Merge branch 'master' of into bmitra/MatrixMorphSupplements
This commit is contained in:
Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
Загрузить разницу
@ -934,16 +934,17 @@ public:
if (!isendworkaround.empty() && isendworkaround[k]) // secondary criterion to detect ends in broken lattices
k--; // don't advance, since nothing to advance over
goto skipscores;
// this is a regular token: update it in-place
auto & ai = uniquededgedatatokens[k];
if (ai.unit >= idmap.size())
throw std::runtime_error ("fread: broken-file heuristics failed");
ai.updateunit (idmap); // updates itself
if (!ai.last)
// this is a regular token: update it in-place
auto & ai = uniquededgedatatokens[k];
if (ai.unit >= idmap.size())
throw std::runtime_error ("fread: broken-file heuristics failed");
ai.updateunit (idmap); // updates itself
if (!ai.last)
// if last then skip over the lm and ac scores
k += skipscoretokens;
@ -57,17 +57,24 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
m_truncated = readerConfig("Truncated", "false");
m_convertLabelsToTargets = false;
m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch = readerConfig("nbruttsineachrecurrentiter", "1");
ConfigArray numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs = readerConfig("nbruttsineachrecurrentiter", "1");
m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs = numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs;
if (m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch < 1)
for (int i = 0; i < m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs.size(); i++)
LogicError("nbrUttsInEachRecurrentIter cannot be less than 1.");
m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch = m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs[i];
if (m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch < 1)
LogicError("nbrUttsInEachRecurrentIter cannot be less than 1.");
if (!m_truncated && m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch != 1)
LogicError("nbrUttsInEachRecurrentIter has to be 1 if Truncated is set to false.");
if (!m_truncated && m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch != 1)
LogicError("nbrUttsInEachRecurrentIter has to be 1 if Truncated is set to false.");
m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch = m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs[0];
m_actualnumberOfuttsPerMinibatch = m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch;
m_sentenceEnd.assign(m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, true);
@ -129,7 +136,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
RuntimeError("network needs at least 1 input and 1 output specified!");
//load data for all real-valued inputs (features)
foreach_index(i, featureNames)
@ -158,7 +165,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// update m_featDims to reflect the total input dimension (featDim x contextWindow), not the native feature dimension
// that is what the lower level feature readers expect
m_featDims[i] = m_featDims[i] * (1 + numContextLeft[i] + numContextRight[i]);
string type = thisFeature("type","Real");
if (type=="Real"){
m_nameToTypeMap[featureNames[i]] = InputOutputTypes::real;
@ -272,6 +279,13 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// get the read method, defaults to "blockRandomize" other option is "rollingWindow"
std::string readMethod(readerConfig("readMethod","blockRandomize"));
if (readMethod == "blockRandomize" && randomize == randomizeNone)
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Randomize cannot be set to None when readMethod is set to blockRandomize. Change it Auto");
randomize = randomizeAuto;
// see if they want to use readAhead
//m_readAhead = readerConfig("readAhead", "false");
@ -298,6 +312,25 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (n!=numFiles)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("number of files in each scriptfile inconsistent (%d vs. %d)", numFiles,n));
do "..." expansion if SCP uses relative path names
"..." in the SCP means full path is the same as the SCP file
for example, if scp file is "//aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd.scp"
and contains entry like
the features will be read from
This works well if you store the scp file with the features but
do not want different scp files everytime you move or create new features
wstring scpdircached;
for (auto & entry : filelist)
ExpandDotDotDot(entry, scriptpath, scpdircached);
#ifdef _WIN32
@ -346,8 +379,12 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
//std::vector<std::wstring> pagepath;
foreach_index(i, mlfpathsmulti)
const map<string,size_t>* wordmap = NULL;
#ifdef WIN32
wordmap = unigram ? &unigramsymbols : (map<string,size_t>*) NULL;
labels(mlfpathsmulti[i], restrictmlftokeys, statelistpaths[i], /*unigram ? &unigramsymbols :*/(map<string,size_t>*) NULL, (map<string,size_t>*) NULL, htktimetoframe); // label MLF
labels(mlfpathsmulti[i], restrictmlftokeys, statelistpaths[i], wordmap, (map<string,size_t>*) NULL, htktimetoframe); // label MLF
// get the temp file name for the page file
@ -362,6 +399,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// now get the frame source. This has better randomization and doesn't create temp files
m_frameSource = new msra::dbn::minibatchutterancesourcemulti(infilesmulti, labelsmulti, m_featDims, m_labelDims, numContextLeft, numContextRight, randomize, *m_lattices, m_latticeMap, framemode);
//m_frameSource = new msra::dbn::minibatchutterancesource(infilesmulti[0], labelsmulti[0], m_featDims[0], m_labelDims[0], numContextLeft[0], numContextRight[0], randomize, *m_lattices, m_latticeMap, framemode);
@ -540,7 +578,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
m_fileEvalSource = new msra::dbn::FileEvalSource(realDims, numContextLeft, numContextRight, evalchunksize);
// destructor - virtual so it gets called properly
template<class ElemType>
@ -599,6 +637,13 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::StartMinibatchLoop(size_t mbSize, size_t epoch, size_t requestedEpochSamples)
m_mbSize = mbSize;
m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch = m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs[epoch];
m_actualnumberOfuttsPerMinibatch = m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch;
m_sentenceEnd.assign(m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, true);
m_processedFrame.assign(m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, 0);
m_toProcess.assign(m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, 0);
m_switchFrame.assign(m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, 0);
if (m_trainOrTest)
@ -649,18 +694,18 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
delete m_mbiter;
msra::dbn::minibatchsource* source = m_frameSource;
/*if (m_readAhead)
if (m_readAheadSource == NULL)
m_readAheadSource = new msra::dbn::minibatchreadaheadsource (*source, requestedEpochSamples);
else if (m_readAheadSource->epochsize() != requestedEpochSamples)
delete m_readAheadSource;
m_readAheadSource = new msra::dbn::minibatchreadaheadsource (*source, requestedEpochSamples);
source = m_readAheadSource;
if (m_readAheadSource == NULL)
m_readAheadSource = new msra::dbn::minibatchreadaheadsource (*source, requestedEpochSamples);
else if (m_readAheadSource->epochsize() != requestedEpochSamples)
delete m_readAheadSource;
m_readAheadSource = new msra::dbn::minibatchreadaheadsource (*source, requestedEpochSamples);
source = m_readAheadSource;
m_mbiter = new msra::dbn::minibatchiterator(*source, epoch, requestedEpochSamples, mbSize, datapasses);
if (!m_featuresBufferMultiIO.empty())
@ -698,7 +743,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
delete[] m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[u];
m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[u] = NULL;
m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiUtt[u] = 0;
if (m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[u] != NULL)
delete[] m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[u];
@ -761,7 +806,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
for (auto iter=matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end();iter++)
if (m_nameToTypeMap.find(iter->first)==m_nameToTypeMap.end())
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("minibatch requested for input node %S not found in reader - cannot generate input\n",iter->first.c_str()));
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("minibatch requested for input node %ls not found in reader - cannot generate input\n",iter->first.c_str()));
@ -771,144 +816,144 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (m_truncated == false)
if (!(*m_mbiter))
return false;
if (!(*m_mbiter))
return false;
// now, access all features and and labels by iterating over map of "matrices"
typename std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*>::iterator iter;
for (iter = matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end(); iter++)
// dereference matrix that corresponds to key (input/output name) and
// populate based on whether its a feature or a label
Matrix<ElemType>& data = *matrices[iter->first]; // can be features or labels
if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::real)
// now, access all features and and labels by iterating over map of "matrices"
typename std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*>::iterator iter;
for (iter = matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end(); iter++)
// dereference matrix that corresponds to key (input/output name) and
// populate based on whether its a feature or a label
Matrix<ElemType>& data = *matrices[iter->first]; // can be features or labels
id = m_featureNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_featureNameToDimMap[iter->first];
const msra::dbn::matrixstripe feat = m_mbiter->frames(id);
const size_t actualmbsize = feat.cols(); // it may still return less if at end of sweep TODO: this check probably only needs to happen once
assert (actualmbsize == m_mbiter->currentmbframes());
skip = (!m_partialMinibatch && m_mbiter->requestedframes() != actualmbsize && m_frameSource->totalframes() > actualmbsize);
// check to see if we got the number of frames we requested
if (!skip)
if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::real)
// copy the features over to our array type
assert(feat.rows()==dim); // check feature dimension matches what's expected
if (m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id]==NULL)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id] = new ElemType[feat.rows()*feat.cols()];
m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = feat.rows()*feat.cols();
else if (m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id]<feat.rows()*feat.cols()) //buffer size changed. can be partial minibatch
delete[] m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id];
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id] = new ElemType[feat.rows()*feat.cols()];
m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = feat.rows()*feat.cols();
// shouldn't need this since we fill up the entire buffer below
id = m_featureNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_featureNameToDimMap[iter->first];
const msra::dbn::matrixstripe feat = m_mbiter->frames(id);
const size_t actualmbsize = feat.cols(); // it may still return less if at end of sweep TODO: this check probably only needs to happen once
assert (actualmbsize == m_mbiter->currentmbframes());
skip = (!m_partialMinibatch && m_mbiter->requestedframes() != actualmbsize && m_frameSource->totalframes() > actualmbsize);
if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float))
// check to see if we got the number of frames we requested
if (!skip)
for (int j=0; j < feat.cols(); j++) // column major, so iterate columns
// copy the features over to our array type
assert(feat.rows()==dim); // check feature dimension matches what's expected
if (m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id]==NULL)
// copy over the entire column at once, need to do this because SSEMatrix may have gaps at the end of the columns
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id] = new ElemType[feat.rows()*feat.cols()];
m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = feat.rows()*feat.cols();
for (int j=0; j < feat.cols(); j++) // column major, so iterate columns in outside loop
else if (m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id]<feat.rows()*feat.cols()) //buffer size changed. can be partial minibatch
for (int i = 0; i < feat.rows(); i++)
delete[] m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id];
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id] = new ElemType[feat.rows()*feat.cols()];
m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = feat.rows()*feat.cols();
// shouldn't need this since we fill up the entire buffer below
if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float))
for (int j=0; j < feat.cols(); j++) // column major, so iterate columns
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id][j*feat.rows()+i] = feat(i,j);
// copy over the entire column at once, need to do this because SSEMatrix may have gaps at the end of the columns
for (int j=0; j < feat.cols(); j++) // column major, so iterate columns in outside loop
for (int i = 0; i < feat.rows(); i++)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id][j*feat.rows()+i] = feat(i,j);
data.SetValue(feat.rows(), feat.cols(), m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id],matrixFlagNormal);
data.SetValue(feat.rows(), feat.cols(), m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id],matrixFlagNormal);
else if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::category)
id = m_labelNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_labelNameToDimMap[iter->first];
const vector<size_t> & uids = m_mbiter->labels(id);
// need skip logic here too in case labels are first in map not features
const size_t actualmbsize = uids.size(); // it may still return less if at end of sweep TODO: this check probably only needs to happen once
assert (actualmbsize == m_mbiter->currentmbframes());
skip = (!m_partialMinibatch && m_mbiter->requestedframes() != actualmbsize && m_frameSource->totalframes() > actualmbsize);
if (!skip)
else if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::category)
// copy the labels over to array type
//data.Resize(udims[id], uids.size());
id = m_labelNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_labelNameToDimMap[iter->first];
const vector<size_t> & uids = m_mbiter->labels(id);
// loop through the columns and set one value to 1
// in the future we want to use a sparse matrix here
//for (int i = 0; i < uids.size(); i++)
// assert(uids[i] <udims[id]);
// data(uids[i], i) = (ElemType)1;
// need skip logic here too in case labels are first in map not features
const size_t actualmbsize = uids.size(); // it may still return less if at end of sweep TODO: this check probably only needs to happen once
assert (actualmbsize == m_mbiter->currentmbframes());
skip = (!m_partialMinibatch && m_mbiter->requestedframes() != actualmbsize && m_frameSource->totalframes() > actualmbsize);
if (m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id]==NULL)
if (!skip)
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id] = new ElemType[dim*uids.size()];
m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = dim*uids.size();
else if (m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id]<dim*uids.size())
delete[] m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id];
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id] = new ElemType[dim*uids.size()];
m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = dim*uids.size();
// copy the labels over to array type
//data.Resize(udims[id], uids.size());
if (m_convertLabelsToTargetsMultiIO[id])
size_t labelDim = m_labelToTargetMapMultiIO[id].size();
for (int i = 0; i < uids.size(); i++)
assert(uids[i] < labelDim); labelDim;
size_t labelId = uids[i];
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id][i*dim + j] = m_labelToTargetMapMultiIO[id][labelId][j];
// loop through the columns and set one value to 1
// in the future we want to use a sparse matrix here
for (int i = 0; i < uids.size(); i++)
//for (int i = 0; i < uids.size(); i++)
// assert(uids[i] <udims[id]);
// data(uids[i], i) = (ElemType)1;
if (m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id]==NULL)
assert(uids[i] < dim);
//labels(uids[i], i) = (ElemType)1;
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id] = new ElemType[dim*uids.size()];
m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = dim*uids.size();
else if (m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id]<dim*uids.size())
delete[] m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id];
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id] = new ElemType[dim*uids.size()];
m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = dim*uids.size();
if (m_convertLabelsToTargetsMultiIO[id])
size_t labelDim = m_labelToTargetMapMultiIO[id].size();
for (int i = 0; i < uids.size(); i++)
assert(uids[i] < labelDim); labelDim;
size_t labelId = uids[i];
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id][i*dim + j] = m_labelToTargetMapMultiIO[id][labelId][j];
// loop through the columns and set one value to 1
// in the future we want to use a sparse matrix here
for (int i = 0; i < uids.size(); i++)
assert(uids[i] < dim);
//labels(uids[i], i) = (ElemType)1;
throw runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("GetMinibatchMultiIO:: unknown InputOutputType for %S\n",(iter->first).c_str()));
throw runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("GetMinibatchMultiIO:: unknown InputOutputType for %S\n",(iter->first).c_str()));
// advance to the next minibatch
// advance to the next minibatch
@ -1184,17 +1229,17 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (matrices.find(iter->first)==matrices.end())
fprintf(stderr,"GetMinibatchToWrite: feature node %S specified in reader not found in the network\n",iter->first.c_str());
fprintf(stderr,"GetMinibatchToWrite: feature node %ls specified in reader not found in the network\n",iter->first.c_str());
throw std::runtime_error("GetMinibatchToWrite: feature node specified in reader not found in the network.");
for (auto iter=matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end();iter++)
if (m_featureNameToIdMap.find(iter->first)==m_featureNameToIdMap.end())
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("minibatch requested for input node %ws not found in reader - cannot generate input\n",iter->first.c_str()));
for (auto iter=matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end();iter++)
if (m_featureNameToIdMap.find(iter->first)==m_featureNameToIdMap.end())
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("minibatch requested for input node %ls not found in reader - cannot generate input\n",iter->first.c_str()));
@ -1329,7 +1374,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
m_labelsStartIndexMultiUtt[id+i*numOfLabel] = totalLabelsNum;
totalLabelsNum = m_labelsStartIndexMultiUtt[id+i*numOfLabel] + dim * actualmbsizeOri;
if (m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i]==NULL)
m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i] = new ElemType[totalLabelsNum];
@ -1383,7 +1428,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
for (auto it = m_labelNameToIdMap.begin(); it != m_labelNameToIdMap.end(); ++it)
size_t id = m_labelNameToIdMap[it->first];
@ -1425,8 +1470,8 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
return true;
// GetLabelMapping - Gets the label mapping from integer to type in file
@ -1451,7 +1496,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (labelListFile==L"")
throw std::runtime_error("HTKMLFReader::ReadLabelToTargetMappingFile(): cannot read labelToTargetMappingFile without a labelMappingFile!");
vector<std::wstring> labelList;
size_t count, numLabels;
@ -1573,7 +1618,30 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
template<class ElemType>
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::ExpandDotDotDot(wstring & featPath, const wstring & scpPath, wstring & scpDirCached)
wstring delim = L"/\\";
if (scpDirCached.empty())
scpDirCached = scpPath;
wstring tail;
auto pos = scpDirCached.find_last_of(delim);
if (pos != wstring::npos)
tail = scpDirCached.substr(pos + 1);
if (tail.empty()) // nothing was split off: no dir given, 'dir' contains the filename
size_t pos = featPath.find(L"...");
if (pos != featPath.npos)
featPath = featPath.substr(0, pos) + scpDirCached + featPath.substr(pos + 3);
template class HTKMLFReader<float>;
template class HTKMLFReader<double>;
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
// HTKMLFReader.h - Include file for the MTK and MLF format of features and samples
#pragma once
#include "DataReader.h"
#include "commandArgUtil.h" // for intargvector
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
@ -13,6 +14,9 @@ template<class ElemType>
class HTKMLFReader : public IDataReader<ElemType>
const static size_t m_htkRandomizeAuto = 0;
const static size_t m_htkRandomizeDisable = (size_t)-1;
msra::dbn::minibatchiterator* m_mbiter;
msra::dbn::minibatchsource* m_frameSource;
//msra::dbn::minibatchreadaheadsource* m_readAheadSource;
@ -24,6 +28,7 @@ private:
bool m_readAhead;
bool m_truncated;
vector<size_t> m_processedFrame;
intargvector m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs;
size_t m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch;
size_t m_actualnumberOfuttsPerMinibatch;
size_t m_mbSize;
@ -86,6 +91,7 @@ private:
size_t ReadLabelToTargetMappingFile (const std::wstring& labelToTargetMappingFile, const std::wstring& labelListFile, std::vector<std::vector<ElemType>>& labelToTargetMap);
void ExpandDotDotDot(wstring & featPath, const wstring & scpPath, wstring & scpDirCached);
enum InputOutputTypes
@ -13,15 +13,6 @@
//#ifndef __unix__
#include "ssematrix.h"
//#include "latticearchive.h" // for reading HTK phoneme lattices (MMI training)
//#include "simplesenonehmm.h" // for MMI scoring
//#include "msra_mgram.h" // for unigram scores of ground-truth path in sequence training
//#include "rollingwindowsource.h" // minibatch sources
//#include "utterancesource.h"
//#include "readaheadsource.h"
//#include "chunkevalsource.h"
//#include "minibatchiterator.h"
#define DATAWRITER_EXPORTS // creating the exports here
#include "DataWriter.h"
@ -341,8 +341,20 @@ namespace msra { namespace dbn {
const size_t framesInBlock = framesMulti[i].size();
feat[i].resize(vdims[i], framesInBlock); // input features for whole utt (col vectors)
// augment the features
size_t leftextent, rightextent;
// page in the needed range of frames
if (leftcontext[i] == 0 && rightcontext[i] == 0)
leftextent = rightextent = augmentationextent(framesMulti[i][0].size(), vdims[i]);
leftextent = leftcontext[i];
rightextent = rightcontext[i];
//msra::dbn::augmentneighbors(framesMulti[i], boundaryFlags, 0, leftcontext[i], rightcontext[i],)
msra::dbn::augmentneighbors (framesMulti[i], boundaryFlags, leftcontext[i], rightcontext[i], 0, framesInBlock, feat[i]);
msra::dbn::augmentneighbors (framesMulti[i], boundaryFlags, leftextent, rightextent, 0, framesInBlock, feat[i]);
@ -242,6 +242,30 @@ void fflushOrDie (FILE * f)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t filesize (FILE * f)
#ifdef WIN32
size_t curPos = _ftelli64 (f);
if (curPos == -1L)
RuntimeError ("error determining file position: %s", strerror (errno));
int rc = _fseeki64 (f, 0, SEEK_END);
if (rc != 0)
RuntimeError ("error seeking to end of file: %s", strerror (errno));
size_t len = _ftelli64 (f);
if (len == -1L)
RuntimeError ("error determining file position: %s", strerror (errno));
rc = _fseeki64 (f, curPos, SEEK_SET);
if (rc != 0)
RuntimeError ("error resetting file position: %s", strerror (errno));
return len;
// linux version
long curPos = ftell (f);
if (curPos == -1L)
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ public:
// We write to a tmp file first to ensure we don't leave broken files that would confuse make mode.
template<class MATRIX> static void write (const wstring & path, const string & kindstr, unsigned int period, const MATRIX & feat)
wstring tmppath = path + L""; // tmp path for make-mode compliant
wstring tmppath = path + L"$$"; // tmp path for make-mode compliant
unlinkOrDie (path); // delete if old file is already there
// write it out
size_t featdim = feat.rows();
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ public:
struct htkmlfentry
unsigned int firstframe; // range [firstframe,firstframe+numframes)
unsigned short numframes;
unsigned int numframes;
//unsigned short classid; // numeric state id
unsigned int classid; // numeric state id - mseltzer changed from ushort to uint for untied cd phones > 2^16
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ private:
if (te < ts) throw std::runtime_error ("htkmlfentry: end time below start time??");
// save
firstframe = (unsigned int) ts;
numframes = (unsigned short) (te - ts);
numframes = (unsigned int) (te - ts);
classid = (unsigned int) uid;
// check for numeric overflow
if (firstframe != ts || firstframe + numframes != te || classid != uid)
@ -933,20 +933,20 @@ public:
const size_t skipscoretokens = info.hasacscores ? 2 : 1;
for (size_t k = skipscoretokens; k < uniquededgedatatokens.size(); k++)
auto & ai = uniquededgedatatokens[k];
if (!isendworkaround.empty() && isendworkaround[k]) // secondary criterion to detect ends in broken lattices
k--; // don't advance, since nothing to advance over
goto skipscores;
// this is a regular token: update it in-place
if (ai.unit >= idmap.size())
throw std::runtime_error ("fread: broken-file heuristics failed");
ai.updateunit (idmap); // updates itself
if (!ai.last)
// this is a regular token: update it in-place
auto & ai = uniquededgedatatokens[k];
if (ai.unit >= idmap.size())
throw std::runtime_error ("fread: broken-file heuristics failed");
ai.updateunit (idmap); // updates itself
if (!ai.last)
// if last then skip over the lm and ac scores
k += skipscoretokens;
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "Platform.h"
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS // "secure" CRT not available on all platforms
#ifndef __unix__
@ -749,7 +749,8 @@ private:
if (!chunkdata.isinram())
return; // already out
fprintf (stderr, "releaserandomizedchunk: paging out randomized chunk %zu (frame range [%zu..%zu]), %zu resident in RAM\n",
if (verbosity)
fprintf (stderr, "releaserandomizedchunk: paging out randomized chunk %zu (frame range [%zu..%zu]), %zu resident in RAM\n",
k, randomizedchunks[k].globalts, randomizedchunks[k].globalte()-1, chunksinram-1);
@ -768,7 +769,8 @@ private:
if (chunkdata.isinram())
return false;
fprintf (stderr, "requirerandomizedchunk: paging in randomized chunk %zu (frame range [%zu..%zu]), %zu resident in RAM\n", chunkindex, chunk.globalts, chunk.globalte()-1, chunksinram+1);
if (verbosity)
fprintf (stderr, "requirerandomizedchunk: paging in randomized chunk %zu (frame range [%zu..%zu]), %zu resident in RAM\n", chunkindex, chunk.globalts, chunk.globalte()-1, chunksinram+1);
msra::util::attempt (5, [&]() // (reading from network)
chunkdata.requiredata (featkind, featdim, sampperiod, this->lattices);
@ -858,7 +860,8 @@ public:
// return these utterances
fprintf (stderr, "getbatch: getting utterances %zu..%zu (%zu frames out of %zu requested) in sweep %zu\n", spos, epos -1, mbframes, framesrequested, sweep);
if (verbosity > 0)
fprintf (stderr, "getbatch: getting utterances %zu..%zu (%zu frames out of %zu requested) in sweep %zu\n", spos, epos -1, mbframes, framesrequested, sweep);
size_t tspos = 0; // relative start of utterance 'pos' within the returned minibatch
for (size_t pos = spos; pos < epos; pos++)
@ -922,7 +925,8 @@ public:
const size_t lastchunk = chunkforframepos (globalte-1);
const size_t windowbegin = randomizedchunks[firstchunk].windowbegin;
const size_t windowend = randomizedchunks[lastchunk].windowend;
fprintf (stderr, "getbatch: getting randomized frames [%zu..%zu] (%zu frames out of %zu requested) in sweep %zu; chunks [%zu..%zu] -> chunk window [%zu..%zu)\n",
if (verbosity > 0)
fprintf (stderr, "getbatch: getting randomized frames [%zu..%zu] (%zu frames out of %zu requested) in sweep %zu; chunks [%zu..%zu] -> chunk window [%zu..%zu)\n",
globalts, globalte, mbframes, framesrequested, sweep, firstchunk, lastchunk, windowbegin, windowend);
// release all data outside, and page in all data inside
for (size_t k = 0; k < windowbegin; k++)
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class minibatchutterancesourcemulti : public minibatchsource
// page in data for this chunk
// We pass in the feature info variables by ref which will be filled lazily upon first read
void requiredata (string & featkind, size_t & featdim, unsigned int & sampperiod, const latticesource & latticesource) const
void requiredata (string & featkind, size_t & featdim, unsigned int & sampperiod, const latticesource & latticesource, int verbosity=0) const
if (numutterances() == 0)
@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ class minibatchutterancesourcemulti : public minibatchsource
latticesource.getlattices (utteranceset[i].key(), lattices[i], uttframes.cols());
//fprintf (stderr, "\n");
fprintf (stderr, "requiredata: %zu utterances read\n", utteranceset.size());
if (verbosity)
fprintf (stderr, "requiredata: %zu utterances read\n", utteranceset.size());
catch (...)
@ -403,15 +404,14 @@ public:
// TODO: we can store labels more efficiently now since we don't do frame-wise random access anymore.
// OK, utterance has all we need --remember it
utteranceset.push_back (std::move (utterance));
if (m==0)
_totalframes += uttframes;
framesaccum.push_back(uttframes); //track number of frames in each utterance - first feature is the reference
if (!labels.empty() && !lacksmlf)
//if (!labels.empty() && labelsiter != labels[0].end())
// first verify that all the label files have the proper duration
bool durationmatch = true;
foreach_index (j, labels)
const auto & labseq = labels[j].find(key)->second;
@ -421,31 +421,43 @@ public:
fprintf (stderr, " [duration mismatch (%zu in label vs. %zu in feat file), skipping %S]", labframes, uttframes, key.c_str());
continue; // skip this utterance at all
durationmatch = false;
break; // continue; // skip this utterance at all
// expand classid sequence into flat array
foreach_index (i, labseq)
if (durationmatch){
_totalframes += uttframes;
framesaccum.push_back(uttframes); //track number of frames in each utterance - first feature is the reference
// then parse each mlf if the durations are consistent
foreach_index(j, labels)
const auto & e = labseq[i];
if ((i > 0 && labseq[i-1].firstframe + labseq[i-1].numframes != e.firstframe) || (i == 0 && e.firstframe != 0))
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchutterancesource: labels not in consecutive order MLF in label set: %S", key.c_str()));
if (e.classid >= udim[j])
const auto & labseq = labels[j].find(key)->second;
// expand classid sequence into flat array
foreach_index (i, labseq)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchutterancesource: class id exceeds model output dimension"));
const auto & e = labseq[i];
if ((i > 0 && labseq[i-1].firstframe + labseq[i-1].numframes != e.firstframe) || (i == 0 && e.firstframe != 0))
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchutterancesource: labels not in consecutive order MLF in label set: %S", key.c_str()));
if (e.classid >= udim[j])
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchutterancesource: class id exceeds model output dimension"));
if (e.classid != (CLASSIDTYPE) e.classid)
throw std::runtime_error ("CLASSIDTYPE has too few bits");
for (size_t t = e.firstframe; t < e.firstframe + e.numframes; t++)
classids[j]->push_back ((CLASSIDTYPE) e.classid);
numclasses[j] = max (numclasses[j], (size_t)(1u + e.classid));
counts[j].resize (numclasses[j], 0);
counts[j][e.classid] += e.numframes;
if (e.classid != (CLASSIDTYPE) e.classid)
throw std::runtime_error ("CLASSIDTYPE has too few bits");
for (size_t t = e.firstframe; t < e.firstframe + e.numframes; t++)
classids[j]->push_back ((CLASSIDTYPE) e.classid);
numclasses[j] = max (numclasses[j], (size_t)(1u + e.classid));
counts[j].resize (numclasses[j], 0);
counts[j][e.classid] += e.numframes;
classids[j]->push_back ((CLASSIDTYPE) -1); // append a boundary marker marker for checking
if (!labels[j].empty() && classids[j]->size() != _totalframes + utteranceset.size())
throw std::logic_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchutterancesource: label duration inconsistent with feature file in MLF label set: %S", key.c_str()));
assert (labels[j].empty() || classids[j]->size() == _totalframes + utteranceset.size());
classids[j]->push_back ((CLASSIDTYPE) -1); // append a boundary marker marker for checking
if (!labels[j].empty() && classids[j]->size() != _totalframes + utteranceset.size())
throw std::logic_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("minibatchutterancesource: label duration inconsistent with feature file in MLF label set: %S", key.c_str()));
assert (labels[j].empty() || classids[j]->size() == _totalframes + utteranceset.size());
@ -474,7 +486,7 @@ public:
if (nomlf + nolat > 0)
fprintf (stderr, "minibatchutterancesource: out of %zu files, %zu files not found in label set and %zu have no lattice\n", infiles.size(), nomlf, nolat);
fprintf (stderr, "minibatchutterancesource: out of %zu files, %zu files not found in label set and %zu have no lattice\n", infiles[0].size(), nomlf, nolat);
if (nomlf + nolat > infiles[m].size() / 2)
throw std::runtime_error ("minibatchutterancesource: too many files not found in label set--assuming broken configuration\n");
@ -600,7 +612,8 @@ private:
return sweep;
currentsweep = sweep;
fprintf (stderr, "lazyrandomization: re-randomizing for sweep %zu in %s mode\n", currentsweep, framemode ? "frame" : "utterance");
if (verbosity>0)
fprintf (stderr, "lazyrandomization: re-randomizing for sweep %zu in %s mode\n", currentsweep, framemode ? "frame" : "utterance");
const size_t sweepts = sweep * _totalframes; // first global frame index for this sweep
@ -912,8 +925,9 @@ private:
auto & chunkdata = randomizedchunks[m][k].getchunkdata();
if (chunkdata.isinram())
fprintf (stderr, "releaserandomizedchunk: paging out randomized chunk %zu (frame range [%zu..%zu]), %zu resident in RAM\n",
k, randomizedchunks[m][k].globalts, randomizedchunks[m][k].globalte()-1, chunksinram-1);
if (verbosity)
fprintf (stderr, "releaserandomizedchunk: paging out randomized chunk %zu (frame range [%zu..%zu]), %zu resident in RAM\n",
k, randomizedchunks[m][k].globalts, randomizedchunks[m][k].globalte()-1, chunksinram-1);
@ -957,10 +971,11 @@ private:
auto & chunk = randomizedchunks[m][chunkindex];
auto & chunkdata = chunk.getchunkdata();
fprintf (stderr, "feature set %d: requirerandomizedchunk: paging in randomized chunk %zu (frame range [%zu..%zu]), %zu resident in RAM\n", m, chunkindex, chunk.globalts, chunk.globalte()-1, chunksinram+1);
if (verbosity)
fprintf (stderr, "feature set %d: requirerandomizedchunk: paging in randomized chunk %zu (frame range [%zu..%zu]), %zu resident in RAM\n", m, chunkindex, chunk.globalts, chunk.globalte()-1, chunksinram+1);
msra::util::attempt (5, [&]() // (reading from network)
chunkdata.requiredata (featkind[m], featdim[m], sampperiod[m], this->lattices);
chunkdata.requiredata (featkind[m], featdim[m], sampperiod[m], this->lattices, verbosity);
@ -1069,7 +1084,8 @@ public:
// return these utterances
fprintf (stderr, "getbatch: getting utterances %zu..%zu (%zu frames out of %zu requested) in sweep %zu\n", spos, epos -1, mbframes, framesrequested, sweep);
if (verbosity > 0)
fprintf (stderr, "getbatch: getting utterances %zu..%zu (%zu frames out of %zu requested) in sweep %zu\n", spos, epos -1, mbframes, framesrequested, sweep);
size_t tspos = 0; // relative start of utterance 'pos' within the returned minibatch
for (size_t pos = spos; pos < epos; pos++)
@ -1147,7 +1163,8 @@ public:
const size_t lastchunk = chunkforframepos (globalte-1);
const size_t windowbegin = randomizedchunks[0][firstchunk].windowbegin;
const size_t windowend = randomizedchunks[0][lastchunk].windowend;
fprintf (stderr, "getbatch: getting randomized frames [%zu..%zu] (%zu frames out of %zu requested) in sweep %zu; chunks [%zu..%zu] -> chunk window [%zu..%zu)\n",
if (verbosity > 0)
fprintf (stderr, "getbatch: getting randomized frames [%zu..%zu] (%zu frames out of %zu requested) in sweep %zu; chunks [%zu..%zu] -> chunk window [%zu..%zu)\n",
globalts, globalte, mbframes, framesrequested, sweep, firstchunk, lastchunk, windowbegin, windowend);
// release all data outside, and page in all data inside
for (size_t k = 0; k < windowbegin; k++)
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
#include "minibatchiterator.h"
#define DATAREADER_EXPORTS // creating the exports here
#include "DataReader.h"
#include "commandArgUtil.h"
#include "HTKMLFReader.h"
#include <vld.h> // for memory leak detection
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
#define DATAWRITER_EXPORTS // creating the exports here
#include "DataWriter.h"
#include "HTKMLFWriter.h"
#include "commandArgUtil.h"
#include <vld.h> // for memory leak detection
@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ Profiler::Profiler(int numSamples)
if (m_numSamples > 0)
@ -45,6 +43,11 @@ void Profiler::NextSample()
if (--m_numSamples == 0)
if (m_numSamples > 0)
void Profiler::Stop()
@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
/// the label is a dense matrix. each element is the word index
label = m_net->CreateInputNode(L"labels", 2 * (this->nce_noises + 1), mbSize);
bias = m_net->CreateLearnableParameter(L"BiasVector", m_layerSizes[m_layerSizes.size() - 1], 1);
bias = m_net->CreateLearnableParameter(L"BiasVector", 1, m_layerSizes[m_layerSizes.size() - 1]);
bias->FunctionValues().SetValue((ElemType)-std::log(m_layerSizes[m_layerSizes.size() - 1]));
//m_net->InitLearnableParameters(bias, m_uniformInit, randomSeed++, std::log(m_layerSizes[m_layerSizes.size() - 1])* m_initValueScale);
//clslogpostprob = m_net->Times(clsweight, input, L"ClassPostProb");
@ -958,10 +958,13 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// evaluation uses softmax
m_logSoftmax.AssignProductOf(Inputs(1)->FunctionValues(), true, Inputs(2)->FunctionValues(), false);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < Inputs(0)->FunctionValues().GetNumCols(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < Inputs(3)->FunctionValues().GetNumRows(); j++)
m_logSoftmax(i, j) += Inputs(3)->FunctionValues()(j, 0);
m_logSoftmax += Inputs(3)->FunctionValues().Transpose();
FunctionValues().Resize(1, 1);
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ MATH_SRC = Math/Math/Matrix.cpp Math/Math/ Math/Math/GPUMatrixCUDAKe
Math/Math/CPUMatrix.cpp Math/Math/CPUSparseMatrix.cpp #Math/Math/
CN_SRC = MachineLearning/CNTK/NetworkDescriptionLanguage.cpp MachineLearning/CNTK/CNTK.cpp MachineLearning/CNTK/ComputationNode.cpp \
MachineLearning/CNTK/ModelEditLanguage.cpp \
MachineLearning/CNTK/SimpleNetworkBuilder.cpp MachineLearning/CNTK/tests.cpp MachineLearning/CNTKEval/CNTKEval.cpp
MachineLearning/CNTK/SimpleNetworkBuilder.cpp MachineLearning/CNTK/tests.cpp MachineLearning/CNTK/Profiler.cpp MachineLearning/CNTKEval/CNTKEval.cpp
BINARYREADER_SRC = #DataReader/BinaryReader/BinaryWriter.cpp DataReader/BinaryReader/BinaryReader.cpp DataReader/BinaryReader/BinaryFile.cpp
HTKMLFREADER_SRC = DataReader/HTKMLFReader_linux/HTKMLFWriter.cpp DataReader/HTKMLFReader_linux/DataWriter.cpp DataReader/HTKMLFReader_linux/DataReader.cpp DataReader/HTKMLFReader_linux/HTKMLFReader.cpp
KALDIREADER_SRC = DataReader/KaldiReader/HTKMLFWriter.cpp DataReader/KaldiReader/DataWriter.cpp DataReader/KaldiReader/DataReader.cpp DataReader/KaldiReader/HTKMLFReader.cpp
@ -3908,7 +3908,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
for (int sample_id = 0; sample_id < sample_size; sample_id++)
int sample =(int) (*this)(2 * sample_id, instance_id);
c(sample, 0) -= tmp(sample_id, instance_id);
c(0, sample) -= tmp(sample_id, instance_id);
return *this;
@ -3941,7 +3941,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
for (int sample_id = 0; sample_id < sample_size; sample_id++)
int sample =(int) (*this)(2 * sample_id, instance_id);
double score = bias(sample, 0);
double score = bias(0, sample);
for (int dim = 0; dim < b.GetNumRows(); dim++)
score += a(dim, instance_id)* b(dim, sample);
double sample_prob = -(*this)(2 * sample_id + 1, instance_id);
@ -1870,17 +1870,20 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
cudaEvent_t done = nullptr;
if (do_sync) CUDA_CALL(cudaEventCreate(&done));
//a: dim * minibatch
//b: dim * |vocab|
int p = 512;
int width = a.GetNumCols();
int width = a.GetNumRows(); //dimension of hidden vector
//int width = a.GetNumCols(); original setup, considering column-major
while (p / 2 > width) p = p / 2;
_computeNceOutput<ElemType> << <this->GetNumElements() / 2, p >> >(
m_numRows / 2,
m_numRows / 2,
@ -1891,8 +1894,9 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// summing up objective must be done in one block
_assignNoiseContrastiveEstimation<ElemType> << <1, p >> >(
sampleCount, my_a.GetArray(),
m_numRows / 2,
@ -1900,7 +1904,7 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
_computeNceError<ElemType> << <1, p >> >(
m_numRows / 2,
@ -1919,20 +1923,20 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
cudaEvent_t done = nullptr;
if (do_sync) CUDA_CALL(cudaEventCreate(&done));
int p = 512;
int width = a.GetNumCols();
int width = a.GetNumRows();
while (p / 2 > width) p = p / 2;
_assignNceDerivative<ElemType> << <m_nz, p >> >(
m_numRows / 2,
if (do_sync) CUDA_CALL(cudaEventRecord(done));
if (do_sync) CUDA_CALL(cudaEventSynchronize(done));
if (do_sync) CUDA_CALL(cudaEventDestroy(done));
@ -2836,15 +2836,15 @@ __global__ void _computeNceOutput(
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
int colIndex = (int)col[2 * i];
int rowIndex = i / sampleCount;
int wid = (int)col[2 * i];
int batchid = i / sampleCount;
int loadPerThread = (numCols_a + blockDim.x - 1) / blockDim.x;
int tstart = loadPerThread * threadIdx.x;
int tend = min(numCols_a, loadPerThread * (threadIdx.x + 1));
for (int j = tstart; j < tend; j++)
partials[threadIdx.x] = a[IDX2C(rowIndex, j, numRows)] * b[IDX2C(j, colIndex, numCols_a)];
partials[threadIdx.x] = a[IDX2C(j, batchid, numCols_a)] * b[IDX2C(j, wid, numCols_a)];
@ -3262,19 +3262,23 @@ __global__ void _assignNceDerivative(
for (int j = tstart; j < tend; j++)
ElemType val = er * b[IDX2C(j, colIndex, width)];
atomicAdd(c + IDX2C(rowIndex, j, numRows), val);
atomicAdd(c + IDX2C(j, rowIndex, width), val);
//c[IDX2C(rowIndex, j, numRows)] += val;
else // weight
else if (inputIndex == 2) // weight
for (int j = tstart; j < tend; j++)
ElemType val = er * a[IDX2C(rowIndex, j, numRows)];
ElemType val = er * a[IDX2C(j, rowIndex, width)];
atomicAdd(c + IDX2C(j, colIndex, width), val);
//c[IDX2C(j, colIndex, width)] += val;
else //bias vector
c[colIndex] += er;
@ -3645,9 +3645,6 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
if (a.GetDeviceId() != b.GetDeviceId() || b.GetDeviceId() != c.GetDeviceId() || c.GetDeviceId() != this->GetDeviceId())
//if (a.GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::DENSE)
this->Resize(1, 1);
if (this->GetDeviceId() < 0)
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