
373 строки
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
#include "Basics.h"
#include "Matrix.h"
#include "BestGpu.h"
#include "ComputationNetwork.h"
#include "Config.h"
// TODO: giving up moving stuff for now, running out of time. The following #includes should not be necessary once the hard-working code in here gets moved to .cpp
#include "InputAndParamNodes.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#pragma warning(disable : 4661)
using namespace std; // TODO: ugh!
/// this is for sparse input, useful when input dimension is very large and sparse such as language modeling
/// to-do: need to use it guided by argument
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
#define MAX_DEPTH 20
// the standard network kinds that can be built with SimpleNetworkBuilder
enum StandardNetworkKind
// basic
FFDNNKind = 0, // basic feed-forward
RNNKind = 1, // basic RNN
LSTMKind = 2, // basic LSTM
// class-based
ClassEntropyRNNKind = 8, // class-based RNN
ClassLSTMNetworkKind = 64, // class-based LSTM
// advanced
LogBilinearNetworkKind = 16, // log-bilinear model for language modeling
DNNLMNetworkKind = 32, // DNN-based LM
NCELSTMNetworkKind = 128, // NCE LSTM
ConditionalLSTMNetworkKind = 256, // conditional LM for text generation
CRFLSTMNetworkKind = 512, // sequential LSTM
enum class TrainingCriterion : int // TODO: camel-case these
enum class EvalCriterion : int
TrainingCriterion ParseTrainingCriterionString(wstring s);
EvalCriterion ParseEvalCriterionString(wstring s);
template <class ElemType>
class SimpleNetworkBuilder
typedef shared_ptr<ComputationNode<ElemType>> ComputationNodePtr;
SimpleNetworkBuilder() // disable default constructor from being called
SimpleNetworkBuilder(const ConfigParameters& config)
: m_net(nullptr)
SimpleNetworkBuilder(const ScriptableObjects::IConfigRecord&)
// full parameter Init routine
void Init(const intargvector& layerSizes, const TrainingCriterion trainCriterion, const EvalCriterion evalCriterion,
int outputLayerSize = -1,
const stringargvector nonLinearFunctions = L"Sigmoid",
const bool addDropoutNodes = false,
const bool uniformInit = true, const ElemType initValueScale = 1.0f,
const bool applyMeanVarNorm = false, bool needPrior = false)
m_deviceId = deviceId;
m_net = make_shared<ComputationNetwork>(m_deviceId);
if (m_deviceId < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "SimpleNetworkBuilder Using CPU\n");
fprintf(stderr, "SimpleNetworkBuilder Using GPU %d\n", m_deviceId);
m_outputLayerSize = outputLayerSize;
m_layerSizes = layerSizes;
m_applyMeanVarNorm = applyMeanVarNorm;
m_trainCriterion = trainCriterion;
m_evalCriterion = evalCriterion;
m_addDropoutNodes = addDropoutNodes;
m_needPrior = needPrior;
m_nonLinearFunctions = nonLinearFunctions;
m_uniformInit = uniformInit;
m_initValueScale = initValueScale;
if (m_layerSizes.size() < 2)
InvalidArgument("A network should have at least two layers (one input and one output)");
void InitAttentionNetworkConfig(const ConfigParameters& config)
m_auxFeatDim = config("auxfeatdim", "20");
virtual void InitRecurrentConfig(const ConfigParameters& config)
ConfigArray rLayerSizes = config("recurrentLayer", "");
intargvector recurrentLayers = rLayerSizes;
m_recurrentLayers = recurrentLayers;
m_defaultHiddenActivity = config("defaultHiddenActivity", "0.1"); // TODO: spelling, should be -Activation
ConfigArray str_rnnType = config("rnnType", L"SIMPLENET"); // TODO: camelCase
m_maOrder = config("maOrder", "0");
m_lookupTableOrder = config("lookupTableOrder", "0"); // TODO: What is this?
ConfigArray sSizes = config("streamSizes", "");
m_streamSizes = sSizes;
sSizes = config("lookupTableOrderSizes", ""); // this allows having a multiple streams of inputs with
// different lookuptable order sizes. the older one lookupTableOrder is still kept to have backward
// support.
m_lookupTabelOrderSizes = sSizes;
m_labelEmbeddingSize = config("labelEmbeddingSize", "10");
m_constForgetGateValue = config("constForgetGateValue", "false");
m_constInputGateValue = config("constInputGateValue", "false");
m_constOutputGateValue = config("constOutputGateValue", "false");
m_forgetGateInitVal = config("forgetGateInitVal", "-1");
m_inputGateInitVal = config("inputGateInitVal", "-1");
m_outputGateInitVal = config("outputGateInitVal", "-1");
m_sparse_input = config("sparseinput", "false");
// TODO: use EqualCI(), and use camelCase, e.g. classLSTM
stringargvector strType = str_rnnType;
if (std::find(strType.begin(), strType.end(), L"SIMPLENET") != strType.end()) // TODO: camelCase
m_standardNetworkKind = FFDNNKind;
else if (std::find(strType.begin(), strType.end(), L"SIMPLERNN") != strType.end()) // TODO: camelCase
m_standardNetworkKind = RNNKind;
else if (std::find(strType.begin(), strType.end(), L"LSTM") != strType.end())
m_standardNetworkKind = LSTMKind;
else if (std::find(strType.begin(), strType.end(), L"CLASSLM") != strType.end()) // TODO: camelCase
m_standardNetworkKind = ClassEntropyRNNKind;
else if (std::find(strType.begin(), strType.end(), L"LBLM") != strType.end())
m_standardNetworkKind = LogBilinearNetworkKind;
else if (std::find(strType.begin(), strType.end(), L"NPLM") != strType.end())
m_standardNetworkKind = DNNLMNetworkKind;
else if (std::find(strType.begin(), strType.end(), L"CLASSLSTM") != strType.end()) // TODO: camelCase
m_standardNetworkKind = ClassLSTMNetworkKind;
else if (std::find(strType.begin(), strType.end(), L"NCELSTM") != strType.end())
m_standardNetworkKind = NCELSTMNetworkKind;
else if (std::find(strType.begin(), strType.end(), L"CLSTM") != strType.end())
m_standardNetworkKind = ConditionalLSTMNetworkKind;
else if (std::find(strType.begin(), strType.end(), L"CRF") != strType.end())
m_standardNetworkKind = CRFLSTMNetworkKind;
InvalidArgument("InitRecurrentConfig: unknown value for rnnType parameter '%ls'", strType[0].c_str());
// Init - Builder Initialize for multiple data sets
// config - [in] configuration parameters for the network builder
virtual void Init(const ConfigParameters& config)
DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId = DeviceFromConfig(config);
ElemType initValueScale = config("initValueScale", "1.0");
ConfigArray layerTypes = config("layerTypes", L"Sigmoid"); // TODO: camelCase
stringargvector nonlinearFunctions = layerTypes;
bool uniformInit = config("uniformInit", "true");
bool applyMeanVarNorm = config("applyMeanVarNorm", "false");
bool needPrior = config("needPrior", "false");
bool addDropoutNodes = config("addDropoutNodes", "false");
int outputLayerSize;
ConfigArray layerSizes;
intargvector layers;
TrainingCriterion trainingCriterion;
EvalCriterion evalCriterion;
outputLayerSize = config("outputLayerSize", "-1");
layerSizes = config("layerSizes", "100");
layers = layerSizes;
trainingCriterion = ParseTrainingCriterionString(config("trainingCriterion"));
evalCriterion = ParseEvalCriterionString(config("evalCriterion"));
ConfigArray rDirect = config("directConnect", "");
m_directConnect = rDirect;
m_word2class = config("word2cls", "");
m_cls2index = config("cls2index", "");
m_vocabSize = (int) config("vocabSize", "-1");
m_nbrCls = (int) config("nbrClass", "-1");
nce_noises = (int) config("noise_number", "-1"); // nce noise
Init(layers, trainingCriterion, evalCriterion, deviceId, outputLayerSize,
nonlinearFunctions, addDropoutNodes,
uniformInit, initValueScale, applyMeanVarNorm, needPrior);
ComputationNetworkPtr BuildNetworkFromDescription();
ComputationNetworkPtr BuildNetworkFromDbnFile(const std::wstring& dbnModelFileName); // legacy support for fseide's Microsoft-internal tool "DBN.exe"
ComputationNetworkPtr BuildFFDNNFromDescription();
ComputationNetworkPtr BuildRNNFromDescription();
ComputationNetworkPtr BuildClassEntropyRNNFromDescription();
ComputationNetworkPtr BuildLogBilinearNetworkFromDescription();
ComputationNetworkPtr BuildDNNLMNetworkFromDescription();
ComputationNetworkPtr BuildLSTMNetworkFromDescription();
ComputationNetworkPtr BuildCRFLSTMNetworkFromDescription();
ComputationNetworkPtr BuildClassLSTMNetworkFromDescription();
ComputationNetworkPtr BuildConditionalLSTMNetworkFromDescription();
ComputationNetworkPtr BuildNCELSTMNetworkFromDescription();
// mulitply used components
ComputationNodePtr BuildLSTMComponent(unsigned long& randomSeed, size_t iLayer, size_t inputDim, size_t outputDim, ComputationNodePtr input);
ComputationNodePtr BuildLSTMNodeComponent(ULONG& randomSeed, size_t iLayer, size_t inputDim, size_t outputDim, ComputationNodePtr input);
ComputationNodePtr BuildDirectConnect(unsigned long& randomSeed, size_t iLayer, size_t inputDim, size_t outputDim, ComputationNodePtr input, ComputationNodePtr toNode);
// layer is 0 based
ComputationNodePtr ApplyNonlinearFunction(ComputationNodePtr input, const size_t layer, const std::wstring nodeName = L"");
ComputationNodePtr AddTrainAndEvalCriterionNodes(ComputationNodePtr input, ComputationNodePtr label, ComputationNodePtr matrix = nullptr, const std::wstring trainNodeName = L"", const std::wstring evalNodeName = L"", ComputationNodePtr clspostprob = nullptr, ComputationNodePtr trans = nullptr);
static bool CheckDbnTag(File& fstream, const std::string expectedTag)
char tag[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
fstream >> tag[i];
tag[4] = 0;
return std::string(tag) == expectedTag;
Matrix<ElemType> ReadMatrixFromDbnFile(File& fstream, const std::string expectedName)
int numRows, numCols;
std::string name;
if (!CheckDbnTag(fstream, "BMAT"))
RuntimeError("Error reading DBN file - did not find expected tag BMAT\n");
// fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, "BMAT");
fstream >> name >> numRows >> numCols;
if (name != expectedName)
InvalidArgument("ERROR reading pretrained DBN file, expected name %s, found name %s\n", expectedName.c_str(), name.c_str());
if (numCols > 1) // transpose W because dbn stores that way apparently
int origRows = numRows;
numRows = numCols;
numCols = origRows;
Matrix<ElemType> mat(numRows, numCols, m_deviceId);
// dbn operates on row vectors not column vectors. x*W + b, so need to read in as W'
// ElemType* d_array = new ElemType[numRows*numCols];
float tmp;
for (long i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
for (long j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
fstream >> tmp;
mat(i, j) = tmp;
// d_array[i] = (ElemType)tmp;
if (!CheckDbnTag(fstream, "EMAT"))
RuntimeError("Error reading DBN file - did not find expected tag EMAT\n");
// fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, "EMAT");
return mat;
ComputationNetworkPtr m_net;
int m_outputLayerSize;
intargvector m_layerSizes;
bool m_applyMeanVarNorm;
bool m_needPrior;
bool m_uniformInit;
ElemType m_initValueScale;
bool m_addDropoutNodes;
stringargvector m_nonLinearFunctions;
TrainingCriterion m_trainCriterion;
EvalCriterion m_evalCriterion;
intargvector m_directConnect; // connect those layers directly in a sequence order
// for example: 1:2:3 will connect 1 to 2 and then 2 to 3
// recurrent network
intargvector m_recurrentLayers;
float m_defaultHiddenActivity;
StandardNetworkKind m_standardNetworkKind;
int m_maOrder; // MA model order
bool m_constForgetGateValue;
bool m_constInputGateValue;
bool m_constOutputGateValue;
ElemType m_forgetGateInitVal;
ElemType m_inputGateInitVal;
ElemType m_outputGateInitVal;
intargvector m_streamSizes; // for multiple stream data
intargvector m_lookupTabelOrderSizes; // each stream has its own projection, so need to provide with the lookup table order size for each stream
int m_lookupTableOrder;
int m_labelEmbeddingSize;
// these are the file names for word 2 class mapping and class to word index mapping
// these are used for class-based language modeling
string m_cls2index;
string m_word2class;
int m_nbrCls; // number of classes
int m_vocabSize; // vocabulary size
int nce_noises;
bool m_sparse_input;
for attention network development
size_t m_auxFeatDim;
} } }