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113 строки
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// <copyright file="UCIReaderClient.cpp" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// DataReaderClient.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DataReader.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK;
#include <chrono>
void TestDataReader(size_t vdim, size_t udim, const std::vector<std::wstring>& filepaths, const ConfigParameters& config, size_t mbSize, int epochStart, size_t epochSize, size_t datasetSize, int iterations)
fprintf(stderr,"\n####### Start Test #######\n");
fprintf(stderr, "vdim=%ld, udim=%ld, ", vdim, udim);
for (std::vector<std::wstring>::const_iterator iter=filepaths.begin(); iter < filepaths.end(); ++iter)
fprintf(stderr, "path=%ls\n", iter->c_str());
ConfigParameters configReader = config("reader");
fprintf(stderr, "randomize=%ld, ", (size_t)configReader("randomize",randomizeAuto));
if (epochSize == requestDataSize)
fprintf(stderr, "epochSize=requestDataSize\n");
fprintf(stderr, "epochSize=%ld\n", epochSize);
fprintf(stderr, "mbSize=%ld, epochStart=%d, iterations=%d, datasetSize=%ld\n", mbSize, epochStart, iterations, datasetSize);
DataReader<float> dataReader(vdim, udim, filepaths, config);
Matrix<float> features;
Matrix<float> labels;
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
int epochs = (datasetSize+epochSize-1)/epochSize;
epochs *= iterations;
for (int epoch = epochStart; epoch < epochs; epoch++)
dataReader.StartMinibatchLoop(mbSize, epoch, epochSize);
int i = 0;
while (dataReader.GetMinibatch(features, labels))
if (labels.GetNumRows() == 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%4d: features dim: %d x %d - [%.8g, %.8g, ...]\n", i++, features.GetNumRows(), features.GetNumCols(), features(0,0), features(0,1));
fprintf(stderr,"%4d: features dim: %d x %d - [%.8g, %.8g, ...] label dim: %d x %d - [%d, %d, ...]\n", i++, features.GetNumRows(), features.GetNumCols(), features(0,0), features(0,1), labels.GetNumRows(), labels.GetNumCols(), (int)labels(0,0), (int)labels(0,1));
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto elapsed = end-start;
fprintf(stderr, "%f seconds elapsed", (float)(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(elapsed).count())/1000);
fprintf(stderr,"\n####### End Test #######\n\n");
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
size_t vdim = 784;
size_t udim = 10;
size_t mbSizes[] = {50,100,128};
size_t randomizeSizes[] = {randomizeNone, 1000, 5000, 10000, randomizeAuto};
size_t epochSizes[] = {100, 1000, 1024, 10000, requestDataSize};
size_t datasetSize = 10000;
vector<wstring> filepaths;
filepaths.push_back( wstring(L"C:\\speech\\mnist\\mnist_test.txt"));
ConfigParameters config("reader=[labelPosition=First;labelType=Category;minibatchMode=Partial;randomize=None");
//wstring options(L"-label:first -labeltype:category -minibatchmode:partial"); // -labeltype:none -labeltype:regression -labeltype:regression -minibatchmode:partial
// test set, for debugging, current debug set
size_t mbSize = 50;
size_t randomizeSize = randomizeNone;
size_t epochSize = 1024;
size_t epochStart = 0;
TestDataReader(vdim, udim, filepaths, config, mbSize, epochStart, epochSize, datasetSize, 3);
for (int epochStart = 0; epochStart <= 1; epochStart++)
for (int epochCnt=0; epochCnt < sizeof(epochSizes)/sizeof(size_t);epochCnt++)
size_t epochSize = epochSizes[epochCnt];
for (int mbCnt=0; mbCnt < sizeof(mbSizes)/sizeof(size_t);mbCnt++)
size_t mbSize = mbSizes[mbCnt];
if (mbSize > epochSize)
for (int rndCnt=0; rndCnt < sizeof(randomizeSizes)/sizeof(size_t);rndCnt++)
size_t randomizeSize = randomizeSizes[rndCnt];
if (randomizeSize != randomizeNone &&
(epochSize % randomizeSize != 0 || randomizeSize % mbSize != 0 ||
// too many constraints on randomizeSize fix sometime
randomizeSize % datasetSize == 0 && epochSize != requestDataSize))
continue; // invalid randomization size, continue
string configString = "reader=[labelPosition=First;labelType=Category;minibatchMode=Partial;randomize=";
char buf[30];
configString += _ui64toa_s(randomizeSize, buf, 30, 10);
ConfigParameters config(configString);
TestDataReader(vdim, udim, filepaths, config, mbSize, epochStart, epochSize, datasetSize, 3);
return 0;