
146 строки
6.3 KiB

import argparse
def convert(file_in, file_out, features_start, features_dim,
labels_start, labels_dim, num_labels, label_type='Category', mapping_file=None):
label_map = {}
if label_type == "Category":
if mapping_file is not None:
with open(mapping_file, 'r') as f:
for line in
label_map[line] = len(label_map)
num_labels = max(num_labels, len(label_map))
label_map = {str(x) : x for x in range(num_labels)}
input_file = open(file_in, 'r')
output_file = open(file_out, 'w')
for line in input_file.readlines():
values = line.split()
if label_type != 'None':
max_length = max(labels_start + labels_dim, features_start + features_dim)
if len(values) < (labels_dim + features_dim):
raise RuntimeError(("Too few input columns ({} out of expected {}) ")
.format(len(values), (labels_dim + features_dim)))
elif len(values) < max_length:
raise RuntimeError(
("Too few input columns ({} out of expected {}) ")
.format(len(values), max_length))
labels = values[labels_start:labels_start+labels_dim]
if label_type == 'Category':
one_hot = ['0'] * num_labels
# there's only one label
label = labels[0]
if label not in label_map:
raise RuntimeError(("Illegal label value: '{}'").format(label))
one_hot[label_map[label]] = '1'
labels = one_hot
output_file.write("|labels " + " ".join(labels))
elif len(values) < features_start+features_dim:
raise RuntimeError(
("Too few input columns ({} out of expected {}) ")
.format(len(values), features_start+features_dim))
"|features " + " ".join(values[features_start:features_start+features_dim]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="UCI to CNTKText format converter",
epilog=("Quick example - converting MNIST data (see Examples/Image/MNIST):"
"--input_file Examples/Image/MNIST/Data/Train-28x28.txt "
"--features_start 1 "
"--features_dim 784 "
"--labels_start 0 "
"--labels_dim 1 "
"--num_labels 10 "
"--output_file Examples/Image/MNIST/Data/Train-28x28_cntk_text.txt"
"For more information please visit "
requiredNamed = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments')
requiredNamed.add_argument("-in", "--input_file",
help="input file path", required=True)
requiredNamed.add_argument("-fs", "--features_start", type=int,
help="start offset of feature columns", required=True)
requiredNamed.add_argument("-fd", "--features_dim", type=int,
help=("dimension of the feature vector "
"(number of feature columns in the input file)"),
parser.add_argument("-lt", "--label_type", default="Category",
help=("Label type (indicates how the label columns should "
" be interpreted)"),
choices=["Category", "Regression", "None"])
parser.add_argument("-ls", "--labels_start", type=int,
help=("dimension of the label vector "
"(number of label columns in the input file)"))
parser.add_argument("-nl", "--num_labels", type=int,
help="number of possible label values "
"(required for categorical labels)")
parser.add_argument("-ld", "--labels_dim", type=int, default=1,
help=("dimension of the input label vector "
"(number of label columns in the input file, "
"default is 1)"))
help=("the path to a file used to map from the label value "
"to a numerical label identifier (if omitted, the "
"label value is interpreted as a numerical "
parser.add_argument("-out", "--output_file", help="output file path")
args = parser.parse_args()
# a number of sanity checks
if args.label_type != "None" and args.labels_start is None:
parser.error("-ls/--label_start is required when label type is not 'None'")
if args.label_type == "Category":
if args.num_labels is None:
parser.error("-nl/--num_labels is required when label type is 'Category'")
if args.labels_dim > 1:
parser.error("-ld/--labels_dim cannot be greater than 1 "
"when label type is 'Category'")
if args.label_type == "Regression":
if args.num_labels > args.labels_dim:
parser.error("-nl/--num_labels is optional and "
" cannot exceed -ld/--labels_dim "
" when label type is 'Regression'")
if args.label_type != 'None':
if (((args.labels_start <= args.features_start) and
(args.labels_start + args.labels_dim > args.features_start)) or
((args.labels_start > args.features_start) and
(args.features_start + args.features_dim > args.labels_start))):
parser.error("Label and feature column ranges must not overlap.")
file_in = args.input_file
file_out = args.output_file
if not file_out:
dot = file_in.rfind(".")
if dot == -1:
dot = len(file_in)
file_out = file_in[:dot] + "_cntk_text" + file_in[dot:]
print (" Converting from UCI format\n\t '{}'\n"
" to CNTK text format\n\t '{}'".format(file_in, file_out))
convert(file_in, file_out, args.features_start, args.features_dim,
args.labels_start, args.labels_dim, args.num_labels, args.label_type, args.mapping_file)