moved minibatchsourcehelpers.h to Common/Include, as it is shared amongst readers (exception: the HTK reader, which has a different version);
fixed some incorrect #include of basetypes.h;
copying of DLLs now does not copy if the file already exists and is not out of date;
prebuild.bat now only updates builddate.h if it has changed, to avoid CNTK.cpp to be recompiled each time;
fixed a few build warnings in the CUDA kernels (uninitialized variables);
removed unused PTasks references in Linux makefiles
renamed cn.exe to CNTK.exe on Windows and "cntk" (no more .exe!) on Linux;
renamed 'cn' folder to 'CNTK';
moved CNTK.sln out from CNTKSolution folder, which now no longer needs to exist;
removed Win32 build target from Visual Studio Solution and all Projects;
added are documentation and Linux makefiles to the Visual Studio Solution for easy access;
removed unused PTasks files