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281 строка
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information.
// HTKMLFReader.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "basetypes.h"
#include "htkfeatio.h" // for reading HTK features
#include "ssematrix.h"
#define DATAWRITER_EXPORTS // creating the exports here
#include "DataWriter.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "HTKMLFWriter.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include <vld.h> // for memory leak detection
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// Create a Data Writer
//DATAWRITER_API IDataWriter* DataWriterFactory(void)
template <class ElemType>
template <class ConfigRecordType>
void HTKMLFWriter<ElemType>::InitFromConfig(const ConfigRecordType& writerConfig)
m_tempArray = nullptr;
m_tempArraySize = 0;
m_overflowWarningCount = 0;
vector<wstring> scriptpaths;
vector<wstring> filelist;
size_t numFiles;
size_t firstfilesonly = SIZE_MAX; // set to a lower value for testing
m_verbosity = writerConfig(L"verbosity", 2);
m_overflowValue = writerConfig(L"overflowValue", 50);
m_maxNumOverflowWarning = writerConfig(L"maxNumOverflowWarning", 10);
vector<wstring> outputNames = writerConfig(L"outputNodeNames", ConfigRecordType::Array(stringargvector()));
if (outputNames.size() < 1)
RuntimeError("writer needs at least one outputNodeName specified in config");
int counter = 0;
foreach_index (i, outputNames) // inputNames should map to node names
ConfigParameters thisOutput = writerConfig(outputNames[i]);
if (thisOutput.Exists("dim"))
RuntimeError("HTKMLFWriter::Init: writer need to specify dim of output");
if (thisOutput.Exists("file"))
else if (thisOutput.Exists("scpFile"))
RuntimeError("HTKMLFWriter::Init: writer needs to specify scpFile for output");
if (thisOutput.Exists("Kaldicmd"))
kaldi::BaseFloatMatrixWriter wfea;
outputNameToIdMap[outputNames[i]] = i;
outputNameToDimMap[outputNames[i]] = udims[i];
wstring type = thisOutput(L"type", "Real");
if (type == L"Real")
outputNameToTypeMap[outputNames[i]] = OutputTypes::outputReal;
throw std::runtime_error("HTKMLFWriter::Init: output type for writer output expected to be Real");
numFiles = 0;
foreach_index (i, scriptpaths)
std::wstring scriptPath = scriptpaths[i];
fprintf(stderr, "HTKMLFWriter::Init: reading output script file %S ...", scriptPath.c_str());
size_t n = 0;
for (msra::files::textreader reader(scriptPath); reader && filelist.size() <= firstfilesonly /*optimization*/;)
std::wstring line = reader.wgetline();
wstringstream ss(line);
std::wstring first_col;
ss >> first_col;
filelist.push_back(first_col); // LEOTODO
fprintf(stderr, " %zu entries\n", n);
if (i == 0)
numFiles = n;
else if (n != numFiles)
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("HTKMLFWriter:Init: number of files in each scriptfile inconsistent (%d vs. %d)", numFiles, n));
outputFileIndex = 0;
sampPeriod = 100000;
template <class ElemType>
void HTKMLFWriter<ElemType>::Destroy()
delete[] m_tempArray;
m_tempArray = nullptr;
m_tempArraySize = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < feature_writer.size(); i++)
fprintf(stderr, "Closed Kaldi writer\n");
template <class ElemType>
void HTKMLFWriter<ElemType>::GetSections(std::map<std::wstring, SectionType, nocase_compare>& /*sections*/)
template <class ElemType>
bool HTKMLFWriter<ElemType>::SaveData(size_t /*recordStart*/, const std::map<std::wstring, void*, nocase_compare>& matrices, size_t /*numRecords*/, size_t /*datasetSize*/, size_t /*byteVariableSized*/)
if (kaldicmd.size() == 0)
// std::map<std::wstring, void*, nocase_compare>::iterator iter;
if (outputFileIndex >= outputFiles[0].size())
RuntimeError("index for output scp file out of range...");
for (auto iter = matrices.begin(); iter != matrices.end(); iter++)
wstring outputName = iter->first;
Matrix<ElemType>& outputData = *(static_cast<Matrix<ElemType>*>(iter->second));
size_t id = outputNameToIdMap[outputName];
size_t dim = outputNameToDimMap[outputName];
wstring outFile = outputFiles[id][outputFileIndex];
assert(outputData.GetNumRows() == dim);
SaveToKaldiFile(outFile, outputData);
if (outputFileIndex >= outputFiles[0].size())
RuntimeError("index for output scp file out of range...");
int i = 0;
for (auto iter = matrices.begin(); iter != matrices.end(); iter++)
wstring outputName = iter->first;
Matrix<ElemType>& outputData = *(static_cast<Matrix<ElemType>*>(iter->second));
size_t id = outputNameToIdMap[outputName];
size_t dim = outputNameToDimMap[outputName];
wstring outFile = outputFiles[id][outputFileIndex];
string wfea = "ark:" + msra::strfun::utf8(outFile);
// wfea = msra::strfun::utf8(kaldicmd[i]);
// feature_writer[i].Open(wfea);
kaldi::Matrix<kaldi::BaseFloat> nnet_out_host;
assert(outputData.GetNumRows() == dim);
const std::string outputPath = msra::strfun::utf8(outFile);
const std::string file_key = removeExtension(basename(outputPath));
nnet_out_host.Resize(outputData.GetNumCols(), outputData.GetNumRows());
outputData.CopyToArray(m_tempArray, m_tempArraySize);
ElemType* pValue = m_tempArray;
for (int j = 0; j < outputData.GetNumCols(); j++)
for (int i = 0; i < outputData.GetNumRows(); i++)
nnet_out_host(j, i) = (float) *pValue++;
if (nnet_out_host(j, i) > m_overflowValue)
nnet_out_host(j, i) = -(float) log(1.0 / outputData.GetNumCols());
if (m_verbosity > 0 && m_overflowWarningCount < m_maxNumOverflowWarning)
fprintf(stderr, "overflowed!! : %d %d frames of %s\n", i, j, wfea.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "evaluate: writing %zu frames of %s\n", outputData.GetNumCols(), wfea.c_str());
feature_writer[i].Write(file_key, nnet_out_host);
return true;
template <class ElemType>
void HTKMLFWriter<ElemType>::Save(std::wstring& outputFile, Matrix<ElemType>& outputData)
msra::dbn::matrix output;
output.resize(outputData.GetNumRows(), outputData.GetNumCols());
outputData.CopyToArray(m_tempArray, m_tempArraySize);
ElemType* pValue = m_tempArray;
for (int j = 0; j < outputData.GetNumCols(); j++)
for (int i = 0; i < outputData.GetNumRows(); i++)
output(i, j) = (float) *pValue++;
const size_t nansinf = output.countnaninf();
if (nansinf > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "chunkeval: %d NaNs or INF detected in '%S' (%d frames)\n", (int) nansinf, outputFile.c_str(), (int) output.cols());
// save it
msra::util::attempt(5, [&]()
msra::asr::htkfeatwriter::write(outputFile, "USER", this->sampPeriod, output);
fprintf(stderr, "evaluate: writing %zu frames of %S\n", output.cols(), outputFile.c_str());
template <class ElemType>
void HTKMLFWriter<ElemType>::SaveToKaldiFile(std::wstring& outputFile, Matrix<ElemType>& outputData)
msra::dbn::matrix output;
output.resize(outputData.GetNumRows(), outputData.GetNumCols());
outputData.CopyToArray(m_tempArray, m_tempArraySize);
ElemType* pValue = m_tempArray;
for (int j = 0; j < outputData.GetNumCols(); j++)
for (int i = 0; i < outputData.GetNumRows(); i++)
output(i, j) = (float) *pValue++;
const size_t nansinf = output.countnaninf();
if (nansinf > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "chunkeval: %d NaNs or INF detected in '%S' (%d frames)\n", (int) nansinf, outputFile.c_str(), (int) output.cols());
// save it
msra::util::attempt(5, [&]()
msra::asr::htkfeatwriter::writeKaldi(outputFile, "USER", this->sampPeriod, output, sizeof(ElemType));
fprintf(stderr, "evaluate: writing %zu frames of %S\n", output.cols(), outputFile.c_str());
template <class ElemType>
void HTKMLFWriter<ElemType>::SaveMapping(std::wstring saveId, const std::map<LabelIdType, LabelType>& /*labelMapping*/)
template class HTKMLFWriter<float>;
template class HTKMLFWriter<double>;
} } }