changed apply function to apply() for clarity and familiarity;

factored reporting of layout mismatches
This commit is contained in:
Frank Seide 2016-08-11 15:09:09 -07:00
Родитель 072327b52e
Коммит b950b9ede4
3 изменённых файлов: 60 добавлений и 50 удалений

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@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ TrainConvNet = [
C = ConvolutionalLayer {dim, (5:5), pad = true, activation = ReLU, init = "gaussian", initValueScale = initValueScale}
P = MaxPoolingLayer {(3:3), stride = (2:2)}
f(x) = P(C(x))
apply (x) = P(C(x))
model_layers (features) =
featNorm = features - Constant (128)
@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ TrainConvNet = [
C = ConvolutionalLayer {dim, (5:5), pad = true, bias = false, init = "gaussian", initValueScale = initValueScale}
B = BatchNormalizationLayer {spatialRank = 2, normalizationTimeConstant = 4096}
P = MaxPoolingLayer {(3:3), stride = (2:2)}
f(x) = P(ReLU(B(C(x))))
apply (x) = P(ReLU(B(C(x))))
MyDenseBNReLULayer {dim, initValueScale} =
D = DenseLayer {dim, bias = false, init = "gaussian", initValueScale = initValueScale}
B = BatchNormalizationLayer {normalizationTimeConstant = 4096}
f(x) = ReLU(B(D(x)))
apply (x) = ReLU(B(D(x)))
model_withBatchNorm (features) =
featNorm = features - Constant (128)
@ -99,15 +99,16 @@ TrainConvNet = [
# note: (3:3), while the macro above is (5:5)
C = ConvolutionalLayer {dim, (3:3), pad = true, stride = (stride:stride), bias = false, init = "gaussian", initValueScale = initValueScale}
B = BatchNormalizationLayer {spatialRank = 2, normalizationTimeConstant = 4096}
f(x) = B(C(x))
apply (x) = B(C(x))
ResNetNode {dim, initValueScale} =
C1 = MyConvBNLayer {dim, initValueScale, 1} # first convolution layer
C2 = MyConvBNLayer {dim, initValueScale, 1} # second convolution layer
#B = BatchNormalizationLayer {spatialRank = 2, normalizationTimeConstant = 4096} # TODO: Having this works better, it seems
f(x) = ReLU (x + C2(ReLU(C1(x)))) # ReLU between C1 and C2 and after summation
#B = BatchNormalizationLayer {spatialRank = 2, normalizationTimeConstant = 4096}
# ^^ Note: Adding an exra BN to 'x' trains slightly better.
apply (x) = ReLU (x + C2(ReLU(C1(x)))) # ReLU between C1 and C2 and after summation
ResNetIncNode {dim, initValueScale} =
# first branch. This doubles the #channels but halves the image size
@ -123,8 +124,8 @@ TrainConvNet = [
B = BatchNormalizationLayer {spatialRank = 2, normalizationTimeConstant = 4096}
# layer sums both branches and rectifies the result
f(x) = ReLU (B(P(x)) + C2(ReLU(C1(x)))) # ReLU between C1 and C2 and after summation
apply (x) = ReLU (B(P(x)) + C2(ReLU(C1(x)))) # ReLU between C1 and C2 and after summation
model_resNet (features) =
conv1 = MyConvBNLayer {16, 0.26, 1} (features)

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@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ LinearLayer {outDim, bias = true, init='uniform', initValueScale=1} =
W = ParameterTensor {_ConcatArrays (outDim, 0), init=init, initValueScale=initValueScale}
b = ParameterTensor {outDim, initValue=0}
outRank = Length (_AsArray (outDim)) # support outputs with tensor layouts
f(x) =
apply (x) =
if bias
then Times (W, x, outputRank = outRank) + b
else Times (W, x, outputRank = outRank)
# DenseLayer -- create a fully-connected layer with optional non-linearity
DenseLayer{outDim, bias = true, activation=(x=>x), init='uniform', initValueScale=1} = Sequential ( LinearLayer{outDim, bias = bias, init = init, initValueScale = initValueScale} : activation )
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ EmbeddingLayer {outDim, # dimension of embeddi
then ParameterTensor {shape, init='uniform'} # learnable
else ParameterTensor {shape, initFromFilePath = embeddingPath, learningRateMultiplier = 0} # fixed from file
TimesOp = if transpose then TransposeTimes else Times
f(x) = TimesOp (E, x) # x is expected to be sparse one-hot
apply (x) = TimesOp (E, x) # x is expected to be sparse one-hot
# ConvolutionalLayer -- create a convolution layer with optional non-linearity
# [ (shifting dims) | (reduction dim) | (output dim) | (sample dims) ]
@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ ConvolutionalLayer {numOutputChannels, # e.g. (1) or BS.Constants.None
b = ParameterTensor(_ConcatArrays (Repeat (Length (filterShape), 1), outputChannelsShape), initValue = 0) # [ 1 x 1 x K ]
sharing = true # TODO: support this
transpose = false # TODO: support this
f(x) = {
apply (x) = {
c = Convolution (W, x, filterShape, mapDims = numOutputChannels, stride = stride, sharing = sharing, autoPadding = pad, lowerPad = lowerPad, upperPad = upperPad, transpose = transpose, maxTempMemSizeInSamples = maxTempMemSizeInSamples)
res = activation (if bias then c + b else c)
# MaxPoolingLayer, AveragePoolingLayer -- create a max- or average-pooling layer
_PoolingLayer {poolKind, # "max" or "average"
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ _PoolingLayer {poolKind, # "max" or "average"
stride = 1, pad = false,
lowerPad = 0, upperPad = 0} = # TODO: support this
f(x) = Pooling (x, poolKind, filterShape, stride = stride, autoPadding = pad, lowerPad = lowerPad, upperPad = upperPad)
apply (x) = Pooling (x, poolKind, filterShape, stride = stride, autoPadding = pad, lowerPad = lowerPad, upperPad = upperPad)
MaxPoolingLayer {filterShape, stride = 1, pad = false, lowerPad = 0, upperPad = 0} =
_PoolingLayer {"max", filterShape, stride = stride, pad = pad, lowerPad = lowerPad, upperPad = upperPad}
AveragePoolingLayer {filterShape, stride = 1, pad = false, lowerPad = 0, upperPad = 0} =
@ -110,30 +110,30 @@ RecurrentLSTMLayer {outputDim,
previousHook = if goBackwards then BS.RNNs.NextHC else BS.RNNs.PreviousHC
lstm = BS.RNNs.LSTMBlock {outputDim, cellShape = cellShape, enableSelfStabilization = enableSelfStabilization}
f(x) = {
apply (x) = {
prevState = previousHook (lstmState) # recurrent memory. E.g. Previous or Next, with or without initial state, beam reordering etc.
#auxInput = augmentInputHook(x, prevState) # optionally augment input. Constants.None if none.
lstmState = lstm (x, prevState)
}.lstmState.h // that's the value we return
# DelayLayer -- delay input
DelayLayer {T=1, defaultHiddenActivation=0} =
f(x) =
apply (x) =
if T > 0 then PastValue (0, x, timeStep=T, defaultHiddenActivation=defaultHiddenActivation)
else if T < 0 then FutureValue (0, x, timeStep=-T, defaultHiddenActivation=defaultHiddenActivation)
else x
# DropoutLayer -- create a drop-out layer
# Not yet supported with this interface; just use Dropout directly.
#DropoutLayer {prob = BS.Constants.None} = if !BS.Constants.IsNone (prob) then Fail ("DropoutLayer: Dropout probability can currently not be specified per-layer.") else
# f(x) = Dropout (x)
# apply (x) = Dropout (x)
# BatchNormalizationLayer -- create a batch-normalization layer
BatchNormalizationLayer {spatialRank = 0, # reduce over these dims. E.g. 2 to reduce over (w,h) in a [W x H x C]-shaped input
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ BatchNormalizationLayer {spatialRank = 0, # reduce over these dims. E.g. 2 to r
bias = ParameterTensor {normShape, initValue = 0}
runMean = ParameterTensor {normShape, initValue = 0, learningRateMultiplier = 0} # note: disable learning since these are updated differently
runInvStdDev = ParameterTensor {normShape, initValue = 0, learningRateMultiplier = 0}
f(x) = BatchNormalization (x, scale, bias, runMean, runInvStdDev, spatialRank > 0, normalizationTimeConstant = normalizationTimeConstant, blendTimeConstant = blendTimeConstant, epsilon = epsilon, useCntkEngine = useCntkEngine)
apply (x) = BatchNormalization (x, scale, bias, runMean, runInvStdDev, spatialRank > 0, normalizationTimeConstant = normalizationTimeConstant, blendTimeConstant = blendTimeConstant, epsilon = epsilon, useCntkEngine = useCntkEngine)
# LayerNormalizationLayer -- create a layer-normalization layer
LayerNormalizationLayer {dim = BS.Constants.None, initScale = 1, initBias = 0} = if BS.Constants.IsNone (dim) then Fail ("LayerNormalizationLayer: 'dim' parameter is currently required.") else
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ LayerNormalizationLayer {dim = BS.Constants.None, initScale = 1, initBias = 0} =
gain = ParameterTensor{(1), initValue = initScale}
bias = ParameterTensor{(1), initValue = initBias}
f(x) = {
apply (x) = {
div = Constant (1.0 / dim)
# normalize w.r.t. actual sample statistics
@ -168,14 +168,14 @@ LayerNormalizationLayer {dim = BS.Constants.None, initScale = 1, initBias = 0} =
# denormalize with learned parameters
val = xHat .* gain + bias
# StabilizerLayer -- create a scalar stabilizer [J. Droppo, 2014 -- TODO: get the reference]
StabilizerLayer {} =
# BUGBUG: Calling f(x) twice will create a second set of parameters. Needs to refactor Stabilize() for this.
f(x) = Stabilize (x)
apply (x) = Stabilize (x)
# FeatureMVNLayer -- create a corpus-level feature-normalization layer
# This can only be applied to features. Statistics are not shared across invocations,
@ -197,20 +197,20 @@ Sequential (arrayOfFunctions) =
fs = _AsArray (arrayOfFunctions) # make sure it works with a single function that is not an array
Apply (x, N) = if N == 0 then x else fs[N-1](Apply (x, N-1)) # we do that recursively
f(x) = Apply (x, Length (fs))
apply (x) = Apply (x, Length (fs))
# Parallel -- composite that applies several functions to the same input and combines the result
Parallel (arrayOfFunctions, combineFunction) =
fs = _AsArray (arrayOfFunctions)
f(x) = combineFunction (array[0..Length (fs)-1] (i => fs[i](x)))
apply (x) = combineFunction (array[0..Length (fs)-1] (i => fs[i](x)))
# MergeBinary -- apply two functions and combine them with a binary function, e.g. Plus
MergeBinary (arrayOfFunctions, combineFunction) =
if Length (arrayOfFunctions) != 2 then Fail ("Merge() is currently limited to binary functions.") else
f(x,y) = combineFunction (arrayOfFunctions[0](x), arrayOfFunctions[1](y))
apply (x, y) = combineFunction (arrayOfFunctions[0](x), arrayOfFunctions[1](y))
# LayerStack -- generate a stack of models from a lambda of the form (i => some expression of i)
# e.g. h3 = LayerStack {3, i => MyConvLayer {(32:32:64)[i], (0.0043:1.414:1.414)[i]} } (featNorm)
LayerStack {n, c} = Sequential (array[0..n-1] (c))
@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ RNNs =
S(x) = Parameters.Stabilize (x, enabled=enableSelfStabilization)
# BUGBUG: S() must not be a macro either, but also an object instance
f(x, prevState, aux=Constants.None) = [
apply (x, prevState, aux=Constants.None) = [
_ = [ // encapsulate the inner workings
dh = prevState.h // previous values
@ -890,8 +890,8 @@ RNNs =
then Wmr * S( // project
else // no projection
dim = outputDim
] // end of f(x)
] // end of apply(x)
# LSTMP -- LSTM function with projection and self-stabilization
# Projection is enabled by passing different values for outputDim and cellDim.

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@ -87,6 +87,15 @@ void ComputationNode<ElemType>::Backprop(const FrameRange& fr, bool childrenInTh
// subroutines for Validate() implementations
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void InconsistentMBLayout(const ComputationNodeBase& us, const ComputationNodeBase& which, ComputationNodeBase& vsWhich)
#if 1
RuntimeError("%ls: Dynamic axes mismatches between %ls and %ls. If this is by design, use ReconcileDynamicAxis().",
us.NodeDescription().c_str(), which.NodeDescription().c_str(), vsWhich.NodeDescription());
// helper function to infer the MBLayout for this node from inputs, for the *standard case*
// the standard case is:
// - all inputs must share the same layout (e.g. adding two minibatches)
@ -105,8 +114,7 @@ void ComputationNodeBase::InferMBLayoutFromInputsForStandardCase(bool isFinalVal
else if (!pMBLayout) // first non-NULL layout: just copy it
pMBLayout = child->m_pMBLayout;
else if (pMBLayout != child->m_pMBLayout && isFinalValidationPass) // got a layout--compare whether it is the same
RuntimeError("%ls: InferMBLayoutFromInputsForStandardCase: Expected minibatch layouts to be the same between all children. Child '%ls' (%ls) uses a different layout than previously checked children and might get out of sync during runtime. If this is by design, use ReconcileDynamicAxis() to forward layouts between nodes.",
NodeDescription().c_str(), child->NodeName().c_str(), child->OperationName().c_str());
InconsistentMBLayout(*this, *this, *child);
// all are consistent: install it
@ -133,9 +141,10 @@ void ComputationNodeBase::ValidateBinaryZip(bool isFinalValidationPass, bool all
if (isFinalValidationPass &&
Input(0)->GetMBLayout() != Input(1)->GetMBLayout() && Input(0)->HasMBLayout() && Input(1)->HasMBLayout())
Input(0)->HasMBLayout() && Input(1)->HasMBLayout() &&
Input(0)->GetMBLayout() != Input(1)->GetMBLayout())
LogicError("%ls: Minibatch layouts are not the same between arguments and might get out of sync during runtime. If this is by design, use ReconcileDynamicAxis() to forward layouts between nodes.", NodeDescription().c_str());
InconsistentMBLayout(*this, *Input(0), *Input(1));
// result has tensor shape with dimensions being the max over both
@ -176,10 +185,10 @@ void ComputationNodeBase::ValidateNaryZip(bool isFinalValidationPass, bool allow
// check minibatch layout consistency for all possible pairs (n choose 2)
if (isFinalValidationPass)
for (size_t i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
for (size_t j = i+1; j < numInputs; j++)
if (Input(i)->GetMBLayout() != Input(j)->GetMBLayout() && Input(i)->HasMBLayout() && Input(j)->HasMBLayout())
LogicError("%ls: Minibatch layouts are not the same between arguments and might get out of sync during runtime. If this is by design, use ReconcileDynamicAxis() to forward layouts between nodes.", NodeDescription().c_str());
for (size_t i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < numInputs; j++)
if (Input(i)->HasMBLayout() && Input(j)->HasMBLayout() && Input(i)->GetMBLayout() != Input(j)->GetMBLayout())
InconsistentMBLayout(*this, *Input(i), *Input(j));
// result has tensor shape with dimensions being the max over all inputs
let shape0 = GetInputSampleLayout(0);