Start binary reader overhaul
Redesign the binary format, refactor and update the reader implementation, as well as the converter.
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# The header file must list all of the streams in the input file in the
# following format:
# <desired stream name> TAB <stream alias> TAB <matrix type> TAB <sample dimension>
# <desired stream name> <stream alias> <matrix type> <sample dimension>
# Where:
# <desired stream name> is the desired name for the input in CNTK.
@ -16,275 +16,285 @@
import sys
import argparse
import re
import struct
import tempfile
import shutil
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
# This will convert data in the ctf format into binary format
MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x636e746b5f62696e;
class ElementType:
class MatrixEncodingType:
# This will convert data in the ctf format into the binary format
class Converter(object):
def __init__(self, name, sampleDim):
def __init__(self, name, sample_dim, element_type):
|||| = name
self.sampleDim = sampleDim
self.vals = list()
self.sample_dim = sample_dim
# contains length (in samples) for each sequence in the chunk
self.sequences = []
self.element_type = element_type
def getName(self):
def write_header(self, output):
# First is the matrix type.
output.write(struct.pack('B', self.get_matrix_type()))
# Nest comes the stream name.
output.write(struct.pack('I', len(
# Next is the elem type
output.write(struct.pack('B', self.element_type))
# Finally, the sample dimension.
output.write(struct.pack('I', self.sample_dim))
def getSampleDim(self):
return self.sampleDim
def write_signed_ints(self, output, ints):
output.write(b''.join([struct.pack('i', x) for x in ints]))
def clear(self):
self.vals = list()
def write_floats(self, output, floats):
format = 'f' if self.is_float() else 'd'
output.write(b''.join([struct.pack(format, x) for x in floats]))
def addSequence(self):
def is_float(self):
return self.element_type == ElementType.FLOAT
def appendSample(self, sample):
if( len(sample) != self.sampleDim ):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid sample dimension for input {0}".format(
def get_matrix_type(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
if( len(self.vals) == 0 ):
self.vals.append( list() )
def reset(self):
self.sequences = []
self.vals[-1].append( sample )
def toString(self):
output = ""
for seq in self.vals:
for samp in seq:
output += "\t" + " ".join(samp )
output += "\n"
return output
def start_sequence(self):
def add_sample(self, sample):
raise NotImplementedError()
# Specilization for dense inputs
class DenseConverter(Converter):
def __init__(self, name, sampleDim):
Converter.__init__(self, name, sampleDim)
def headerBytes(self):
output = bytearray()
# First is the matrix type. Dense is type 0
output += struct.pack( "i", 0 )
# Next is the elem type, currently float only
output += struct.pack( "i", 0 )
# Finally is whether or not this is a sequence
output += struct.pack( "i", self.sampleDim )
return output
def get_matrix_type(self):
return MatrixEncodingType.DENSE;
def toBytes(self):
output = bytearray()
for sequence in self.vals:
if( len(sequence) != 1 ):
raise ValueError("Dense sequences currently not supported.")
def add_sample(self, sample):
if(len(sample) != self.sample_dim):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid sample dimension for input {0}".format(
for sample in sequence[0]:
output += struct.pack( "f", float(sample) )
byte_size = len(sample) * (4 if self.is_float() else 8)
return output
if(len(self.sequences) == 0):
byte_size += 4;
self.sequences[-1].append([float(x) for x in sample])
return byte_size
def write_data(self, output):
for sequence in self.sequences:
output.write(struct.pack('I', len(sequence)))
for sample in sequence:
self.write_floats(output, sample)
# Specialization for sparse inputs
class SparseConverter(Converter):
def __init__(self, name, sampleDim):
Converter.__init__(self, name, sampleDim)
def appendSample(self, sample):
for pair in sample:
index = int(pair.split(":")[0])
if (index >= self.sampleDim):
def add_sample(self, sample):
pairs = map(lambda x: (int(x[0]),float(x[1])),
[pair.split(':', 1) for pair in sample])
for pair in pairs:
index = pair[0]
if (index >= self.sample_dim):
raise ValueError("Invalid sample dimension for input {0}. Max {1}, given {2}"
.format(, self.sampleDim, index))
if( len(self.vals) == 0 ):
self.vals.append( list() )
.format(, self.sample_dim, index))
self.vals[-1].append( sample )
byte_size = len(pairs) * (8 if self.is_float() else 12) + 4
def headerBytes(self):
output = bytearray()
# First is the matrix type. Sparse is type 1
output += struct.pack( "i", 1 )
# Next is the storage type, currently sparse csc only
output += struct.pack( "i", 0 )
# Next is the elem type, currently float only
output += struct.pack( "i", 0 )
# Next is whether or not this is a sequence
# Note this is currently ignored
output += struct.pack( "i", 1 )
# Finally is the sample dimension
output += struct.pack( "i", self.sampleDim )
if(len(self.sequences) == 0):
byte_size += 8;
return output
def toBytes(self):
output = bytearray()
values = list()
rowInd = list()
colInd = [0]
nnz = 0
for sequence in self.vals:
i = 0
return byte_size
def get_matrix_type(self):
return MatrixEncodingType.SPARSE_CSC;
def write_data(self, output):
format = 'f' if self.is_float() else 'd'
for sequence in self.sequences:
# write out each sequence in csc format
values = []
indices = []
sizes = []
for sample in sequence:
# sort the indices least to greatest
sample.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split(":")[0]))
for ele in sample:
nnz += 1
ind, val = ele.split(":")
rowInd.append( int(ind) + i * self.sampleDim )
values.append( val )
i += 1
colInd.append( nnz )
sample.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
for (index, value) in sample:
output += struct.pack( "i", nnz )
output += b''.join( [ struct.pack( "f", float(val) ) for val in values ] )
output += b''.join( [ struct.pack( "i", int(ind) ) for ind in rowInd ] )
output += b''.join( [ struct.pack( "i", int(ind) ) for ind in colInd ] )
output.write(struct.pack('I', len(sequence))) #number of samples in this sequence
# nnz and indices have to be written out as signed ints, since
# this is the index type of the CNTK sparse matrix
output.write(struct.pack('i', len(values))) #total nnz count for this sequence
self.write_floats(output, values)
self.write_signed_ints(output, indices)
self.write_signed_ints(output, sizes)
return output
# Parse an entire sequence given an aliasToId map, and the converters
def ParseSequence( aliasToId, curSequence, converters ):
for des in converters:
for line in curSequence:
for input in line.split( "|" )[1:]:
vals = input.split()
# Process the entire sequence
def process_sequence(data, converters, chunk):
byte_size = 0;
for converter in converters.values():
for line in data:
for input_stream in line.split("|")[1:]:
split = input_stream.split(None, 1)
if (len(split) < 2):
(alias, values) = split
# We need to ignore comments
if( vals[0] != "#" ):
converters[aliasToId[vals[0]]].appendSample( vals[1:] )
return max( [ len(des.vals[ -1 ]) for des in converters ] )
if(len(alias) > 0 and alias[0] != '#'):
byte_size += converters[alias].add_sample(values.split())
sequence_length_samples = max([len(x.sequences[-1]) for x in converters.values()])
return byte_size
# Output a binary chunk
def OutputChunk( binfile, converters ):
startPos = binfile.tell()
for des in converters:
binfile.write( des.toBytes() )
return startPos
def write_chunk(binfile, converters, chunk):
chunk.offset = binfile.tell()
# write out the number of samples for each sequence in the chunk
binfile.write(b''.join([struct.pack('I', x) for x in chunk.sequences]))
# Get a converter from a type
def GetConverter( inputtype, name, sampleDim ):
converter = None
if( inputtype.lower() == 'dense' ):
converter = DenseConverter( name, sampleDim )
elif( inputtype.lower() == 'sparse' ):
converter = SparseConverter( name, sampleDim )
print('Invalid input format {0}'.format( inputtype ))
for converter in converters.values():
# TODO: add a hash of the chunk
return converter
def get_converter(input_type, name, sample_dim, element_type):
if(input_type.lower() == 'dense'):
return DenseConverter(name, sample_dim, element_type)
if(input_type.lower() == 'sparse'):
return SparseConverter(name, sample_dim, element_type)
# Output the binary format header.
def OutputHeader( headerFile, converters ):
# First the version number
headerFile.write( struct.pack( "q", 1 ) )
# Next is the number of chunks, but we don't know what this is, so write a
# placeholder
headerFile.write( struct.pack( "q", 0 ) )
# Finally the number of inputs
headerFile.write( struct.pack( "i", len(converters) ) )
for conv in converters:
# first comes the name. This is common so write it first
headerFile.write( struct.pack( "i", len( conv.getName() ) ) )
headerFile.write( conv.getName().encode('ascii') )
headerFile.write( conv.headerBytes() )
# At the end we know how many chunks there are. Update the header as needed.
def UpdateHeader( headerFile, numChunks ):
# seek after the first Int64
|||| 8 )
# Write the number of chunks
headerFile.write( struct.pack( "q", numChunks ) )
raise ValueError('Invalid input format {0}'.format(input_type))
# parse the header to get the converters for this file
# <name> <alias> <input format> <sample size>
def build_converters(header_file, element_type):
converters = OrderedDict();
with open(header_file, 'r') as inputs:
for line in inputs:
(name, alias, input_type, sample_dim) = line.strip().split()
converters[alias] = get_converter(input_type, name, int(sample_dim), element_type)
return converters
class Chunk:
def __init__(self):
self.offset = 0
self.sequences = []
def num_sequences(self):
return len(self.sequences)
def num_samples(self):
return sum(self.sequences)
def add_sequence(self, num_samples):
return self.sequences.append(num_samples)
class Header:
def __init__(self, converters):
self.converters = converters
self.chunks = []
def add_chunk(self, chunk):
assert(isinstance(chunk, Chunk))
# Output the binary format header.
def write(self, output_file):
header_offset = output_file.tell()
# First, write the magic number (uint64, 8 bytes)
output_file.write(struct.pack('Q', MAGIC_NUMBER));
# Next is the number of chunks (uint32, 4 bytes)
output_file.write(struct.pack('I', len(self.chunks)))
# Finally the number of input streams (uint32, 4 bytes)
output_file.write(struct.pack('I', len(self.converters)))
for converter in self.converters.values():
# write the chunk table
for chunk in self.chunks:
# uint64: start offset for chunk
output_file.write(struct.pack('q', chunk.offset))
# uint32: number of sequences in the chunk
output_file.write(struct.pack('I', chunk.num_sequences()))
# uint32: number of samples in the chunk
output_file.write(struct.pack('I', chunk.num_samples()))
output_file.write(struct.pack('q', header_offset));
# Output a single row of the offsets table
def OutputOffset( headerFile, numBytes, numSeqs, numSamples ):
# Int64 start offset for chunk
headerFile.write( struct.pack( "q", numBytes ) )
# Int32 Num sequences in the chunk
headerFile.write( struct.pack( "i", numSeqs ) )
# Int32 Num samples in the chunk
headerFile.write( struct.pack( "i", numSamples ) )
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Transforms a CNTK Text Format file into CNTK binary format given a header.")
parser.add_argument('--input', help="CNTK Text Format file to convert to binary.", default="", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--header', help="Header file describing each stream in the input.", default="", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--seqsPerChunk', type=int, help='Number of sequences in each chunk.', default="", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--output', help='Name of the output file, stdout if not given', default="", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--input', help="CNTK Text Format file to convert to binary.", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--header', help="Header file describing each stream in the input.", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--chunk_size', type=int, help='Chunk size in bytes.', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--output', help='Name of the output file, stdout if not given', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--precision', help='Floating point precision (double or float). Default is float',
choices=["float", "double"], default="float", required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
# Since we don't know how many chunks we're going to write until we're done,
# grow the header/offsets table and the data portion separately. then at the
# end concatenate the data portion onto the end of the header/offsets
# portion.
binaryHeaderFile = open( args.output, "wb+" )
binaryDataFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="rb+", delete=False)
dataPath =
output = open(args.output, "wb")
# The very first 8 bytes of the file is the CBF magic number.
output.write(struct.pack('Q', MAGIC_NUMBER));
# Next 4 bytes is the CBF version.
output.write(struct.pack('I', CBF_VERSION));
# parse the header to get the converters for this file
# <name> <alias> <input format> <sample size>
converters = []
aliasToId = dict()
with open( args.header, "r" ) as headerfile:
id = 0
for line in headerfile:
split = re.split(r'\t+', line.strip())
converters.append( GetConverter( split[ 2 ], split[ 0 ], int(split[3]) ) )
aliasToId[ split[ 1 ] ] = id
id += 1
converters = build_converters(args.header,
ElementType.FLOAT if args.precision == 'float' else ElementType.DOUBLE)
OutputHeader( binaryHeaderFile, converters )
numChunks = 0
with open( args.input, "r" ) as inputFile:
curSequence = list()
numSeqs = 0
numSamps = 0
prevId = None
for line in inputFile:
split = line.rstrip().split('|')
header = Header(converters)
chunk = Chunk()
with open(args.input, "r") as input_file:
sequence = []
seq_id = None
estimated_chunk_size = 0
for line in input_file:
(prefix, _) = line.rstrip().split('|',1)
# if the sequence id is empty or not equal to the previous sequence id,
# we are at a new sequence.
if( not split[0] or prevId != split[ 0 ] ):
if(len(curSequence) > 0):
numSamps += ParseSequence( aliasToId, curSequence, converters )
curSequence = list()
numSeqs += 1
if( numSeqs % int( args.seqsPerChunk ) == 0 ):
numBytes = OutputChunk( binaryDataFile, converters )
numChunks += 1
OutputOffset( binaryHeaderFile, numBytes, numSeqs, numSamps )
numSeqs = 0
numSamps = 0
prevId = split[ 0 ]
if((not seq_id and not prefix) or (len(prefix) > 0 and seq_id != prefix)):
if(len(sequence) > 0):
estimated_chunk_size += process_sequence(sequence, converters, chunk)
sequence = []
if(estimated_chunk_size >= int(args.chunk_size)):
write_chunk(output, converters, chunk)
chunk = Chunk()
seq_id = prefix
curSequence.append( line )
# we must parse the last line
if( len(curSequence) > 0 ):
numSamps += ParseSequence( aliasToId, curSequence, converters )
numSeqs += 1
numChunks += 1
if(len(sequence) > 0):
process_sequence(sequence, converters, chunk)
numBytes = OutputChunk( binaryDataFile, converters )
OutputOffset( binaryHeaderFile, numBytes, numSeqs, numSamps )
write_chunk(output, converters, chunk)
UpdateHeader( binaryHeaderFile, numChunks )
destination = open( args.output, 'ab+' )
shutil.copyfileobj( open( dataPath, "rb" ), destination )
assert not os.path.exists(dataPath)
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "BinaryChunkDeserializer.h"
#include "BinaryDataChunk.h"
#include "FileHelper.h"
@ -11,43 +13,52 @@
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
enum class DeserializerType : int32_t
enum class MatrixEncodingType : unsigned char
DenseBinaryDataDeserializer = 0,
SparseBinaryDataDeserializer = 1
dense = 0,
sparse_csc = 1,
// TODO: compressed_sparse_csc = 2, // indices are encoded as var-ints
void BinaryChunkDeserializer::ReadOffsetsTable(FILE* infile)
void BinaryChunkDeserializer::ReadChunkTable(FILE* infile)
ReadOffsetsTable(infile, 0, m_numChunks);
ReadChunkTable(infile, 0, m_numChunks);
void BinaryChunkDeserializer::ReadOffsetsTable(FILE* infile, size_t startOffset, size_t numChunks)
void BinaryChunkDeserializer::ReadChunkTable(FILE* infile, uint32_t firstChunkIdx, uint32_t numChunks)
assert((int64_t)(startOffset + numChunks) <= m_numChunks);
size_t startPos = startOffset * sizeof(DiskOffsetsTable) + m_offsetStart;
if (firstChunkIdx + numChunks > m_numChunks)
RuntimeError("Requested chunks (from %" PRIu32 " to %" PRIu32 ") are out of bounds "
"(the total number of chunks in the dataset is %" PRIu32 ").",
firstChunkIdx, (firstChunkIdx + numChunks - 1), m_numChunks);
// Seek to the offsets table start
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::seekOrDie(infile, startPos, SEEK_SET);
uint64_t firstChunkOffset = firstChunkIdx * sizeof(ChunkInfo) + m_chunkTableOffset;
// Seek to the start of the offset info for the first requested chunk
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::SeekOrDie(infile, firstChunkOffset, SEEK_SET);
// Note we create numChunks + 1 since we want to be consistent with determining the size of each chunk.
DiskOffsetsTable* offsetsTable = new DiskOffsetsTable[numChunks + 1];
ChunkInfo* chunks = new ChunkInfo[numChunks + 1];
// Read in all of the offsets for the chunks of interest
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(offsetsTable, sizeof(DiskOffsetsTable), numChunks, infile);
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::ReadOrDie(chunks, sizeof(ChunkInfo), numChunks, infile);
// Now read the final entry. It is either the next offset entry (if we're reading a subset and the
// entry exists), or we just fill it with the correct information based on file size if it doesn't
if ((int64_t)(startOffset + numChunks) == m_numChunks)
if (firstChunkIdx + numChunks == m_numChunks)
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::seekOrDie(infile, 0, SEEK_END);
offsetsTable[numChunks].offset = CNTKBinaryFileHelper::tellOrDie(infile) - m_dataStart;
offsetsTable[numChunks].numSamples = 0;
offsetsTable[numChunks].numSequences = 0;
auto position = CNTKBinaryFileHelper::TellOrDie(infile);
chunks[numChunks].offset = position;
chunks[numChunks].numSamples = 0;
chunks[numChunks].numSequences = 0;
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(offsetsTable + numChunks, sizeof(DiskOffsetsTable), 1, infile);
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::ReadOrDie(chunks + numChunks, sizeof(ChunkInfo), 1, infile);
m_offsetsTable = make_unique<OffsetsTable>(numChunks, offsetsTable);
m_chunkTable = make_unique<ChunkTable>(numChunks, chunks);
@ -56,7 +67,7 @@ BinaryChunkDeserializer::BinaryChunkDeserializer(const BinaryConfigHelper& helpe
Initialize(helper.GetRename(), helper.GetElementType());
@ -64,8 +75,8 @@ BinaryChunkDeserializer::BinaryChunkDeserializer(const std::wstring& filename) :
@ -73,103 +84,85 @@ BinaryChunkDeserializer::BinaryChunkDeserializer(const std::wstring& filename) :
if (m_file)
void BinaryChunkDeserializer::Initialize(const std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring>& rename)
void BinaryChunkDeserializer::Initialize(const std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring>& rename, ElementType precision)
if (m_file)
m_file = CNTKBinaryFileHelper::openOrDie(m_filename, L"rb");
m_file = CNTKBinaryFileHelper::OpenOrDie(m_filename, L"rb");
// We are now parsing the header. Seek to the head of the header to start.
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::seekOrDie(m_file, 0, SEEK_SET);
// First, verify the magic number.
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::FindMagicOrDie(m_file, m_filename);
// Second, read the version number of the data file, and (for now) make sure the reader version is the same.
uint32_t versionNumber = CNTKBinaryFileHelper::GetVersionNumber(m_file);
if (versionNumber != s_currentVersion)
LogicError("The reader version is %" PRIu32 ", but the data file was created for version %" PRIu32 ".",
s_currentVersion, versionNumber);
// First read the version number of the data file, and make sure the reader version is the same.
int64_t versionNumber;
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(&versionNumber, sizeof(versionNumber), 1, m_file);
if (versionNumber != m_versionNumber)
LogicError("The reader version is %d, but the data file was created for version %d.", (int)m_versionNumber, (int)versionNumber);
// Now, find where the header is.
m_headerOffset = CNTKBinaryFileHelper::GetHeaderOffset(m_file);
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::SeekOrDie(m_file, m_headerOffset, SEEK_SET);
// Once again, make sure that the header is well-formed and starts with a magic number.
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::FindMagicOrDie(m_file, m_filename);
// Next is the number of chunks in the input file.
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(&m_numChunks, sizeof(m_numChunks), 1, m_file);
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::ReadOrDie(&m_numChunks, sizeof(m_numChunks), 1, m_file);
// Next is the number of inputs
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(&m_numInputs, sizeof(m_numInputs), 1, m_file);
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::ReadOrDie(&m_numInputs, sizeof(m_numInputs), 1, m_file);
// Reserve space for all of the inputs, and then read them in.
int32_t len;
// 100 characters should be plenty by default, but grow if necessary.
vector<char> tempName(100);
for (int32_t c = 0; c < m_numInputs; c++)
for (decltype(m_numInputs) i = 0; i < m_numInputs; i++)
// Create our streamDescription for this input
auto streamDescription = std::make_shared<StreamDescription>();
MatrixEncodingType type;
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::ReadOrDie(&type, sizeof(type), 1, m_file);
if (type == MatrixEncodingType::dense)
m_deserializers[i] = make_shared<DenseBinaryDataDeserializer>(m_file, precision);
else if (type == MatrixEncodingType::sparse_csc)
m_deserializers[i] = make_shared<SparseBinaryDataDeserializer>(m_file, precision);
RuntimeError("Unknown encoding type %u requested.", type);
// read the name
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(&len, sizeof(len), 1, m_file);
// Need 1 extra char for the null.
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(, sizeof(char), len, m_file);
tempName[len] = '\0';
wstring wname = msra::strfun::utf16(;
auto description = m_deserializers[i]->GetStreamDescription();
description->m_id = i;
// Check if we should rename this input based on the config
if (rename.find(wname) == rename.end())
streamDescription->m_name = wname;
streamDescription->m_name =;
auto it = rename.find(description->m_name);
if (it != rename.end())
description->m_name = it->second;
// Read the matrix type. Then instantiate the appropriate BinaryDataDeserializer, and have it read in its parameters
// Note: Is there a better way to do this?
DeserializerType desType;
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(&desType, sizeof(desType), 1, m_file);
if (desType == DeserializerType::DenseBinaryDataDeserializer)
m_deserializers[c] = make_shared<DenseBinaryDataDeserializer>(m_file);
else if (desType == DeserializerType::SparseBinaryDataDeserializer)
m_deserializers[c] = make_shared<SparseBinaryDataDeserializer>(m_file);
RuntimeError("Unknown deserializer type %d requested.", (int)desType);
streamDescription->m_id = c;
streamDescription->m_elementType = m_deserializers[c]->GetElementType();
streamDescription->m_storageType = m_deserializers[c]->GetStorageType();
streamDescription->m_sampleLayout = m_deserializers[c]->GetSampleLayout();
m_streams[c] = streamDescription;
m_streams[i] = description;
// We just finished the header. So we're now at the offsets table.
m_offsetStart = CNTKBinaryFileHelper::tellOrDie(m_file);
// After the header is the data start. Compute that now.
m_dataStart = m_offsetStart + m_numChunks * sizeof(DiskOffsetsTable);
// We just finished the header. So we're now at the chunk table.
m_chunkTableOffset = CNTKBinaryFileHelper::TellOrDie(m_file);
// We only have to read in the offsets table once, so do that now.
// Note it's possible in distributed reading mode to only want to read
// a subset of the offsets table.
ChunkDescriptions BinaryChunkDeserializer::GetChunkDescriptions()
ChunkDescriptions result;
if (m_numChunks > CHUNKID_MAX)
RuntimeError("Currently CNTK does not support %d chunks. The maximum number of chunks allowed is %d.", (int)m_numChunks, (int)CHUNKID_MAX);
for (ChunkIdType c = 0; c < (ChunkIdType)m_numChunks; c++ )
for (ChunkIdType i = 0; i < m_numChunks; i++ )
new ChunkDescription {
new ChunkDescription{ i, m_chunkTable->GetNumSamples(i), m_chunkTable->GetNumSequences(i) }));
return result;
@ -178,33 +171,25 @@ ChunkDescriptions BinaryChunkDeserializer::GetChunkDescriptions()
void BinaryChunkDeserializer::GetSequencesForChunk(ChunkIdType chunkId, std::vector<SequenceDescription>& result)
// Reserve space for each sequence
// We don't store every piece of sequence information, so we have to read the chunk in, parse it, and then
// find the information.
// BUGBUG: Note this requires reading each chunk twice. This might not be hugely disadvantageous due to OS
// caching, but should be avoided none the less.
ChunkPtr chunk = GetChunk(chunkId);
auto offset = m_chunkTable->GetOffset(chunkId);
auto numberOfSequences = m_chunkTable->GetNumSequences(chunkId);
unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> numSamplesPerSequence(new uint32_t[numberOfSequences]);
size_t startId = m_offsetsTable->GetStartIndex(chunkId);
std::vector<SequenceDataPtr> temp;
for (size_t c = 0; c < m_offsetsTable->GetNumSequences(chunkId); c++)
// Seek to the start of the chunk
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::SeekOrDie(m_file, offset, SEEK_SET);
// read 'numberOfSequences' unsigned ints
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::ReadOrDie(numSamplesPerSequence.get(), sizeof(uint32_t), numberOfSequences, m_file);
auto startId = m_chunkTable->GetStartIndex(chunkId);
for (decltype(numberOfSequences) i = 0; i < numberOfSequences; i++)
// BUGBUG: This is inefficient, but we don't have a choice. Why do we need this at all? Why can't
// this information just be gotten from the chunks? It's not clear.
// Note numSamples is 1 if there are no sequences.
uint32_t numSamples = 1;
chunk->GetSequence(m_offsetsTable->GetStartIndex(chunkId) + c, temp);
// Only take the max over streams that are actually in use.
for (size_t i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++)
numSamples = max(numSamples, temp[i]->m_numberOfSamples);
SequenceDescription sd = {};
sd.m_indexInChunk = startId + c;
sd.m_numberOfSamples = numSamples;
sd.m_indexInChunk = i;
sd.m_numberOfSamples = numSamplesPerSequence[i];
sd.m_chunkId = chunkId;
sd.m_key.m_sequence = startId + c;
sd.m_key.m_sequence = startId + i;
sd.m_key.m_sample = 0;
@ -213,17 +198,18 @@ void BinaryChunkDeserializer::GetSequencesForChunk(ChunkIdType chunkId, std::vec
unique_ptr<byte[]> BinaryChunkDeserializer::ReadChunk(ChunkIdType chunkId)
// Seek to the start of the chunk
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::seekOrDie(m_file, m_dataStart + m_offsetsTable->GetOffset(chunkId), SEEK_SET);
// Seek to the start of the data portion in the chunk
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::SeekOrDie(m_file, m_chunkTable->GetDataStartOffset(chunkId), SEEK_SET);
// Determine how big the chunk is.
size_t chunkSize = m_offsetsTable->GetChunkSize(chunkId);
size_t chunkSize = m_chunkTable->GetChunkSize(chunkId);
// Create buffer
// TODO: use a pool of buffers instead of allocating a new one, each time a chunk is read.
unique_ptr<byte[]> buffer(new byte[chunkSize]);
// Read the chunk from disk
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(buffer.get(), sizeof(byte), chunkSize, m_file);
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::ReadOrDie(buffer.get(), sizeof(byte), chunkSize, m_file);
return buffer;
@ -232,9 +218,9 @@ unique_ptr<byte[]> BinaryChunkDeserializer::ReadChunk(ChunkIdType chunkId)
ChunkPtr BinaryChunkDeserializer::GetChunk(ChunkIdType chunkId)
// Read the chunk into memory
unique_ptr<byte[]> chunkBuffer = ReadChunk(chunkId);
unique_ptr<byte[]> buffer = ReadChunk(chunkId);
return make_shared<BinaryDataChunk>(chunkId, m_offsetsTable->GetStartIndex(chunkId), m_offsetsTable->GetNumSequences(chunkId), std::move(chunkBuffer), m_deserializers);
return make_shared<BinaryDataChunk>(chunkId, m_chunkTable->GetNumSequences(chunkId), std::move(buffer), m_deserializers);
void BinaryChunkDeserializer::SetTraceLevel(unsigned int traceLevel)
@ -13,55 +13,78 @@
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// Offsets table used to find the chunks in the binary file. Added some helper methods around the core data.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct DiskOffsetsTable
// Chunk meta-info: byte offset in the inputfile, number of sequences and samples in the chunk.
struct ChunkInfo
int64_t offset;
int32_t numSequences;
int32_t numSamples;
uint32_t numSequences;
uint32_t numSamples;
#pragma pack(pop)
// Offsets table used to find the chunks in the binary file. Added some helper methods around the core data.
class OffsetsTable {
// Chunk table used to find the chunks in the binary file. Added some helper methods around the core data.
class ChunkTable {
OffsetsTable(size_t numChunks, DiskOffsetsTable* offsetsTable) : m_numChunks(numChunks)
ChunkTable(uint32_t numChunks, ChunkInfo* offsetsTable) :
m_diskOffsetsTable = make_unique<DiskOffsetsTable*>(offsetsTable);
uint64_t numSequences = 0;
for (decltype(m_numChunks) i = 0; i < m_numChunks; i++)
m_startIndex[i] = numSequences;
numSequences += m_diskOffsetsTable[i].numSequences;
int64_t GetOffset(size_t index) { return (*m_diskOffsetsTable)[index].offset; }
int32_t GetNumSequences(size_t index) { return (*m_diskOffsetsTable)[index].numSequences; }
int32_t GetNumSamples(size_t index) { return (*m_diskOffsetsTable)[index].numSamples; }
int64_t GetStartIndex(size_t index) { return m_startIndex[index]; }
size_t GetChunkSize(size_t index) { return (*m_diskOffsetsTable)[index + 1].offset - (*m_diskOffsetsTable)[index].offset; }
int64_t GetOffset(uint32_t index)
return m_diskOffsetsTable[index].offset;
void Initialize()
int64_t GetDataStartOffset(uint32_t index)
m_startIndex[0] = 0;
for (int64_t c = 1; c < m_numChunks; c++)
m_startIndex[c] = m_startIndex[c-1] + (*m_diskOffsetsTable)[c].numSequences;
auto sequenceLengthPrefix = GetNumSequences(index) * sizeof(uint32_t);
return GetOffset(index) + sequenceLengthPrefix;
uint32_t GetNumSequences(uint32_t index)
return m_diskOffsetsTable[index].numSequences;
uint32_t GetNumSamples(uint32_t index)
return m_diskOffsetsTable[index].numSamples;
int64_t GetStartIndex(uint32_t index)
uint64_t GetChunkSize(uint32_t index)
auto dataStartOffset = GetDataStartOffset(index);
auto dataEndOffset = GetOffset(index + 1);
return dataEndOffset - dataStartOffset;
int64_t m_numChunks;
unique_ptr<DiskOffsetsTable*> m_diskOffsetsTable;
vector<size_t> m_startIndex;
uint32_t m_numChunks;
unique_ptr<ChunkInfo[]> m_diskOffsetsTable;
vector<uint64_t> m_startIndex;
typedef unique_ptr<OffsetsTable> OffsetsTablePtr;
typedef unique_ptr<ChunkTable> ChunkTablePtr;
// TODO: more details when tracing warnings
class BinaryChunkDeserializer : public DataDeserializerBase {
explicit BinaryChunkDeserializer(const BinaryConfigHelper& helper);
BinaryChunkDeserializer(CorpusDescriptorPtr corpus, const BinaryConfigHelper& helper);
BinaryChunkDeserializer(CorpusDescriptorPtr corpus, const BinaryConfigHelper& helper) = delete;
@ -74,16 +97,13 @@ public:
// Get information about particular chunk.
void GetSequencesForChunk(ChunkIdType chunkId, vector<SequenceDescription>& result) override;
// Parses buffer into a BinaryChunkPtr
void ParseChunk(ChunkIdType chunkId, unique_ptr<byte[]> const& buffer, std::vector<std::vector<SequenceDataPtr>>& data);
// Builds an index of the input data.
void Initialize(const std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring>& rename);
void Initialize(const std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring>& rename, ElementType precision);
// Reads the offsets table from disk into memory
void ReadOffsetsTable(FILE* infile, size_t startOffset, size_t numChunks);
void ReadOffsetsTable(FILE* infile);
// Reads the chunk table from disk into memory
void ReadChunkTable(FILE* infile, uint32_t firstChunkIdx, uint32_t numChunks);
void ReadChunkTable(FILE* infile);
// Reads a chunk from disk into buffer
unique_ptr<byte[]> ReadChunk(ChunkIdType chunkId);
@ -96,22 +116,23 @@ private:
const wstring m_filename;
FILE* m_file;
int64_t m_offsetStart;
int64_t m_dataStart;
int64_t m_headerOffset, m_chunkTableOffset;
std::vector<BinaryDataDeserializerPtr> m_deserializers;
OffsetsTablePtr m_offsetsTable;
ChunkTablePtr m_chunkTable;
void* m_chunkBuffer;
int64_t m_versionNumber = 1;
int64_t m_numChunks;
int32_t m_numInputs;
uint32_t m_numChunks;
uint32_t m_numInputs;
unsigned int m_traceLevel;
static const uint32_t s_currentVersion = 1;
friend class CNTKBinaryReaderTestRunner;
@ -48,6 +48,20 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
string precision = config.Find("precision", "float");
if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, "double"))
m_elementType = ElementType::tdouble;
else if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, "float"))
m_elementType = ElementType::tfloat;
RuntimeError("Not supported precision '%s'. Expected 'double' or 'float'.", precision.c_str());
m_filepath = msra::strfun::utf16(config(L"file"));
m_keepDataInMemory = config(L"keepDataInMemory", false);
@ -34,11 +34,14 @@ public:
bool ShouldKeepDataInMemory() const { return m_keepDataInMemory; }
ElementType GetElementType() const { return m_elementType; }
std::wstring m_filepath;
std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> m_streams;
ElementType m_elementType;
size_t m_randomizationWindow;
// Specifies how to interpret randomization window, if true randomization window == number of samples, else
// randomization window = number of chunks (default).
@ -15,30 +15,37 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
class BinaryDataChunk : public Chunk, public std::enable_shared_from_this<Chunk>
explicit BinaryDataChunk(ChunkIdType chunkId, size_t startSequence, size_t numSequences, unique_ptr<byte[]> buffer, std::vector<BinaryDataDeserializerPtr> deserializer)
: m_chunkId(chunkId), m_startSequence(startSequence), m_numSequences(numSequences), m_buffer(std::move(buffer)), m_deserializers(deserializer)
explicit BinaryDataChunk(ChunkIdType chunkId,
size_t numSequences,
unique_ptr<byte[]> buffer,
std::vector<BinaryDataDeserializerPtr> deserializer)
: m_chunkId(chunkId),
{ }
// Gets sequences by id.
void GetSequence(size_t sequenceId, std::vector<SequenceDataPtr>& result) override
// Gets a sequence using its index inside the chunk.
void GetSequence(size_t sequenceIdx, std::vector<SequenceDataPtr>& result) override
// Check if we've already parsed the chunk. If not, parse it.
if (m_data.size() == 0)
assert(m_data.size() != 0);
// resize the output to have the same dimensionality
// now copy the decoded sequences
for (size_t c = 0; c < m_data.size(); c++)
result[c] = m_data[c].at(sequenceId - m_startSequence);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_data.size(); i++)
result[i] = m_data[i].at(sequenceIdx);
uint32_t GetNumSamples(size_t sequenceId)
uint32_t GetNumSamples(size_t sequenceIdx)
uint32_t numSamples = 0;
for (size_t c = 0; c < m_data.size(); c++)
numSamples = max(numSamples, m_data[c].at(sequenceId)->m_numberOfSamples);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_data.size(); i++)
numSamples = max(numSamples, m_data[i].at(sequenceIdx)->m_numberOfSamples);
return numSamples;
@ -50,15 +57,13 @@ protected:
// the number of bytes of buffer that have been processed by the deserializer so far
size_t bytesProcessed = 0;
// Now call all of the deserializers on the chunk, in order
for (size_t c = 0; c < m_deserializers.size(); c++)
bytesProcessed += m_deserializers[c]->GetSequenceDataForChunk(m_numSequences, (byte*)m_buffer.get() + bytesProcessed, m_data[c]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_deserializers.size(); i++)
bytesProcessed += m_deserializers[i]->GetSequenceDataForChunk(m_numSequences, m_buffer.get() + bytesProcessed, m_data[i]);
// chunk id (copied from the descriptor)
ChunkIdType m_chunkId;
// start id for sequences in this chunk.
size_t m_startSequence;
// num sequences in this chunk. Note this should be in the chunk, but for simplicity it is in the offsets table
// so we must tell the chunk where it starts.
size_t m_numSequences;
@ -14,40 +14,102 @@
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
class BinaryDataDeserialzer {
class BinaryDataDeserialzer
BinaryDataDeserialzer(FILE* file, ElementType precision = ElementType::tfloat)
if (precision != ElementType::tfloat && precision != ElementType::tdouble)
LogicError("Unsupported precision type %u.", precision);
if ((m_dataType == DataType::tfloat && precision != ElementType::tfloat) ||
(m_dataType == DataType::tdouble && precision != ElementType::tdouble))
LogicError("Unsupported combination of the input data type %u and precision %u. "
"At the moment, both have to match.", m_dataType, precision);
m_precision = precision;
virtual size_t GetSequenceDataForChunk(size_t numSequences, void* data, std::vector<SequenceDataPtr>& result) = 0;
StorageType GetStorageType() { return m_storageType; }
ElementType GetElementType() { return m_elemType; }
TensorShapePtr GetSampleLayout() { return make_shared<TensorShape>(m_numCols); }
virtual bool IsSequence() { return false; }
virtual StorageType GetStorageType() = 0;
size_t GetElemSizeBytes()
StreamDescriptionPtr GetStreamDescription()
if (m_elemType == ElementType::tfloat)
auto streamDescription = std::make_shared<StreamDescription>();
streamDescription->m_elementType = m_precision;
streamDescription->m_storageType = GetStorageType();
streamDescription->m_sampleLayout = GetSampleLayout();
streamDescription->m_name = m_name;
return streamDescription;
TensorShapePtr GetSampleLayout()
return make_shared<TensorShape>(m_sampleDimension);
size_t SizeOfDataType()
if (m_dataType == DataType::tfloat)
return sizeof(float);
else if (m_elemType == ElementType::tdouble)
if (m_dataType == DataType::tdouble)
return sizeof(double);
LogicError("Error, elemtype is not defined for BinaryDataDeserializer.");
LogicError("Unsupported input data type %u.", m_dataType);
enum class DataType : unsigned char
tfloat = 0,
tdouble = 1,
// TODO:
// tbool = 2, 1 bit per value (one-hot data)
// tbyte = 3, 1 byte per value
virtual ~BinaryDataDeserialzer() = default;
void ReadName(FILE* file)
uint32_t len;
// read the name
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::ReadOrDie(&len, sizeof(len), 1, file);
vector<char> temp(len + 1 , '\0');
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::ReadOrDie(, sizeof(char), len, file);
m_name = msra::strfun::utf16(;
void ReadDataType(FILE* file)
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::ReadOrDie(&m_dataType, sizeof(m_dataType), 1, file);
if (m_dataType> DataType::tdouble)
RuntimeError("Unsupported input data type %u.", m_dataType);
void ReadSampleSize(FILE* file)
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::ReadOrDie(&m_sampleDimension, sizeof(m_sampleDimension), 1, file);
struct DenseInputStreamBuffer : DenseSequenceData
// capacity = expected number of samples * sample size
const void* GetDataBuffer() override
return m_data;
void* m_data;
DataType m_dataType;
// In case of sparse input, we also need a vector of
// indices (one index for each input value) and a vector
// of NNZ counts (one for each sample).
struct SparseInputStreamBuffer : SparseSequenceData
@ -60,16 +122,13 @@ protected:
return m_data;
std::vector<IndexType> m_indicesBuffer;
void* m_data;
StorageType m_storageType;
ElementType m_elemType;
size_t m_numCols;
ElementType m_precision;
DataType m_dataType;
uint32_t m_sampleDimension;
wstring m_name;
typedef shared_ptr<BinaryDataDeserialzer> BinaryDataDeserializerPtr;
@ -77,156 +136,108 @@ typedef shared_ptr<BinaryDataDeserialzer> BinaryDataDeserializerPtr;
class DenseBinaryDataDeserializer : public BinaryDataDeserialzer
DenseBinaryDataDeserializer(FILE* infile)
// We don't have to read the storage type. We know we're dense
m_storageType = StorageType::dense;
using BinaryDataDeserialzer::BinaryDataDeserialzer;
// Read the element type, note it's stored as an int32
int32_t elemType;
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(&elemType, sizeof(elemType), 1, infile);
if (elemType == 0)
m_elemType = ElementType::tfloat;
else if (elemType == 1)
m_elemType = ElementType::tdouble;
RuntimeError("Unsupported element type %d.", elemType);
// Read the number of columns
int32_t numCols;
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(&numCols, sizeof(numCols), 1, infile);
m_numCols = numCols;
virtual StorageType GetStorageType() override { return StorageType::dense; }
size_t GetSequenceDataForChunk(size_t numSequences, void* data, std::vector<SequenceDataPtr>& result)
size_t elemSize = GetElemSizeBytes();
size_t valueSize = SizeOfDataType();
for (size_t c = 0; c < numSequences; c++)
size_t offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numSequences; i++)
shared_ptr<DenseInputStreamBuffer> sequence = make_shared<DenseInputStreamBuffer>();
sequence->m_data = (char*)data + c*m_numCols*elemSize;
sequence->m_numberOfSamples = 1;
sequence->m_sampleLayout = std::make_shared<TensorShape>(m_numCols);
result[c] = sequence;
shared_ptr<DenseInputStreamBuffer> sequenceDataPtr = make_shared<DenseInputStreamBuffer>();
sequenceDataPtr->m_numberOfSamples = *(uint32_t*)((char*)data + offset);
offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
sequenceDataPtr->m_data = (char*)data + offset;
sequenceDataPtr->m_sampleLayout = GetSampleLayout();
sequenceDataPtr->m_elementType = m_precision;
result[i] = sequenceDataPtr;
offset += m_sampleDimension * valueSize * sequenceDataPtr->m_numberOfSamples;
// For dense, the number of bytes processed is just numRows * numCols * elemSize;
return numSequences * m_numCols * elemSize;
return offset;
class SparseBinaryDataDeserializer : public BinaryDataDeserialzer
SparseBinaryDataDeserializer(FILE* infile)
SparseBinaryDataDeserializer(FILE* file, ElementType precision = ElementType::tfloat)
:BinaryDataDeserialzer(file, precision)
// Read the storage type. Currently we only support sparse_csc,
// but for future compatability allow it to be a parameter.
int32_t storageType;
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(&storageType, sizeof(storageType), 1, infile);
if (storageType == 0)
m_storageType = StorageType::sparse_csc;
RuntimeError("Unsupported storage type %d.", storageType);
// Read the element type, note it's stored as an int32
int32_t elemType;
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(&elemType, sizeof(elemType), 1, infile);
if (elemType== 0)
m_elemType = ElementType::tfloat;
else if (elemType == 1)
m_elemType = ElementType::tdouble;
RuntimeError("Unsupported element type %d.", elemType);
int32_t isSequence;
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(&isSequence, sizeof(isSequence), 1, infile);
if (isSequence == 0)
m_isSequence = false;
else if (isSequence == 1)
m_isSequence = true;
RuntimeError("Unsupported sequence type %d.", isSequence);
// Read the number of columns
int32_t numCols;
CNTKBinaryFileHelper::readOrDie(&numCols, sizeof(numCols), 1, infile);
m_numCols = numCols;
if (IndexType(m_sampleDimension) < 0)
RuntimeError("Sample dimension is too large for an IndexType value.");
bool IsSequence() override { return m_isSequence; }
virtual StorageType GetStorageType() override { return StorageType::sparse_csc; }
// The format of data is:
// int32_t: nnz for the entire chunk
// ElemType[nnz]: the values for the sparse sequences
// int32_t[nnz]: the row offsets for the sparse sequences
// int32_t[numSequences]: the column offsets for the sparse sequences
// sequence[numSequences], where each sequence consists of:
// uint32_t: numSamples
// uint32_t: nnz for the sequence
// ElemType[nnz]: the values for the sparse sequences
// int32_t[nnz]: the row offsets for the sparse sequences
// int32_t[numSamples]: sizes (nnz counts) for each sample in the sequence
size_t GetSequenceDataForChunk(size_t numSequences, void* data, std::vector<SequenceDataPtr>& result)
size_t elemSize = GetElemSizeBytes();
size_t offset = 0;
// For sparse, the first int32_t is the number of nnz values in the entire set of sequences
int32_t totalNNz = *(int32_t*)data;
// the rest of this chunk
// Since we're not templating on ElemType, we use void for the values. Note that this is the only place
// this deserializer uses ElemType, the rest are int32_t for this deserializer.
void* values = (char*)data + sizeof(int32_t);
// Now the row offsets
int32_t* rowOffsets = (int32_t*)((char*)values + elemSize * totalNNz);
// Now the col offsets
int32_t* colOffsets = rowOffsets + totalNNz;
// Now we setup some helper members to process the chunk
for (size_t colIndex = 0; colIndex < numSequences; colIndex++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < numSequences; i++)
shared_ptr<SparseInputStreamBuffer> sequence = make_shared<SparseInputStreamBuffer>();
// We can't popuplate sequence->m_chunk here, so delay that for later
// We know the number of elements in all of the samples, it's just this:
sequence->m_totalNnzCount = colOffsets[colIndex + 1] - colOffsets[colIndex];
// The values array is already properly packed, so just use it.
sequence->m_data = values;
// The indices are correct (note they MUST BE IN INCREASING ORDER), but we will have to fix them up a
// little bit, for now just use them
sequence->m_indices = rowOffsets;
for (int32_t curRow = 0; curRow < sequence->m_totalNnzCount; curRow++)
// Get the sample for the current index
size_t sampleNum = rowOffsets[curRow] / m_numCols;
// The current sample might be OOB, if so, fill in the the missing ones.
while(sequence->m_nnzCounts.size() < sampleNum+1)
// Now that we have enough samples, increment the nnz for the sample
sequence->m_nnzCounts[sampleNum] += 1;
// Now that we've found it's sample, fix up the index.
rowOffsets[curRow] %= m_numCols;
sequence->m_numberOfSamples = (uint32_t)sequence->m_nnzCounts.size();
// update values, rowOffsets pointers
values = (char*)values + sequence->m_totalNnzCount * elemSize;
rowOffsets += sequence->m_totalNnzCount;
result[colIndex] = sequence;
shared_ptr<SparseInputStreamBuffer> sequenceDataPtr = make_shared<SparseInputStreamBuffer>();
offset += GetSequenceData((char*)data + offset, sequenceDataPtr);
sequenceDataPtr->m_sampleLayout = GetSampleLayout();
sequenceDataPtr->m_elementType = m_precision;
result[i] = sequenceDataPtr;
// For sparse, we compute how many bytes we processed
// From the header to this function, we see that is:
// sizeof(int32_t) + totalNNz * sizeof(ElemType) + totalNNz * sizeof(int32_t) + numSequences * sizeof(int32_t)
return sizeof(int32_t) + totalNNz * (elemSize + sizeof(int32_t)) + (numSequences + 1) * sizeof(int32_t);
return offset;
bool m_isSequence;
size_t GetSequenceData(void* data, shared_ptr<SparseInputStreamBuffer>& sequence)
size_t valueSize = SizeOfDataType();
size_t offset = 0;
// The very first value in the buffer is the number of samples in this sequence.
sequence->m_numberOfSamples = *(uint32_t*)data;
offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
// Next is the total number of elements in all of the samples.
uint32_t nnz = *(uint32_t*)((char*)data + offset);
if (IndexType(nnz) < 0)
RuntimeError("NNZ count is too large for an IndexType value.");
sequence->m_totalNnzCount = nnz;
offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
// the rest of this sequence
// Since we're not templating on ElemType, we use void for the values. Note that this is the only place
// this deserializer uses ElemType, the rest are int32_t for this deserializer.
// The data is already properly packed, so just use it.
sequence->m_data = (char*)data + offset;
offset += valueSize * sequence->m_totalNnzCount;
// The indices are supposed to be correctly packed (i.e., in increasing order)
sequence->m_indices = (int32_t*)((char*)data + offset);
offset += sizeof(int32_t) * sequence->m_totalNnzCount;
int32_t* begin = (int32_t*)((char*)data + offset);
offset += sizeof(int32_t) * sequence->m_numberOfSamples;
int32_t* end = (int32_t*)((char*)data + offset);
sequence->m_nnzCounts.assign(begin, end);
return offset;
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ CNTKBinaryReader::CNTKBinaryReader(const ConfigParameters& config)
BinaryConfigHelper configHelper(config);
string log;
log += "Initializing CNTKBinaryReader";
std::stringstream log;
log << "Initializing CNTKBinaryReader";
m_deserializer = shared_ptr<IDataDeserializer>(new BinaryChunkDeserializer(configHelper));
@ -32,14 +32,16 @@ CNTKBinaryReader::CNTKBinaryReader(const ConfigParameters& config)
if (configHelper.ShouldKeepDataInMemory())
m_deserializer = shared_ptr<IDataDeserializer>(new ChunkCache(m_deserializer));
log += " | keeping data in memory";
log << " | keeping data in memory";
size_t window = configHelper.GetRandomizationWindow();
if (window > 0)
// Verbosity is a general config parameter, not specific to the binary format reader.
log += " | randomizing with window: " + (int)window;
log << " | randomizing with window: "
<< window
<< configHelper.UseSampleBasedRandomizationWindow() ? " samples" : " chunks";
int verbosity = config(L"verbosity", 0);
m_sequenceEnumerator = make_shared<BlockRandomizer>(
verbosity, /* verbosity */
@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ CNTKBinaryReader::CNTKBinaryReader(const ConfigParameters& config)
log += " | without randomization";
log << " | without randomization";
m_sequenceEnumerator = std::make_shared<NoRandomizer>(m_deserializer);
@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ CNTKBinaryReader::CNTKBinaryReader(const ConfigParameters& config)
RuntimeError("CNTKBinaryReader: While reading '%ls': %s", configHelper.GetFilePath().c_str(), e.what());
if (configHelper.GetTraceLevel() > 2)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", log.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", log.str().c_str());
} } }
@ -34,6 +34,31 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
class CNTKBinaryFileHelper
static const uint64_t MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x636e746b5f62696eU;
static void FindMagicOrDie(FILE* f, wstring name) {
// Read the magic number and make sure we're given a proper CBF file.
uint64_t number;
ReadOrDie(&number, sizeof(number), 1, f);
if (number != MAGIC_NUMBER)
RuntimeError("The input (%S) is not a valid CNTK binary format file.",
static uint32_t GetVersionNumber(FILE* f) {
uint32_t versionNumber;
ReadOrDie(&versionNumber, sizeof(versionNumber), 1, f);
return versionNumber;
static int64_t GetHeaderOffset(FILE* f) {
// Seek to the end of file -8 bytes to find the offset of the header.
SeekOrDie(f, -int64_t(sizeof(int64_t)), SEEK_END);
int64_t headerOffset;
ReadOrDie(&headerOffset, sizeof(headerOffset), 1, f);
return headerOffset;
static FILE* openOrDie(const string& pathname, const char* mode)
FILE* f = fopen(pathname.c_str(), mode);
@ -42,7 +67,7 @@ public:
return f;
static FILE* openOrDie(const wstring& pathname, const wchar_t* mode)
static FILE* OpenOrDie(const wstring& pathname, const wchar_t* mode)
FILE* f = _wfopen(pathname.c_str(), mode);
if (!f)
@ -50,14 +75,14 @@ public:
return f;
static void closeOrDie(FILE* f)
static void CloseOrDie(FILE* f)
int rc = fclose(f);
if (rc != 0)
RuntimeError("Error closing: %s.", strerror(errno));
static void seekOrDie(FILE* f, int64_t offset, int mode)
static void SeekOrDie(FILE* f, int64_t offset, int mode)
int rc;
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
@ -69,7 +94,7 @@ public:
RuntimeError("Error seeking: %s.", strerror(errno));
static int64_t tellOrDie(FILE* f)
static int64_t TellOrDie(FILE* f)
size_t rc;
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
@ -82,7 +107,7 @@ public:
return rc;
static void readOrDie(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE* f)
static void ReadOrDie(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE* f)
size_t rc;
rc = fread(ptr, size, count, f);
@ -1431,16 +1431,22 @@ Test module "ReaderTests" has passed with:
95 test cases out of 95 passed
16971350 assertions out of 16971350 passed
Test case "ReaderTestSuite/CNTKBinaryReader_sparse_seq" has passed with:
1 assertion out of 1 passed
Test case "ReaderTestSuite/CNTKBinaryReader_Simple_sparse" has passed with:
1 assertion out of 1 passed
Test case "ReaderTestSuite/CNTKBinaryReader_Simple_dense" has passed with:
1 assertion out of 1 passed
Test case "ReaderTestSuite/CNTKBinaryReader_Simple_dense2" has passed with:
Test case "ReaderTestSuite/CNTKBinaryReader_MNIST_dense" has passed with:
1 assertion out of 1 passed
Test case "ReaderTestSuite/CNTKBinaryReader_10x10_dense" has passed with:
1 assertion out of 1 passed
Test case "ReaderTestSuite/CNTKBinaryReader_50x20_jagged_sequences_dense" has passed with:
1 assertion out of 1 passed
Test case "ReaderTestSuite/CNTKBinaryReader_10x10_sparse" has passed with:
1 assertion out of 1 passed
Test case "ReaderTestSuite/CNTKBinaryReader_50x20_jagged_sequences_sparse" has passed with:
1 assertion out of 1 passed
Test case "ReaderTestSuite/CNTKTextFormatReader_Simple_dense" has passed with:
@ -9,9 +9,7 @@
using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK;
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
namespace Test {
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK { namespace Test {
struct CNTKBinaryReaderFixture : ReaderFixture
@ -23,75 +21,116 @@ struct CNTKBinaryReaderFixture : ReaderFixture
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(ReaderTestSuite, CNTKBinaryReaderFixture)
testDataPath() + "/Config/CNTKBinaryReader/test.cntk",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/Simple_sparse_seq.txt",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/Simple_sparse_seq_Output.txt",
1500, // epoch size
250, // mb size
1, // num epochs
1, true, false, false);
testDataPath() + "/Config/CNTKBinaryReader/test.cntk",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/Simple_sparse.txt",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/Simple_sparse_Output.txt",
1600, // epoch size
250, // mb size
1, // num epochs
1, true, false, false);
testDataPath() + "/Config/CNTKBinaryReader/test.cntk",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/Simple_dense.txt",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKTextFormatReader/Simple_dense.txt",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/Simple_dense_Output.txt",
1600, // epoch size
1000, // epoch size
250, // mb size
1, // num epochs
10, // num epochs
1, false, false, false);
testDataPath() + "/Config/CNTKBinaryReader/test.cntk",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKTextFormatReader/MNIST_dense.txt",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/MNIST_dense_Output.txt",
1000, // epoch size
1000, // mb size
1, // num epochs
// 10 sequences with 10 samples each (no randomization)
testDataPath() + "/Config/CNTKBinaryReader/test.cntk",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/Simple_dense_312.txt",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/Simple_dense_312_Output.txt",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKTextFormatReader/10x10_dense.txt",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/10x10_dense_Output.txt",
1600, // epoch size
312, // mb size
1, // num epochs
100, // epoch size
100, // mb size
1, // num epochs
0, // no labels
1, false, false, false);
// 50 sequences with up to 20 samples each (508 samples in total)
testDataPath() + "/Config/CNTKBinaryReader/test.cntk",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKTextFormatReader/50x20_jagged_sequences_dense.txt",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/50x20_jagged_sequences_dense_Output.txt",
508, // epoch size
508, // mb size
1, // num epochs
// 10 sequences with 10 samples each (no randomization)
testDataPath() + "/Config/CNTKBinaryReader/test.cntk",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKTextFormatReader/10x10_sparse.txt",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/10x10_sparse_Output.txt",
100, // epoch size
100, // mb size
1, // num epochs
0, // no labels
// 50 sequences with up to 20 samples each (536 samples in total)
testDataPath() + "/Config/CNTKBinaryReader/test.cntk",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKTextFormatReader/50x20_jagged_sequences_sparse.txt",
testDataPath() + "/Control/CNTKBinaryReader/50x20_jagged_sequences_sparse_Output.txt",
564, // epoch size
564, // mb size
1, // num epochs
} } } }
@ -51,31 +51,6 @@ public:
namespace Test {
// identical to 'sort -o filename filename'
void SortLinesInFile(string filename, size_t expectedNumLines = 1)
vector<string> content;
ifstream ifstream(filename);
string line;
while (getline(ifstream, line))
sort(content.begin(), content.end());
ofstream ofstream(filename);
copy(content.begin(), content.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(ofstream, "\n"));
struct CNTKTextFormatReaderFixture : ReaderFixture
@ -13,6 +13,30 @@ namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK { namespace Test {
const double relError = 1e-5f;
// identical to 'sort -o filename filename'
inline void SortLinesInFile(string filename, size_t expectedNumLines = 1)
vector<string> content;
ifstream ifstream(filename);
string line;
while (getline(ifstream, line))
sort(content.begin(), content.end());
ofstream ofstream(filename);
copy(content.begin(), content.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(ofstream, "\n"));
struct ReaderFixture
// This fixture sets up paths so the tests can assume the right location for finding the configuration
@ -1,50 +1,91 @@
# deviceId = -1 for CPU, >= 0 for GPU devices
deviceId = -1
SparseSeq = [
precision = "float"
reader = [
readerType = "CNTKBinaryReader"
file = "sparseseqoutput.bin"
input = [
features1 = [ alias="a" ]
features2 = [ alias="b" ]
labels1 = [ alias="c" ]
labels2 = [ alias="d" ]
randomize = false
Sparse = [
precision = "float"
reader = [
readerType = "CNTKBinaryReader"
file = "sparseoutput.bin"
input = [
features1 = [ alias="a" ]
features2 = [ alias="b" ]
labels1 = [ alias="c" ]
labels2 = [ alias="d" ]
randomize = false
Simple = [
precision = "float"
reader = [
readerType = "CNTKBinaryReader"
file = "simple.bin"
file = "Simple_dense.bin"
randomize = false
precision = "double"
reader = [
readerType = "CNTKBinaryReader"
file = "MNIST_dense.bin" # contains half a dozen chunks with ca. 400 KB in each
randomize = false
keepDataInMemory = true
10x10_dense = [
precision = "float"
reader = [
readerType = "CNTKBinaryReader"
# Training file contains ten sequence with ten samples each
file = "10x10_dense.bin"
randomize = false
50x20_jagged_sequences_dense = [
precision = "double"
reader = [
readerType = "CNTKBinaryReader"
# Training file contains 50 sequence with *up to* 20 samples each
file = "50x20_jagged_sequences_dense.bin"
randomize = false
10x10_sparse = [
precision = "double"
reader = [
readerType = "CNTKBinaryReader"
# Training file contains ten sequences with ten samples each
file = "10x10_sparse.bin"
randomize = false
50x20_jagged_sequences_sparse = [
precision = "float"
reader = [
readerType = "CNTKBinaryReader"
# Training file contains 50 sequence with *up to* 20 samples each
file = "50x20_jagged_sequences_sparse.bin"
randomize = false
100x100x3_randomize_auto = [
precision = "double"
reader = [
readerType = "CNTKBinaryReader"
# Training file contains 100 sequence with *up to* 100 samples
# in each of 3 inputs.
file = "100x100x3_jagged_sequences_dense.bin"
randomize = true
5_inputs_100x10_jagged_mixed = [
precision = "float"
reader = [
readerType = "CNTKBinaryReader"
# Training file contains 100 sequence with *up to* 100 samples
# in each of 3 inputs.
file = "5_inputs_100x10_jagged_mixed.bin"
input = [
features1 = [ alias="a" ]
features2 = [ alias="b" ]
features3 = [ alias="c" ]
features4 = [ alias="d" ]
features5 = [ alias="e" ]
randomize = false
Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
Загрузить разницу
Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
Загрузить разницу
Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
Загрузить разницу
Двоичные данные
Normal file
Двоичные данные
Normal file
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичные данные
Normal file
Двоичные данные
Normal file
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичные данные
Normal file
Двоичные данные
Normal file
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичные данные
Двоичные данные
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
@ -143,6 +143,10 @@
<Text Include="Config\HTKMLFReaderSimpleDataLoop9_Config.cntk" />
<Text Include="Config\ImageReaderSimple_Config.cntk" />
<Text Include="Config\UCIFastReaderSimpleDataLoop_Config.cntk" />
<Text Include="Control\CNTKBinaryReader\Simple_dense.txt" />
<Text Include="Control\CNTKBinaryReader\Simple_dense_312.txt" />
<Text Include="Control\CNTKBinaryReader\Simple_sparse.txt" />
<Text Include="Control\CNTKBinaryReader\Simple_sparse_seq.txt" />
<Text Include="Control\CNTKTextFormatReader\100x100x3_jagged_sequences_dense_sorted.txt" />
<Text Include="Control\CNTKTextFormatReader\100x1_1_dense.txt" />
<Text Include="Control\CNTKTextFormatReader\100x1_2_dense.txt" />
@ -218,6 +222,7 @@
<Image Include="Data\images\red.jpg" />
<None Include="Config\CNTKBinaryReader\test.cntk" />
<None Include="Config\CNTKTextFormatReader\dense.cntk" />
<None Include="Config\CNTKTextFormatReader\edge_cases.cntk" />
<None Include="Config\CNTKTextFormatReader\sparse.cntk" />
@ -244,6 +249,9 @@
<None Include="Config\ImageReaderLabelOutOfRange_Config.cntk" />
<None Include="Config\ImageReaderMultiView_Config.cntk" />
<None Include="Config\ImageReaderZip_Config.cntk" />
<None Include="Data\CNTKBinaryReader\simple.bin" />
<None Include="Data\CNTKBinaryReader\sparseoutput.bin" />
<None Include="Data\CNTKBinaryReader\sparseseqoutput.bin" />
<None Include="Data\images\" />
<None Include="Data\images\" />
<None Include="Data\images\" />
@ -52,6 +52,15 @@
<Filter Include="Config\HTKDeserializers">
<Filter Include="Config\CNTKBinaryReader">
<Filter Include="Control\CNTKBinaryReader">
<Filter Include="Data\CNTKBinaryReader">
<Text Include="Data\ImageReaderSimple_map.txt">
@ -324,6 +333,18 @@
<Text Include="Data\ImageAndTextReaderSimple_map.txt">
<Text Include="Control\CNTKBinaryReader\Simple_dense.txt">
<Text Include="Control\CNTKBinaryReader\Simple_dense_312.txt">
<Text Include="Control\CNTKBinaryReader\Simple_sparse.txt">
<Text Include="Control\CNTKBinaryReader\Simple_sparse_seq.txt">
<Image Include="Data\images\black.jpg">
@ -430,6 +451,18 @@
<None Include="Config\ImageDeserializers.cntk">
<None Include="Config\CNTKBinaryReader\test.cntk">
<None Include="Data\CNTKBinaryReader\simple.bin">
<None Include="Data\CNTKBinaryReader\sparseoutput.bin">
<None Include="Data\CNTKBinaryReader\sparseseqoutput.bin">
<Xml Include="Data\ImageNet1K_intensity.xml">
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