added GRU implementation to

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William Darling 2016-07-12 16:45:29 +02:00
Родитель a369a18a14
Коммит b795260279
1 изменённых файлов: 52 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -1027,6 +1027,58 @@ RNNs =
dim = layerDims[i] * 2 # output dimension
# GRU -- GRU function with self-stabilization
# It returns a dictionary with one members: h.
GRU (outputDim, x, inputDim=x.dim, prevState, enableSelfStabilization=false) =
S(x) = Parameters.Stabilize (x, enabled=enableSelfStabilization)
cellDim = outputDim
_ = [ // encapsulate the inner workings
dh = prevState.h // previous value
dhs = S(dh) // previous value, stabilized
# note: input does not get a stabilizer here, user is meant to do that outside
// parameter macros
# note: each invocation comes with its own set of weights
B() = Parameters.BiasParam (cellDim)
W() = Parameters.WeightParam (cellDim, inputDim) // input
H() = Parameters.WeightParam (cellDim, outputDim) // hidden-to-hidden
# projected contribution from input(s)
pin() = B() + W() * x
# update gate z(t)
zt = Sigmoid (pin() + H() * dhs)
# reset gate r(t)
rt = Sigmoid (pin() + H() * dhs)
# "cell" c
rs = dhs .* rt
c = Tanh (pin() + H() * rs)
# hidden state ht / output
ht = (BS.Constants.OnesTensor (cellDim) - zt) .* c + zt .* dhs
# our return value
h = // hidden state
# this implements a recurrent (stateful) GRU with self-stabilization
# It returns a record (h). To use its output, say .h
# By default, this is left-to-right. Pass previousHook=BS.RNNs.NextHC for a right-to-left model.
RecurrentGRU (outputDim, x, inputDim=x.dim, previousHook=BS.RNNs.PreviousHC, enableSelfStabilization=false) =
enableSelfStabilization1 = enableSelfStabilization
inputDim1 = inputDim
prevState = previousHook (gruState, layerIndex=0)
gruState = BS.RNNs.GRU (outputDim, x, inputDim=inputDim1, prevState, enableSelfStabilization=enableSelfStabilization1)
].gruState // that's the value we return