Initial DevInstall version
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
This directory contains different scripts to support CNTK.
This directory contains different scripts to support CNTK.
## CNTK Binary Installers
The directory `install` contains scripts which are used in the CNTK binary download to install
CNTK on a users system. They are not intended to run from this location in the repository.
CNTK on a users system. They are NOT intended to run from this location in the repository.
* `install/windows` - A script for installing a Windows CNTK *binary* drop, cf. [here](
* `install/linux` - A script for installing a Linux CNTK *binary* drop, cf. [here](
## CNTK Development Environment Installer
The directory `devInstall` contains scripts which are used to create setup an environment to build CNTK from source. They are intended to run from this location in the repository.
* `devInstall/Windows` - Create a Visual Studio based development environment on Windows
## CNTK Text format Converters
Two Python Scripts for converting Data to CNTK Text format for using as an input for CNTK Text Format
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
Use this cmdlet to install a CNTK development environment on your machine
The script will download and install the files necessary to create a CNTK development environment on your system.
It will analyse your machine and will determine which components are required.
The required components will be downloaded in [c:\installCacheCntk]
Repeated operation of this script will reuse already downloaded components.
This is an optional parameter. Without setting this switch, no changes to the machine setup/installation will be performed
This is an optional parameter. By setting this switch the GPU specific tools (Cuda, CuDnn, Cub) will not be installed.
.PARAMETER localCache
This optional parameter can be used to specify the directory downloaded components will be stored in
.PARAMETER ServerLocation
This is an optional parameter. The script can install pre-compiled components, this parameter
specifies the location on a server where this componentents are downloaded from.
This is useful for a team environment to share the components which need to get compiled (Protobuf, Zlib, libzip)
.PARAMETER CloneDirectory
By default the installer should be executed out of the <CntkCloneRoot>\Scripts\devInstall\Windows directory. Out of this
location the installer computes the root directory of the CNTK clone. In the case the installer is in a different location,
the root directory of the CNTK clone can be specified using this parameter
Run the installer and see what operations would be performed
installer.ps1 -Execute
Run the installer and install the development tools
installer.ps1 -Execute -NoGpu
Run the installer, but don't install any GPU specific tools
installer.ps1 -Execute -NoGpu -CloneDirectory c:\repos\CNTKAlternate
Run the installer, but don't install any GPU specific tools
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Execute,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $NoGpu,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $localCache = "c:\installCacheCntk",
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $InstallLocation = "c:\local",
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $ServerLocation,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $CloneDirectory)
$Execute = $true
$roboCopyCmd = "robocopy.exe"
$localDir = $InstallLocation
# Get the current script's directory and Dot-source the a file with common Powershell script function residing in the the current script's directory
$MyDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
if ($CloneDirectory) {
$reponame = Split-Path $CloneDirectory -Leaf
$repositoryRootDir = Split-Path $CloneDirectory
$solutionfile = join-path $clontDirectory "CNTK.SLN"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $solutionFile -PathType Leaf)) {
Write-Warning "[$CloneDirectory] was specified as the location of the CNTK sourcecode directory."
Write-Warning "The specified directory is not a valid clone of the CNTK Github project."
throw "Terminating install operation"
else {
$CloneDirectory = Split-Path $mydir
$CloneDirectory = Split-Path $CloneDirectory
$CloneDirectory = Split-Path $CloneDirectory
$reponame = Split-Path $CloneDirectory -Leaf
$repositoryRootDir = Split-Path $CloneDirectory
$solutionfile = join-path $CloneDirectory "CNTK.SLN"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $solutionFile -PathType Leaf)) {
Write-Warning "The install script was started out of the [$mydir] location. Based on this"
Write-Warning "[$CloneDirectory] should be the location of the CNTK sourcecode directory."
Write-Warning "The specified directory is not a valid clone of the CNTK Github project."
throw "Terminating install operation"
. "$MyDir\helper\Display"
. "$MyDir\helper\Common"
. "$MyDir\helper\Operations"
. "$MyDir\helper\Verification"
. "$MyDir\helper\Download"
. "$MyDir\helper\Action"
. "$MyDir\helper\PreRequisites"
Function main
try { if (-not (DisplayStart)) {
Write-Host " ... Quitting ... "
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $localCache)) {
new-item -Path $localcache -ItemType Container -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
$operation = @();
$operation += OpScanProgram
$operation += OpCheckVS15Update3
if (-not $NoGpu) {
$operation += OpCheckCuda8
$operation += OpNVidiaCudnn5180 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpNvidiaCub141 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpCMake362 -cache $localCache
$operation += OpMSMPI70 -cache $localCache
$operation += OpMSMPI70SDK -cache $localCache
$operation += OpBoost160VS15 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpCNTKMKL3 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpSwig3010 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpProtoBuf310VS15 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpZlibVS15 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
if ($ServerLocation) {
$operation += OpProtoBuf310VS15Internal -server $ServerLocation -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpZLibVS15Internal -server $ServerLocation -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpAnaconda3411 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpAnacondaEnv34 -targetFolder $localDir -repoDir $repositoryRootDir -repoName $reponame
#$operation += OpGit2101 -cache $localCache
#$operation += OpGitClone -targetFolder $repositoryRootDir -targetDir $reponame
#$operation += OpSysinternals -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
#$operation += OpOpenCVInternal $ServerLocation -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
#$operation += OpOpenCV31 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
#$operation += OpCygwin -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
#$operation += AddOpDisableJITDebug
#$operation += OpTestData "c:\Data\CNTKTestData" "\\\public\CNTKTestData"
#$operation += OpSysinternals -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operationList = @()
$operationList += (VerifyOperations $operation)
PreReqOperations $operationList
if (DisplayAfterVerify $operationList) {
DownloadOperations $operationList
ActionOperations $operationList
catch {
Write-Host "Exception caught - function main / failure"
Write-Host ($Error[0]).Exception
exit 0
# vim:set expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2:
@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
function ActionOperations(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][array] $actionList)
Write-Host "Performing install operations"
foreach ($item in $actionList) {
if ($item.ActionInfo) {
Write-Host $item.ActionInfo
foreach ($actionItem in $item.Action) {
ActionItem $actionItem
Write-Host "Install operations finished"
function ActionItem(
[hashtable] $item)
$func = $item["Function"]
$expr = $func +' $item'
Write-Verbose "Calling Operation: [$func]"
Invoke-Expression $expr
function InstallExeForPlatform(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$platform = $table["Platform"]
if (PlatformMatching $platform) {
InstallExe $table
function InstallExe(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$cmd = $table["Command"]
$param= $table["Param"]
$dir = $table["WorkDir"]
$processWait = $table["ProcessWait"]
$message = $table["message"]
$runAs = GetTableDefaultBool -table $table -entryName "runAs" -defaultValue $true
$maxErrorLevel = GetTableDefaultInt -table $table -entryName "maxErrorLevel" -defaultValue 0
if ($message -ne $null) {
Write-Host $message
if ($dir -eq $null) {
DoProcess -doExecute $Execute -command $cmd -param $param -requiresRunAs $runAs -maxErrorLevel $maxErrorLevel -throwOnError $true
else {
DoProcess -doExecute $Execute -command $cmd -param $param -requiresRunAs $runAs -workingDir $dir -maxErrorLevel $maxErrorLevel -throwOnError $true
if ( ($processWait -ne $null) -and ($Execute) -and ($false) ) {
do {
start-sleep 20
$pwait = Get-Process $processWait -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} while (-not ($pwait -eq $null))
function InstallYml(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$basePath = $table["BasePath"]
$env= $table["Env"]
$ymlFile = $table["ymlFile"]
$envsDir = join-path $basePath "envs"
$targetDir = join-path $envsDir $env
if (test-path -path $targetDir -PathType Container) {
$newTable = @{ Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$basepath\Scripts\conda.exe"; Param = "env update --file $ymlFile --name $targetDir"; WorkDir = "$basePath\Scripts"; runAs=$false }
else {
$newTable = @{ Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$basepath\Scripts\conda.exe"; Param = "env create --file $ymlFile --prefix $targetDir"; WorkDir = "$basePath\Scripts"; runAs=$false }
InstallExe $newTable
function ExecuteApplication(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$appName = $table["AppName"]
$param= $table["Param"]
$dir = $table["WorkDir"]
$appDir = GetTableDefaultString -table $table -entryName "AppDir" -defaultValue [string]::Empty
$usePath = GetTableDefaultBool -table $table -entryName "UseEnvPath" -defaultValue $false
$maxErrorLevel = GetTableDefaultInt -table $table -entryName "maxErrorLevel" -defaultValue 0
if (-not $Execute) {
Write-Host "** Running in DEMOMODE - setting Exit Code **: 0"
$application = ResolveApplicationName $appName $appDir $usePath
if ($application.Length -eq 0) {
throw "ExecuteApplication: Couldn't resolve program [$appName] with location directory [$appDir] and usePath [$usePath]"
if ($dir -eq $null) {
DoProcess -doExecute $Execute -command $application -param $param -maxErrorLevel $maxErrorLevel -throwOnError $true
else {
DoProcess -doExecute $Execute -command $application -param $param -workingDir $dir -maxErrorLevel $maxErrorLevel -throwOnError $true
function InstallWheel(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$BasePath = $table["BasePath"]
$EnvName = $table["EnvName"]
$whl = $table["whl"]
$message = $table["message"]
$whlDirectory = $table["WheelDirectory"]
Write-Host $message
if (-not $Execute) {
Write-Host "** Running in DEMOMODE - setting Exit Code **: 0"
$condaExe = Join-Path $BasePath 'Scripts\conda.exe'
$newPaths = Invoke-DosCommand $condaExe (Write-Output ..activate cmd.exe $EnvName) -maxErrorLevel 0
$oldPath = $env:PATH
$env:PATH = $newPaths + ';' + $env:PATH
Invoke-DosCommand pip (Write-Output install $whl) -maxErrorLevel 0
$env:PATH = $oldPath
function InstallMSI(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$msi = $table["MsiName"]
$dir = $table["MsiDir"]
$cmd = "c:\Windows\System32\MSIEXEC.EXE"
$param= "/i $dir\$msi /quiet /norestart"
DoProcess -doExecute $Execute -command $cmd -param "$param" -requiresRunAs $true -maxErrorLevel 0 -throwOnError $true
function MakeDirectory(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$path = $table["Path"]
if (-not (test-path -path $path)) {
if ($Execute) {
New-Item $path -type directory | Out-Null
function RobocopyFromLocalCache(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
$source = $table["Source"]
$destination = $table["Destination"]
RobocopySourceDestination $source $destination
function RobocopySourceDestination(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $source,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $destination,
[bool] $copyAdditive=$false)
if (-not (test-path $source -PathType Any)) {
throw SourceDirectory [$source] is missing
$option = "/NFL /copy:DT /dcopy:D /xj"
if (-not $copyAdditive) {
$option += " /MIR "
$param = "$source $destination $option"
DoProcess -doExecute $Execute -command $roboCopyCmd -param $param -maxErrorLevel 8 -throwOnError $true
function SetEnvironmentVariable(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$name = $table["EnvVar"]
$content = $table["Content"]
$location = "Machine"
if (-not $Execute) {
else {
$demoMessage = ""
if ($demoMessage.Length -gt 0) {
Write-Verbose "$demoMessage[$func]: [$name] = [$content] in [$location]"
SetEnvVar -name "$name" -content "$content"
function AddToPath(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$dir = $table["Dir"]
$atStart = $table["AtStart"]
$env = $table["env"]
if ($env.Length -eq 0) {
$env = "PATH"
$pathValue = [environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($env, "Machine")
if ($pathValue -eq $null) {
$pathValue = ""
$pv = $pathValue.ToLower()
$ap = $dir.ToLower()
if ($pv.Contains("$ap")) {
Write-Verbose "AddToPath - path information already up-to-date"
Write-Verbose "Adding [$dir] to environment [$env]"
if ($atStart) {
$pathvalue = "$dir;$pathvalue"
else {
$pathvalue = "$pathvalue;$dir"
if ($Execute) {
SetEnvVar -name $env -content "$pathvalue"
function ExtractAllFromZipForPlatform(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$platform = $table["Platform"]
if (PlatformMatching $platform) {
ExtractAllFromZip $table
function ExtractAllFromZip(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$zipFileName = $table["zipFileName"]
$destination = $table["destination"]
$destinationFolder = $table["destinationFolder"]
$zipSubTree = $table["zipSubTree"]
$copyAdditive = GetTableDefaultBool -table $table -entryName "AddToDirectory" -defaultValue $false
Write-Verbose "ExtractAllFromZip: zipFileName [$zipFileName] destination [$destination] Folder [$destinationFolder]"
if (-not $Execute) {
$completeDestination = join-path -Path $destination -ChildPath $destinationFolder
if (-not (test-path -path $completeDestination)) {
new-item $completeDestination -type directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
if (-not (test-path $zipFileName -PathType Leaf)) {
throw "ExtractAllFromZip: zipFileName [$zipFileName] not found!"
$tempDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName();
remove-item $tempDir | Out-Null
$completeTempDestination = join-path -Path $tempDir -ChildPath $destinationFolder
new-item -type directory -path $completeTempDestination -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
if ($Execute) {
$obj = new-object -com shell.application
$zipFile = $obj.NameSpace($zipFileName)
$destinationNS = $obj.NameSpace($completeTempDestination)
if ($zipSubTree -ne $null) {
$completeTempDestination = join-path $completeTempDestination $zipSubTree
RobocopySourceDestination $completeTempDestination $completeDestination $copyAdditive
rm -r tempDir -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
function ExtractAllFromTarGz(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$sourceFile = $table["SourceFile"]
$targzFileName = $table["TargzFileName"]
$destination = $table["destination"]
Write-Verbose "ExtractAllFromTarGz: targzFileName [$targzFileName] destination [$destination] in TargetFolder [$targetfolder]"
if (-not $Execute) {
$appDir = join-path $env:ProgramFiles "git\usr\bin"
$tarApp = "tar.exe"
if (-not (test-path -path "$appDir\$tarApp" -PathType Leaf)) {
throw "Unpacking the file [$targzFileName] requires extraction utility [$appDir\$tarApp].\n The utility wasn't found"
Copy-Item $sourceFile "$destination\$targzFileName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$dosCommand = @"
set path="$appDir";%PATH% & tar.exe -xz --force-local -f "$destination\$targzFileName" -C "$destination"
& cmd /c $dosCommand
if ($LASTEXITCODE -gt 0) {
throw "Running [$appDir\tar.exe] Command failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE"
Remove-Item "$destination\$targzFileName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function CreateBatch(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$filename = $table["Filename"]
if (-not $Execute) {
Write-Host "Create-Batch [$filename]:No-Execute flag. No file created"
Remove-Item -Path $filename -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$batchScript = @"
@echo off
if /I "%CMDCMDLINE%" neq ""%COMSPEC%" " (
echo Please execute this script from inside a regular Windows command prompt.
exit /b 0
set PATH=$cntkRootDir\cntk;%PATH%
"$AnacondaBasePath\Scripts\activate" "$AnacondaBasePath\envs\cntk-py34"
add-content -Path $filename -Encoding Ascii -Value $batchScript
function SetRegistryKey(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$key = $table["key"]
$elevated = $table["Elevated"]
if ($Execute) {
$result = Test-Path -Path $key
if (-not $result) {
Write-Verbose "[$func]: [$key] will be created"
if ($elevated) {
$commandString = "& { new-item -Path '$key' }"
RunPowershellCommand -command "$commandString" -elevated $true -maxErrorLevel 0
else {
new-item -Path $key
function SetRegistryKeyNameData(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$key = $table["key"]
$regName = $table["RegName"]
$data = $table["data"]
$dataType = $table["dataType"]
$elevated = GetTableDefaultBool -table $table -entryName "Elevated" -defaultValue $true
if ($Execute) {
$tab = @{Function = "SetRegistryKey"; Key=$key; Elevated=$elevated}
SetRegistryKey $tab
Write-Verbose "[$func]: [$key]:[$regName] will be set to [$dataType]:[$data]"
$commandString = "& { set-itemproperty -path '$key' -name '$regName' -Type $dataType -Value $data }"
RunPowershellCommand -command "$commandString" -elevated $elevated -maxErrorLevel 0
#if ($elevated) {
# $commandString = "& { set-itemproperty -path '$key' -name '$regName' -Type $dataType -Value $data }"
# RunPowershellCommand -command "$commandString" -elevated $true -maxErrorLevel 0
#else {
# set-itemproperty -path '$key' -name '$regName' -Type $dataType -Value $data
function CreateBuildProtobufBatch(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$filename = $table["FileName"]
$sourceDir = $table["SourceDir"]
$targetDir = $table["TargetDir"]
if ($Execute) {
Remove-Item -Path $filename -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$batchScript = GetBatchBuildProtoBuf $sourceDir $targetDir
add-content -Path $filename -Encoding Ascii -Value $batchScript
function CreateBuildZlibBatch(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$filename = $table["FileName"]
$zlibSourceDir = $table["zlibSourceDir"]
$libzipSourceDir = $table["libzipSourceDir"]
$targetDir = $table["TargetDir"]
if ($Execute) {
Remove-Item -Path $filename -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$batchScript = GetBatchBuildZlibBuf $zlibSourceDir $libzipSourceDir $targetDir
add-content -Path $filename -Encoding Ascii -Value $batchScript
function DoProcess(
[bool] $doExecute = $false,
[string] $command,
[string] $param,
[string] $workingDir = "",
[boolean] $requiresRunAs = $false,
[int] $maxErrorLevel = 0,
[bool] $throwOnError = $true)
Write-Verbose "start-process [$command] with [$param]"
if (-not $DoExecute) {
Write-Host "DEMOMODE - setting Exit Code: 0"
if ($workingDir.Length -eq 0) {
if ($requiresRunAs) {
$process = start-process -FilePath "$command" -ArgumentList "$param" -Wait -PassThru -Verb runas
else {
$process = start-process -FilePath "$command" -ArgumentList "$param" -Wait -PassThru
else {
if ($requiresRunAs) {
$process = start-process -FilePath "$command" -ArgumentList "$param" -Wait -PassThru -Verb runas -WorkingDirectory "$workingDir"
else {
$process = start-process -FilePath "$command" -ArgumentList "$param" -Wait -PassThru -WorkingDirectory "$workingDir"
$eCode = ($process.ExitCode)
if (-not $throwOnError) {
if ($ecode -gt $maxErrorLevel) {
Write-Verbose "Running [start-process $commandString $param] failed with exit code [$ecode]"
if ($ecode -gt $maxErrorLevel) {
throw "Running [start-process $commandString $param] failed with exit code [$ecode]"
function SetEnvVar(
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $name,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $content,
[string] $location = "Machine")
Write-Verbose "SetEnvVar [$name] with [$content]"
if ($Execute) {
$commandString = "& { [environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('"+$name+"', '"+$content+"', '"+$location+"') }"
RunPowershellCommand -command "$commandString" -elevated $true -maxErrorLevel 0
function RunPowershellCommand(
[string] $commandString,
[boolean] $elevated,
[int] $maxErrorLevel)
$commandBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($commandString)
$encodedCommand = [Convert]::ToBase64String($commandBytes)
$commandLine = "-NoProfile -EncodedCommand $encodedCommand"
if ($elevated) {
$process = Start-Process -PassThru -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList $commandLine -wait -verb runas
else {
$process = Start-Process -PassThru -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList $commandLine -wait
$eCode = ($process.ExitCode)
if ($ecode -gt $maxErrorLevel) {
throw "Running 'powershell.exe $commandString' failed with exit code [$ecode]"
function Invoke-DosCommand {
[ValidateScript({ Get-Command $_ })]
[string] $Command,
[string[]] $Argument,
[string] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -PathType Container $_ })] $WorkingDirectory,
[int] $maxErrorLevel,
[switch] $SuppressOutput
Write-Verbose "Running '$Command $Argument'"
if ($WorkingDirectory) {
Push-Location $WorkingDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
if ($SuppressOutput) {
$null = & $Command $Argument 2>&1
} else {
& $Command $Argument
if ($WorkingDirectory) {
if ($LASTEXITCODE -gt $maxErrorLevel) {
throw "Running DOS Command '$Command $Argument' failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE"
function ResolveApplicationName(
[string] $name,
[string] $directory,
[bool] $usePath)
$application = ""
if ($directory.Length -gt 0) {
$application = CallGetCommand (join-path $directory $name)
if ($application.Length -eq 0) {
if ($usePath) {
# we are at this point if we are supposed to check in the path environment for a match and
# $directory was empty or we couldn't find it in the $directory
$application = CallGetCommand $name
# application will be an empty string if we couldn't resolve the name, otherwise we can execute $application
return $application
function CallGetCommand(
[string] $application)
try {
get-command $application -CommandType Application -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
return $application
catch {
# the application can't be found, so return empty string
return ""
function GetBatchBuildProtoBuf(
[string] $sourceDir,
[string] $targetDir)
$batchscript = @"
@SET VCDIRECTORY=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0
@echo This will build Protobuf-3.1.0
@echo ------------------------------
@echo The configured settings for the batch file:
@echo Visual Studio directory: %VCDIRECTORY%
@echo Protobuf source directory: %SOURCEDIR%
@echo Protobuf target directory: %TARGETDIR%
@echo Please edit the batch file if this doesn't match your directory layout!
@call "%VCDIRECTORY%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
@pushd %SOURCEDIR%
@cd cmake
@md build && cd build
@md debug && cd debug
@nmake install
@cd ..
@md release && cd release
@nmake install
@cd ..
return $batchscript
function GetBatchBuildZlibBuf(
[string] $zlibSourceDir,
[string] $libzipSourceDir,
[string] $targetDir)
$batchscript = @"
@SET VCDIRECTORY=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0
@SET CMAKEGEN="Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
@echo This will build ZLib using Visual Studio 2015
@echo ---------------------------------------------
@echo The configured settings for the batch file:
@echo Visual Studio directory: %VCDIRECTORY%
@echo CMake Generator: %CMAKEGEN%
@echo LibZip source directory: %LIBZIPSOURCEDIR%
@echo Zlib source directory: %ZLIBSOURCEDIR%
@echo Zlib-VS15 target directory: %TARGETDIR%
@echo Please edit the batch file if this doesn't match your directory layout!
@call "%VCDIRECTORY%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
@mkdir build
@cd build
@msbuild /P:Configuration=Release INSTALL.vcxproj
@md build
@cd build
@msbuild libzip.sln /t:zip /P:Configuration=Release
@cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=Release -P cmake_install.cmake
return $batchscript
function GetCygwinBashScript
$batchscript = @"
easy_install-2.7 pip
pip install six
pip install pytest
return $batchscript
# vim:set expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2:
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
function GetTableDefaultBool(
[hashtable] $table,
[string] $entryName,
[bool] $defaultValue
if ($table[$entryName] -eq $null) {
return $defaultValue
return $table[$entryName]
function GetTableDefaultString(
[hashtable] $table,
[string] $entryName,
[string] $defaultValue
if ($table[$entryName] -eq $null) {
return $defaultValue
return $table[$entryName]
function GetTableDefaultInt(
[hashtable] $table,
[string] $entryName,
[int] $defaultValue
if ($table[$entryName] -eq $null) {
return $defaultValue
return $table[$entryName]
# vim:set expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2:
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
function FunctionIntro(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
$table | Out-String | Write-Verbose
function GetKey(
[string] $validChar
do {
$key = Read-Host
} until ($key -match $validChar)
return $key
function DisplayStartMessage
This script will setup the CNTK v2 Development Environment on your machine.
More help is given by calling get-help .\devInstall.ps1
The script will analyse your machine and will determine which components are required.
The required components will be downloaded into [$localCache]
Repeated operation of this script will reuse already downloaded components.
function DisplayVersionWarningMessage(
[string] $version)
You are executing this script from Powershell Version $version.
We recommend that you execute the script from Powershell Version 4 or later. You can install Powershell Version 4 from:
function DisplayWarningNoExecuteMessage
The parameter '-Execute' hasn't be supplied to the script.
The script will execute withouth making any actual changes to the machine!
function DisplayStartContinueMessage
1 - I agree and want to continue
Q - Quit the installation process
function CheckPowershellVersion
$psVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
if ($psVersion -ge 4) {
return $true
Write-Warning $(DisplayVersionWarningMessage $psVersion)
if ($psVersion -eq 3) {
return $true
return $false
function CheckOSVersion
$runningOn = (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
$isMatching = ($runningOn -match "^Microsoft Windows (8\.1|10|Server 2012 R2|Server 2016)")
if (-not $isMatching) {
Write-Warning "
You are running the this install script on [$runningOn].
The Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit is designed and tested on Windows 8.1, Windows 10,
Windows Server 2012 R2, and Windows Server 2016.
function DisplayStart()
Write-Host $(DisplayStartMessage)
if (-not (CheckPowershellVersion)) {
return $false
if (-not $Execute) {
Write-Warning $(DisplayWarningNoExecuteMessage)
Write-Host $(DisplayStartContinueMessage)
$choice = GetKey '^[1qQ]+$'
if ($choice -contains "1") {
return $true
return $false
Function DisplayEnd()
function DisplayAfterVerify(
[array] $list = @())
if ($list.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Host "The following operations will be performed:"
foreach ($item in $list) {
$info = $item.ActionInfo
Write-Host " * $info"
if (-not $Execute) {
Write-Warning $(DisplayWarningNoExecuteMessage)
Write-Host "Do you want to continue? (y/n)"
$choice = GetKey '^[yYnN]+$'
if ($choice -contains "y") {
return $true
else {
Write-Host "No additional installation required"
return $false
# vim:set expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2:
@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
function DownloadOperations(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][array] $downloadList)
Write-Host "Performing download operations"
foreach ($item in $downloadList) {
foreach ($downloadItem in $item.Download) {
DownloadItem $downloadItem
Write-Host "Download operations finished"
function DownloadItem(
[hashtable] $item
$func = $item["Function"]
$expr = $func +' $item'
Write-Verbose "Calling Operation: [$func]"
$result = Invoke-Expression $expr
function DownloadForPlatform(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$platform = $table["Platform"]
if (PlatformMatching $platform) {
Download $table
function Download(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$source = $table["Source"]
$method = GetTableDefaultString -table $table -entryName "Method" -defaultValue "WebRequest"
$destination = $table["Destination"]
$ExpectedSize = GetTableDefaultInt -table $table -entryName "ExpectedSize" -defaultValue 0
if (test-path $destination -PathType Leaf) {
Write-Host File [$destination] already exists
if ($method -eq "WebRequest") {
DownloadFileWebRequest -SourceFile $source -OutFile $destination -ExpectedSize $ExpectedSize
else {
DownloadFile -SourceFile $source -OutFile $destination
function LocalCopyFile(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$source = $table["Source"]
$destination = $table["Destination"]
if (-not $Execute) {
Write-Host "$message ** Running in DEMOMODE - no download performed"
return $true
if (test-path $destination -PathType Leaf) {
Write-Host File [$destination] already exists
if (-not (test-path $source -PathType Leaf)) {
throw "Sourcefile [$source] is missing"
Write-Host Copying [$source] to local disk ...
new-item $destination -type File -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
copy-Item $source $destination -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function RobocopyFromServer(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
$source = $table["Source"]
$destination = $table["Destination"]
$source = $LocalServer+"\$source"
if (-not (test-path $source)) {
throw "SourceDirectory [$source] is missing"
$option = "/MIR /NFL /copy:DT /dcopy:D /xj"
$param = "$source $destination $option"
DoProcess -command $roboCopyCmd -param "$param" -IgnoreNonZeroExitCode $true
function NotImplemented(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
throw "Call to function 'NotImplemented' "
function DownloadAndExtract(
[string] $tPath,
[string] $sAddress,
[string] $fileName,
[string] $targetPathRoot
$outFileName = Join-Path $tPath $fileName
DownloadFile -SourceFile $sAddress `
-OutFile $outFileName `
-tempFileName $fileName
Write-Host Extracting into targetpath
ExtractAllFromZip $outFileName $targetPathRoot
function DownloadFileWebRequest (
[string] $SourceFile,
[string] $OutFile,
[int] $ExpectedSize)
Write-Host "Downloading [$SourceFile], please be patient...."
if (-not $Execute) {
Write-Host "$message ** Running in DEMOMODE - no download performed"
return $true
if (test-path -path $outFile) {
Write-Host "File [$outFile] already exists"
return $true
$TempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
try {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $SourceFile -OutFile $TempFile -TimeoutSec 120
catch {
$errorCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__
Remove-Item -path $TempFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
throw "Download $SourceFile Failed! WebRequest reported errorCode: [$errorCode]"
# we now have the temporary file
if (($ExpectedSize -gt 0) -and (Test-Path $TempFile)) {
$fileSize = (Get-Item $TempFile).length
if (-not ($fileSize -eq $ExpectedSize)) {
Remove-Item -path $TempFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
throw "Size of downloaded file [$fileSize] not matching expected filesize [$ExpectedSize] for $sourceFile"
new-item $outFile -type File -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
move-Item $TempFile $OutFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $OutFile)) {
throw "Download $SourceFile Failed!"
# we have a file with our expected filename, we are in good shape and ready to report success
# in case the above rename failed, but the target file exist, we clean up a possible dangling TempFile
# no need to check if this file is really there. we don't care if it succeeds or not
Remove-Item -path $TempFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function DownloadFile(
[string] $SourceFile,
[string] $OutFile,
[int] $timeout = 600,
[int] $maxtry = 5)
# the scriptblock to invoke a web-request
$sb ={
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($uri,$outfile)
$startTime = Get-Date
Write-Host "Downloading [$SourceFile], please be patient...."
if (-not $Execute) {
Write-Host "$message ** Running in DEMOMODE - no download performed"
$TempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
for ($count=1; $count -le $maxtry; $count +=1) {
if ($count -gt 1) {
Write-Host "Iteration [$count] of [$maxtry]"
if ($count -gt 1) {
start-sleep -Seconds 5
if (Test-Path -Path $TempFile) {
# the file we temporary use as a download cache could exist
# if it does, we remove it and terminate if this fails
Remove-Item -path $TempFile -ErrorAction Stop
if (test-path -path $outFile) {
Write-Host "File [$outFile] already exists"
$job = start-job -scriptblock $sb -ArgumentList $sourceFile, $TempFile
Wait-Job $job -Timeout $timeout
$jState = $job.State.ToUpper()
$jStart = $job.PSBeginTime
$jEnd = $job.PSEndTime
$jError = $job.ChildJobs[0].Error
$current = Get-Date
switch ($jState) {
if ($jError.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Verbose "End binary download!"
Remove-Job $job -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# we now have the temporary file, we need to rename it
new-item $outFile -type File -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
move-Item $TempFile $OutFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (Test-Path -Path $OutFile) {
# we have a file with our expected filename, we are in good shape and ready to report success
# in case the above rename failed, but the target file exist, we clean up a possible dangling TempFile
# no need to check if this file is really there. we don't care if it succeeds or not
Remove-Item -path $TempFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# we got here because we finished the job, but some operation failed (i.e. the rename above. we can just try again)
Write-Verbose "Job completed but rename operation failed, retrying..."
Write-Host "Job Completed with Error: [$jStart] to [$current]"
Write-Host $jError
Write-Host "Job Timeout: [$jStart] to [$current]"
$current = Get-Date
Write-Host "Job Failed: [$jStart] to [$current]"
Write-Host "Error: $jError"
default {
Write-Host "Job State: [$Error] - [$jStart] to [$current]"
Remove-Job $job -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
throw "Download $SourceFile Failed!"
function PlatformMatching(
[string] $regExprPlatform)
$runningOn = ((Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption).ToUpper()
$isMatching = ($runningOn -match $regExprPlatform)
Write-Verbose "Function [PlatformMatching]: $runningOn -match on platform [$regExprPlatform] = [$isMatching]"
return $isMatching
# vim:set expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2:
@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
function OpAnaconda3411(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "Anaconda3-4.1.1"
$prodFile = "Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64.exe"
$prodSubDir = "Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$downloadSource = ""
$downloadSize = 370055720
@( @{ShortName = "ANA3-411"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath; } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Method = "WebRequest"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSize } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\$prodFile"; Param = "/InstallationType=JustMe /AddToPath=0 /RegisterPython=0 /S /D=$targetPath"; runAs=$false; Message = ".... This will take some time. Please be patient ...." } );
} )
function OpAnacondaEnv34(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $repoDir,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $reponame)
$prodName = "Python 3.4 Environment"
$prodSubDir = "Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envName = "cntkdev-py34"
$envDir = "envs\$envName"
$envVar = "CNTK_PY34_PATH";
$envValue = join-path $targetPath $envDir
$ymlDirectory = join-path $repoDir $repoName
$ymlDirectory = join-path $ymlDirectory "scripts\install\windows"
@{ ShortName = "PYENV34"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Creating $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyRunAlways" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallYml"; BasePath = $targetPath; Env = $envName; ymlFile= "$ymlDirectory\conda-windows-cntk-py34-environment.yml" },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar= $envVar; Content = $envValue } )
function OpBoost160(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "Boost 1.60.0"
$prodFile = "boost_1_60_0-msvc-12.0-64.exe"
$prodSubDir = "boost_1_60_0"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{Name = $prodName; ShortName = "BOOST160"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = "BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH"; Content = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = "BOOST_LIB_PATH"; Content = "$targetPath\lib64-msvc-12.0" } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = "BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH"; Content = "$targetPath" },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = "BOOST_LIB_PATH"; Content = "$targetPath\lib64-msvc-12.0" },
@{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\$prodFile"; Param = "/dir=$targetPath /SP- /SILENT /NORESTART"; runAs=$false } );
} )
function OpBoost160VS15(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "Boost 1.60.0"
$prodFile = "boost_1_60_0-msvc-14.0-64.exe"
$prodSubDir = "boost_1_60_0-msvc-14.0"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$downloadSource = ""
$envVarLib = "BOOST_LIB_PATH"
$envContentLib = "$targetPath\lib64-msvc-14.0"
@( @{Name = $prodName; ShortName = "BOOST160VS15"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVarLib; Content = $envContentLib } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $targetPath },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVarLib; Content = $envContentLib },
@{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\$prodFile"; Param = "/dir=$targetPath /SP- /SILENT /NORESTART"; runAs=$false } );
} )
function OpCMake362(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$prodName = "CMake 3.6.2"
$targetPath = join-path $env:ProgramFiles "cmake\bin"
$cmakeName = "cmake-3.6.2-win64-x64.msi"
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "CMake362"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductExists"; Match = "^CMake$"; Version = "3.6.2" } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$cmakeName" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallMsi"; MsiName = "$cmakeName" ; MsiDir = "$cache" } ,
@{Function = "AddToPath"; Dir = "$targetPath" } );
} )
function OpCNTKMKL2
([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "CNTK Custom MKL Version 2"
$prodFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "CNTKCustomMKL"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$targetPathCurrenVersion = join-path $targetPath "2"
$envVar = "CNTK_MKL_PATH";
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = "$prodFile";
@( @{ShortName = "CNTKMKL2"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPathCurrenVersion"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPathCurrenVersion },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $localDir; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar= $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
function OpCNTKMKL3
([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "CNTK Custom MKL Version 3"
$prodFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "CNTKCustomMKL"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$targetPathCurrenVersion = join-path $targetPath "3"
$envVar = "CNTK_MKL_PATH";
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = "$prodFile";
@( @{ShortName = "CNTKMKL3"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPathCurrenVersion"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPathCurrenVersion },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $localDir; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar= $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
function OpCygwin
([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "CygWin64"
$prodFile = "cygwinSetup_64.exe"
$prodSubDir = "cygwin64"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$regkey = "Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cygwin"
$downloadSource = ""
$installParam = "--quiet-mode --no-admin --site --root $targetPath --local-package-dir $cache --packages python,python-yaml,python-numpy,diffutils"
$bFileName = "cygwinpip.bash"
$bashFileName = join-path $targetFolder $bFileName
$bashParmFile = Join-Path "\cygdrive\c" (split-path $bashFileName -NoQualifier)
$bashParmFile = $bashParmFile.replace("\","/")
$bashParam = "-l -c $bashParmFile"
@( @{ShortName = "CYGWIN64"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = "$targetPath" },
@{Function = "VerifyRegistryKey"; Key = $regKey } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\$prodFile"; Param = $installParam; runAs=$false; WorkDir = $targetFolder},
@{Function = "AddToPath"; Dir = "$targetPath\bin"; AtStart = $false },
@{Function = "CreateCygwinBashScript"; FileName = $bashFileName },
@{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$targetPath\bin\bash.exe"; Param = $bashParam; runAs=$false; WorkDir = $targetPath } );
} )
function AddOpDisableJITDebug
@( @{Name="Visual Studio Disable Just-In-Time Debugging"; ShortName = "JITVS2013"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for JIT Debugging registry keys"; ActionInfo = "Removing registry keys to disable JIT debugging, advisable for Jenkins machines";
Verification = @( @{Function = "DeletedRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug"; RegName = "Debugger"; },
@{Function = "DeletedRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework"; RegName = "DbgManagedDebugger" },
@{Function = "DeletedRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug"; RegName = "Debugger" },
@{Function = "DeletedRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework"; RegName = "DbgManagedDebugger" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "RemoveRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug"; Elevated = $true; RegName = "Debugger" },
@{Function = "RemoveRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework"; Elevated = $true; RegName = "DbgManagedDebugger" },
@{Function = "RemoveRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug"; Elevated = $true; RegName = "Debugger" },
@{Function = "RemoveRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework"; Elevated = $true; RegName = "DbgManagedDebugger" } )
} )
function OpGit2101(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$prodName = "Git"
$targetPath = join-path $env:ProgramFiles "Git\bin"
$prodFile = "Git-2.10.1-64-bit.exe"
$downloadSource = "$prodFile"
@( @{ShortName = "GIT"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GitForWindows"; RegName = "CurrentVersion"; } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\$prodFile"; Param = "/SP- /SILENT /NORESTART"},
@{Function = "AddToPath"; Dir = $targetPath; AtStart = $true; } )
} )
function OpGitClone(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetDir,
[string] $repoTag = "master")
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $targetDir
$downloadSource = "";
$appDir = join-path $env:ProgramFiles "Git\bin"
@( @{Name = "Clone CNTK from Github"; ShortName = "CNTKCLONE"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for CNTK-Clone target directory $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Cloneing CNTK from Github repository";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath } );
Action = @( @{Function = "MakeDirectory"; Path = $targetFolder },
@{Function = "ExecuteApplication"; AppName = "git.exe"; Param = "clone --branch $repoTag --recursive"; AppDir = $appDir; UseEnvPath = $true; WorkDir = $targetFolder } )
} )
function OpMSMPI70([parameter(
Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$remoteFilename = "MSMpiSetup.exe"
$localFilename = "MSMpiSetup70.exe"
$downloadSource = "$remoteFilename";
@( @{Name = "MSMPI Installation"; ShortName = "CNTK"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for installed MSMPI 70"; ActionInfo = "Installing MSMPI 70";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductVersion"; Match = "^Microsoft MPI \(\d+\."; Version = "7.0.12437.6"; MatchExact = $false } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$localFilename" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\$localFilename" ; Param = "/unattend" } )
} )
function OpMSMPI70SDK(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$remoteFilename = "msmpisdk.msi"
$localFilename = "msmpisdk70.msi"
$downloadSource = "$remoteFilename";
@( @{Name = "MSMPI SDK70 Installation"; ShortName = "CNTK"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for installed MSMPI 70 SDK"; ActionInfo = "Install MSMPI 70 SDK";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductVersion"; Match = "^Microsoft MPI SDK \(\d+\."; Version = "7.0.12437.6"; MatchExact = $false } );
#Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductExists"; Match = "^Microsoft MPI SDK \(\d+\."; Compare = "^Microsoft MPI SDK \(7\.0\.12437\.6\)"; MatchExact = $false } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$localFilename" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallMsi"; MsiName = "$localFilename" ; MsiDir = "$cache" } )
} )
function OpNvidiaCub141(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "NVidia CUB 1.4.1"
$prodFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "cub-1.4.1"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envVar = "CUB_PATH";
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = "";
@( @{ShortName = "CUB141"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = "$targetPath" },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = "$targetFolder"; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir; zipSubTree= $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar= $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
function OpNVidiaCuda75(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$cudaDownload = ""
$programPath = join-path $env:ProgramFiles "NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5"
@( @{Name="NVidia CUDA 7.5"; ShortName = "CUDA75"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for installed NVidia Cuda 75"; ActionInfo = "Installing CUDA 7.5";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $programPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = "CUDA_PATH_V7_5"; Content = $programPath } );
Download = @( @{Function = "DownloadForPLatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (7|8|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Source = "$cudaDownload/cuda_7.5.18_windows.exe"; Destination = "$cache\cuda_7.5.18_windows.exe" },
@{Function = "DownloadForPLatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 10"; Source = "$cudaDownload/cuda_7.5.18_win10.exe"; Destination = "$cache\cuda_7.5.18_win10.exe" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExeForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (7|8|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Command = "$cache\cuda_7.5.18_windows.exe"; Param = "-s CUDAToolkit_7.5 CUDAVisualStudioIntegration_7.5 GDK"; Message = ".... This will take some time. Please be patient ...." } ,
@{Function = "InstallExeForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 10"; Command = "$cache\cuda_7.5.18_win10.exe"; Param = "-s CUDAToolkit_7.5 CUDAVisualStudioIntegration_7.5 GDK"; Message = ".... This will take some time. Please be patient ...." } );
function OpNVidiaCuda80(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$cudaDownload = ""
$cudaFile = "cuda_8.0.44_windows.exe"
$cudaFileWin10 = "cuda_8.0.44_win10.exe"
$programPath = join-path $env:ProgramFiles "NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v8.0"
$cudaInstallParam = "-s"
@( @{Name="NVidia CUDA 8.0"; ShortName = "CUDA80"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for installed NVidia Cuda 80"; ActionInfo = "Installing CUDA 8.0";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $programPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = "CUDA_PATH_V8_0"; Content = $programPath } );
Download = @( @{Function = "DownloadForPLatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (7|8|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Source = "$cudaDownload/$cudaFile"; Destination = "$cache\$cudaFile" },
@{Function = "DownloadForPLatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 10"; Source = "$cudaDownload/$cudaFileWin10"; Destination = "$cache\$cudaFileWin10" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExeForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (7|8|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Command = "$cache\$cudaFile"; Param = $cudaInstallParam } ,
@{Function = "InstallExeForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 10"; Command = "$cache\$cudaFileWin10"; Param = $cudaInstallParam } );
function OpNVidiaCudnn5175(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "NVidia CUDNN 5.1 for CUDA 7.5"
$cudnnWin7 = ""
$cudnnWin10 = ""
$prodSubDir = "cudnn-7.5-v5.1"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envVar = "CUDNN_PATH"
$envValue = join-path $targetPath "cuda"
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "CUDNN5175"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{Function = "DownloadForPLatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 7"; Source = "$downloadSource/$cudnnWin7"; Destination = "$cache\$cudnnWin7" },
@{Function = "DownloadForPLatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (8|10|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Source = "$downloadSource/$cudnnWin10"; Destination = "$cache\$cudnnWin10" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZipForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 7"; zipFileName = "$cache\$cudnnWin10"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "ExtractAllFromZipForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (8|10|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; zipFileName = "$cache\$cudnnWin10"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
function OpNVidiaCudnn5180(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "NVidia CUDNN 5.1 for CUDA 8.0"
$cudnnWin7 = ""
$cudnnWin10 = ""
$prodSubDir = "cudnn-8.0-v5.1"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envVar = "CUDNN_PATH"
$envValue = join-path $targetPath "cuda"
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "CUDNN5180"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $envValue },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{Function = "DownloadForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 7"; Source = "$downloadSource/$cudnnWin7"; Destination = "$cache\$cudnnWin7" },
@{Function = "DownloadForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (8|10|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Source = "$downloadSource/$cudnnWin10"; Destination = "$cache\$cudnnWin10" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZipForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 7"; zipFileName = "$cache\$cudnnWin10"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "ExtractAllFromZipForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (8|10|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; zipFileName = "$cache\$cudnnWin10"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
function OpOpenCV31(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "OpenCV-3.1"
$prodFile = "opencv-3.1.0.exe"
$prodSubDir = "OpenCV310"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envVar = "OPENCV_PATH_V31";
$envValue = "$targetPath\build"
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "OPENCV310"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Please perform a manual installation of $prodName from $cache";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyFile"; Path = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
} )
function OpOpenCVInternal(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $server,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "OpenCV-3.1"
$prodFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "Opencv3.1.0"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envVar = "OPENCV_PATH_V31";
$envValue = "$targetPath\build"
$downloadSource = "$server\$prodFile"
@( @{ShortName = "OPENCV310"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = "$targetPath" },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "LocalCopyFile"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = "$targetFolder"; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir; zipSubTree= $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar= $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
function OpProtoBuf310VS15(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
# unzip protobuf source in $protoSourceDir = $targetfolder\src\$prodsubdir
# create batch file to build protobuf files in $scriptDirectory = $targetFolder\script
# the script file can be used to create the compiled protobuf libraries in $targetPath = $targetFolder\$prodSubDir
$prodName = "ProtoBuf 3.1.0 Source"
$prodFile = ""
$prodName = "protobuf-3.1.0"
$prodSubDir = "protobuf-3.1.0-vs15"
$batchFile = "buildProto.cmd"
$protoSourceDir = join-path $targetFolder "src"
$scriptDirectory = join-path $targetFolder "script"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "PROTO310VS15"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $protoSourceDir; zipSubTree =$prodName; destinationFolder =$prodName },
@{Function = "MakeDirectory"; Path = $scriptDirectory },
@{Function = "CreateBuildProtobufBatch"; FileName = "$scriptDirectory\$batchFile"; SourceDir = (join-path $protoSourceDir $prodName); TargetDir = $targetPath } );
} )
function OpProtoBuf310VS15Internal(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $server,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "ProtoBuf 3.1.0 Prebuild VS2015"
$prodFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "protobuf-3.1.0-vs15"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = "$server\$prodFile"
@( @{ShortName = "PROTO310VS15PRE"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $targetFolder; zipSubTree ="protobuf-3.1.0-vs15"; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
function OpScanProgram()
@{ ShortName = "SCANPROG"; VerifyInfo = "Scan System for installed programs";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyScanPrograms" } )
function OpSwig3010(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "SWIG 3.0.10"
$prodFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "swigwin-3.0.10"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envVar = "SWIG_PATH"
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "SWIG3010"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $targetFolder; zipSubTree =$prodSubDir; destinationFolder =$prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
function OpSysinternals(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "Sysinternal Suite"
$prodFile = ""
$prodDependsFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "SysInternal"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$downloadSource = ""
$downloadDependsSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "SYSINTERNAL"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName, dependency walker";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyFile"; Path = "$targetPath\depends.exe" },
@{Function = "VerifyPathIncludes"; Path = $targetPath } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" },
@{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadDependsSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodDependsFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder =$prodSubDir },
@{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodDependsFile"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder =$prodSubDir; AddToDirectory=$true },
@{Function = "AddToPath"; Dir = $targetPath; AtStart = $false; }
@{Function = "SetRegistryKey"; Elevated = $true; Key = "registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals" },
@{Function = "SetRegistryKeyNameData"; Elevated = $true; Key = "registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals\Autologon"; RegName = "EulaAccepted"; data = 1; dataType = "DWord" },
@{Function = "SetRegistryKeyNameData"; Elevated = $true; Key = "registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals\Handle"; RegName = "EulaAccepted"; data = 1; dataType = "DWord" },
@{Function = "SetRegistryKeyNameData"; Elevated = $true; Key = "registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals\ProcDump"; RegName = "EulaAccepted"; data = 1; dataType = "DWord" } )
} )
function OpTestData(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $remoteData)
$prodName = "Testdata Environment"
@( @{ShortName = "TESTDATA"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName"; ActionInfo = "Setting up environment variable for $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyEnvironment"; EnvVar = "CNTK_EXTERNAL_TESTDATA_REMOTE_DIRECTORY" },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironment"; EnvVar = "CNTK_EXTERNAL_TESTDATA_SOURCE_DIRECTORY" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = "CNTK_EXTERNAL_TESTDATA_REMOTE_DIRECTORY"; Content = $remoteData },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = "CNTK_EXTERNAL_TESTDATA_SOURCE_DIRECTORY"; Content = $targetFolder } );
} )
function OpAddVS12Runtime([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$prodName = "VS2012 Runtime"
@( @{ShortName = "VS2012"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductExists"; Match = "^Microsoft Visual C\+\+ 2012 x64 Additional Runtime" },
@{Function = "VerifyWinProductExists"; Match = "^Microsoft Visual C\+\+ 2012 x64 Minimum Runtime" } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = ""; Destination = "$cache\VSRuntime\11\vcredist_x64.exe" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\VSRuntime\11\vcredist_x64.exe"; Param = "/install /passive /norestart" } )
} )
function OpAddVS13Runtime([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$prodName = "VS2013 Runtime"
@( @{ShortName = "VS2013"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductExists"; Match = "^Microsoft Visual C\+\+ 2013 x64 Additional Runtime" },
@{Function = "VerifyWinProductExists"; Match = "^Microsoft Visual C\+\+ 2013 x64 Minimum Runtime" } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = ""; Destination = "$localCache\VSRuntime\12\vcredist_x64.exe" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$localCache\VSRuntime\12\vcredist_x64.exe"; Param = "/install /passive /norestart" } )
} )
function OpCheckVS15Update3
@( @{Name = "Verify Installation of VS2015, Update 3"; ShortName = "PREVS15U3"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for Visual Studio 2015, Update 3";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductVersion"; Match = "^Microsoft Build Tools 14.0 \(amd64\)$"; Version = "14.0.25420"; MatchExact = $true} );
PreReq = @( @{Function = "PrereqInfoVS15" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "StopInstallation" } )
} )
function OpCheckCuda8
$programPath = join-path $env:ProgramFiles "NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v8.0"
@( @{Name = "Verify Installation of NVidia Cuda 8"; ShortName = "PRECUDA8"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for NVidia Cuda 8";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $programPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = "CUDA_PATH_V8_0"; Content = $programPath } );
PreReq = @( @{Function = "PrereqInfoCuda8" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "StopInstallation" } )
} )
function OpZlib(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "ZLib128"
$prodFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "zlib-1.2.8"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "ZLIN128"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $targetFolder; zipSubTree =$prodSubDir; destinationFolder =$prodSubDir } );
} )
function OpLibzip(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "Libzip-1.1.3"
$prodFile = "libzip-1.1.3.tar.gz"
$prodSubDir = "libzip-1.1.3"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "LIBZIP113"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $targetFolder; zipSubTree =$prodSubDir; destinationFolder =$prodSubDir } );
} )
function OpZLibInternal(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $server,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "ZLib Precompiled"
$prodFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "zlib"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envVar = "ZLIB_PATH"
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = "$server\$prodFile"
@( @{ShortName = "LIBZIP113"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder =$prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
function OpZlibVS15(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
# unzip protobuf source in $protoSourceDir = $targetfolder\src\$prodsubdir
# create batch file to build protobuf files in $scriptDirectory = $targetFolder\script
# the script file can be used to create the compiled protobuf libraries in $targetPath = $targetFolder\$prodSubDir
$prodName = "zlib / libzip from source"
$zlibProdName = "zlib-1.2.8"
$zlibFilename = ""
$zlibDownloadSource = ""
$libzipProdName = "libzip-1.1.3"
$libzipFilename = "libzip-1.1.3.tar.gz"
$libzipDownloadSource = ""
$prodSubDir = "zlib-vs15"
$batchFile = "buildZlibVS15.cmd"
$sourceCodeDir = join-path $targetFolder "src"
$scriptDirectory = join-path $targetFolder "script"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envVar = "ZLIB_PATH"
$envValue = $targetPath
@( @{ShortName = "ZLIBVS15"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = "$sourceCodeDir\$zlibProdName" },
@{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = "$sourceCodeDir\$libzipProdName" },
@{Function = "VerifyFile"; Path = "$scriptDirectory\$batchFile" } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $zlibDownloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$zlibFilename" },
@{ Function = "Download"; Source = $libzipDownloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$libzipFilename" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$zlibFilename"; destination = $sourceCodeDir; zipSubTree =$zlibProdName; destinationFolder =$zlibProdName },
@{Function = "ExtractAllFromTarGz"; SourceFile = "$cache\$libzipFilename"; TargzFileName = "$libzipFilename"; destination = $sourceCodeDir },
@{Function = "MakeDirectory"; Path = $scriptDirectory },
@{Function = "CreateBuildZlibBatch"; FileName = "$scriptDirectory\$batchFile"; zlibSourceDir = (join-path $sourceCodeDir $zlibProdName); libzipSourceDir = (join-path $sourceCodeDir $libzipProdName); TargetDir = $targetPath } );
} )
# vim:set expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2:
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
function PreReqOperations(
[array] $actionList = @())
foreach ($item in $actionList) {
foreach ($prereqItem in $item.PreReq) {
PreRequisiteItem $prereqItem
Write-Host "Install operations finished"
function PreRequisiteItem(
[hashtable] $item)
$func = $item["Function"]
$expr = $func +' $item'
Write-Verbose "Calling Operation: [$func]"
Invoke-Expression $expr
function PrereqInfo2013Up5(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
Write-Host "
We require the installation of Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 to continue.
Please follow the information here [].
function PrereqInfoVS15(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
Write-Host "
Installation of Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 is a pre-requisite before installation
can continue. Please check [] for more details on
Visual Studion 2015
function PrereqInfoCuda8(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
Write-Host "
Installation of NVidia Cuda 8.0 is a pre-requisite before installation
can continue. Please check] for more
details on Cuda download. Please also remember to set the environment variable
CUDA_PATH_V8_0 to the Cuda8 installation location.
function PrereqInfoCuDnn51(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
Write-Host "
Installation of NVidia CuDNN 4.1 for Cuda 8.0 is a pre-requisite before installation
can continue. Please check] for more
details on Cuda download. Please also remember to set the environment variable
CUDNN_PATH to the CudDnn folder in your installation location.
function StopInstallation(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
throw "Not all pre-requisites installed, installation terminated."
# vim:set expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2:
@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
function VerifyOperations(
[array] $verificationList)
Write-Host "Determining Operations to perform. This will take a moment..."
$result = @()
foreach ($item in $verificationList) {
$needsInstall = $false
Write-Host $item.VerifyInfo
foreach ($verificationItem in $item.Verification) {
$needsInstall = VerifyItem $verificationItem
if (-not $needsInstall) {
$result += $item
return $result
function VerifyItem(
[hashtable] $item)
$func = $item["Function"]
$name = $item["Name"]
$expr = $func +' $item'
Write-Verbose "Calling Operation: [$func]: [$name]"
$noInstallRequired = Invoke-Expression $expr
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyScanPrograms(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$noInstallRequired = $true
# no actual work is being performed, just the script local datastructure with the list
# of installed programs is being initialized
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyWinProductExists(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$match = $table["Match"]
$compare = GetTableDefaultString -table $table -entryName "Compare" -defaultValue ""
$matchExact = GetTableDefaultBool -table $table -entryName "MatchExact" -defaultValue $true
$noInstallRequired = $true
$allProducts = LoadWinProduct
$productList = @($allProducts | Where-Object { $_.Name -match $match } )
if ($productList.Count -eq 0) {
$noInstallRequired = $false
elseif ($compare.length -gt 0) {
if ($matchExact) {
$productList = @($productList | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $compare })
else {
$productList = @($productList | Where-Object { $_.Version -ge $compare })
if ($productList.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Verbose "No product found matching the compare requirement`n$productList"
$noInstallRequired = $false
Write-Verbose "[$func]: Product [$match] returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyWinProductVersion(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$match = $table["Match"]
$version = $table["Version"]
$matchExact = GetTableDefaultBool -table $table -entryName "MatchExact" -defaultValue $false
$noInstallRequired = $true
if ($matchExact -eq $null) {
$matchExact = $false
$allProducts = LoadWinProduct
$productList = @($allProducts | Where-Object { $_.Name -match $match } )
if ($productList.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Verbose "No product found with Name matching [$match]"
$noInstallRequired = $false
else {
if ($matchExact) {
$productList = @($productList | Where-Object { $_.Version -eq $version })
else {
$productList = @($productList | Where-Object { $_.Version -ge $version })
if ($productList.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Verbose "No product found matching the version requirement`n$productList"
$noInstallRequired = $false
Write-Verbose "[$func]: Product [$match] Version {$version] returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyInstallationContent(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$path = $table["Path"]
$noInstallRequired = (join-path $path cntk\cntk.exe | test-path -PathType Leaf)
$noInstallRequired = (join-path $path prerequisites\VS2012\vcredist_x64.exe | test-path -PathType Leaf) -and $noInstallRequired
$noInstallRequired = (join-path $path prerequisites\VS2013\vcredist_x64.exe | test-path -PathType Leaf) -and $noInstallRequired
$noInstallRequired = (join-path $path prerequisites\MSMpiSetup.exe | test-path -PathType Leaf) -and $noInstallRequired
if ($noInstallRequired) {
Write-Verbose "[$func]: [$path] returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
throw "`nFatal Error: Files from CNTK binary download package are missing!`nThe install script must be run out of the unpacked binary CNTK package, not from a CNTK source clone."
function VerifyDirectory(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$path = $table["Path"]
$noInstallRequired = (test-path -path $path -PathType Container)
Write-Verbose "[$func]: [$path] returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyRunAlways(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$noInstallRequired = $false
Write-Verbose "[$func]: returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyWheelDirectory(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$path = $table["WheelDirectory"]
$forceUpdate = $table["ForceUpdate"]
$noInstallRequired = $false
Write-Verbose "[$func]: [$path] returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyPathIncludes(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$path = $table["Path"]
$noInstallRequired = (test-path -path $path -PathType Container)
Write-Verbose "[$func]: [$path] returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyDirectoryContent(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$source = $table["Source"]
$dest = $table["Destination"]
$noInstallRequired = (test-path -path $source -PathType Container)
if ($noInstallRequired) {
$noInstallRequired = (test-path -path $dest -PathType Container)
if ($noInstallRequired) {
$r = Compare-Object $(Get-ChildItem $source -Recurse) $(Get-ChildItem $dest -Recurse)
if ($r) {
$noInstallRequired = $false
Write-Verbose "[$func]: [$source] with [$dest] returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyFile(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$path = $table["Path"]
$noInstallRequired = (test-path -path $path -PathType Leaf)
Write-Verbose "[$func]: [$path] returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyRegistryKey(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$key = $table["Key"]
$noInstallRequired = (test-path -path $key)
Write-Verbose "[$func]: [$key] returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyRegistryKeyName(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$key = $table["Key"]
$regName = $table["RegName"]
$noInstallRequired = Test-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name $regName
Write-Verbose "[$func]: [$key]:[$regname] returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyRegistryKeyNameData(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$key = $table["Key"]
$regName = $table["RegName"]
$regData = $table["RegData"]
$orLater = $table["OrLater"]
if ($orLater -eq $null) {
$orLater = $false
$noInstallRequired = (test-path -path $key)
if ($noInstallRequired) {
$theKeyObj = get-item $key
$theKeyValue = $theKeyObj.GetValue("$regName")
$noInstallRequired = $false
if ($theKeyValue -ne $null) {
if ($orLater) {
$noInstallRequired = ($theKeyValue -ge $regData)
else {
$noInstallRequired = ($theKeyValue -eq $regData)
Write-Verbose "[$func]: [$key]:[$regname] == [$regData] returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
function VerifyEnvironmentAndData(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$name = $table["EnvVar"]
$content = $table["Content"]
$location = "Machine"
$envContent = [environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($name, $location)
$noInstallRequired = ($envContent -ieq $content)
Write-Verbose "[$func]: [$name] == [$content] returned [$noInstallRequired]"
return $noInstallRequired
function Test-ItemProperty (
[string] $Path,
[string] $Name)
if (Test-Path $Path) {
try {
$ItemProperty = Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ( $ItemProperty -ne $null ) {
return $true
catch {
return $false
return $false
function ClearScriptVariables
$Script:WinProduct = $Null
function LoadWinProduct
if ($Script:WinProduct -eq $Null) {
# $Script:WinProduct = Get-WmiObject Win32_Product
# The above line was the previous solution, but iterating through the registry is much faster
# get-wmiobject does more house-holding, like checking for concistency etc ...
$allInstalled = @(Get-childitem "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) + `
@(Get-childitem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) + `
@(get-childitem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$result = @()
foreach($item in $allInstalled) {
$displayName = $item.GetValue("DisplayName")
if ($displayName.Length -gt 0) {
$entry = New-Object PSObject
$entry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $displayName
$entry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Version" -Value $($item.GetValue("DisplayVersion"))
$result += $entry
$result = $result | Sort-Object Name,Version -Unique
$Script:WinProduct = $result
return $Script:WinProduct
# vim:set expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2:
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
## Developer Setup Windows from a script
This documents describes the setup of the CNTK developer environment. The script follows overall the recipe described in the public documentation of the CNTK developer setup, available [here](
>Note: Before startingt the script base installation, please check the CNTK Wiki for more detailed instructions (?here?)
### The installation script
The most up-to-date version of the installation script can be found on ``\\cntk-muc00\devinstall``. Copy
The prepared installation script to a directory on your system. In the following we assume you are
going to copy the files in to the directory `c:\local\devinstall`. Start a Windows command shell and enter
cd \
md local && cd local
md devinstall && cd devinstall
robocopy \\cntk-muc00\devinstall . /MIR
The installation script itself is written for the Powershell environment. By default Powershell doesn't
allow the execution of any scripts. To allow execution of the installation script,
start Powershell from a **standard Windows command shell** by:
start powershell -executionpolicy remotesigned
This will open a Powershell environment. In this enviroment change into the directory you copied
the install script into, here you can directly start the installation script
cd c:\local\devinstall
>Note: If you now receive an errormessage stating that running scripts is disabled on your system,
please make sure you started powershell with the changed executionpolicy. This is enabling
script execution in your created Powershell environment.
The script will inspect your system and determine the components which are missing to build the
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit. You will be
notified about the proposed installation steps. At this point you are running in a **demo** mode -
NO changes to your system are being performed.
### Running the installation script
If you are satisfied with the proposed changes, you can proceed to the actual installation.
The installation script supports several command line options. ``get-help .\install.ps1`` will
give you a list over the available option. At this point it is recommended to start the installation
by adding the `-Execute` parameter:
.\devinstall.ps1 -execute
The script will download needed components from the web, therefore a connection to the Internet is required.
Downloaded components are stored in the directory ``c:\cntkLocalCache`` and can be removed after complete
installation. During execution of the installation script you might receive requests/warnings from UAC
(User Account Control) depending on your system configuration. Please acknowledge the execution and
installation of the downloaded components.
> Note: Some components of the installation script (i.e. NVidia CUDA install ) might performan a reboot of your
system. You can just start the installation script again. It will analyze your system again and reuse already
downloaded components.
### Result of the installation script
The following changes (if necessary) to your system will be performed by the installation script:
- Installation of the Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013 runtime modules
- Installation of Microsoft MPI
- Installation of the Microsoft MPI SDK
- If not present on your system. Git will be installed
- Location: ``%PROGAMFILES%\Git``
- Environment: Added to the PATH
- NVidia CUDA 7.5
- Location: ``%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NVIDIA Corporation``, ``%PROGRAMFILES%\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit``,
see NVidia documentation for details
- Environment: ``CUDA_PATH``, ``CUDA_PATH_V7_5``
- NVidia CuDNN 5.1 for CUDA 7.5
- Location: ``c:\local\cudnn-7.5-v5.1``
- Environment: ``CUDNN_PATH``
- NVidia CUB 1.4.1
- Location: ``c:\local\cub-1.4.1``
- Environment: ``CUB_PATH``
- Boost 1.60
- Location: ``c:\local\boost_1_60_0``
- A CNTK specific MKL library
- Location: ``c:\local\cntkmkl``
- Environment: ``CNTK_MKL_PATH``
- OpenCV 3.1.0
- Location: ``c:\local\Opencv3.1.0``
- Environment: ``OPENCV_PATH_V31``
- Zlib - Precompiled version of Zlib and libzip
- Location: ``c:\local\zlib``
- Environment: ``ZLIB_PATH``
- Protobuf 3.1.0 libararies and headers
- Location: ``c:\local\protobuf-3.1.0``
- Environment: ``PROTOBUF_PATH``
- SWIG 3.0.10
- Location: ``c:\local\swigwin-3.0.10``
- Environment: ``SWIG_PATH``
- CNTK Git repository clone
- Location: ``c:\repos\CNTK``
- Anaconda3 - 4.1.1
- Location: ``c:\local\Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64``
This is a local Anaconda install, it hasn't been added to the path, and is registered only to the current user
>Note: This script already installed the compiled Protobuf library, as well as the compiled
zlib and libzip components. It isn't necessary to perform the additional compilation steps (listed in the
public documentation) for these components.
Once the script finished, you should be ready to build. A couple of points to note:
- Depending on the tools installed, the script might have done changes to your system (especially a CUDA install).
Rebooting you system might be a good choice.
- It is possible to run the script multiple times. Powershell is very specific that it doesn't pick up changes to
environment variables which are done in the script, you have to restart powershell to pick up the latest environment.
- If you are planning on using a GPU, you should install the latest GPU driver from NVidia, and reboot
your system.
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