1685 строки
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1685 строки
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "CNTKLibrary.h"
#include "Common.h"
using namespace CNTK;
using namespace std;
namespace CNTK { namespace Test {
void CheckMask(const ValuePtr testValue, const vector<size_t>& seqLenList, const vector<bool>& seqStartFlags)
vector<bool> actualStarts = seqStartFlags;
if (actualStarts.empty())
actualStarts.resize(seqLenList.size(), true);
if (actualStarts.size() != seqLenList.size())
ReportFailure("The seqStartFlags does not match the number of sequences");
size_t maxSeqLen = *max_element(seqLenList.begin(), seqLenList.end());
if (testValue->Mask() == nullptr)
bool needsMask = (std::find(actualStarts.begin(), actualStarts.end(), false) != actualStarts.end());
needsMask = needsMask || (std::find_if(seqLenList.begin(), seqLenList.end(), [maxSeqLen](const size_t& currentSequenceLength) {
return (currentSequenceLength != maxSeqLen);
}) != seqLenList.end());
if (needsMask)
ReportFailure("A mask for the Value object is expected, but it is not present");
auto cpuMask = (testValue->Device().Type() != DeviceKind::CPU) ? testValue->Mask()->DeepClone(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice()) : testValue->Mask();
auto maskData = cpuMask->DataBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < seqLenList.size(); i++)
if ((actualStarts[i] && (maskData[i * maxSeqLen] != MaskKind::SequenceBegin)) ||
(!actualStarts[i] && (maskData[i * maxSeqLen] != MaskKind::Valid)))
ReportFailure("The sequence does not have expected value at start.");
for (size_t j = 1; j < seqLenList[i]; j++)
if (maskData[i * maxSeqLen + j] != MaskKind::Valid)
ReportFailure("The sequence should have a Valid mask at position %d", static_cast<int>(i * maxSeqLen + j));
for (size_t j = seqLenList[i]; j < maxSeqLen; j++)
if (maskData[i * maxSeqLen + j] != MaskKind::Invalid)
ReportFailure("The sequence should have a Invalid mask at position %d", static_cast<int>(i * maxSeqLen + j));
// Check the actual Value match the expected shape and the given data (in dense format)
template <typename ElementType>
void CheckValue(const ValuePtr testValue, const NDShape& sampleShape, const vector<vector<ElementType>>& expectedData, const vector<size_t>& seqLenList, const vector<bool>& seqStartFlags = {})
size_t sampleSize = sampleShape.TotalSize();
// Check parameters
BOOST_TEST(expectedData.size() == seqLenList.size(), "Parameter error: the sequence number in the exepected data and sequence list does not match.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < expectedData.size(); i++)
if (expectedData[i].size() != seqLenList[i] * sampleSize)
ReportFailure("Parameter erroe: the number of data for sequence %" PRIu64 " in the expected data does not match. Expected: %" PRIu64 ", actual: %" PRIu64 ".",
i, seqLenList[i] * sampleSize, expectedData[i].size());
// Check shape
auto valueRank = testValue->Shape().Rank();
auto sampleRank = sampleShape.Rank();
auto shapeIsCorrect = !((valueRank < sampleRank + 1) || (valueRank > sampleRank + 2) || (sampleShape != testValue->Shape().SubShape(0, sampleRank)));
BOOST_TEST(shapeIsCorrect, "The Value does not have the expected shape.");
size_t numOfSequences;
if (valueRank == sampleShape.Rank() + 1)
// no batch axis, only sequence axis
numOfSequences = 1;
assert(valueRank == sampleShape.Rank() + 2);
numOfSequences = testValue->Shape()[valueRank - 1];
if (numOfSequences != expectedData.size())
ReportFailure("The sequence number in the Value does not match. Expected: %" PRIu64 ", actual: %" PRIu64 ".", expectedData.size(), numOfSequences);
CheckMask(testValue, seqLenList, seqStartFlags);
// Get data from Value
vector<ElementType> outputData(testValue->Shape().TotalSize());
NDArrayViewPtr arrayOutput = MakeSharedObject<NDArrayView>(testValue->Shape(), outputData, false);
size_t maxSeqLen = *max_element(seqLenList.begin(), seqLenList.end());
size_t oIndex = 0;
for (size_t seq = 0; seq < seqLenList.size(); seq++)
size_t seqLen = seqLenList[seq];
for (size_t sIndex = 0; sIndex < seqLen * sampleSize; sIndex++, oIndex++)
if (expectedData[seq][sIndex] != outputData[oIndex])
ReportFailure("Data does match at position %" PRIu64 ", expected: %f, actual: %f\n", oIndex, expectedData[seq][sIndex], outputData[oIndex]);
// Skip mask data
oIndex += (maxSeqLen - seqLen) * sampleSize;
// Check the actual Value match the expected shape and the given data (in onehot vector format)
template <typename ElementType>
void CheckValue(const ValuePtr testValue, const size_t dimension, const vector<vector<size_t>>& expectedData, const vector<size_t>& seqLenList, const vector<bool>& seqStartFlags = {})
// Check parameters
BOOST_TEST(expectedData.size() == seqLenList.size(), "Parameter error: the sequence number in the exepected data and sequence list does not match.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < expectedData.size(); i++)
if (expectedData[i].size() != seqLenList[i])
ReportFailure("Parameter erroe: the number of data for sequence %" PRIu64 " in the expected data does not match. Expected: %" PRIu64 ", actual: %" PRIu64 ".",
i, seqLenList[i], expectedData[i].size());
// Check shape
NDShape shape = testValue->Shape();
size_t valueRank = shape.Rank();
if (valueRank < 2 || valueRank > 3 || shape[0] != dimension)
ReportFailure("The shape of the value does not match\n");
size_t numOfSequences = valueRank == 2 ? 1 : shape[2];
if (numOfSequences != expectedData.size())
ReportFailure("The sequence number in the Value does not match. Expected: %" PRIu64 ", actual: %" PRIu64 ".", expectedData.size(), numOfSequences);
CheckMask(testValue, seqLenList, seqStartFlags);
// Get data from Value
vector<ElementType> outputData(shape.TotalSize());
NDArrayViewPtr arrayOutput = MakeSharedObject<NDArrayView>(shape, outputData, false);
size_t maxSeqLen = *max_element(seqLenList.begin(), seqLenList.end());
size_t oIndex = 0;
for (size_t seq = 0; seq < seqLenList.size(); seq++)
size_t seqLen = seqLenList[seq];
for (size_t sample = 0; sample < seqLen; sample++)
for (size_t c = 0; c < dimension; c++, oIndex++)
if (outputData[oIndex] != 0)
if (outputData[oIndex] != 1)
ReportFailure("OneHot vector contains value other than 0 and 1 at seqNo=%" PRIu64 " sampleNo=%" PRIu64 " position=%" PRIu64 "\n", seq, sample, c);
if (c != expectedData[seq][sample])
ReportFailure("OneHot Index does match at seqNo=%" PRIu64 ", sampleNo=%" PRIu64 ", expected: %" PRIu64 ", actual: %" PRIu64 "\n", seq, sample, expectedData[seq][sample], c);
// Skip mask data
oIndex += (maxSeqLen - seqLen) * dimension;
template <typename ElementType>
void ValueCreationNoNDMaskTest(const DeviceDescriptor device, bool readOnly)
vector<size_t> dims{3, 2};
NDShape sampleShape(dims);
std::vector<std::vector<ElementType>> data;
ValuePtr testValue;
// single sequence, single sample
std::vector<size_t> seqLenList = {1};
data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
testValue = Value::Create(sampleShape, data, device, readOnly);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenList);
// Single sequence, multiple samples
seqLenList = {2};
data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
testValue = Value::Create(sampleShape, data, device, readOnly);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenList);
// Batch with sequences
// Same sequence length for testing no NDMask is needed.
size_t seqLen = 4;
int testRun = 3;
size_t maxNumOfSequences = 60;
// This is only used to generate number of sequnces, so boost distribution is not needed.
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distribution(1, maxNumOfSequences);
for (int i = 0; i < testRun; i++)
size_t numberOfSequences = distribution(generator);
std::vector<size_t> seqLenListBatch(numberOfSequences, seqLen);
data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenListBatch, sampleShape);
// Create the Value object based on the given data and shape.
testValue = Value::Create(sampleShape, data, device, readOnly);
// Check whether the created value matches expected shape and data.
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenListBatch);
template <typename ElementType>
void ValueCreationWithNDMaskTest(const DeviceDescriptor device, bool readOnly)
vector<size_t> dims{1, 4};
NDShape sampleShape(dims);
size_t numberOfSequences;
size_t maxAllowedSeqLen = 128;
std::vector<std::vector<ElementType>> data;
std::vector<size_t> seqLenList;
size_t maxNumOfSequences = 80;
// This is only used to generate number of sequnces, so boost distribution is not needed.
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distribution(1, maxNumOfSequences);
int testRun = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < testRun; i++)
numberOfSequences = distribution(generator);
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(numberOfSequences, maxAllowedSeqLen);
data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
ValuePtr testValue = Value::Create(sampleShape, data, device, readOnly);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenList);
// Test with only 1 sequence with a sequenceStartFlag=false to ensure a mask
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(1, maxAllowedSeqLen);
data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
ValuePtr testValue = Value::Create(sampleShape, data, {false}, device, readOnly);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenList, {false} );
template <typename ElementType>
void ValueCreationOneHotNoNDMaskTest(const DeviceDescriptor device, bool readOnly)
size_t vocabSize = 18;
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> data;
ValuePtr testValue;
// Single sequence, single sample
std::vector<size_t> seqLenList = {1};
data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenList, vocabSize);
testValue = Value::Create<ElementType>(vocabSize, data, device, readOnly);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, vocabSize, data, seqLenList);
// Single sequence, multiple samples
seqLenList = {2};
data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenList, vocabSize);
testValue = Value::Create<ElementType>(vocabSize, data, device, readOnly);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, vocabSize, data, seqLenList);
size_t maxNumOfSequences = 160;
size_t seqLen = 26;
// This is only used to generate number of sequnces, so boost distribution is not needed.
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distribution(1, maxNumOfSequences);
int testRun = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < testRun; i++)
size_t numberOfSequences = distribution(generator);
std::vector<size_t> seqLenListBatch(numberOfSequences, seqLen);
data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenListBatch, vocabSize);
testValue = Value::Create<ElementType>(vocabSize, data, device, readOnly);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, vocabSize, data, seqLenListBatch);
template <typename ElementType>
void ValueCreationOneHotWithNDMaskTest(const DeviceDescriptor device, bool readOnly)
size_t vocabSize = 64;
size_t numberOfSequences;
size_t maxAllowedSeqLen = 95;
size_t maxSeqLen;
std::vector<vector<size_t>> data;
std::vector<size_t> seqLenList;
size_t maxNumOfSequences = 70;
// This is only used to generate number of sequnces, so boost distribution is not needed.
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distribution(1, maxNumOfSequences);
int testRun = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < testRun; i++)
numberOfSequences = distribution(generator);
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(numberOfSequences, maxAllowedSeqLen);
maxSeqLen = *std::max_element(seqLenList.begin(), seqLenList.end());
data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenList, vocabSize);
ValuePtr testValue = Value::Create<ElementType>(vocabSize, data, device, readOnly);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, vocabSize, data, seqLenList);
template <typename ElementType>
void CheckCopyToOutput(const std::vector<std::vector<ElementType>>& expected, const std::vector<std::vector<ElementType>>& actual)
if (expected.size() != actual.size())
ReportFailure("The number of sequences does not match. expected: %" PRIu64 " actual: %" PRIu64 "\n", expected.size(), actual.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++)
if (expected[i].size() != actual[i].size())
ReportFailure("Seq %lu does not match.\n", static_cast<unsigned long>(i));
for (size_t j = 0; j < expected[i].size(); j++)
if (expected[i][j] != actual[i][j])
ReportFailure("Seq %lu does not match.\n", static_cast<unsigned long>(i));
template <typename ElementType>
Variable CreateVariable(NDShape shape, int numOfDynamicAxes, bool isSparse = false)
std::vector<Axis> dynamicAxes;
switch (numOfDynamicAxes)
case 0:
dynamicAxes = {};
case 1:
dynamicAxes = {Axis::DefaultBatchAxis()}; // If only 1 dynamic axis, it is treated as batch axis
case 2:
dynamicAxes = {Axis::DefaultDynamicAxis(), Axis::DefaultBatchAxis()}; // The first is sequence, and the second is batch.
RuntimeError("No more than 2 dynamic axes is allowed.");
Variable sampleVariable(shape, VariableKind::Output, AsDataType<ElementType>(), nullptr, false,
dynamicAxes, isSparse, L"sampleVariable", L"sampleVariableUid");
return sampleVariable;
template <typename ElementType>
void TestDenseSequences(const Variable& sampleVariable, std::vector<size_t>& expectedSeqLens, std::vector<std::vector<ElementType>>& output, const DeviceDescriptor& device)
auto input = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(expectedSeqLens, sampleVariable.Shape());
auto val = Value::Create(sampleVariable.Shape(), input, device);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput<ElementType>(input, output);
template <typename ElementType>
void TestOneHotSequences(const Variable& sampleVariable, std::vector<size_t>& expectedSeqLens, std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>& output, const DeviceDescriptor& device)
auto input = GenerateOneHotSequences(expectedSeqLens, sampleVariable.Shape().TotalSize());
auto val = Value::Create<ElementType>(sampleVariable.Shape().TotalSize(), input, device);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
template <typename ElementType>
void ValueCopyToDenseTest(const DeviceDescriptor& device)
NDShape sampleShape{{2, 3}};
std::vector<std::vector<ElementType>> input;
std::vector<std::vector<ElementType>> output;
std::vector<size_t> expectedSeqLens;
//TODO: add tests sparse to dense.
// Check single sample.
// No dynamic axis for the sampleVariable
auto sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 0);
size_t batchCount = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
input = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(expectedSeqLens, sampleShape);
auto val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// 1 dynamic axis (as batch) for the sampleVariable
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 1);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// 2 dynamic axes for the sampleVariable
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 2);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// Check batch of samples.
// 1 dynamic axis (as batch) for the sampleVariable
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 1);
batchCount = 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
input = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(expectedSeqLens, sampleVariable.Shape());
val = Value::Create(sampleVariable.Shape(), input, device);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// 2 dynamic axes for the sampleVariable
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 2);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// Check sequence of samples, but single batch
// The variable should have 2 dynamic axes.
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 2);
size_t sampleCount = 4;
batchCount = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
TestDenseSequences(sampleVariable, expectedSeqLens, output, device);
// Check batch of sequences of the same length, no mask needed.
batchCount = 4;
sampleCount = 3;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
TestDenseSequences(sampleVariable, expectedSeqLens, output, device);
// Check batch of sequecnes with different lengths, mask needed.
// The length of one sequence is 1.
std::vector<size_t> sampleCountList = {6, 1, 2};
batchCount = sampleCountList.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
TestDenseSequences(sampleVariable, expectedSeqLens, output, device);
// Check batch of sequecnes with different lengths, mask needed.
sampleCountList = {6, 9, 2};
batchCount = sampleCountList.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
TestDenseSequences(sampleVariable, expectedSeqLens, output, device);
// More sequences in a batch, need resize
sampleCountList = {6, 12, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4};
batchCount = sampleCountList.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
TestDenseSequences(sampleVariable, expectedSeqLens, output, device);
// Random batch and sequences
int testRun = 4;
size_t maxNumOfSequences = 100;
size_t maxSequenceLen = 100;
// This is only used to generate number of sequnces, so boost distribution is not needed.
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distribution(1, maxNumOfSequences);
for (int i = 0; i < testRun; i++)
batchCount = distribution(generator);
expectedSeqLens = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxSequenceLen);
input = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(expectedSeqLens, sampleShape);
val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput( input, output);
template <typename ElementType>
void ValueCopyToOneHotTest(const DeviceDescriptor& device)
size_t dim = 100;
NDShape sampleShape{{dim}};
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> input;
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> output;
std::vector<size_t> expectedSeqLens;
// TODO: add tests dense to sparse
// Check single sample.
// No dynamic axis for the sampleVariable.
auto sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 0);
size_t batchCount = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
input = GenerateOneHotSequences(expectedSeqLens, dim);
auto val = Value::Create<ElementType>(dim, input, device);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// 1 dynamic axis (as batch) for the sampleVariable
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 1);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// 2 dynamic axes for the sampleVariable
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 2);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// Check batch of samples.
// 1 dynamic axis (as batch) for the sampleVariable
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 1);
batchCount = 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
input = GenerateOneHotSequences(expectedSeqLens, sampleVariable.Shape().TotalSize());
val = Value::Create<ElementType>(sampleVariable.Shape().TotalSize(), input, device);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// 2 dynamic axes for the sampleVariable
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 2);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// Check sequence of samples, but single batch
// The variable should have 2 dynamic axes.
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 2);
size_t sampleCount = 4;
batchCount = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
TestOneHotSequences<ElementType>(sampleVariable, expectedSeqLens, output, device);
// Check batch of sequences of the same length, no mask needed.
batchCount = 4;
sampleCount = 3;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
TestOneHotSequences<ElementType>(sampleVariable, expectedSeqLens, output, device);
// Check batch of sequecnes with different lengths, mask needed.
// The length of one sequence is 1.
std::vector<size_t> sampleCountList = {6, 1, 2};
batchCount = sampleCountList.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
TestOneHotSequences<ElementType>(sampleVariable, expectedSeqLens, output, device);
// Check batch of sequecnes with different lengths, mask needed.
sampleCountList = {6, 9, 2};
batchCount = sampleCountList.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
TestOneHotSequences<ElementType>(sampleVariable, expectedSeqLens, output, device);
// More sequences in a batch, resize required
sampleCountList = {6, 12, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4};
batchCount = sampleCountList.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
TestOneHotSequences<ElementType>(sampleVariable, expectedSeqLens, output, device);
// Random batch and sequences
int testRun = 4;
size_t maxNumOfSequences = 100;
size_t maxSequenceLen = 100;
// This is only used to generate number of sequnces, so boost distribution is not needed.
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distribution(1, maxNumOfSequences);
for (int i = 0; i < testRun; i++)
batchCount = distribution(generator);
expectedSeqLens = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxSequenceLen);
input = GenerateOneHotSequences(expectedSeqLens, dim);
val = Value::Create<ElementType>(dim, input, device);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
template <typename ElementType>
struct SparseCSCBuffersForTests
size_t m_seqLen;
std::vector<SparseIndexType> m_colsStarts;
std::vector<SparseIndexType> m_rowIndices;
std::vector<ElementType> m_nonZeroValues;
size_t m_numNonZeroValues;
template <typename ElementType>
void SortCSCBuffers(SparseCSCBuffersForTests<ElementType>& cscBuffers)
for (size_t col = 0; col < cscBuffers.m_colsStarts.size() - 1; col++)
size_t colStart = cscBuffers.m_colsStarts[col];
size_t colEnd = cscBuffers.m_colsStarts[col + 1];
for (size_t i = colStart; i < colEnd; i++)
size_t min = i;
for (size_t j = i; j < colEnd; j++)
if (cscBuffers.m_rowIndices[min] > cscBuffers.m_rowIndices[j])
min = j;
if (min != i)
SparseIndexType temp = cscBuffers.m_rowIndices[i];
cscBuffers.m_rowIndices[i] = cscBuffers.m_rowIndices[min];
cscBuffers.m_rowIndices[min] = temp;
ElementType tempVal = cscBuffers.m_nonZeroValues[i];
cscBuffers.m_nonZeroValues[i] = cscBuffers.m_nonZeroValues[min];
cscBuffers.m_nonZeroValues[min] = tempVal;
template <typename ElementType>
bool AreEqualCSCBuffers(SparseCSCBuffersForTests<ElementType>& expected, SparseCSCBuffersForTests<ElementType>& output)
return ((expected.m_seqLen == output.m_seqLen) && (expected.m_colsStarts == output.m_colsStarts) &&
(expected.m_rowIndices == output.m_rowIndices) && (expected.m_nonZeroValues == output.m_nonZeroValues) &&
(expected.m_numNonZeroValues == output.m_numNonZeroValues));
template <typename ElementType>
void ValueCopyToSparseCSCTest(const DeviceDescriptor& device)
size_t maxDimSize = 10;
std::default_random_engine dimSizeGenerator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> dimSizeDistribution(1, maxDimSize);
size_t maxSequenceLen = 15;
size_t dimSize;
ValuePtr sparseValue;
Variable sampleVariable;
NDShape sampleShape;
std::vector<ElementType> referenceDenseData;
SparseCSCBuffersForTests<ElementType> expected, output;
// Check single sample.
// No dynamic axis for the sampleVariable.
dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
sampleShape = NDShape{ dimSize };
expected.m_seqLen = 1;
std::tie(referenceDenseData, expected.m_colsStarts, expected.m_rowIndices, expected.m_nonZeroValues, expected.m_numNonZeroValues) = GenerateSequenceInCSC<ElementType>(dimSize, expected.m_seqLen);
sparseValue = Value::CreateSequence<ElementType>(sampleShape, expected.m_seqLen, expected.m_colsStarts.data(), expected.m_rowIndices.data(), expected.m_nonZeroValues.data(), expected.m_numNonZeroValues, device);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 0, true /* isSparse */);
sparseValue->CopyVariableValueTo<ElementType>(sampleVariable, output.m_seqLen, output.m_colsStarts, output.m_rowIndices, output.m_nonZeroValues, output.m_numNonZeroValues);
BOOST_TEST(AreEqualCSCBuffers(expected, output), "Single sample: the output data does not match expected.");
// 1 dynamic axis (as batch) for the sampleVariable
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 1, true /* isSparse */);
sparseValue->CopyVariableValueTo<ElementType>(sampleVariable, output.m_seqLen, output.m_colsStarts, output.m_rowIndices, output.m_nonZeroValues, output.m_numNonZeroValues);
BOOST_TEST(AreEqualCSCBuffers(expected, output), "Single sample with batch axis: the output data does not match expected.");
// 2 dynamic axes for the sampleVariable
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 2, true /* isSparse */);
sparseValue->CopyVariableValueTo<ElementType>(sampleVariable, output.m_seqLen, output.m_colsStarts, output.m_rowIndices, output.m_nonZeroValues, output.m_numNonZeroValues);
BOOST_TEST(AreEqualCSCBuffers(expected, output), "Single sample with batch and sequence axis: the output data does not match expected.");
// Random sequences
int testRun = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < testRun; i++)
// Test without using seqStartFlag
dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
sampleShape = NDShape{ dimSize };
expected.m_seqLen = GenerateSequenceLengths(1, maxSequenceLen)[0];
std::tie(referenceDenseData, expected.m_colsStarts, expected.m_rowIndices, expected.m_nonZeroValues, expected.m_numNonZeroValues) = GenerateSequenceInCSC<ElementType>(dimSize, expected.m_seqLen);
sparseValue = Value::CreateSequence<ElementType>(sampleShape, expected.m_seqLen, expected.m_colsStarts.data(), expected.m_rowIndices.data(), expected.m_nonZeroValues.data(), expected.m_numNonZeroValues, device, true /* readOnly */);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 2, true /* isSparse */);
sparseValue->CopyVariableValueTo<ElementType>(sampleVariable, output.m_seqLen, output.m_colsStarts, output.m_rowIndices, output.m_nonZeroValues, output.m_numNonZeroValues);
BOOST_TEST(AreEqualCSCBuffers(expected, output), "The output data does not match expected.");
// Using seqStartFlag.
auto seqStartFlag = static_cast<int>(rand()) % 2 == 0 ? true : false;
sparseValue = Value::CreateSequence<ElementType>(sampleShape, expected.m_seqLen, expected.m_colsStarts.data(), expected.m_rowIndices.data(), expected.m_nonZeroValues.data(), expected.m_numNonZeroValues, seqStartFlag, device, false /*readOnly */);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 2, true /* isSparse */);
sparseValue->CopyVariableValueTo<ElementType>(sampleVariable, output.m_seqLen, output.m_colsStarts, output.m_rowIndices, output.m_nonZeroValues, output.m_numNonZeroValues);
BOOST_TEST(AreEqualCSCBuffers(expected, output), "The output data does not match expected.");
// Test N-Dimensional shape
dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
sampleShape = NDShape{ dimSize, dimSize };
expected.m_seqLen = GenerateSequenceLengths(1, maxSequenceLen)[0];
std::tie(referenceDenseData, expected.m_colsStarts, expected.m_rowIndices, expected.m_nonZeroValues, expected.m_numNonZeroValues) = GenerateSequenceInCSC<ElementType>(dimSize, expected.m_seqLen * dimSize);
sparseValue = Value::CreateSequence<ElementType>(sampleShape, expected.m_seqLen, expected.m_colsStarts.data(), expected.m_rowIndices.data(), expected.m_nonZeroValues.data(), expected.m_numNonZeroValues, device);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 2, true /* isSparse */);
sparseValue->CopyVariableValueTo<ElementType>(sampleVariable, output.m_seqLen, output.m_colsStarts, output.m_rowIndices, output.m_nonZeroValues, output.m_numNonZeroValues);
BOOST_TEST(AreEqualCSCBuffers(expected, output), "N-Dimensional shape: the output data does not match expected.");
// exception test: multiple sequences; dense format
// The variable is using the dense format.
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 2);
VerifyException([&sparseValue, &sampleVariable, &output]() {
sparseValue->CopyVariableValueTo<ElementType>(sampleVariable, output.m_seqLen, output.m_colsStarts, output.m_rowIndices, output.m_nonZeroValues, output.m_numNonZeroValues);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The outputVariable must be in the sparse format.");
// The Value contains multiple sequences.
dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
sampleShape = NDShape{ dimSize };
size_t numSequences = 2;
auto sequenceLengths = GenerateSequenceLengths(numSequences, maxSequenceLen);
std::vector<NDArrayViewPtr> denseSequences(numSequences), sparseSequences(numSequences);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numSequences; ++i)
std::tie(denseSequences[i], sparseSequences[i]) = GenerateSparseSequence<float>(dimSize, sequenceLengths[i], 5);
sparseValue = Value::Create({ dimSize }, sparseSequences, device);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<ElementType>(sampleShape, 2, true /* isSparse */);
VerifyException([&sparseValue, &sampleVariable, &output]() {
sparseValue->CopyVariableValueTo<ElementType>(sampleVariable, output.m_seqLen, output.m_colsStarts, output.m_rowIndices, output.m_nonZeroValues, output.m_numNonZeroValues);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The Value cannot be copied to buffers in sparse format, since it contains multiple sequences. Only single sequence is supported now.");
void ValueCopyToWithUnboundDimension(DeviceDescriptor device)
std::vector<std::vector<float>> output;
std::vector<size_t> expectedSeqLens;
std::vector<std::vector<float>> input;
Variable sampleVariable;
NDShape sampleShape;
size_t batchCount;
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distribution(1,10);
// Prepare value with 1 batch and 1 sequence.
sampleShape = CreateShape(3, 10);
input = GenerateSequences<float>({ 1 }, sampleShape);
auto val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
// Test variable having shape with 1 InferredDimentsion, no dynamic axis.
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ sampleShape[0], sampleShape[1], NDShape::InferredDimension }, 0);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// Test variable having shape with 1 InferredDimentsion, 1 dynamic axis.
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ sampleShape[0], NDShape::InferredDimension, sampleShape[2] }, 1);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// Test variable having shape with 1 InferredDimentsion, 2 dynamic axes.
sampleShape = CreateShape(3, 10);
input = GenerateSequences<float>({ 1 }, sampleShape);
val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ NDShape::InferredDimension, sampleShape[1], sampleShape[2] }, 2);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// Prepare value with batch length >= 1, but each batch has only 1 sequence.
sampleShape = CreateShape(3, 10);
batchCount = distribution(generator);
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
input = GenerateSequences<float>(expectedSeqLens, sampleShape);
val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
// Test variable having shape with 1 InferredDimentsion, 1 dynamic axis.
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ NDShape::InferredDimension, sampleShape[1], sampleShape[2] }, 1);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
sampleShape = CreateShape(3, 10);
batchCount = distribution(generator);
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
input = GenerateSequences<float>(expectedSeqLens, sampleShape);
val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ sampleShape[0], NDShape::InferredDimension, sampleShape[2] }, 1);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// Test variable having shape with 1 InferredDimentsion, 2 dynamic axes.
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ sampleShape[0], sampleShape[1], NDShape::InferredDimension }, 2);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// Test exception for variable without dynamic axis
sampleShape = CreateShape(3, 10);
// make sure the batch length > 1.
batchCount = distribution(generator) + 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
input = GenerateSequences<float>(expectedSeqLens, sampleShape);
val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ sampleShape[0], sampleShape[1], NDShape::InferredDimension }, 0);
VerifyException([&val, &sampleVariable, &output]() {
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The dimension size of the Value must be 1, because this axis is not specified as a dynamic axis of the Variable.");
// Prepare value with batch length >= 1 and sequence length >= 1.
sampleShape = CreateShape(2, 10);
batchCount = distribution(generator);
expectedSeqLens = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, 15);
input = GenerateSequences<float>(expectedSeqLens, sampleShape);
val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
// Test variable having shape with 1 InferredDimentsion, 2 dynamic axes.
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ NDShape::InferredDimension, sampleShape[1] }, 2);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ sampleShape[0], NDShape::InferredDimension }, 2);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// Test variable having shape with 2 InferredDimentsions.
sampleShape = CreateShape(2, 10);
batchCount = distribution(generator);
expectedSeqLens = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, 15);
input = GenerateSequences<float>(expectedSeqLens, sampleShape);
val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>(NDShape(2), 2);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// Test exception if the variable having only 1 dynamic axis.
sampleShape = CreateShape(2, 10);
// Ensure that batch length > 1.
batchCount = distribution(generator) + 1;
// The length of sequences returned by GenerateSequenceLengths is > 1.
expectedSeqLens = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, 15);
input = GenerateSequences<float>(expectedSeqLens, sampleShape);
val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ sampleShape[0], NDShape::InferredDimension }, 1);
VerifyException([&val, &sampleVariable, &output]() {
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The dimension size of the Value must be 1, because this axis is not specified as a dynamic axis of the Variable.");
// Test exception if the variable having only 0 dynamic axis.
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ sampleShape[0], NDShape::InferredDimension }, 0);
VerifyException([&val, &sampleVariable, &output]() {
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The dimension size of the Value must be 1, because this axis is not specified as a dynamic axis of the Variable.");
// Test exception if the variable having only 0 dynamic axis, batch length > 1 but sequence length == 1.
sampleShape = CreateShape(2, 10);
// Ensure that batch length > 1.
batchCount = distribution(generator) + 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
input = GenerateSequences<float>(expectedSeqLens, sampleShape);
val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ sampleShape[0], NDShape::InferredDimension }, 0);
VerifyException([&val, &sampleVariable, &output]() {
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The dimension size of the Value must be 1, because this axis is not specified as a dynamic axis of the Variable.");
// Test variable with 1 free dimension.
sampleShape = CreateShape(2, 10);
batchCount = distribution(generator);
expectedSeqLens = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, 15);
input = GenerateSequences<float>(expectedSeqLens, sampleShape);
val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ sampleShape[0], NDShape::FreeDimension }, 2);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
// Test variable with 2 free dimensions.
sampleShape = CreateShape(2, 10);
batchCount = distribution(generator);
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
input = GenerateSequences<float>(expectedSeqLens, sampleShape);
val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>({ NDShape::FreeDimension, NDShape::FreeDimension }, 2);
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
CheckCopyToOutput(input, output);
void ValueCopyToExceptionsTest(const DeviceDescriptor& device)
std::vector<size_t> expectedSeqLens = {1};
std::vector<std::vector<float>> input;
std::vector<std::vector<float>> output;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> outputInDouble;
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> outputInOneHot;
NDShape sampleShape{{2, 3}};
NDShape sampleOneHotShape{{100}};
input = GenerateSequences<float>(expectedSeqLens, sampleShape);
auto val = Value::Create(sampleShape, input, device);
// Test variable with unknown shape
auto sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>(NDShape::Unknown(), 0);
VerifyException([&val, &sampleVariable, &output]() {
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: It is not supported that the outputVariable has a unknown shape or inferred dimension.");
// Test variable having incorrect data type.
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<double>(sampleShape, 0);
VerifyException([&val, &sampleVariable, &output]() {
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, output);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The outputVariable has a different data type than the Value object.");
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<double>(sampleOneHotShape, 0);
VerifyException([&val, &sampleVariable, &outputInOneHot]() {
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, outputInOneHot);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The outputVariable has a different data type than the Value object.");
// Test output buffer having incorrect data type.
sampleVariable = CreateVariable<float>(sampleShape, 0);
VerifyException([&val, &sampleVariable, &outputInDouble]() {
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, outputInDouble);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The specified ElementType Double does not match the DataType Float");
// Test the first axis when using one-hot format.
VerifyException([&val, &sampleVariable, &outputInOneHot]() {
val->CopyVariableValueTo(sampleVariable, outputInOneHot);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The outputVariable's leading axis dimensionality must equal the total size of the variable for sparse data.");
void TestSettingParameterValuesManually(const DeviceDescriptor& device)
auto v1_1 = MakeSharedObject<NDArrayView>(0.5, NDShape({ 2, 2 }), device);
auto v1_2 = MakeSharedObject<NDArrayView>(0.4, NDShape({ 2, 2 }), device);
Parameter p1(v1_1);
auto value = p1.Value();
assert(!AreEqual(v1_1, v1_2) && !AreEqual(p1.Value(), v1_2));
BOOST_TEST(AreEqual(p1.Value(), v1_2), "Parameter value does match the expected value.");
Parameter p2(NDArrayView::RandomUniform<float>({ 10 }, -0.05, 0.05, 1, device));
auto v2 = NDArrayView::RandomUniform<float>({ 10 }, -0.05, 0.05, 2, device);
assert(!AreEqual(p2.Value(), v2));
BOOST_TEST(AreEqual(p2.Value(), v2), "Parameter value does match the expected value.");
Parameter p3(NDShape({ 3, 4 }), DataType::Float, GlorotUniformInitializer(), device, L"p3");
auto v3 = NDArrayView::RandomUniform<float>({ 3, 4 }, -1, 1, 3, device);
BOOST_TEST(AreEqual(p3.Value(), v3), "Parameter value does match the expected value.");
Parameter p4({ 1 }, DataType::Double, Dictionary(), device, L"p4");
auto v4 = MakeSharedObject<NDArrayView>(1.0, NDShape{ 1 }, device);
// Since p4 initializer is an empty dictionary, lazy-initialization (triggered by the value getter: p4.Value())
// should fail. However, the setter will override the bogus initializer and init p4 by copying v4 content.
BOOST_TEST(AreEqual(p4.Value(), v4), "Parameter value does match the expected value.");
void ValueCreationSparseBatchOfSequencesTest(size_t vocabSize, size_t maxAllowedSequenceLength, const DeviceDescriptor& device)
size_t numSequences = 5;
auto sequenceLengths = GenerateSequenceLengths(numSequences, maxAllowedSequenceLength);
std::vector<NDArrayViewPtr> denseSequences(numSequences), sparseSequences(numSequences);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numSequences; ++i)
std::tie(denseSequences[i], sparseSequences[i]) = GenerateSparseSequence<float>(vocabSize, sequenceLengths[i], 5);
// Separately batch the sequences both in dense and sparse forms
auto denseSequenceBatch = Value::Create({ vocabSize }, denseSequences, device);
auto sparseSequenceBatch = Value::Create({ vocabSize }, sparseSequences, device);
auto sparseSequenceBatchDataConvertedToDense = MakeSharedObject<NDArrayView>(DataType::Float, sparseSequenceBatch->Data()->Shape(), device);
auto sparseSequenceBatchValueConvertedToDense = MakeSharedObject<Value>(sparseSequenceBatchDataConvertedToDense, sparseSequenceBatch->Mask());
BOOST_TEST(Internal::AreEqual(*denseSequenceBatch, *sparseSequenceBatchValueConvertedToDense), "Sparse sequence batch does not match expectation");
template <typename ElementType>
void CreateBatchTestDense(const DeviceDescriptor device, bool readOnly)
size_t numAxes = 3;
size_t maxDimSize = 20;
NDShape sampleShape = CreateShape(numAxes, maxDimSize);
auto sampleSize = sampleShape.TotalSize();
size_t batchCount = 1;
size_t maxSequenceLen = 100;
auto seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxSequenceLen);
// Here we miss use GenertaeSequences to create batch.
auto data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
auto batch2 = data[0];
auto testValue = Value::CreateBatch(sampleShape, batch2, device, readOnly);
vector<vector<ElementType>> expectedResult;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data[0].size(); i += sampleSize)
expectedResult.push_back(vector<ElementType>(data[0].begin() + i, data[0].begin() + i + sampleSize));
vector<size_t> resultSeqLen(data[0].size()/sampleSize, 1);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, expectedResult, resultSeqLen);
vector<ElementType> wrongBatch(sampleSize * 2 - 1, 0);
VerifyException([&sampleShape, &wrongBatch, &device, &readOnly]() {
Value::CreateBatch(sampleShape, wrongBatch, device, readOnly);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The number of data is not a multiple of the sample size.");
auto emptyBatch = vector<ElementType>(0);
VerifyException([&sampleShape, &emptyBatch, &device, &readOnly]() {
Value::CreateBatch(sampleShape, emptyBatch, device, readOnly);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The number of sequences is 0");
template <typename ElementType>
void CreateSequenceTestDense(const DeviceDescriptor device, bool readOnly)
size_t numAxes = 4;
size_t maxDimSize = 30;
NDShape sampleShape = CreateShape(numAxes, maxDimSize);
auto sampleSize = sampleShape.TotalSize();
size_t batchCount = 1;
size_t maxSequenceLen = 60;
// Test without using seqStartFlag
auto seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxSequenceLen);
auto data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
auto seq = data[0];
auto testValue = Value::CreateSequence(sampleShape, seq, device, readOnly);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenList);
// Test seqStartFlag is true
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxSequenceLen);
data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
seq = data[0];
testValue = Value::CreateSequence(sampleShape, seq, true, device, readOnly);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenList, { true });
// Test seqStartFlag is false
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxSequenceLen);
data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
seq = data[0];
testValue = Value::CreateSequence(sampleShape, seq, false, device, readOnly);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenList, { false });
vector<ElementType> wrongSeq(sampleSize * 2 - 1, 0);
VerifyException([&sampleShape, &wrongSeq, &device, &readOnly]() {
Value::CreateSequence(sampleShape, wrongSeq, device, readOnly);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The number of data is not a multiple of the sample size.");
auto emptySeq = vector<ElementType>(0);
VerifyException([&sampleShape, &emptySeq, &device, &readOnly]() {
Value::CreateSequence(sampleShape, emptySeq, device, readOnly);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The sequence length is 0");
template <typename ElementType>
void CreateBatchOfSequencesTestDense(const DeviceDescriptor device, bool readOnly)
size_t numAxes = 3;
size_t maxDimSize = 10;
NDShape sampleShape = CreateShape(numAxes, maxDimSize);
size_t maxNumOfSequences = 20;
size_t maxAllowedSequenceLen = 10;
size_t batchCount;
// Explicitly test seqStartFlags
batchCount = 2;
auto seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxAllowedSequenceLen);
auto data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
vector<bool> seqStartFlags = { true, true };
auto testValue = Value::CreateBatchOfSequences(sampleShape, data, seqStartFlags, device, readOnly);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenList, seqStartFlags);
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxAllowedSequenceLen);
data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
seqStartFlags = { false, false };
testValue = Value::CreateBatchOfSequences(sampleShape, data, seqStartFlags, device, readOnly);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenList, seqStartFlags);
batchCount = 3;
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxAllowedSequenceLen);
data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
seqStartFlags = { true, false, true };
testValue = Value::CreateBatchOfSequences(sampleShape, data, seqStartFlags, device, readOnly);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenList, seqStartFlags);
int testRun = 4;
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distribution(1, maxNumOfSequences);
for (int i = 0; i < testRun; i++)
batchCount = distribution(generator);
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxAllowedSequenceLen);
data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
testValue = Value::CreateBatchOfSequences(sampleShape, data, device, readOnly);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenList);
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxAllowedSequenceLen);
data = GenerateSequences<ElementType>(seqLenList, sampleShape);
seqStartFlags = GenerateSequenceStartFlags(batchCount);
testValue = Value::CreateBatchOfSequences(sampleShape, data, seqStartFlags, device, readOnly);
CheckValue(testValue, sampleShape, data, seqLenList, seqStartFlags);
template <typename ElementType>
void CreateBatchTestOneHot(const DeviceDescriptor device, bool readOnly)
size_t maxDimSize = 30;
std::default_random_engine dimSizeGenerator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> dimSizeDistribution(1, maxDimSize);
size_t dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
size_t batchCount = 1;
size_t maxSequenceLen = 100;
auto seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxSequenceLen);
// Here we miss use GenertaeSequences to create batch.
auto data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenList, dimSize);
auto batch2 = data[0];
auto testValue = Value::CreateBatch<ElementType>(dimSize, batch2, device, readOnly);
vector<vector<size_t>> expectedResult;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data[0].size(); i ++)
expectedResult.push_back(vector<size_t>(1, data[0][i]));
vector<size_t> resultSeqLen(data[0].size(), 1);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, dimSize, expectedResult, resultSeqLen);
auto emptyBatch = vector<size_t>(0);
VerifyException([&dimSize, &emptyBatch, &device, &readOnly]() {
Value::CreateBatch<ElementType>(dimSize, emptyBatch, device, readOnly);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The number of sequences is 0");
template <typename ElementType>
void CreateSequenceTestOneHot(const DeviceDescriptor device, bool readOnly)
size_t maxDimSize = 210;
std::default_random_engine dimSizeGenerator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> dimSizeDistribution(1, maxDimSize);
size_t dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
size_t batchCount = 1;
size_t maxSequenceLen = 40;
// Test without using seqStartFlag
auto seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxSequenceLen);
auto data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenList, dimSize);
auto seq = data[0];
auto testValue = Value::CreateSequence<ElementType>(dimSize, seq, device, readOnly);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, dimSize, data, seqLenList);
// Test seqStartFlag is true
dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxSequenceLen);
data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenList, dimSize);
seq = data[0];
testValue = Value::CreateSequence<ElementType>(dimSize, seq, true, device, readOnly);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, dimSize, data, seqLenList, { true });
// Test seqStartFlag is false
dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxSequenceLen);
data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenList, dimSize);
seq = data[0];
testValue = Value::CreateSequence<ElementType>(dimSize, seq, false, device, readOnly);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, dimSize, data, seqLenList, { false });
auto emptySeq = vector<size_t>(0);
VerifyException([&dimSize, &emptySeq, &device, &readOnly]() {
Value::CreateSequence<ElementType>(dimSize, emptySeq, device, readOnly);
}, "The expected exception has not been caught: The sequences length is 0");
template <typename ElementType>
void CreateBatchOfSequencesTestOneHot(const DeviceDescriptor device, bool readOnly)
size_t maxDimSize = 40;
std::default_random_engine dimSizeGenerator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> dimSizeDistribution(1, maxDimSize);
size_t dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
size_t maxNumOfSequences = 20;
size_t maxAllowedSequenceLen = 10;
size_t batchCount;
// Explicitly test seqStartFlags
batchCount = 2;
dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
auto seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxAllowedSequenceLen);
auto data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenList, dimSize);
vector<bool> seqStartFlags = { true, true };
auto testValue = Value::CreateBatchOfSequences<ElementType>(dimSize, data, seqStartFlags, device, readOnly);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, dimSize, data, seqLenList, seqStartFlags);
dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxAllowedSequenceLen);
data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenList, dimSize);
seqStartFlags = { false, false };
testValue = Value::CreateBatchOfSequences<ElementType>(dimSize, data, seqStartFlags, device, readOnly);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, dimSize, data, seqLenList, seqStartFlags);
batchCount = 3;
dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxAllowedSequenceLen);
data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenList, dimSize);
seqStartFlags = { true, false, true };
testValue = Value::CreateBatchOfSequences<ElementType>(dimSize, data, seqStartFlags, device, readOnly);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, dimSize, data, seqLenList, seqStartFlags);
int testRun = 4;
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distribution(1, maxNumOfSequences);
for (int i = 0; i < testRun; i++)
batchCount = distribution(generator);
dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxAllowedSequenceLen);
data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenList, dimSize);
testValue = Value::CreateBatchOfSequences<ElementType>(dimSize, data, device, readOnly);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, dimSize, data, seqLenList);
seqLenList = GenerateSequenceLengths(batchCount, maxAllowedSequenceLen);
data = GenerateOneHotSequences(seqLenList, dimSize);
seqStartFlags = GenerateSequenceStartFlags(batchCount);
testValue = Value::CreateBatchOfSequences<ElementType>(dimSize, data, seqStartFlags, device, readOnly);
CheckValue<ElementType>(testValue, dimSize, data, seqLenList, seqStartFlags);
void CheckSparseValueEqualToDenseValue(ValuePtr sparseValue, ValuePtr denseValue, const DeviceDescriptor device)
auto sparseValueInDenseView = MakeSharedObject<NDArrayView>(sparseValue->GetDataType(), sparseValue->Shape(), device);
auto sparseValueInDense = MakeSharedObject<Value>(sparseValueInDenseView, sparseValue->Mask());
BOOST_TEST(Internal::AreEqual(*denseValue, *sparseValueInDense), "Value created using sparse input does not match expectation");
template <typename ElementType>
void CreateSequenceTestSparse(const DeviceDescriptor device, bool readOnly)
size_t maxDimSize = 11;
std::default_random_engine dimSizeGenerator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> dimSizeDistribution(1, maxDimSize);
size_t maxSequenceLen = 20;
std::vector<ElementType> referenceDenseData;
std::vector<SparseIndexType> colsStarts;
std::vector<SparseIndexType> rowIndices;
std::vector<ElementType> nonZeroValues;
size_t numNonZeroValues;
size_t dimSize;
size_t seqLen;
ValuePtr sparseValue, denseValue;
int testRun = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < testRun; i++)
// Test without using seqStartFlag
dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
seqLen = GenerateSequenceLengths(1, maxSequenceLen)[0];
std::tie(referenceDenseData, colsStarts, rowIndices, nonZeroValues, numNonZeroValues) = GenerateSequenceInCSC<ElementType>(dimSize, seqLen);
// Not using seqStartFlag.
sparseValue = Value::CreateSequence<ElementType>( { dimSize }, seqLen, colsStarts.data(), rowIndices.data(), nonZeroValues.data(), numNonZeroValues, device, readOnly);
denseValue = Value::CreateSequence<ElementType>({ dimSize }, referenceDenseData, device, readOnly);
CheckSparseValueEqualToDenseValue(sparseValue, denseValue, device);
// Using seqStartFlag.
auto seqStartFlag = static_cast<int>(rand()) % 2 == 0 ? true : false;
sparseValue = Value::CreateSequence({ dimSize }, seqLen, colsStarts.data(), rowIndices.data(), nonZeroValues.data(), numNonZeroValues, seqStartFlag, device, readOnly);
denseValue = Value::CreateSequence({ dimSize }, referenceDenseData, seqStartFlag, device, readOnly);
CheckSparseValueEqualToDenseValue(sparseValue, denseValue, device);
dimSize = dimSizeDistribution(dimSizeGenerator);
seqLen = GenerateSequenceLengths(1, maxSequenceLen)[0];
std::tie(referenceDenseData, colsStarts, rowIndices, nonZeroValues, numNonZeroValues) = GenerateSequenceInCSC<ElementType>(dimSize * dimSize, seqLen);
sparseValue = Value::CreateSequence({ dimSize * dimSize }, seqLen, colsStarts.data(), rowIndices.data(), nonZeroValues.data(), numNonZeroValues, device, readOnly);
denseValue = Value::CreateSequence({ dimSize * dimSize }, referenceDenseData, device, readOnly);
CheckSparseValueEqualToDenseValue(sparseValue, denseValue, device);
std::tie(referenceDenseData, colsStarts, rowIndices, nonZeroValues, numNonZeroValues) = GenerateSequenceInCSC<ElementType>(dimSize, seqLen * dimSize);
sparseValue = Value::CreateSequence<ElementType>({ dimSize, dimSize }, seqLen, colsStarts.data(), rowIndices.data(), nonZeroValues.data(), numNonZeroValues, device, readOnly);
denseValue = Value::CreateSequence({ dimSize, dimSize }, referenceDenseData, device, readOnly);
CheckSparseValueEqualToDenseValue(sparseValue, denseValue, device);
struct ValueFixture
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(ValueSuite, ValueFixture)
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
ValueCreationNoNDMaskTest<float>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), false);
ValueCreationNoNDMaskTest<double>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), true);
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
ValueCreationNoNDMaskTest<double>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), false);
ValueCreationNoNDMaskTest<float>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), true);
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
ValueCreationWithNDMaskTest<double>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), false);
ValueCreationWithNDMaskTest<float>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), true);
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
ValueCreationWithNDMaskTest<float>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), false);
ValueCreationWithNDMaskTest<double>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), true);
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
ValueCreationOneHotNoNDMaskTest<float>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), false);
ValueCreationOneHotNoNDMaskTest<double>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), true);
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
ValueCreationOneHotNoNDMaskTest<double>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), false);
ValueCreationOneHotNoNDMaskTest<float>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), true);
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
ValueCreationOneHotWithNDMaskTest<double>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), false);
ValueCreationOneHotWithNDMaskTest<float>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), true);
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
ValueCreationOneHotWithNDMaskTest<float>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), false);
ValueCreationOneHotWithNDMaskTest<double>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), true);
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
ValueCreationSparseBatchOfSequencesTest(300, 7, DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice());
ValueCreationSparseBatchOfSequencesTest(2300, 1, DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice());
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
ValueCreationSparseBatchOfSequencesTest(50000, 1, DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0));
ValueCreationSparseBatchOfSequencesTest(6000, 6, DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0));
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
CreateBatchTestDense<float>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), true);
CreateBatchTestDense<double>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), false);
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
CreateBatchTestDense<float>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), false);
CreateBatchTestDense<double>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), true);
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
CreateSequenceTestDense<float>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), true);
CreateSequenceTestDense<double>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), false);
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
CreateSequenceTestDense<float>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), false);
CreateSequenceTestDense<double>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), true);
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
CreateBatchOfSequencesTestDense<float>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), true);
CreateBatchOfSequencesTestDense<double>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), false);
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
CreateBatchOfSequencesTestDense<float>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), false);
CreateBatchOfSequencesTestDense<double>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), true);
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
CreateBatchTestOneHot<float>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), true);
CreateBatchTestOneHot<double>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), false);
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
CreateBatchTestOneHot<float>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), false);
CreateBatchTestOneHot<double>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), true);
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
CreateSequenceTestOneHot<float>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), true);
CreateSequenceTestOneHot<double>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), false);
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
CreateSequenceTestOneHot<float>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), false);
CreateSequenceTestOneHot<double>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), true);
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
CreateBatchOfSequencesTestOneHot<float>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), true);
CreateBatchOfSequencesTestOneHot<double>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), false);
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
CreateBatchOfSequencesTestOneHot<float>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), false);
CreateBatchOfSequencesTestOneHot<double>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), true);
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
CreateSequenceTestSparse<float>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), false);
CreateSequenceTestSparse<double>(DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice(), true);
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
CreateSequenceTestSparse<float>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), false);
CreateSequenceTestSparse<double>(DeviceDescriptor::GPUDevice(0), true);
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())
if (!ShouldRunOnCpu())
if (ShouldRunOnGpu())