Fix crash when running BiasGradient test. Remove the original test code.

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Rodriguez 2016-07-08 09:47:53 +02:00
Родитель 936b736c1f
Коммит 934dd082a0
2 изменённых файлов: 6 добавлений и 360 удалений

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@ -4279,10 +4279,12 @@ template <class ElemType>
static shared_ptr<GPUMatrix<ElemType>> GetOnesVector(size_t N, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId)
// using an array of shared_ptrs because those are thread-safe. The objects themselves are immutable.
// And using a plain array so this will never get freed, avoiding free-after-DLL-unload issues.
static shared_ptr<GPUMatrix<ElemType>> onesCache[32]; // cache of objects
if (deviceId >= _countof(onesCache))
LogicError("GetOnesVector: onesCache[] too small (%d entries), increase (you need %d) and recompile.", (int) _countof(onesCache), (int) deviceId + 1);
// And using a dynamically allocated array so this will never get freed, avoiding free-after-DLL-unload issues.
// Using a plain array would lead the destructor to be called for every element in the array
const int CacheSize = 32;
static shared_ptr<GPUMatrix<ElemType>>* onesCache = new shared_ptr<GPUMatrix<ElemType>>[CacheSize]; // cache of objects
if (deviceId >= CacheSize)
LogicError("GetOnesVector: onesCache[] too small (%d entries), increase (you need %d) and recompile.", CacheSize, (int)deviceId + 1);
auto p = onesCache[deviceId];
if (!p || p->GetNumRows() < N) // must (re-)allocate

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@ -19,160 +19,6 @@
using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK;
using namespace std;
template <class ElemType>
void SetToInitStateValueForResetSeg(const Matrix<ElemType>& sentenceBegin,
size_t nStream, ElemType initStateValue, Matrix<ElemType>& newprevstate)
Matrix<ElemType> colSeg(sentenceBegin.GetDeviceId());
colSeg.Resize(nStream, nStream);
size_t nStateRow = newprevstate.GetNumRows();
assert(nStream == sentenceBegin.GetNumRows());
// only set state to init state value for segmentation = 0, and -1
// e.g., -1 0 1 -> 0 0 1 -> 0 0 -1 -> 1 1 0
Matrix<ElemType> colPos(sentenceBegin.GetDeviceId());
colPos.SetValue(sentenceBegin); // -1 0 1
colPos.InplaceTruncateBottom(1 << 0 /*(int)MinibatchPackingFlags::SequenceStart*/); // TODO: these flags no longer exist, this test probably no longer applies
Matrix<ElemType>::Scale((ElemType) -1.0, colPos);
colPos += 0; // (int)MinibatchPackingFlags::None; // TODO: these flags no longer exist, this test probably no longer applies
Matrix<ElemType> ones(sentenceBegin.GetDeviceId());
ones.Resize(nStateRow, nStream);
ones.SetValue((ElemType) 1);
// add default state value if it is for reset
Matrix<ElemType>::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(initStateValue, ones, false, colSeg, false, 1.0, newprevstate); // += [0 initStateValue 0 ]
template <class ElemType>
void rnnForwardPropSRP(Matrix<ElemType>& functionValues, size_t mNbr, Matrix<ElemType>& pastActivity, Matrix<ElemType>& inputFunctionValues, Matrix<ElemType>& colBegin, const Matrix<ElemType>& needToCompute)
size_t ncol = functionValues.GetNumCols();
size_t ntime = ncol / mNbr;
Matrix<ElemType> out = functionValues.ColumnSlice(0, mNbr);
Matrix<ElemType> inp((DEVICEID_TYPE) functionValues.GetDeviceId());
for (size_t d = 0; d < ntime; d++)
if (d == 0)
inp = pastActivity.ColumnSlice(d, mNbr);
inp = inputFunctionValues.ColumnSlice(d, mNbr);
if (needToCompute.ColumnSlice(d, 1).Get00Element() == 1)
Matrix<ElemType> colSegPastActivity((DEVICEID_TYPE) functionValues.GetDeviceId());
Matrix<ElemType> colSeg((DEVICEID_TYPE) functionValues.GetDeviceId());
colSeg.Resize(mNbr, mNbr);
colSegPastActivity.InplaceTruncateBottom(1 << 0 /*(int)MinibatchPackingFlags::SequenceStart*/); // TODO: these flags no longer exist, this test probably no longer applies
Matrix<ElemType>::Multiply(inp, false, colSeg, false, out);
ElemType initStateValue = (ElemType) 0.1;
SetToInitStateValueForResetSeg<ElemType>(colBegin, mNbr, initStateValue, out);
template <class ElemType>
void oldRnnForwardPropSRP(Matrix<ElemType>& functionValues, size_t mNbr, Matrix<ElemType>& pastActivity, Matrix<ElemType>& inputFunctionValues)
size_t ncol = functionValues.GetNumCols();
size_t ntime = ncol / mNbr;
for (size_t timeIdxInSeq = 0; timeIdxInSeq < ntime; timeIdxInSeq++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mNbr; i++)
bool reset = false;
if (timeIdxInSeq == 0)
reset = true;
oldRNNForwardPropSRP<ElemType>(timeIdxInSeq, 1, reset, (ElemType) 0.1, functionValues, pastActivity, inputFunctionValues, i, mNbr);
template <class ElemType>
void oldRNNForwardPropSRP(const size_t timeIdxInSeq, const int delay, const bool reset, const ElemType default_activity, Matrix<ElemType>& functionValues, const Matrix<ElemType>& pastActivity, const Matrix<ElemType>& inputFunctionValues, const size_t indexInBatch, const size_t mNbr)
assert(delay > 0);
if (functionValues.GetNumRows() != inputFunctionValues.GetNumRows() ||
functionValues.GetNumCols() != inputFunctionValues.GetNumCols())
int iPastIndex = (int) ((int) timeIdxInSeq - (int) delay) * (int) mNbr;
int d = iPastIndex;
if (d < 0)
d = (int) functionValues.Mod((float) iPastIndex, (float) pastActivity.GetNumCols());
// this can point to the past activity of the previous mninibatch
Matrix<ElemType> out = functionValues.ColumnSlice(timeIdxInSeq * mNbr + indexInBatch, 1);
Matrix<ElemType> inp((DEVICEID_TYPE) functionValues.GetDeviceId());
if (reset)
if (iPastIndex < 0)
inp = pastActivity.ColumnSlice(d + indexInBatch, 1);
inp = inputFunctionValues.ColumnSlice(d + indexInBatch, 1);
The new way of resetting RNN state.
template <class ElemType>
void TestRnnForwardPropSRP(size_t nRow = 100, size_t nCol = 1000, size_t mNbr = 10, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceID = 0)
Matrix<ElemType> functionValues(deviceID);
Matrix<ElemType> colBegin(deviceID);
Matrix<ElemType> pastActivity(deviceID);
Matrix<ElemType> inputFunctionValues(deviceID);
Matrix<ElemType> needToCompute(deviceID);
functionValues.Resize(nRow, nCol);
colBegin.Resize(mNbr, 1);
pastActivity.Resize(nRow, nCol);
inputFunctionValues.Resize(nRow, nCol);
needToCompute.Resize(1, nCol / mNbr);
needToCompute.ColumnSlice(0, 1).SetValue(1);
auto t_start = clock();
rnnForwardPropSRP<ElemType>(functionValues, mNbr, pastActivity, inputFunctionValues, colBegin, needToCompute);
auto t_end = clock();
std::cout << "testRnnForwardPropSRP: " << 1.0 * (t_end - t_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
The old way of resetting RNN state, which used if statement. Also only supports up to two sentences within a minibatch
template <class ElemType>
void TestOldRnnForwardPropSRP(size_t nRow = 100, size_t nCol = 1000, size_t mNbr = 10, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceID = 0)
Matrix<ElemType> functionValues(deviceID);
Matrix<ElemType> colBegin(deviceID);
Matrix<ElemType> pastActivity(deviceID);
Matrix<ElemType> inputFunctionValues(deviceID);
functionValues.Resize(nRow, nCol);
colBegin.Resize(mNbr, 1);
pastActivity.Resize(nRow, nCol);
inputFunctionValues.Resize(nRow, nCol);
auto t_start = clock();
oldRnnForwardPropSRP<ElemType>(functionValues, mNbr, pastActivity, inputFunctionValues);
auto t_end = clock();
std::cout << "TestOldRnnForwardPropSRP: " << 1.0 * (t_end - t_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
template <class ElemType>
void randomInitializeCPUMatrix(CPUMatrix<ElemType>& M, float min = -10, float max = 10)
@ -253,77 +99,6 @@ void AddMultiplyAndInplaceSigmoidTest(int n, int k, int m)
std::cout << "Matrix in: " << 1.0 * (t_endG - t_startG) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
template <class ElemType>
void ColumnSliceMultAndAddTest(int n, int k, int m, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceID)
cout << "Testing Matrix" << endl;
Matrix<ElemType> AG((size_t) n, (size_t) k, deviceID);
AG.SetUniformRandomValue(-1, 1);
Matrix<ElemType> BG((size_t) k, (size_t) m, deviceID);
BG.SetUniformRandomValue(-1, 1);
Matrix<ElemType> CG((size_t) n, (size_t) m, deviceID);
Matrix<ElemType> DG((size_t) n, (size_t) m, deviceID);
auto t_startG = clock();
Matrix<ElemType>::MultiplyAndAdd(AG, false, BG, false, CG);
auto t_endG = clock();
std::cout << "MultiplyAndAdd Directly: " << 1.0 * (t_endG - t_startG) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
t_startG = clock();
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
Matrix<ElemType> col_BG = BG.ColumnSlice(i, 1);
Matrix<ElemType> col_CG = CG.ColumnSlice(i, 1);
Matrix<ElemType>::MultiplyAndAdd(AG, false, col_BG, false, col_CG);
t_endG = clock();
std::cout << "MultiplyAndAdd With ColumnSlice: " << 1.0 * (t_endG - t_startG) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
t_startG = clock();
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
Matrix<ElemType> col_BG = BG.ColumnSlice(i, 1);
Matrix<ElemType> col_CG = CG.ColumnSlice(i, 1);
Matrix<ElemType>::MultiplyAndAdd(AG, false, col_BG, false, col_CG);
t_endG = clock();
std::cout << "MultiplyAndAdd With ColumnSlice&: " << 1.0 * (t_endG - t_startG) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
Matrix<ElemType> col_BG1(0), col_CG1(0);
t_startG = clock();
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
col_BG1.AssignColumnSlice(BG, i, 1);
col_CG1.AssignColumnSlice(CG, i, 1);
Matrix<ElemType>::MultiplyAndAdd(AG, false, col_BG1, false, col_CG1);
t_endG = clock();
std::cout << "MultiplyAndAdd With AssignColumnSlice: " << 1.0 * (t_endG - t_startG) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
t_startG = clock();
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
Matrix<ElemType> col_CG = CG.ColumnSlice(i, 1);
Matrix<ElemType> col_DG = DG.ColumnSlice(i, 1);
t_endG = clock();
std::cout << "AssignSigmoidOf With ColumnSlice: " << 1.0 * (t_endG - t_startG) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
t_startG = clock();
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
col_BG1.AssignColumnSlice(BG, i, 1);
col_CG1.AssignColumnSlice(CG, i, 1);
t_endG = clock();
std::cout << "AssignSigmoidOf With AssignColumnSlice: " << 1.0 * (t_endG - t_startG) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
template <class ElemType>
void SquareMultiplyAndAdd10TimesAvgTest(int n, int count)
@ -381,129 +156,6 @@ void SquareMultiplyAndAdd10TimesAvgTest(int n, int count)
cout << "CPUMatrix/Matrix ratio is: " << cpu_avg / m_avg << " seconds" << endl;
// simple test suite for TensorView
// - this is meant for performance optimization
// - correctness is defined as same result between GPU and CPU
template <class ElemType>
struct TensorTest
// helper to create a randomly initialized tensor object
static TensorView<ElemType> CreateTensor(TensorShape shape, int randomSeed, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, bool isResult = false)
let numElements = shape.GetNumElements();
if (isResult)
cout << " ->";
cout << " [" << string(shape) << "]";
if (isResult)
cout << " \t// " << (deviceId < 0 ? "C" : "G") << "PU\n " << flush;
// random init
mt19937 rng(randomSeed);
uniform_real_distribution<float> nd(-1, 1);
vector<ElemType> init(numElements);
generate(begin(init), end(init), [&] { return nd(rng); });
// create storage object (one-column matrix)
let sob = make_shared<Matrix<ElemType>>(numElements/*rows*/, 1/*cols*/,, deviceId);
// create TensorView
return TensorView<ElemType>(sob, shape);
// test bias gradient (reduction)
static TensorView<ElemType> BiasGradientTest(TensorShape layerShape, TensorShape biasShape, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId)
int randomSeed = 1;
let gradient = CreateTensor(layerShape, randomSeed++, deviceId);
auto bias = CreateTensor(biasShape, randomSeed++, deviceId, true);
//gradient.GetSOB().Print("incoming gradient", 0, 9, 0, 9);
//bias.GetSOB().Print("bias gradient", 0, 9, 0, 9);
bias.DoCopyOf(1, gradient, 1);
//bias.GetSOB().Print("updated bias gradient", 0, 9, 0, 9);
return bias;
// test broadcast summation gradient
static TensorView<ElemType> BroadcastingTest(TensorShape layerShape, TensorShape biasShape, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId)
int randomSeed = 1;
let input = CreateTensor(layerShape, randomSeed++, deviceId);
auto bias = CreateTensor(biasShape, randomSeed++, deviceId);
//input.GetSOB().Print("input data", 0, 9, 0, 9);
//bias.GetSOB().Print("bias", 0, 9, 0, 9);
auto result = CreateTensor(layerShape, randomSeed++, deviceId, true);
result.AssignSumOf(input, bias);
return result;
// run one test for both GPU and CPU and verify they are the same
template<typename FN>
static void OneTensorTest(const char* what, double tolerance, const FN& fn)
cout << "===== Tensor test '" << what << "'\n ";
// run on GPU and CPU
let resultGPU = fn(0);
let resultCPU = fn(-1);
// dump top corner of the result to get a feel for the error
resultGPU.GetSOB().Print("GPU result", 0, 7, 0, 9);
resultGPU.GetSOB().TransferToDeviceIfNotThere(-1, true, false, true);
resultCPU.GetSOB().Print("CPU result", 0, 7, 0, 9);
// compare
let isSame = resultGPU.GetSOB().IsEqualTo(resultCPU.GetSOB(), (ElemType)tolerance);
cout << (isSame ? " --> SUCCEEDED. =====\n" : " --> FAILED (GPU and CPU results differ). =====\n") << endl << flush;
if (!isSame)
sin(1.0); // set breakpoint here
// main entry point (misusing the constructor)
/*void*/ TensorTest()
// --- elementwise
// elementwise sum
OneTensorTest("elementwise addition", 1e-8, [](DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) -> TensorView<ElemType>
return BroadcastingTest(TensorShape{ 512, 256 }, TensorShape({ 512, 256 }), deviceId);
// --- broadcasting
// simple broadcasting
OneTensorTest("addition wth simple broadcasting", 1e-8, [](DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) -> TensorView<ElemType>
return BroadcastingTest(TensorShape{ 3, 2 }, TensorShape({ 3, 1 }), deviceId);
// typical bias for convolutional layer
OneTensorTest("bias addition (broadcasting)", 1e-8, [](DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) -> TensorView<ElemType>
return BroadcastingTest(TensorShape{ 28, 28, 128, 32 }, TensorShape({ 1, 1, 128 }), deviceId);
// BUGBUG: This test is strange--Print() shows different values with depth 128 instead of 64, but IsEqual() does not fail with 1e-3 tolerance.
// Something fishy going on. Dimension overflow?
OneTensorTest("bias addition (broadcasting)", 1e-8, [](DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) -> TensorView<ElemType>
return BroadcastingTest(TensorShape{ 256, 256, 64, 32 }, TensorShape({ 1, 1, 64 }), deviceId);
// --- reduction
// typical bias gradient (reduction) for FF-DNN
OneTensorTest("bias gradient (reduction)", 1e-4, [](DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) -> TensorView<ElemType>
return BiasGradientTest(TensorShape{ 2048, 1024 }, TensorShape(2048), deviceId);
// typical bias gradient (reduction) for convolutional layer
OneTensorTest("bias gradient (reduction)", 1e-1, [](DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) -> TensorView<ElemType>
return BiasGradientTest(TensorShape{ 256, 256, 64, 32 }, TensorShape({ 1, 1, 64 }), deviceId);
template <class ElemType>
void MandSTest(int count, int devId)
@ -563,14 +215,6 @@ void MandSTest(int count, int devId)
int wmain()
ColumnSliceMultAndAddTest<float>(2048, 2048, 256, 0);
// MandSTest<float>(100, 2);
/*cout<<endl<<"********************Matrix SquareMultiplyAndWeightedAdd10TimesAvg TEST********************"<<endl;