_time_constant = [0]*20+[600]*20+[1200]
mm_schedule = momentum_as_time_constant_schedule(momentum_time_constant, epoch_size=epoch_size) mm_schedule = momentum_as_time_constant_schedule(mm_time_constant, epoch_size=epoch_size)
l2_reg_weight = 0.002 l2_reg_weight = 0.002
# trainer object # trainer object

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@ -48,10 +48,9 @@ def create_reader(map_file, mean_file, train, distributed_after=INFINITE_SAMPLES
ImageDeserializer(map_file, StreamDefs( ImageDeserializer(map_file, StreamDefs(
features = StreamDef(field='image', transforms=transforms), # first column in map file is referred to as 'image' features = StreamDef(field='image', transforms=transforms), # first column in map file is referred to as 'image'
labels = StreamDef(field='label', shape=num_classes))), # and second as 'label' labels = StreamDef(field='label', shape=num_classes))), # and second as 'label'
randomize = False, multithreaded_deserializer = False, # turn off omp as CIFAR-10 is not heavy for deserializer
distributed_after = distributed_after) distributed_after = distributed_after)
# Train and evaluate the network. # Train and evaluate the network.
def convnet_cifar10_dataaug(reader_train, reader_test, distributed_trainer, max_epochs = 80): def convnet_cifar10_dataaug(reader_train, reader_test, distributed_trainer, max_epochs = 80):
set_computation_network_trace_level(0) set_computation_network_trace_level(0)
@ -87,8 +86,8 @@ def convnet_cifar10_dataaug(reader_train, reader_test, distributed_trainer, max_
# Set learning parameters # Set learning parameters
lr_per_sample = [0.0015625]*20+[0.00046875]*20+[0.00015625]*20+[0.000046875]*10+[0.000015625] lr_per_sample = [0.0015625]*20+[0.00046875]*20+[0.00015625]*20+[0.000046875]*10+[0.000015625]
lr_schedule = learning_rate_schedule(lr_per_sample, unit=UnitType.sample, epoch_size=epoch_size) lr_schedule = learning_rate_schedule(lr_per_sample, unit=UnitType.sample, epoch_size=epoch_size)
momentum_time_constant = [0]*20+[600]*20+[1200] mm_time_constant = [0]*20+[600]*20+[1200]
mm_schedule = momentum_as_time_constant_schedule(momentum_time_constant, epoch_size=epoch_size) mm_schedule = momentum_as_time_constant_schedule(mm_time_constant, epoch_size=epoch_size)
l2_reg_weight = 0.002 l2_reg_weight = 0.002
# trainer object # trainer object

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from cntk import Trainer, persist
from cntk.utils import * from cntk.utils import *
from cntk.layers import * from cntk.layers import *
from import MinibatchSource, CTFDeserializer, StreamDef, StreamDefs, INFINITELY_REPEAT, FULL_DATA_SWEEP from import MinibatchSource, CTFDeserializer, StreamDef, StreamDefs, INFINITELY_REPEAT, FULL_DATA_SWEEP
from cntk.learner import momentum_sgd, learning_rate_schedule, momentum_schedule, UnitType from cntk.learner import momentum_sgd, learning_rate_schedule, momentum_as_time_constant_schedule, UnitType
from cntk.ops import input_variable, cross_entropy_with_softmax, classification_error, relu, element_times, constant from cntk.ops import input_variable, cross_entropy_with_softmax, classification_error, relu, element_times, constant
# Paths relative to current python file. # Paths relative to current python file.
@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ def convnet_mnist(debug_output=False):
# Set learning parameters # Set learning parameters
lr_per_sample = [0.001]*10+[0.0005]*10+[0.0001] lr_per_sample = [0.001]*10+[0.0005]*10+[0.0001]
lr_schedule = learning_rate_schedule(lr_per_sample, UnitType.sample, epoch_size) lr_schedule = learning_rate_schedule(lr_per_sample, UnitType.sample, epoch_size)
momentum_time_constant = [0]*5+[1024] mm_time_constant = [0]*5+[1024]
mn_schedule = momentum_schedule(momentum_time_constant, epoch_size) mm_schedule = momentum_as_time_constant_schedule(mm_time_constant, epoch_size)
# Instantiate the trainer object to drive the model training # Instantiate the trainer object to drive the model training
learner = momentum_sgd(z.parameters, lr_schedule, mn_schedule) learner = momentum_sgd(z.parameters, lr_schedule, mm_schedule)
trainer = Trainer(z, ce, pe, learner) trainer = Trainer(z, ce, pe, learner)
# define mapping from reader streams to network inputs # define mapping from reader streams to network inputs

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ We use a fixed crop ratio of `0.8` and scale the image to `32x32` pixels for tra
### ###
The fourth example uses the same CNN as, but it adds support for distributed training with simple aggregation. For a reference on distributed training, please check [here]( The fourth example uses the same CNN as, but it adds support for distributed training with simple aggregation. For a reference on distributed training, please check [here](
Note that this example supports CPU-only build. Note that [this example](./ supports CPU-only build.
`mpiexec -n <#workers> python` `mpiexec -n <#workers> python`

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ for ResNet20 and ResNet110, respectively. The ResNet20 network achieves an error
### ###
This example code is similar to, but it adds support for distributed training via [MPI]( Details can be found in [here]( [This example](./ is similar to, but it adds support for distributed training via [MPI]( Details can be found in [here](
Note this example requires a multi-GPU machine or mpi hosts file to distribute to multiple machines. Note this example requires a multi-GPU machine or mpi hosts file to distribute to multiple machines.
Simple aggregation, ResNet20, with a 2-GPU machine: Simple aggregation, ResNet20, with a 2-GPU machine:
@ -25,3 +25,7 @@ Simple aggregation, ResNet20, with a 2-GPU machine:
Quantized 1-bit aggregation with 50000 samples before distributed, ResNet20, with a 2-GPU machine: Quantized 1-bit aggregation with 50000 samples before distributed, ResNet20, with a 2-GPU machine:
`mpiexec -n 2 python -n resnet20 -q 1 -a 50000` `mpiexec -n 2 python -n resnet20 -q 1 -a 50000`
To run with maximum parallelization with minibatch size scaled according to #workers for 3 epochs:
`mpiexec -n 2 python -s True -e 3`

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@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ def create_reader(map_file, mean_file, train, distributed_after=INFINITE_SAMPLES
ImageDeserializer(map_file, StreamDefs( ImageDeserializer(map_file, StreamDefs(
features = StreamDef(field='image', transforms=transforms), # first column in map file is referred to as 'image' features = StreamDef(field='image', transforms=transforms), # first column in map file is referred to as 'image'
labels = StreamDef(field='label', shape=num_classes))), # and second as 'label' labels = StreamDef(field='label', shape=num_classes))), # and second as 'label'
randomize = False, multithreaded_deserializer = False, # turn off omp as CIFAR-10 is not heavy for deserializer
distributed_after = distributed_after) distributed_after = distributed_after)
# Train and evaluate the network. # Train and evaluate the network.
def train_and_evaluate(reader_train, reader_test, network_name, max_epochs, distributed_trainer): def train_and_evaluate(reader_train, reader_test, network_name, max_epochs, distributed_trainer, scale_up=False):
set_computation_network_trace_level(0) set_computation_network_trace_level(0)
@ -79,7 +79,13 @@ def train_and_evaluate(reader_train, reader_test, network_name, max_epochs, dist
# shared training parameters # shared training parameters
epoch_size = 50000 # for now we manually specify epoch size epoch_size = 50000 # for now we manually specify epoch size
minibatch_size = 128
# NOTE: scaling up minibatch_size increases sample throughput. In 8-GPU machine,
# ResNet110 samples-per-second is ~7x of single GPU, comparing to ~3x without scaling
# up. However, bigger minimatch size on the same number of samples means less updates,
# thus leads to higher training error. This is a trade-off of speed and accuracy
minibatch_size = 128 * (len(distributed_trainer.communicator().workers()) if scale_up else 1)
momentum_time_constant = -minibatch_size/np.log(0.9) momentum_time_constant = -minibatch_size/np.log(0.9)
l2_reg_weight = 0.0001 l2_reg_weight = 0.0001
@ -145,15 +151,17 @@ def train_and_evaluate(reader_train, reader_test, network_name, max_epochs, dist
if __name__=='__main__': if __name__=='__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-n', '--network', help='network type, resnet20 or resnet110', required=False, default='resnet20') parser.add_argument('-n', '--network', help='network type, resnet20 or resnet110', required=False, default='resnet20')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--epochs', help='total epochs', required=False, default='160') parser.add_argument('-e', '--epochs', help='total epochs', type=int, required=False, default='160')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quantize_bit', help='quantized bit', required=False, default='32') parser.add_argument('-q', '--quantize_bit', help='quantized bit', type=int, required=False, default='32')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--distributed_after', help='number of samples to train with before running distributed', required=False, default='0') parser.add_argument('-s', '--scale_up', help='scale up minibatch size with #workers for better parallelism', type=bool, required=False, default='False')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--distributed_after', help='number of samples to train with before running distributed', type=int, required=False, default='0')
args = vars(parser.parse_args()) args = vars(parser.parse_args())
num_quantization_bits = int(args['quantize_bit']) num_quantization_bits = int(args['quantize_bit'])
epochs = int(args['epochs']) epochs = int(args['epochs'])
distributed_after_samples = int(args['distributed_after']) distributed_after_samples = int(args['distributed_after'])
network_name = args['network'] network_name = args['network']
scale_up = bool(args['scale_up'])
# Create distributed trainer # Create distributed trainer
print("Start training: quantize_bit = {}, epochs = {}, distributed_after = {}".format(num_quantization_bits, epochs, distributed_after_samples)) print("Start training: quantize_bit = {}, epochs = {}, distributed_after = {}".format(num_quantization_bits, epochs, distributed_after_samples))
@ -164,7 +172,7 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
reader_train = create_reader(os.path.join(data_path, 'train_map.txt'), os.path.join(data_path, 'CIFAR-10_mean.xml'), True, distributed_after_samples) reader_train = create_reader(os.path.join(data_path, 'train_map.txt'), os.path.join(data_path, 'CIFAR-10_mean.xml'), True, distributed_after_samples)
reader_test = create_reader(os.path.join(data_path, 'test_map.txt'), os.path.join(data_path, 'CIFAR-10_mean.xml'), False) reader_test = create_reader(os.path.join(data_path, 'test_map.txt'), os.path.join(data_path, 'CIFAR-10_mean.xml'), False)
train_and_evaluate(reader_train, reader_test, network_name, epochs, distributed_trainer) train_and_evaluate(reader_train, reader_test, network_name, epochs, distributed_trainer, scale_up)
# Must call MPI finalize when process exit # Must call MPI finalize when process exit
distributed.Communicator.finalize() distributed.Communicator.finalize()

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@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
**The [CNTK Wiki]( has all information on CNTK including [setup]( ), [examples]( ), etc.**
# Latest news # Latest news
*2016-11-21.* V 2.0 Beta 4 Release *2016-11-21.* V 2.0 Beta 4 Release
Highlights of this Release: Highlights of this Release:
* New ASGD/Hogwild! training using Microsofts Parameter Server ([Project Multiverso]( * New ASGD/Hogwild! training using Microsofts Parameter Server ([Project Multiverso](
* Distributed Scenarios now supported in CNTK Python API * Distributed Scenarios now supported in CNTK Python API
* New Memory compression -- ability to trade off memory usage with compute. * New [Memory Compression]( mode to reduce memory usage on GPU
* CNTK Docker image with 1bit-SGD support * CNTK Docker image with 1bit-SGD support
* Stability Improvements and bug fixes * Stability Improvements and bug fixes
@ -55,18 +57,6 @@ If you ARE using Model Evaluation Library we **strongly recommend** installing v
See [Release Notes]( for details. See [Release Notes]( for details.
*2016-09-28.* V 1.7.1 Binary release
Highlights of this Release:
* Two Breaking Changes related to Layers library default initialization and ```fsAdagrad``` gradient-normalization scheme
* Improvements in BrainScript
* Enabling of Deterministic Algorithm enforcement
* Improvements in Model Evaluation including the support of Evaluation for Azure Applications
* Different Performance improvements
* Multiple bug fixes
See more in the [Release Notes]( (including the full list of bugs fixed)
Get the Release from the [CNTK Releases page](
See [all news]( See [all news](
# What is CNTK # What is CNTK

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@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ CNTK2 = [
# Parameter{} can do several forms of initialization. # Parameter{} can do several forms of initialization.
# - initValue=scalar, value=array --> initialize from this value --array form not implemented yet # - initValue=scalar, value=array --> initialize from this value --array form not implemented yet
# - initFromFilePath="..." --> read from a data file # - initFromFilePath="..." --> read from a data file
# - init="uniform|gaussian" (random init scaled by initValueScale). Warning: This has magic scaling factors. TODO: document them here # - init="uniform|gaussian" (random init scaled by initValueScale).
# - init="zero" # - init="zero"
# deprecated: # deprecated:
# - initFromLiteral="..." (deprecated) --> parse a string literal (obsolete with value=array form) # - initFromLiteral="..." (deprecated) --> parse a string literal (obsolete with value=array form)

Просмотреть файл

@ -393,16 +393,11 @@ namespace CNTK
friend class PackedValue; friend class PackedValue;
friend class MPICommunicatorImpl; friend class MPICommunicatorImpl;
friend class BlockMomentumDistributedTrainer; friend class BlockMomentumDistributedTrainer;
friend class Internal::VariableResolver;
template <typename T, typename ...CtorArgTypes> template <typename T, typename ...CtorArgTypes>
friend inline std::shared_ptr<T> MakeSharedObject(CtorArgTypes&& ...ctorArgs); friend inline std::shared_ptr<T> MakeSharedObject(CtorArgTypes&& ...ctorArgs);
template <typename ElementType>
friend Variable Internal::GetVariable(const Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ComputationNodeBasePtr& node,
std::unordered_map<Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ComputationNodeBasePtr, Variable>& nodeToVariableMap,
std::unordered_map<Variable, Variable>& placeholderReplacements,
std::unordered_set<FunctionPtr>& allPrimitiveFunctions);
public: public:
/// ///
/// Construct a NDArrayView with the specified 'dataBuffer' as the backing storage. /// Construct a NDArrayView with the specified 'dataBuffer' as the backing storage.
@ -635,6 +630,7 @@ namespace CNTK
static const size_t AutoSelectRowColSplitPoint = SIZE_MAX; static const size_t AutoSelectRowColSplitPoint = SIZE_MAX;
private: private:
CNTK_API NDArrayView(::CNTK::DataType dataType, const DeviceDescriptor& device, ::CNTK::StorageFormat storageType, const NDShape& viewShape, bool readOnly, void* tensorView); CNTK_API NDArrayView(::CNTK::DataType dataType, const DeviceDescriptor& device, ::CNTK::StorageFormat storageType, const NDShape& viewShape, bool readOnly, void* tensorView);
@ -1599,11 +1595,7 @@ namespace CNTK
template <typename T> template <typename T>
friend struct std::hash; friend struct std::hash;
template <typename ElementType> friend class Internal::VariableResolver;
friend Variable Internal::GetVariable(const Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ComputationNodeBasePtr& node,
std::unordered_map<Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ComputationNodeBasePtr, Variable>& nodeToVariableMap,
std::unordered_map<Variable, Variable>& placeholderReplacements,
std::unordered_set<FunctionPtr>& allPrimitiveFunctions);
#ifndef SWIG #ifndef SWIG
private: private:
@ -1952,11 +1944,7 @@ private:
template <typename T> template <typename T>
friend struct std::hash; friend struct std::hash;
template <typename ElementType> friend class Internal::VariableResolver;
friend Variable Internal::GetVariable(const Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ComputationNodeBasePtr& node,
std::unordered_map<Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ComputationNodeBasePtr, Variable>& nodeToVariableMap,
std::unordered_map<Variable, Variable>& placeholderReplacements,
std::unordered_set<FunctionPtr>& allPrimitiveFunctions);
public: public:
/// ///
@ -2037,11 +2025,7 @@ private:
template <typename T> template <typename T>
friend struct std::hash; friend struct std::hash;
template <typename ElementType> friend class Internal::VariableResolver;
friend Variable Internal::GetVariable(const Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ComputationNodeBasePtr& node,
std::unordered_map<Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ComputationNodeBasePtr, Variable>& nodeToVariableMap,
std::unordered_map<Variable, Variable>& placeholderReplacements,
std::unordered_set<FunctionPtr>& allPrimitiveFunctions);
public: public:
/// ///
@ -2175,13 +2159,17 @@ namespace CNTK
/// Returns the Function that 'this' BackPropState belongs to /// Returns the Function that 'this' BackPropState belongs to
/// ///
FunctionPtr Function() const { return m_function; } FunctionPtr Function() const { return m_function; }
DeviceDescriptor Device() const { return m_forwardComputeDevice; }
virtual ~BackPropState() {} virtual ~BackPropState() {}
protected: protected:
BackPropState(const FunctionPtr& function) : m_function(function) {} BackPropState(const FunctionPtr& function, const DeviceDescriptor& computeDevice)
: m_function(function), m_forwardComputeDevice(computeDevice)
protected: protected:
FunctionPtr m_function; FunctionPtr m_function;
DeviceDescriptor m_forwardComputeDevice;
}; };
typedef std::shared_ptr<BackPropState> BackPropStatePtr; typedef std::shared_ptr<BackPropState> BackPropStatePtr;

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@ -247,10 +247,6 @@ namespace CNTK
CNTK_API bool AreEqual(const ::CNTK::NDArrayView& view1, const ::CNTK::NDArrayView& view2, double relativeTolerance = 0.0, double absoluteTolerance = 0.0); CNTK_API bool AreEqual(const ::CNTK::NDArrayView& view1, const ::CNTK::NDArrayView& view2, double relativeTolerance = 0.0, double absoluteTolerance = 0.0);
template <typename ElementType> class VariableResolver;
Variable GetVariable(const Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ComputationNodeBasePtr& node,
std::unordered_map<Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ComputationNodeBasePtr, ::CNTK::Variable>& nodeToVariableMap,
std::unordered_map<::CNTK::Variable, ::CNTK::Variable>& placeholderReplacements,
std::unordered_set<::CNTK::FunctionPtr>& allPrimitiveFunctions);
} }
} }

Просмотреть файл

@ -20,28 +20,67 @@
#include "DeprecatedNodes.h" #include "DeprecatedNodes.h"
#include "RNNNodes.h" #include "RNNNodes.h"
using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK; using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK;
namespace CNTK namespace CNTK
{ {
namespace Internal namespace Internal
{ {
template <typename ElementType> // Helper class to resolve variables in the model.
Variable GetVariable(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& node, class VariableResolver final
std::unordered_map<ComputationNodeBasePtr, Variable>& nodeToVariableMap,
std::unordered_map<Variable, Variable>& placeholderReplacements,
std::unordered_set<FunctionPtr>& allPrimitiveFunctions)
{ {
auto iter = nodeToVariableMap.find(node); std::unordered_map<Variable, Variable> m_placeholderReplacements;
if (iter != nodeToVariableMap.end()) std::unordered_map<ComputationNodeBasePtr, Variable> m_nodeToVariableMap;
std::unordered_set<FunctionPtr> m_allPrimitiveFunctions;
const std::unordered_map<Variable, Variable>& GetPlaceHolders() const
return m_placeholderReplacements;
template<class ElementType>
Variable GetVariable(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& node)
auto iter = m_nodeToVariableMap.find(node);
if (iter != m_nodeToVariableMap.end())
return iter->second; return iter->second;
Variable var; Variable var;
NDShape varShape = AsNDShape(node->GetSampleLayout());
if (node->IsLeaf()) if (node->IsLeaf())
{ {
var = ResolveLeaf<ElementType>(node);
// This is a non-leaf node and maps to a primitive Function
NDShape varShape = AsNDShape(node->GetSampleLayout());
auto placeholderVar = PlaceholderVariable(varShape);
m_nodeToVariableMap[node] = placeholderVar;
std::vector<Variable> inputVars(node->GetNumInputs());
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputVars.size(); ++i)
inputVars[i] = GetVariable<ElementType>(node->Input(i));
if (inputVars[i].IsPlaceholder())
m_placeholderReplacements[inputVars[i]] = Variable();
var = ResolveFunction<ElementType>(node, inputVars);
if (m_placeholderReplacements.find(placeholderVar) != m_placeholderReplacements.end())
m_placeholderReplacements[placeholderVar] = var;
m_nodeToVariableMap[node] = var;
return var;
template<class ElementType>
Variable ResolveLeaf(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& node)
NDShape variableShape = AsNDShape(node->GetSampleLayout());
std::wstring varUid, varName; std::wstring varUid, varName;
if (node->Is<InputValueBase<ElementType>>()) if (node->Is<InputValueBase<ElementType>>())
{ {
@ -54,48 +93,32 @@ namespace CNTK
auto inputNodeInternalDynamicAxisName = node->As<InputValueBase<ElementType>>()->GetRequestedDynamicAxis(); auto inputNodeInternalDynamicAxisName = node->As<InputValueBase<ElementType>>()->GetRequestedDynamicAxis();
std::vector<Axis> inputVarDynamicAxes = DynamicAxesFromInternalDynamicAxisName(inputNodeInternalDynamicAxisName); std::vector<Axis> inputVarDynamicAxes = DynamicAxesFromInternalDynamicAxisName(inputNodeInternalDynamicAxisName);
var = Variable(varShape, isSparse, AsDataType<ElementType>(), node->GetLearningRateMultiplier() != 0, varName, inputVarDynamicAxes, varUid); return Variable(variableShape, isSparse, AsDataType<ElementType>(), node->GetLearningRateMultiplier() != 0, varName, inputVarDynamicAxes, varUid);
} }
// TODO: Allow creating inputs without a dynamic axis // TODO: Allow creating inputs without a dynamic axis
LogicError("Found InputNode with no dynamic axes which is currently unsupported"); LogicError("Found InputNode with no dynamic axes which is currently unsupported");
} }
else if (node->Is<LearnableParameter<ElementType>>()) if (node->Is<LearnableParameter<ElementType>>())
{ {
bool isConstant = (node->GetLearningRateMultiplier() == 0); bool isConstant = (node->GetLearningRateMultiplier() == 0);
auto& matrix = node->As<ComputationNode<ElementType>>()->Value(); auto& matrix = node->As<ComputationNode<ElementType>>()->Value();
auto tensorView = new TensorView<ElementType>(std::make_shared<Matrix<ElementType>>(matrix.AsReference()), AsTensorViewShape(node->GetSampleLayout())); auto tensorView = new TensorView<ElementType>(std::make_shared<Matrix<ElementType>>(matrix.AsReference()), AsTensorViewShape(node->GetSampleLayout()));
NDArrayViewPtr value = MakeSharedObject<NDArrayView>(AsDataType<ElementType>(), AsDeviceDescriptor(matrix.GetDeviceId()), AsStorageFormat(matrix.GetFormat()), varShape, false, tensorView); NDArrayViewPtr value = MakeSharedObject<NDArrayView>(AsDataType<ElementType>(), AsDeviceDescriptor(matrix.GetDeviceId()), AsStorageFormat(matrix.GetFormat()), variableShape, false, tensorView);
if (isConstant)
{ auto kind = isConstant ? VariableKind::Constant : VariableKind::Parameter;
std::tie(varUid, varName) = UidAndNameFromCNTKInternalNodeName(node->NodeName(), VariableKind::Constant); std::tie(varUid, varName) = UidAndNameFromCNTKInternalNodeName(node->NodeName(), kind);
var = Constant(value, varName, varUid); return isConstant ? (Variable)Constant(value, varName, varUid) : Parameter(value, varName, varUid);
} }
std::tie(varUid, varName) = UidAndNameFromCNTKInternalNodeName(node->NodeName(), VariableKind::Parameter);
var = Parameter(value, varName, varUid);
LogicError("CNTK::LoadLegacyModel: Unsupported legacy CNTK node named '%S'", node->NodeName().c_str()); LogicError("CNTK::LoadLegacyModel: Unsupported legacy CNTK node named '%S'", node->NodeName().c_str());
} return Variable();// make compiler happy.
// This is a non-leaf node and maps to a primitive Function
auto placeholderVar = PlaceholderVariable(varShape);
nodeToVariableMap[node] = placeholderVar;
std::vector<Variable> inputVars(node->GetNumInputs());
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputVars.size(); ++i)
inputVars[i] = GetVariable<ElementType>(node->Input(i), nodeToVariableMap, placeholderReplacements, allPrimitiveFunctions);
if (inputVars[i].IsPlaceholder())
placeholderReplacements[inputVars[i]] = Variable();
} }
template<class ElementType>
Variable ResolveFunction(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& node, std::vector<Variable>& inputVars)
PrimitiveOpType opType; PrimitiveOpType opType;
Dictionary primitiveFunctionConfigParameters; Dictionary primitiveFunctionConfigParameters;
if (node->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(NegateNode)) if (node->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(NegateNode))
@ -376,15 +399,10 @@ namespace CNTK
std::tie(functionUid, functionName) = UidAndNameFromCNTKInternalNodeName(node->NodeName(), opType); std::tie(functionUid, functionName) = UidAndNameFromCNTKInternalNodeName(node->NodeName(), opType);
FunctionPtr primitiveFunction = MakeSharedObject<PrimitiveFunction>(opType, inputVars, std::move(primitiveFunctionConfigParameters), functionName, functionUid); FunctionPtr primitiveFunction = MakeSharedObject<PrimitiveFunction>(opType, inputVars, std::move(primitiveFunctionConfigParameters), functionName, functionUid);
allPrimitiveFunctions.insert(primitiveFunction); m_allPrimitiveFunctions.insert(primitiveFunction);
var = primitiveFunction->Output(); return primitiveFunction->Output();
if (placeholderReplacements.find(placeholderVar) != placeholderReplacements.end())
placeholderReplacements[placeholderVar] = var;
nodeToVariableMap[node] = var;
return var;
} }
FunctionPtr LoadLegacyModel(const std::wstring& modelFile, const DeviceDescriptor& computeDevice /*= DeviceDescriptor::UseDefaultDevice()*/) FunctionPtr LoadLegacyModel(const std::wstring& modelFile, const DeviceDescriptor& computeDevice /*= DeviceDescriptor::UseDefaultDevice()*/)
{ {
@ -410,8 +428,8 @@ namespace CNTK
// Now traverse the model and construct the Function graph // Now traverse the model and construct the Function graph
std::unordered_map<ComputationNodeBasePtr, Variable> nodeToVariableMap; std::unordered_map<ComputationNodeBasePtr, Variable> nodeToVariableMap;
std::unordered_map<Variable, Variable> placeholderReplacements; std::unordered_map<Variable, Variable> placeholderReplacements;
std::unordered_set<FunctionPtr> allPrimitiveFunctions;
std::vector<Variable> rootVariables; std::vector<Variable> rootVariables;
VariableResolver resolver;
auto& networkRoots = net->RootNodes(); auto& networkRoots = net->RootNodes();
for (auto& rootNode : networkRoots) for (auto& rootNode : networkRoots)
{ {
@ -420,11 +438,11 @@ namespace CNTK
if (ComputationNetwork::IsNodePtr<ComputationNode<float>>(rootNode)) if (ComputationNetwork::IsNodePtr<ComputationNode<float>>(rootNode))
{ {
rootVariables.push_back(Internal::GetVariable<float>(rootNode, nodeToVariableMap, placeholderReplacements, allPrimitiveFunctions).Owner()); rootVariables.push_back(resolver.GetVariable<float>(rootNode).Owner());
} }
else if (ComputationNetwork::IsNodePtr<ComputationNode<double>>(rootNode)) else if (ComputationNetwork::IsNodePtr<ComputationNode<double>>(rootNode))
{ {
rootVariables.push_back(Internal::GetVariable<double>(rootNode, nodeToVariableMap, placeholderReplacements, allPrimitiveFunctions).Owner()); rootVariables.push_back(resolver.GetVariable<double>(rootNode).Owner());
} }
else else
{ {
@ -433,8 +451,7 @@ namespace CNTK
} }
auto rootComposite = Combine(rootVariables); auto rootComposite = Combine(rootVariables);
rootComposite->ReplacePlaceholders(placeholderReplacements); rootComposite->ReplacePlaceholders(resolver.GetPlaceHolders());
return rootComposite; return rootComposite;
} }

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@ -2625,7 +2625,7 @@ namespace CNTK
else else
evalTimeStampVariable = arguments.begin()->first; evalTimeStampVariable = arguments.begin()->first;
return (outputsToRetainBackwardStateFor.size() > 0) ? MakeSharedObject<CNTKBackPropState>(this->shared_from_this(), std::make_pair(evalTimeStampVariable, m_variableToNodeMap[evalTimeStampVariable]->GetEvalTimeStamp())) : nullptr; return (outputsToRetainBackwardStateFor.size() > 0) ? MakeSharedObject<CNTKBackPropState>(this->shared_from_this(), computeDevice, std::make_pair(evalTimeStampVariable, m_variableToNodeMap[evalTimeStampVariable]->GetEvalTimeStamp())) : nullptr;
} }
/*virtual*/ void CompositeFunction::Backward(const BackPropStatePtr& state, /*virtual*/ void CompositeFunction::Backward(const BackPropStatePtr& state,

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@ -652,8 +652,8 @@ namespace CNTK
class CNTKBackPropState final : public BackPropState class CNTKBackPropState final : public BackPropState
{ {
public: public:
CNTKBackPropState(const FunctionPtr& function, const std::pair<Variable, int64_t>& evalTimeStamp) CNTKBackPropState(const FunctionPtr& function, const DeviceDescriptor& computeDevice, const std::pair<Variable, int64_t>& evalTimeStamp)
: BackPropState(function), m_evalTimeStamp(evalTimeStamp) : BackPropState(function, computeDevice), m_evalTimeStamp(evalTimeStamp)
{} {}
std::pair<Variable, int64_t> EvalTimeStamp() const std::pair<Variable, int64_t> EvalTimeStamp() const

Просмотреть файл

@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ private:
bool log = GetEnvironmentPtr() && Environment().traceLevel > 0; // note: this will not log before node is part of network bool log = GetEnvironmentPtr() && Environment().traceLevel > 0; // note: this will not log before node is part of network
if (log) if (log)
{ {
fprintf(stderr, "%ls: Initializing Parameter[%s] <- %ls(seed=%d, init dims=[%d x %d], range=%f*%f, onCPU=%s.\n)", fprintf(stderr, "%ls: Initializing Parameter[%s] <- %ls(seed=%d, init dims=[%d x %d], range=%f(%f*%f), onCPU=%s.\n)",
NodeDescription().c_str(), string(GetSampleLayout()).c_str(), m_initString.c_str(), NodeDescription().c_str(), string(GetSampleLayout()).c_str(), m_initString.c_str(),
(int)randomSeed, (int)fanOut, (int)fanIn, range, initValueScale, initOnCPUOnly ? "true" : "false"); (int)randomSeed, (int)fanOut, (int)fanIn, range, range/initValueScale, initValueScale, initOnCPUOnly ? "true" : "false");
} }
} }

Просмотреть файл

@ -109,67 +109,26 @@ public:
m_originIndex = 0; m_originIndex = 0;
for (int i = (int)dimCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) for (int i = (int)dimCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
{ {
assert((m_outputShape[i] % GetMapCount(i)) == 0); bool padded = GetAutoPad(i);
int outPerMap = (int)(m_outputShape[i] / GetMapCount(i)); if (padded)
// Number of cells between first and last "centers", inclusive. m_start[i] = 0;
int cells = (int)((outPerMap - 1) * GetStride(i) + 1);
assert(m_inputShape[i] >= cells);
// Extra cells, to the left and right of "cells".
int extra = (int)m_inputShape[i] - cells;
assert(extra >= 0);
// When LowerPad and/or UpperPad are specified, the Start[i] value is determined by those values.
int lo = GetAutoPad(i) ? 0 : (int)m_lowerPad[m_lowerPad.size() == 1 ? 0 : i];
int hi = GetAutoPad(i) ? 0 : (int)m_upperPad[m_upperPad.size() == 1 ? 0 : i];
if (lo != 0 || hi != 0)
assert(extra + lo + hi + 1 == m_kernelShape[i]);
// Compute the number of cells on the left and right parts of the kernel,
// not counting the "kernel-center" cell. If m_kernelShape[i] is even, the extra cell is
// placed on the right (the center is shifted to the left).
int right = (int)m_kernelShape[i] - 1;
int left = right / 2;
right -= left;
assert(left <= right);
assert(right <= left + 1);
assert(lo <= left);
assert(hi <= right);
m_start[i] = left - lo;
assert(m_start[i] + cells + right == m_inputShape[i] + hi);
else else
{ {
m_start[i] = extra / 2; m_start[i] = ((int)m_kernelShape[i] - 1) / 2;
#ifdef _DEBUG int lo = (int)m_lowerPad[m_lowerPad.size() == 1 ? 0 : i];
// If we're padding then extra should be covered. int hi = (int)m_upperPad[m_upperPad.size() == 1 ? 0 : i];
bool padded = GetAutoPad(i); if (lo != 0 || hi != 0)
assert(!padded || extra + 1 <= m_kernelShape[i]); {
// If we're not padding then, we should stay within the input dimension. m_start[i] -= lo;
assert(padded || extra + 1 >= m_kernelShape[i]); assert(m_start[i] >= 0);
int outPerMap = (int)(m_outputShape[i] / GetMapCount(i));
// Compute the number of cells on the left and right parts of the kernel, int cells = (int)((outPerMap - 1) * GetStride(i) + 1);
// not counting the "kernel-center" cell. If m_kernelShape[i] is even, the extra cell is if (cells > 0) // dummy if, just to get rid of warning
// placed on the right (the center is shifted to the left). {
int right = (int)m_kernelShape[i] - 1; assert(m_inputShape[i] >= cells);
int left = right / 2; assert(m_start[i] + cells + (int)m_kernelShape[i] - 1 == m_inputShape[i] + hi);
right -= left; }
assert(0 <= left); }
assert(left <= right);
assert(right <= left + 1);
int min = m_start[i] - left;
int max = m_start[i] + (int)cells + right;
assert(!padded || min <= 0 && max >= m_inputShape[i]);
assert(padded || min >= 0 && max <= m_inputShape[i]);
int diff = min - ((int)m_inputShape[i] - max);
assert(std::abs(diff) <= 1);
} }
m_startIndex = m_startIndex * (int)m_inputShape[i] + m_start[i]; m_startIndex = m_startIndex * (int)m_inputShape[i] + m_start[i];

Просмотреть файл

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
<ConfigurationType>DynamicLibrary</ConfigurationType> <ConfigurationType>DynamicLibrary</ConfigurationType>
<UseDebugLibraries>false</UseDebugLibraries> <UseDebugLibraries>false</UseDebugLibraries>
<PlatformToolset>v120</PlatformToolset> <PlatformToolset>v120</PlatformToolset>
<CharacterSet>Unicode</CharacterSet> <CharacterSet>Unicode</CharacterSet>
</PropertyGroup> </PropertyGroup>
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props" /> <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props" />
@ -51,7 +50,6 @@
<PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" /> <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" />
<PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup>
<!-- TODO intentional for all? --> <!-- TODO intentional for all? -->
<TargetName>Math</TargetName> <TargetName>Math</TargetName>
</PropertyGroup> </PropertyGroup>
<ItemDefinitionGroup> <ItemDefinitionGroup>
@ -102,9 +100,6 @@
<ClCompile> <ClCompile>
<WarningLevel>Level4</WarningLevel> <WarningLevel>Level4</WarningLevel>
<PrecompiledHeader>Use</PrecompiledHeader> <PrecompiledHeader>Use</PrecompiledHeader>
<PreprocessorDefinitions>$(MathDefine); NO_SYNC; WIN32; NDEBUG; _WINDOWS; _USRDLL; MATH_EXPORTS; %(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions> <PreprocessorDefinitions>$(MathDefine); NO_SYNC; WIN32; NDEBUG; _WINDOWS; _USRDLL; MATH_EXPORTS; %(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
<SDLCheck>true</SDLCheck> <SDLCheck>true</SDLCheck>
<MultiProcessorCompilation>true</MultiProcessorCompilation> <MultiProcessorCompilation>true</MultiProcessorCompilation>
@ -113,14 +108,12 @@
<EnableParallelCodeGeneration>true</EnableParallelCodeGeneration> <EnableParallelCodeGeneration>true</EnableParallelCodeGeneration>
<FloatingPointExceptions>false</FloatingPointExceptions> <FloatingPointExceptions>false</FloatingPointExceptions>
<TreatWarningAsError>true</TreatWarningAsError> <TreatWarningAsError>true</TreatWarningAsError>
<AdditionalOptions>/d2Zi+ %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions> <AdditionalOptions>/d2Zi+ /bigobj %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>
<RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDLL</RuntimeLibrary> <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDLL</RuntimeLibrary>
</ClCompile> </ClCompile>
<Link> <Link>
<SubSystem>Console</SubSystem> <SubSystem>Console</SubSystem>
<GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation> <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation>
<AdditionalDependencies>$(MathLinkLibrary);Common.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)</AdditionalDependencies> <AdditionalDependencies>$(MathLinkLibrary);Common.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)</AdditionalDependencies>
<DelayLoadDLLs>$(MathDelayLoad); $(CudaDlls); %(DelayLoadDLLs)</DelayLoadDLLs> <DelayLoadDLLs>$(MathDelayLoad); $(CudaDlls); %(DelayLoadDLLs)</DelayLoadDLLs>
<Profile>true</Profile> <Profile>true</Profile>
@ -147,6 +140,7 @@
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="$(GpuBuild)"> <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="$(GpuBuild)">
<ClCompile> <ClCompile>
<AdditionalIncludeDirectories>%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories);$(CudaInclude)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories> <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories);$(CudaInclude)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>
<AdditionalOptions Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">/d2Zi+ /bigobj %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>
</ClCompile> </ClCompile>
<Link> <Link>
<AdditionalLibraryDirectories>%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories);$(CudaLibPath)</AdditionalLibraryDirectories> <AdditionalLibraryDirectories>%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories);$(CudaLibPath)</AdditionalLibraryDirectories>
@ -155,6 +149,7 @@
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="$(CpuOnlyBuild)"> <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="$(CpuOnlyBuild)">
<ClCompile> <ClCompile>
<PreprocessorDefinitions>CPUONLY;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions> <PreprocessorDefinitions>CPUONLY;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
<AdditionalOptions Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug_CpuOnly|x64'">/d2Zi+ /bigobj %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>
</ClCompile> </ClCompile>
<Link> <Link>
<DelayLoadDLLs>$(MathDelayLoad)</DelayLoadDLLs> <DelayLoadDLLs>$(MathDelayLoad)</DelayLoadDLLs>

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================
import os
import re
abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
notebook = os.path.join(abs_path, "..", "..", "..", "..", "Tutorials", "CNTK_204_Sequence_To_Sequence.ipynb")
def test_cntk_204_sequence_to_sequence_noErrors(nb):
errors = [output for cell in nb.cells if 'outputs' in cell
for output in cell['outputs'] if output.output_type == "error"]
assert errors == []
expectedEvalError = 90
def test_cntk_204_sequence_to_sequence_trainerror(nb):
testCell = [cell for cell in nb.cells
if cell.cell_type == 'code' and'#Print the training error', cell.source)]
assert float((testCell[0].outputs[0])['text']) < expectedEvalError

Просмотреть файл

@ -7,55 +7,36 @@
import numpy as np import numpy as np
import os import os
import sys import sys
import signal
import subprocess
import re
import pytest
from cntk.utils import cntk_device from cntk.utils import cntk_device
from cntk.cntk_py import DeviceKind_GPU from cntk.cntk_py import DeviceKind_GPU
from cntk.device import set_default_device from cntk.device import set_default_device
from import ReaderConfig, ImageDeserializer
from cntk import distributed
import pytest
import platform
abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(abs_path, "..", "..", "..", "..", "Examples", "Image", "Classification", "ConvNet", "Python")) sys.path.append(abs_path)
from ConvNet_CIFAR10_DataAug_Distributed import convnet_cifar10_dataaug, create_reader from run_cifar_convnet_distributed import run_cifar_convnet_distributed
def test_cifar_convnet_error(device_id): def test_cifar_convnet_distributed_mpiexec(device_id):
if platform.system() == 'Windows': if cntk_device(device_id).type() != DeviceKind_GPU:
pytest.skip('test skipped on Windows') pytest.skip('test only runs on GPU')
cmd = ["mpiexec", "-n", "2", "python", os.path.join(abs_path, "")]
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
try: try:
base_path = os.path.join(os.environ['CNTK_EXTERNAL_TESTDATA_SOURCE_DIRECTORY'], out = p.communicate(timeout=TIMEOUT_SECONDS)[0] # in case we have a hang
*"Image/CIFAR/v0/cifar-10-batches-py".split("/")) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
# N.B. CNTK_EXTERNAL_TESTDATA_SOURCE_DIRECTORY has {train,test}_map.txt os.kill(, signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)
# and CIFAR-10_mean.xml in the base_path. raise RuntimeError('Timeout in mpiexec, possibly hang')
except KeyError: str_out = out.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding())
base_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), results = re.findall("Final Results: Minibatch\[.+?\]: errs = (.+?)%", str_out)
*"../../../../Examples/Image/DataSets/CIFAR-10".split("/")) assert len(results) == 2
assert results[0] == results[1]
base_path = os.path.normpath(base_path)
os.chdir(os.path.join(base_path, '..'))
from _cntk_py import set_computation_network_trace_level, set_fixed_random_seed, force_deterministic_algorithms
set_fixed_random_seed(1) # BUGBUG: has no effect at present # TODO: remove debugging facilities once this all works
# TODO: do the above; they lead to slightly different results, so not doing it for now
reader_train = create_reader(os.path.join(base_path, 'train_map.txt'), os.path.join(base_path, 'CIFAR-10_mean.xml'), True, 0)
reader_test = create_reader(os.path.join(base_path, 'test_map.txt'), os.path.join(base_path, 'CIFAR-10_mean.xml'), False)
distributed_after_samples = 0
num_quantization_bits = 32
distributed_trainer = distributed.data_parallel_distributed_trainer(
test_error = convnet_cifar10_dataaug(reader_train, reader_test, distributed_trainer, max_epochs=1)
expected_test_error = 0.617 expected_test_error = 0.617
assert np.allclose(float(results[0])/100, expected_test_error,
assert np.allclose(test_error, expected_test_error,

Просмотреть файл

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def nb(tmpdir_factory, request, device_id):
outPath = str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp('notebook').join('out.ipynb')) outPath = str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp('notebook').join('out.ipynb'))
assert os.path.isfile(inPath) assert os.path.isfile(inPath)
args = ["jupyter", "nbconvert", "--to", "notebook", "--execute", args = ["jupyter", "nbconvert", "--to", "notebook", "--execute",
"--ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=60", "--output", outPath, inPath] "--ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=300", "--output", outPath, inPath]
subprocess.check_call(args) subprocess.check_call(args)
nb =, nbformat.current_nbformat) nb =, nbformat.current_nbformat)
return nb return nb

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
[pytest] [pytest]
python_files = *.py python_files = *

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import platform
from import ReaderConfig, ImageDeserializer
from cntk import distributed
from cntk.device import set_default_device, gpu
abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(abs_path, "..", "..", "..", "..", "Examples", "Image", "Classification", "ConvNet", "Python"))
from ConvNet_CIFAR10_DataAug_Distributed import convnet_cifar10_dataaug, create_reader
def run_cifar_convnet_distributed():
base_path = os.path.join(os.environ['CNTK_EXTERNAL_TESTDATA_SOURCE_DIRECTORY'],
# and CIFAR-10_mean.xml in the base_path.
except KeyError:
base_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
base_path = os.path.normpath(base_path)
os.chdir(os.path.join(base_path, '..'))
from _cntk_py import set_computation_network_trace_level, set_fixed_random_seed, force_deterministic_algorithms
set_fixed_random_seed(1) # BUGBUG: has no effect at present # TODO: remove debugging facilities once this all works
# TODO: do the above; they lead to slightly different results, so not doing it for now
reader_train = create_reader(os.path.join(base_path, 'train_map.txt'), os.path.join(base_path, 'CIFAR-10_mean.xml'), True, 0)
reader_test = create_reader(os.path.join(base_path, 'test_map.txt'), os.path.join(base_path, 'CIFAR-10_mean.xml'), False)
distributed_after_samples = 0
num_quantization_bits = 32
distributed_trainer = distributed.data_parallel_distributed_trainer(
return convnet_cifar10_dataaug(reader_train, reader_test, distributed_trainer, max_epochs=1)
if __name__=='__main__':
set_default_device(gpu(0)) # force using GPU-0 in test for speed

Просмотреть файл

@ -2,6 +2,22 @@
. $TEST_ROOT_DIR/run-test-common . $TEST_ROOT_DIR/run-test-common
# Temporary workaround to force the default device to be always GPU 0 when
# running the python unit tests since data placement is currently broken which
# causes some of the test data to end on the default device instead of the
# explicitly selected GPU device 0 which results in the tests to fail
# This whould be removed when the test bugs have been addressed
if [ "$TEST_DEVICE" == "gpu" ]; then
if [ -z "$CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" ]; then
unset IFS
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${visibleDevicesArray[0]}
python -c "import sys; print('Python: %s'%sys.version)" python -c "import sys; print('Python: %s'%sys.version)"
python -c "import numpy; print('NumPy: %s'%numpy.version.full_version)" python -c "import numpy; print('NumPy: %s'%numpy.version.full_version)"
python -c "import scipy; print('SciPy: %s'%scipy.version.full_version)" python -c "import scipy; print('SciPy: %s'%scipy.version.full_version)"

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
dataDir: . dataDir: .
tags: tags:
- bvt-l (build_sku == 'gpu') and (flavor == 'release') and ((os == 'linux') or (device=='cpu')) - bvt-l (build_sku == 'gpu') and (flavor == 'release')
- nightly-l (build_sku == 'gpu') and (flavor == 'release') and ((os == 'linux') or (device=='cpu')) - nightly-l (build_sku == 'gpu') and (flavor == 'release')
testCases: testCases:
Run must finish with error code 0 (outputs __COMPLETED__ in that case): Run must finish with error code 0 (outputs __COMPLETED__ in that case):

Просмотреть файл

@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ INFO: rn4_1.c_proj.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model: approximated mini-batch count
INFO: rn4_2.c1.c.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model: approximated mini-batch count of 625625 as 10010000 trained samples. INFO: rn4_2.c1.c.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model: approximated mini-batch count of 625625 as 10010000 trained samples.
Statistics in further training may be biased; consider re-training instead. Statistics in further training may be biased; consider re-training instead.
INFO: rn4_2.c2.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model: approximated mini-batch count of 625625 as 10010000 trained samples. INFO: rn4_2.c2.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model: approximated mini-batch count of 625625 as 10010000 trained samples.
Statistics in further EvaluateImageInputUsingFeatureVector: Outcome = 340 Statistics in further EvaluateImageInputUsingFeatureVector: Outcome = 118
====== EvaluateImageInputUsingImageApi ======== ====== EvaluateImageInputUsingImageApi ========
training may be biased; consider re-training instead. training may be biased; consider re-training instead.
@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ WARNING: rn2_1.c2.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model: approximately converting varia
WARNING: rn2_1.c_proj.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model: approximately converting variance statistics format WARNING: rn2_1.c_proj.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model: approximately converting variance statistics format
WARNING: rn2_2.c1.c.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model: approximately converting variance statistics format WARNING: rn2_2.c1.c.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model: approximately converting variance statistics format
WARNING: rn2_2.c2.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model: approximately converting variance statistics format WARNING: rn2_2.c2.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model: approximately converting variance statistics format
WARNING: rn3_1.c1.c.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model:EvaluateImageInputUsingImageApi: Outcome = 340 WARNING: rn3_1.c1.c.y.y: loading pre-CuDNNv5 model:EvaluateImageInputUsingImageApi: Outcome = 118
====== CompareImageApiResults ======== ====== CompareImageApiResults ========
Both image API calls returned the same output vector. Both image API calls returned the same output vector.

Просмотреть файл

@ -80,7 +80,6 @@
<SubSystem>Console</SubSystem> <SubSystem>Console</SubSystem>
<GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation> <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation>
<AdditionalDependencies>CNTKLibrary-2.0.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)</AdditionalDependencies> <AdditionalDependencies>CNTKLibrary-2.0.lib;kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)</AdditionalDependencies>
<StackReserveSize Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">100000000</StackReserveSize>
</Link> </Link>
</ItemDefinitionGroup> </ItemDefinitionGroup>
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="$(ReleaseBuild)"> <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="$(ReleaseBuild)">

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Просмотреть файл

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ def uniform(scale=DefaultParamInitScale, seed=None):
Returns: Returns:
initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter` initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter`
initialized to uniform distribution between `scale*[-0.05, 0.05]`
''' '''
if seed is None: if seed is None:
seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ def gaussian(output_rank=SentinelValueForInferParamInitRank, filter_rank=Sentine
Returns: Returns:
initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter` initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter`
initialized to Gaussian distribution with mean `0` and standard deviation `scale*0.2/sqrt(fanIn))`.
''' '''
if seed is None: if seed is None:
seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed
@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ def xavier(output_rank=SentinelValueForInferParamInitRank, filter_rank=SentinelV
Returns: Returns:
initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter` initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter`
initialized to Gaussian distribution with mean `0` and standard deviation `scale*sqrt(3.0/fanIn)`
''' '''
if seed is None: if seed is None:
seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed
@ -73,6 +76,7 @@ def glorot_uniform(output_rank=SentinelValueForInferParamInitRank, filter_rank=S
Returns: Returns:
initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter` initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter`
initialized to uniform distribution between `scale*sqrt(6.0/(fanIn+fanOut))*[-1,1]`
''' '''
if seed is None: if seed is None:
seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed
@ -91,6 +95,7 @@ def glorot_normal(output_rank=SentinelValueForInferParamInitRank, filter_rank=Se
Returns: Returns:
initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter` initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter`
initialized to Gaussian distribution with mean `0` and standard deviation `scale*sqrt(2.0/(fanIn+fanOut))`
''' '''
if seed is None: if seed is None:
seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed
@ -109,6 +114,7 @@ def he_uniform(output_rank=SentinelValueForInferParamInitRank, filter_rank=Senti
Returns: Returns:
initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter` initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter`
initialized to uniform distribution between `scale*sqrt(6.0/fanIn)*[-1,1]`
''' '''
if seed is None: if seed is None:
seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed
@ -127,6 +133,7 @@ def he_normal(output_rank=SentinelValueForInferParamInitRank, filter_rank=Sentin
Returns: Returns:
initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter` initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter`
initialized to Gaussian distribution with mean `0` and standard deviation `scale*sqrt(2.0/fanIn)`
''' '''
if seed is None: if seed is None:
seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed seed = SentinelValueForAutoSelectRandomSeed
@ -143,6 +150,7 @@ def bilinear(kernel_width, kernel_height):
Returns: Returns:
initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter` initializer for :class:`cntk.variables.Parameter`
useful for deconvolution layer
''' '''
return cntk_py.bilinear_initializer(kernel_width, kernel_height) return cntk_py.bilinear_initializer(kernel_width, kernel_height)

Просмотреть файл

@ -81,15 +81,17 @@ class MinibatchSource(cntk_py.MinibatchSource):
randomize (bool, default True): randomize images before every epoch randomize (bool, default True): randomize images before every epoch
epoch_size (int): epoch size epoch_size (int): epoch size
distributed_after (int): sample count after which minibatch source becomes distributed distributed_after (int): sample count after which minibatch source becomes distributed
multithreaded_deserializer (bool): using multi threaded deserializer
''' '''
def __init__(self, deserializers=None, randomize=True, epoch_size=INFINITELY_REPEAT, distributed_after=INFINITE_SAMPLES): def __init__(self, deserializers=None, randomize=True, epoch_size=INFINITELY_REPEAT, distributed_after=INFINITE_SAMPLES, multithreaded_deserializer=None):
if not isinstance(deserializers, (list,tuple)): if not isinstance(deserializers, (list,tuple)):
deserializers = [deserializers] # allow passing a single item or a list deserializers = [deserializers] # allow passing a single item or a list
reader_config = ReaderConfig( reader_config = ReaderConfig(
deserializers=deserializers, deserializers=deserializers,
randomize=randomize, randomize=randomize,
epoch_size=epoch_size, epoch_size=epoch_size,
distributed_after=distributed_after) distributed_after=distributed_after,
source = minibatch_source(reader_config) source = minibatch_source(reader_config)
# transplant into this class instance # transplant into this class instance
self.__dict__ = source.__dict__ self.__dict__ = source.__dict__
@ -256,8 +258,9 @@ class ReaderConfig(dict):
randomize (bool, default True): randomize images before every epoch randomize (bool, default True): randomize images before every epoch
epoch_size (int): epoch size epoch_size (int): epoch size
distributed_after (int): sample count after which reader becomes distributed distributed_after (int): sample count after which reader becomes distributed
multithreaded_deserializer (bool): using multi threaded deserializer
''' '''
def __init__(self, deserializers=None, randomize=True, epoch_size=INFINITELY_REPEAT, distributed_after=INFINITE_SAMPLES): def __init__(self, deserializers=None, randomize=True, epoch_size=INFINITELY_REPEAT, distributed_after=INFINITE_SAMPLES, multithreaded_deserializer=None):
self['epochSize'] = cntk_py.SizeTWrapper(epoch_size) # force to store in size_t self['epochSize'] = cntk_py.SizeTWrapper(epoch_size) # force to store in size_t
if not isinstance(deserializers, (list, tuple)): if not isinstance(deserializers, (list, tuple)):
@ -265,6 +268,8 @@ class ReaderConfig(dict):
self['deserializers'] = self.deserializers = deserializers or [] self['deserializers'] = self.deserializers = deserializers or []
self['randomize'] = randomize self['randomize'] = randomize
self['distributedAfterSampleCount'] = cntk_py.SizeTWrapper(distributed_after) self['distributedAfterSampleCount'] = cntk_py.SizeTWrapper(distributed_after)
if multithreaded_deserializer != None:
self['multiThreadedDeserialization'] = multithreaded_deserializer
@typemap @typemap
def minibatch_source(self): def minibatch_source(self):

Просмотреть файл

@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ class Learner(cntk_py.Learner):
Returns: Returns:
`False` to indicate that learning has stopped for all of the parameters associated with this learner `False` to indicate that learning has stopped for all of the parameters associated with this learner
''' '''
from .utils import create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy from .utils import _create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy
var_nd_map = { var:create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy(val) for var, val in var_nd_map = { var: _create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy(val) for var, val in
gradient_values.items() } gradient_values.items() }
return super(Learner, self).update(var_nd_map, training_sample_count) return super(Learner, self).update(var_nd_map, training_sample_count)

Просмотреть файл

@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ def convolution(convolution_map, operand, strides=(1,), sharing=[True],
>>> x = C.input_variable(img.shape) >>> x = C.input_variable(img.shape)
>>> filter = np.reshape(np.array([2, -1, -1, 2], dtype = np.float32), (1, 2, 2)) >>> filter = np.reshape(np.array([2, -1, -1, 2], dtype = np.float32), (1, 2, 2))
>>> kernel = C.constant(value = filter) >>> kernel = C.constant(value = filter)
>>> C.convolution(kernel, x, auto_padding = [False]).eval({x: [img]}) >>> C.convolution(kernel, x, auto_padding = [False]).eval({x: [img]}) # doctest: +SKIP
array([[[[[ 6., 8., 10., 12.], array([[[[[ 6., 8., 10., 12.],
[ 16., 18., 20., 22.], [ 16., 18., 20., 22.],
[ 26., 28., 30., 32.], [ 26., 28., 30., 32.],

Просмотреть файл

@ -273,7 +273,9 @@ class Function(cntk_py.Function):
Returns: Returns:
dict: mapping of ``variables`` to NumPy arrays dict: mapping of ``variables`` to NumPy arrays
''' '''
root_gradients = sanitize_var_map(self.outputs, root_gradients) device = state.device()
root_gradients = sanitize_var_map(self.outputs, root_gradients,
None, device)
var_gradients = dict((var, None) for var in variables) var_gradients = dict((var, None) for var in variables)

Просмотреть файл

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from __future__ import division
import numpy as np import numpy as np
import pytest import pytest
from .ops_test_utils import unittest_helper, _test_unary_op, _test_binary_op, AA, I, precision, PRECISION_TO_TYPE, batch_dense_to_sparse, left_matrix_type, right_matrix_type from .ops_test_utils import unittest_helper, _test_unary_op, _test_binary_op, AA, I, precision, PRECISION_TO_TYPE, batch_dense_to_sparse, left_matrix_type, right_matrix_type
from ...utils import sanitize_dtype_cntk, ones_like, eval from ...utils import sanitize_dtype_cntk, _ones_like, eval
([30.], [10.]), ([30.], [10.]),
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ def test_op_plus_var_sequences_input_input(left_batch, right_batch, device_id, p
for i in range(len(left_batch))] for i in range(len(left_batch))]
expected_backward = { expected_backward = {
'left': ones_like(left_batch, PRECISION_TO_TYPE[precision]), 'left': _ones_like(left_batch, PRECISION_TO_TYPE[precision]),
'right': ones_like(right_batch, PRECISION_TO_TYPE[precision]) 'right': _ones_like(right_batch, PRECISION_TO_TYPE[precision])
} }
left_value = [AA(sample, dtype=PRECISION_TO_TYPE[precision]) left_value = [AA(sample, dtype=PRECISION_TO_TYPE[precision])

Просмотреть файл

@ -53,18 +53,11 @@ def cntk_device(device_id):
return gpu(device_id) return gpu(device_id)
def is_string(value): def _dense_to_str(data):
if sys.version_info.major < 3:
return isinstance(value, basestring)
return isinstance(value, str)
def dense_to_str(data):
return ' '.join(data.ravel(order='C').astype(np.str)) return ' '.join(data.ravel(order='C').astype(np.str))
def sparse_to_str(data): def _sparse_to_str(data):
return ' '.join('%s:%s' % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(data.items())) return ' '.join('%s:%s' % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(data.items()))
@ -96,12 +89,12 @@ def tensors_to_text_format(sample_idx, alias_tensor_map):
# for this alias there no more sequence elements # for this alias there no more sequence elements
continue continue
if is_tensor(tensor): if _is_tensor(tensor):
if not isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray): if not isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray):
tensor = np.asarray(tensor) tensor = np.asarray(tensor)
to_str = dense_to_str to_str = _dense_to_str
elif isinstance(tensor, list) and isinstance(tensor[0], dict): elif isinstance(tensor, list) and isinstance(tensor[0], dict):
to_str = sparse_to_str to_str = _sparse_to_str
else: else:
raise ValueError( raise ValueError(
'expected a tensor (dense) or list of dicts (sparse), but got "%s"' % type(tensor)) 'expected a tensor (dense) or list of dicts (sparse), but got "%s"' % type(tensor))
@ -113,7 +106,7 @@ def tensors_to_text_format(sample_idx, alias_tensor_map):
return '\n'.join(lines) return '\n'.join(lines)
def is_tensor(data): def _is_tensor(data):
''' '''
Checks whether the data is a tensor, i.e. whether it is a NumPy array or a Checks whether the data is a tensor, i.e. whether it is a NumPy array or a
list of NumPy arrays. list of NumPy arrays.
@ -179,7 +172,7 @@ def one_hot(batch, num_classes, dtype=None, device=None):
value = cntk_py.Value.create_one_hot_double(num_classes, batch, device, False) value = cntk_py.Value.create_one_hot_double(num_classes, batch, device, False)
return value return value
def has_seq_dim(var, data): def _has_seq_dim(var, data):
''' '''
Checks whether the data has a sequence dimensions or not. Checks whether the data has a sequence dimensions or not.
@ -274,7 +267,7 @@ def sanitize_shape(shape):
def sanitize_input(arg, fallback_dtype=np.float32, reshape=None): def sanitize_input(arg, fallback_dtype=np.float32, reshape=None):
""" """
Convert to :class:`cntk.ops.variables.Variable` so that it can be passed as Variable to the Convert to :class:`~cntk.ops.variables.Variable` so that it can be passed as Variable to the
CNTK operators. CNTK operators.
* If ``arg`` is a NumPy array and its type is neither `np.float32` nor `np.float64`, it sets it to `np.float32`. * If ``arg`` is a NumPy array and its type is neither `np.float32` nor `np.float64`, it sets it to `np.float32`.
@ -329,8 +322,7 @@ def get_data_type(*args):
inputs. Placeholders are ignored in the type determination. inputs. Placeholders are ignored in the type determination.
Args: Args:
args (number, list, NumPy array, :class:`cntk.ops.variables.Variable`, args (number, list, NumPy array, :class:`cntk.ops.variables.Variable`, or :class:`cntk.ops.functions.Function`): input
or :class:`cntk.ops.functions.Function`): input
Returns: Returns:
np.float32, np.float64, or None np.float32, np.float64, or None
""" """
@ -410,9 +402,10 @@ def _pad_dense_to_max_len(var, batch, max_seq_len):
Z = np.zeros((len(batch), max_seq_len) + Z = np.zeros((len(batch), max_seq_len) +
(data_point.shape), dtype=data_point.dtype) (data_point.shape), dtype=data_point.dtype)
for idx, seq in enumerate(batch): for idx, seq in enumerate(batch):
if seq[0].shape != data_point.shape: elem_shape = seq[0].shape if hasattr(seq, 'shape') else ()
if elem_shape != data_point.shape:
raise ValueError('shape mismatch: expected %s but got %s' raise ValueError('shape mismatch: expected %s but got %s'
% (str(data_point.shape), str(seq[0].shape))) % (str(data_point.shape), str(elem_shape)))
Z[idx, :len(seq)] += seq Z[idx, :len(seq)] += seq
return Z return Z
@ -443,6 +436,11 @@ def _pad_sparse_seq_to_max_len(batch, max_seq_len):
return Z return Z
def _is_dense(batch): def _is_dense(batch):
if isinstance(batch, np.ndarray):
return True
elif sparse.issparse(batch):
return False
is_dense = True is_dense = True
b = batch b = batch
while isinstance(b, list): while isinstance(b, list):
@ -452,6 +450,7 @@ def _is_dense(batch):
return True return True
def sanitize_batch(var, batch, seq_starts=None, dtype=None, device=None): def sanitize_batch(var, batch, seq_starts=None, dtype=None, device=None):
''' '''
Convert to :class:`Value` with ``dtype``. If the samples in Convert to :class:`Value` with ``dtype``. If the samples in
@ -476,37 +475,31 @@ def sanitize_batch(var, batch, seq_starts=None, dtype=None, device=None):
if isinstance(batch, cntk_py.Value): if isinstance(batch, cntk_py.Value):
return batch return batch
if isinstance(batch, list):
if len(batch) == 0:
raise ValueError('batch is empty')
# We need to figure out whether the data has a sequence axis. Note that # We need to figure out whether the data has a sequence axis. Note that
# it is not enough to check whether the variable's dynamic axes include the # it is not enough to check whether the variable's dynamic axes include the
# sequence axis, because the sequence axis might be omitted in the data if # sequence axis, because the sequence axis might be omitted in the data if
# it is not needed (CNTK core would then take care of this). # it is not needed (CNTK core would then take care of this).
batch_has_seq = has_seq_dim(var, batch) batch_has_seq = _has_seq_dim(var, batch)
if isinstance(batch, list):
is_dense = _is_dense(batch) is_dense = _is_dense(batch)
if is_dense: if batch_has_seq or seq_starts:
seq_lens = [len(seq) for seq in batch]
# If the input is a list of lists of dense values, all of the same
# length, then we convert it into a NumPy array without requiring a
# mask.
if len(set(seq_lens)) == 1:
batch = np.asarray(batch)
if isinstance(batch[0], list): if isinstance(batch[0], list):
seq_lens = [len(seq) for seq in batch] seq_lens = [len(seq) for seq in batch]
else: else:
seq_lens = [seq.shape[0] for seq in batch] seq_lens = [seq.shape[0] for seq in batch]
if batch_has_seq:
max_seq_len = max(seq_lens) max_seq_len = max(seq_lens)
is_dense = isinstance(batch, np.ndarray) # If the input is a list of lists of dense values, all of the same
# It is a sparse or dense NumPy array having all sequences being the # length, we convert it into a NumPy array.
# same length, so we just calculate the sequence lengths if is_dense and len(set(seq_lens)) == 1:
if batch_has_seq: batch_has_seq = False
max_seq_len = batch.shape[1] batch = np.asarray(batch, dtype=var.dtype)
if dtype is None: if dtype is None:
dtype = get_data_type(var) dtype = get_data_type(var)
@ -514,25 +507,8 @@ def sanitize_batch(var, batch, seq_starts=None, dtype=None, device=None):
if device is None: if device is None:
device = use_default_device() device = use_default_device()
if isinstance(batch, np.ndarray):
if np.issubdtype(batch.dtype, int):
batch = batch.astype(var.dtype)
elif batch.dtype not in (np.float32, np.float64):
raise ValueError('only float32 and float64 are supported')
ndav = create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy(batch, device)
return Value(data=ndav)
if isinstance(batch, list):
if len(batch) == 0:
raise ValueError('batch is empty')
if not batch_has_seq and seq_starts is not None:
raise ValueError('specification of individual sequence begins does not'
' make sense when not using the sequence axis')
# batch is now either a dense input that requires a mask, or it is sparse # batch is now either a dense input that requires a mask, or it is sparse
if batch_has_seq: if batch_has_seq or seq_starts:
mask = cntk_py.NDMask((len(batch), max_seq_len), mask = cntk_py.NDMask((len(batch), max_seq_len),
device or use_default_device()) device or use_default_device())
for idx, seq_len in enumerate(seq_lens): for idx, seq_len in enumerate(seq_lens):
@ -550,8 +526,20 @@ def sanitize_batch(var, batch, seq_starts=None, dtype=None, device=None):
mask = None mask = None
if is_dense: if is_dense:
if batch_has_seq:
batch = _pad_dense_to_max_len(var, batch, max_seq_len) batch = _pad_dense_to_max_len(var, batch, max_seq_len)
ndav = create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy(batch.astype(dtype), device) if not isinstance(batch, np.ndarray):
batch = np.asarray(batch)
ndav = _create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy(batch.astype(dtype), device)
return Value(data=ndav, mask=mask)
if isinstance(batch, np.ndarray):
if np.issubdtype(batch.dtype, int):
batch = batch.astype(var.dtype)
elif batch.dtype not in (np.float32, np.float64):
raise ValueError('only float32 and float64 are supported')
ndav = _create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy(batch.astype(dtype), device)
return Value(data=ndav, mask=mask) return Value(data=ndav, mask=mask)
# There are three possibilities of providing sparse batches: # There are three possibilities of providing sparse batches:
@ -638,7 +626,7 @@ def sanitize_value(shape, value, dtype, device):
if shape is None: if shape is None:
raise ValueError('you need to specify at least shape or value') raise ValueError('you need to specify at least shape or value')
cntk_dtype = sanitize_dtype_cntk(dtype) cntk_dtype = sanitize_dtype_cntk(dtype)
ndav = create_NDArrayView(shape, cntk_dtype, device) ndav = _create_NDArrayView(shape, cntk_dtype, device)
else: else:
np_dtype = sanitize_dtype_numpy(dtype) np_dtype = sanitize_dtype_numpy(dtype)
if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or value.dtype != np_dtype: if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or value.dtype != np_dtype:
@ -647,7 +635,7 @@ def sanitize_value(shape, value, dtype, device):
else: else:
value = np.asarray(value, dtype=np_dtype) value = np.asarray(value, dtype=np_dtype)
ndav = create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy(value, device) ndav = _create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy(value, device)
return ndav return ndav
@ -772,7 +760,7 @@ def sanitize_var_map(op_arguments, arguments, precision=None,
return var_map return var_map
def ones_like(batch, precision): def _ones_like(batch, precision):
''' '''
Returns a new batch, which has the same format as ``batch`` but all values Returns a new batch, which has the same format as ``batch`` but all values
set to 1. set to 1.
@ -783,7 +771,7 @@ def ones_like(batch, precision):
return [np.ones_like(sample, dtype=sanitize_precision(precision)) for sample in batch] return [np.ones_like(sample, dtype=sanitize_precision(precision)) for sample in batch]
def create_NDArrayView(shape, data_type=cntk_py.DataType_Float, device=None): def _create_NDArrayView(shape, data_type=cntk_py.DataType_Float, device=None):
shape = sanitize_shape(shape) shape = sanitize_shape(shape)
if device is None: if device is None:
device = use_default_device() device = use_default_device()
@ -793,7 +781,7 @@ def create_NDArrayView(shape, data_type=cntk_py.DataType_Float, device=None):
return view return view
def create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy(nd, device=None): def _create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy(nd, device=None):
if device is None: if device is None:
device = use_default_device() device = use_default_device()
@ -819,11 +807,11 @@ class Value(cntk_py.Value):
device = use_default_device() device = use_default_device()
if shape and dtype: if shape and dtype:
ndav = create_NDArrayView(shape, dtype, device) ndav = _create_NDArrayView(shape, dtype, device)
elif data: elif data:
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
ndav = create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy(data, device) ndav = _create_NDArrayView_from_NumPy(data, device)
else: else:
ndav = data ndav = data
@ -841,6 +829,27 @@ class Value(cntk_py.Value):
''' '''
return super(Value, self).shape().dimensions() return super(Value, self).shape().dimensions()
def mask(self):
The mask matrix of this value. Each row denotes a sequence with its
elements describing the mask of the element:
* 2: beginning of sequence (e.g. an LSTM would be reset)
* 1: valid element
# 0: invalid element
A mask of
```[[2, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]]
describes a batch of two sequences. The first has three elements, of
which the first element signals the beginning of a sequence. The second
sequence has two elements, which are both continuations of the first
return np.asarray(super(Value, self).mask())
def __len__(self): def __len__(self):
''' '''
Number of samples in this value object. Number of samples in this value object.
@ -939,7 +948,7 @@ def ensure_dev(ndav, dev):
if ndav.device() != dev: if ndav.device() != dev:
ndav_on_target = create_NDArrayView( ndav_on_target = _create_NDArrayView(
ndav.shape().dimensions(), data_type=ndav.get_data_type(), dev=dev) ndav.shape().dimensions(), data_type=ndav.get_data_type(), dev=dev)
ndav_on_target.copy_from(ndav) ndav_on_target.copy_from(ndav)
ndav = ndav_on_target ndav = ndav_on_target
@ -953,7 +962,7 @@ def value_to_seq(value):
entries removed. entries removed.
Args: Args:
value (`Value`): Value as it is returned by Swig value (:class:`Value`): Value as it is returned by Swig
Returns: Returns:
a list of NumPy arrays a list of NumPy arrays
@ -1013,7 +1022,7 @@ def eval(op, arguments=None, precision=None, device=None, backward_pass=False, e
if backward_pass: if backward_pass:
if expected_backward is None: if expected_backward is None:
expected_backward = arguments expected_backward = arguments
root_gradients = {v: ones_like(o, precision) for v, o in root_gradients = {v: _ones_like(o, precision) for v, o in
forward_output.items()} forward_output.items()}
backward_output = op.backward(state, root_gradients, expected_backward) backward_output = op.backward(state, root_gradients, expected_backward)

Просмотреть файл

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from cntk.device import default
from cntk.tests.test_utils import precision, PRECISION_TO_TYPE from cntk.tests.test_utils import precision, PRECISION_TO_TYPE
from cntk.ops import * from cntk.ops import *
from cntk.utils import * from cntk.utils import *
from cntk.utils import _has_seq_dim, _is_tensor
# Keeping things short # Keeping things short
AA = np.asarray AA = np.asarray
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ def test_tensor_conversion_dense(idx, alias_tensor_map, expected):
([AA([1, 2]), AA([])], False), ([AA([1, 2]), AA([])], False),
]) ])
def test_is_tensor(data, expected): def test_is_tensor(data, expected):
assert is_tensor(data) == expected assert _is_tensor(data) == expected
def test_sanitize_dtype_numpy(): def test_sanitize_dtype_numpy():
@ -123,16 +124,14 @@ def test_get_data_type():
# exception handling # exception handling
((2,2), AA([[1,1],[2,2]]), ValueError), ((2,2), AA([[1,1],[2,2]]), ValueError),
(1, [[[1,2]]], ValueError), (1, [[[1,2]]], ValueError),
#(1, [AA([[40], [50]])], ValueError),
((1,), [[[40], [50]]], ValueError),
]) ])
def test_has_seq_dim_dense(shape, batch, expected): def test_has_seq_dim_dense(shape, batch, expected):
i1 = input_variable(shape) i1 = input_variable(shape)
if expected in [False, True]: if expected in [False, True]:
assert has_seq_dim(i1, batch) == expected assert _has_seq_dim(i1, batch) == expected
else: else:
with pytest.raises(expected): with pytest.raises(expected):
has_seq_dim(i1, batch) _has_seq_dim(i1, batch)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("shape, batch, expected", [ @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape, batch, expected", [
((1,2), [csr([1,0]), csr([2,3]), csr([5,6])], False), ((1,2), [csr([1,0]), csr([2,3]), csr([5,6])], False),
@ -141,10 +140,10 @@ def test_has_seq_dim_dense(shape, batch, expected):
def test_has_seq_dim_sparse(shape, batch, expected): def test_has_seq_dim_sparse(shape, batch, expected):
i1 = input_variable(shape, is_sparse=True) i1 = input_variable(shape, is_sparse=True)
if expected in [False, True]: if expected in [False, True]:
assert has_seq_dim(i1, batch) == expected assert _has_seq_dim(i1, batch) == expected
else: else:
with pytest.raises(expected): with pytest.raises(expected):
has_seq_dim(i1, batch) _has_seq_dim(i1, batch)
def test_sanitize_batch_sparse(): def test_sanitize_batch_sparse():
batch = [[csr([1,0,2]), csr([2,3,0])], batch = [[csr([1,0,2]), csr([2,3,0])],
@ -160,4 +159,20 @@ def test_sanitize_batch_sparse():
# 2 sequences, with max seq len of 2 and dimension 3 # 2 sequences, with max seq len of 2 and dimension 3
assert b.shape == (2,2,3) assert b.shape == (2,2,3)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("batch, seq_starts, expected_mask", [
([[5, 6, 7],
[True, False],
[[2, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0]]),
[True, False],
[[2], [1]]),
def test_mask(batch, seq_starts, expected_mask):
shape = (1,)
var = input_variable(shape)
s = sanitize_batch(var, batch, seq_starts)
assert np.allclose(s.mask, expected_mask)