Add E2E test for binary MLF
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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
# end-to-end test for recurrent LSTM for speech
precision = "float"
deviceId = $DeviceId$
command = speechTrain
# Note: These options are overridden from the command line in some test cases.
frameMode = false
truncated = true
parallelTrain = false
speechTrain = [
action = "train"
modelPath = "$RunDir$/models/cntkSpeech.dnn"
#deviceId = $DeviceId$
traceLevel = 1
SGD = [
epochSize = 20480
minibatchSize = 20
learningRatesPerMB = 0.5
numMBsToShowResult = 10
momentumPerMB = 0:0.9
maxEpochs = 4
keepCheckPointFiles = true
reader = [
verbosity = 0
randomize = true
# A list of deserializers to use.
deserializers = (
type = "HTKFeatureDeserializer"
module = "HTKDeserializers"
# Description of input streams
input = [
# Description of a particular input stream
features = [
dim = 363
scpFile = "$DataDir$/glob_0000.scp"
type = "HTKMLFBinaryDeserializer"
module = "HTKDeserializers"
chunkSizeInBytes = 36
input = [
labels = [
mlfFile = "$DataDir$/mlf2.bin"
dim = 132
# TODO share this section ../../../LSTM/cntk.cntk
# define network using BrainScript
BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = [
useSelfStabilization = true
// define basic I/O
baseFeatDim = 33
featDim = 11 * baseFeatDim
labelDim = 132
// hidden dimensions
innerCellDim = 1024
hiddenDim = 256
numLSTMLayers = 3 // number of hidden LSTM model layers
// features
features = Input((1 : featDim), tag='feature') // TEST: Artificially reading data transposed
realFeatures = Transpose (features) // and swapping them back to (featDim:1), for testing Transpose()
labels = Input(labelDim, tag='label')
feashift = RowSlice(featDim - baseFeatDim, baseFeatDim, realFeatures);
featNorm = MeanVarNorm(feashift)
// we define the LSTM locally for now, since the one in has a slightly changed configuration that breaks this test
Stabilize (x, enabled=true) =
if enabled
then [
beta = Exp (BS.Parameters.BiasParam ((1))) # init value is 0
result = beta .* x
else x
LSTMP (outputDim, cellDim=outputDim, x, inputDim=x.dim, prevState, enableSelfStabilization=false) =
_privateInnards = [ // encapsulate the inner workings
dh = prevState.h // previous values
dc = prevState.c
// parameter macros--these carry their own weight matrices
B() = BS.Parameters.BiasParam (cellDim)
W(v) = BS.Parameters.WeightParam (cellDim, inputDim) * Stabilize (v, enabled=enableSelfStabilization) // input-to-hidden
H(h) = BS.Parameters.WeightParam (cellDim, outputDim) * Stabilize (h, enabled=enableSelfStabilization) // hidden-to-hidden
C(c) = BS.Parameters.DiagWeightParam (cellDim) .* Stabilize (c, enabled=enableSelfStabilization) // cell-to-hiddden (note: applied elementwise)
// note: the W(x) here are all different, they all come with their own set of weights; same for H(dh), C(dc), and B()
it = Sigmoid (W(x) + B() + H(dh) + C(dc)) // input gate(t)
bit = it .* Tanh (W(x) + (H(dh) + B())) // applied to tanh of input network
ft = Sigmoid (W(x) + B() + H(dh) + C(dc)) // forget-me-not gate(t)
bft = ft .* dc // applied to cell(t-1)
ct = bft + bit // c(t) is sum of both
ot = Sigmoid (W(x) + B() + H(dh) + C(ct)) // output gate(t)
ht = ot .* Tanh (ct) // applied to tanh(cell(t))
# our return values
c = _privateInnards.ct // cell value
h = if outputDim != cellDim // output/hidden state
then [ // project
Wmr = BS.Parameters.WeightParam (outputDim, cellDim);
htp = Wmr * Stabilize (, enabled=enableSelfStabilization)
].htp // TODO: ^^ extend BS syntax to allow to say: then [ Wmr = WeightParam(outputDim, cellDim) ] in Wmr * Stabilize (...)
else // no projection
dim = outputDim
RecurrentLSTMP (outputDim, cellDim=outputDim.dim, x, inputDim=x.dim, previousHook=BS.RNNs.PreviousHC, enableSelfStabilization=false) =
prevState = previousHook (lstmState)
inputDim1 = inputDim ; cellDim1 = cellDim ; enableSelfStabilization1 = enableSelfStabilization
lstmState = LSTMP (outputDim, cellDim=cellDim1, x, inputDim=inputDim1, prevState, enableSelfStabilization=enableSelfStabilization1)
].lstmState // we return the state record (h,c)
// define the stack of hidden LSTM layers --TODO: change to RecurrentLSTMPStack(), change stabilizer config
S(x) = Stabilize (x, enabled=useSelfStabilization)
LSTMoutput[k:1..numLSTMLayers] =
if k == 1
then /*BS.RNNs.*/ RecurrentLSTMP (hiddenDim, cellDim=innerCellDim, /*S*/ (featNorm), inputDim=baseFeatDim, enableSelfStabilization=useSelfStabilization).h
else /*BS.RNNs.*/ RecurrentLSTMP (hiddenDim, cellDim=innerCellDim, /*S*/ (LSTMoutput[k-1]), inputDim=hiddenDim, enableSelfStabilization=useSelfStabilization).h
// and add a softmax layer on top
W = BS.Parameters.WeightParam (labelDim, hiddenDim)
B = BS.Parameters.BiasParam (labelDim)
z = W * S(LSTMoutput[numLSTMLayers]) + B; // top-level input to Softmax
// training
# this shows how both CE and frame error rate can be constructed as BS expressions
# BUGBUG: The per-sample criterion will trigger a bug fix in momentum computation
# which leads to a slightly better objective value than the baseline.
# For now, we will use SumElements() to neutralize this. Once we have a chance to update
# the baselines, we should remove SumElements() below.
ce = /*Pass*/ SumElements (ReduceLogSum (z) - TransposeTimes (labels, z), tag='criterion') // manually-defined per-sample objective
err = /*Pass*/ SumElements (BS.Constants.One - TransposeTimes (labels, Hardmax (z)), tag='evaluation') // also track frame errors
// decoding
logPrior = LogPrior(labels)
ScaledLogLikelihood = Pass (z - logPrior, tag='output') // using Pass() since we can't assign a tag to x - y
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
. $TEST_ROOT_DIR/run-test-common
# cntkrun <CNTK config file name> <additional CNTK args>
cntkrun cntk.cntk 'Truncated=false speechTrain=[SGD=[epochSize=2560]] speechTrain=[SGD=[maxEpochs=2]] speechTrain=[SGD=[numMBsToShowResult=1]] shareNodeValueMatrices=true' || exit $?
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
dataDir: ../../../Data
- bvt-e (build_sku == 'gpu') and ((flavor == 'release') if (os == 'windows') else ((flavor == 'debug') ^ (device == 'cpu')))
- nightly-e (build_sku == 'gpu')
- weekly-e (build_sku == 'gpu')
CNTK Run must be completed:
Must train epochs in exactly same order and parameters:
- Starting Epoch {{integer}}
- learning rate per sample = {{float}}
- momentum = {{float}}
# Epochs must be finished with expected results:
# patterns:
# - ^Finished Epoch[{{integer}} of {{integer}}]
# - CrossEntropyWithSoftmax = {{float,tolerance=.1%}}
# - EvalClassificationError = {{float,tolerance=.1%}}
# - learningRatePerSample = {{float,tolerance=0.001%}}
# Per-minibatch training results must match:
# patterns:
# - ^ Epoch[{{integer}} of {{integer}}]-Minibatch[{{integer}}-{{integer}}
# - " * {{integer}}; "
# - CrossEntropyWithSoftmax = {{float,tolerance=.1%}}
# - EvalClassificationError = {{float,tolerance=.1%}}
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