Somehow these files were not committed to source control.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
// DSSMParser.cpp : Parses the DSSM format using a custom state machine (for speed)
// <copyright file="DSSMParser.cpp" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DSSMParser.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdint.h>
// SetState for a particular value
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::SetState(int value, ParseState m_current_state, ParseState next_state)
DWORD ul = (DWORD)next_state;
int range_shift = ((int)m_current_state) << 8;
m_stateTable[range_shift+value] = ul;
// SetStateRange - set states transitions for a range of values
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::SetStateRange(int value1, int value2, ParseState m_current_state, ParseState next_state)
DWORD ul = (DWORD)next_state;
int range_shift = ((int)m_current_state) << 8;
for (int value = value1; value <= value2; value++)
m_stateTable[range_shift+value] = ul;
// SetupStateTables - setup state transition tables for each state
// each state has a block of 256 states indexed by the incoming character
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::SetupStateTables()
SetStateRange(0,255, Whitespace, Label);
SetStateRange('0', '9', Whitespace, WholeNumber);
SetState('-', Whitespace, Sign);
SetState('+', Whitespace, Sign);
// whitespace
SetState(' ', Whitespace, Whitespace);
SetState('\t', Whitespace, Whitespace);
SetState('\r', Whitespace, Whitespace);
SetState('\n', Whitespace, EndOfLine);
SetStateRange( 0, 255, Sign, Label);
SetStateRange( '0', '9', Sign, WholeNumber);
// whitespace
SetState(' ', Sign, Whitespace);
SetState('\t', Sign, Whitespace);
SetState('\r', Sign, Whitespace);
SetState('\n', Sign, EndOfLine);
SetStateRange( 0, 255, WholeNumber, Label);
SetStateRange( '0', '9', WholeNumber, WholeNumber);
SetState('.', WholeNumber, Period);
SetState('e', WholeNumber, TheLetterE);
SetState('E', WholeNumber, TheLetterE);
// whitespace
SetState(' ', WholeNumber, Whitespace);
SetState('\t', WholeNumber, Whitespace);
SetState('\r', WholeNumber, Whitespace);
SetState('\n', WholeNumber, EndOfLine);
SetStateRange(0, 255, Period, Label);
SetStateRange('0', '9', Period, Remainder);
// whitespace
SetState(' ', Period, Whitespace);
SetState('\t', Period, Whitespace);
SetState('\r', Period, Whitespace);
SetState('\n', Period, EndOfLine);
SetStateRange(0, 255, Remainder, Label);
SetStateRange('0', '9', Remainder, Remainder);
SetState('e', Remainder, TheLetterE);
SetState('E', Remainder, TheLetterE);
// whitespace
SetState(' ', Remainder, Whitespace);
SetState('\t', Remainder, Whitespace);
SetState('\r', Remainder, Whitespace);
SetState('\n', Remainder, EndOfLine);
SetStateRange(0, 255, TheLetterE, Label);
SetStateRange('0', '9', TheLetterE, Exponent);
SetState('-', TheLetterE, ExponentSign);
SetState('+', TheLetterE, ExponentSign);
// whitespace
SetState(' ', TheLetterE, Whitespace);
SetState('\t', TheLetterE, Whitespace);
SetState('\r', TheLetterE, Whitespace);
SetState('\n', TheLetterE, EndOfLine);
SetStateRange(0, 255, ExponentSign, Label);
SetStateRange('0', '9', ExponentSign, Exponent);
// whitespace
SetState(' ', ExponentSign, Whitespace);
SetState('\t', ExponentSign, Whitespace);
SetState('\r', ExponentSign, Whitespace);
SetState('\n', ExponentSign, EndOfLine);
SetStateRange(0, 255, Exponent, Label);
SetStateRange('0', '9', Exponent, Exponent);
// whitespace
SetState(' ', Exponent, Whitespace);
SetState('\t', Exponent, Whitespace);
SetState('\r', Exponent, Whitespace);
SetState('\n', Exponent, EndOfLine);
SetStateRange(0, 255, EndOfLine, Label);
SetStateRange( '0', '9', EndOfLine, WholeNumber);
SetState( '-', EndOfLine, Sign);
SetState( '\n', EndOfLine, EndOfLine);
// whitespace
SetState(' ', EndOfLine, Whitespace);
SetState('\t', EndOfLine, Whitespace);
SetState('\r', EndOfLine, Whitespace);
SetStateRange(0, 255, Label, Label);
SetState('\n', Label, EndOfLine);
// whitespace
SetState(' ', Label, Whitespace);
SetState('\t', Label, Whitespace);
SetState('\r', Label, Whitespace);
SetStateRange(0, 255, LineCountEOL, LineCountOther);
SetState( '\n', LineCountEOL, LineCountEOL);
SetStateRange(0, 255, LineCountOther, LineCountOther);
SetState('\n', LineCountOther, LineCountEOL);
// reset all line state variables
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::PrepareStartLine()
m_numbersConvertedThisLine = 0;
m_labelsConvertedThisLine = 0;
m_elementsConvertedThisLine = 0;
m_spaceDelimitedStart = m_byteCounter;
m_spaceDelimitedMax = m_byteCounter;
m_lastLabelIsString = false;
// reset all number accumulation variables
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::PrepareStartNumber()
m_partialResult = 0;
m_builtUpNumber = 0;
m_divider = 0;
m_wholeNumberMultiplier = 1;
m_exponentMultiplier = 1;
// reset all state variables to start reading at a new position
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::PrepareStartPosition(size_t position)
m_current_state = Whitespace;
m_byteCounter = position; // must come before PrepareStartLine...
m_bufferStart = position;
// prepare state machine for new number and new line
m_totalNumbersConverted = 0;
m_totalLabelsConverted = 0;
// DSSMParser constructor
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::DSSMParser()
// setup all the state variables and state tables for state machine
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::Init()
m_fileBuffer = NULL;
m_pFile = NULL;
m_stateTable = new DWORD[AllStateMax * 256];
// Parser destructor
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::~DSSMParser()
delete m_stateTable;
delete m_fileBuffer;
if (m_pFile)
// DoneWithLabel - Called when a string label is found
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::DoneWithLabel()
// if we haven't set the max yet, use the current byte Counter
if (m_spaceDelimitedMax <= m_spaceDelimitedStart)
m_spaceDelimitedMax = m_byteCounter;
std::string label((LPCSTR)&m_fileBuffer[m_spaceDelimitedStart-m_bufferStart], m_spaceDelimitedMax-m_spaceDelimitedStart);
fprintf(stderr, "\n** String found in numeric-only file: %s\n", label.c_str());
m_lastLabelIsString = true;
// Called when a number is complete
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::DoneWithValue()
// if we are storing it
if (m_numbers != NULL)
NumType FinalResult = 0;
if (m_current_state == Exponent)
FinalResult = (NumType)(m_partialResult*pow(10.0,m_exponentMultiplier * m_builtUpNumber));
else if (m_divider != 0)
FinalResult = (NumType)(m_partialResult + (m_builtUpNumber / m_divider));
FinalResult = (NumType)m_builtUpNumber;
FinalResult = (NumType)(FinalResult*m_wholeNumberMultiplier);
// if it's a label, store in label location instead of number location
int index = m_elementsConvertedThisLine;
bool stored=false;
if (m_startLabels <= index && index < m_startLabels + m_dimLabels)
if (m_startFeatures <= index && index < m_startFeatures + m_dimFeatures)
m_lastLabelIsString = false;
// if we haven't stored anything we need to skip the current symbol, so increment
if (!stored)
// store label is specialized by LabelType
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::StoreLabel(NumType value)
m_lastLabelIsString = false;
// StoreLastLabel - store the last label (for numeric types), tranfers to label vector
// string label types handled in specialization
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::StoreLastLabel()
assert(!m_lastLabelIsString); // file format error, last label was a string...
NumType value = m_numbers->back();
// ParseInit - Initialize a parse of a file
// fileName - path to the file to open
// startFeatures - column (zero based) where features start
// dimFeatures - number of features
// startLabels - column (zero based) where Labels start
// dimLabels - number of Labels
// bufferSize - size of temporary buffer to store reads
// startPosition - file position on which we should start
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::ParseInit(LPCWSTR fileName, size_t startFeatures, size_t dimFeatures, size_t startLabels, size_t dimLabels, size_t bufferSize, size_t startPosition)
assert(fileName != NULL);
m_startLabels = startLabels;
m_dimLabels = dimLabels;
m_startFeatures = startFeatures;
m_dimFeatures = dimFeatures;
m_parseMode = ParseNormal;
m_traceLevel = 0;
m_bufferSize = bufferSize;
m_bufferStart = startPosition;
// if we have a file already open, cleanup
if (m_pFile != NULL)
DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::~DSSMParser();
errno_t err = _wfopen_s( &m_pFile, fileName, L"rb" );
if (err)
std::runtime_error("DSSMParser::ParseInit - error opening file");
int rc = _fseeki64(m_pFile, 0, SEEK_END);
if (rc)
std::runtime_error("DSSMParser::ParseInit - error seeking in file");
m_fileSize = GetFilePosition();
m_fileBuffer = new BYTE[m_bufferSize];
// GetFilePosition - Get the current file position in the text file
// returns current position in the file
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
int64_t DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::GetFilePosition()
int64_t position = _ftelli64(m_pFile);
if (position == -1L)
std::runtime_error("DSSMParser::GetFilePosition - error retrieving file position in file");
return position;
// SetFilePosition - Set the current file position from the beginning of the file, and read in the first block of data
// state machine mode will be initialized similar to the beginning of the file
// it is recommneded that only return values from GetFilePosition() known to be the start of a line
// and zero be passed to this function
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::SetFilePosition(int64_t position)
int rc = _fseeki64(m_pFile, position, SEEK_SET);
if (rc)
std::runtime_error("DSSMParser::SetFilePosition - error seeking in file");
// setup state machine to start at this position
// read in the first buffer of data from this position, first buffer is expected to be read after a reposition
// FUTURE: in debug we could validate the value is either 0, or the previous character is a '\n'
// HasMoreData - test if the current dataset have more data, or just whitespace
// returns - true if it has more data, false if not
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
bool DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::HasMoreData()
long long byteCounter = m_byteCounter;
size_t bufferIndex = m_byteCounter-m_bufferStart;
// test without moving parser state
for (;byteCounter < m_fileSize; byteCounter++, bufferIndex++)
// if we reach the end of the buffer, just assume we have more data
// won't be right 100% of the time, but close enough
if (bufferIndex >= m_bufferSize)
return true;
char ch = m_fileBuffer[bufferIndex];
ParseState nextState = (ParseState)m_stateTable[(Whitespace<<8)+ch];
if (!(nextState == Whitespace || nextState == EndOfLine))
return true;
return false;
// UpdateBuffer - load the next buffer full of data
// returns - number of records read
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
size_t DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::UpdateBuffer()
// state machine might want to look back this far, so copy to beginning
size_t saveBytes = m_byteCounter-m_spaceDelimitedStart;
assert(saveBytes < m_bufferSize);
if (saveBytes)
memcpy_s(m_fileBuffer, m_bufferSize, &m_fileBuffer[m_byteCounter-m_bufferStart-saveBytes], saveBytes);
m_bufferStart = m_byteCounter-saveBytes;
// read the next block
size_t bytesToRead = min(m_bufferSize, m_fileSize-m_bufferStart)-saveBytes;
size_t bytesRead = fread(m_fileBuffer+saveBytes, 1, bytesToRead, m_pFile);
if (bytesRead == 0 && ferror(m_pFile))
std::runtime_error("DSSMParser::UpdateBuffer - error reading file");
return bytesRead;
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::SetParseMode(ParseMode mode)
// if already in this mode, nothing to do
if (m_parseMode == mode)
// switching modes
if (mode == ParseLineCount)
m_current_state = LineCountOther;
m_current_state = Whitespace;
m_parseMode = mode;
// SetTraceLevel - Set the level of screen output
// traceLevel - traceLevel, zero means no output, 1 epoch related output, > 1 all output
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
void DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::SetTraceLevel(int traceLevel)
m_traceLevel = traceLevel;
// Parse - Parse the data
// recordsRequested - number of records requested
// numbers - pointer to vector to return the numbers (must be allocated)
// labels - pointer to vector to return the labels (defaults to null)
// returns - number of records actually read, if the end of file is reached the return value will be < requested records
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType>
long DSSMParser<NumType, LabelType>::Parse(size_t recordsRequested, std::vector<NumType> *numbers, std::vector<LabelType> *labels)
assert(numbers != NULL || m_dimFeatures == 0 || m_parseMode == ParseLineCount);
assert(labels != NULL || m_dimLabels == 0 || m_parseMode == ParseLineCount);
// transfer to member variables
m_numbers = numbers;
m_labels = labels;
long TickStart = GetTickCount( );
long recordCount = 0;
size_t bufferIndex = m_byteCounter-m_bufferStart;
while (m_byteCounter < m_fileSize && recordCount < recordsRequested)
// check to see if we need to update the buffer
if (bufferIndex >= m_bufferSize)
bufferIndex = m_byteCounter-m_bufferStart;
char ch = m_fileBuffer[bufferIndex];
ParseState nextState = (ParseState)m_stateTable[(m_current_state<<8)+ch];
if( nextState <= Exponent )
m_builtUpNumber = m_builtUpNumber * 10 + (ch - '0');
// if we are in the decimal portion of a number increase the divider
if (nextState == Remainder)
m_divider *= 10;
// only do a test on a state transition
if (m_current_state != nextState)
// System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Current state = " + m_current_state + ", next state = " + nextState);
// if the nextState is a label, we don't want to do any number processing, it's a number prefixed string
if (nextState != Label)
// do the numeric processing
switch (m_current_state)
case TheLetterE:
if (m_divider != 0) // decimal number
m_partialResult += m_builtUpNumber / m_divider;
else // integer
m_partialResult = m_builtUpNumber;
m_builtUpNumber = 0;
case WholeNumber:
// could be followed by a remainder, or an exponent
if (nextState != TheLetterE)
if( nextState != Period)
if (nextState == Period)
m_partialResult = m_builtUpNumber;
m_divider = 1;
m_builtUpNumber = 0;
case Remainder:
// can only be followed by a exponent
if (nextState != TheLetterE)
case Exponent:
// label handling
switch (m_current_state)
case Label:
case EndOfLine:
case Whitespace:
// this is the start of the next space delimited entity
if (nextState != EndOfLine)
m_spaceDelimitedStart = m_byteCounter;
// label handling for next state
switch (nextState)
// do sign processing on nextState, since we still have the character handy
case Sign:
if (ch == '-')
m_wholeNumberMultiplier = -1;
case ExponentSign:
if (ch == '-')
m_exponentMultiplier = -1;
// going into whitespace or endOfLine, so end of space delimited entity
case Whitespace:
m_spaceDelimitedMax = m_byteCounter;
// hit whitespace and nobody processed anything, so add as label
//if (m_elementsConvertedThisLine == elementsProcessed)
// DoneWithLabel();
case EndOfLine:
if (m_current_state != Whitespace)
m_spaceDelimitedMax = m_byteCounter;
// hit whitespace and nobody processed anything, so add as label
//if (m_elementsConvertedThisLine == elementsProcessed)
// DoneWithLabel();
// process the label at the end of a line
//if (m_labelMode == LabelLast && m_labels != NULL)
// StoreLastLabel();
// intentional fall-through
case LineCountEOL:
recordCount++; // done with another record
if (m_traceLevel > 1)
// print progress dots
if (recordCount % 100 == 0)
if (recordCount % 1000 == 0)
if (recordCount % 10000 == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "#");
fprintf(stderr, "+");
fprintf(stderr, ".");
case LineCountOther:
m_spaceDelimitedStart = m_byteCounter;
m_current_state = nextState;
// move to next character
} // while 1
long TickStop = GetTickCount( );
long TickDelta = TickStop - TickStart;
if (m_traceLevel > 2)
fprintf(stderr, "\n%d ms, %d numbers parsed\n\n", TickDelta, m_totalNumbersConverted );
return recordCount;
// StoreLabel - string version gets last space delimited string and stores in labels vector
template <>
void DSSMParser<float, std::string>::StoreLabel(float /*finalResult*/)
// for LabelFirst, Max will not be set yet, but the current byte counter is the Max, so set it
if (m_spaceDelimitedMax <= m_spaceDelimitedStart)
m_spaceDelimitedMax = m_byteCounter;
std::string label((LPCSTR)&m_fileBuffer[m_spaceDelimitedStart-m_bufferStart], m_spaceDelimitedMax-m_spaceDelimitedStart);
m_lastLabelIsString = true;
// DoneWithLabel - string version stores string label
template <>
void DSSMParser<float, std::string>::DoneWithLabel()
if (m_labels != NULL)
StoreLabel(0); // store the string label
// StoreLastLabel - string version
template <>
void DSSMParser<float, std::string>::StoreLastLabel()
// see if it was already stored as a string label
if (m_lastLabelIsString)
// we already stored a numeric version of this label in the numbers array
// so get rid of that, the user wants it as a string
// NOTE: Current code is identical to float, don't know how to specialize with template parameter that only covers one parameter
// StoreLabel - string version gets last space delimited string and stores in labels vector
template <>
void DSSMParser<double, std::string>::StoreLabel(double /*finalResult*/)
// for LabelFirst, Max will not be set yet, but the current byte counter is the Max, so set it
if (m_spaceDelimitedMax <= m_spaceDelimitedStart)
m_spaceDelimitedMax = m_byteCounter;
std::string label((LPCSTR)&m_fileBuffer[m_spaceDelimitedStart-m_bufferStart], m_spaceDelimitedMax-m_spaceDelimitedStart);
m_lastLabelIsString = true;
// DoneWithLabel - string version stores string label
template <>
void DSSMParser<double, std::string>::DoneWithLabel()
if (m_labels != NULL)
StoreLabel(0); // store the string label
// StoreLastLabel - string version
template <>
void DSSMParser<double, std::string>::StoreLastLabel()
// see if it was already stored as a string label
if (m_lastLabelIsString)
// we already stored a numeric version of this label in the numbers array
// so get rid of that, the user wants it as a string
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
DSSMParser<double, int> parser;
std::vector<double> values;
std::vector<int> labels;
parser.ParseInit(L"c:\\speech\\mnist\\mnist_train.txt", LabelFirst);
//parser.ParseInit("c:\\speech\\parseTest.txt", LabelNone);
int records = 0;
int recordsRead = parser.Parse(10000, &values, &labels);
if (recordsRead < 10000)
parser.SetFilePosition(0); // go around again
records += recordsRead;
while (records < 150000);
return records;
// instantiate DSSM parsers for supported types
template class DSSMParser<float, int>;
template class DSSMParser<float, float>;
template class DSSMParser<float, std::string>;
template class DSSMParser<double, int>;
template class DSSMParser<double, double>;
template class DSSMParser<double, std::string>;
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
// DSSMParser.h : Parses the DSSM format using a custom state machine (for speed)
// <copyright file="DSSMParser.h" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// DSSM label location types
enum LabelMode
LabelNone = 0,
LabelFirst = 1,
LabelLast = 2,
enum ParseMode
ParseNormal = 0,
ParseLineCount = 1
// DSSMParser - the parser for the DSSM format files
// for ultimate speed, this class implements a state machine to read these format files
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType=int>
class DSSMParser
enum ParseState
WholeNumber = 0,
Remainder = 1,
Exponent = 2,
Whitespace = 3,
Sign = 4,
ExponentSign = 5,
Period = 6,
TheLetterE = 7,
EndOfLine = 8,
Label = 9, // any non-number things we run into
ParseStateMax = 10, // number of parse states
LineCountEOL = 10,
LineCountOther = 11,
AllStateMax = 12,
Error = 12
// type of label processing
ParseMode m_parseMode;
// definition of label and feature locations
size_t m_startLabels;
size_t m_dimLabels;
size_t m_startFeatures;
size_t m_dimFeatures;
// level of screen output
int m_traceLevel;
// current state of the state machine
ParseState m_current_state;
// state tables
DWORD *m_stateTable;
// numeric state machine variables
double m_partialResult;
double m_builtUpNumber;
double m_divider;
double m_wholeNumberMultiplier;
double m_exponentMultiplier;
// label state machine variables
size_t m_spaceDelimitedStart;
size_t m_spaceDelimitedMax; // start of the next whitespace sequence (one past the end of the last word)
int m_numbersConvertedThisLine;
int m_labelsConvertedThisLine;
int m_elementsConvertedThisLine;
// global stats
int m_totalNumbersConverted;
int m_totalLabelsConverted;
// file positions/buffer
FILE * m_pFile;
int64_t m_byteCounter;
int64_t m_fileSize;
BYTE * m_fileBuffer;
size_t m_bufferStart;
size_t m_bufferSize;
// last label was a string (for last label processing)
bool m_lastLabelIsString;
// vectors to append to
std::vector<NumType>* m_numbers; // pointer to vectors to append with numbers
std::vector<LabelType>* m_labels; // pointer to vector to append with labels (may be numeric)
// FUTURE: do we want a vector to collect string labels in the non string label case? (signifies an error)
// SetState for a particular value
void SetState(int value, ParseState m_current_state, ParseState next_state);
// SetStateRange - set states transitions for a range of values
void SetStateRange(int value1, int value2, ParseState m_current_state, ParseState next_state);
// SetupStateTables - setup state transition tables for each state
// each state has a block of 256 states indexed by the incoming character
void SetupStateTables();
// reset all line state variables
void PrepareStartLine();
// reset all number accumulation variables
void PrepareStartNumber();
// reset all state variables to start reading at a new position
void PrepareStartPosition(size_t position);
// UpdateBuffer - load the next buffer full of data
// returns - number of records read
size_t UpdateBuffer();
// DSSMParser constructor
// setup all the state variables and state tables for state machine
void Init();
// Parser destructor
// DoneWithLabel - Called when a string label is found
void DoneWithLabel();
// Called when a number is complete
void DoneWithValue();
// store label is specialized by LabelType
void StoreLabel(NumType value);
// StoreLastLabel - store the last label (for numeric types), tranfers to label vector
// string label types handled in specialization
void StoreLastLabel();
// SetParseMode - Set the parsing mode
// mode - set mode to either ParseLineCount, or ParseNormal
void SetParseMode(ParseMode mode);
// SetTraceLevel - Set the level of screen output
// traceLevel - traceLevel, zero means no output, 1 epoch related output, > 1 all output
void SetTraceLevel(int traceLevel);
// ParseInit - Initialize a parse of a file
// fileName - path to the file to open
// startFeatures - column (zero based) where features start
// dimFeatures - number of features
// startLabels - column (zero based) where Labels start
// dimLabels - number of Labels
// bufferSize - size of temporary buffer to store reads
// startPosition - file position on which we should start
void ParseInit(LPCWSTR fileName, size_t startFeatures, size_t dimFeatures, size_t startLabels, size_t dimLabels, size_t bufferSize=1024*256, size_t startPosition=0);
// Parse - Parse the data
// recordsRequested - number of records requested
// numbers - pointer to vector to return the numbers (must be allocated)
// labels - pointer to vector to return the labels (defaults to null)
// returns - number of records actually read, if the end of file is reached the return value will be < requested records
long Parse(size_t recordsRequested, std::vector<NumType> *numbers, std::vector<LabelType> *labels=NULL);
int64_t GetFilePosition();
void SetFilePosition(int64_t position);
// HasMoreData - test if the current dataset have more data
// returns - true if it does, false if not
bool HasMoreData();
// StoreLabel - string version gets last space delimited string and stores in labels vector
template <>
void DSSMParser<float, std::string>::StoreLabel(float finalResult);
// DoneWithLabel - string version stores string label
template <>
void DSSMParser<float, std::string>::DoneWithLabel();
// StoreLastLabel - string version
template <>
void DSSMParser<float, std::string>::StoreLastLabel();
// NOTE: Current code is identical to float, don't know how to specialize with template parameter that only covers one parameter
// StoreLabel - string version gets last space delimited string and stores in labels vector
template <>
void DSSMParser<double, std::string>::StoreLabel(double finalResult);
// DoneWithLabel - string version stores string label
template <>
void DSSMParser<double, std::string>::DoneWithLabel();
// StoreLastLabel - string version
template <>
void DSSMParser<double, std::string>::StoreLastLabel();
@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
// <copyright file="DSSMReader.cpp" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// DSSMReader.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#define DATAREADER_EXPORTS // creating the exports here
#include "DataReader.h"
#include "DSSMReader.h"
#include <vld.h> // leak detection
#include "fileutil.h" // for fexists()
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
DWORD HIDWORD(size_t size) {return size>>32;}
DWORD LODWORD(size_t size) {return size&0xFFFFFFFF;}
std::string ws2s(const std::wstring& wstr)
int size_needed = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wstr.c_str(), int(wstr.length() + 1), 0, 0, 0, 0);
std::string strTo(size_needed, 0);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wstr.c_str(), int(wstr.length() + 1), &strTo[0], size_needed, 0, 0);
return strTo;
template<class ElemType>
size_t DSSMReader<ElemType>::RandomizeSweep(size_t mbStartSample)
//size_t randomRangePerEpoch = (m_epochSize+m_randomizeRange-1)/m_randomizeRange;
//return m_epoch*randomRangePerEpoch + epochSample/m_randomizeRange;
return mbStartSample/m_randomizeRange;
// ReadLine - Read a line
// readSample - sample to read in global sample space
// returns - true if we successfully read a record, otherwise false
template<class ElemType>
bool DSSMReader<ElemType>::ReadRecord(size_t /*readSample*/)
return false; // not used
// RecordsToRead - Determine number of records to read to populate record buffers
// mbStartSample - the starting sample from which to read
// tail - we are checking for possible remainer records to read (default false)
// returns - true if we have more to read, false if we hit the end of the dataset
template<class ElemType>
size_t DSSMReader<ElemType>::RecordsToRead(size_t mbStartSample, bool tail)
assert(mbStartSample >= m_epochStartSample);
// determine how far ahead we need to read
bool randomize = Randomize();
// need to read to the end of the next minibatch
size_t epochSample = mbStartSample;
epochSample %= m_epochSize;
// determine number left to read for this epoch
size_t numberToEpoch = m_epochSize - epochSample;
// we will take either a minibatch or the number left in the epoch
size_t numberToRead = min(numberToEpoch, m_mbSize);
if (numberToRead == 0 && !tail)
numberToRead = m_mbSize;
if (randomize)
size_t randomizeSweep = RandomizeSweep(mbStartSample);
// if first read or read takes us to another randomization range
// we need to read at least randomization range records
if (randomizeSweep != m_randomordering.CurrentSeed()) // the range has changed since last time
numberToRead = RoundUp(epochSample, m_randomizeRange) - epochSample;
if (numberToRead == 0 && !tail)
numberToRead = m_randomizeRange;
return numberToRead;
template<class ElemType>
void DSSMReader<ElemType>::WriteLabelFile()
// write out the label file if they don't have one
if (!m_labelFileToWrite.empty())
if (m_mapIdToLabel.size() > 0)
File labelFile(m_labelFileToWrite, fileOptionsWrite | fileOptionsText);
for (int i=0; i < m_mapIdToLabel.size(); ++i)
labelFile << m_mapIdToLabel[i] << '\n';
fprintf(stderr, "label file %ws written to disk\n", m_labelFileToWrite.c_str());
else if (!m_cachingWriter)
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: file %ws NOT written to disk yet, will be written the first time the end of the entire dataset is found.\n", m_labelFileToWrite.c_str());
// Destroy - cleanup and remove this class
// NOTE: this destroys the object, and it can't be used past this point
template<class ElemType>
void DSSMReader<ElemType>::Destroy()
delete this;
// Init - Reader Initialize for multiple data sets
// config - [in] configuration parameters for the datareader
// Sample format below:
//# Parameter values for the reader
// # reader to use
// readerType=DSSMReader
// miniBatchMode=Partial
// randomize=None
// features=[
// dim=784
// start=1
// file=c:\speech\mnist\mnist_test.txt
// ]
// labels=[
// dim=1
// start=0
// file=c:\speech\mnist\mnist_test.txt
// labelMappingFile=c:\speech\mnist\labels.txt
// labelDim=10
// labelType=Category
// ]
template<class ElemType>
void DSSMReader<ElemType>::Init(const ConfigParameters& readerConfig)
std::vector<std::wstring> features;
std::vector<std::wstring> labels;
// Determine the names of the features and lables sections in the config file.
// features - [in,out] a vector of feature name strings
// labels - [in,out] a vector of label name strings
// For DSSM dataset, we only need features. No label is necessary. The following "labels" just serves as a place holder
GetFileConfigNames(readerConfig, features, labels);
// For DSSM dataset, it must have exactly two features
// In the config file, we must specify query features first, then document features. The sequence is different here. Pay attention
if (features.size() == 2 && labels.size() == 1)
m_featuresNameQuery = features[1];
m_featuresNameDoc = features[0];
m_labelsName = labels[0];
RuntimeError("DSSM requires exactly two features and one label. Their names should match those in NDL definition");
m_mbStartSample = m_epoch = m_totalSamples = m_epochStartSample = 0;
m_labelIdMax = m_labelDim = 0;
m_partialMinibatch = m_endReached = false;
m_labelType = labelCategory;
m_readNextSample = 0;
m_traceLevel = readerConfig("traceLevel", "0");
if (readerConfig.Exists("randomize"))
string randomizeString = readerConfig("randomize");
if (randomizeString == "None")
m_randomizeRange = randomizeNone;
else if (randomizeString == "Auto")
m_randomizeRange = randomizeAuto;
m_randomizeRange = readerConfig("randomize");
m_randomizeRange = randomizeNone;
std::string minibatchMode(readerConfig("minibatchMode", "Partial"));
m_partialMinibatch = !_stricmp(minibatchMode.c_str(), "Partial");
// Get the config parameters for query feature and doc feature
ConfigParameters configFeaturesQuery = readerConfig(m_featuresNameQuery, "");
ConfigParameters configFeaturesDoc = readerConfig(m_featuresNameDoc, "");
if (configFeaturesQuery.size() == 0)
RuntimeError("features file not found, required in configuration: i.e. 'features=[file=c:\\myfile.txt;start=1;dim=123]'");
if (configFeaturesDoc.size() == 0)
RuntimeError("features file not found, required in configuration: i.e. 'features=[file=c:\\myfile.txt;start=1;dim=123]'");
// Read in feature size information
// This information will be used to handle OOVs
m_featuresDimQuery = configFeaturesQuery(L"dim");
m_featuresDimDoc = configFeaturesDoc(L"dim");
std::wstring fileQ = configFeaturesQuery("file");
std::wstring fileD = configFeaturesDoc("file");
dssm_queryInput.Init(fileQ, m_featuresDimQuery);
dssm_docInput.Init(fileD, m_featuresDimDoc);
m_totalSamples = dssm_queryInput.numRows;
if (read_order == NULL)
read_order = new int[m_totalSamples];
for (int c = 0; c < m_totalSamples; c++)
read_order[c] = c;
m_mbSize = 0;
// destructor - virtual so it gets called properly
template<class ElemType>
// ReleaseMemory - release the memory footprint of DSSMReader
// used when the caching reader is taking over
template<class ElemType>
void DSSMReader<ElemType>::ReleaseMemory()
if (m_qfeaturesBuffer!=NULL)
delete[] m_qfeaturesBuffer;
if (m_dfeaturesBuffer!=NULL)
delete[] m_dfeaturesBuffer;
if (m_labelsBuffer!=NULL)
delete[] m_labelsBuffer;
if (m_labelsIdBuffer!=NULL)
delete[] m_labelsIdBuffer;
//SetupEpoch - Setup the proper position in the file, and other variable settings to start a particular epoch
template<class ElemType>
void DSSMReader<ElemType>::SetupEpoch()
// utility function to round an integer up to a multiple of size
size_t RoundUp(size_t value, size_t size)
return ((value + size -1)/size)*size;
//StartMinibatchLoop - Startup a minibatch loop
// mbSize - [in] size of the minibatch (number of Samples, etc.)
// epoch - [in] epoch number for this loop, if > 0 the requestedEpochSamples must be specified (unless epoch zero was completed this run)
// requestedEpochSamples - [in] number of samples to randomize, defaults to requestDataSize which uses the number of samples there are in the dataset
// this value must be a multiple of mbSize, if it is not, it will be rounded up to one.
template<class ElemType>
void DSSMReader<ElemType>::StartMinibatchLoop(size_t mbSize, size_t epoch, size_t requestedEpochSamples)
size_t mbStartSample = m_epoch * m_epochSize;
if (m_totalSamples == 0)
m_totalSamples = dssm_queryInput.numRows;
size_t fileRecord = m_totalSamples ? mbStartSample % m_totalSamples : 0;
fprintf(stderr, "starting epoch %lld at record count %lld, and file position %lld\n", m_epoch, mbStartSample, fileRecord);
size_t currentFileRecord = m_mbStartSample % m_totalSamples;
// reset the next read sample
m_readNextSample = 0;
m_epochStartSample = m_mbStartSample = mbStartSample;
m_mbSize = mbSize;
m_epochSize = requestedEpochSamples;
if (m_epochSize > dssm_queryInput.numRows)
m_epochSize = dssm_queryInput.numRows;
if (Randomize())
random_shuffle(&read_order[0], &read_order[m_epochSize]);
m_epoch = epoch;
m_mbStartSample = epoch*m_epochSize;
// function to store the LabelType in an ElemType
// required for string labels, which can't be stored in ElemType arrays
template<class ElemType>
void DSSMReader<ElemType>::StoreLabel(ElemType& labelStore, const LabelType& labelValue)
labelStore = (ElemType)m_mapLabelToId[labelValue];
// GetMinibatch - Get the next minibatch (features and labels)
// matrices - [in] a map with named matrix types (i.e. 'features', 'labels') mapped to the corresponing matrix,
// [out] each matrix resized if necessary containing data.
// returns - true if there are more minibatches, false if no more minibatchs remain
template<class ElemType>
bool DSSMReader<ElemType>::GetMinibatch(std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*>& matrices)
if (m_readNextSample >= m_totalSamples)
return false;
// In my unit test example, the input matrices contain 5: N, S, fD, fQ and labels
// Both N and S serve as a pre-set constant values, no need to change them
// In this node, we only need to fill in these matrices: fD, fQ, labels
Matrix<ElemType>& featuresQ = *matrices[m_featuresNameQuery];
Matrix<ElemType>& featuresD = *matrices[m_featuresNameDoc];
Matrix<ElemType>& labels = *matrices[m_labelsName]; // will change this part later.
size_t actualMBSize = ( m_readNextSample + m_mbSize > m_totalSamples ) ? m_totalSamples - m_readNextSample : m_mbSize;
featuresQ.SwitchToMatrixType(MatrixType::SPARSE, MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSC);
featuresD.SwitchToMatrixType(MatrixType::SPARSE, MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSC);
featuresQ.Resize(dssm_queryInput.numRows, actualMBSize);
featuresD.Resize(dssm_docInput.numRows, actualMBSize);
//fprintf(stderr, "featuresQ\n");
dssm_queryInput.Next_Batch(featuresQ, m_readNextSample, actualMBSize, read_order);
//fprintf(stderr, "\n\n\nfeaturesD\n");
dssm_docInput.Next_Batch(featuresD, m_readNextSample, actualMBSize, read_order);
//fprintf(stderr, "\n\n\n\n\n");
m_readNextSample += actualMBSize;
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
ElemType* h_val;
size_t nz;
size_t nrs;
size_t ncols;
featuresQ.GetMatrixFromCSCFormat(&h_CSCCol, &h_Row, &h_val, &nz, &nrs, &ncols);
for (int j = 0, k=0; j < nz; j++)
if (h_CSCCol[k] >= j)
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%d:%.f ", h_Row[j], h_val[j]);
featuresQ.TransferFromDeviceToDevice(featuresQ.GetDeviceId(), -1);
featuresQ.SwitchToMatrixType(MatrixType::DENSE, MatrixFormat::matrixFormatDense);
featuresD.TransferFromDeviceToDevice(featuresD.GetDeviceId(), -1);
featuresD.SwitchToMatrixType(MatrixType::DENSE, MatrixFormat::matrixFormatDense);
if (actualMBSize > m_mbSize || m_labelsBuffer == NULL) {
size_t rows = labels.GetNumRows();
labels.Resize(rows, actualMBSize);
m_labelsBuffer = new ElemType[rows * actualMBSize];
memset(m_labelsBuffer, 0, sizeof(ElemType)* rows * actualMBSize);
for (int i = 0; i < actualMBSize; i++)
m_labelsBuffer[i * rows] = 1;
labels.SetValue(rows, actualMBSize, m_labelsBuffer, 0, labels.GetDeviceId());
return true;
// GetLabelMapping - Gets the label mapping from integer index to label type
// returns - a map from numeric datatype to native label type
template<class ElemType>
const std::map<typename IDataReader<ElemType>::LabelIdType, typename IDataReader<ElemType>::LabelType>& DSSMReader<ElemType>::GetLabelMapping(const std::wstring& sectionName)
if (m_cachingReader)
return m_cachingReader->GetLabelMapping(sectionName);
return m_mapIdToLabel;
// SetLabelMapping - Sets the label mapping from integer index to label
// labelMapping - mapping table from label values to IDs (must be 0-n)
// note: for tasks with labels, the mapping table must be the same between a training run and a testing run
template<class ElemType>
void DSSMReader<ElemType>::SetLabelMapping(const std::wstring& /*sectionName*/, const std::map<typename IDataReader<ElemType>::LabelIdType, typename LabelType>& labelMapping)
if (m_cachingReader)
throw runtime_error("Cannot set mapping table when the caching reader is being used");
m_mapIdToLabel = labelMapping;
for (std::pair<unsigned, LabelType> var : labelMapping)
m_mapLabelToId[var.second] = var.first;
template<class ElemType>
bool DSSMReader<ElemType>::DataEnd(EndDataType endDataType)
bool ret = false;
switch (endDataType)
case endDataNull:
case endDataEpoch:
//ret = (m_mbStartSample / m_epochSize < m_epoch);
ret = (m_readNextSample >= m_totalSamples);
case endDataSet:
ret = (m_readNextSample >= m_totalSamples);
case endDataSentence: // for fast reader each minibatch is considered a "sentence", so always true
ret = true;
return ret;
template<class ElemType>
template<class ElemType>
template<class ElemType>
void DSSM_BinaryInput<ElemType>::Init(wstring fileName, size_t dim){
m_dim = dim;
mbSize = 0;
m_hndl = CreateFileA(fileName.c_str(), GENERIC_READ,
m_hndl = CreateFile(fileName.c_str(), GENERIC_READ,
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "Unable to Open/Create file %ls, error %x", fileName.c_str(), GetLastError());
throw runtime_error(message);
m_filemap = CreateFileMapping(m_hndl, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL);
SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
DWORD sysGran = sysinfo.dwAllocationGranularity;
header_buffer = MapViewOfFile(m_filemap, // handle to map object
FILE_MAP_READ, // get correct permissions
sizeof(int64_t)* 2 + sizeof(int32_t));
//cout << "After mapviewoffile" << endl;
memcpy(&numRows, header_buffer, sizeof(int64_t));
memcpy(&numCols, (char*)header_buffer + sizeof(int64_t), sizeof(int32_t));
memcpy(&totalNNz, (char*)header_buffer + sizeof(int64_t)+sizeof(int32_t), sizeof(int64_t));
//cout << "After gotvalues" << endl;
int64_t base_offset = sizeof(int64_t)* 2 + sizeof(int32_t);
int64_t offsets_padding = base_offset % sysGran;
base_offset -= offsets_padding;
int64_t header_size = numRows*sizeof(int64_t)+offsets_padding;
void* offsets_orig = MapViewOfFile(m_filemap, // handle to map object
FILE_MAP_READ, // get correct permissions
offsets_buffer = (char*)offsets_orig + offsets_padding;
if (offsets != NULL){
offsets = (int64_t*)malloc(sizeof(int64_t)*numRows);
memcpy(offsets, offsets_buffer, numRows*sizeof(int64_t));
int64_t header_offset = base_offset + offsets_padding + numRows * sizeof(int64_t);
int64_t data_padding = header_offset % sysGran;
header_offset -= data_padding;
void* data_orig = MapViewOfFile(m_filemap, // handle to map object
FILE_MAP_READ, // get correct permissions
data_buffer = (char*)data_orig + data_padding;
template<class ElemType>
bool DSSM_BinaryInput<ElemType>::SetupEpoch( size_t minibatchSize){
if (values == NULL || mbSize < minibatchSize)
if (values != NULL)
values = (ElemType*)malloc(sizeof(ElemType)*MAX_BUFFER*minibatchSize);
colIndices = (int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(int32_t)*(minibatchSize+1));
rowIndices = (int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(int32_t)*MAX_BUFFER*minibatchSize);
//fprintf(stderr, "values size: %d",sizeof(ElemType)*MAX_BUFFER*minibatchSize);
//fprintf(stderr, "colindi size: %d",sizeof(int32_t)*MAX_BUFFER*(1+minibatchSize));
//fprintf(stderr, "rowindi size: %d",sizeof(int32_t)*MAX_BUFFER*minibatchSize);
if (minibatchSize > mbSize)
mbSize = minibatchSize;
return true;
template<class ElemType>
bool DSSM_BinaryInput<ElemType>::Next_Batch(Matrix<ElemType>& matrices, int cur, int numToRead, int* ordering){
int devId = matrices.GetDeviceId();
matrices.TransferFromDeviceToDevice(devId, -1);
int64_t cur_index = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < numToRead; c++,cur++)
//int64_t cur_offset = offsets[ordering[cur]];
int64_t cur_offset = offsets[cur];
//int64_t cur_offset = offsets[ordering[c]];
int32_t nnz;
colIndices[c] = cur_index;
memcpy(&nnz, (char*)data_buffer + cur_offset, sizeof(int32_t));
memcpy(values+cur_index, (char*)data_buffer + cur_offset + sizeof(int32_t), sizeof(ElemType)*nnz);
memcpy(rowIndices+cur_index, (char*)data_buffer + cur_offset + sizeof(int32_t)+sizeof(ElemType)*nnz, sizeof(int32_t)*nnz);
fprintf(stderr, "%4d (%3d, %6d): ", c, nnz, cur_index + nnz);
for (int i = 0; i < nnz; i++)
fprintf(stderr, "%d:%.f ", rowIndices[cur_index+i], values[cur_index+i]);
//matrices.SetValue(rowIndices[cur_index + i], c, values[cur_index + i]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
cur_index += nnz;
colIndices[numToRead] = cur_index;
int col = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < cur_index; c++)
if (colIndices[col] == c)
fprintf(stderr, "\n%4d: ", col);
fprintf(stderr, "%d:%.f ", rowIndices[c], values[c]);
fprintf(stderr, "\nXXXX nnz: %d\n", cur_index);
fprintf(stderr, "XXXX max values read: %d vs %d\n", sizeof(ElemType)*cur_index, sizeof(ElemType)*MAX_BUFFER*numToRead);
fprintf(stderr, "XXXX max indices read: %d vs %d\n", sizeof(int32_t)*cur_index, sizeof(int32_t)*MAX_BUFFER*numToRead);
fprintf(stderr, "XXXX sizeof(int32_t) = %d, sizeof(int) = %d\n", sizeof(int32_t), sizeof(int));
values = (ElemType*)malloc(sizeof(ElemType)*MAX_BUFFER*minibatchSize);
colIndices = (int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(int32_t)*MAX_BUFFER*(minibatchSize+1));
rowIndices = (int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(int32_t)*MAX_BUFFER*minibatchSize);
matrices.SetMatrixFromCSCFormat(colIndices, rowIndices, values, cur_index, m_dim, numToRead);
//matrices.Print("actual values");
matrices.SwitchToMatrixType(MatrixType::DENSE, MatrixFormat::matrixFormatDense);
return true;
template<class ElemType>
void DSSM_BinaryInput<ElemType>::Dispose(){
if (offsets_orig != NULL){
if (data_orig != NULL)
if (offsets!= NULL)
free(offsets);// = (ElemType*)malloc(sizeof(float)* 230 * 1024);
if (values != NULL)
free(values);// = (ElemType*)malloc(sizeof(float)* 230 * 1024);
if (rowIndices != NULL){
free(rowIndices);// = (int*)malloc(sizeof(float)* 230 * 1024);
if (colIndices != NULL){
free(colIndices);// = (int*)malloc(sizeof(float)* 230 * 1024);
template<class ElemType>
bool DSSMReader<ElemType>::GetData(const std::wstring& sectionName, size_t numRecords, void* data, size_t& dataBufferSize, size_t recordStart)
if (m_cachingReader)
return m_cachingReader->GetData(sectionName, numRecords, data, dataBufferSize, recordStart);
throw runtime_error("GetData not supported in DSSMReader");
// instantiate all the combinations we expect to be used
template class DSSMReader<double>;
template class DSSMReader<float>;
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
// <copyright file="DSSMReader.h" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// DSSMReader.h - Include file for the MTK and MLF format of features and samples
#pragma once
#include "DataReader.h"
#include "DataWriter.h"
#include "DSSMParser.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "minibatchsourcehelpers.h"
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
enum LabelKind
labelNone = 0, // no labels to worry about
labelCategory = 1, // category labels, creates mapping tables
labelRegression = 2, // regression labels
labelOther = 3, // some other type of label
template<class ElemType>
class DSSM_BinaryInput {
HANDLE m_hndl;
HANDLE m_filemap;
HANDLE m_header;
HANDLE m_offsets;
HANDLE m_data;
//void* header_orig; // Don't need this since the header is at the start of the file
void* offsets_orig;
void* data_orig;
void* header_buffer;
void* offsets_buffer;
void* data_buffer;
size_t m_dim;
size_t mbSize;
size_t MAX_BUFFER = 300;
ElemType* values; // = (ElemType*)malloc(sizeof(float)* 230 * 1024);
int64_t* offsets; // = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)* 230 * 1024);
int32_t* colIndices; // = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)* (batchsize + 1));
int32_t* rowIndices; // = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)* MAX_BUFFER * batchsize);
int64_t numRows;
int32_t numCols;
int64_t totalNNz;
void Init(std::wstring fileName, size_t dim);
bool SetupEpoch( size_t minibatchSize);
bool Next_Batch(Matrix<ElemType>& matrices, int cur, int numToRead, int* ordering);
void Dispose();
template<class ElemType>
class DSSMReader : public IDataReader<ElemType>
// typedef std::string LabelType;
// typedef unsigned LabelIdType;
int* read_order; // array to shuffle to reorder the dataset
std::wstring m_featuresNameQuery;
std::wstring m_featuresNameDoc;
size_t m_featuresDimQuery;
size_t m_featuresDimDoc;
DSSM_BinaryInput<ElemType> dssm_queryInput;
DSSM_BinaryInput<ElemType> dssm_docInput;
DSSMParser<ElemType, LabelType> m_parser;
size_t m_mbSize; // size of minibatch requested
LabelIdType m_labelIdMax; // maximum label ID we have encountered so far
LabelIdType m_labelDim; // maximum label ID we will ever see (used for array dimensions)
size_t m_mbStartSample; // starting sample # of the next minibatch
size_t m_epochSize; // size of an epoch
size_t m_epoch; // which epoch are we on
size_t m_epochStartSample; // the starting sample for the epoch
size_t m_totalSamples; // number of samples in the dataset
size_t m_randomizeRange; // randomization range
size_t m_featureCount; // feature count
size_t m_readNextSample; // next sample to read
bool m_labelFirst; // the label is the first element in a line
bool m_partialMinibatch; // a partial minibatch is allowed
LabelKind m_labelType; // labels are categories, create mapping table
msra::dbn::randomordering m_randomordering; // randomizing class
std::wstring m_labelsName;
std::wstring m_featuresName;
std::wstring m_labelsCategoryName;
std::wstring m_labelsMapName;
ElemType* m_qfeaturesBuffer;
ElemType* m_dfeaturesBuffer;
ElemType* m_labelsBuffer;
LabelIdType* m_labelsIdBuffer;
std::wstring m_labelFileToWrite; // set to the path if we need to write out the label file
bool m_endReached;
int m_traceLevel;
// feature and label data are parallel arrays
std::vector<ElemType> m_featureData;
std::vector<LabelIdType> m_labelIdData;
std::vector<LabelType> m_labelData;
// map is from ElemType to LabelType
// For DSSM, we really only need an int for label data, but we have to transmit in Matrix, so use ElemType instead
std::map<LabelIdType, LabelType> m_mapIdToLabel;
std::map<LabelType, LabelIdType> m_mapLabelToId;
// caching support
DataReader<ElemType>* m_cachingReader;
DataWriter<ElemType>* m_cachingWriter;
ConfigParameters m_readerConfig;
void InitCache(const ConfigParameters& config);
size_t RandomizeSweep(size_t epochSample);
//bool Randomize() {return m_randomizeRange != randomizeNone;}
bool Randomize() { return false; }
size_t UpdateDataVariables(size_t mbStartSample);
void SetupEpoch();
void StoreLabel(ElemType& labelStore, const LabelType& labelValue);
size_t RecordsToRead(size_t mbStartSample, bool tail=false);
void ReleaseMemory();
void WriteLabelFile();
virtual bool ReadRecord(size_t readSample);
virtual void Init(const ConfigParameters& config);
virtual void Destroy();
DSSMReader() { m_qfeaturesBuffer = NULL; m_dfeaturesBuffer = NULL; m_labelsBuffer = NULL; }
virtual ~DSSMReader();
virtual void StartMinibatchLoop(size_t mbSize, size_t epoch, size_t requestedEpochSamples=requestDataSize);
virtual bool GetMinibatch(std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*>& matrices);
size_t NumberSlicesInEachRecurrentIter() { return 1 ;}
void SetNbrSlicesEachRecurrentIter(const size_t) { };
void SetSentenceEndInBatch(std::vector<size_t> &/*sentenceEnd*/){};
virtual const std::map<LabelIdType, LabelType>& GetLabelMapping(const std::wstring& sectionName);
virtual void SetLabelMapping(const std::wstring& sectionName, const std::map<LabelIdType, typename LabelType>& labelMapping);
virtual bool GetData(const std::wstring& sectionName, size_t numRecords, void* data, size_t& dataBufferSize, size_t recordStart=0);
virtual bool DataEnd(EndDataType endDataType);
@ -180,11 +180,9 @@
<ExcludedFromBuild Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">false</ExcludedFromBuild>
<ClInclude Include="..\..\Common\Include\fileutil.h" />
<ClInclude Include="minibatchsourcehelpers.h" />
<ClInclude Include="stdafx.h" />
<ClInclude Include="targetver.h" />
<ClInclude Include="DSSMReader.h" />
<ClInclude Include="DSSMParser.h" />
<ClInclude Include="DSSMReader.h" />
<ClInclude Include="minibatchsourcehelpers.h" />
<ClCompile Include="..\..\Common\ConfigFile.cpp">
@ -205,31 +203,12 @@
<PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">NotUsing</PrecompiledHeader>
<ExcludedFromBuild Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">true</ExcludedFromBuild>
<ClCompile Include="Exports.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="dllmain.cpp">
<CompileAsManaged Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">false</CompileAsManaged>
<CompileAsManaged Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">false</CompileAsManaged>
<PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">
<PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">
<CompileAsManaged Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">false</CompileAsManaged>
<CompileAsManaged Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">false</CompileAsManaged>
<PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">
<PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
<ClCompile Include="stdafx.cpp">
<PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>
<PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>
<PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>
<PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>
<ClCompile Include="DSSMReader.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="dllmain.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="DSSMParser.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="DSSMReader.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Exports.cpp" />
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">
@ -21,21 +21,6 @@
<ClCompile Include="dllmain.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="DSSMParser.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="DSSMReader.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="Exports.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="stdafx.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\..\Common\ConfigFile.cpp">
@ -51,23 +36,20 @@
<ClCompile Include="..\..\Common\fileutil.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="dllmain.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="DSSMParser.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="DSSMReader.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="Exports.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="DSSMParser.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="DSSMReader.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="minibatchsourcehelpers.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="stdafx.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="targetver.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\..\Common\Include\basetypes.h">
@ -83,5 +65,14 @@
<ClInclude Include="..\..\Common\Include\fileutil.h">
<ClInclude Include="DSSMParser.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="DSSMReader.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="minibatchsourcehelpers.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// <copyright file="Exports.cpp" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// Exports.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DataReader.h"
#include "DSSMReader.h"
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
template<class ElemType>
void DATAREADER_API GetReader(IDataReader<ElemType>** preader)
*preader = new DSSMReader<ElemType>();
extern "C" DATAREADER_API void GetReaderF(IDataReader<float>** preader)
extern "C" DATAREADER_API void GetReaderD(IDataReader<double>** preader)
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// dllmain.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
return TRUE;
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
// <copyright file="minibatchsourcehelpers.h" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// minibatchsourcehelpers.h -- helper classes for minibatch sources
#pragma once
#include "basetypes.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
namespace msra { namespace dbn {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// randomordering -- class to help manage randomization of input data
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static inline size_t rand (const size_t begin, const size_t end)
const size_t randno = ::rand() * RAND_MAX + ::rand(); // BUGBUG: still only covers 32-bit range
return begin + randno % (end - begin);
class randomordering // note: NOT thread-safe at all
// constants for randomization
const static size_t randomizeDisable=0;
typedef unsigned int INDEXTYPE; // don't use size_t, as this saves HUGE amounts of RAM
std::vector<INDEXTYPE> map; // [t] -> t' indices in randomized order
size_t currentseed; // seed for current sequence
size_t randomizationrange; // t - randomizationrange/2 <= t' < t + randomizationrange/2 (we support this to enable swapping)
// special values (randomizeDisable)
void invalidate() { currentseed = (size_t) -1; }
randomordering() { invalidate(); randomizationrange = randomizeDisable;}
void resize (size_t len, size_t p_randomizationrange) { randomizationrange = p_randomizationrange; if (len > 0) map.resize (len); invalidate(); }
// return the randomized feature bounds for a time range
std::pair<size_t,size_t> bounds (size_t ts, size_t te) const
size_t tbegin = max (ts, randomizationrange/2) - randomizationrange/2;
size_t tend = min (te + randomizationrange/2, map.size());
return std::make_pair<size_t,size_t> (move(tbegin), move(tend));
// this returns the map directly (read-only) and will lazily initialize it for a given seed
const std::vector<INDEXTYPE> & operator() (size_t seed) //throw()
// if wrong seed then lazily recache the sequence
if (seed != currentseed && randomizationrange != randomizeDisable)
// test for numeric overflow
if (map.size()-1 != (INDEXTYPE) (map.size()-1))
throw std::runtime_error ("randomordering: INDEXTYPE has too few bits for this corpus");
// 0, 1, 2...
foreach_index (t, map) map[t] = (INDEXTYPE) t;
if (map.size() > RAND_MAX * (size_t) RAND_MAX)
throw std::runtime_error ("randomordering: too large training set: need to change to different random generator!");
srand ((unsigned int) seed);
size_t retries = 0;
foreach_index (t, map)
for (int tries = 0; tries < 5; tries++)
// swap current pos with a random position
// Random positions are limited to t+randomizationrange.
// This ensures some locality suitable for paging with a sliding window.
const size_t tbegin = max ((size_t) t, randomizationrange/2) - randomizationrange/2; // range of window --TODO: use bounds() function above
const size_t tend = min (t + randomizationrange/2, map.size());
assert (tend >= tbegin); // (guard against potential numeric-wraparound bug)
const size_t trand = rand (tbegin, tend); // random number within windows
assert ((size_t) t <= trand + randomizationrange/2 && trand < (size_t) t + randomizationrange/2);
// if range condition is fulfilled then swap
if (trand <= map[t] + randomizationrange/2 && map[t] < trand + randomizationrange/2
&& (size_t) t <= map[trand] + randomizationrange/2 && map[trand] < (size_t) t + randomizationrange/2)
::swap (map[t], map[trand]);
// but don't multi-swap stuff out of its range (for swapping positions that have been swapped before)
// instead, try again with a different random number
fprintf (stderr, "randomordering: %d retries for %d elements (%.1f%%) to ensure window condition\n", retries, map.size(), 100.0 * retries / map.size());
// ensure the window condition
foreach_index (t, map) assert ((size_t) t <= map[t] + randomizationrange/2 && map[t] < (size_t) t + randomizationrange/2);
#if 0 // and a live check since I don't trust myself here yet
foreach_index (t, map) if (!((size_t) t <= map[t] + randomizationrange/2 && map[t] < (size_t) t + randomizationrange/2))
fprintf (stderr, "randomordering: windowing condition violated %d -> %d\n", t, map[t]);
throw std::logic_error ("randomordering: windowing condition violated");
#if 0 // test whether it is indeed a unique complete sequence
auto map2 = map;
::sort (map2.begin(), map2.end());
foreach_index (t, map2) assert (map2[t] == (size_t) t);
fprintf (stderr, "randomordering: recached sequence for seed %d: %d, %d, ...\n", (int) seed, (int) map[0], (int) map[1]);
currentseed = seed;
return map; // caller can now access it through operator[]
size_t CurrentSeed() {return currentseed;}
typedef unsigned short CLASSIDTYPE; // type to store state ids; don't use size_t --saves HUGE amounts of RAM
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