added clipping of log and quotient, as SequenceTraining failed without
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,6 +96,25 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
return sqrt_(z > 0 ? z : 0);
template<class ElemType>
DECL ElemType ClippedLog(ElemType z)
return z < EPS_IN_LOG ? LOG_OF_EPS_IN_LOG : log_(z);
template<class ElemType>
DECL ElemType ClippedQuotient(ElemType a, ElemType b)
if (fabs(b) < EPS_IN_INVERSE) // clip the denominator
if (b > 0)
return a / b;
template<typename ElemType>
DECL ElemType LogAdd(ElemType x, ElemType y)
@ -135,13 +154,13 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
DefUnaryOp(Copy, a);
DefUnaryOp(Negate, -a); DefUnaryOp(Not, !a);
DefUnaryOp(Abs, fabs_(a));
DefUnaryOp(Sigmoid, Sigmoid(a)); DefUnaryOp(Tanh, tanh_(a)); DefUnaryOp(Sqrt, Sqrt(a)); DefUnaryOp(Exp, exp_(a)); DefUnaryOp(Log, log_(a)); DefUnaryOp(LinearRectifier, a > 0 ? a : 0); DefUnaryOp(Cosine, cos_(a));
DefUnaryOp(Sigmoid, Sigmoid(a)); DefUnaryOp(Tanh, tanh_(a)); DefUnaryOp(Sqrt, Sqrt(a)); DefUnaryOp(Exp, exp_(a)); DefUnaryOp(Log, ClippedLog(a)); DefUnaryOp(LinearRectifier, a > 0 ? a : 0); DefUnaryOp(Cosine, cos_(a));
#pragma pop_macro("DefUnaryOp")
#pragma push_macro("DefBinaryOp")
#define DefBinaryOp(op, expr) template<class ElemType> DECL ElemType Op ## op(ElemType a, ElemType b) { return expr; }
DefBinaryOp(Sum, a + b); DefBinaryOp(Difference, a - b); DefBinaryOp(ElementwiseProduct, a * b); DefBinaryOp(ElementwiseQuotient, a / b);
DefBinaryOp(Sum, a + b); DefBinaryOp(Difference, a - b); DefBinaryOp(ElementwiseProduct, a * b); DefBinaryOp(ElementwiseQuotient, ClippedQuotient(a, b));
DefBinaryOp(LogSum, LogAdd(a, b)); DefBinaryOp(Max, a > b ? a : b); DefBinaryOp(Min, a < b ? a : b);
DefBinaryOp(EQ, a == b); DefBinaryOp(NE, a != b); DefBinaryOp(GT, a > b); DefBinaryOp(LT, a < b); DefBinaryOp(GE, a >= b); DefBinaryOp(LE, a <= b);
DefBinaryOp(And, (float)((!!a) && (!!b))); DefBinaryOp(Or, (float)((!!a) || (!!b))); DefBinaryOp(Xor, (float)((!!a) ^ (!!b)));
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