Avoid asym pad for MKL, block channel axis padding.

This commit is contained in:
Bowen Bao 2018-07-24 12:49:48 -07:00
Родитель 3d753db8a3
Коммит c78f40d0c1
5 изменённых файлов: 73 добавлений и 49 удалений

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@ -244,22 +244,8 @@ protected:
return result;
// Check if we are padding over channel axis.
// Normally in convolution, input channel of inputShape and kernelShape should have the same size,
// with padding turned off or with stride equal to channel size.
void CheckPaddingChannelAxis(const TensorShape& inputShape)
const bool isPaddingChannelAxis = ConvolveGeometry::isPaddingOverChannelAxis(inputShape, m_stride, m_autoPad, m_lowerPad, m_upperPad);
if (isPaddingChannelAxis)
[this] { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %ls %ls operation: detected padding over channel axis. Is this intended?\n",
NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); });
virtual TensorShape ComputeOutputShape(const TensorShape& inputShape, const TensorShape& dilate, bool ceilOutDim, bool isFinalValidationPass)
const size_t DEAFULT_NUM_GROUPS = 1;
return ConvolveGeometry::ComputeOutputShape(inputShape, m_kernelShape, m_mapCount, m_stride,
m_sharing, m_autoPad, m_lowerPad, m_upperPad, dilate, DEAFULT_NUM_GROUPS, ceilOutDim,
@ -286,9 +272,6 @@ protected:
shared_ptr<Matrix<ElemType>> m_tempMatrixBackward;
std::unique_ptr<ConvolutionEngine<ElemType>> m_convEng;
std::once_flag m_padChannelWarningOnceFlag;
#define UsingConvolutionNodeBaseMembersNonInstantiate \
@ -312,7 +295,6 @@ protected: \
using Base::m_convEng; \
using Base::InferConvolution2DReductionDims; \
using Base::InferReductionDims; \
using Base::CheckPaddingChannelAxis; \
#define UsingConvolutionNodeBaseMembers \
@ -703,6 +685,26 @@ public:
LogicError("Convolution weight matrix %ls should have dimension [(filter shape) x (input channels) x (output channels)]",
// Check if we are padding over channel axis.
// Normally in convolution, input channel of inputShape and kernelShape should have the same size,
// with padding turned off or with stride equal to channel size.
if (m_convEng->Geometry()->IsPaddingOverChannelAxis())
// There are many cases that could lead to this failure.
// Type 1: users explicitly trying to pad over channel axis.
// case 1: lowerPad[channelAxis] is explicitly set to be > 0.
// case 2: autoPad[channelAxis] is explicitly set to true, along with some other satisfying conditions resulting in lowerPad[channelAxis] > 0.
// For type 1, these are behaviors that we aim at blocking, since cuDnn does not support padding over channel axis.
// Type 2: users just used the default parameters.
// case 1: channel size > 1, while autoPadding and strides are default value.
// case 2: reduction rank = 0, outChannelSize > 1, while autoPadding and strides are default value.
// For type 2, these will also get blocked.
// This is due to a potential bug in PrimitiveFunction::ConvolutionOpOutputShape that we are not setting autoPadding to False for channel axis.
LogicError("%ls %ls operation: detected padding over channel axis. This is not supported in cuDnn. Please try setting autoPadding to false for channel axis. \n",
NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str());
@ -759,8 +761,6 @@ private:
virtual TensorShape /*ConvolutionNode::*/ComputeOutputShape(const TensorShape& inputShape,
const TensorShape& dilate, bool ceilOutDim, bool isFinalValidationPass)
return ConvolveGeometry::ComputeOutputShape(inputShape, m_kernelShape, m_mapCount, m_stride,
m_sharing, m_autoPad, m_lowerPad, m_upperPad, dilate, m_groups, ceilOutDim,
Base::NeedsDynamicValidation(), isFinalValidationPass);

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@ -963,7 +963,10 @@ protected:
//MKL2017 does not support asymmetric padding yet
if (geometry->IsAsymmetricPadding()) return false;
if (geometry->IsAsymmetricPadding(/*useMKL=*/true)) {
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Detected asymmetric padding issue with lowerPad != higherPad, not supported by MKL. Switching to GEMM convolution engine. \n");
return false;
//MKL-DNN calls does not support 4th dimention now, we will update the code once MKL release the update.
return forward ? (geometry->InputShape().GetRank() < m_dimension) : (geometry->OutputShape().GetRank() < m_dimension);

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@ -401,11 +401,30 @@ public:
return -(center - (kernSize - 1) / 2);
int GetUpperPad(size_t dim) const
// GetUpperPad
// There will be four cases
// kernelSize extraSize padSizes cuDnn & MKL (they only support symmetric padding)
// 1. odd even lower = upper supported
// 2. even odd lower = upper supported
// 3. odd odd lower = upper + 1 supported with extra 1 padding on upperPad
// 4. even even lower = upper - 1 unsupported
// extra size = (dim - 1) % stride
// So for cases where lower = upper + 1. We can simply decide to pad one extra for upperPad,
// as it will yield the same shape and value results.
// However, for cases where lower = upper - 1. We cannot pad the extra for lowerPad,
// as it will change the center of the kernel, and produce different value and maybe different shape results.
// Parameter:
// bool trySymmetricAutoPad : if set to true, this function will return symmetric padding for case 3 by padding 1 extra on upperPad.
// This parameter is ignored if auto padding is not enabled.
int GetUpperPad(size_t dim, bool trySymmetricAutoPad = false) const
if (!GetAutoPad(dim))
return (int)m_upperPad[m_upperPad.size() == 1 ? 0 : dim];
int dilation = (int)GetDilation(dim);
int kernSize = ((int)m_kernelShape[dim] - 1) * dilation + 1;
int inpSize = (int)m_inputShape[dim];
@ -418,21 +437,23 @@ public:
// Extra cells, to the left and right of "cells".
int extra = inpSize - cells;
int center = extra / 2;
return (kernSize - 1) - (kernSize - 1) / 2 - (extra - center);
int upperPad = (kernSize - 1) - (kernSize - 1) / 2 - (extra - center);
if (trySymmetricAutoPad && (kernSize % 2 == 1) && (extra % 2 == 1))
// case 3: pad extra 1 for upperPad to enable symmetric padding.
return upperPad;
// Return if padding is enabled for input channel axis.
static bool isPaddingOverChannelAxis(const TensorShape& inputShape, const TensorShape& stride, const BoolVec& autoPad,
const TensorShape& lowerPad, const TensorShape& upperPad)
bool IsPaddingOverChannelAxis() const
size_t channelIdx = inputShape.GetRank() - 1;
assert(inputShape.GetRank() >= 1);
size_t delta = stride[stride.GetRank() == 1 ? 0 : channelIdx];
bool autoPadCur = autoPad[autoPad.size() == 1 ? 0 : channelIdx];
size_t lo = lowerPad[lowerPad.size() == 1 ? 0 : channelIdx];
size_t hi = upperPad[upperPad.size() == 1 ? 0 : channelIdx];
// padding is enabled for channel axis, i.e. channel axis output dim != 1, when any of autoPad, lowerPad or upperPad > 0 and stride != channel size.
return (autoPadCur || (lo + hi > 0)) && delta != inputShape[channelIdx];
size_t channelIdx = m_inputShape.GetRank() - 1;
assert(m_inputShape.GetRank() >= 1);
// check for lowerPad value. This value is incorrect when out channel size > 1. Check if channel stride is >= channel size in that case.
return (GetLowerPad(channelIdx) > 0) && (GetStride(channelIdx) < m_inputShape[channelIdx]);
// Computes output shape given input shape and other convolution parameters.
@ -609,12 +630,14 @@ public:
return res.str();
bool IsAsymmetricPadding() const
// For MKL, if auto padding is enabled, in some cases we can convert asymmetric padding to symmetric padding,
// with the same output shape and value.
bool IsAsymmetricPadding(bool useMKL) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < KernelShape().size(); i++)
auto lowerPad = GetLowerPad(i);
auto upperPad = GetUpperPad(i);
auto upperPad = GetUpperPad(i, useMKL);
auto stride = GetStride(i);
if ((lowerPad != upperPad) && (stride < InputShape()[i]))

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@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ void TrainMNISTSeqClassifier(const DeviceDescriptor& device)
auto labelsVar = InputVariable({numOutputClasses}, AsDataType<float>(), L"labels");
auto convParam = Parameter({filterDim, filterDim, numInputChannels, filterCount}, AsDataType<float>(), GlorotUniformInitializer(), device);
auto convFunc = Convolution(convParam, packedInput, {convStrides, convStrides, numInputChannels}, {true}, {true}, {1}, 1, 1, 0, true);
auto convFunc = Convolution(convParam, packedInput, {convStrides, convStrides, numInputChannels}, {true}, {true, true, false}, {1}, 1, 1, 0, true);
auto convb = Parameter({1, filterCount}, AsDataType<float>(), GlorotUniformInitializer(), device);
auto relu = LeakyReLU(Plus(convFunc, convb), 0.01);
auto convParam2 = Parameter({filterDim, filterDim, filterCount, filterCount2}, AsDataType<float>(), GlorotUniformInitializer(), device);
auto convFunc2 = Convolution(convParam2, relu, {convStrides, convStrides, filterCount}, {true}, {true}, { 1 }, 1, 1, 0, true);
auto convFunc2 = Convolution(convParam2, relu, {convStrides, convStrides, filterCount}, {true}, {true, true, false}, { 1 }, 1, 1, 0, true);
auto convb2 = Parameter({1, filterCount2}, AsDataType<float>(), GlorotUniformInitializer(), device);
auto relu2 = LeakyReLU(Plus(convFunc2, convb2), 0.01);

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@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void Run1DFreeDimConvLayer(const DeviceDescriptor& device, bool testFreeDimensio
input = InputVariable({10}, AsDataType<ElementType>(), L"features");
auto convParam = Parameter({3, 1}, AsDataType<ElementType>(), (ElementType) 1.0f, device);
auto conv = Convolution(convParam, input, {2});
auto conv = Convolution(convParam, input, {2}, {true}, {true}, {1}, 0);
auto convb = Parameter({1}, AsDataType<ElementType>(), (ElementType) 1.0f, device);
auto relu = LeakyReLU(Plus(conv, convb), 0.01);
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ void Run1DFreeDimSimpConvLayer(const DeviceDescriptor& device, bool testFreeDime
input = InputVariable({10}, AsDataType<ElementType>(), L"features");
auto convParam = Parameter({3, 1}, AsDataType<ElementType>(), (ElementType) 1.0f, device);
auto conv = Convolution(convParam, input, {2});
auto conv = Convolution(convParam, input, {2}, { true }, { true }, { 1 }, 0);
auto convParam2 = Parameter({2, 1}, AsDataType<ElementType>(), (ElementType) 0.5f, device);
auto conv2 = Convolution(convParam2, conv, {2});
@ -514,10 +514,10 @@ void RunConvRankTests2(const DeviceDescriptor& device)
auto input_ = InputVariable({36}, AsDataType<ElementType>());
auto input = Reshape(input_, {4, 3, 3});
auto params = Parameter({3, 3, 2, 1, 4}, AsDataType<ElementType>(), (ElementType) 1.0f, device);
auto params = Parameter({3, 3, 2, 4}, AsDataType<ElementType>(), (ElementType) 1.0f, device);
// requires kernel dim >= input dim ....
auto conv = Convolution(params, input, {2, 2});
auto conv = Convolution(params, input, {2, 2}, {true}, {true, true, true}, {1}, 0);
const size_t inputDataSize = 36;
const std::vector<size_t> sequenceSize = {2, 3};
@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ void RunConvRankTests3(const DeviceDescriptor& device)
auto params = Parameter({2, 4}, AsDataType<ElementType>(), (ElementType) 1.0f, device);
// requires kernel dim >= input dim ....
auto conv = Convolution(params, input, {5});
auto conv = Convolution(params, input, {5}, { true }, { true }, { 1 }, 0);
const size_t inputDataSize = 6;
const std::vector<size_t> sequenceSize = {2, 3};
@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ void RunConvRankTests4(const DeviceDescriptor& device)
auto params = Parameter({2, 3, 4}, AsDataType<ElementType>(), (ElementType) 1.0f, device);
// requires kernel dim >= input dim ....
auto conv = Convolution(params, input, {2});
auto conv = Convolution(params, input, {2}, { true }, { true, true }, { 1 }, 0);
const size_t inputDataSize = 9;
const std::vector<size_t> sequenceSize = {2, 3};
@ -784,13 +784,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ConvolutionNetworkDifferentRankInGPU)
// This failure is not related to free dimension though, but to the specific setting(shapes) of the test.
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
//auto device = DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0);
//Run1DFreeDimConvLayer<float>(device, false);
//Run1DFreeDimSimpConvLayer<float>(device, false);
auto device = DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0);