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// UCIParser.h : Parses the UCI format using a custom state machine (for speed)
// <copyright file="UCIParser.h" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#ifdef min
#undef min
#define min std::min
// UCI label location types
enum LabelMode
LabelNone = 0,
LabelFirst = 1,
LabelLast = 2,
enum ParseMode
ParseNormal = 0,
ParseLineCount = 1
// UCIParser - the parser for the UCI format files
// for ultimate speed, this class implements a state machine to read these format files
template <typename NumType, typename LabelType=int>
class UCIParser
enum ParseState
WholeNumber = 0,
Remainder = 1,
Exponent = 2,
Whitespace = 3,
Sign = 4,
ExponentSign = 5,
Period = 6,
TheLetterE = 7,
EndOfLine = 8,
Label = 9, // any non-number things we run into
ParseStateMax = 10, // number of parse states
LineCountEOL = 10,
LineCountOther = 11,
AllStateMax = 12,
Error = 12
// type of label processing
ParseMode m_parseMode;
// definition of label and feature locations
size_t m_startLabels;
size_t m_dimLabels;
size_t m_startFeatures;
size_t m_dimFeatures;
// level of screen output
int m_traceLevel;
// current state of the state machine
ParseState m_current_state;
// state tables
DWORD *m_stateTable;
// numeric state machine variables
double m_partialResult;
double m_builtUpNumber;
double m_divider;
double m_wholeNumberMultiplier;
double m_exponentMultiplier;
// label state machine variables
size_t m_spaceDelimitedStart;
size_t m_spaceDelimitedMax; // start of the next whitespace sequence (one past the end of the last word)
int m_numbersConvertedThisLine;
int m_labelsConvertedThisLine;
int m_elementsConvertedThisLine;
// global stats
int64_t m_totalNumbersConverted;
int64_t m_totalLabelsConverted;
// file positions/buffer
FILE * m_pFile;
int64_t m_byteCounter;
int64_t m_fileSize;
BYTE * m_fileBuffer;
size_t m_bufferStart;
size_t m_bufferSize;
// last label was a string (for last label processing)
bool m_lastLabelIsString;
// vectors to append to
std::vector<NumType>* m_numbers; // pointer to vectors to append with numbers
std::vector<LabelType>* m_labels; // pointer to vector to append with labels (may be numeric)
// FUTURE: do we want a vector to collect string labels in the non string label case? (signifies an error)
// SetState for a particular value
void SetState(int value, ParseState m_current_state, ParseState next_state);
// SetStateRange - set states transitions for a range of values
void SetStateRange(int value1, int value2, ParseState m_current_state, ParseState next_state);
// SetupStateTables - setup state transition tables for each state
// each state has a block of 256 states indexed by the incoming character
void SetupStateTables();
// reset all line state variables
void PrepareStartLine();
// reset all number accumulation variables
void PrepareStartNumber();
// reset all state variables to start reading at a new position
void PrepareStartPosition(size_t position);
// UpdateBuffer - load the next buffer full of data
// returns - number of records read
size_t UpdateBuffer();
// UCIParser constructor
// setup all the state variables and state tables for state machine
void Init();
// Parser destructor
// DoneWithLabel - Called when a string label is found
void DoneWithLabel();
// Called when a number is complete
void DoneWithValue();
// store label is specialized by LabelType
void StoreLabel(NumType value);
// StoreLastLabel - store the last label (for numeric types), tranfers to label vector
// string label types handled in specialization
void StoreLastLabel();
// SetParseMode - Set the parsing mode
// mode - set mode to either ParseLineCount, or ParseNormal
void SetParseMode(ParseMode mode);
// SetTraceLevel - Set the level of screen output
// traceLevel - traceLevel, zero means no output, 1 epoch related output, > 1 all output
void SetTraceLevel(int traceLevel);
// ParseInit - Initialize a parse of a file
// fileName - path to the file to open
// startFeatures - column (zero based) where features start
// dimFeatures - number of features
// startLabels - column (zero based) where Labels start
// dimLabels - number of Labels
// bufferSize - size of temporary buffer to store reads
// startPosition - file position on which we should start
void ParseInit(LPCWSTR fileName, size_t startFeatures, size_t dimFeatures, size_t startLabels, size_t dimLabels, size_t bufferSize=1024*256, size_t startPosition=0);
// Parse - Parse the data
// recordsRequested - number of records requested
// numbers - pointer to vector to return the numbers (must be allocated)
// labels - pointer to vector to return the labels (defaults to null)
// returns - number of records actually read, if the end of file is reached the return value will be < requested records
long Parse(size_t recordsRequested, std::vector<NumType> *numbers, std::vector<LabelType> *labels=NULL);
int64_t GetFilePosition();
void SetFilePosition(int64_t position);
// HasMoreData - test if the current dataset have more data
// returns - true if it does, false if not
bool HasMoreData();
// StoreLabel - string version gets last space delimited string and stores in labels vector
template <>
void UCIParser<float, std::string>::StoreLabel(float finalResult);
// DoneWithLabel - string version stores string label
template <>
void UCIParser<float, std::string>::DoneWithLabel();
// StoreLastLabel - string version
template <>
void UCIParser<float, std::string>::StoreLastLabel();
// NOTE: Current code is identical to float, don't know how to specialize with template parameter that only covers one parameter
// StoreLabel - string version gets last space delimited string and stores in labels vector
template <>
void UCIParser<double, std::string>::StoreLabel(double finalResult);
// DoneWithLabel - string version stores string label
template <>
void UCIParser<double, std::string>::DoneWithLabel();
// StoreLastLabel - string version
template <>
void UCIParser<double, std::string>::StoreLastLabel();