Integrate vadimma/EvalRNNUnitTest into master
This commit is contained in:
@ -247,3 +247,6 @@ Test module "EvalTests" has passed with:
Test case "EvalTestSuite/EvalSparseTimesTest" has passed with:
7 assertions out of 7 passed
Test case "EvalTestSuite/EvalRNNTest" has passed with:
5 assertions out of 5 passed
@ -284,5 +284,141 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(EvalSparseTimesTest)
std::string modelDefinition =
"deviceId = -1 \n"
"precision = \"float\" \n"
"traceLevel = 1 \n"
"run=NDLNetworkBuilder \n"
"NDLNetworkBuilder = [ \n"
"LSTMComponent(inputDim, outputDim, cellDim, inputx, cellDimX2, cellDimX3, cellDimX4) = [ \n"
" wx = Parameter(cellDimX4, 0, init = \"uniform\", initValueScale = 1); \n"
" b = Parameter(cellDimX4, 1, init = \"fixedValue\", value = 0.0);\n"
" Wh = Parameter(cellDimX4, 0, init = \"uniform\", initValueScale = 1);\n"
" Wci = Parameter(cellDim, init = \"uniform\", initValueScale = 1);\n"
" Wcf = Parameter(cellDim, init = \"uniform\", initValueScale = 1);\n"
" Wco = Parameter(cellDim, init = \"uniform\", initValueScale = 1);\n"
" dh = PastValue(outputDim, output, timeStep = 1);\n"
" dc = PastValue(cellDim, ct, timeStep = 1);\n"
" wxx = Times(wx, inputx);\n"
" wxxpb = Plus(wxx, b);\n"
" whh = Times(wh, dh);\n"
" wxxpbpwhh = Plus(wxxpb, whh)\n"
" G1 = RowSlice(0, cellDim, wxxpbpwhh)\n"
" G2 = RowSlice(cellDim, cellDim, wxxpbpwhh)\n"
" G3 = RowSlice(cellDimX2, cellDim, wxxpbpwhh);\n"
" G4 = RowSlice(cellDimX3, cellDim, wxxpbpwhh);\n"
" Wcidc = DiagTimes(Wci, dc);\n"
" it = Sigmoid(Plus(G1, Wcidc));\n"
" bit = ElementTimes(it, Tanh(G2));\n"
" Wcfdc = DiagTimes(Wcf, dc);\n"
" ft = Sigmoid(Plus(G3, Wcfdc));\n"
" bft = ElementTimes(ft, dc);\n"
" ct = Plus(bft, bit);\n"
" Wcoct = DiagTimes(Wco, ct);\n"
" ot = Sigmoid(Plus(G4, Wcoct));\n"
" mt = ElementTimes(ot, Tanh(ct));\n"
" Wmr = Parameter(outputDim, cellDim, init = \"uniform\", initValueScale = 1);\n"
" output = Times(Wmr, mt); \n"
"i1 = Input(4) \n"
"o1 = LSTMComponent(4, 4, 1, i1, 2, 3, 4) \n"
"FeatureNodes = (i1) \n"
"outputNodes = (o1) \n"
"] \n";
VariableSchema inputLayouts;
VariableSchema outputLayouts;
IEvaluateModelExtended<float> *eval;
size_t featDim = 4;
size_t labelDim = 4;
eval = SetupNetworkAndGetLayouts(modelDefinition, inputLayouts, outputLayouts);
// Allocate the output values layer
Values<float> outputBuffer = outputLayouts.CreateBuffers<float>({ 1 });
Values<float> inputBuffer(1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < featDim;i++)
// the first pass with reset
eval->ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer);
// the result is different on GCC. The root cause is in the model initialization (default_random_engine class), which is platform specific.
#ifdef _WIN32
std::vector<int> expected = { -67, 135, -58, 178 };
std::vector<int> expected = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int scaler = 100000;
std::vector<int> result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < labelDim; i++)
result.push_back((int)(outputBuffer[0].m_buffer[i] * scaler));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(result.begin(), result.end(), expected.begin(), expected.end());
// the second pass with reset
eval->ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer);
for (size_t i = 0; i < labelDim; i++)
result[i] = (int)(outputBuffer[0].m_buffer[i] * scaler);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(result.begin(), result.end(), expected.begin(), expected.end());
// another pass with reset
eval->ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer, true);
for (size_t i = 0; i < labelDim; i++)
result[i] = (int)(outputBuffer[0].m_buffer[i] * scaler);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(result.begin(), result.end(), expected.begin(), expected.end());
// pass w/o reset
eval->ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer, false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < labelDim; i++)
result[i] = (int)(outputBuffer[0].m_buffer[i] * scaler);
#ifdef _WIN32
expected = { -63, 126, -54, 166 };
expected = { 109, -63, -7, -55 };
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(result.begin(), result.end(), expected.begin(), expected.end());
// another pass w/o reset
eval->ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer, false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < labelDim; i++)
result[i] = (int)(outputBuffer[0].m_buffer[i] * scaler);
#ifdef _WIN32
expected = { -61, 122, -52, 161 };
expected = { 158, -91, -10, -79 };
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(result.begin(), result.end(), expected.begin(), expected.end());
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