Replaced all bare throw calls with Centralized exception functions that print the call stack

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Amit Agarwal 2015-10-10 18:07:19 -07:00
Родитель 8147d001ab
Коммит 8e32979259
71 изменённых файлов: 1148 добавлений и 1125 удалений

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@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
#ifndef let
#define let const auto
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
using namespace std;
using namespace msra::strfun;
using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK;
@ -145,79 +145,79 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
// other
wstring m_nodeName; // node name in the graph
static wstring TidyName(wstring name)
#if 0
// clean out the intermediate name, e.g. A._b.C -> A.C for pretty printing of names, towards dictionary access
// BUGBUG: anonymous ComputationNodes will get a non-unique name this way
if (!name.empty())
let pos = name.find(exprPathSeparator);
let left = pos == wstring::npos ? name : name.substr(0, pos);
let right = pos == wstring::npos ? L"" : TidyName(name.substr(pos + 1));
if (left.empty() || left[0] == '_')
name = right;
else if (right.empty())
name = left;
name = left + exprPathSeparator + right;
return name;
wstring NodeName() const { return m_nodeName; } // TODO: should really be named GetNodeName()
#if 0
// clean out the intermediate name, e.g. A._b.C -> A.C for pretty printing of names, towards dictionary access
// BUGBUG: anonymous ComputationNodes will get a non-unique name this way
if (!name.empty())
let pos = name.find(exprPathSeparator);
let left = pos == wstring::npos ? name : name.substr(0, pos);
let right = pos == wstring::npos ? L"" : TidyName(name.substr(pos + 1));
if (left.empty() || left[0] == '_')
name = right;
else if (right.empty())
name = left;
name = left + exprPathSeparator + right;
return name;
wstring NodeName() const { return m_nodeName; } // TODO: should really be named GetNodeName()
/*HasName::*/ void SetName(const wstring & name) { m_nodeName = name; }
wstring m_tag;
void SetTag(const wstring & tag) { m_tag = tag; }
const wstring & GetTag() const { return m_tag; }
virtual const wchar_t * OperationName() const = 0;
// node nmaes are not implemented yet; use a unique node name instead
static int nodeIndex = 1;
m_nodeName = wstrprintf(L"anonymousNode%d", nodeIndex);
virtual void AttachInputs(ComputationNodePtr arg)
m_children[0] = arg;
virtual void AttachInputs(ComputationNodePtr leftNode, ComputationNodePtr rightNode)
m_children[0] = leftNode;
m_children[1] = rightNode;
virtual void AttachInputs(ComputationNodePtr arg1, ComputationNodePtr arg2, ComputationNodePtr arg3)
m_children[0] = arg1;
m_children[1] = arg2;
m_children[2] = arg3;
void AttachInputs(vector<ComputationNodePtr> && inputs, size_t num = 0/*0 means all OK*/)
if (num != 0 && inputs.size() != num)
LogicError("AttachInputs: called with incorrect number of arguments");
m_children = inputs;
const std::vector<ComputationNodePtr> & GetChildren() const { return m_children; }
/*HasToString::*/ wstring ToString() const
// we format it like "[TYPE] ( args )"
wstring result = TidyName(NodeName()) + L" : " + wstring(OperationName());
if (!m_tag.empty())
result += L" {tag: " + m_tag + L"}";
if (m_children.empty()) result.append(L"()");
wstring args;
bool first = true;
virtual const wchar_t * OperationName() const = 0;
// node nmaes are not implemented yet; use a unique node name instead
static int nodeIndex = 1;
m_nodeName = wstrprintf(L"anonymousNode%d", nodeIndex);
virtual void AttachInputs(ComputationNodePtr arg)
m_children[0] = arg;
virtual void AttachInputs(ComputationNodePtr leftNode, ComputationNodePtr rightNode)
m_children[0] = leftNode;
m_children[1] = rightNode;
virtual void AttachInputs(ComputationNodePtr arg1, ComputationNodePtr arg2, ComputationNodePtr arg3)
m_children[0] = arg1;
m_children[1] = arg2;
m_children[2] = arg3;
void AttachInputs(vector<ComputationNodePtr> && inputs, size_t num = 0/*0 means all OK*/)
if (num != 0 && inputs.size() != num)
LogicError("AttachInputs: called with incorrect number of arguments");
m_children = inputs;
const std::vector<ComputationNodePtr> & GetChildren() const { return m_children; }
/*HasToString::*/ wstring ToString() const
// we format it like "[TYPE] ( args )"
wstring result = TidyName(NodeName()) + L" : " + wstring(OperationName());
if (!m_tag.empty())
result += L" {tag: " + m_tag + L"}";
if (m_children.empty()) result.append(L"()");
wstring args;
bool first = true;
for (auto & child : m_children)
if (first)
@ -227,9 +227,9 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
result += L" " + NestString(args, L'(', true, ')');
return result;
return result;
typedef ComputationNode::ComputationNodePtr ComputationNodePtr;
struct UnaryComputationNode : public ComputationNode
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
struct T##Node : public C##ComputationNode \
{ \
T##Node(vector<ComputationNodePtr> && inputs, const wstring & tag) : C##ComputationNode(move(inputs), tag) { } \
/*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L#T; } \
/*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L#T; } \
#define DefineUnaryComputationNode(T) DefineComputationNode(T,Unary)
#define DefineBinaryComputationNode(T) DefineComputationNode(T,Binary)
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
double factor;
PlusNode(vector<ComputationNodePtr> && inputs, const wstring & tag) : BinaryComputationNode(move(inputs), tag) { }
/*implement*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"Scale"; }
/*implement*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"Scale"; }
struct RowSliceNode : public UnaryComputationNode
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
size_t firstRow, numRows;
RowSliceNode(vector<ComputationNodePtr> && inputs, size_t firstRow, size_t numRows, const wstring & tag) : UnaryComputationNode(move(inputs), tag), firstRow(firstRow), numRows(numRows) { }
/*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"RowSlice"; }
/*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"RowSlice"; }
// Nodes deriving from RecurrentComputationNode are special in that it may involve cycles.
// Specifically, to break circular references, RecurrentComputationNode does not resolve its inputs arg (ComputationNodes),
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
int deltaT;
DelayNode(function<vector<ComputationNodePtr>()> GetInputsLambda, int deltaT, const wstring & tag) : RecurrentComputationNode(GetInputsLambda), deltaT(deltaT) { SetTag(tag); }
/*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"Delay"; }
/*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"Delay"; }
class InputValue : public ComputationNode
@ -319,18 +319,18 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
/*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"InputValue"; }
/*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"InputValue"; }
class LearnableParameter : public ComputationNode
size_t outDim, inDim;
LearnableParameter(size_t outDim, size_t inDim, const wstring & tag) : outDim(outDim), inDim(inDim) { SetTag(tag); }
/*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"LearnableParameter"; }
/*HasToString::*/ wstring ToString() const
return wstrprintf(L"%ls : %ls {tag: %s} (%d, %d)", TidyName(NodeName()).c_str(), OperationName(), GetTag().c_str(), (int)outDim, (int)inDim);
/*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"LearnableParameter"; }
/*HasToString::*/ wstring ToString() const
return wstrprintf(L"%ls : %ls {tag: %s} (%d, %d)", TidyName(NodeName()).c_str(), OperationName(), GetTag().c_str(), (int)outDim, (int)inDim);
// helper for the factory function for ComputationNodes
static vector<ComputationNodePtr> GetInputs(const IConfigRecord & config, size_t expectedNumInputs, const wstring & classId/*for error msg*/)
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
inputs.push_back(inputsArray->At(i, inputsArg.GetLocation()));
if (inputs.size() != expectedNumInputs)
throw EvaluationError(L"unexpected number of inputs to ComputationNode class " + classId, inputsArg.GetLocation());
EvaluationError(L"unexpected number of inputs to ComputationNode class " + classId, inputsArg.GetLocation());
return inputs;
// factory function for ComputationNodes
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
else if (classId == L"ErrorPrediction")
return make_shared<ErrorPredictionNode>(GetInputs(config, 2, L"ErrorPrediction"), tag);
throw EvaluationError(L"unknown ComputationNode class " + classId, classIdParam.GetLocation());
EvaluationError(L"unknown ComputationNode class " + classId, classIdParam.GetLocation());
// factory function for RecurrentComputationNodes
// The difference to the above is that the children are not resolved immediately but later during network connection.
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
if (classId == L"Delay")
return make_shared<DelayNode>([configp](){ return GetInputs(*configp, 1, L"Delay"); }, config[L"deltaT"], tag);
throw EvaluationError(L"unknown ComputationNode class " + classId, classIdParam.GetLocation());
EvaluationError(L"unknown ComputationNode class " + classId, classIdParam.GetLocation());
// =======================================================================
@ -501,10 +501,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
/*HasToString::*/ wstring ToString() const
wstring args;
bool first = true;
/*HasToString::*/ wstring ToString() const
wstring args;
bool first = true;
for (auto & iter : m_namesToNodeMap)
let node = iter.second;
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
return L"NDLComputationNetwork " + NestString(args, L'[', true, ']');
#if 0
@ -678,14 +678,20 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
// error object
class EvaluationError : public ConfigError
class EvaluationException : public ConfigException
EvaluationError(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) : ConfigError(msg, where) { }
EvaluationException(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) : ConfigException(msg, where) { }
/*Configerror::*/ const wchar_t * kind() const { return L"evaluating"; }
__declspec_noreturn static void Fail(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) { throw EvaluationError(msg, where); }
__declspec_noreturn static inline void EvaluationError(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where)
throw EvaluationException(msg, where);
__declspec_noreturn static void Fail(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) { EvaluationError(msg, where); }
__declspec_noreturn static void TypeExpected(const wstring & what, ExpressionPtr e) { Fail(L"expected expression of type '" + what + L"'", e->location); }
__declspec_noreturn static void UnknownIdentifier(const wstring & id, TextLocation where) { Fail(L"unknown identifier '" + id + L"'", where); }
@ -809,22 +815,22 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// name lookup
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static ConfigValuePtr Evaluate(const ExpressionPtr & e, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, wstring exprPath, const wstring & exprId); // forward declare
// look up a member by id in the search scope
// If it is not found, it tries all lexically enclosing scopes inside out. This is handled by the ConfigRecord itself.
static const ConfigValuePtr & ResolveIdentifier(const wstring & id, const TextLocation & idLocation, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope)
auto p = scope->Find(id); // look up the name
// Note: We could also just use scope->operator[] here, like any C++ consumer, but then we'd not be able to print an error with a proper text location (that of the offending field).
if (!p)
UnknownIdentifier(id, idLocation);
// found it: resolve the value lazily (the value will hold a Thunk to compute its value upon first use)
p->EnsureIsResolved(); // if this is the first access, then the value must have executed its Thunk
// now the value is available
return *p;
// look up a member by id in the search scope
// If it is not found, it tries all lexically enclosing scopes inside out. This is handled by the ConfigRecord itself.
static const ConfigValuePtr & ResolveIdentifier(const wstring & id, const TextLocation & idLocation, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope)
auto p = scope->Find(id); // look up the name
// Note: We could also just use scope->operator[] here, like any C++ consumer, but then we'd not be able to print an error with a proper text location (that of the offending field).
if (!p)
UnknownIdentifier(id, idLocation);
// found it: resolve the value lazily (the value will hold a Thunk to compute its value upon first use)
p->EnsureIsResolved(); // if this is the first access, then the value must have executed its Thunk
// now the value is available
return *p;
// look up an identifier in an expression that is a ConfigRecord
static ConfigValuePtr RecordLookup(const ExpressionPtr & recordExpr, const wstring & id, const TextLocation & idLocation, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
@ -870,12 +876,12 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
: NumbersOp(NumbersOp), StringsOp(StringsOp), BoolOp(BoolOp), ComputeNodeOp(ComputeNodeOp), DictOp(DictOp) { }
// functions that implement infix operations
// functions that implement infix operations
static void InvalidInfixOpTypes(ExpressionPtr e) { Fail(L"operator " + e->op + L" cannot be applied to these operands", e->location); }
template<typename T>
static ConfigValuePtr CompOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, const T & left, const T & right, const IConfigRecordPtr &, const wstring & exprPath)
template<typename T>
static ConfigValuePtr CompOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, const T & left, const T & right, const IConfigRecordPtr &, const wstring & exprPath)
if (e->op == L"==") return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left == right, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
else if (e->op == L"!=") return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left != right, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
else if (e->op == L"<") return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left < right, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
@ -883,8 +889,8 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
else if (e->op == L"<=") return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left <= right, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
else if (e->op == L">=") return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left >= right, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
else LogicError("unexpected infix op");
static ConfigValuePtr NumOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr leftVal, ConfigValuePtr rightVal, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
static ConfigValuePtr NumOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr leftVal, ConfigValuePtr rightVal, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
let left = leftVal.AsRef<Double>();
let right = rightVal.AsRef<Double>();
@ -896,14 +902,14 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
else if (e->op == L"**") return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(pow(left, right), MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
else return CompOp<double>(e, left, right, scope, exprPath);
static ConfigValuePtr StrOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr leftVal, ConfigValuePtr rightVal, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
static ConfigValuePtr StrOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr leftVal, ConfigValuePtr rightVal, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
let left = leftVal.AsRef<String>();
let right = rightVal.AsRef<String>();
if (e->op == L"+") return ConfigValuePtr(make_shared<String>(left + right), MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
else return CompOp<wstring>(e, left, right, scope, exprPath);
static ConfigValuePtr BoolOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr leftVal, ConfigValuePtr rightVal, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
static ConfigValuePtr BoolOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr leftVal, ConfigValuePtr rightVal, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
let left = leftVal.AsRef<Bool>();
//let right = rightVal.AsRef<Bool>(); // we do this inline, as to get the same short-circuit semantics as C++ (if rightVal is thunked, it will remain so unless required for this operation)
@ -940,12 +946,12 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
else if (e->op == L".*") operationName = L"ElementTimes";
else LogicError("unexpected infix op");
// directly instantiate a ComputationNode for the magic operators * + and - that are automatically translated.
// find creation lambda
let rtInfo = FindRuntimeTypeInfo(L"ComputationNode");
if (!rtInfo)
// directly instantiate a ComputationNode for the magic operators * + and - that are automatically translated.
// find creation lambda
let rtInfo = FindRuntimeTypeInfo(L"ComputationNode");
if (!rtInfo)
LogicError("unknown magic runtime-object class");
// form the ConfigRecord for the ComputeNode that corresponds to the operation
// form the ConfigRecord for the ComputeNode that corresponds to the operation
auto config = make_shared<ConfigRecord>(scope, MakeFailFn(e->location));
// Note on scope: This config holds the arguments of the XXXNode runtime-object instantiations.
// When they fetch their parameters, they should only look in this record, not in any parent scope (if they don't find what they are looking for, it's a bug in this routine here).
@ -981,7 +987,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
return value;
static ConfigValuePtr BadOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr, ConfigValuePtr, const IConfigRecordPtr &, const wstring &) { InvalidInfixOpTypes(e); };
// lookup table for infix operators
// This lists all infix operators with lambdas for evaluating them.
static map<wstring, InfixOps> infixOps =
@ -1338,37 +1344,37 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
//LogicError("should not get here");
catch (ConfigError & err)
catch (ConfigException & err)
// in case of an error, we keep track of all parent locations in the parse as well, to make it easier for the user to spot the error
static ConfigValuePtr EvaluateParse(ExpressionPtr e)
return Evaluate(e, IConfigRecordPtr(nullptr)/*top scope*/, L"", L"$");
static ConfigValuePtr EvaluateParse(ExpressionPtr e)
return Evaluate(e, IConfigRecordPtr(nullptr)/*top scope*/, L"", L"$");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// external entry points
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// top-level entry
// top-level entry
// A config sequence X=A;Y=B;do=(A,B) is really parsed as [X=A;Y=B].do. That's the tree we get. I.e. we try to compute the 'do' member.
void Do(ExpressionPtr e)
RecordLookup(e, L"do", e->location, nullptr, L"$"); // we evaluate the member 'do'
shared_ptr<Object> EvaluateField(ExpressionPtr e, const wstring & id)
void Do(ExpressionPtr e)
RecordLookup(e, L"do", e->location, nullptr, L"$"); // we evaluate the member 'do'
shared_ptr<Object> EvaluateField(ExpressionPtr e, const wstring & id)
//let record = AsPtr<ConfigRecord>(Evaluate(recordExpr, scope, exprPath, L""), recordExpr, L"record");
//return ResolveIdentifier(id, idLocation, MakeScope(record, nullptr/*no up scope*/));
return RecordLookup(e, id, e->location, nullptr/*scope for evaluating 'e'*/, L"$"); // we evaluate the member 'do'
return RecordLookup(e, id, e->location, nullptr/*scope for evaluating 'e'*/, L"$"); // we evaluate the member 'do'
ConfigValuePtr Evaluate(ExpressionPtr e)
return /*Evaluator().*/EvaluateParse(e);

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@ -151,14 +151,18 @@ protected:
CacheCurrentLine(); // re-cache current line
class CodeSourceError : public ConfigError
class CodeSourceException : public ConfigException
CodeSourceError(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) : ConfigError(msg, where) { }
/*ConfigError::*/ const wchar_t * kind() const { return L"reading source"; }
CodeSourceException(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) : ConfigException(msg, where) { }
/*ConfigException::*/ const wchar_t * kind() const { return L"reading source"; }
__declspec_noreturn static void Fail(wstring msg, TextLocation where) { throw CodeSourceError(msg, where); }
__declspec_noreturn static void Fail(wstring msg, TextLocation where)
throw CodeSourceException(msg, where);
// enter a source file, at start or as a result of an include statement
void PushSourceFile(SourceFile && sourceFile)
@ -293,15 +297,19 @@ public:
class LexerError : public ConfigError
class LexerException : public ConfigException
LexerError(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) : ConfigError(msg, where) { }
/*ConfigError::*/ const wchar_t * kind() const { return L"tokenizing"; }
LexerException(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) : ConfigException(msg, where) { }
/*ConfigException::*/ const wchar_t * kind() const { return L"tokenizing"; }
__declspec_noreturn static void Fail(wstring msg, Token where) { throw LexerError(msg, where.beginLocation); }
__declspec_noreturn static void Fail(wstring msg, Token where)
throw LexerException(msg, where.beginLocation);
Token currentToken;
// consume input characters to form a next token
@ -472,14 +480,18 @@ void Expression::Dump(int indent) const
class Parser : public Lexer
// errors
class ParseError : public ConfigError
class ParseException : public ConfigException
ParseError(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) : ConfigError(msg, where) { }
/*ConfigError::*/ const wchar_t * kind() const { return L"parsing"; }
ParseException(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) : ConfigException(msg, where) { }
/*ConfigException::*/ const wchar_t * kind() const { return L"parsing"; }
__declspec_noreturn static void Fail(const wstring & msg, Token where) { throw ParseError(msg, where.beginLocation); }
__declspec_noreturn static void Fail(const wstring & msg, Token where)
throw ParseException(msg, where.beginLocation);
//void Expected(const wstring & what) { Fail(strprintf("%ls expected", what.c_str()), GotToken().beginLocation); } // I don't know why this does not work
void Expected(const wstring & what) { Fail(what + L" expected", GotToken().beginLocation); }

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@ -50,22 +50,22 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConfigError -- all errors from processing the config files are reported as ConfigError
// ConfigException -- all errors from processing the config files are reported as ConfigException
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ConfigError : public Microsoft::MSR::ScriptableObjects::ScriptingError
class ConfigException : public Microsoft::MSR::ScriptableObjects::ScriptingException
vector<TextLocation> locations; // error location (front()) and evaluation parents (upper)
// Note: All our Error objects use wide strings, which we round-trip through runtime_error as utf8.
ConfigError(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) : Microsoft::MSR::ScriptableObjects::ScriptingError(msra::strfun::utf8(msg)) { locations.push_back(where); }
ConfigException(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) : Microsoft::MSR::ScriptableObjects::ScriptingException(msra::strfun::utf8(msg)) { locations.push_back(where); }
// these are used in pretty-printing
TextLocation where() const { return locations.front(); } // where the error happened
virtual const wchar_t * kind() const = 0; // e.g. "warning" or "error"
// pretty-print this as an error message
void /*ScriptingError::*/PrintError() const { TextLocation::PrintIssue(locations, L"error", kind(), msra::strfun::utf16(what()).c_str()); }
void /*ScriptingException::*/PrintError() const { TextLocation::PrintIssue(locations, L"error", kind(), msra::strfun::utf16(what()).c_str()); }
void AddLocation(TextLocation where) { locations.push_back(where); }

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@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {
catch (const ConfigError & err)
catch (const ConfigException & err)

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@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ std::vector<int> BestGpu::GetDevices(int number, BestGpuFlags p_bestFlags)
CrossProcessMutex deviceAllocationLock("DBN.exe GPGPU querying lock");
if (!deviceAllocationLock.Acquire((bestFlags & bestGpuExclusiveLock) != 0)) // failure --this should not really happen
throw std::runtime_error("DeviceFromConfig: unexpected failure");
RuntimeError("DeviceFromConfig: unexpected failure");
// even if user do not want to lock the GPU, we still need to check whether a particular GPU is locked or not,

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ template<> std::string GetEvalName(double) {std::string name = "GetEvalD"; retur
template<class ElemType>
void Eval<ElemType>::Init(const std::string& /*config*/)
throw std::logic_error("Init shouldn't be called, use constructor");
LogicError("Init shouldn't be called, use constructor");
// not implemented, calls the underlying class instead

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "Platform.h"
#include "DebugUtil.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#define TWO_PI 6.283185307f // TODO: find the official standards-confirming definition of this and use it instead
@ -17,7 +18,13 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
using namespace std;
// if it receives a lonely std::string then throw that directly
template<class E>
__declspec_noreturn static inline void ThrowFormatted()
throw E();
template<class E>
__declspec_noreturn static inline void ThrowFormatted(const string & message)
@ -36,7 +43,8 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
va_start(args, format);
vsprintf(buffer, format, args);
throw E(buffer);
#pragma warning(pop)
@ -47,6 +55,8 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
__declspec_noreturn static inline void LogicError(_Types&&... _Args) { ThrowFormatted<std::logic_error>(forward<_Types>(_Args)...); }
template<class... _Types>
__declspec_noreturn static inline void InvalidArgument(_Types&&... _Args) { ThrowFormatted<std::invalid_argument>(forward<_Types>(_Args)...); }
template<class... _Types>
__declspec_noreturn static inline void BadExceptionError(_Types&&... _Args) { ThrowFormatted<std::bad_exception>(forward<_Types>(_Args)...); }
// Warning - warn with a formatted error string
#pragma warning(push)
@ -63,6 +73,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
static inline void Warning(const string & message) { Warning("%s", message.c_str()); }
using Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::RuntimeError;
using Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::LogicError;
using Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::InvalidArgument;
using Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::BadExceptionError;
#include "basetypes.h" // TODO: gradually move over here all that's needed of basetypes.h, then remove basetypes.h.

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// TODO: or does that only signal an issue, and we should still terminate ourselves?
// BUGBUG: We'd also need to Abort through the other sub-set communicator
throw std::runtime_error(what);
class MPIWrapper
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
static bool initialized = false;
if (initialized)
throw std::logic_error("MPIWrapper: this is a singleton class that can only be instantiated once per process");
LogicError("MPIWrapper: this is a singleton class that can only be instantiated once per process");
initialized = true;

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@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace ScriptableObjects {
using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK; // for stuff from Basics.h
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ScriptingError -- base class for any errors thrown by scripting
// ScriptingException -- base class for any errors thrown by scripting
// It's a runtime_error with an additional virtual function PrintError().
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ScriptingError : public runtime_error
class ScriptingException : public runtime_error
template<typename M>
ScriptingError(const M & msg) : runtime_error(msg) { }
ScriptingException(const M & msg) : runtime_error(msg) { }
virtual void PrintError() const = 0;

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@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace basetypes {
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency (&freq)) // count ticks per second
throw std::runtime_error ("auto_timer: QueryPerformanceFrequency failure");
RuntimeError("auto_timer: QueryPerformanceFrequency failure");
QueryPerformanceCounter (&start);
#ifdef __unix__
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ struct utf8 : std::string { utf8 (const std::wstring & p) // utf-16 to -8
std::fill (buf.begin (), buf.end (), 0);
int rc = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8, 0, p.c_str(), (int) len,
&buf[0], (int) buf.size(), NULL, NULL);
if (rc == 0) throw std::runtime_error ("WideCharToMultiByte");
if (rc == 0) RuntimeError("WideCharToMultiByte");
(*(std::string*)this) = &buf[0];
struct utf16 : std::wstring { utf16 (const std::string & p) // utf-8 to -16
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ struct utf16 : std::wstring { utf16 (const std::string & p) // utf-8 to -16
std::fill (buf.begin (), buf.end (), (wchar_t) 0);
int rc = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, p.c_str(), (int) len,
&buf[0], (int) buf.size());
if (rc == 0) throw std::runtime_error ("MultiByteToWideChar");
if (rc == 0) RuntimeError("MultiByteToWideChar");
ASSERT (rc < buf.size ());
(*(std::wstring*)this) = &buf[0];
@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ static inline double todouble (const char * s)
char * ep; // will be set to point to first character that failed parsing
double value = strtod (s, &ep);
if (*s == 0 || *ep != 0)
throw std::runtime_error ("todouble: invalid input string");
RuntimeError("todouble: invalid input string");
return value;
@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ static inline double todouble (const std::string & s)
#if _MSC_VER > 1400 // VS 2010+
size_t * idx = 0;
value = std::stod (s, idx);
if (idx) throw std::runtime_error ("todouble: invalid input string");
if (idx) RuntimeError("todouble: invalid input string");
char *ep = 0; // will be updated by strtod to point to first character that failed parsing
value = strtod (s.c_str(), &ep);
@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ static inline double todouble (const std::string & s)
// strtod documentation says ep points to first unconverted character OR
// return value will be +/- HUGE_VAL for overflow/underflow
if (ep != s.c_str() + s.length() || value == HUGE_VAL || value == -HUGE_VAL)
throw std::runtime_error ("todouble: invalid input string");
RuntimeError("todouble: invalid input string");
return value;
@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ static inline double todouble (const std::wstring & s)
wchar_t * endptr;
double value = wcstod (s.c_str(), &endptr);
if (*endptr) throw std::runtime_error ("todouble: invalid input string");
if (*endptr) RuntimeError("todouble: invalid input string");
return value;
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ class auto_file_ptr
void close() throw() { if (f) try { if (f != stdin && f != stdout && f != stderr) ::fclose (f); } catch (...) { } f = NULL; }
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
void openfailed (const std::string & path) { throw std::runtime_error ("auto_file_ptr: error opening file '" + path + "': " + strerror (errno)); }
void openfailed (const std::string & path) { RuntimeError("auto_file_ptr: error opening file '" + path + "': " + strerror (errno)); }
#pragma warning(pop)
friend int fclose (auto_file_ptr&); // explicit close (note: may fail)
@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ public:
operator bool() const { return ch != EOF; } // true if still a line to read
std::string getline() // get and consume the next line
if (ch == EOF) throw std::logic_error ("textreader: attempted to read beyond EOF");
if (ch == EOF) LogicError("textreader: attempted to read beyond EOF");
assert (buf.empty());
// get all line's characters --we recognize UNIX (LF), DOS (CRLF), and Mac (CR) convention
while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r') buf.push_back (getch());

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@ -414,9 +414,9 @@ void fgetText(FILE * f, T& v)
int rc = ftrygetText(f, v);
if (rc == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("error reading value from file (invalid format)");
RuntimeError("error reading value from file (invalid format)");
else if (rc == EOF)
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("error reading from file: ") + strerror(errno));
RuntimeError(std::string("error reading from file: ") + strerror(errno));
assert(rc == 1);
@ -447,9 +447,9 @@ void fputText(FILE * f, T v)
const wchar_t* formatString = GetFormatString(v);
int rc = fwprintf(f, formatString, v);
if (rc == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("error writing value to file, no values written");
RuntimeError("error writing value to file, no values written");
else if (rc < 0)
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("error writing to file: ") + strerror(errno));
RuntimeError(std::string("error writing to file: ") + strerror(errno));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class lattice
// - sortbyfinalsp = true: use in sorting (the longer edge with /sp/ will go FIRST so that it is the one to survive uniq-ing)
// - sortbyfinalsp = false: use in uniq-ing; the edges will just be reported as identical
if (edges[j1].implysp || edges[j2].implysp)
throw std::logic_error ("comparealign: must not operate on edges with implysp flag set");
LogicError("comparealign: must not operate on edges with implysp flag set");
const auto a1 = getaligninfo (j1);
const auto a2 = getaligninfo (j2);
// sort by unit sequence first
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class lattice
std::vector<edgeinfo> edges2; // TODO: rename these
std::vector<aligninfo> uniquededgedatatokens; // [-1]: LM score; [-2]: ac score; [0..]: actual aligninfo records
float & uniqueedgelmscore (size_t firstalign) { return *(float*) &[firstalign-1]; }
float & uniqueedgeacscore (size_t firstalign) { if (info.hasacscores) return *(float*) &[firstalign-2]; else throw std::logic_error ("uniqueedgeacscore: no ac scores stored in this lattice"); }
float & uniqueedgeacscore (size_t firstalign) { if (info.hasacscores) return *(float*) &[firstalign-2]; else LogicError("uniqueedgeacscore: no ac scores stored in this lattice"); }
public: // TODO: make private again once
// construct from edges/align
// This is also used for merging, where the edges[] array is not correctly sorted. So don't assume this here.
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ public: // TODO: make private again once
foreach_index (j, edges)
if (edges[j].implysp)
throw std::logic_error ("builduniquealignments: original edges[] array must not have implied /sp/");
LogicError("builduniquealignments: original edges[] array must not have implied /sp/");
edges2[j].S = edges[j].S;
edges2[j].E = edges[j].E;
edges2[j].unused = 0;
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ public: // TODO: make private again once
const auto ai = getaligninfo (j);
size_t nalign = ai.size();
if (nalign == 0 && (size_t) j2 != edges.size() -1)
throw std::runtime_error ("builduniquealignments: !NULL edges forbidden except for the very last edge");
RuntimeError("builduniquealignments: !NULL edges forbidden except for the very last edge");
// special optimization: we do not store the /sp/ unit at the end
if (nalign > 1/*be robust against 1-unit edges that consist of spunit*/ && ai[nalign-1].unit == spunit)
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ public: // TODO: make private again once
auto a = ai[k];
if (a.last)
throw std::logic_error ("builduniquealignments: unexpected 'last' flag already set in input aligns (numeric overflow in old format?)");
LogicError("builduniquealignments: unexpected 'last' flag already set in input aligns (numeric overflow in old format?)");
if (k == nalign -1)
a.last = 1;
uniquededgedatatokens.push_back (a);
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ public:
sile.a = LOGZERO; // must not have this anyway
sile.firstalign = newalign.size(); // we create a new entry for this
if (sile.firstalign != newalign.size())
throw std::runtime_error ("hackinsilencesubstitutionedges: numeric bit-field overflow of .firstalign");
RuntimeError("hackinsilencesubstitutionedges: numeric bit-field overflow of .firstalign");
newedges.push_back (sile);
// create a new align entry
aligninfo asil (silunit, numframes);
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ public:
edgeinfowithscores spe = sile;
spe.firstalign = newalign.size();
if (spe.firstalign != newalign.size())
throw std::runtime_error ("hackinsilencesubstitutionedges: numeric bit-field overflow of .firstalign");
RuntimeError("hackinsilencesubstitutionedges: numeric bit-field overflow of .firstalign");
newedges.push_back (spe);
aligninfo asp (spunit, numframes);
newalign.push_back (asp);
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ public:
// copy the edge
e.firstalign = newalign.size();
if (e.firstalign != newalign.size())
throw std::runtime_error ("hackinsilencesubstitutionedges: numeric bit-field overflow of .firstalign");
RuntimeError("hackinsilencesubstitutionedges: numeric bit-field overflow of .firstalign");
newedges.push_back (e);
// copy the align records
auto a = getaligninfo (j);
@ -443,31 +443,31 @@ public:
const size_t edgedur = nodes[edges2[j].E].t - nodes[edges2[j].S].t; // for checking and back-filling the implied /sp/
size_t aligndur = 0;
if (firstalign == uniquededgedatatokens.size() && (size_t) j != edges.size() -1)
throw std::runtime_error ("rebuildedges: !NULL edges forbidden except for the last edge");
RuntimeError("rebuildedges: !NULL edges forbidden except for the last edge");
for (size_t k = firstalign; k < uniquededgedatatokens.size(); k++)
if (!isendworkaround.empty() && isendworkaround[k]) // secondary criterion to detect ends in broken lattices
aligninfo ai = uniquededgedatatokens[k];
if (ai.unused != 0)
throw std::runtime_error ("rebuildedges: mal-formed uniquededgedatatokens[] array: 'unused' field must be 0");
RuntimeError("rebuildedges: mal-formed uniquededgedatatokens[] array: 'unused' field must be 0");
bool islast = ai.last != 0;
ai.last = 0; // old format does not support this
align.push_back (ai);
aligndur += ai.frames;
if (aligndur > edgedur)
throw std::runtime_error ("rebuildedges: mal-formed uniquededgedatatokens[] array: aligment longer than edge");
RuntimeError("rebuildedges: mal-formed uniquededgedatatokens[] array: aligment longer than edge");
if (islast)
if (k == uniquededgedatatokens.size() -1)
throw std::runtime_error ("rebuildedges: mal-formed uniquededgedatatokens[] array: missing 'last' flag in last entry");
RuntimeError("rebuildedges: mal-formed uniquededgedatatokens[] array: missing 'last' flag in last entry");
if (edges2[j].implysp)
if (info.impliedspunitid == SIZE_MAX)
throw std::runtime_error ("rebuildedges: edge requests implied /sp/ but none specified in lattice header");
RuntimeError("rebuildedges: edge requests implied /sp/ but none specified in lattice header");
if (aligndur > edgedur)
throw std::runtime_error ("rebuildedges: edge alignment longer than edge duration");
RuntimeError("rebuildedges: edge alignment longer than edge duration");
aligninfo ai (info.impliedspunitid, edgedur - aligndur/*frames: remaining frames are /sp/ */);
align.push_back (ai);
@ -501,11 +501,11 @@ public:
firstframe = (unsigned int) ts;
firstalign = (unsigned int) as;
if (wordindex != wid)
throw std::runtime_error ("htkmlfwordentry: vocabulary size too large for bit field 'wordindex'");
RuntimeError("htkmlfwordentry: vocabulary size too large for bit field 'wordindex'");
if (firstframe != ts)
throw std::runtime_error ("htkmlfwordentry: start frame too large for bit field 'firstframe'");
RuntimeError("htkmlfwordentry: start frame too large for bit field 'firstframe'");
if (firstalign != as)
throw std::runtime_error ("htkmlfwordentry: first-align index too large for bit field 'firstframe'");
RuntimeError("htkmlfwordentry: first-align index too large for bit field 'firstframe'");
@ -708,21 +708,21 @@ public:
const auto & e = edges[j];
if (e.E <= e.S)
throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice is not topologically sorted");
RuntimeError("checklattice: lattice is not topologically sorted");
if (nodes[e.E].t < nodes[e.S].t)
throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice edge has negative time range");
RuntimeError("checklattice: lattice edge has negative time range");
if (nodes[e.E].t == nodes[e.S].t && j < info.numedges-1)
throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: 0-frame edges forbidden except for very last edge");
RuntimeError("checklattice: 0-frame edges forbidden except for very last edge");
if (j != (info.numedges - 1) && nodes[e.E].t == nodes[e.S].t)// last arc can be zero time range
throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice edge has zero time range");
RuntimeError("checklattice: lattice edge has zero time range");
if (j > 0 && e.E < edges[j-1].E)
throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice is not sorted by end node");
RuntimeError("checklattice: lattice is not sorted by end node");
if (j > 0 && e.E == edges[j-1].E && e.S < edges[j-1].S) // == also not allowed except for terminal edges
throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice is not sorted by start node within the same end node");
RuntimeError("checklattice: lattice is not sorted by start node within the same end node");
if (j > 0 && e.E == edges[j-1].E && e.S == edges[j-1].S)
{ // Note: same E means identical word on the edge, due to word id stored on node. Thus, the edge is redundant = forbidden.
if (e.E != info.numnodes-1)
throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice has duplicate edges");
RuntimeError("checklattice: lattice has duplicate edges");
else // Exception: end of lattice, which happens rarely (2 examples found) and won't cause dramatic error, none in typical cases.
fprintf (stderr, "checklattice: WARNING: duplicate edge J=%d (S=%d -> E=%d) at end of lattice\n", (int) j, (int) e.S, (int) e.E);
@ -731,15 +731,15 @@ public:
// check nodes and in/out counts
if (nodes[0].t != 0.0f)
throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice does not begin with time 0");
RuntimeError("checklattice: lattice does not begin with time 0");
for (size_t i = 0; i < info.numnodes; i++)
if (i > 0 && nodes[i].t < nodes[i-1].t)
throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice nodes not sorted by time");
RuntimeError("checklattice: lattice nodes not sorted by time");
if ((numin[i] > 0) ^ (i > 0))
throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: found an orphaned start node");
RuntimeError("checklattice: found an orphaned start node");
if ((numout[i] > 0) ^ (i < info.numnodes-1))
throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: found an orphaned end node");
RuntimeError("checklattice: found an orphaned end node");
@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ public:
const size_t sz = freadtag (f, tag);
if (expectedsize != SIZE_MAX && sz != expectedsize)
throw std::runtime_error (std::string ("freadvector: malformed file, number of vector elements differs from head, for tag ") + tag);
RuntimeError(std::string ("freadvector: malformed file, number of vector elements differs from head, for tag ") + tag);
freadOrDie (v, sz, f);
@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ public:
freadOrDie (&info, sizeof (info), 1, f);
freadvector (f, "NODE", nodes, info.numnodes);
if (nodes.back().t != info.numframes)
throw std::runtime_error ("fread: mismatch between info.numframes and last node's time");
RuntimeError("fread: mismatch between info.numframes and last node's time");
freadvector (f, "EDGE", edges, info.numedges);
freadvector (f, "ALIG", align);
fcheckTag (f, "END ");
@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ public:
freadOrDie (&info, sizeof (info), 1, f);
freadvector (f, "NODS", nodes, info.numnodes);
if (nodes.back().t != info.numframes)
throw std::runtime_error ("fread: mismatch between info.numframes and last node's time");
RuntimeError("fread: mismatch between info.numframes and last node's time");
freadvector (f, "EDGS", edges2, info.numedges); // uniqued edges
freadvector (f, "ALNS", uniquededgedatatokens); // uniqued alignments
fcheckTag (f, "END ");
@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ public:
if (info.impliedspunitid != SIZE_MAX && info.impliedspunitid >= idmap.size()) // we have buggy lattices like that--what do they mean??
fprintf (stderr, "fread: detected buggy spunit id %d which is out of range (%d entries in map)\n", (int)info.impliedspunitid, (int)idmap.size());
throw std::runtime_error ("fread: out of bounds spunitid");
RuntimeError("fread: out of bounds spunitid");
// This is critical--we have a buggy lattice set that requires no mapping where mapping would fail
@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ public:
// this is a regular token: update it in-place
auto & ai = uniquededgedatatokens[k];
if (ai.unit >= idmap.size())
throw std::runtime_error ("fread: broken-file heuristics failed");
RuntimeError("fread: broken-file heuristics failed");
ai.updateunit (idmap); // updates itself
if (!ai.last)
@ -957,13 +957,13 @@ public:
// fprintf (stderr, "fread: inconsistent spunit id in file %d vs. expected %d; due to erroneous heuristic\n", info.impliedspunitid, spunit); // [v-hansu] comment out becaues it takes up most of the log
// it's actually OK, we can live with this, since we only decompress and then move on without any assumptions
//throw std::runtime_error ("fread: mismatching /sp/ units");
//RuntimeError("fread: mismatching /sp/ units");
// reconstruct old lattice format from this --TODO: remove once we change to new data representation
rebuildedges (info.impliedspunitid != spunit/*to be able to read somewhat broken V2 lattice archives*/);
throw std::runtime_error ("fread: unsupported lattice format version");
RuntimeError("fread: unsupported lattice format version");
// parallel versions (defined in parallelforwardbackward.cpp)
@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ class archive
auto iter = symmap.find (key);
if (iter == symmap.end())
throw std::runtime_error (std::string ("getcachedidmap: symbol not found in user-supplied symbol map: ") + key);
RuntimeError(std::string ("getcachedidmap: symbol not found in user-supplied symbol map: ") + key);
return iter->second;
template<class SYMMAP> const symbolidmapping & getcachedidmap (size_t archiveindex, const SYMMAP & symmap/*[string] -> numeric id*/) const
@ -1062,12 +1062,12 @@ class archive
symstring = sym; // (reusing existing object to avoid malloc)
tosymstring = tosym;
if (getid (symmap, symstring) != getid (symmap, tosymstring))
throw std::runtime_error (std::string ("getcachedidmap: mismatching symbol id for ") + sym + " vs. " + tosym);
RuntimeError(std::string ("getcachedidmap: mismatching symbol id for ") + sym + " vs. " + tosym);
if ((size_t) i != idmap.size()) // non-mappings must come first (this is to ensure compatibility with pre-mapping files)
throw std::runtime_error ("getcachedidmap: mixed up symlist file");
RuntimeError("getcachedidmap: mixed up symlist file");
symstring = sym; // (reusing existing object to avoid malloc)
idmap.push_back ((unsigned int) getid (symmap, symstring));
@ -1127,12 +1127,12 @@ public:
const char * line = toclines[i];
const char * p = strchr (line, '=');
if (p == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error ("open: invalid TOC line (no = sign): " + std::string (line));
RuntimeError("open: invalid TOC line (no = sign): " + std::string (line));
const std::wstring key = msra::strfun::utf16 (std::string (line, p - line));
const char * q = strchr (p, '[');
if (q == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error ("open: invalid TOC line (no [): " + std::string (line));
RuntimeError("open: invalid TOC line (no [): " + std::string (line));
if (q != p)
const std::wstring archivepath = msra::strfun::utf16 (std::string (p, q - p));
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ public:
archiveindex = getarchiveindex (archivepath);
if (archiveindex == SIZE_MAX)
throw std::runtime_error ("open: invalid TOC line (empty archive pathname): " + std::string (line));
RuntimeError("open: invalid TOC line (empty archive pathname): " + std::string (line));
char c;
uint64_t offset;
#ifdef _WIN32
@ -1149,9 +1149,9 @@ public:
if (sscanf (q, "[%" PRIu64 "]%c", &offset, &c) != 1)
throw std::runtime_error ("open: invalid TOC line (bad [] expression): " + std::string (line));
RuntimeError("open: invalid TOC line (bad [] expression): " + std::string (line));
if (!toc.insert (make_pair (key, latticeref (offset, archiveindex))).second)
throw std::runtime_error ("open: TOC entry leads to duplicate key: " + std::string (line));
RuntimeError("open: TOC entry leads to duplicate key: " + std::string (line));
// initialize symmaps --alloc the array, but actually read the symmap on demand
@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ public:
auto iter = toc.find (key);
if (iter == toc.end())
throw std::logic_error ("getlattice: requested lattice for non-existent key; haslattice() should have been used to check availability");
LogicError("getlattice: requested lattice for non-existent key; haslattice() should have been used to check availability");
// get the archive that the lattice lives in and its byte offset
const size_t archiveindex = iter->second.archiveindex;
const auto offset = iter->second.offset;
@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ public:
#if 1 // prep for fixing the pushing of /sp/ at the end --we actually can just look it up! Duh
const size_t spunit2 = getid (modelsymmap, "sp");
if (spunit2 != spunit)
throw std::logic_error ("getlattice: huh? same lookup of /sp/ gives different result?");
LogicError("getlattice: huh? same lookup of /sp/ gives different result?");
// open archive file in case it is not the current one
if (archiveindex != currentarchiveindex)
@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ public:
// check if number of frames is as expected
if (expectedframes != SIZE_MAX && L.getnumframes() != expectedframes)
throw std::logic_error ("getlattice: number of frames mismatch between numerator lattice and features");
LogicError("getlattice: number of frames mismatch between numerator lattice and features");
// remember the latice key for diagnostics messages
L.key = key;

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public:
#ifndef NONUMLATTICEMMI // TODO:set NUM lattice to null so as to save memory
if (numlattices.empty() ^ denlattices.empty())
throw std::runtime_error("latticesource: numerator and denominator lattices must be either both empty or both not empty");
RuntimeError("latticesource: numerator and denominator lattices must be either both empty or both not empty");
return denlattices.empty();

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@ -6,10 +6,9 @@
// latticestorage.h -- basic data structures for storing lattices
#if 0 // [v-hansu] separate code with history
#pragma once
#include "Basics.h"
#include <string> // for the error message in checkoverflow() only
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdint.h>
@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ static void checkoverflow (size_t fieldval, size_t targetval, const char * field
(buf, sizeof(buf), "lattice: bit field %s too small for value 0x%x (cut from 0x%x)", fieldname, (unsigned int)targetval, (unsigned int)fieldval);
throw std::runtime_error (buf);

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@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ public:
// test for numeric overflow
if (map.size()-1 != (INDEXTYPE) (map.size()-1))
throw std::runtime_error ("randomordering: INDEXTYPE has too few bits for this corpus");
RuntimeError("randomordering: INDEXTYPE has too few bits for this corpus");
// 0, 1, 2...
foreach_index (t, map) map[t] = (INDEXTYPE) t;
if (map.size() > RAND_MAX * (size_t) RAND_MAX)
throw std::runtime_error ("randomordering: too large training set: need to change to different random generator!");
RuntimeError("randomordering: too large training set: need to change to different random generator!");
srand ((unsigned int) seed);
size_t retries = 0;
foreach_index (t, map)
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public:
foreach_index (t, map) if (!((size_t) t <= map[t] + randomizationrange/2 && map[t] < (size_t) t + randomizationrange/2))
fprintf (stderr, "randomordering: windowing condition violated %d -> %d\n", t, map[t]);
throw std::logic_error ("randomordering: windowing condition violated");
LogicError("randomordering: windowing condition violated");
#if 0 // test whether it is indeed a unique complete sequence

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ template <typename FUNCTION> void parallel_for_on_each_numa_node (bool multistep
// now run on many threads, hoping to hit all NUMA nodes, until we are done
hardcoded_array<LONG/*unsigned int*/,256> nextstepcounters; // next block to run for a NUMA node
if (nodes > nextstepcounters.size())
throw std::logic_error ("parallel_for_on_each_numa_node: nextstepcounters buffer too small, need to increase hard-coded size");
LogicError("parallel_for_on_each_numa_node: nextstepcounters buffer too small, need to increase hard-coded size");
for (size_t k = 0; k < nodes; k++) nextstepcounters[k] = 0;
//unsigned int totalloops = 0; // for debugging only, can be removed later
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ template <typename FUNCTION> void parallel_for_on_each_numa_node (bool multistep
return; // done
// oops??
throw std::logic_error ("parallel_for_on_each_numa_node: no left-over block found--should not get here!!");
LogicError("parallel_for_on_each_numa_node: no left-over block found--should not get here!!");
//assert (totalloops == nodes * steps);
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ static inline size_t getcurrentnode()
if (!GetNumaProcessorNode ((UCHAR) i, &n)) return 0;
if (n == 0xff)
throw std::logic_error ("GetNumaProcessorNode() failed to determine NUMA node for GetCurrentProcessorNumber()??");
LogicError("GetNumaProcessorNode() failed to determine NUMA node for GetCurrentProcessorNumber()??");
return n;
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ static inline void * malloc (size_t n, size_t align)
if (p == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "numa::malloc: failed allocating %d bytes with alignment %d\n", n, align);
if (((size_t) p) % align != 0)
throw std::logic_error ("VirtualAllocExNuma() returned an address that does not match the alignment requirement");
LogicError("VirtualAllocExNuma() returned an address that does not match the alignment requirement");
return p;
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ static inline void free (void * p)
assert (p != NULL);
if (!VirtualFree (p, 0, MEM_RELEASE))
throw std::logic_error ("VirtualFreeEx failure");
LogicError("VirtualFreeEx failure");
// dump memory allocation

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public: // (TODO: better encapsulation)
unsigned short senoneids[MAXSTATES]; // [0..numstates-1] senone indices
const char * getname() const { return name; } // (should be used for diagnostics only)
size_t getsenoneid (size_t i) const { if (i < numstates) return (size_t) senoneids[i]; throw std::logic_error ("getsenoneid: out of bounds access"); }
size_t getsenoneid (size_t i) const { if (i < numstates) return (size_t) senoneids[i]; LogicError("getsenoneid: out of bounds access"); }
size_t getnumstates() const { return (size_t) numstates; }
unsigned char gettransPindex() const { return transPindex;}
const struct transP & gettransP() const { return *transP; }
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ public: // (TODO: better encapsulation)
size_t numstates;
float loga[MAXSTATES+1][MAXSTATES+1];
void check (int from, size_t to) const { if (from < -1 || from >= (int) numstates || to > numstates) throw std::logic_error ("transP: index out of bounds"); }
void check (int from, size_t to) const { if (from < -1 || from >= (int) numstates || to > numstates) LogicError("transP: index out of bounds"); }
void resize (size_t n) { if (n > MAXSTATES) throw std::runtime_error ("resize: requested transP that exceeds MAXSTATES"); numstates = n; }
void resize (size_t n) { if (n > MAXSTATES) RuntimeError("resize: requested transP that exceeds MAXSTATES"); numstates = n; }
size_t getnumstates() const { return numstates; }
// from = -1 and to = numstates are allowed, but we also allow 'from' to be size_t to avoid silly typecasts
float & operator() (int from, size_t to) { check (from, to); return loga[from+1][to]; } // from >= -1
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public:
auto iter = symmap.find (name);
if (iter == symmap.end())
throw std::logic_error ("gethmm: unknown unit name: " + name);
LogicError("gethmm: unknown unit name: " + name);
return iter->second;
@ -113,19 +113,19 @@ public:
toks = transPlines[i];
if (toks.size() < 3)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: too few tokens in transP line: " + string (transPlines[i]));
RuntimeError("simplesenonehmm: too few tokens in transP line: " + string (transPlines[i]));
key = toks[0]; // transPname --using existing object to avoid malloc
transPmap[key] = i;
size_t numstates = msra::strfun::toint (toks[1]);
if (numstates == 0)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: invalid numstates: " + string (transPlines[i]));
RuntimeError("simplesenonehmm: invalid numstates: " + string (transPlines[i]));
auto & transP = transPs[i];
transP.resize (numstates);
size_t k = 2; // index into tokens; transP values start at toks[2]
for (int from = -1; from < (int) numstates; from++) for (size_t to = 0; to <= numstates; to++)
if (k >= toks.size())
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: not enough tokens on transP line: " + string (transPlines[i]));
RuntimeError("simplesenonehmm: not enough tokens on transP line: " + string (transPlines[i]));
const char * sval = toks[k++];
const double aij = msra::strfun::todouble (sval);
if (aij > 1e-10) // non-0
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public:
transP(from,to) = -1e30f;
if (toks.size() > k)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: unexpected garbage at endof transP line: " + string (transPlines[i]));
RuntimeError("simplesenonehmm: unexpected garbage at endof transP line: " + string (transPlines[i]));
// allocate inverse lookup
senoneid2transPindex.resize (readstatenames.size(), -2);
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public:
toks = lines[i];
if (toks.size() < 3)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: too few tokens in line: " + string (lines[i]));
RuntimeError("simplesenonehmm: too few tokens in line: " + string (lines[i]));
const char * hmmname = toks[0];
const char * transPname = toks[1];
// build the HMM structure
@ -162,28 +162,28 @@ public:
key = transPname; // (reuse existing memory)
auto iter = transPmap.find (key);
if (iter == transPmap.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: unknown transP name: " + string (lines[i]));
RuntimeError("simplesenonehmm: unknown transP name: " + string (lines[i]));
size_t transPindex = iter->second;
hmm.transPindex = (unsigned char) transPindex;
hmm.transP = &transPs[transPindex];
if (hmm.transPindex != transPindex)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: numeric overflow for transPindex field");
RuntimeError("simplesenonehmm: numeric overflow for transPindex field");
// get the senones
hmm.numstates = (unsigned char) (toks.size() - 2); // remaining tokens
if (hmm.numstates != transPs[transPindex].getnumstates())
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: number of states mismatches that of transP: " + string (lines[i]));
RuntimeError("simplesenonehmm: number of states mismatches that of transP: " + string (lines[i]));
if (hmm.numstates > _countof (hmm.senoneids))
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: hmm.senoneids[MAXSTATES] is too small in line: " + string (lines[i]));
RuntimeError("simplesenonehmm: hmm.senoneids[MAXSTATES] is too small in line: " + string (lines[i]));
for (size_t s = 0; s < hmm.numstates; s++)
const char * senonename = toks[s+2];
key = senonename; // (reuse existing memory)
auto iter = statemap.find (key);
if (iter == statemap.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: unrecognized senone name in line: " + string (lines[i]));
RuntimeError("simplesenonehmm: unrecognized senone name in line: " + string (lines[i]));
hmm.senoneids[s] = (unsigned short) iter->second;
if (hmm.getsenoneid(s) != iter->second)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: not enough bits to store senone index in line: " + string (lines[i]));
RuntimeError("simplesenonehmm: not enough bits to store senone index in line: " + string (lines[i]));
// inverse lookup
if (senoneid2transPindex[hmm.senoneids[s]] == -2) // no value yet
senoneid2transPindex[hmm.senoneids[s]] = hmm.transPindex;
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ public:
// add to name-to-HMM hash
auto ir = name2hmm.insert (std::make_pair (hmmname, hmm)); // insert into hash table
if (!ir.second) // not inserted
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: duplicate unit name in line: " + string (lines[i]));
RuntimeError("simplesenonehmm: duplicate unit name in line: " + string (lines[i]));
// add to hmm-to-index hash
// and update the actual lookup table
size_t hmmindex = hmms.size(); // (assume it's a new entry)

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ protected:
colstride = (n + 3) & ~3; // pad to multiples of four floats (required SSE alignment)
const size_t totalelem = colstride * m;
if (totalelem + 3 > _countof (buffer)) // +3 for alignment, as buffer may live on the stack and would thus be unaligned
throw std::logic_error ("ssematrixbase from vector buffer: buffer too small");
LogicError("ssematrixbase from vector buffer: buffer too small");
p = &buffer[0];
// align to 4-float boundary (required for SSE)
// x64 stack is aligned to 16 bytes, but x86 is not. Also, float[] would not be guaranteed.
@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ protected:
p = &buffer[0];
size_t offelem = (((size_t)p) / sizeof (float)) % 4;
if (offelem != 0)
throw std::logic_error ("ssematrixbase from vector buffer: must be SSE-aligned");
LogicError("ssematrixbase from vector buffer: must be SSE-aligned");
colstride = (n + 3) & ~3; // pad to multiples of four floats (required SSE alignment)
const size_t totalelem = colstride * m;
if (totalelem != buffer.size())
throw std::logic_error ("ssematrixbase from vector buffer: incorrect buffer size");
LogicError("ssematrixbase from vector buffer: incorrect buffer size");
// align to 4-float boundary (required for SSE)
// x64 stack is aligned to 16 bytes, but x86 is not. Also, float[] would not be guaranteed.
numrows = n; numcols = m;
@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ public:
auto & us = *this;
foreach_coord (ii, jj, us)
if (us(ii,jj) != to(jj,ii))
throw std::logic_error ("parallel_transpose: post-condition check failed--you got it wrong, man!");
LogicError("parallel_transpose: post-condition check failed--you got it wrong, man!");
@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ public:
for (size_t jj = 0; jj < j1; jj++)
foreach_row (ii, us)
if (us(ii,jj) != to(jj,ii))
throw std::logic_error ("transpose: post-condition check failed--you got it wrong, man!");
LogicError("transpose: post-condition check failed--you got it wrong, man!");
@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ public:
assert (U.cols() == V.rows() && U.rows() == V.cols());
foreach_coord (i, j, U)
if (U(i,j) != V(j,i))
throw std::logic_error ("checktranspose: post-condition check failed--you got it wrong, man!");
LogicError("checktranspose: post-condition check failed--you got it wrong, man!");
#else // futile attempts to speed it up --the imul don't matter (is SSE so slow?)
@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ public:
#if 0 // double-check
foreach_coord (ii, jj, us)
if (us(ii,jj) != to(jj,ii))
throw std::logic_error ("transpose: post-condition check failed--you got it wrong, man!");
LogicError("transpose: post-condition check failed--you got it wrong, man!");
@ -1186,10 +1186,10 @@ public:
const auto & us = *this;
if (us.cols() != other.cols() || us.rows() != other.rows())
throw std::logic_error ("checkequal: post-condition check failed (dim)--you got it wrong, man!");
LogicError("checkequal: post-condition check failed (dim)--you got it wrong, man!");
foreach_coord (i, j, us)
if (us(i,j) != other(i,j))
throw std::logic_error ("checkequal: post-condition check failed (values)--you got it wrong, man!");
LogicError("checkequal: post-condition check failed (values)--you got it wrong, man!");
void dump(char * name) const
@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ public:
assert (other.empty() || j0 + m <= other.cols());
if (!other.empty() && j0 + m > other.cols()) // (runtime check to be sure--we use this all the time)
throw std::logic_error ("ssematrixstriperef: stripe outside original matrix' dimension");
LogicError("ssematrixstriperef: stripe outside original matrix' dimension");
this->p = other.empty() ? NULL : &other(0,j0);
this->numrows = other.rows();
this->numcols = m;
@ -1276,12 +1276,7 @@ public:
template<class ssematrixbase> class ssematrix : public ssematrixbase
// helpers for SSE-compatible memory allocation
#ifdef _MSC_VER
static __declspec_noreturn void failed(size_t nbytes) { static/*not thread-safe--for diagnostics only*/ char buf[80] = { 0 }; sprintf_s(buf, "allocation of SSE vector failed (%d bytes)", nbytes); throw std::bad_exception(buf); }
#ifdef __unix__
static void failed (size_t nbytes) { static/*not thread-safe--for diagnostics only*/ char buf[80] = { 0 }; sprintf_s (buf, sizeof(buf), "allocation of SSE vector failed (%d bytes)", (int)nbytes); throw std::bad_exception (); }
static __declspec_noreturn void failed(size_t nbytes) { BadExceptionError("allocation of SSE vector failed (%d bytes)", nbytes); }
#ifdef _WIN32
template<typename T> static T * new_sse (size_t nbytes) { T * pv = (T *) _aligned_malloc (nbytes * sizeof (T), 16); if (pv) return pv; failed (nbytes * sizeof (T)); }
static void delete_sse (void * p) { if (p) _aligned_free (p); }
@ -1369,7 +1364,7 @@ public:
if (empty())
resize (n, m);
else if (n != numrows || m != numcols)
throw std::logic_error ("resizeonce: attempted to resize a second time to different dimensions");
LogicError("resizeonce: attempted to resize a second time to different dimensions");
@ -1377,7 +1372,7 @@ public:
void shrink(size_t newrows, size_t newcols)
if (newrows > this->numrows || newcols > this->numcols)
throw std::logic_error ("shrink: attempted to grow the matrix");
LogicError("shrink: attempted to grow the matrix");
this->numrows = newrows;
this->numcols = newcols;
@ -1420,7 +1415,7 @@ public:
char namebuf[80];
const char * nameread = fgetstring (f, namebuf);
if (strcmp (name, nameread) != 0)
throw std::runtime_error (string ("unexpected matrix name tag '") + nameread + "', expected '" + name + "'");
RuntimeError(string ("unexpected matrix name tag '") + nameread + "', expected '" + name + "'");
size_t n = fgetint (f);
size_t m = fgetint (f);
resize (n, m);
@ -1439,7 +1434,7 @@ public:
char namebuf[80];
const char * nameread = fgetstring (f, namebuf);
if (strcmp (name, nameread) != 0)
throw std::runtime_error (string ("unexpected matrix name tag '") + nameread + "', expected '" + name + "'");
RuntimeError(string ("unexpected matrix name tag '") + nameread + "', expected '" + name + "'");
size_t n = fgetint (f);
size_t m = fgetint (f);
resize (n, m);

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "Unable to Open/Create file %ls, error %x", fileName.c_str(), GetLastError());
throw runtime_error(message);
// code to detect type of file (network/local)
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "Unable to map file %ls, error 0x%x", fileName.c_str(), GetLastError());
throw runtime_error(message);
m_mappedSize = size;
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
char message[128];
sprintf_s(message, "Setting max position larger than mapped file size: %ld > %ld", m_filePositionMax, m_mappedSize);
throw runtime_error(message);
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
char message[128];
sprintf_s(message, "Unable to map file %ls @ %lld, error %x", m_name.c_str(), filePosition, GetLastError());
throw runtime_error(message);
m_views.push_back(ViewPosition(pBuf, filePosition, size));
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
char message[128];
sprintf_s(message, "Invalid File format for binary file %ls", fileName.c_str());
throw runtime_error(message);
@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// check for valid index
if (m_sections.size() <= index)
throw runtime_error("ReadSection:Invalid index");
RuntimeError("ReadSection:Invalid index");
// already loaded, so return
@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "Invalid header in file %ls, in header %s\n", m_file->GetName(), section->GetName());
throw runtime_error(message);
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "Element out of range, error accesing element %lld, size=%lld\n", element, bytesRequested);
throw runtime_error(message);
// make sure we have the buffer in the range to handle the request
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "Element out of range, error accesing element %lld, max element=%lld\n", element, GetElementCount());
throw runtime_error(message);
// section is mapped as a whole, so no separate mapping for element buffer
@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
int64_t offset = section->m_filePosition - filePosition;
if (offset < 0)
throw runtime_error("RemapHeader:Invalid mapping, children must follow parent in mapping space");
RuntimeError("RemapHeader:Invalid mapping, children must follow parent in mapping space");
// update our header location
SectionHeader* header = section->m_sectionHeader = (SectionHeader*)((char*)view + offset);
@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
auto sectionOwner = SectionMappingOwner();
if (filePosition < sectionOwner->GetFilePosition())
throw runtime_error("invalid fileposition, cannot be earlier in the file than mapping parent");
RuntimeError("invalid fileposition, cannot be earlier in the file than mapping parent");
size_t offset = filePosition-sectionOwner->GetFilePosition();
size_t totalSize = offset + max(size,sectionHeaderMin);
@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
case mappingFile:
if (filePosition != 0)
throw runtime_error("invalid fileposition, file mapping sections must start at filePostion zero");
RuntimeError("invalid fileposition, file mapping sections must start at filePostion zero");
// intentional fall-through - same case, just at beginning of file
case mappingSectionAll:
sectionHeader = m_file->GetSection(filePosition, size);
@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
m_mappingType = mappingType;
if (size < sectionHeaderMin && file->Writing())
throw runtime_error("Insufficient size requested for section in write mode");
RuntimeError("Insufficient size requested for section in write mode");
// clear out element window mapping variables
m_elementView = NULL; // pointer to beginning of the valid view
@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
SectionHeader* header = section->GetHeader();
header->sectionFilePosition[header->dataSections++] = filePosition;
if (header->dataSections && header->sectionFilePosition[header->dataSections-1] < filePosition)
throw runtime_error("invalid fileposition for section, subsection cannot start earlier in the file than parent section");
RuntimeError("invalid fileposition for section, subsection cannot start earlier in the file than parent section");
// now update size for all pervious ancestor sections
@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// hum, is this allowable?
throw runtime_error("Invalid size in Binary Writer, variable sized data with no length");
RuntimeError("Invalid size in Binary Writer, variable sized data with no length");
char* data = section->EnsureElements(index, size);
@ -1048,9 +1048,9 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Section* section = this;
if (labelMapping.size() != GetElementCount())
throw runtime_error("SetLabelMapping called with mapping table that doesn't match file defined element count");
RuntimeError("SetLabelMapping called with mapping table that doesn't match file defined element count");
if (GetSectionType() != sectionTypeLabelMapping)
throw runtime_error("label type invalid");
RuntimeError("label type invalid");
// free the old mapping tables
@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "Mapping table doesn't contain an entry for label Id#%d\n", i);
throw runtime_error(message);
// add to reverse mapping table
@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "Not enough room in mapping buffer, %lld bytes insufficient for string %d - %s\n", originalSize, i, str.c_str());
throw runtime_error(message);
size_t len = str.length()+1; // don't forget the null
size -= len;
@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "GetElement: invalid index, %lld requested when there are only %lld elements\n", index, GetElementCount());
throw runtime_error(message);
// now skip all the strings before the one that we want
@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "Element out of range, error accesing element %lld, size=%lld\n", element, bytesRequested);
throw runtime_error(message);
// make sure we have the buffer in the range to handle the request

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@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ void BinaryReader<ElemType>::Init(const ConfigParameters& readerConfig)
else // otherwise we want to check to make sure it's the same
if (records != m_totalSamples && !(flags&flagAuxilarySection))
throw runtime_error("multiple files have different record counts, cannot be used together!");
RuntimeError("multiple files have different record counts, cannot be used together!");
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ void BinaryReader<ElemType>::StartMinibatchLoop(size_t mbSize, size_t epoch, siz
// if they want the dataset size, get the first file, and return the dataset size
if (m_totalSamples == 0)
throw runtime_error("no section files contain total samples, can't determine dataset size");
RuntimeError("no section files contain total samples, can't determine dataset size");
requestedEpochSamples = m_totalSamples;
m_epochSize = requestedEpochSamples;
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ bool BinaryReader<ElemType>::GetMinibatch(std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType
if (!categoryLabelFound)
throw runtime_error("Category Labels not saved in file, either save, or support creation in BinaryReader");
RuntimeError("Category Labels not saved in file, either save, or support creation in BinaryReader");
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ bool BinaryReader<ElemType>::GetMinibatch(std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType
// make sure we are good now
if (dataType != sectionDataFloat || dataSize != sizeof(ElemType))
throw runtime_error("Category Labels not saved in file, either save, or support creation in BinaryReader");
RuntimeError("Category Labels not saved in file, either save, or support creation in BinaryReader");
size_t size = rows*dataSize*actualmbsize;
@ -349,12 +349,12 @@ const std::map<typename BinaryReader<ElemType>::LabelIdType, typename BinaryRead
auto iter = m_sections.find(sectionName);
if (iter == m_sections.end())
throw runtime_error("GetLabelMapping: requested section name not found\n");
RuntimeError("GetLabelMapping: requested section name not found\n");
Section* section = iter->second;
if (section->GetSectionType() != sectionTypeLabelMapping)
throw runtime_error("section specified is not label mapping section.\n");
RuntimeError("section specified is not label mapping section.\n");
// get it from the correct section
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ const std::map<typename BinaryReader<ElemType>::LabelIdType, typename BinaryRead
template<class ElemType>
void BinaryReader<ElemType>::SetLabelMapping(const std::wstring& /*sectionName*/, const std::map<typename BinaryReader<ElemType>::LabelIdType, typename BinaryReader<ElemType>::LabelType>& /*labelMapping*/)
throw runtime_error("Binary reader does not support setting the mapping table.\n");
RuntimeError("Binary reader does not support setting the mapping table.\n");
// GetData - Gets metadata from the specified section (into CPU memory)
@ -385,13 +385,13 @@ bool BinaryReader<ElemType>::GetData(const std::wstring& sectionName, size_t num
auto iter = m_sections.find(sectionName);
if (iter == m_sections.end())
throw runtime_error("GetData: requested section name not found\n");
RuntimeError("GetData: requested section name not found\n");
Section* section = iter->second;
size_t sizeData = section->GetElementsPerRecord()*section->GetElementSize();
if ((numRecords+recordStart)*section->GetElementsPerRecord() > section->GetElementCount())
throw runtime_error("GetData: requested invalid record number\n");
RuntimeError("GetData: requested invalid record number\n");
sizeData *= numRecords;
// of buffer isn't large enough, or they didn't pass one

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@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Section* BinaryWriter<ElemType>::CreateSection(const ConfigParameters& config, S
if (records == 0)
std::string message = "Required config variable (wrecords) missing from " + config.ConfigPath();
throw runtime_error(message);
size_t dim=1; // default dimension (single item)
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Section* BinaryWriter<ElemType>::CreateSection(const ConfigParameters& config, S
if (foundType == sectionTypeNull)
std::string message = "Invalid type (sectionType) in " + config.ConfigPath();
throw runtime_error(message);
sectionType = foundType;
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ Section* BinaryWriter<ElemType>::CreateSection(const ConfigParameters& config, S
else if (sectionType != sectionTypeNull)
std::string message = "No filename (wfile) defined in " + config.ConfigPath();
throw runtime_error(message);
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ Section* BinaryWriter<ElemType>::CreateSection(const ConfigParameters& config, S
std::string message = "Invalid type (labelType) or missing in " + config.ConfigPath();
throw runtime_error(message);
// initialize the section header

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@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ void DSSMReader<ElemType>::SetLabelMapping(const std::wstring& /*sectionName*/,
if (m_cachingReader)
throw runtime_error("Cannot set mapping table when the caching reader is being used");
RuntimeError("Cannot set mapping table when the caching reader is being used");
m_mapIdToLabel = labelMapping;
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ void DSSM_BinaryInput<ElemType>::Init(wstring fileName, size_t dim){
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "Unable to Open/Create file %ls, error %x", fileName.c_str(), GetLastError());
throw runtime_error(message);
m_filemap = CreateFileMapping(m_hndl, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL);
@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ bool DSSMReader<ElemType>::GetData(const std::wstring& sectionName, size_t numRe
return m_cachingReader->GetData(sectionName, numRecords, data, dataBufferSize, recordStart);
throw runtime_error("GetData not supported in DSSMReader");
RuntimeError("GetData not supported in DSSMReader");
// instantiate all the combinations we expect to be used

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@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (cdphonetyingpaths.size() > 0 && statelistpaths.size() > 0 && transPspaths.size() > 0)
m_hset.loadfromfile(cdphonetyingpaths[0], statelistpaths[0], transPspaths[0]);
if (iFeat!=scriptpaths.size() || iLabel!=mlfpathsmulti.size())
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf ("# of inputs files vs. # of inputs or # of output files vs # of outputs inconsistent\n"));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("# of inputs files vs. # of inputs or # of output files vs # of outputs inconsistent\n"));
if (readerConfig.Exists("randomize"))
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (n!=numFiles)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("number of files in each scriptfile inconsistent (%d vs. %d)", numFiles,n));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("number of files in each scriptfile inconsistent (%d vs. %d)", numFiles,n));
do "..." expansion if SCP uses relative path names
@ -458,13 +458,13 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// verify path exists
DWORD attrib = GetFileAttributes(pageFilePath.c_str());
throw std::runtime_error ("pageFilePath does not exist");
RuntimeError("pageFilePath does not exist");
#ifdef __unix__
struct stat statbuf;
if (stat(pageFilePath.c_str(), &statbuf)==-1)
throw std::runtime_error ("pageFilePath does not exist");
RuntimeError("pageFilePath does not exist");
@ -483,11 +483,11 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
#ifdef _WIN32
if (pageFilePath.size()>MAX_PATH-14) // max length of input to GetTempFileName is MAX_PATH-14
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("pageFilePath must be less than %d characters", MAX_PATH-14));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("pageFilePath must be less than %d characters", MAX_PATH-14));
#ifdef __unix__
if (pageFilePath.size()>PATH_MAX-14) // max length of input to GetTempFileName is PATH_MAX-14
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("pageFilePath must be less than %d characters", PATH_MAX-14));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("pageFilePath must be less than %d characters", PATH_MAX-14));
foreach_index(i, infilesmulti)
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (n!=numFiles)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("HTKMLFReader::InitEvalReader: number of files in each scriptfile inconsistent (%d vs. %d)", numFiles,n));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("HTKMLFReader::InitEvalReader: number of files in each scriptfile inconsistent (%d vs. %d)", numFiles,n));
@ -1338,14 +1338,14 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (matrices.find(iter->first)==matrices.end())
fprintf(stderr,"GetMinibatchToWrite: feature node %ls specified in reader not found in the network\n", iter->first.c_str());
throw std::runtime_error("GetMinibatchToWrite: feature node specified in reader not found in the network.");
RuntimeError("GetMinibatchToWrite: feature node specified in reader not found in the network.");
for (auto iter=matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end();iter++)
if (m_featureNameToIdMap.find(iter->first)==m_featureNameToIdMap.end())
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("minibatch requested for input node %ws not found in reader - cannot generate input\n",iter->first.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf("minibatch requested for input node %ws not found in reader - cannot generate input\n",iter->first.c_str()));
@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (m_toProcess[i] != actualmbsizeOri)
throw std::runtime_error("The multi-IO features has inconsistent number of frames!");
RuntimeError("The multi-IO features has inconsistent number of frames!");
assert (actualmbsizeOri == m_mbiter->currentmbframes());
@ -1603,7 +1603,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
size_t HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::ReadLabelToTargetMappingFile (const std::wstring& labelToTargetMappingFile, const std::wstring& labelListFile, std::vector<std::vector<ElemType>>& labelToTargetMap)
if (labelListFile==L"")
throw std::runtime_error("HTKMLFReader::ReadLabelToTargetMappingFile(): cannot read labelToTargetMappingFile without a labelMappingFile!");
RuntimeError("HTKMLFReader::ReadLabelToTargetMappingFile(): cannot read labelToTargetMappingFile without a labelMappingFile!");
vector<std::wstring> labelList;
size_t count, numLabels;
@ -1665,7 +1665,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
template<class ElemType>
bool HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::GetData(const std::wstring& /*sectionName*/, size_t /*numRecords*/, void* /*data*/, size_t& /*dataBufferSize*/, size_t /*recordStart*/)
throw std::runtime_error("GetData not supported in HTKMLFReader");
RuntimeError("GetData not supported in HTKMLFReader");
@ -1682,7 +1682,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
case endDataNull:
case endDataEpoch:
case endDataSet:
throw std::logic_error("DataEnd: does not support endDataTypes: endDataNull, endDataEpoch and endDataSet");
LogicError("DataEnd: does not support endDataTypes: endDataNull, endDataEpoch and endDataSet");
case endDataSentence:
if (m_truncated)

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
throw std::runtime_error ("HTKMLFWriter::Init: output type for writer output expected to be Real");
RuntimeError("HTKMLFWriter::Init: output type for writer output expected to be Real");
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (n!=numFiles)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("HTKMLFWriter:Init: number of files in each scriptfile inconsistent (%d vs. %d)", numFiles,n));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("HTKMLFWriter:Init: number of files in each scriptfile inconsistent (%d vs. %d)", numFiles,n));

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ protected: // fix this later
size_t n; // number of elements
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BLOCKTYPE>> blocks; // the data blocks
void operator= (const growablevectorbase &); // (non-assignable)
void check (size_t t) const { if (t >= n) throw std::logic_error ("growablevectorbase: out of bounds"); } // bounds check helper
void check (size_t t) const { if (t >= n) LogicError("growablevectorbase: out of bounds"); } // bounds check helper
// resize intermediate level, but do not allocate blocks
// (may deallocate if shrinking)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ protected: // fix this later
// BUGBUG: last block may be shorter than elementsperblock
if (end - begin != elementsperblock || getblockt (begin) != 0)
throw std::logic_error ("growablevectorbase: non-block boundaries passed to block-level function");
LogicError("growablevectorbase: non-block boundaries passed to block-level function");
return getblockptr (begin);

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@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
// append to frames; also expand neighbor frames
if (feat.cols() < 2)
throw std::runtime_error ("evaltofile: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
RuntimeError("evaltofile: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
foreach_column (t, feat)
std::vector<float> v (&feat(0,t), &feat(0,t) + feat.rows());
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
// append to frames; also expand neighbor frames
if (feat.cols() < 2)
throw std::runtime_error ("evaltofile: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
RuntimeError("evaltofile: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
foreach_column (t, feat)
std::vector<float> v (&feat(0,t), &feat(0,t) + feat.rows());
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
// append to frames; also expand neighbor frames
if (feat.cols() < 2)
throw std::runtime_error ("evaltofile: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
RuntimeError("evaltofile: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
foreach_column (t, feat)
std::vector<float> v (&feat(0,t), &feat(0,t) + feat.rows());

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@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
#include <errno.h>
using namespace std;
using Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::RuntimeError;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// fopenOrDie(): like fopen() but terminate with err msg in case of error.
@ -1659,7 +1658,7 @@ static BOOL ExpandWildcards (wstring path, vector<wstring> & paths)
return FALSE; // another error
size_t pos = path.find_last_of (L"\\");
if (pos == wstring::npos) throw std::logic_error ("unexpected missing \\ in path");
if (pos == wstring::npos) LogicError("unexpected missing \\ in path");
wstring parent = path.substr (0, pos);

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@ -471,9 +471,9 @@ void fgetText(FILE * f, T& v)
int rc = ftrygetText(f, v);
if (rc == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("error reading value from file (invalid format)");
RuntimeError("error reading value from file (invalid format)");
else if (rc == EOF)
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("error reading from file: ") + strerror(errno));
RuntimeError(std::string("error reading from file: ") + strerror(errno));
assert(rc == 1);
@ -504,9 +504,9 @@ void fputText(FILE * f, T v)
const wchar_t* formatString = GetFormatString(v);
int rc = fwprintf(f, formatString, v);
if (rc == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("error writing value to file, no values written");
RuntimeError("error writing value to file, no values written");
else if (rc < 0)
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("error writing to file: ") + strerror(errno));
RuntimeError(std::string("error writing to file: ") + strerror(errno));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ protected:
else // set already: check if consistent
if (featkind != kind || featdim != dim || featperiod != period)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("setkind: inconsistent feature kind for file '%S'", path.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("setkind: inconsistent feature kind for file '%S'", path.c_str()));
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ protected:
int magic = swapint(fgetint (f));
if (magic != 2051)
throw std::runtime_error ("reading idx feature cache header: invalid magic");
RuntimeError("reading idx feature cache header: invalid magic");
nsamples = swapint(fgetint(f));
sampperiod = 0;
sampkind = (short)9; //user type
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public:
vector<string> params = msra::strfun::split (str, ";");
if (params.empty())
throw std::runtime_error ("parsekind: invalid param kind string");
RuntimeError("parsekind: invalid param kind string");
vector<string> parts = msra::strfun::split (params[0], "_");
// map base kind
short sampkind;
@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ public:
else if (basekind == "MFCC") sampkind = MFCC;
else if (basekind == "FBANK") sampkind = FBANK;
else if (basekind == "USER") sampkind = USER;
else throw std::runtime_error ("parsekind: unsupported param base kind");
else RuntimeError("parsekind: unsupported param base kind");
// map qualifiers
for (size_t i = 1; i < parts.size(); i++)
string opt = parts[i];
if (opt.length() != 1)
throw std::runtime_error ("parsekind: invalid param kind string");
RuntimeError("parsekind: invalid param kind string");
switch (opt[0])
case 'E': sampkind |= HASENERGY; break;
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public:
case 'T': sampkind |= HASTHIRD; break;
case 'Z': sampkind |= HASZEROM; break;
case '0': sampkind |= HASZEROC; break;
default: throw std::runtime_error ("parsekind: invalid qualifier in param kind string");
default: RuntimeError("parsekind: invalid qualifier in param kind string");
return sampkind;
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public:
void write (const vector<float> & v)
if (v.size() != featdim)
throw std::logic_error ("htkfeatwriter: inconsistent feature dimension");
LogicError("htkfeatwriter: inconsistent feature dimension");
if (needbyteswapping)
tmp.resize (v.size());
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ public:
void close (size_t numframes)
if (curframe != numframes)
throw std::logic_error ("htkfeatwriter: inconsistent number of frames passed to close()");
LogicError("htkfeatwriter: inconsistent number of frames passed to close()");
fflushOrDie (f);
// now implant the length field; it's at offset 0
int nSamplesFile = (int) numframes;
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ public:
wstring logicalpath; // virtual path that this file should be understood to belong to
wstring archivepath; // physical path of archive file
size_t s, e; // first and last frame inside the archive file; (0, INT_MAX) if not given
void malformed() const { throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("parsedpath: malformed path '%S'", xpath.c_str())); }
void malformed() const { RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("parsedpath: malformed path '%S'", xpath.c_str())); }
// consume and return up to 'delim'; remove from 'input' (we try to avoid C++0x here for VS 2008 compat)
wstring consume (wstring & input, const wchar_t * delim)
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ public:
size_t numframes() const
if (!isarchive)
throw runtime_error ("parsedpath: this mode requires an input script with start and end frames given");
RuntimeError("parsedpath: this mode requires an input script with start and end frames given");
return e - s + 1;
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ private:
case FBANK: kind = "FBANK"; break;
case USER: kind = "USER"; break;
case FESTREAM: kind = "USER"; break; // we return this as USER type (with guid)
default: throw std::runtime_error ("htkfeatreader:unsupported feature kind");
default: RuntimeError("htkfeatreader:unsupported feature kind");
// add qualifiers
if (H.sampkind & HASENERGY) kind += "_E";
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ private:
bool hascrcc = (H.sampkind & HASCRCC) != 0;
if (H.sampkind & HASZEROM) kind += "_Z";
if (H.sampkind & HASZEROC) kind += "_0";
if (H.sampkind & HASVQ) throw std::runtime_error ("htkfeatreader:we do not support VQ");
if (H.sampkind & HASVQ) RuntimeError("htkfeatreader:we do not support VQ");
// skip additional GUID in FESTREAM features
if (H.sampkind == FESTREAM)
{ // ... note: untested
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ private:
// other checks
size_t bytesPerValue = isidxformat ? 1 : (compressed ? sizeof (short) : sizeof (float));
if (H.sampsize % bytesPerValue != 0) throw std::runtime_error ("htkfeatreader:sample size not multiple of dimension");
if (H.sampsize % bytesPerValue != 0) RuntimeError("htkfeatreader:sample size not multiple of dimension");
size_t dim = H.sampsize / bytesPerValue;
// read the values for decompressing
@ -495,9 +495,9 @@ public:
if (ppath.isarchive) // reading a sub-range from an archive
if (ppath.s > ppath.e)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("open: start frame > end frame in '%S'", ppath.e, physicalframes, ppath.xpath.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("open: start frame > end frame in '%S'", ppath.e, physicalframes, ppath.xpath.c_str()));
if (ppath.e >= physicalframes)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("open: end frame exceeds archive's total number of frames %d in '%S'", physicalframes, ppath.xpath.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("open: end frame exceeds archive's total number of frames %d in '%S'", physicalframes, ppath.xpath.c_str()));
int64_t dataoffset = physicaldatastart + ppath.s * vecbytesize;
fsetpos (f, dataoffset); // we assume fsetpos(), which is our own, is smart to not flush the read buffer
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ public:
// read a vector from the open file
void read (std::vector<float> & v)
if (curframe >= numframes) throw std::runtime_error ("htkfeatreader:attempted to read beyond end");
if (curframe >= numframes) RuntimeError("htkfeatreader:attempted to read beyond end");
if (!compressed && !isidxformat) // not compressed--the easy one
freadOrDie (v, featdim, f);
@ -590,9 +590,9 @@ public:
// open the file and check dimensions
size_t numframes = open (ppath);
if (feat.cols() != numframes || feat.rows() != featdim)
throw std::logic_error ("read: stripe read called with wrong dimensions");
LogicError("read: stripe read called with wrong dimensions");
if (kindstr != featkind || period != featperiod)
throw std::logic_error ("read: attempting to mixing different feature kinds");
LogicError("read: attempting to mixing different feature kinds");
// read vectors from file and push to our target structure
try { read (feat, 0, numframes); } catch (...) { close(); throw; }
@ -620,20 +620,20 @@ struct htkmlfentry
unsigned int numframes;
//unsigned short classid; // numeric state id
unsigned int classid; // numeric state id - mseltzer changed from ushort to uint for untied cd phones > 2^16
unsigned int phonestart; // numeric phone start time
unsigned int phonestart; // numeric phone start time
// verify and save data
void setdata (size_t ts, size_t te, size_t uid)
if (te < ts) throw std::runtime_error ("htkmlfentry: end time below start time??");
if (te < ts) RuntimeError("htkmlfentry: end time below start time??");
// save
firstframe = (unsigned int) ts;
numframes = (unsigned int) (te - ts);
classid = (unsigned int) uid;
// check for numeric overflow
if (firstframe != ts || firstframe + numframes != te || classid != uid)
throw std::runtime_error ("htkmlfentry: not enough bits for one of the values");
RuntimeError("htkmlfentry: not enough bits for one of the values");
// parse the time range
@ -662,28 +662,28 @@ public:
// parse format with original HTK state align MLF format and state list
void parsewithstatelist (const vector<char*> & toks, const unordered_map<std::string, size_t> & statelisthash, const double htkTimeToFrame,
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> & hmmnamehash)
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> & hmmnamehash)
size_t ts, te;
parseframerange (toks, ts, te, htkTimeToFrame);
auto iter = statelisthash.find (toks[2]);
if (iter == statelisthash.end())
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("htkmlfentry: state %s not found in statelist", toks[2]));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("htkmlfentry: state %s not found in statelist", toks[2]));
const size_t uid = iter->second; // get state index
setdata (ts, te, uid);
//phone boundary
if (hmmnamehash.size() > 0)
if (toks.size() > 4)
auto hmmiter = hmmnamehash.find(toks[4]);
if (hmmiter == hmmnamehash.end())
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("htkmlfentry: hmm %s not found in hmmlist", toks[4]));
phonestart = (unsigned short)(hmmiter->second + 1);
phonestart = 0;
//phone boundary
if (hmmnamehash.size() > 0)
if (toks.size() > 4)
auto hmmiter = hmmnamehash.find(toks[4]);
if (hmmiter == hmmnamehash.end())
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf("htkmlfentry: hmm %s not found in hmmlist", toks[4]));
phonestart = (unsigned short)(hmmiter->second + 1);
phonestart = 0;
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ public:
// add support so that it can handle conditions where time instead of frame numer is used.
void parse (const vector<char*> & toks, const double htkTimeToFrame)
if (toks.size() != 4) throw std::runtime_error ("htkmlfentry: currently we only support 4-column format");
if (toks.size() != 4) RuntimeError("htkmlfentry: currently we only support 4-column format");
size_t ts, te;
parseframerange (toks, ts, te, htkTimeToFrame);
size_t uid = msra::strfun::toint (toks[3]);
@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ class htkmlfreader : public map<wstring,vector<ENTRY>> // [key][i] the data
wstring curpath; // for error messages
unordered_map<std::string, size_t> statelistmap; // for state <=> index
map<wstring,WORDSEQUENCE> wordsequences; // [key] word sequences (if we are building word entries as well, for MMI)
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> symmap;
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> symmap;
void strtok (char * s, const char * delim, vector<char*> & toks)
@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ class htkmlfreader : public map<wstring,vector<ENTRY>> // [key][i] the data
void malformed (string what)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("htkmlfreader: %s in '%S'", what.c_str(), curpath.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("htkmlfreader: %s in '%S'", what.c_str(), curpath.c_str()));
vector<char*> readlines (const wstring & path, vector<char> & buffer)
@ -821,12 +821,12 @@ class htkmlfreader : public map<wstring,vector<ENTRY>> // [key][i] the data
const char * u = toks[4]; // the triphone name
auto iter = unitmap->find (u); // map to unit id
if (iter == unitmap->end())
throw std::runtime_error (string ("parseentry: unknown unit ") + u + " in utterance " + strfun::utf8 (key));
RuntimeError(string ("parseentry: unknown unit ") + u + " in utterance " + strfun::utf8 (key));
const size_t uid = iter->second;
alignseqbuffer.push_back (typename WORDSEQUENCE::aligninfo (uid, 0/*#frames--we accumulate*/));
if (alignseqbuffer.empty())
throw std::runtime_error ("parseentry: lonely senone entry at start without phone/word entry found, for utterance " + strfun::utf8 (key));
RuntimeError("parseentry: lonely senone entry at start without phone/word entry found, for utterance " + strfun::utf8 (key));
alignseqbuffer.back().frames += entries[i-s].numframes; // (we do not have an overflow check here, but should...)
@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ class htkmlfreader : public map<wstring,vector<ENTRY>> // [key][i] the data
if (wordmap) // if reading word sequences as well (for MMI), then record it (in a separate map)
if (!entries.empty() && wordseqbuffer.empty())
throw std::runtime_error ("parseentry: got state alignment but no word-level info, although being requested, for utterance " + strfun::utf8 (key));
RuntimeError("parseentry: got state alignment but no word-level info, although being requested, for utterance " + strfun::utf8 (key));
// post-process silence
// - first !silence -> !sent_start
// - last !silence -> !sent_end
@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ class htkmlfreader : public map<wstring,vector<ENTRY>> // [key][i] the data
wordseqbuffer.back().wordindex = sentend;
//if (sentstart < 0 || sentend < 0 || silence < 0)
// throw std::logic_error ("parseentry: word map must contain !silence, !sent_start, and !sent_end");
// LogicError("parseentry: word map must contain !silence, !sent_start, and !sent_end");
// implant
auto & wordsequence = wordsequences[key]; // this creates the map entry
wordsequence.words = wordseqbuffer; // makes a copy
@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ public:
return issilstatetable[id];
struct nullmap { int operator[] (const char * s) const { throw std::logic_error ("nullmap: should never be used"); } }; // to satisfy a template, never used... :(
struct nullmap { int operator[] (const char * s) const { LogicError("nullmap: should never be used"); } }; // to satisfy a template, never used... :(
// constructor reads multiple MLF files
htkmlfreader (const vector<wstring> & paths, const set<wstring> & restricttokeys, const wstring & stateListPath = L"", const double htkTimeToFrame = 100000.0)
@ -903,17 +903,17 @@ public:
read (paths[i], restricttokeys, wordmap, unitmap, htkTimeToFrame);
//phone boundary
template<typename WORDSYMBOLTABLE, typename UNITSYMBOLTABLE>
htkmlfreader(const vector<wstring> & paths, const set<wstring> & restricttokeys, const wstring & stateListPath, const WORDSYMBOLTABLE * wordmap, const UNITSYMBOLTABLE * unitmap,
const double htkTimeToFrame, const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset)
if (stateListPath != L"")
symmap = hset.symmap;
foreach_index(i, paths)
read(paths[i], restricttokeys, wordmap, unitmap, htkTimeToFrame);
//phone boundary
template<typename WORDSYMBOLTABLE, typename UNITSYMBOLTABLE>
htkmlfreader(const vector<wstring> & paths, const set<wstring> & restricttokeys, const wstring & stateListPath, const WORDSYMBOLTABLE * wordmap, const UNITSYMBOLTABLE * unitmap,
const double htkTimeToFrame, const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset)
if (stateListPath != L"")
symmap = hset.symmap;
foreach_index(i, paths)
read(paths[i], restricttokeys, wordmap, unitmap, htkTimeToFrame);
// note: this function is not designed to be pretty but to be fast
template<typename WORDSYMBOLTABLE, typename UNITSYMBOLTABLE>
@ -956,9 +956,9 @@ public:
issilstatetable.push_back (issilstate (lines[index]));
if (index != statelistmap.size())
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("readstatelist: lines (%d) not equal to statelistmap size (%d)", index, statelistmap.size()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("readstatelist: lines (%d) not equal to statelistmap size (%d)", index, statelistmap.size()));
if (statelistmap.size() != issilstatetable.size())
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("readstatelist: size of statelookuparray (%d) not equal to statelistmap size (%d)", issilstatetable.size(), statelistmap.size()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("readstatelist: size of statelookuparray (%d) not equal to statelistmap size (%d)", issilstatetable.size(), statelistmap.size()));
fprintf (stderr, "total %lu state names in state list %S\n", statelistmap.size(), stateListPath.c_str());

Просмотреть файл

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static void writeunitmap (const wstring & symlistpath, const UNITMAP & unitmap)
foreach_index (k, units)
if (units[k].empty())
throw std::logic_error ("build: unitmap has gaps");
LogicError("build: unitmap has gaps");
fprintfOrDie (flist, "%s\n", units[k].c_str());
// write log-phys mappings
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ static size_t tryfind (const MAPTYPE & map, const KEYTYPE & key, VALTYPE deflt)
key = regex_replace (key, wregex (L".*[\\\\/]"), wstring()); // delete path
key = regex_replace (key, wregex (L"\\.[^\\.\\\\/:]*$"), wstring()); // delete extension (or not if none)
if (!seenkeys.insert (key).second)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("build: duplicate key for lattice '%S'", inlatpath.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("build: duplicate key for lattice '%S'", inlatpath.c_str()));
// we fail all the time due to totally broken HDecode/copy process, OK if not too many files are missing
bool latticeread = false;
@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ vector<lattice::nodecontext> lattice::determinenodecontexts (const msra::asr::si
const size_t E = e.E;
auto a = getaligninfo (j);
if (a.size() == 0) // !NULL edge
throw std::logic_error ("determinenodecontexts: !NULL edges not allowed in merging, should be removed before");
LogicError("determinenodecontexts: !NULL edges not allowed in merging, should be removed before");
size_t A = a[0].unit;
size_t Z = a[a.size()-1].unit;
if (Z == spunit)
if (a.size() < 2)
throw std::runtime_error ("determinenodecontexts: context-free unit (/sp/) found as a single-phone word");
RuntimeError("determinenodecontexts: context-free unit (/sp/) found as a single-phone word");
Z = a[a.size()-2].unit;
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ vector<lattice::nodecontext> lattice::determinenodecontexts (const msra::asr::si
// ends with n = position of furthest non-sp
if (n < 0) // only sp?
throw std::runtime_error ("determinenodecontexts: word consists only of /sp/");
RuntimeError("determinenodecontexts: word consists only of /sp/");
fprintf (stderr, "determinenodecontexts: word with %lu /sp/ at the end found, edge %d\n", a.size() -1 - n, j);
Z = a[n].unit;
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ vector<lattice::nodecontext> lattice::determinenodecontexts (const msra::asr::si
fprintf (stderr, "a[%d] = %d\n", kk, a[kk].unit);
dump (stderr, [&] (size_t i) { return hset.gethmm (i).getname(); });
throw std::runtime_error ("determinenodecontexts: context-free unit (/sp/) found as a start phone or second last phone");
RuntimeError("determinenodecontexts: context-free unit (/sp/) found as a start phone or second last phone");
const auto & Ahmm = hset.gethmm (A);
const auto & Zhmm = hset.gethmm (Z);
@ -239,11 +239,11 @@ vector<lattice::nodecontext> lattice::determinenodecontexts (const msra::asr::si
auto & nc = nodecontexts[i];
if ((nc.left == nodecontext::unknown) ^ (nc.right == nodecontext::unknown))
throw std::runtime_error ("determinenodecontexts: invalid dead-end node in lattice");
RuntimeError("determinenodecontexts: invalid dead-end node in lattice");
if (nc.left == nodecontext::ambiguous && nc.right != silid && nc.right != nodecontext::end)
throw std::runtime_error ("determinenodecontexts: invalid ambiguous left context (right context is not CI)");
RuntimeError("determinenodecontexts: invalid ambiguous left context (right context is not CI)");
if (nc.right == nodecontext::ambiguous && nc.left != silid && nc.left != nodecontext::start)
throw std::runtime_error ("determinenodecontexts: invalid ambiguous right context (left context is not CI)");
RuntimeError("determinenodecontexts: invalid ambiguous right context (left context is not CI)");
nc.t = nodes[i].t;
return nodecontexts; // (will this use a move constructor??)
@ -276,12 +276,12 @@ void lattice::removefinalnull()
if (lastedge.firstalign < align.size()) // has alignment records --not !NULL
if (lastedge.S != nodes.size() -2 || lastedge.E != nodes.size() -1)
throw std::runtime_error ("removefinalnull: malformed final !NULL edge");
RuntimeError("removefinalnull: malformed final !NULL edge");
edges.resize (edges.size() -1); // remove it
nodes.resize (nodes.size() -1); // its start node is now the new end node
foreach_index (j, edges)
if (edges[j].E >= nodes.size())
throw std::runtime_error ("removefinalnull: cannot have final !NULL edge and other edges connecting to end node at the same time");
RuntimeError("removefinalnull: cannot have final !NULL edge and other edges connecting to end node at the same time");
// merge a secondary lattice into the first
@ -293,9 +293,9 @@ void lattice::removefinalnull()
void lattice::merge (const lattice & other, const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset)
if (!edges2.empty() || !other.edges2.empty())
throw std::logic_error ("merge: lattice(s) must be in non-uniq'ed format (V1)");
LogicError("merge: lattice(s) must be in non-uniq'ed format (V1)");
if (!info.numframes || !
throw std::logic_error ("merge: lattice(s) must have identical number of frames");
LogicError("merge: lattice(s) must have identical number of frames");
// establish node contexts
auto contexts = determinenodecontexts (hset);
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ void lattice::merge (const lattice & other, const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & h
void lattice::dedup()
if (edges2.empty())
throw std::logic_error ("dedup: lattice must be in uniq'ed format (V2)");
LogicError("dedup: lattice must be in uniq'ed format (V2)");
size_t k = 0;
foreach_index (j, edges2)
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ void lattice::dedup()
if (k > 0 && edges2[k-1].S == edges2[j].S && edges2[k-1].E == edges2[j].E && edges2[k-1].firstalign == edges2[j].firstalign)
if (edges2[k-1].implysp != edges2[j].implysp)
throw std::logic_error ("dedup: inconsistent 'implysp' flag for otherwise identical edges");
LogicError("dedup: inconsistent 'implysp' flag for otherwise identical edges");
edges2[k++] = edges2[j];
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ void lattice::dedup()
const char * line = toclines[i];
const char * p = strchr (line, '=');
if (p == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error ("open: invalid TOC line (no = sign): " + std::string (line));
RuntimeError("open: invalid TOC line (no = sign): " + std::string (line));
const std::wstring key = msra::strfun::utf16 (std::string (line, p - line));
fprintf (stderr, "convert: processing lattice '%S'\n", key.c_str());
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ void lattice::fromhtklattice (const wstring & path, const std::unordered_map<std
vector<char> textbuffer;
auto lines = msra::files::fgetfilelines (path, textbuffer);
if (lines.empty())
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: mal-formed lattice--empty input file (or all-zeroes)");
RuntimeError("lattice: mal-formed lattice--empty input file (or all-zeroes)");
auto iter = lines.begin();
// parse out LMF and WP
char dummychar = 0; // dummy for sscanf() end checking
@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ void lattice::fromhtklattice (const wstring & path, const std::unordered_map<std
if (strncmp (*iter, "lmscale=", 8) == 0) // note: HTK sometimes generates extra garbage space at the end of this line
if (sscanf_s (*iter, "lmscale=%f wdpenalty=%f%c", &info.lmf, &info.wp, &dummychar, sizeof (dummychar)) != 2 && dummychar != ' ')
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: mal-formed lmscale/wdpenalty line in lattice: " + string (*iter));
RuntimeError("lattice: mal-formed lmscale/wdpenalty line in lattice: " + string (*iter));
// parse N and L
@ -547,13 +547,13 @@ void lattice::fromhtklattice (const wstring & path, const std::unordered_map<std
unsigned long N, L;
if (sscanf_s (*iter, "N=%lu L=%lu %c", &N, &L, &dummychar, sizeof (dummychar)) != 2)
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: mal-formed N=/L= line in lattice: " + string (*iter));
RuntimeError("lattice: mal-formed N=/L= line in lattice: " + string (*iter));
info.numnodes = N;
info.numedges = L;
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: mal-formed before parse N=/L= line in lattice.");
RuntimeError("lattice: mal-formed before parse N=/L= line in lattice.");
ASSERT(info.numnodes > 0);
nodes.reserve (info.numnodes);
@ -561,13 +561,13 @@ void lattice::fromhtklattice (const wstring & path, const std::unordered_map<std
for (size_t i = 0; i < info.numnodes; i++, iter++)
if (iter == lines.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: not enough I lines in lattice");
RuntimeError("lattice: not enough I lines in lattice");
unsigned long itest;
float t;
if (sscanf_s (*iter, "I=%lu t=%f%c", &itest, &t, &dummychar, sizeof (dummychar)) < 2)
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: mal-formed node line in lattice: " + string (*iter));
RuntimeError("lattice: mal-formed node line in lattice: " + string (*iter));
if (i != (size_t) itest)
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: out-of-sequence node line in lattice: " + string (*iter));
RuntimeError("lattice: out-of-sequence node line in lattice: " + string (*iter));
nodes.push_back (nodeinfo ((unsigned int) (t / info.frameduration + 0.5)));
info.numframes = max (info.numframes, (size_t) nodes.back().t);
@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ void lattice::fromhtklattice (const wstring & path, const std::unordered_map<std
for (size_t j = 0; j < info.numedges; j++, iter++)
if (iter == lines.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: not enough J lines in lattice");
RuntimeError("lattice: not enough J lines in lattice");
unsigned long jtest;
unsigned long S, E;
float a, l;
@ -590,37 +590,37 @@ void lattice::fromhtklattice (const wstring & path, const std::unordered_map<std
if (nvals == 5 && j == info.numedges - 1) // special case: last edge is a !NULL and thus may have the d= record missing
strcpy (d, ":");
else if (nvals != 6)
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: mal-formed edge line in lattice: " + string (*iter));
RuntimeError("lattice: mal-formed edge line in lattice: " + string (*iter));
if (j != (size_t) jtest)
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: out-of-sequence edge line in lattice: " + string (*iter));
RuntimeError("lattice: out-of-sequence edge line in lattice: " + string (*iter));
edges.push_back (edgeinfowithscores (S, E, a, l, align.size()));
// build align array
size_t edgeframes = 0; // (for checking whether the alignment sums up right)
const char * p = d;
if (p[0] != ':' || (p[1] == 0 && j < info.numedges-1)) // last edge may be empty
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: alignment info must start with a colon and must have at least one entry: " + string (*iter));
RuntimeError("lattice: alignment info must start with a colon and must have at least one entry: " + string (*iter));
while (*p)
// p points to an entry of the form TRIPHONE,DURATION
const char * q = strchr (p, ',');
if (q == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: alignment entry lacking a comma: " + string (*iter));
RuntimeError("lattice: alignment entry lacking a comma: " + string (*iter));
if (q == p)
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: alignment entry label empty: " + string (*iter));
RuntimeError("lattice: alignment entry label empty: " + string (*iter));
label.assign (p, q-p); // the triphone label
char * ep;
double duration = strtod (q, &ep); // (weird--returns a non-const ptr in ep to a const object)
p = ep;
if (*p != ':')
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: alignment entry not ending with a colon: " + string (*iter));
RuntimeError("lattice: alignment entry not ending with a colon: " + string (*iter));
// create the alignment entry
const size_t frames = (unsigned int) (duration / info.frameduration + 0.5);
auto it = unitmap.find (label);
if (it == unitmap.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: unit in alignment that is not in model: " + label);
RuntimeError("lattice: unit in alignment that is not in model: " + label);
const size_t unitid = it->second;
//const size_t unitid = unitmap.insert (make_pair (label, unitmap.size())).first->second; // may create a new entry with index = #entries
align.push_back (aligninfo (unitid, frames));
@ -630,11 +630,11 @@ void lattice::fromhtklattice (const wstring & path, const std::unordered_map<std
char msg[128];
sprintf (msg, "\n-- where edgeframes=%d != (nodes[E].t - nodes[S].t=%d), the gap is %d.", edgeframes, nodes[E].t - (size_t) nodes[S].t, edgeframes + nodes[S].t - nodes[E].t);
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: alignment info duration mismatches edge duration: " + string (*iter) + msg);
RuntimeError("lattice: alignment info duration mismatches edge duration: " + string (*iter) + msg);
if (iter != lines.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("lattice: unexpected garbage at end of lattice: " + string (*iter));
RuntimeError("lattice: unexpected garbage at end of lattice: " + string (*iter));
// create more efficient storage for alignments
@ -655,10 +655,10 @@ void lattice::frommlf (const wstring & key, const std::unordered_map<std::string
// get the labels (state and word)
auto iter = transcripts.find (key);
if (iter == transcripts.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("frommlf: no reference word sequence in MLF for lattice with key " + strfun::utf8 (key));
RuntimeError("frommlf: no reference word sequence in MLF for lattice with key " + strfun::utf8 (key));
const auto & transcript = iter->second;
if (transcript.words.size() == 0)
throw std::runtime_error ("frommlf: empty reference word sequence for lattice with key " + strfun::utf8 (key));
RuntimeError("frommlf: empty reference word sequence for lattice with key " + strfun::utf8 (key));
// determine unigram scores for all words
vector<float> lmscores (transcript.words.size());
@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ void lattice::frommlf (const wstring & key, const std::unordered_map<std::string
e.S = j;
e.E = j+1;
if (e.E != j+1)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("frommlf: too many tokens to be represented as edgeinfo::E in label set: %S", key.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("frommlf: too many tokens to be represented as edgeinfo::E in label set: %S", key.c_str()));
e.a = 0.0f; // no ac score
// LM score
@ -690,12 +690,12 @@ void lattice::frommlf (const wstring & key, const std::unordered_map<std::string
if (wid == sentstart)
if (j != 0)
throw std::logic_error ("frommlf: found an !sent_start token not at the first position");
LogicError("frommlf: found an !sent_start token not at the first position");
else if (wid == sentend)
if (j != (int) transcript.words.size()-1)
throw std::logic_error ("frommlf: found an !sent_end token not at the end position");
LogicError("frommlf: found an !sent_end token not at the end position");
wid = lmend; // use </s> for score lookup
const int iwid = (int) wid;
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ void lattice::frommlf (const wstring & key, const std::unordered_map<std::string
nodes[transcript.words.size()].t = (unsigned short) numframes;
if (nodes[transcript.words.size()].t != numframes)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("frommlf: too many frames to be represented as nodeinfo::t in label set: %S", key.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("frommlf: too many frames to be represented as nodeinfo::t in label set: %S", key.c_str()));
info.lmf = -1.0f; // indicates not set
info.wp = 0.0f; // not set indicated by lmf < 0
info.numedges = edges.size();

Просмотреть файл

@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ private:
foreach_index (i, lattices)
totalframes += lattices[i]->getnumframes();
if (totalframes != actualmbframes)
throw std::logic_error ("fillorclear: frames in lattices do not match minibatch size");
LogicError("fillorclear: frames in lattices do not match minibatch size");
timechecklattice = timerchecklattice;
bool hasdata() const { return mbstartframe < epochendframe; } // true if we can access and/or advance
void checkhasdata() const { if (!hasdata()) throw std::logic_error ("minibatchiterator: access beyond end of epoch"); }
void checkhasdata() const { if (!hasdata()) LogicError("minibatchiterator: access beyond end of epoch"); }
// interface: for (minibatchiterator i (...), i, i++) { ... }
minibatchiterator (msra::dbn::minibatchsource & source, size_t epoch, size_t epochframes, size_t requestedmbframes, size_t subsetnum, size_t numsubsets, size_t datapasses)

Просмотреть файл

@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ static size_t augmentationextent (size_t featdim/*augment from*/, size_t modeldi
const size_t extent = windowframes / 2; // extend each side by this
if (modeldim % featdim != 0)
throw runtime_error ("augmentationextent: model vector size not multiple of input features");
RuntimeError("augmentationextent: model vector size not multiple of input features");
if (windowframes % 2 == 0)
throw runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("augmentationextent: neighbor expansion of input features to %d not symmetrical", windowframes));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("augmentationextent: neighbor expansion of input features to %d not symmetrical", windowframes));
return extent;
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ public:
// test for numeric overflow
if (map.size()-1 != (INDEXTYPE) (map.size()-1))
throw std::runtime_error ("randomordering: INDEXTYPE has too few bits for this corpus");
RuntimeError("randomordering: INDEXTYPE has too few bits for this corpus");
// 0, 1, 2...
foreach_index (t, map) map[t] = (INDEXTYPE) t;
// now randomize them
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ public:
#if 1 // change to 0 to disable randomizing
if (map.size() > RAND_MAX * (size_t) RAND_MAX)
throw std::runtime_error ("randomordering: too large training set: need to change to different random generator!");
RuntimeError("randomordering: too large training set: need to change to different random generator!");
srand ((unsigned int) seed);
size_t retries = 0;
foreach_index (t, map)
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ public:
foreach_index (t, map) if (!((size_t) t <= map[t] + randomizationrange/2 && map[t] < (size_t) t + randomizationrange/2))
fprintf (stderr, "randomordering: windowing condition violated %d -> %d\n", t, map[t]);
throw std::logic_error ("randomordering: windowing condition violated");
LogicError("randomordering: windowing condition violated");

Просмотреть файл

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
#include <math.h>
namespace msra { namespace lm {
using Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::RuntimeError;
// ===========================================================================
// core LM interface -- LM scores are accessed through this exclusively
@ -131,11 +130,8 @@ public:
// create
const char * p = _strdup (key);
if (!p)
#ifdef _WIN32
throw std::bad_exception ("CSymbolSet:id string allocation failure");
throw std::bad_exception ();
BadExceptionError("CSymbolSet:id string allocation failure");
int id = (int) symbols.size();
@ -241,7 +237,7 @@ public:
typedef uint24_ref_t<const unsigned char *> const_uint24_ref; // const version (only read)
class uint24_ref : public uint24_ref_t<unsigned char *> // non-const (read and assign)
static void overflow() { throw runtime_error ("uint32_ref: attempting to store value > 24 bits"); }
static void overflow() { RuntimeError("uint32_ref: attempting to store value > 24 bits"); }
friend class int24_vector; // only int24_vector may instantiate this
__forceinline uint24_ref (unsigned char * p) : uint24_ref_t (p) {}
@ -288,7 +284,7 @@ class mgram_map
std::vector<int24_vector> ids; // [M+1][i] ([0] = not used)
bool level1nonsparse; // true: level[1] can be directly looked up
std::vector<index_t> level1lookup; // id->index for unigram level
static void fail (const char * msg) { throw runtime_error (string ("mgram_map::") + msg); }
static void fail (const char * msg) { RuntimeError(string ("mgram_map::") + msg); }
// mapping from w -> i -- users pass 'w', internally we use our own 'ids'
std::vector<int> w2id; // w -> id
@ -825,7 +821,7 @@ public:
template<class DATATYPE> class mgram_data
std::vector<std::vector<DATATYPE>> data;
static void fail (const char * msg) { throw runtime_error (string ("mgram_data::") + msg); }
static void fail (const char * msg) { RuntimeError(string ("mgram_data::") + msg); }
mgram_data (int M) { init (M); }
@ -1014,7 +1010,7 @@ public:
if (M > this->M) M = this->M; // clip; also covers default value
if (M < 1 || map.size (1) == 0)
throw runtime_error ("write: attempting to write empty model");
RuntimeError("write: attempting to write empty model");
// output header
// \data\
@ -1510,7 +1506,7 @@ protected:
const mgram_map::key boKey = key.pop_h();
const mgram_map::foundcoord c = map[boKey];
if (!c.valid_w())
throw runtime_error ("estimate: malformed data: back-off value not found"); // must exist
RuntimeError("estimate: malformed data: back-off value not found"); // must exist
// look it up
float Pc = P[c];
backoffPSum[j] += islog ? exp (Pc) : Pc;
@ -1605,7 +1601,7 @@ public:
msra::lm::mgram_map::foundcoord c =[msra::lm::mgram_map::key (mgram, m)];
if (!c.valid_w())
throw std::logic_error ("locate: attempting to locate a non-existing history");
LogicError("locate: attempting to locate a non-existing history");
return c;
@ -1669,7 +1665,7 @@ public:
// counts, rather than the sum of seen m-grams, to allow for count pruning.
void push_back (const int * mgram, int m, unsigned int count)
if (m > M) throw runtime_error ("push_back: called with m-gram longer than M");
if (m > M) RuntimeError("push_back: called with m-gram longer than M");
// add to mgram_map & get location
mgram_map::coord c = map.create (mgram_map::unmapped_key (mgram, m), mapCache);
// save the count
@ -1810,7 +1806,7 @@ public:
// special call for reset
if (data == NULL)
if (m == 0) throw runtime_error ("adapt: must pass LM order");
if (m == 0) RuntimeError("adapt: must pass LM order");
init ((int) m); // clear out current LM
@ -1927,7 +1923,7 @@ public:
int unkId = constSymMap["<UNK>"]; // or -1 -- -1 is OK
if (startId == -1 || endId == -1) // if filtering, these must be given
throw runtime_error ("read: <s> and/or </s> missing in vocabulary");
RuntimeError("read: <s> and/or </s> missing in vocabulary");
// if filtering but no <UNK>, we use (vocabsize) as the id, and have
// estimate() prune it
@ -2021,7 +2017,7 @@ public:
void estimate (int startId, const std::vector<unsigned int> & minObs, vector<bool> dropWord)
if (!adaptBuffer.empty())
throw runtime_error ("estimate: adaptation buffer not empty, call adapt(*,0) to flush buffer first");
RuntimeError("estimate: adaptation buffer not empty, call adapt(*,0) to flush buffer first");
// Establish w->id mapping -- mapping is identical (w=id) during estimation.
std::vector<int> w2id (map.maxid() +1);
@ -2067,12 +2063,12 @@ public:
const mgram_map::key key_w = key.pop_h();
const mgram_map::foundcoord c_w = map[key_w];
if (!c_w.valid_w())
throw runtime_error ("estimate: invalid shortened KN m-gram");
RuntimeError("estimate: invalid shortened KN m-gram");
KNCounts[c_w]++; // (u,v,w) -> count (*,v,w)
const mgram_map::key key_h = key_w.pop_w();
mgram_map::foundcoord c_h = map[key_h];
if (!c_h.valid_w())
throw runtime_error ("estimate: invalid shortened KN history");
RuntimeError("estimate: invalid shortened KN history");
KNTotalCounts[c_h]++; // (u,v,w) -> count (*,v,w)
@ -2115,7 +2111,7 @@ public:
count = KNCounts[iter];
if (count == 0) // must exist
throw runtime_error ("estimate: malformed data: back-off value not found (numerator)");
RuntimeError("estimate: malformed data: back-off value not found (numerator)");
@ -2127,8 +2123,8 @@ public:
for (int m = 1; m <= M; m++)
if (n1[m] == 0) throw runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("estimate: error estimating discounting values: n1[%d] == 0", m));
if (n2[m] == 0) throw runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("estimate: error estimating discounting values: n2[%d] == 0", m));
if (n1[m] == 0) RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("estimate: error estimating discounting values: n1[%d] == 0", m));
if (n2[m] == 0) RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("estimate: error estimating discounting values: n2[%d] == 0", m));
//if (n3[m] == 0) RuntimeError ("estimate: error estimating discounting values: n3[%d] == 0", m);
double Y = n1[m] / (n1[m] + 2.0 * n2[m]);
if (n3[m] ==0 || n4[m] == 0)
@ -2197,7 +2193,7 @@ public:
mgram_map::coord j = histCoord[m-1]; // parent
if (counts[j] == 0)
RuntimeError ("estimate: invalid pruning: a parent m-gram got pruned away");
//throw runtime_error ("estimate: invalid pruning: a parent m-gram got pruned away");
//RuntimeError("estimate: invalid pruning: a parent m-gram got pruned away");
@ -2282,7 +2278,7 @@ public:
const mgram_map::key key_h = key.pop_w();
mgram_map::foundcoord c_h = map[key_h];
if (!c_h.valid_w())
throw runtime_error ("estimate: invalid shortened KN history");
RuntimeError("estimate: invalid shortened KN history");
histCount = KNTotalCounts[c_h]; // (u,v,w) -> count (*,v,*)
if (histCount == 0) // must exist
RuntimeError ("estimate: malformed data: back-off value not found (denominator)");
@ -2330,7 +2326,7 @@ public:
else if (count == 2) dcount -= d2[m];
else if (count == 1) dcount -= d1[m];
if (dcount < 0.0) // 0.0 itself is caused by <s>
throw runtime_error ("estimate: negative discounted count value");
RuntimeError("estimate: negative discounted count value");
if (histCount == 0)
RuntimeError ("estimate: unexpected 0 denominator");
@ -2535,10 +2531,10 @@ skipMGram:
msra::basetypes::auto_file_ptr f(fopenOrDie (clonepath, L"rbS"));
std::string line = fgetline (f);
if (line != "#clone")
throw runtime_error ("read: invalid header line " + line);
RuntimeError("read: invalid header line " + line);
std::string lmpath8 = fgetline (f); // only one item: the pathname
if (lmpath8.empty())
throw runtime_error ("read: pathname missing");
RuntimeError("read: pathname missing");
lmpath = msra::strfun::utf16 (lmpath8);

Просмотреть файл

@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
const msra::dbn::matrixstripe operator[] (size_t t) const // get a feature vector
if (t < inmembegin || t >= inmemend)
throw std::logic_error ("biggrowablevectorarray: attempt to access vector without requesting to page it in first");
LogicError("biggrowablevectorarray: attempt to access vector without requesting to page it in first");
const size_t blockt = getblockt (t);
/*const*/ msra::dbn::matrix & block = getblock (t);
return msra::dbn::matrixstripe (block, blockt, 1);
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
: vdim (vdim), sampperiod (0), featdim (0), numframes (0), frames (pagepath), timegetbatch (0), verbosity(2)
if (vdim == 0 && labels.empty())
throw runtime_error ("minibatchframesource: when running without features, labels are needed");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesource: when running without features, labels are needed");
// at this stage, we simply page in the entire training set at once and work off RAM
// We will benefit from feature archives indirectly through htkfeatio.
// TODO:
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
if (featdim == 0) // first time
featdim = feat.rows();
else if (featdim != feat.rows())
throw std::runtime_error ("minibatchframesource: inconsistent feature dimension across files");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesource: inconsistent feature dimension across files");
// HVite occasionally generates mismatching output --skip such files
if (!key.empty()) // (we have a key if supervised mode)
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
// append to cache
frame.resize (featdim);
if (feat.cols() < 2) // (2 frames needed for boundary markers)
throw std::runtime_error ("minibatchframesource: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesource: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
foreach_column (t, feat)
foreach_index (k, frame)
@ -349,13 +349,13 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
const auto & e = labseq[i];
if ((i > 0 && labseq[i-1].firstframe + labseq[i-1].numframes != e.firstframe) || (i == 0 && e.firstframe != 0))
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchframesource: labels not in consecutive order MLF in label set: %S", key.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchframesource: labels not in consecutive order MLF in label set: %S", key.c_str()));
for (size_t t = e.firstframe; t < e.firstframe + e.numframes; t++)
if (e.classid >= udim)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchframesource: class id exceeds model dimension in file %S", key.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchframesource: class id exceeds model dimension in file %S", key.c_str()));
if (e.classid != (CLASSIDTYPE) e.classid)
throw std::runtime_error ("CLASSIDTYPE has too few bits");
RuntimeError("CLASSIDTYPE has too few bits");
classids.push_back ((CLASSIDTYPE) e.classid);
numclasses = max (numclasses, (size_t)(1u + e.classid));
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
if (vdim == 0)
numframes = classids.size();
if (numframes != classids.size()) // TODO: remove this once we are confident
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchframesource: label duration inconsistent with feature file in MLF label set: %S", key.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchframesource: label duration inconsistent with feature file in MLF label set: %S", key.c_str()));
assert (numframes == classids.size());
@ -374,17 +374,17 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
assert (vdim == 0 || numframes == frames.size());
assert (labels.empty() || numframes == classids.size());
if ((vdim != 0 && numframes != frames.size()) || (!labels.empty() && numframes != classids.size()))
throw std::runtime_error ("minibatchframesource: numframes variable screwup");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesource: numframes variable screwup");
fprintf (stderr, " %d frames read from %d utterances; %d classes\n", (int)numframes, (int)infiles.size(), (int)numclasses);
if (notfound > 0)
fprintf (stderr, "minibatchframesource: %d files out of %d not found in label set\n", (int)notfound, (int)infiles.size());
if (notfound > infiles.size() / 2)
throw std::runtime_error ("minibatchframesource: too many files not found in label set--assuming broken configuration\n");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesource: too many files not found in label set--assuming broken configuration\n");
if (numframes == 0 && !mayhavenoframe)
throw std::runtime_error ("minibatchframesource: no input features given!");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesource: no input features given!");
// notify frames source to switch from population to consumption mode
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
// In frame mode, there is no constraint, i.e. it is 'globalts' itself.
/*implement*/ size_t firstvalidglobalts (const size_t globalts) { return globalts; }
/*implement*/ const std::vector<size_t> & unitcounts() const { throw logic_error ("unitcounts: not implemented for this feature source"); static std::vector<size_t> x; return x;/*keep compiler happy*/ }
/*implement*/ const std::vector<size_t> & unitcounts() const { LogicError("unitcounts: not implemented for this feature source"); static std::vector<size_t> x; return x;/*keep compiler happy*/ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
if (vdim[0] == 0 && labels.empty())
throw runtime_error ("minibatchframesourcemulti: when running without features, labels are needed");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesourcemulti: when running without features, labels are needed");
// at this stage, we simply page in the entire training set at once and work off RAM
// We will benefit from feature archives indirectly through htkfeatio.
// TODO:
@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
if (infiles.size()==0)
throw runtime_error("minibatchframesourcemulti: need at least one network input specified with features");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesourcemulti: need at least one network input specified with features");
if (labels.size()==0)
fprintf(stderr,"no MLF label files detected\n");
@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
if (featdim == 0) // first time
featdim = feat.rows();
else if (featdim != feat.rows())
throw std::runtime_error ("minibatchframesourcemulti: inconsistent feature dimension across files");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesourcemulti: inconsistent feature dimension across files");
// HVite occasionally generates mismatching output --skip such files
if (!key.empty()) // (we have a key if supervised mode)
@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
// append to cache
frame.resize (featdim);
if (feat.cols() < 2) // (2 frames needed for boundary markers)
throw std::runtime_error ("minibatchframesourcemulti: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesourcemulti: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
foreach_column (t, feat)
foreach_index (k, frame)
@ -656,13 +656,13 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
const auto & e = labseq[i];
if ((i > 0 && labseq[i-1].firstframe + labseq[i-1].numframes != e.firstframe) || (i == 0 && e.firstframe != 0))
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchframesourcemulti: labels not in consecutive order MLF in label set: %S", key.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchframesourcemulti: labels not in consecutive order MLF in label set: %S", key.c_str()));
for (size_t t = e.firstframe; t < e.firstframe + e.numframes; t++)
if (e.classid >= udim[j])
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchframesourcemulti: class id exceeds model dimension in file %S", key.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchframesourcemulti: class id exceeds model dimension in file %S", key.c_str()));
if (e.classid != (CLASSIDTYPE) e.classid)
throw std::runtime_error ("CLASSIDTYPE has too few bits");
RuntimeError("CLASSIDTYPE has too few bits");
classids[j].push_back ((CLASSIDTYPE) e.classid);
numclasses[j] = max (numclasses[j], (size_t)(1u + e.classid));
@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
if (vdim[m] == 0)
numframes = classids[j].size();
if (numframes != classids[j].size()) // TODO: remove this once we are confident
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchframesourcemulti: label duration inconsistent with feature file in MLF label set: %S", key.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchframesourcemulti: label duration inconsistent with feature file in MLF label set: %S", key.c_str()));
assert (numframes == classids[j].size());
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
assert (labels[j].empty() || numframes == classids[j].size());
if (vdim[m] != 0 && numframes != pframes[m]->size()) // || (!labels.empty() && numframes != classids.size()))
throw std::runtime_error ("\nminibatchframesource: numframes variable screwup");
RuntimeError("\nminibatchframesource: numframes variable screwup");
if (m==0)
foreach_index (j, numclasses)
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
fprintf (stderr, "minibatchframesourcemulti: %d files out of %d not found in label set\n", (int)notfound, (int)infiles[m].size());
if (notfound > infiles[m].size() / 2)
throw std::runtime_error ("minibatchframesourcemulti: too many files not found in label set--assuming broken configuration\n");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesourcemulti: too many files not found in label set--assuming broken configuration\n");
// notify frames source to switch from population to consumption mode
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
if (numframes == 0 && !mayhavenoframe)
throw std::runtime_error ("minibatchframesource: no input features given!");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesource: no input features given!");
// initialize randomizer
@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
std::vector<shared_ptr<const latticesource::latticepair>> & /*latticepairs*/)
// should never get here
throw runtime_error("minibatchframesourcemulti: getbatch() being called for single input feature and single output feature, should use minibatchframesource instead\n");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesourcemulti: getbatch() being called for single input feature and single output feature, should use minibatchframesource instead\n");
double gettimegetbatch () { return timegetbatch;}
@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
// In frame mode, there is no constraint, i.e. it is 'globalts' itself.
/*implement*/ size_t firstvalidglobalts (const size_t globalts) { return globalts; }
/*implement*/ const std::vector<size_t> & unitcounts() const { throw logic_error ("unitcounts: not implemented for this feature source"); }
/*implement*/ const std::vector<size_t> & unitcounts() const { LogicError("unitcounts: not implemented for this feature source"); }

Просмотреть файл

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include "unordered_set"
namespace msra { namespace dbn {
using Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::LogicError;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// minibatchutterancesource -- feature source to provide randomized utterances
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ class minibatchutterancesourcemulti : public minibatchsource
void push_back (utterancedesc &&/*destructive*/ utt)
if (isinram())
throw std::logic_error ("utterancechunkdata: frames already paged into RAM--too late to add data");
LogicError("utterancechunkdata: frames already paged into RAM--too late to add data");
firstframes.push_back (totalframes);
totalframes += utt.numframes();
utteranceset.push_back (utt);
@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ class minibatchutterancesourcemulti : public minibatchsource
msra::dbn::matrixstripe getutteranceframes (size_t i) const // return the frame set for a given utterance
if (!isinram())
throw std::logic_error ("getutteranceframes: called when data have not been paged in");
LogicError("getutteranceframes: called when data have not been paged in");
const size_t ts = firstframes[i];
const size_t n = numframes(i);
return msra::dbn::matrixstripe (frames, ts, n);
@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ class minibatchutterancesourcemulti : public minibatchsource
shared_ptr<const latticesource::latticepair> getutterancelattice (size_t i) const // return the frame set for a given utterance
if (!isinram())
throw std::logic_error ("getutteranceframes: called when data have not been paged in");
LogicError("getutteranceframes: called when data have not been paged in");
return lattices[i];
@ -112,9 +111,9 @@ class minibatchutterancesourcemulti : public minibatchsource
void requiredata (string & featkind, size_t & featdim, unsigned int & sampperiod, const latticesource & latticesource, int verbosity=0) const
if (numutterances() == 0)
throw std::logic_error ("requiredata: cannot page in virgin block");
LogicError("requiredata: cannot page in virgin block");
if (isinram())
throw std::logic_error ("requiredata: called when data is already in memory");
LogicError("requiredata: called when data is already in memory");
try // this function supports retrying since we read from the unrealible network, i.e. do not return in a broken state
msra::asr::htkfeatreader reader; // feature reader (we reinstantiate it for each block, i.e. we reopen the file actually)
@ -152,9 +151,9 @@ class minibatchutterancesourcemulti : public minibatchsource
void releasedata() const
if (numutterances() == 0)
throw std::logic_error ("releasedata: cannot page out virgin block");
LogicError("releasedata: cannot page out virgin block");
if (!isinram())
throw std::logic_error ("releasedata: called when data is not memory");
LogicError("releasedata: called when data is not memory");
// release frames
frames.resize (0, 0);
// release lattice data
@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ class minibatchutterancesourcemulti : public minibatchsource
if (ci == chunkindex && ui == utteranceindex && fi == frameindex)
throw std::logic_error ("frameref: bit fields too small");
LogicError("frameref: bit fields too small");
frameref() : chunkindex (0), utteranceindex (0), frameindex (0) {}
@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ class minibatchutterancesourcemulti : public minibatchsource
size_t first;
size_t n;
void check (size_t i) const { if (i >= n) throw std::logic_error ("shiftedvector: index out of bounds"); }
void check (size_t i) const { if (i >= n) LogicError("shiftedvector: index out of bounds"); }
shiftedvector (VECTOR & v, size_t first, size_t n) : v (v), first (first), n (n) { }
// TODO: the following is not templated--do it if needed; also should return a const reference then
@ -273,7 +272,7 @@ class minibatchutterancesourcemulti : public minibatchsource
if ((*classids[i])[classidsbegin + n] != (CLASSIDTYPE) -1)
throw std::logic_error ("getclassids: expected boundary marker not found, internal data structure screwed up");
LogicError("getclassids: expected boundary marker not found, internal data structure screwed up");
allclassids.push_back(std::move(shiftedvector<biggrowablevector<CLASSIDTYPE>> ((*classids[i]), classidsbegin, n)));
return allclassids; // nothing to return
@ -296,7 +295,7 @@ class minibatchutterancesourcemulti : public minibatchsource
foreach_index(i, phoneboundaries)
if ((*phoneboundaries[i])[classidsbegin + n] != (CLASSIDTYPE)-1)
throw std::logic_error("getclassids: expected boundary marker not found, internal data structure screwed up");
LogicError("getclassids: expected boundary marker not found, internal data structure screwed up");
allphoneboundaries.push_back(std::move(shiftedvector<biggrowablevector<CLASSIDTYPE>>((*phoneboundaries[i]), classidsbegin, n)));
return allphoneboundaries; // nothing to return
@ -361,14 +360,14 @@ public:
uttduration = std::vector<size_t>(numutts, 0);
else if (infiles[m].size()!=numutts)
throw std::runtime_error("minibatchutterancesourcemulti: all feature files must have same number of utterances");
RuntimeError("minibatchutterancesourcemulti: all feature files must have same number of utterances");
foreach_index(i, infiles[m]){
utterancedesc utterance(msra::asr::htkfeatreader::parsedpath(infiles[m][i]), 0); //mseltzer - is this foolproof for multiio? is classids always non-empty?
const size_t uttframes = utterance.numframes(); // will throw if frame bounds not given --required to be given in this mode
// we need at least 2 frames for boundary markers to work
if (uttframes < 2)
throw std::runtime_error("minibatchutterancesource: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
RuntimeError("minibatchutterancesource: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
if (uttframes > frameref::maxframesperutterance)
fprintf(stderr, "minibatchutterancesource: skipping %d-th file (%d frames) because it exceeds max. frames (%d) for frameref bit field: %S\n", i, (int)uttframes, (int)frameref::maxframesperutterance, key.c_str());
@ -394,7 +393,7 @@ public:
if (invalidutts > uttisvalid.size() / 2)
throw std::runtime_error("minibatchutterancesource: too many files with inconsistent durations, assuming broken configuration\n");
RuntimeError("minibatchutterancesource: too many files with inconsistent durations, assuming broken configuration\n");
else if (invalidutts>0)
fprintf(stderr, "Found inconsistent durations across feature streams in %d out of %d files\n", (int)invalidutts, (int)uttisvalid.size());
@ -408,7 +407,7 @@ public:
// numutts = infiles[m].size();
// if (infiles[m].size()!=numutts)
// throw std::runtime_error("minibatchutterancesourcemulti: all feature files must have same number of utterances\n");
// RuntimeError("minibatchutterancesourcemulti: all feature files must have same number of utterances\n");
if (m==0)
@ -427,7 +426,7 @@ public:
// already performed these checks above
// we need at least 2 frames for boundary markers to work
//if (uttframes < 2)
// throw std::runtime_error ("minibatchutterancesource: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
// RuntimeError("minibatchutterancesource: utterances < 2 frames not supported");
//if (uttframes > frameref::maxframesperutterance)
// fprintf (stderr, "minibatchutterancesource: skipping %d-th file (%d frames) because it exceeds max. frames (%d) for frameref bit field: %S", i, uttframes, frameref::maxframesperutterance, key.c_str());
@ -498,14 +497,14 @@ public:
const auto & e = labseq[i];
if ((i > 0 && labseq[i - 1].firstframe + labseq[i - 1].numframes != e.firstframe) || (i == 0 && e.firstframe != 0))
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("minibatchutterancesource: labels not in consecutive order MLF in label set: %S", key.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf("minibatchutterancesource: labels not in consecutive order MLF in label set: %S", key.c_str()));
if (e.classid >= udim[j])
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("minibatchutterancesource: class id %d exceeds model output dimension %d in file %S", e.classid, udim[j], key.c_str()));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf("minibatchutterancesource: class id %d exceeds model output dimension %d in file %S", e.classid, udim[j], key.c_str()));
if (e.classid != (CLASSIDTYPE) e.classid)
throw std::runtime_error ("CLASSIDTYPE has too few bits");
RuntimeError("CLASSIDTYPE has too few bits");
for (size_t t = e.firstframe; t < e.firstframe + e.numframes; t++)
classids[j]->push_back ((CLASSIDTYPE) e.classid);
@ -523,7 +522,7 @@ public:
phoneboundaries[j]->push_back((CLASSIDTYPE)-1); // append a boundary marker marker for checking
if (!labels[j].empty() && classids[j]->size() != _totalframes + utteranceset.size())
throw std::logic_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchutterancesource: label duration inconsistent with feature file in MLF label set: %S", key.c_str()));
LogicError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchutterancesource: label duration inconsistent with feature file in MLF label set: %S", key.c_str()));
assert (labels[j].empty() || classids[j]->size() == _totalframes + utteranceset.size());
@ -557,7 +556,7 @@ public:
//printf("cid[index] = %d\n",cid[utteranceset[i].classidsbegin + utteranceset[i].numframes()]);
//printf("CLASSIDTYPE(-1) = %d\n",(CLASSIDTYPE) -1);
if (cid[utteranceset[i].classidsbegin + utteranceset[i].numframes()] != (CLASSIDTYPE) -1)
throw std::logic_error ("minibatchutterancesource: classids[] out of sync");
LogicError("minibatchutterancesource: classids[] out of sync");
@ -565,7 +564,7 @@ public:
fprintf (stderr, "minibatchutterancesource: out of %d files, %d files not found in label set and %d have no lattice\n", (int)infiles[0].size(), (int)nomlf, (int)nolat);
if (nomlf + nolat > infiles[m].size() / 2)
throw std::runtime_error ("minibatchutterancesource: too many files not found in label set--assuming broken configuration\n");
RuntimeError("minibatchutterancesource: too many files not found in label set--assuming broken configuration\n");
if (m==0) {foreach_index(j, numclasses) { fprintf(stderr,"label set %d: %d classes\n", j, (int)numclasses[j]); } }
// distribute them over chunks
@ -607,7 +606,7 @@ private:
template<typename VECTOR> static void randomshuffle (VECTOR & v, size_t randomseed)
if (v.size() > RAND_MAX * (size_t) RAND_MAX)
throw std::runtime_error ("randomshuffle: too large set: need to change to different random generator!");
RuntimeError("randomshuffle: too large set: need to change to different random generator!");
srand ((unsigned int) randomseed);
foreach_index (i, v)
@ -626,7 +625,7 @@ private:
foreach_index(j, v)
if (v[j].size() > RAND_MAX * (size_t) RAND_MAX)
throw std::runtime_error ("randomshuffle: too large set: need to change to different random generator!");
RuntimeError("randomshuffle: too large set: need to change to different random generator!");
srand ((unsigned int) randomseed);
@ -647,7 +646,7 @@ private:
static void checkoverflow (size_t fieldval, size_t targetval, const char * fieldname)
if (fieldval != targetval)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("checkoverflow: bit field %s too small for value 0x%x (cut from 0x%x)", fieldname, targetval, fieldval));
RuntimeError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("checkoverflow: bit field %s too small for value 0x%x (cut from 0x%x)", fieldname, targetval, fieldval));
// helper for testing whether a swapped frame position is valid (w.r.t. beign in RAM when being at position 't')
@ -852,7 +851,7 @@ private:
const auto & uttref = randomizedutterancerefs[i];
// check if it is valid for this position
if (uttref.chunkindex < positionchunkwindows[i].windowbegin() || uttref.chunkindex >= positionchunkwindows[i].windowend())
throw std::logic_error ("lazyrandomization: randomization logic mangled!");
LogicError("lazyrandomization: randomization logic mangled!");
// create lookup table for (globalts values -> pos) -> randomizedutteranceposmap[]
@ -972,7 +971,7 @@ private:
const size_t randomizedchunkindex = randomizedframerefs[t].chunkindex;
if (randomizedchunkindex < poswindowbegin || randomizedchunkindex >= poswindowend)
throw std::logic_error ("lazyrandomization: nope, you got frame randomization wrong, dude");
LogicError("lazyrandomization: nope, you got frame randomization wrong, dude");
@ -1017,7 +1016,7 @@ private:
size_t numinram=0;
if (chunkindex < windowbegin || chunkindex >= windowend)
throw std::logic_error ("requirerandomizedchunk: requested utterance outside in-memory chunk range");
LogicError("requirerandomizedchunk: requested utterance outside in-memory chunk range");
foreach_index(m, randomizedchunks)
@ -1065,7 +1064,7 @@ private:
auto iter = std::lower_bound (randomizedchunks[0].begin(), randomizedchunks[0].end(), t, [&] (const chunk & chunk, size_t t) { return chunk.globalte() <= t; });
const size_t chunkindex = iter - randomizedchunks[0].begin();
if (t < randomizedchunks[0][chunkindex].globalts || t >= randomizedchunks[0][chunkindex].globalte())
throw std::logic_error ("chunkforframepos: dude, learn STL!");
LogicError("chunkforframepos: dude, learn STL!");
return chunkindex;
@ -1107,7 +1106,7 @@ public:
// There must be a precise match; it is not possible to specify frames that are not on boundaries.
auto positer = randomizedutteranceposmap.find (globalts);
if (positer == randomizedutteranceposmap.end())
throw std::logic_error ("getbatch: invalid 'globalts' parameter; must match an existing utterance boundary");
LogicError("getbatch: invalid 'globalts' parameter; must match an existing utterance boundary");
const size_t spos = positer->second;
// determine how many utterances will fit into the requested minibatch size
@ -1417,7 +1416,7 @@ public:
std::vector<shared_ptr<const latticesource::latticepair>> & /*latticepairs*/)
// should never get here
throw runtime_error("minibatchframesourcemulti: getbatch() being called for single input feature and single output feature, should use minibatchutterancesource instead\n");
RuntimeError("minibatchframesourcemulti: getbatch() being called for single input feature and single output feature, should use minibatchutterancesource instead\n");
// for single input/output set size to be 1 and run old getbatch

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@ -697,13 +697,13 @@ bool BatchLUSequenceReader<ElemType>::EnsureDataAvailable(size_t /*mbStartSample
int j = 0;
if (mLastPosInSentence != 0)
throw std::runtime_error("LUSequenceReader : only support begining sentence at zero");
RuntimeError("LUSequenceReader : only support begining sentence at zero");
if (mSentenceBeginAt.size() != mToProcess.size())
throw std::runtime_error("LUSequenceReader : need to preallocate mSentenceBegin");
RuntimeError("LUSequenceReader : need to preallocate mSentenceBegin");
if (mSentenceEndAt.size() != mToProcess.size())
throw std::runtime_error("LUSequenceReader : need to preallocate mSentenceEnd");
RuntimeError("LUSequenceReader : need to preallocate mSentenceEnd");
if (mMaxSentenceLength > m_mbSize)
throw std::runtime_error("LUSequenceReader : minibatch size needs to be large enough to accomodate the longest sentence");
RuntimeError("LUSequenceReader : minibatch size needs to be large enough to accomodate the longest sentence");
/// reset sentence-end index to ((int) MinibatchPackingFlags::NoInput), which is negative
mSentenceEndAt.assign(mSentenceEndAt.size(), ((int) MinibatchPackingFlags::NoInput));

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@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ void LibSVMBinaryReader<ElemType>::SetLabelMapping(const std::wstring& /*section
if (m_cachingReader)
throw runtime_error("Cannot set mapping table when the caching reader is being used");
RuntimeError("Cannot set mapping table when the caching reader is being used");
m_mapIdToLabel = labelMapping;
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ void LibSVM_BinaryInput<ElemType>::Init(wstring fileName, size_t dim)
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "Unable to Open/Create file %ls, error %x", fileName.c_str(), GetLastError());
throw runtime_error(message);
m_filemap = CreateFileMapping(m_hndl, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL);
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ bool LibSVMBinaryReader<ElemType>::GetData(const std::wstring& sectionName, size
return m_cachingReader->GetData(sectionName, numRecords, data, dataBufferSize, recordStart);
throw runtime_error("GetData not supported in LibSVMBinaryReader");
RuntimeError("GetData not supported in LibSVMBinaryReader");
// instantiate all the combinations we expect to be used
template class LibSVMBinaryReader<double>;

Просмотреть файл

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ void SparsePCReader<ElemType>::Init(const ConfigParameters& readerConfig)
char message[256];
sprintf_s(message, "Unable to Open/Create file %ls, error %x", m_file.c_str(), GetLastError());
throw runtime_error(message);
GetFileSizeEx(m_hndl, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&m_filePositionMax);
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ bool SparsePCReader<ElemType>::GetMinibatch(std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemTy
if (verifCode != VERIFICATION_CODE)
throw runtime_error("Verification code did not match - error in reading data");
RuntimeError("Verification code did not match - error in reading data");
return false;

Просмотреть файл

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public:
void CopyMBLayoutTo(MBLayoutPtr pMBLayout) { pMBLayout->CopyFrom(m_pMBLayout); NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
virtual const std::map<LabelIdType, LabelType>& GetLabelMapping(const std::wstring& sectionName);
virtual void SetLabelMapping(const std::wstring& sectionName, const std::map<LabelIdType, typename LabelType>& labelMapping);
virtual bool GetData(const std::wstring& /*sectionName*/, size_t /*numRecords*/, void* /*data*/, size_t& /*dataBufferSize*/, size_t /*recordStart*/) { throw runtime_error("GetData not supported in SparsePCReader"); };
virtual bool GetData(const std::wstring& /*sectionName*/, size_t /*numRecords*/, void* /*data*/, size_t& /*dataBufferSize*/, size_t /*recordStart*/) { RuntimeError("GetData not supported in SparsePCReader"); };
virtual bool DataEnd(EndDataType endDataType);

Просмотреть файл

@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ void UCIFastReader<ElemType>::SetLabelMapping(const std::wstring& /*sectionName*
if (m_cachingReader)
throw runtime_error("Cannot set mapping table when the caching reader is being used");
RuntimeError("Cannot set mapping table when the caching reader is being used");
m_mapIdToLabel = labelMapping;
@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ bool UCIFastReader<ElemType>::GetData(const std::wstring& sectionName, size_t nu
return m_cachingReader->GetData(sectionName, numRecords, data, dataBufferSize, recordStart);
throw runtime_error("GetData not supported in UCIFastReader");
RuntimeError("GetData not supported in UCIFastReader");
template<class ElemType>

Просмотреть файл

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Basics.h"
#include "UCIParser.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdint.h>
@ -367,10 +368,10 @@ void UCIParser<NumType, LabelType>::ParseInit(LPCWSTR fileName, size_t startFeat
errno_t err = _wfopen_s( &m_pFile, fileName, L"rb" );
if (err)
throw std::runtime_error("UCIParser::ParseInit - error opening file");
RuntimeError("UCIParser::ParseInit - error opening file");
int rc = _fseeki64(m_pFile, 0, SEEK_END);
if (rc)
throw std::runtime_error("UCIParser::ParseInit - error seeking in file");
RuntimeError("UCIParser::ParseInit - error seeking in file");
m_fileSize = GetFilePosition();
m_fileBuffer = new BYTE[m_bufferSize];
@ -384,7 +385,7 @@ int64_t UCIParser<NumType, LabelType>::GetFilePosition()
int64_t position = ftell64(m_pFile);
if (position == -1L)
throw std::runtime_error("UCIParser::GetFilePosition - error retrieving file position in file");
RuntimeError("UCIParser::GetFilePosition - error retrieving file position in file");
return position;
@ -397,7 +398,7 @@ void UCIParser<NumType, LabelType>::SetFilePosition(int64_t position)
int rc = _fseeki64(m_pFile, position, SEEK_SET);
if (rc)
throw std::runtime_error("UCIParser::SetFilePosition - error seeking in file");
RuntimeError("UCIParser::SetFilePosition - error seeking in file");
// setup state machine to start at this position
@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ size_t UCIParser<NumType, LabelType>::UpdateBuffer()
size_t bytesToRead = min(m_bufferSize, m_fileSize-m_bufferStart)-saveBytes;
size_t bytesRead = fread(m_fileBuffer+saveBytes, 1, bytesToRead, m_pFile);
if (bytesRead == 0 && ferror(m_pFile))
throw std::runtime_error("UCIParser::UpdateBuffer - error reading file");
RuntimeError("UCIParser::UpdateBuffer - error reading file");
return bytesRead;

Просмотреть файл

@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ class minibatchreadaheadsource : public noncopyable/*assignment operator needed
// Note: We may still get data beyond the end of the epoch, in utterance mode, since the epoch boundary likely falls within an utterance.
CAutoLock lock (*this);
if (!fifo.empty() && globalts != fifo.back().globalts + fifo.back().feat.GetNumCols())
throw std::logic_error ("minibatchreadaheadsource: FIFO got out of order while pre-reading new batch");
LogicError("minibatchreadaheadsource: FIFO got out of order while pre-reading new batch");
if (newglobalts != SIZE_MAX)
throw std::logic_error ("minibatchreadaheadsource: main thread reset to new epoch while current epoch not yet finished");
LogicError("minibatchreadaheadsource: main thread reset to new epoch while current epoch not yet finished");
globalts += batch.feat.GetNumCols();
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ public:
fprintf (stderr, "minibatchreadaheadsource: signalling thread to enter new epoch\n");
CAutoLock lock (*this);
if (!fifo.empty())
throw std::logic_error ("getbatch: FIFO not cleared at end of epoch");
LogicError("getbatch: FIFO not cleared at end of epoch");
newglobalts = globalts;
currentepochreqframes = p_framesrequested; // it is assumed that these won't change
currentepochendframe = (epoch + 1) * epochframes;
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ public:
if (globalts + framesrequested < currentepochendframe && currentepochreqframes != framesrequested)
throw std::logic_error ("getbatch: cannot change minibatch size mid-epoch");
LogicError("getbatch: cannot change minibatch size mid-epoch");
// loop
for(;;) // wait for batch to appear
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ public:
// it must be the correct one
if (front.globalts != globalts)
throw std::logic_error ("getbatch: data in FIFO out of sequence");
LogicError("getbatch: data in FIFO out of sequence");
// if we actually read anything put it in here
if (front.readRecords)

Просмотреть файл

@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ public:
h = ::CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE/*manual reset*/, initialstate ? TRUE : FALSE, NULL);
if (h == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error ("signallingevent: CreateEvent() failed");
RuntimeError("signallingevent: CreateEvent() failed");
~signallingevent() { ::CloseHandle (h); }
void wait() { if (::WaitForSingleObject (h, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) throw std::runtime_error ("wait: WaitForSingleObject() unexpectedly failed"); }
void flag() { if (::SetEvent (h) == 0) throw std::runtime_error ("flag: SetEvent() unexpectedly failed"); }
void wait() { if (::WaitForSingleObject (h, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) RuntimeError("wait: WaitForSingleObject() unexpectedly failed"); }
void flag() { if (::SetEvent (h) == 0) RuntimeError("flag: SetEvent() unexpectedly failed"); }
@ -82,16 +82,16 @@ public:
unsigned int threadid;
uintptr_t rc = _beginthreadex (NULL/*security*/, 0/*stack*/, staticthreadproc<FUNCTION>, this, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &threadid);
if (rc == 0)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplethread: _beginthreadex() failed");
RuntimeError("simplethread: _beginthreadex() failed");
threadhandle = OpenThread (THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, threadid);
if (threadhandle == NULL)
throw std::logic_error ("simplethread: _beginthreadex() unexpectedly did not return valid thread id"); // BUGBUG: leaking something
LogicError("simplethread: _beginthreadex() unexpectedly did not return valid thread id"); // BUGBUG: leaking something
DWORD rc1 = ::ResumeThread (threadhandle);
if (rc1 == (DWORD) -1)
::TerminateThread (threadhandle, 0);
::CloseHandle (threadhandle);
throw std::logic_error ("simplethread: ResumeThread() failed unexpectedly");
LogicError("simplethread: ResumeThread() failed unexpectedly");
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public:
else if (rc == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
return true;
throw std::runtime_error ("wait: WaitForSingleObject() failed unexpectedly");
RuntimeError("wait: WaitForSingleObject() failed unexpectedly");
//void join()

Просмотреть файл

@ -1568,7 +1568,7 @@ int wmain1(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]) // called from wmain which is a wrapper
delete g_mpi;
catch (const ScriptableObjects::ScriptingError &err)
catch (const ScriptableObjects::ScriptingException &err)
fprintf(stderr, "EXCEPTION occurred: %s\n", err.what());

Просмотреть файл

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
origNameToNormNameMap[nodeName] = normPtr;
throw new runtime_error("for InputValue nodes, only mvNorm is supported 4th argument\n");
RuntimeError("for InputValue nodes, only mvNorm is supported 4th argument\n");
else if (opName == L"Parameter" || opName == LearnableParameter<ElemType>::TypeName())
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
nodePtr->AttachInputs(inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2]);
throw std::logic_error("Invalid number of children.");
LogicError("Invalid number of children.");

Просмотреть файл

@ -39,19 +39,19 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (crossEntropyNodes.size()==0)
throw new runtime_error("No CrossEntropyWithSoftmax node found\n");
RuntimeError("No CrossEntropyWithSoftmax node found\n");
if (evaluationNodes.size()==0)
throw new runtime_error("No Evaluation node found\n");
RuntimeError("No Evaluation node found\n");
if (crossEntropyNodes.size()==0)
throw new runtime_error("Evaluate() does not yet support reading multiple CrossEntropyWithSoftMax Nodes\n");
RuntimeError("Evaluate() does not yet support reading multiple CrossEntropyWithSoftMax Nodes\n");
if (evaluationNodes.size() == 0)
throw new runtime_error("Evaluate() does not yet support reading multiple Evaluation Nodes\n");
RuntimeError("Evaluate() does not yet support reading multiple Evaluation Nodes\n");
std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*> inputMatrices;

Просмотреть файл

@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ public:
return inputs;
if (nodeParamStart + nodeParamCount > parameter.size())
throw logic_error("EvaluateParmeters: nodeParamters specified that do not exist");
LogicError("EvaluateParmeters: nodeParamters specified that do not exist");
size_t numChildren = nodeParamCount;
for (size_t i=0; i < numChildren;++i)

Просмотреть файл

@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void InferImageDimsFromInput(const size_t index, const bool outputSameAsInput = true)
if (index >= ChildrenSize())
throw invalid_argument("InferImageDimsFromInput: output index");
InvalidArgument("InferImageDimsFromInput: output index");
const auto & child = m_children[index];
if (child != nullptr)

Просмотреть файл

@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
fprintf(stderr, "NULL");
throw runtime_error("One of the children is missing.");
RuntimeError("One of the children is missing.");
fprintf(stderr, "%ls[%lu, %lu]", child->NodeName().c_str(), child->GetNumRows(), child->GetNumCols());
@ -1364,12 +1364,12 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (m_imageLayout.channels > 0)
if (m_imageLayout.GetNumElements() != m_numRows)
throw runtime_error("Image dimensions do not match row size.");
RuntimeError("Image dimensions do not match row size.");
if (m_numRows % (m_imageLayout.width * m_imageLayout.height) > 0)
throw runtime_error("Image row size is not a multiple of specified image dimensions.");
RuntimeError("Image row size is not a multiple of specified image dimensions.");
m_imageLayout.channels = m_numRows / (m_imageLayout.width * m_imageLayout.height);
@ -1379,13 +1379,13 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (m_imageLayout.channels > 0)
if (m_numRows % (m_imageLayout.width * m_imageLayout.channels) > 0)
throw runtime_error("Image row size is not a multiple of specified image dimensions.");
RuntimeError("Image row size is not a multiple of specified image dimensions.");
m_imageLayout.height = m_numRows / (m_imageLayout.width * m_imageLayout.channels);
throw runtime_error("At least two image dimensions must be specified.");
RuntimeError("At least two image dimensions must be specified.");
@ -1396,15 +1396,15 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (m_imageLayout.channels > 0)
if (m_numRows % (m_imageLayout.height * m_imageLayout.channels) > 0)
throw runtime_error("Image row size is not a multiple of specified image dimensions.");
RuntimeError("Image row size is not a multiple of specified image dimensions.");
m_imageLayout.width = m_numRows / (m_imageLayout.height * m_imageLayout.channels);
throw runtime_error("At least two image dimensions must be specified.");
RuntimeError("At least two image dimensions must be specified.");
else if (m_imageLayout.channels > 0)
throw runtime_error("At least two image dimensions must be specified.");
RuntimeError("At least two image dimensions must be specified.");
@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
fprintf(stderr, "NULL");
throw runtime_error("One of the children is missing.");
RuntimeError("One of the children is missing.");
fprintf(stderr, "%ls[%lu, %lu]", child->NodeName().c_str(), child->FunctionValues().GetNumRows(), child->FunctionValues().GetNumCols());
@ -1497,10 +1497,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (m_children.size() != 1)
throw std::logic_error("Diagonal operation: Should have one input.");
LogicError("Diagonal operation: Should have one input.");
if (Inputs(0)->FunctionValues().GetNumElements() == 0)
throw std::logic_error("Diagonal operation: The input node has 0 element.");
LogicError("Diagonal operation: The input node has 0 element.");
size_t cols = Inputs(0)->FunctionValues().GetNumCols();
@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
virtual void ComputeInputPartial(const size_t inputIndex)
if (inputIndex > 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Diagonal operation only takes one input.");
InvalidArgument("Diagonal operation only takes one input.");
ComputeInputPartialS(Inputs(0)->GradientValues(), GradientValues());
@ -1632,7 +1632,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
fprintf(stderr, "NULL");
throw runtime_error("One of the children is missing.");
RuntimeError("One of the children is missing.");
fprintf(stderr, "%ls[%lu, %lu]", child->NodeName().c_str(), child->GetNumRows(), child->GetNumCols());

Просмотреть файл

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
else if (type == "double")
throw runtime_error("invalid precision specified: " + type);
RuntimeError("invalid precision specified: " + type);
catch(std::exception &err)

Просмотреть файл

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
const bool makeMode)
if (validationSetDataReader.size() == 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("validation set reader should not be null.");
InvalidArgument("validation set reader should not be null.");
int startEpoch = DetermineEncoderDecoderStartEpoch(makeMode);
if (startEpoch == m_maxEpochs)
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
learnRateInitialized = this->LoadCheckPointInfo(startEpoch - 1, totalSamplesSeen, learnRatePerSample, smoothedGradients, prevCriterion, m_prevChosenMinibatchSize);
if (m_autoLearnRateSearchType == LearningRateSearchAlgorithm::AdjustAfterEpoch && !learnRateInitialized && m_learningRatesParam.size() <= startEpoch)
throw std::invalid_argument("When using \"AdjustAfterEpoch\", there must either exist a checkpoint file, or an explicit learning rate must be specified in config for the starting epoch.");
InvalidArgument("When using \"AdjustAfterEpoch\", there must either exist a checkpoint file, or an explicit learning rate must be specified in config for the starting epoch.");
ULONG dropOutSeed = 1;
double prevDropoutRate = 0;
@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (m_autoLearnRateSearchType == LearningRateSearchAlgorithm::AdjustAfterEpoch && !learnRateInitialized && m_learningRatesParam.size() <= startEpoch)
throw std::invalid_argument("When using \"AdjustAfterEpoch\", there must either exist a checkpoint file, or an explicit learning rate must be specified in config for the starting epoch.");
InvalidArgument("When using \"AdjustAfterEpoch\", there must either exist a checkpoint file, or an explicit learning rate must be specified in config for the starting epoch.");
ULONG dropOutSeed = 1;
double prevDropoutRate = 0;
@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
localEpochCriterion, localEpochEvalErrors) == false)
throw runtime_error("SGD::TrainOneEpochEncoderDecoderWithHiddenStates gradient check not passed!");
RuntimeError("SGD::TrainOneEpochEncoderDecoderWithHiddenStates gradient check not passed!");

Просмотреть файл

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
else if (s == L"kl" || s == L"klreg")
return AdaptationRegType::KL;
throw std::invalid_argument("ParseAdaptationRegType: Invalid Adaptation Regularization Type. Valid values are (None | KL)");
InvalidArgument("ParseAdaptationRegType: Invalid Adaptation Regularization Type. Valid values are (None | KL)");
static GradientsUpdateType ParseGradUpdateType(wstring s)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
else if (s == L"fsadagrad")
return GradientsUpdateType::FSAdaGrad;
throw std::invalid_argument("ParseGradUpdateType: Invalid Gradient Updating Type. Valid values are (None | AdaGrad | RmsProp | FSAdaGrad )");
InvalidArgument("ParseGradUpdateType: Invalid Gradient Updating Type. Valid values are (None | AdaGrad | RmsProp | FSAdaGrad )");
static ParallelizationMethod ParseParallelizationMethod(wstring s)
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
else if (s == L"modelaveragingsgd")
return ParallelizationMethod::ModelAveragingSGD;
throw std::invalid_argument("ParseParallelizationMethod: Invalid Parallelization Method. Valid values are (None | DataParallelSGD | ModelAveragingSGD)");
InvalidArgument("ParseParallelizationMethod: Invalid Parallelization Method. Valid values are (None | DataParallelSGD | ModelAveragingSGD)");
static LearningRateSearchAlgorithm ParseLearningRateSearchType(wstring s)
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
else if (s == L"adjustafterepoch" || s == L"afterepoch" || s == L"after")
return LearningRateSearchAlgorithm::AdjustAfterEpoch;
throw std::invalid_argument("autoAdjustLR: Invalid learning rate search type. Valid values are (None | SearchBeforeEpoch | AdjustAfterEpoch)");
InvalidArgument("autoAdjustLR: Invalid learning rate search type. Valid values are (None | SearchBeforeEpoch | AdjustAfterEpoch)");
template<class ElemType>
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
m_zeroThresholdFor1Bit = configDataParallelSGD("useZeroThresholdFor1BitQuantization", "true");
if ((m_numGradientBits < 1) || (m_numGradientBits > (8 * sizeof(ElemType))))
throw std::invalid_argument("gradientBits must be in the range [1, 32] when using precision=float and in range [1, 64] when using precision=double!");
InvalidArgument("gradientBits must be in the range [1, 32] when using precision=float and in range [1, 64] when using precision=double!");
@ -393,21 +393,21 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (m_epochSize != requestDataSize && m_epochSize < m_mbSize[i])
throw std::invalid_argument("epoch size must be larger than mbsize.");
InvalidArgument("epoch size must be larger than mbsize.");
if (m_autoLearnRateSearchType == LearningRateSearchAlgorithm::None &&
(learningRatesPerSample.size() == 0 && learningRatesPerMB.size() == 0))
throw std::invalid_argument("If autoLearnRateSearchType is false "
InvalidArgument("If autoLearnRateSearchType is false "
"you must specify the learningRatesPerSample "
"or learningRatesPerMB parameter.");
if (learningRatesPerSample.size() > 0 && learningRatesPerMB.size() > 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("You specified both learningRatesPerSample "
InvalidArgument("You specified both learningRatesPerSample "
"and learningRatesPerMB. Please comment "
"out one of them.");
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (momentumPerSample.size() > 0 && momentumPerMB.size() > 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("You specified both momentumPerSample "
InvalidArgument("You specified both momentumPerSample "
"and momentumPerMB. Please comment "
"out one of them.");
@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
auto & sequenceCriterionNodes = GetTrainCriterionNodes(*sequenceNet);
if (origCriterionNodes.size() == 0 || sequenceCriterionNodes.size() == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Training criterion node does not exist.");
RuntimeError("Training criterion node does not exist.");
origNet.ReplaceFinalCriterionNode(origCriterionNodes[0]->NodeName(), sequenceCriterionNodes[0]);

Просмотреть файл

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
fprintf(stderr, "evalNodeNames are not specified, using all the default evalnodes and training criterion nodes.\n");
if (m_net.EvaluationNodes().size() == 0 && m_net.FinalCriterionNodes().size() == 0)
throw std::logic_error("There is no default evalnodes or training criterion node specified in the network.");
LogicError("There is no default evalnodes or training criterion node specified in the network.");
for (int i = 0; i < m_net.EvaluationNodes().size(); i++)
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
const auto & node = m_net.GetNodeFromName(evalNodeNames[i]);
if (node->GetNumRows() != 1 || node->GetNumCols() != 1)
throw std::logic_error("The nodes passed to SimpleEvaluator::Evaluate function must be either eval or training criterion nodes (which evalues to 1x1 value).");
LogicError("The nodes passed to SimpleEvaluator::Evaluate function must be either eval or training criterion nodes (which evalues to 1x1 value).");

Просмотреть файл

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (m_verbosity > 0)
fprintf (stderr, "OutputNodeNames are not specified, using the default outputnodes.\n");
if (m_net.OutputNodes().size() == 0)
throw std::logic_error("There is no default output node specified in the network.");
LogicError("There is no default output node specified in the network.");
outputNodes = m_net.OutputNodes();
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
fprintf (stderr, "OutputNodeNames are not specified, using the default outputnodes.\n");
if (m_net.OutputNodes().size() == 0)
throw std::logic_error("There is no default output node specified in the network.");
LogicError("There is no default output node specified in the network.");
outputNodes = m_net.OutputNodes();

Просмотреть файл

@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ public:
auto & buffer = heap.back();
if (elementsneeded > heap.back().size() - allocatedinlast)
throw std::logic_error ("newmatrix: allocation logic screwed up");
LogicError("newmatrix: allocation logic screwed up");
// get our buffer into a handy vector-like thingy
array_ref<float> vecbuffer (&buffer[allocatedinlast], elementsneeded);
// allocate in the current heap location
matrices.resize (matrices.size() + 1);
if (matrices.size()+1 > matrices.capacity())
throw std::logic_error ("newmatrix: littlematrixheap cannot grow but was constructed with too small number of eements");
LogicError("newmatrix: littlematrixheap cannot grow but was constructed with too small number of eements");
auto & matrix = matrices.back();
matrix = matrixfrombuffer (vecbuffer, rows, cols);
allocatedinlast += elementsneeded;
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ template<typename FLOAT> static bool islogzero (FLOAT v) { return v < LOGZERO/2;
if (exitbackpointer == invalidbp)
throw std::logic_error ("exitbackpointer came up empty");
LogicError("exitbackpointer came up empty");
fwscore = exitscore; // score passed on to next unit
fwbackpointer = exitbackpointer; // and accompanying backpointer
js = je;
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ template<typename FLOAT> static bool islogzero (FLOAT v) { return v < LOGZERO/2;
for (size_t t = te -1; t + 1 > ts; t--)
if (j < (int) js || j >= (int) je)
throw std::logic_error ("invalid backpointer resulting in state index out of range");
LogicError("invalid backpointer resulting in state index out of range");
int bp = (int) backpointers(j,t); // save the backpointer before overwriting it (gammas and backpointers are aliases of each other)
if (!returnsenoneids) // return binary gammas (for MMI; this mode is compatible with softalignmode)
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ template<typename FLOAT> static bool islogzero (FLOAT v) { return v < LOGZERO/2;
thisedgealignmentsj[t] = (unsigned short) hmm.getsenoneid(j-js);
if (bp == invalidbp)
throw std::logic_error ("deltabackpointer not initialized");
LogicError("deltabackpointer not initialized");
j = bp; // trace back one step
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ template<typename FLOAT> static bool islogzero (FLOAT v) { return v < LOGZERO/2;
je = js;
if (j != -1)
throw std::logic_error ("invalid backpointer resulting in not reaching start of utterance when tracing back");
LogicError("invalid backpointer resulting in not reaching start of utterance when tracing back");
assert (je == 0 && te == 0);
// we return the full path score
@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ void lattice::forwardbackwardalign (parallelstate & parallelstate,
if (edgeframes == 0) // dummy !NULL edge at end of lattice
if ((size_t) j != edges.size() -1)
throw std::runtime_error ("forwardbackwardalign: unxpected 0-frame edge (only allowed at very end)");
RuntimeError("forwardbackwardalign: unxpected 0-frame edge (only allowed at very end)");
// note: abcs[j] is already initialized to be NULL in this case, which protects us from accidentally using it
@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ void lattice::forwardbackwardalign (parallelstate & parallelstate,
if (parallelstate.enabled() && !parallelsil) // silence edge shall be process separately if not cuda and not PARALLEL_SIL
if (softalignstates)
throw std::logic_error ("forwardbackwardalign: parallelized version currently only handles hard alignments");
LogicError("forwardbackwardalign: parallelized version currently only handles hard alignments");
if (minlogpp > LOGZERO)
fprintf(stderr, "forwardbackwardalign: pruning not supported (we won't need it!) :)\n");
edgeacscores.resize (edges.size());
@ -1157,14 +1157,14 @@ void lattice::mmierrorsignal (parallelstate & parallelstate, double minlogpp, co
const msra::math::ssematrixbase & logLLs, const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset, const float lmf, const float wp, const float amf)
if (transcript[0].firstframe != 0) // TODO: should we store the #frames instead? Then we can validate the total duration
throw std::logic_error ("scoregroundtruth: first transcript[] token does not start at frame 0");
LogicError("scoregroundtruth: first transcript[] token does not start at frame 0");
// get the silence models, since they are treated specially
const size_t numframes = logLLs.cols();
const auto & sil = hset.gethmm (hset.gethmmid ("sil"));
const auto & sp = hset.gethmm (hset.gethmmid ("sp"));
if (sp.numstates != 1 || sil.numstates != 3)
throw std::runtime_error ("scoregroundtruth: only supports 1-state /sp/ and 3-state /sil/ tied to /sp/");
RuntimeError("scoregroundtruth: only supports 1-state /sp/ and 3-state /sil/ tied to /sp/");
const size_t silst = sp.senoneids[0];
// loop over words
@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ void lattice::mmierrorsignal (parallelstate & parallelstate, double minlogpp, co
size_t ts = transcript[i].firstframe;
size_t te = ((size_t) i+1 < transcript.size()) ? transcript[i+1].firstframe : numframes;
if (ts >= te)
throw std::logic_error ("scoregroundtruth: transcript[] tokens out of order");
LogicError("scoregroundtruth: transcript[] tokens out of order");
// acoustic score: loop over frames
const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm::transP * prevtransP = NULL; // previous transP
int prevs = -1; // previous state index
@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ void lattice::mmierrorsignal (parallelstate & parallelstate, double minlogpp, co
int transPindex = hset.senonetransP (senoneid);
int sindex = hset.senonestate (senoneid);
if (transPindex == -1 || sindex == -1)
throw std::runtime_error ("scoregroundtruth: failed to resolve ambiguous senone " + (string) hset.getsenonename (senoneid));
RuntimeError("scoregroundtruth: failed to resolve ambiguous senone " + (string) hset.getsenonename (senoneid));
transP = &hset.transPs[transPindex];
s = sindex;
@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ double lattice::forwardbackward (parallelstate & parallelstate, const msra::math
backpointers thisbackpointers (*this, hset); // memory for forwardbackward
if (info.numframes != logLLs.cols())
throw std::logic_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("forwardbackward: #frames mismatch between lattice (%d) and LLs (%d)", (int) info.numframes, (int) logLLs.cols()));
LogicError(msra::strfun::strprintf ("forwardbackward: #frames mismatch between lattice (%d) and LLs (%d)", (int) info.numframes, (int) logLLs.cols()));
// TODO: the following checks should throw, but I don't dare in case this will crash a critical job... if we never see this warning, then
if (info.numframes != uids.size())
fprintf (stderr, "forwardbackward: #frames mismatch between lattice (%d) and uids (%d)\n", (int) info.numframes, (int) uids.size());

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@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace lattices {
// only copy once
// TODO: this can only be cached once --but there is no check whether a different model is passed
if (lr3transPgpu->size() > 0)
throw std::logic_error ("cachehset: cannot bind to multiple model sets");
LogicError("cachehset: cannot bind to multiple model sets");
auto_timer copyhmms;
// transPs
@ -424,18 +424,18 @@ namespace msra { namespace lattices {
hmmscpuforgpu[i].numstates = (unsigned char) hmms[i].getnumstates();
if (hmmscpuforgpu[i].numstates != hmms[i].getnumstates())
throw std::logic_error("parallelforwardbackwardalign : hmms.numstates is out of range of unsigned char");
LogicError("parallelforwardbackwardalign : hmms.numstates is out of range of unsigned char");
for (size_t m = 0; m < hmmscpuforgpu[i].numstates; m++)
hmmscpuforgpu[i].senoneids[m] = (unsigned short) hmms[i].getsenoneid(m);
if (hmmscpuforgpu[i].senoneids[m] != hmms[i].getsenoneid(m))
throw std::logic_error("parallelforwardbackwardalign : hmms.numstates is out of range of unsigned short");
LogicError("parallelforwardbackwardalign : hmms.numstates is out of range of unsigned short");
hmmscpuforgpu[i].transPindex = (unsigned short) hmms[i].gettransPindex();
if (hmmscpuforgpu[i].transPindex != hmms[i].gettransPindex())
throw std::logic_error("parallelforwardbackwardalign : hmms.transPindex is out of range of unsigned short");
LogicError("parallelforwardbackwardalign : hmms.transPindex is out of range of unsigned short");
hmmsgpu->assign (hmmscpuforgpu, true/*sync*/); // need to sync if we free the memory right after (and we won't buy much from async)"copyhmms"); // 246.776281 ms --note: forgot hmmsgpu
@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace lattices {
void validatehset (const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset)
if (hmmsgpu->size() != hset.hmms.size() || lr3transPgpu->size() != hset.transPs.size())
throw std::logic_error ("validatehset: not bound to hset or to wrong hset");
LogicError("validatehset: not bound to hset or to wrong hset");
// current lattice

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (format != MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSC && format != MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSR && format != MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseBlockCol && format != MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseBlockRow)
throw std::logic_error("CPUSparseMatrix: unsupported sparse matrix format");
LogicError("CPUSparseMatrix: unsupported sparse matrix format");
m_format = format;
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if(m_format != MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSC && m_format != MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSR)
throw std::logic_error("CPUSparseMatrix: unsupported SetValue() call.");
LogicError("CPUSparseMatrix: unsupported SetValue() call.");
if(m_elemSizeAllocated < m_nz +1) //automatic resize
@ -220,11 +220,11 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if(row < 0 || row >= m_numRows)
throw std::logic_error("CPUSparseMatrix: SetValue() invalid row id");
LogicError("CPUSparseMatrix: SetValue() invalid row id");
if(col < 0 || col >= m_numCols) {
throw std::logic_error("CPUSparseMatrix: SetValue() invalid column id");
LogicError("CPUSparseMatrix: SetValue() invalid column id");
size_t r = (m_format == matrixFormatSparseCSC) ? row: col;
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if(c == m_colIdx && r <= m_unCompIndex[m_nz-1])
throw std::logic_error("CPUSparseMatrix: SetValue is not called properly");
LogicError("CPUSparseMatrix: SetValue is not called properly");
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
CPUMatrix<ElemType> CPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::ColumnSliceToDense(size_t startColumn, size_t numCols) const
//if (numCols == 0)
// throw std::logic_error("The slice cannot have 0 columns.");
// LogicError("The slice cannot have 0 columns.");
if (startColumn + numCols > m_numCols)
InvalidArgument("The slice (%d+%d) is out of range of the source matrix (%d).", (int)startColumn, (int)numCols, (int)m_numCols);
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
CPUMatrix<ElemType> CPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::DiagonalToDense() const
if (m_numRows != m_numCols)
throw std::logic_error("DiagonalToDense can be called only for square matrix.");
LogicError("DiagonalToDense can be called only for square matrix.");
if (m_format != MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSC)
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
size_t *blockIds = new size_t[newCompIndexSize];
if (keepExistingValues && (m_nz > numNZElemToReserve || m_compIndexSize > newCompIndexSize))
throw std::logic_error("Resize: To keep values m_nz should <= numNZElemToReserve and m_compIndexSize <= newCompIndexSize");
LogicError("Resize: To keep values m_nz should <= numNZElemToReserve and m_compIndexSize <= newCompIndexSize");
if (keepExistingValues && m_elemSizeAllocated > 0)
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (lhs.IsEmpty() || rhs.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: one of the input matrix is empty.");
LogicError("MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: one of the input matrix is empty.");
int m = transposeA? (int)lhs.GetNumCols(): (int)lhs.GetNumRows();
int k = transposeA? (int)lhs.GetNumRows(): (int)lhs.GetNumCols();
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
assert (k == l);
if (k != l)
throw std::invalid_argument("CPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: The inner dimensions of a and b must match.");
InvalidArgument("CPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: The inner dimensions of a and b must match.");
if (c.GetNumRows() != m || c.GetNumCols() != n)
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
const CPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& rhs, const bool transposeB, CPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& c)
if (lhs.IsEmpty() || rhs.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("LeftMultiplyAndAdd: one of the input matrix is empty.");
LogicError("LeftMultiplyAndAdd: one of the input matrix is empty.");
size_t m = transposeA? (int)lhs.GetNumCols(): (int)lhs.GetNumRows();
size_t k = transposeA? (int)lhs.GetNumRows(): (int)lhs.GetNumCols();
@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
assert (k == l);
if (k != l)
throw std::invalid_argument("CPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndAdd: The inner dimensions of a and b must match.");
InvalidArgument("CPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndAdd: The inner dimensions of a and b must match.");
@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if(c.m_nz > c.GetSizeAllocated())
throw std::logic_error("sparse matrix out of range.");
LogicError("sparse matrix out of range.");
@ -656,12 +656,12 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (lhs.IsEmpty() || rhs.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("ScaleAndAdd: one of the input matrix is empty.");
LogicError("ScaleAndAdd: one of the input matrix is empty.");
if (lhs.GetNumRows() != rhs.GetNumRows() || lhs.GetNumCols() != rhs.GetNumCols())
throw std::invalid_argument("CPUSparseMatrix::ScaleAndAdd: The dimensions of a and b must match.");
InvalidArgument("CPUSparseMatrix::ScaleAndAdd: The dimensions of a and b must match.");
if(lhs.GetFormat() == MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSC || lhs.GetFormat() == MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSR)
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
throw std::runtime_error("CPUSparseMatrix:: ScaleAndAdd() Not implemented");
RuntimeError("CPUSparseMatrix:: ScaleAndAdd() Not implemented");
@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
bool CPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::AreEqual(const CPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& a, const CPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& b, const ElemType threshold)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AreEqual: one of the input matrices is empty.");
LogicError("AreEqual: one of the input matrices is empty.");
if (a.GetNumRows() != b.GetNumRows() || a.GetNumCols() != b.GetNumCols())
return false;
@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
throw std::runtime_error("CPUSparseMatrix:: NormalGrad() only support block sparse format");
RuntimeError("CPUSparseMatrix:: NormalGrad() only support block sparse format");
@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType CPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::FrobeniusNorm() const
if (this->IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("FrobeniusNorm: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("FrobeniusNorm: Matrix is empty.");
ElemType v = 0;
@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType CPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::SumOfAbsElements() const
if (this->IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SumOfAbsElements: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SumOfAbsElements: Matrix is empty.");
if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(double))
@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType CPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::SumOfElements() const
if (this->IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SumOfElements: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SumOfElements: Matrix is empty.");
ElemType sum = 0;
@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
size_t elsize;
stream >> elsize;
if (sizeof(ElemType) != elsize)
throw std::runtime_error("Template argument size doesn't match those in file");
RuntimeError("Template argument size doesn't match those in file");
std::wstring matrixName;
// now prepare this header to receive the data being read

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@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (col >= m_numCols || row >= m_numRows)
throw std::runtime_error("Position outside matrix dimensions");
RuntimeError("Position outside matrix dimensions");
if (m_format == MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSC)

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

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@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Reshape(const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols);
void Resize(const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, bool growOnly = true); //by default we only reallocate if need to grow
ElemType& operator() (const size_t /*row*/, const size_t /*col*/) { throw std::logic_error("GPUMatrix doesn't support this"); }
const ElemType& operator() (const size_t /*row*/, const size_t /*col*/) const { throw std::logic_error("GPUMatrix doesn't support this"); }
ElemType& operator() (const size_t /*row*/, const size_t /*col*/) { LogicError("GPUMatrix doesn't support this"); }
const ElemType& operator() (const size_t /*row*/, const size_t /*col*/) const { LogicError("GPUMatrix doesn't support this"); }
ElemType Get00Element() const;
void SetValue(const ElemType v);
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
size_t elsize;
if (sizeof(ElemType)!=elsize)
throw std::logic_error("Template argument size doesn't match those in file");
LogicError("Template argument size doesn't match those in file");
std::wstring matrixName;
size_t numRows, numCols;
int format;

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (matrixFormat != MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSC && matrixFormat != MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSR &&
matrixFormat != MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseBlockCol && matrixFormat != MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseBlockRow)
throw std::logic_error("GPUSparseMatrix: unsupported sparse matrix format");
LogicError("GPUSparseMatrix: unsupported sparse matrix format");
m_computeDevice = (computeDevice == AUTOPLACEMATRIX) ? GPUMatrix<ElemType>::GetBestGPUDeviceId() : computeDevice; //current GPU device Id
@ -376,9 +376,9 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::ChangeDeviceTo(DEVICEID_TYPE to_id)
if (!OwnBuffer())
throw std::logic_error("Cannot change device on Managed external matrix");
LogicError("Cannot change device on Managed external matrix");
if (to_id == CPUDEVICE)
throw std::logic_error("to_id must be valid GPU");
LogicError("to_id must be valid GPU");
if (m_computeDevice == to_id)
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (reallocate)
if (!OwnBuffer())
throw logic_error("Cannot Resize since the buffer is managed externally.");
LogicError("Cannot Resize since the buffer is managed externally.");
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
const size_t nz, const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, const bool IsOnDevice /*= false*/, const DEVICEID_TYPE devId /*= -1*/)
if (h_CSRRow == nullptr || h_Col == nullptr || h_Val == nullptr)
throw std::logic_error("SetMatrixFromCSRFormat: nullptr passed in.");
LogicError("SetMatrixFromCSRFormat: nullptr passed in.");
@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::GetMatrixFromCSRFormat(CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE*& h_CSRRow, CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE*& h_Col, ElemType*& h_Val, size_t &nz, size_t &numRows, size_t &numCols) const
if (h_CSRRow != nullptr || h_Col != nullptr || h_Val != nullptr)
throw std::logic_error("GetMatrixFromCSRFormat: Passed pointers must be nullptr");
LogicError("GetMatrixFromCSRFormat: Passed pointers must be nullptr");
nz = GetNumNZElements();
numRows = GetNumRows();
@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
const size_t nz, const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, const bool IsOnDevice /*= false*/, const DEVICEID_TYPE devId /*= -1*/)
if (h_CSCCol == nullptr || h_Row == nullptr || h_Val == nullptr)
throw std::logic_error("SetMatrixFromCSCFormat: nullptr passed in.");
LogicError("SetMatrixFromCSCFormat: nullptr passed in.");
m_format = matrixFormatSparseCSC;
@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::GetMatrixFromCSCFormat(GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE*& h_CSCCol, GPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE*& h_Row, ElemType*& h_Val, size_t &nz, size_t &numRows, size_t &numCols) const
if (h_CSCCol != nullptr || h_Row != nullptr || h_Val != nullptr)
throw std::logic_error("GetMatrixFromCSCFormat: Passed pointers must be nullptr");
LogicError("GetMatrixFromCSCFormat: Passed pointers must be nullptr");
nz = GetNumNZElements();
numRows = GetNumRows();
@ -851,10 +851,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
const GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& rhs, const bool transposeB, ElemType beta, GPUMatrix<ElemType>& c)
if (lhs.GetComputeDeviceId() != rhs.GetComputeDeviceId() || (lhs.GetComputeDeviceId() != c.GetComputeDeviceId()))
throw std::runtime_error("MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: All matrices must be on the same GPU");
RuntimeError("MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: All matrices must be on the same GPU");
if (lhs.IsEmpty() || rhs.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: one of the input matrix is empty.");
LogicError("MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: one of the input matrix is empty.");
int m = transposeA ? (int)lhs.GetNumCols() : (int)lhs.GetNumRows();
int k = transposeA ? (int)lhs.GetNumRows() : (int)lhs.GetNumCols();
@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
assert(k == l);
if (k != l)
throw std::invalid_argument("CPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: The inner dimensions of a and b must match.");
InvalidArgument("CPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: The inner dimensions of a and b must match.");
if (c.GetNumRows() != m || c.GetNumCols() != n)
@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
const GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& rhs, const bool transposeB, GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& c)
if (lhs.GetComputeDeviceId()!=rhs.GetComputeDeviceId())
throw std::runtime_error("GPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndAdd: All matrices must be on the same GPU");
RuntimeError("GPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndAdd: All matrices must be on the same GPU");
int m = transposeA? (int)lhs.GetNumCols(): (int)lhs.GetNumRows();
int k = transposeA? (int)lhs.GetNumRows(): (int)lhs.GetNumCols();
@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
assert (k == l);
if (k != l)
throw std::invalid_argument("GPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndAdd: The inner dimensions of a and b must match.");
InvalidArgument("GPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndAdd: The inner dimensions of a and b must match.");
if (!transposeA && !transposeB)
@ -1095,10 +1095,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::ScaleAndAdd(const ElemType alpha, const GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& lhs, GPUMatrix<ElemType>& rhs)
if (lhs.GetNumRows() != rhs.GetNumRows() || lhs.GetNumCols() != rhs.GetNumCols())
throw std::logic_error("ScaleAndAdd: dimension mismatch");
LogicError("ScaleAndAdd: dimension mismatch");
if (lhs.GetComputeDeviceId() != rhs.GetComputeDeviceId())
throw std::runtime_error("GPUSparseMatrix::ScaleAndAdd: All matrices must be on the same GPU");
RuntimeError("GPUSparseMatrix::ScaleAndAdd: All matrices must be on the same GPU");
if (lhs.m_format == matrixFormatSparseBlockCol || lhs.m_format == matrixFormatSparseBlockRow)
@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (a.GetComputeDeviceId()!=b.GetComputeDeviceId()||(b.GetComputeDeviceId()!=a.GetComputeDeviceId()))
throw std::runtime_error("MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: All matrices must be on the same GPU");
RuntimeError("MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: All matrices must be on the same GPU");
cusparseHandle_t cusparseHandle = 0;
@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (S1.GetComputeDeviceId()!=S2.GetComputeDeviceId())
throw std::runtime_error("Sparse matrix multiply: both matrices must be on the same device");
RuntimeError("Sparse matrix multiply: both matrices must be on the same device");
cusparseHandle_t cusparseHandle = 0;
@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
int k = int(transposeS1 ? S1.GetNumRows() : S1.GetNumCols());
int l = int(transposeS2 ? S2.GetNumCols() : S2.GetNumRows());
if (k!=l)
throw std::runtime_error("Sparse matrix multiply: dimensionality mismatch");
RuntimeError("Sparse matrix multiply: dimensionality mismatch");
int nnzA = (int)S1.GetNumNZElements();
int nnzB = (int)S2.GetNumNZElements();
@ -1486,9 +1486,9 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (a.GetNumCols() != b.GetNumCols() || a.GetNumRows() != b.GetNumRows())
throw std::runtime_error("Dimensions mismatch in ScaleAndAdd");
RuntimeError("Dimensions mismatch in ScaleAndAdd");
if (a.GetComputeDeviceId()!=b.GetComputeDeviceId())
throw std::runtime_error("ScaleAndAdd: matrices must be on the same device");
RuntimeError("ScaleAndAdd: matrices must be on the same device");
int m = (int)a.GetNumRows();
int n = (int)a.GetNumCols();
@ -1538,9 +1538,9 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (a.GetNumRows() != b.GetNumRows() || a.GetNumRows() != c.GetNumRows() || a.GetNumCols() != b.GetNumCols() || a.GetNumCols() != c.GetNumCols())
throw std::logic_error("ScaleAndAdd: dimension mismatch");
LogicError("ScaleAndAdd: dimension mismatch");
if (a.GetComputeDeviceId()!=b.GetComputeDeviceId()||a.GetComputeDeviceId()!=c.GetComputeDeviceId())
throw std::runtime_error("ScaleAndAdd: matrices must be on the same device");
RuntimeError("ScaleAndAdd: matrices must be on the same device");
//copy b to c
@ -1585,12 +1585,12 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (a.GetComputeDeviceId() != c.GetComputeDeviceId())
throw std::invalid_argument("All matrices must be on the same GPU");
InvalidArgument("All matrices must be on the same GPU");
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("ElementWisePower: The input matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("ElementWisePower: The input matrix a is empty.");
@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (a.GetComputeDeviceId()!=b.GetComputeDeviceId())
throw std::runtime_error("a and b must be on the same device");
RuntimeError("a and b must be on the same device");
int m = (int)a.GetNumRows();
int n = (int)a.GetNumCols();
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (a.GetNumRows()!=b.GetNumRows()||a.GetNumCols()!=b.GetNumCols())
throw std::logic_error("ElementProductOf: matrix dimensions mismatch");
LogicError("ElementProductOf: matrix dimensions mismatch");
GPUMatrix<ElemType> c(b.GetNumRows(),b.GetNumCols(),b.GetComputeDeviceId());
@ -1931,10 +1931,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::AssignTransposeOf(const GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& a)
if (this == &a)
throw std::logic_error("AssignTransposeOf: a is the same as [this]. Does not support inplace transpose.");
LogicError("AssignTransposeOf: a is the same as [this]. Does not support inplace transpose.");
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignTransposeOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignTransposeOf: Matrix a is empty.");
*this = a.Transpose();
return *this;
@ -1956,7 +1956,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
int n = (int)GetNumCols();
//if (numCols == 0)
// throw std::logic_error("The slice cannot have 0 columns.");
// LogicError("The slice cannot have 0 columns.");
if (startColumn + numCols > n)
InvalidArgument("The slice (%d+%d) is out of range of the source matrix (%d).", (int)startColumn, (int)numCols, (int)n);
@ -2020,7 +2020,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::SumOfAbsElements() const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SumOfAbsElements: Matrix is empty");
LogicError("SumOfAbsElements: Matrix is empty");
cublasHandle_t cuHandle = GPUMatrix<ElemType>::GetCublasHandle(GetComputeDeviceId());
if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
@ -2041,7 +2041,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::SumOfElements() const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SumOfElements: Matrix is empty");
LogicError("SumOfElements: Matrix is empty");
ElemType* d_sum = nullptr;
@ -2059,7 +2059,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::FrobeniusNorm() const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("FrobeniusNorm: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("FrobeniusNorm: Matrix is empty.");
ElemType* d_sum = nullptr;
ElemType h_sum=0;
@ -2078,7 +2078,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::MatrixNormInf() const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("MatrixNorm1: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("MatrixNorm1: Matrix is empty.");
ElemType* d_maxAbs = nullptr;
ElemType h_maxAbs=0;
@ -2097,7 +2097,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::MatrixNorm1() const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("MatrixNorm1: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("MatrixNorm1: Matrix is empty.");
return SumOfAbsElements();
@ -2109,7 +2109,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::ElementInverse ()
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("ElementInverse: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("ElementInverse: Matrix is empty.");
int blocksPerGrid =(int)ceil(1.0*N/threadsPerBlock);
@ -2238,7 +2238,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::InplaceTruncateBottom (const ElemType threshold)
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("InplaceTruncateBottom: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("InplaceTruncateBottom: Matrix is empty.");
int blocksPerGrid =(int)ceil(N*1.0/threadsPerBlock);
cudaEvent_t done = nullptr;
@ -2254,7 +2254,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::AssignTruncateBottomOf (const GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& a, const ElemType threshold)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignTruncateBottomOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignTruncateBottomOf: Matrix a is empty.");
if (this!=&a)
@ -2276,7 +2276,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::InplaceTruncateTop (const ElemType threshold)
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("InplaceTruncateTop: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("InplaceTruncateTop: Matrix is empty.");
int blocksPerGrid =(int)ceil(N*1.0/threadsPerBlock);
cudaEvent_t done = nullptr;
@ -2292,7 +2292,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::AssignTruncateTopOf (const GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& a, const ElemType threshold)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignTruncateTopOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignTruncateTopOf: Matrix a is empty.");
if (this!=&a)
@ -2314,7 +2314,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>& GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>::SetToZeroIfAbsLessThan (const ElemType threshold)
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SetToZeroIfAbsLessThan: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SetToZeroIfAbsLessThan: Matrix is empty.");
int blocksPerGrid =(int)ceil(N*1.0/threadsPerBlock);
cudaEvent_t done = nullptr;
@ -2427,7 +2427,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
size_t elsize;
if (sizeof(ElemType)!=elsize)
throw std::runtime_error("Template argument size doesn't match those in file");
RuntimeError("Template argument size doesn't match those in file");
std::wstring matrixName;
// now prepare this header to receive the data being read

Просмотреть файл

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
} \
else \
{ \
throw std::runtime_error("Matrices do not exist in either CPU or GPU."); \
RuntimeError("Matrices do not exist in either CPU or GPU."); \
} \
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
} \
else \
{ \
throw std::runtime_error("Matrices do not exist in either CPU or GPU."); \
RuntimeError("Matrices do not exist in either CPU or GPU."); \
} \
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
} \
else \
{ \
throw std::runtime_error("Matrices do not exist in either CPU or GPU."); \
RuntimeError("Matrices do not exist in either CPU or GPU."); \
} \
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>::Matrix(FILE* f, const char * matrixName, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const MatrixType matrixType)
if (deviceId == MANAGEDEXTERN)
throw runtime_error("Externally Managed Matrix must use the basic constructor, then SetValue()\n");
RuntimeError("Externally Managed Matrix must use the basic constructor, then SetValue()\n");
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>::Matrix(const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const MatrixType matrixType, const MatrixFormat matrixFormat)
if (deviceId == MANAGEDEXTERN)
throw runtime_error("Externally Managed Matrix must use the basic constructor, then SetValue(), or the full constructor\n");
RuntimeError("Externally Managed Matrix must use the basic constructor, then SetValue(), or the full constructor\n");
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>::Matrix(const Matrix<ElemType>& deepCopyFrom, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId)
if (deviceId == MANAGEDEXTERN)
throw runtime_error("Externally Managed Matrix must use the basic constructor, then SetValue(), or the full constructor\n");
RuntimeError("Externally Managed Matrix must use the basic constructor, then SetValue(), or the full constructor\n");
int origCopyFromDeviceId = deepCopyFrom.GetDeviceId();
@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown matrix type");
RuntimeError("Unknown matrix type");
@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown matrix type");
RuntimeError("Unknown matrix type");
return slice;
@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown matrix type");
RuntimeError("Unknown matrix type");
return diag;
@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType> Matrix<ElemType>::Transpose()
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("Transpose: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("Transpose: Matrix is empty.");
Matrix<ElemType> c(this->GetNumCols(), this->GetNumRows(), (DEVICEID_TYPE)this->GetDeviceId());
@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (IsEmpty()) // if empty then we are done
//throw std::logic_error("SetValue: Matrix is empty.");
//LogicError("SetValue: Matrix is empty.");
@ -1106,13 +1106,13 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (IsEmpty()) // if empty then we are done
//throw std::logic_error("SetValue: Matrix is empty.");
//LogicError("SetValue: Matrix is empty.");
if (GetDeviceId()!=db_number.GetDeviceId())
throw std::runtime_error("Matrix and device bound number must be on the same device");
RuntimeError("Matrix and device bound number must be on the same device");
@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::SetColumn(const ElemType* colPointer, size_t colInd)
if (colPointer == nullptr)
throw std::invalid_argument("SetColumn: colPointer is null.");
InvalidArgument("SetColumn: colPointer is null.");
@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::SetValue(const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, ElemType *pArray, const size_t matrixFlags, int deviceId)
if (pArray == nullptr)
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid pArray.");
InvalidArgument("Invalid pArray.");
@ -1229,10 +1229,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::SetDiagonalValue(const ElemType v)
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SetDiagonalValue: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SetDiagonalValue: Matrix is empty.");
if (GetNumRows() != GetNumCols())
throw std::logic_error("SetDiagonalValue: NumRows and NumCols do not agree.");
LogicError("SetDiagonalValue: NumRows and NumCols do not agree.");
@ -1247,13 +1247,13 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::SetDiagonalValue(const Matrix<ElemType>& vector)
if (IsEmpty() || vector.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SetDiagonalValue: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SetDiagonalValue: Matrix is empty.");
if (GetNumRows() != GetNumCols())
throw std::logic_error("SetDiagonalValue: NumRows and NumCols do not agree.");
LogicError("SetDiagonalValue: NumRows and NumCols do not agree.");
if (vector.GetNumRows() != 1 && vector.GetNumCols() != 1)
throw std::logic_error("SetDiagonalValue: input vector must be a vector.");
LogicError("SetDiagonalValue: input vector must be a vector.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, vector);
@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
else if (vector.GetNumRows() != GetNumRows())
throw std::logic_error("SetDiagonalValue: input vector's dimension does not agree with [this].");
LogicError("SetDiagonalValue: input vector's dimension does not agree with [this].");
//WARNING: we use this pointer to decide which function to call. However, vector may be stored in a different matrix type (DENSE, SPARSE)
@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::SetUniformRandomValue(const ElemType low, const ElemType high, unsigned long seed)
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SetUniformRandomValue: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SetUniformRandomValue: Matrix is empty.");
@ -1301,10 +1301,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::SetGaussianRandomValue(const ElemType mean, const ElemType sigma, unsigned long seed)
if (sigma <= 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("SetUniformRandomValue: sigma must be a positive value.");
InvalidArgument("SetUniformRandomValue: sigma must be a positive value.");
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SetUniformRandomValue: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SetUniformRandomValue: Matrix is empty.");
@ -1319,10 +1319,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::AddGaussianRandomValue(const ElemType mean, const ElemType sigma, unsigned long seed)
if (sigma <= 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("SetUniformRandomValue: sigma must be a positive value.");
InvalidArgument("SetUniformRandomValue: sigma must be a positive value.");
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SetUniformRandomValue: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SetUniformRandomValue: Matrix is empty.");
@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::SetUniformRandomMask(const ElemType maskRate, const ElemType scaleValue, unsigned long seed)
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SetUniformRandomMask: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SetUniformRandomMask: Matrix is empty.");
@ -1548,7 +1548,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignSumOf(const ElemType alpha, const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignSumOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignSumOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -1792,7 +1792,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
throw std::runtime_error("Matrices do not exist in either CPU or GPU.");
RuntimeError("Matrices do not exist in either CPU or GPU.");
return *this;
@ -1889,7 +1889,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignDifferenceOf(const ElemType alpha, const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignDifferenceOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignDifferenceOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -1909,7 +1909,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignDifferenceOf(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const ElemType alpha)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignDifferenceOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignDifferenceOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -1932,7 +1932,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::operator-= (const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("Minus Operation: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("Minus Operation: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a);
@ -2136,11 +2136,11 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignElementProductOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignElementProductOf: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("AssignElementProductOf: Matrix is empty.");
assert (a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols());
if (!(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()))
throw std::invalid_argument("The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
InvalidArgument("The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, *this);
if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType()))
@ -2162,14 +2162,14 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AddElementProductOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AddElementProductOf: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("AddElementProductOf: Matrix is empty.");
assert (a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols());
if (!(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()))
throw std::invalid_argument("The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
InvalidArgument("The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
if (!(a.GetNumRows() == GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == GetNumCols()))
throw std::invalid_argument("The input matrix dimensions do not match [this].");
InvalidArgument("The input matrix dimensions do not match [this].");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a, b);
@ -2192,11 +2192,11 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignElementDivisionOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignElementDivisionOf: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("AssignElementDivisionOf: Matrix is empty.");
assert (a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols());
if (!(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()))
throw std::invalid_argument("The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
InvalidArgument("The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, *this);
//WARNING: a and b must have same type
@ -2221,10 +2221,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::ColumnElementMultiplyWith(const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty() || IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("ColumnElementMultiplyWith: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("ColumnElementMultiplyWith: Matrix is empty.");
if (!(a.GetNumRows() == GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == 1))
throw std::invalid_argument("ColumnElementMultiplyWith: The input matrix should be a col vector and match [this]'s rows.");
InvalidArgument("ColumnElementMultiplyWith: The input matrix should be a col vector and match [this]'s rows.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a);
//WARNING: a and this must have same type
@ -2248,10 +2248,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::RowElementMultiplyWith(const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty() || IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("RowElementMultiplyWith: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("RowElementMultiplyWith: Matrix is empty.");
if (!(a.GetNumCols() == GetNumCols() && a.GetNumRows() == 1))
throw std::invalid_argument("RowElementMultiplyWith: The input matrix should be a row vector and match [this]'s columns.");
InvalidArgument("RowElementMultiplyWith: The input matrix should be a row vector and match [this]'s columns.");
//WARNING: a and this must have same type
if (! (GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType()))
@ -2274,10 +2274,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::RowElementDivideBy(const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty() || IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("RowElementDivideBy: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("RowElementDivideBy: Matrix is empty.");
if (!(a.GetNumCols() == GetNumCols() && a.GetNumRows() == 1))
throw std::invalid_argument("RowElementDivideBy: The input matrix should be a row vector and match [this]'s columns.");
InvalidArgument("RowElementDivideBy: The input matrix should be a row vector and match [this]'s columns.");
//WARNING: a and this must have same type
if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType()))
@ -2301,10 +2301,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::ColumnElementDivideBy(const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty() || IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("ColumnElementDivideBy: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("ColumnElementDivideBy: Matrix is empty.");
if (!(a.GetNumRows() == GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == 1))
throw std::invalid_argument("ColumnElementDivideBy: The input matrix should be a col vector and match [this]'s rows.");
InvalidArgument("ColumnElementDivideBy: The input matrix should be a col vector and match [this]'s rows.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a);
//WARNING: a and this must have same type
@ -2344,7 +2344,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignElementInverseOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignElementInverseOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignElementInverseOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
this->SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -2526,7 +2526,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignLogSoftmaxOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const bool isColWise)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignLogSoftmaxOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignLogSoftmaxOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -2559,7 +2559,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignSqrtOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignSqrtOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignSqrtOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -2595,7 +2595,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignExpOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignExpOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignExpOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -2630,7 +2630,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignAbsOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignAbsOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignAbsOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -2680,7 +2680,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignLogOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignLogOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignLogOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -2700,7 +2700,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignLog10Of (const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignLogOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignLogOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -2735,7 +2735,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignCosineOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignCosineOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignCosineOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -2770,7 +2770,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignNegativeSineOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignNegativeSineOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignNegativeSineOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -2790,7 +2790,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::InplaceTruncate(const ElemType threshold)
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("InplaceTruncate: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("InplaceTruncate: Matrix is empty.");
if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
@ -2820,7 +2820,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
assert(threshold >= 0);
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("InplaceSoftThreshold: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("InplaceSoftThreshold: Matrix is empty.");
if (threshold == 0)
return *this;
@ -2840,7 +2840,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::InplaceTruncateBottom (const ElemType threshold)
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("InplaceTruncateBottom: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("InplaceTruncateBottom: Matrix is empty.");
if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
@ -2869,7 +2869,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignTruncateBottomOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const ElemType threshold)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignTruncateBottomOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignTruncateBottomOf: Matrix a is empty.");
if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
@ -2907,7 +2907,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::InplaceTruncateTop (const ElemType threshold)
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("InplaceTruncateTop: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("InplaceTruncateTop: Matrix is empty.");
if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
@ -2935,7 +2935,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignTruncateTopOf (const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const ElemType threshold)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignTruncateTopOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignTruncateTopOf: Matrix a is empty.");
if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))
@ -2973,7 +2973,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::SetToZeroIfAbsLessThan (const ElemType threshold)
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SetToZeroIfAbsLessThan: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SetToZeroIfAbsLessThan: Matrix is empty.");
@ -2991,7 +2991,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType Matrix<ElemType>::SumOfElements () const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SumOfElements: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SumOfElements: Matrix is empty.");
@ -3007,7 +3007,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignSumOfElements(const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignSumOfElements: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignSumOfElements: Matrix a is empty.");
//WARNING: a and this must have same type
if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType()))
@ -3047,7 +3047,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType Matrix<ElemType>::SumOfAbsElements () const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("SumOfAbsElements: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SumOfAbsElements: Matrix is empty.");
@ -3063,7 +3063,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType Matrix<ElemType>::LogAddSumOfElements() const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("LogAddSumOfElements: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("LogAddSumOfElements: Matrix is empty.");
@ -3100,7 +3100,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::VectorNorm1(Matrix<ElemType>& c, const bool isColWise) const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("VectorNormInf: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("VectorNormInf: Matrix is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, c);
c.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false);
@ -3125,7 +3125,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::VectorNorm2(Matrix<ElemType>& c, const bool isColWise) const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("VectorNorm2: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("VectorNorm2: Matrix is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, c);
c.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false);
@ -3150,7 +3150,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::VectorNormInf(Matrix<ElemType>& c, const bool isColWise) const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("VectorNormInf: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("VectorNormInf: Matrix is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, c);
c.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false);
@ -3183,11 +3183,11 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignKhatriRaoProductOf(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignKhatriRaoProductOf: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("AssignKhatriRaoProductOf: Matrix is empty.");
assert (a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols());
if (!(a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()))
throw std::invalid_argument("AssignKhatriRaoProductOf: The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
InvalidArgument("AssignKhatriRaoProductOf: The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, *this);
//WARNING: a and b must have same type
@ -3217,11 +3217,11 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AddColumnReshapeProductOf(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b, const bool transposeAColumn)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AddColumnReshapeProductOf: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("AddColumnReshapeProductOf: Matrix is empty.");
assert (a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols());
if (!(a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()))
throw std::invalid_argument("AddColumnReshapeProductOf: The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
InvalidArgument("AddColumnReshapeProductOf: The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a, b);
//WARNING: a and b must have same type
@ -3250,7 +3250,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType Matrix<ElemType>::FrobeniusNorm() const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("FrobeniusNorm: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("FrobeniusNorm: Matrix is empty.");
@ -3265,7 +3265,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignFrobeniusNormOf(const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignFrobeniusNormOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignFrobeniusNormOf: Matrix a is empty.");
@ -3290,7 +3290,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType Matrix<ElemType>::MatrixNormInf() const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("MatrixNormInf: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("MatrixNormInf: Matrix is empty.");
@ -3305,7 +3305,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType Matrix<ElemType>::MatrixNorm1() const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("MatrixNorm1: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("MatrixNorm1: Matrix is empty.");
@ -3321,7 +3321,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType Matrix<ElemType>::MatrixNorm0() const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("MatrixNorm0: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("MatrixNorm0: Matrix is empty.");
@ -3336,7 +3336,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignSignOf(const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignSignOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AssignSignOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
//WARNING: a and this must have same type
@ -3360,7 +3360,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AddSignOf(const Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AddSignOf: Matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("AddSignOf: Matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this);
if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType()))
@ -3382,7 +3382,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::VectorMax(Matrix<ElemType>& maxIndexes, Matrix<ElemType>& maxValues, const bool isColWise) const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("VectorMax: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("VectorMax: Matrix is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, maxIndexes, maxValues);
maxIndexes.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false);
@ -3402,7 +3402,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::VectorMin(Matrix<ElemType>& minIndexes, Matrix<ElemType>& minValues, const bool isColWise) const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("VectorMin: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("VectorMin: Matrix is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, minIndexes, minValues);
minIndexes.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false);
@ -3545,7 +3545,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (this->OwnBuffer())
_transferFromDeviceToDevice(from_id, to_id, ismoved, emptyTransfer);
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot move externally owned matrices to the preferred device.");
RuntimeError("Cannot move externally owned matrices to the preferred device.");
template<class ElemType>
@ -3563,7 +3563,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (from_id == to_id)
if (from_id != GetDeviceId())
throw std::runtime_error("Trying to transfer matrix from device to the same device while the matrix does not live in the from device.");
RuntimeError("Trying to transfer matrix from device to the same device while the matrix does not live in the from device.");
@ -3592,7 +3592,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (from_id == CPUDEVICE) //from CPU to GPU
if (m_CPUSparseMatrix == NULL)
throw std::logic_error("Can't move from CPU because I'm not there!");
LogicError("Can't move from CPU because I'm not there!");
if (m_GPUSparseMatrix == NULL)
m_GPUSparseMatrix = new GPUSparseMatrix<ElemType>(m_CPUSparseMatrix->GetFormat(), to_id);
@ -3618,7 +3618,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
else //from GPU
if (m_GPUSparseMatrix == NULL || m_GPUSparseMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId() != from_id)
throw std::logic_error("This matrix isn't on this (or any?) GPU");
LogicError("This matrix isn't on this (or any?) GPU");
if (to_id < 0) //to CPU
@ -3653,7 +3653,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (from_id == CPUDEVICE) //from CPU to GPU
if (m_CPUMatrix==NULL)
throw std::logic_error("Can't move from CPU because I'm not there!");
LogicError("Can't move from CPU because I'm not there!");
if (m_GPUMatrix!=NULL)
delete m_GPUMatrix;
if (m_CPUMatrix->GetNumElements() !=0 && !emptyTransfer)
@ -3678,7 +3678,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
else //from GPU
if (m_GPUMatrix==NULL || m_GPUMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId()!=from_id)
throw std::logic_error("This matrix isn't on this (or any?) GPU");
LogicError("This matrix isn't on this (or any?) GPU");
if (to_id < 0) //to CPU
@ -3739,7 +3739,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::Print(const char* matrixName, size_t rowStart, size_t rowEnd, size_t colStart, size_t colEnd) const
if (IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("Print: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("Print: Matrix is empty.");
DEVICEID_TYPE orgdevice = this->GetDeviceId();
@ -3931,7 +3931,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignNoiseContrastiveEstimation(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b, const Matrix<ElemType>& c, const Matrix<ElemType>& bias, Matrix<ElemType>& tmp)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty() || c.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignNoiseContrastiveEstimation: one of the input matrices is empty.");
LogicError("AssignNoiseContrastiveEstimation: one of the input matrices is empty.");
if (a.GetDeviceId() != b.GetDeviceId() || b.GetDeviceId() != c.GetDeviceId() || c.GetDeviceId() != this->GetDeviceId())
@ -3959,7 +3959,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignNCEDerivative(const Matrix<ElemType>& tmp, const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b, const Matrix<ElemType>& c, size_t inputIndex)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty() || c.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignNoiseContrastiveEstimation: one of the input matrices is empty.");
LogicError("AssignNoiseContrastiveEstimation: one of the input matrices is empty.");
if (a.GetDeviceId() != b.GetDeviceId() || b.GetDeviceId() != c.GetDeviceId() || c.GetDeviceId() != this->GetDeviceId())
@ -4014,7 +4014,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::SVD(const Matrix<ElemType>& A, Matrix<ElemType>& SIGMA, Matrix<ElemType>& U, Matrix<ElemType>& VT, Matrix<ElemType>& W)
if (A.IsEmpty() )
throw std::logic_error("SVD: the input matrix is empty.");
LogicError("SVD: the input matrix is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(A, SIGMA, U);
@ -4053,7 +4053,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType beta, Matrix<ElemType>& c)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: one of the input matrix is empty.");
LogicError("MultiplyAndWeightedAdd: one of the input matrix is empty.");
@ -4205,7 +4205,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
/*static*/void Matrix<ElemType>::ScaleAndAdd(ElemType alpha, const Matrix<ElemType>& a, Matrix<ElemType>& c)
if (a.IsEmpty() || c.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("ScaleAndAdd: one of the input matrices is empty.");
LogicError("ScaleAndAdd: one of the input matrices is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(c, a);
@ -4444,7 +4444,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::Scale(ElemType alpha, Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("Scale: Input matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("Scale: Input matrix a is empty.");
@ -4463,7 +4463,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::Scale(const Matrix<ElemType>& alpha, Matrix<ElemType>& a)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("Scale: Input matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("Scale: Input matrix a is empty.");
@ -4484,7 +4484,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::InnerProduct (const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b, Matrix<ElemType>& c, const bool isColWise)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("InnerProduct: one of the input matrix is empty.");
LogicError("InnerProduct: one of the input matrix is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, c);
@ -4507,7 +4507,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
ElemType Matrix<ElemType>::InnerProductOfMatrices(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("InnerProductOfMatrices: one of the input matrices is empty.");
LogicError("InnerProductOfMatrices: one of the input matrices is empty.");
@ -4537,7 +4537,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignInnerProductOfMatrices(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("InnerProductOfMatrices: one of the input matrices is empty.");
LogicError("InnerProductOfMatrices: one of the input matrices is empty.");
@ -4567,7 +4567,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::ElementWisePower (ElemType alpha, const Matrix<ElemType>& a, Matrix<ElemType>& c)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("Scale: The input matrix a is empty.");
LogicError("Scale: The input matrix a is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, c);
c.SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false);
@ -4585,7 +4585,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
bool Matrix<ElemType>::AreEqual(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b, const ElemType threshold /*= 1e-8*/)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AreEqual: one of the input matrices is empty.");
LogicError("AreEqual: one of the input matrices is empty.");
if (a.GetNumRows() != b.GetNumRows() || a.GetNumCols() != b.GetNumCols())
return false;
@ -4619,7 +4619,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
bool Matrix<ElemType>::HasElement(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const ElemType value)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("HasElement: input matrix is empty.");
LogicError("HasElement: input matrix is empty.");
@ -4693,7 +4693,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
assert(y > 0);
if (y <= 0)
throw std::logic_error("y is smaller than zero");
LogicError("y is smaller than zero");
return x - y * floor(x / y);
@ -4728,7 +4728,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::Shift(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, int shift)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("Shift: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("Shift: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("Shift: BUGBUG This function currently leaves uninitialized values. Fix the code or contact");
@ -4751,14 +4751,14 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b, size_t shift, size_t negnumber)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg: Matrix is empty.");
assert(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols());
if (!(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()))
throw std::invalid_argument("The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
InvalidArgument("The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
if (a.GetNumRows() != 1)
throw std::invalid_argument("AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg: The input matrix must be a row vector.");
InvalidArgument("AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg: The input matrix must be a row vector.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, *this);
if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType()))
@ -4787,7 +4787,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::InnerProductWithShiftNeg(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b, Matrix<ElemType>& c, const bool isColWise, size_t shift, size_t negnumber)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("InnerProduct: one of the input matrix is empty.");
LogicError("InnerProduct: one of the input matrix is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, c);
@ -4811,7 +4811,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::GetARowByIndex(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, size_t index)
if (a.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("GetARowByIndex: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("GetARowByIndex: Matrix is empty.");
//WARNING: a and this must have same type
@ -4836,7 +4836,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void Matrix<ElemType>::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b, Matrix<ElemType>& c, size_t shift, bool bFirstmatrixfixed)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("InnerProduct: one of the input matrix is empty.");
LogicError("InnerProduct: one of the input matrix is empty.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, c);
@ -4859,14 +4859,14 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
Matrix<ElemType>& Matrix<ElemType>::AssignElementProductOfWithShift(const Matrix<ElemType>& a, const Matrix<ElemType>& b, size_t shift)
if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty())
throw std::logic_error("AssignElementProductOfWithShift: Matrix is empty.");
LogicError("AssignElementProductOfWithShift: Matrix is empty.");
assert(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols());
if (!(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()))
throw std::invalid_argument("The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
InvalidArgument("The input matrix dimensions do not match.");
if (a.GetNumRows() != 1)
throw std::invalid_argument("AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg: The input matrix must be a row vector.");
InvalidArgument("AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg: The input matrix must be a row vector.");
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, *this);
if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType()))
@ -4951,7 +4951,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, label, gamma);
if (label.GetNumCols() != gamma.GetNumCols() || label.GetNumRows() != gamma.GetNumRows())
throw std::logic_error("DropFrame: label matrix is not in the same size as gamm matrix.");
LogicError("DropFrame: label matrix is not in the same size as gamm matrix.");
this->SwitchToMatrixType(label.GetMatrixType(), label.GetFormat(), false);

Просмотреть файл

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
bool dieoncudafailure = true;
if (!dieoncudafailure)
throw std::runtime_error(msg);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
fprintf(stderr, "cudafail: terminating\n"), fflush(stderr);

Просмотреть файл

@ -218,10 +218,10 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
/* verify buffer allocation size
if (msra::math::matrixquantizer::buffersize(bits, rows(), cols()) != gpubuffer.size())
throw std::logic_error("quantizestripe: dimension of patch to be quantized does not match allocated buffer size for quantized data");
LogicError("quantizestripe: dimension of patch to be quantized does not match allocated buffer size for quantized data");
if (rows() != curresidual.rows() || cols() != curresidual.cols()
|| rows() != newresidual.rows() || cols() != newresidual.cols())
throw std::logic_error("quantizestripe: dimension of patch to be quantized does not match residual buffer");
LogicError("quantizestripe: dimension of patch to be quantized does not match residual buffer");
if (gpubuffer.size() == 0) // empty buffer: empty matrix, we are done (explicit test needed since launch will fail with 0 threads)
// determine mean and variance -> value range (stored in quant package) --for 1 bit, refine it in a second pass
@ -283,13 +283,13 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// verify buffer allocation size
/*if (msra::math::matrixquantizer::buffersize(bits, rows(), cols()) != gpubuffer.size())
throw std::logic_error("unquantizestripe: dimension of patch to be unquantized does not match size of quantized data");
LogicError("unquantizestripe: dimension of patch to be unquantized does not match size of quantized data");
if (gpubuffer.size() == 0) // empty buffer: empty matrix, we are done (explicit test needed since launch will fail with 0 threads)
size_t qSize = QuantizedColumn<ElemType>::QuantizedColumnSize(nBits, M)*N;
if (qSize != gpuBufferSize)
throw std::logic_error("unquantizestripe: dimension of patch to be unquantized does not match size of quantized data");
LogicError("unquantizestripe: dimension of patch to be unquantized does not match size of quantized data");
if (gpuBufferSize == 0) // empty buffer: empty matrix, we are done (explicit test needed since launch will fail with 0 threads)

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
m_qColSize = QuantizedColumn<ElemType>::QuantizedColumnSize(m_numBits, m_numRows);
if (((QWordNumBits / m_numBits) * m_numBits) != QWordNumBits)
throw std::logic_error("Quantization: 'nbits' must be a divisor of 64");
LogicError("Quantization: 'nbits' must be a divisor of 64");
if (m_allocator == nullptr)
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
m_qColSize = QuantizedColumn<ElemType>::QuantizedColumnSize(m_numBits, m_numRows);
if (((QWordNumBits / m_numBits) * m_numBits) != QWordNumBits)
throw std::logic_error("Quantization: 'nbits' must be a divisor of 64");
LogicError("Quantization: 'nbits' must be a divisor of 64");
// Make sure that the data matrix has enough space
@ -113,12 +113,12 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if ((GetNumRows() == 0) || (GetNumCols() == 0))
throw std::logic_error("Print: QuantizedMatrix is empty.");
LogicError("Print: QuantizedMatrix is empty.");
if (rowEnd >= GetNumRows() || colEnd >= GetNumCols())
throw std::invalid_argument("Index out of range.");
InvalidArgument("Index out of range.");
DEVICEID_TYPE orgdevice = this->GetDeviceId();

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@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
else if (v & 1) // not a power of two
throw std::runtime_error("ld: 'bits' must be a power of two");
RuntimeError("ld: 'bits' must be a power of two");

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@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public:
void fetch (elemtype * p, size_t nelem, bool synchronize) const
if (nelem != size()) // fetch() cannot resize the target; caller must do that
throw std::logic_error ("fetch: vector size mismatch");
LogicError("fetch: vector size mismatch");
ondevice no (deviceid); // switch to desired CUDA card
if (nelem > 0)
memcpy (p, this->get(), 0, nelem);

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// F. Seide, V-hansu
#include <stdexcept>
#include "Basics.h"
#include "BestGpu.h"
#ifndef CPUONLY
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace cuda {
char buf[1000];
sprintf(buf, "%s: launch failure: %s (cuda error %d)", fn, cudaGetErrorString (rc), rc);
throw std::runtime_error (buf);

Просмотреть файл

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ namespace msra { namespace cuda {
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency (&freq)) // count ticks per second
throw std::runtime_error ("auto_timer: QueryPerformanceFrequency failure");
RuntimeError("auto_timer: QueryPerformanceFrequency failure");
QueryPerformanceCounter (&start);
#ifdef __unix__

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1 // so we can use getenv()...
#include "Basics.h"
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h> // for CUDA API
#include <cuda.h> // for device API
#include "cudalib.h"
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ static void operator|| (cudaError_t rc, const char * msg)
char buf[1000];
sprintf(buf, "%s: %s (cuda error %d)", msg, cudaGetErrorString (rc), rc);
throw std::runtime_error (buf);