#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. # # WARNING. This will run in Microsoft Internal Environment ONLY, to generate CNTK binary drops. scriptName="$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" scriptDir="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" parsedArgs=$(getopt -o '' --long target-configuration:,verbose,release-tag:,commit: -n "$scriptName" -- "$@") [ $? != 0 ] && { echo Terminating... exit 1 } eval set -- "$parsedArgs" targetConfiguration= verbose= # TODO releaseTag=unknown while true; do case "$1" in --target-configuration) targetConfiguration="${2,,}" shift 2 ;; --commit) commit="${2,,}" shift 2 ;; --release-tag) releaseTag="${2,,}" shift 2 ;; --verbose) verbose=1 shift ;; --) shift break ;; esac done [ $# = 0 ] || { echo Extra parameters detected: $* exit 1 } [[ -n $commit ]] || { echo Must specify --commit option. exit 1 } case $targetConfiguration in cpu) publicTargetConfiguration=CPU-Only ;; gpu) publicTargetConfiguration=GPU ;; 1bitsgd) publicTargetConfiguration=GPU-1bit-SGD ;; '') echo Must specify --target-configuration option. exit 1 ;; *) echo Unknown target configuration $targetConfiguration. exit 1 ;; esac [[ $releaseTag = unknown ]] || [[ $releaseTag =~ ^[1-9][0-9a-z-]*$ ]] || { echo \'--release-tag $releaseTag\' option does not match expected format. exit 1 } outputFile=CNTK-$releaseTag-Linux-64bit-$publicTargetConfiguration.tar.gz # Stop on Error set -e -o pipefail # Enable verbose mode if needed # stderr is NOT changed if [[ -n $verbose ]]; then exec 3>&1 else exec 3>/dev/null fi # Define helper function # File List Copy function # usage: CopyFilesFromList source_path file_name_array destination_path function CopyFilesFromList () { declare -a fileNames=(${!2}) for fileName in "${fileNames[@]}" do cp -p "$1/$fileName" "$3" done } # Main script echo "Making binary drops..." >&3 cd "$scriptDir/.." # Dependency files # MKL declare -a mklFiles=("libmklml_intel.so" "libiomp5.so" "libmkldnn.so.0.12.0") # Open CV declare -a opencvFiles=("libopencv_core.so.3.1" "libopencv_imgproc.so.3.1" "libopencv_imgproc.so.3.1" "libopencv_imgcodecs.so.3.1") # libzip declare -a libzipFiles=("libzip.so.4") # CUDA declare -a cudaFiles=("libcudart.so.8.0" "libcublas.so.8.0" "libcurand.so.8.0" "libcusparse.so.8.0") # cuDNN # Note: can be only a single file currently, see copy below. declare -a cudnnFiles=("libcudnn.so") # OpenBLAS (Needed by Kaldi) declare -a openblasFiles=("libopenblas.so.0") # Kaldi declare -a kaldiFiles=("libkaldi-util.so" "libkaldi-matrix.so" "libkaldi-base.so" "libkaldi-hmm.so" "libkaldi-cudamatrix.so" "libkaldi-nnet.so" "libkaldi-lat.so" "libkaldi-tree.so") # OpenFst (from Kaldi) declare -a openfstFiles=("libfst.so.3") # Include files declare -a includeFiles=("Eval.h") # Include files 2.0 declare -a includeFiles20=("CNTKLibrary.h" "CNTKLibraryInternals.h" "CNTKLibraryC.h") # Set dependency sources paths mklPath="/usr/local/lib" opencvVersion="3.1.0" opencvPath="/usr/local/opencv-$opencvVersion/lib" libzipPath="/usr/local/lib" cudaPath="/usr/local/cuda/lib64" cudnnPath="/usr/local/cudnn-6.0/cuda/lib64" openblasPath="/usr/local/openblas/lib" kaldiVersion="c024e8aa" kaldiPath="/usr/local/kaldi-$kaldiVersion/src/lib" openfstPath="/usr/local/kaldi-$kaldiVersion/tools/openfst/lib" # Set build paths buildPath="build/$targetConfiguration/release" basePath="BinaryDrops" baseDropPath="$basePath/cntk" baseBinariesPath="$baseDropPath/cntk" baseDependenciesPath="$baseBinariesPath/dependencies/lib" baseIncludePath="$baseDropPath/Include" includePath="Source/Common/Include" includePath20="Source/CNTKv2LibraryDll/API" extrasPath="Tools/cntk-binary-drop/linux/$targetConfiguration" # Make BinaryDrops directory mkdir -p $baseBinariesPath echo "Copying Python wheels..." >&3 mkdir $basePath/$publicTargetConfiguration cp -p $buildPath/python/*.whl $basePath/$publicTargetConfiguration echo "Copying build binaries..." >&3 cp -pr $buildPath/* $baseBinariesPath # Remove unnecessary file(s) if exist(s) # # General TODO: Implement White List of Binary Drop contents. # For the time being "cherry pick" removal of unneeded files # rm -f $baseBinariesPath/bin/brainscripttests rm -f $baseBinariesPath/bin/cppevalclient rm -f $baseBinariesPath/bin/cppevalextendedclient rm -f $baseBinariesPath/bin/cppevalv2client rm -f $baseBinariesPath/bin/evaltests rm -f $baseBinariesPath/bin/mathtests rm -f $baseBinariesPath/bin/multiversotests rm -f $baseBinariesPath/bin/networktests rm -f $baseBinariesPath/bin/readertests rm -f $baseBinariesPath/bin/V2LibraryEndToEndTests rm -f $baseBinariesPath/bin/v2librarytests rm -rf $baseBinariesPath/python rm -f $baseBinariesPath/lib/java/Main.class # Make Include directory mkdir -p $baseIncludePath # Copy Include echo "Copying Include files..." >&3 CopyFilesFromList $includePath includeFiles[@] $baseIncludePath echo "Copying Include files for Version 2..." >&3 CopyFilesFromList $includePath20 includeFiles20[@] $baseIncludePath # Copy Examples echo "Copying Examples..." >&3 cp -pr Examples $baseDropPath # Copy Tutorials echo "Copying Tutorials..." >&3 cp -pr Tutorials $baseDropPath # Copy PretrainedModels echo "Copying PretrainedModels..." >&3 cp -pr PretrainedModels $baseDropPath # Copy Manual echo "Copying Manual..." >&3 cp -pr Manual $baseDropPath # Copy Scripts (Scripts folder from the root of the Repo) echo "Copying Scripts..." >&3 cp -pr Scripts $baseDropPath # Remove some unneeded files rm -f $baseDropPath/Scripts/pytest.ini rm -rf $baseDropPath/Scripts/install/windows # Copy Extras echo "Copying Extras..." >&3 cp -pr $extrasPath/* $baseDropPath # Copy Dependencies echo "Copying Dependencies..." >&3 # Make dependencies directory mkdir -p $baseDependenciesPath # Copy MKL echo "Copying MKL" >&3 CopyFilesFromList $mklPath mklFiles[@] $baseDependenciesPath # Copy Open CV echo "Copying Open CV..." >&3 CopyFilesFromList $opencvPath opencvFiles[@] $baseDependenciesPath # Copy libzip echo "Copying libzip..." >&3 CopyFilesFromList $libzipPath libzipFiles[@] $baseDependenciesPath # Copy OpenBLAS (for Kaldi) echo "Copying OpenBLAS (for Kaldi)..." >&3 CopyFilesFromList $openblasPath openblasFiles[@] $baseDependenciesPath # Copy Kaldi echo "Copying Kaldi..." >&3 CopyFilesFromList $kaldiPath kaldiFiles[@] $baseDependenciesPath # Copy OpenFst (from Kaldi) echo "Copying OpenFst (Kaldi)..." >&3 CopyFilesFromList $openfstPath openfstFiles[@] $baseDependenciesPath # GPU Drops only if [[ $targetConfiguration != "cpu" ]]; then # Copy CUDA echo "Copying CUDA..." >&3 CopyFilesFromList $cudaPath cudaFiles[@] $baseDependenciesPath # Copy cuDNN echo "Copying cuDNN..." >&3 CopyFilesFromList $cudnnPath cudnnFiles[@] $baseDependenciesPath/libcudnn.so.6 fi echo "Creating version.txt file" >&3 printf 'CNTK-%s\nRelease\n%s\n%s\n' \ "$releaseTag" "$publicTargetConfiguration" "$commit" \ > $baseDropPath/version.txt echo "Making Archive and cleaning up..." >&3 # Make GZipped TAR cd $basePath tar --owner=root ${verbose:+-v} -czf "$outputFile" cntk # Log some file hashes sha256sum "$outputFile" $publicTargetConfiguration/*.whl # Remove TAR sources rm -r cntk