diff --git a/DataReader/ImageReader/ImageReader.cpp b/DataReader/ImageReader/ImageReader.cpp
index d8a7cd592..f0dd1a1c4 100644
--- a/DataReader/ImageReader/ImageReader.cpp
+++ b/DataReader/ImageReader/ImageReader.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include "stdafx.h"
#define DATAREADER_EXPORTS // creating the exports here
#include "DataReader.h"
@@ -6,13 +12,226 @@
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
+// Transforms
+class ITransform
+ virtual void Init(const ConfigParameters& config) = 0;
+ virtual void Apply(cv::Mat& mat) = 0;
+ ITransform() {};
+ virtual ~ITransform() {};
+ ITransform(const ITransform&) = delete;
+ ITransform& operator=(const ITransform&) = delete;
+ ITransform(ITransform&&) = delete;
+ ITransform& operator=(ITransform&&) = delete;
+class CropTransform : public ITransform
+ CropTransform(unsigned int seed) : m_rng(seed), m_rndUniInt(0, INT_MAX)
+ {
+ }
+ void Init(const ConfigParameters& config)
+ {
+ m_cropType = ParseCropType(config("cropType", ""));
+ m_cropRatio = std::stof(config("cropRatio", "1"));
+ if (!(0 < m_cropRatio && m_cropRatio <= 1.0f))
+ RuntimeError("Invalid cropRatio value: %f.", m_cropRatio);
+ if (!config.ExistsCurrent("hflip"))
+ m_hFlip = m_cropType == CropType::Random;
+ else
+ m_hFlip = std::stoi(config("hflip")) != 0;
+ }
+ void Apply(cv::Mat& mat)
+ {
+ mat = mat(GetCropRect(m_cropType, mat.rows, mat.cols, m_cropRatio));
+ if (m_hFlip && (m_rndUniInt(m_rng) % 2) != 0)
+ cv::flip(mat, mat, 1);
+ }
+ enum class CropType { Center = 0, Random = 1 };
+ CropType ParseCropType(const std::string& src)
+ {
+ auto AreEqual = [](const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2) -> bool
+ {
+ return std::equal(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2.begin(), [](const char& a, const char& b) { return std::tolower(a) == std::tolower(b); });
+ };
+ if (src.empty() || AreEqual(src, "center"))
+ return CropType::Center;
+ if (AreEqual(src, "random"))
+ return CropType::Random;
+ RuntimeError("Invalid crop type: %s.", src.c_str());
+ }
+ cv::Rect GetCropRect(CropType type, int crow, int ccol, float cropRatio)
+ {
+ assert(crow > 0);
+ assert(ccol > 0);
+ assert(0 < cropRatio && cropRatio <= 1.0f);
+ int cropSize = static_cast(std::min(crow, ccol) * cropRatio);
+ int xOff = -1;
+ int yOff = -1;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case CropType::Center:
+ xOff = (ccol - cropSize) / 2;
+ yOff = (crow - cropSize) / 2;
+ break;
+ case CropType::Random:
+ xOff = m_rndUniInt(m_rng) % std::max(ccol - cropSize, 1);
+ yOff = m_rndUniInt(m_rng) % std::max(crow - cropSize, 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ assert(0 <= xOff && xOff <= ccol - cropSize);
+ assert(0 <= yOff && yOff <= crow - cropSize);
+ return cv::Rect(xOff, yOff, cropSize, cropSize);
+ }
+ std::default_random_engine m_rng;
+ std::uniform_int_distribution m_rndUniInt;
+ CropType m_cropType;
+ float m_cropRatio;
+ bool m_hFlip;
+class ScaleTransform : public ITransform
+ ScaleTransform(int dataType, unsigned int seed) : m_dataType(dataType), m_rng(seed), m_rndUniInt(0, INT_MAX)
+ {
+ assert(m_dataType == CV_32F || m_dataType == CV_64F);
+ m_interpMap.emplace("nearest", cv::INTER_NEAREST);
+ m_interpMap.emplace("linear", cv::INTER_LINEAR);
+ m_interpMap.emplace("cubic", cv::INTER_CUBIC);
+ m_interpMap.emplace("lanczos", cv::INTER_LANCZOS4);
+ }
+ void Init(const ConfigParameters& config)
+ {
+ m_imgWidth = config("width");
+ m_imgHeight = config("height");
+ m_imgChannels = config("channels");
+ size_t cfeat = m_imgWidth * m_imgHeight * m_imgChannels;
+ if (cfeat == 0 || cfeat > std::numeric_limits().max() / 2)
+ RuntimeError("Invalid image dimensions.");
+ m_interp.clear();
+ std::stringstream ss{ config("interpolations", "") };
+ for (std::string token = ""; std::getline(ss, token, ':');)
+ {
+ std::transform(token.begin(), token.end(), token.begin(), std::tolower);
+ StrToIntMapT::const_iterator res = m_interpMap.find(token);
+ if (res != m_interpMap.end())
+ m_interp.push_back((*res).second);
+ }
+ if (m_interp.size() == 0)
+ m_interp.push_back(cv::INTER_LINEAR);
+ }
+ void Apply(cv::Mat& mat)
+ {
+ // If matrix has not been converted to the right type, do it now as rescaling requires floating point type.
+ if (mat.type() != m_dataType)
+ mat.convertTo(mat, m_dataType);
+ assert(m_interp.size() > 0);
+ cv::resize(mat, mat, cv::Size(static_cast(m_imgWidth), static_cast(m_imgHeight)), 0, 0,
+ m_interp[m_rndUniInt(m_rng) % m_interp.size()]);
+ }
+ std::default_random_engine m_rng;
+ std::uniform_int_distribution m_rndUniInt;
+ int m_dataType;
+ using StrToIntMapT = std::unordered_map;
+ StrToIntMapT m_interpMap;
+ std::vector m_interp;
+ size_t m_imgWidth;
+ size_t m_imgHeight;
+ size_t m_imgChannels;
+class MeanTransform : public ITransform
+ MeanTransform()
+ {
+ }
+ void Init(const ConfigParameters& config)
+ {
+ m_meanFile = config(L"meanFile", L"");
+ if (!m_meanFile.empty())
+ {
+ cv::FileStorage fs;
+ // REVIEW alexeyk: this sort of defeats the purpose of using wstring at all...
+ auto fname = msra::strfun::utf8(m_meanFile);
+ fs.open(fname, cv::FileStorage::READ);
+ if (!fs.isOpened())
+ RuntimeError("Could not open file: " + fname);
+ fs["MeanImg"] >> m_meanImg;
+ int cchan;
+ fs["Channel"] >> cchan;
+ int crow;
+ fs["Row"] >> crow;
+ int ccol;
+ fs["Col"] >> ccol;
+ if (cchan * crow * ccol != m_meanImg.channels() * m_meanImg.rows * m_meanImg.cols)
+ RuntimeError("Invalid data in file: " + fname);
+ fs.release();
+ m_meanImg = m_meanImg.reshape(cchan, crow);
+ }
+ }
+ void Apply(cv::Mat& mat)
+ {
+ assert(m_meanImg.size() == cv::Size(0, 0) || (m_meanImg.size() == mat.size() && m_meanImg.channels()));
+ // REVIEW alexeyk: check type conversion (float/double).
+ if (m_meanImg.size() == mat.size())
+ mat = mat - m_meanImg;
+ }
+ std::wstring m_meanFile;
+ cv::Mat m_meanImg;
+// ImageReader
ImageReader::ImageReader() : m_seed(0), m_rng(m_seed), m_rndUniInt(0, INT_MAX)
+ m_transforms.push_back(std::make_unique(m_seed));
+ m_transforms.push_back(std::make_unique(sizeof(ElemType) == 4 ? CV_32F : CV_64F, m_seed));
+ m_transforms.push_back(std::make_unique());
@@ -40,12 +259,9 @@ void ImageReader::Init(const ConfigParameters& config)
m_imgHeight = featSect.second("height");
m_imgChannels = featSect.second("channels");
m_featDim = m_imgWidth * m_imgHeight * m_imgChannels;
- m_meanFile = featSect.second(L"meanFile", L"");
- m_cropType = ParseCropType(featSect.second("cropType", ""));
- m_cropRatio = std::stof(featSect.second("cropRatio", "1"));
- if (!(0 < m_cropRatio && m_cropRatio <= 1.0f))
- RuntimeError("Invalid cropRatio value: %f.", m_cropRatio);
+ for (auto& t: m_transforms)
+ t->Init(featSect.second);
SectionT labSect{ gettter("labelDim") };
m_labName = msra::strfun::utf16(labSect.first);
@@ -55,7 +271,7 @@ void ImageReader::Init(const ConfigParameters& config)
std::ifstream mapFile(mapPath);
if (!mapFile)
RuntimeError("Could not open " + mapPath + " for reading.");
std::string line{ "" };
for (size_t cline = 0; std::getline(mapFile, line); cline++)
@@ -124,9 +340,11 @@ bool ImageReader::GetMinibatch(std::map
const auto& p = files[i + m_mbStart];
auto img = cv::imread(p.first, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
+ for (auto& t: m_transforms)
+ t->Apply(img);
// Crop
- cv::Mat cropped;
- CropTransform(img, cropped);
+ //cv::Mat cropped;
+ //CropTransform(img, cropped);
//int w = img.cols;
//int h = img.rows;
//int cropSize = std::min(w, h);
@@ -134,9 +352,13 @@ bool ImageReader::GetMinibatch(std::map
//int yOff = (h - cropSize) / 2;
//cv::Mat cropped{ img(cv::Rect(xOff, yOff, cropSize, cropSize)) };
- cropped.convertTo(img, CV_32F);
- // Scale
- cv::resize(img, img, cv::Size(static_cast(m_imgWidth), static_cast(m_imgHeight)), 0, 0, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
+ //cropped.convertTo(img, CV_32F);
+ //img.convertTo(img, CV_32F);
+ //// Scale
+ //cv::resize(img, img, cv::Size(static_cast(m_imgWidth), static_cast(m_imgHeight)), 0, 0, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
+ // Subtract mean
+ //SubMeanTransform(img, img);
auto data = reinterpret_cast(img.ptr());
@@ -181,64 +403,6 @@ void ImageReader::SetRandomSeed(unsigned int seed)
-typename ImageReader::CropType ImageReader::ParseCropType(const std::string& src)
- auto AreEqual = [](const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2) -> bool
- {
- return std::equal(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2.begin(), [](const char& a, const char& b) { return std::tolower(a) == std::tolower(b); });
- };
- if (src.empty() || AreEqual(src, "center"))
- return CropType::Center;
- if (AreEqual(src, "random"))
- return CropType::Random;
- RuntimeError("Invalid crop type: %s.", src.c_str());
-cv::Rect ImageReader::GetCropRect(CropType type, int crow, int ccol, float cropRatio)
- assert(crow > 0);
- assert(ccol > 0);
- assert(0 < cropRatio && cropRatio <= 1.0f);
- int cropSize = static_cast(std::min(crow, ccol) * cropRatio);
- int xOff = -1;
- int yOff = -1;
- switch (type)
- {
- case CropType::Center:
- xOff = (ccol - cropSize) / 2;
- yOff = (crow - cropSize) / 2;
- break;
- case CropType::Random:
- xOff = m_rndUniInt(m_rng) % (ccol - cropSize);
- yOff = m_rndUniInt(m_rng) % (crow - cropSize);
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- assert(0 <= xOff && xOff <= ccol - cropSize);
- assert(0 <= yOff && yOff <= crow - cropSize);
- return cv::Rect(xOff, yOff, cropSize, cropSize);
-void ImageReader::CropTransform(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst)
- // REVIEW alexeyk: optimize resizing?
- dst = src(GetCropRect(m_cropType, src.rows, src.cols, m_cropRatio)).clone();
-void ImageReader::SubMeanTransform(const cv::Mat& , cv::Mat& )
template class ImageReader;
template class ImageReader;
diff --git a/DataReader/ImageReader/ImageReader.h b/DataReader/ImageReader/ImageReader.h
index dfc38ba10..dddeef19a 100644
--- a/DataReader/ImageReader/ImageReader.h
+++ b/DataReader/ImageReader/ImageReader.h
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// ImageReader.h - Include file for the image reader
#pragma once
#include "DataReader.h"
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
+// REVIEW alexeyk: can't put it into ImageReader itself as ImageReader is a template.
+class ITransform;
class ImageReader : public IDataReader
@@ -36,13 +39,7 @@ public:
void SetRandomSeed(unsigned int seed) override;
- enum class CropType { Center = 0, Random = 1 };
- CropType ParseCropType(const std::string& src);
- cv::Rect GetCropRect(CropType type, int crow, int ccol, float cropRatio);
- void CropTransform(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst);
- void SubMeanTransform(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst);
+ std::vector> m_transforms;
std::default_random_engine m_rng;
@@ -70,10 +67,5 @@ private:
std::vector m_labBuf;
unsigned int m_seed;
- CropType m_cropType;
- float m_cropRatio;
- std::wstring m_meanFile;
diff --git a/ExampleSetups/Image/ImageNet/AlexNet/AlexNet.config b/ExampleSetups/Image/ImageNet/AlexNet/AlexNet.config
index 6d1820eff..4a11f4037 100644
--- a/ExampleSetups/Image/ImageNet/AlexNet/AlexNet.config
+++ b/ExampleSetups/Image/ImageNet/AlexNet/AlexNet.config
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ Train=[
- learningRatesPerMB=0.01*20:0.003*15:0.001
+ learningRatesPerMB=0.01*20:0.003*12:0.001
- dropoutRate=0*10:0.5
+ dropoutRate=0*5:0.5
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ Train=[
+ cropType=Random
+ cropRatio=0.9
+ meanFile=$WorkDir$/ImageNet1K_mean.xml
@@ -66,6 +69,8 @@ Test=[
+ cropType=Center
+ meanFile=$WorkDir$/ImageNet1K_mean.xml
diff --git a/ExampleSetups/Image/ImageNet/AlexNet/AlexNet.ndl b/ExampleSetups/Image/ImageNet/AlexNet/AlexNet.ndl
index 6fc87bd3a..62c24442b 100644
--- a/ExampleSetups/Image/ImageNet/AlexNet/AlexNet.ndl
+++ b/ExampleSetups/Image/ImageNet/AlexNet/AlexNet.ndl
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ ndlMnistMacros = [
ImageC = 3
LabelDim = 1000
+ #features = ImageInput(ImageW, ImageH, ImageC, tag = feature)
+ #featOffs = Const(128, rows = 150528)
+ #featScaled = Minus(features, featOffs)
features = ImageInput(ImageW, ImageH, ImageC, tag = feature)
- featOffs = Const(128, rows = 150528)
- featScaled = Minus(features, featOffs)
labels = Input(LabelDim, tag = label)
conv1WScale = 0.95
@@ -38,7 +39,8 @@ DNN=[
hStride1 = 3
vStride1 = 3
# weight[cMap1, kW1 * kH1 * ImageC]
- conv1_act = ConvReLULayer(featScaled, cMap1, 363, kW1, kH1, hStride1, vStride1, conv1WScale, conv1BValue)
+ #conv1_act = ConvReLULayer(featScaled, cMap1, 363, kW1, kH1, hStride1, vStride1, conv1WScale, conv1BValue)
+ conv1_act = ConvReLULayer(features, cMap1, 363, kW1, kH1, hStride1, vStride1, conv1WScale, conv1BValue)
# pool1
pool1W = 3