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# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================
from .. import cntk_py
import numpy as np
from cntk import NDArrayView
from ..cntk_py import DictionaryValueFromDict, DictionaryValue, Dictionary, DictionaryValueFromNDArrayView
_VARIABLE_OR_FUNCTION = (cntk_py.Variable, cntk_py.Function)
def get_data_type(*args):
Calculates the highest precision numpy data type of the provided parameters.
If the parameter is a Function instance, it calculates it based on its
inputs. placeholders are ignored in the type determination.
args (number, list, NumPy array, :class:`~cntk.variables.Variable`, or :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`): input
np.float32, np.float64, np.float16 or None
from ..variables import Variable
cntk_dtypes = set()
numpy_dtypes = set()
if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args, _VARIABLE_OR_FUNCTION):
args = [args]
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, Variable) and arg.is_placeholder == True:
if isinstance(arg,
(cntk_py.Variable, cntk_py.Value, cntk_py.NDArrayView)):
if cntk_py.DataType_Double == arg.get_data_type():
elif cntk_py.DataType_Float == arg.get_data_type():
elif cntk_py.DataType_Float16 == arg.get_data_type():
elif isinstance(arg, (np.ndarray, np.inexact)):
# https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.scalars.html
# integer are not np.inexact -> np.float32
# only accepts numpy types
if arg.dtype not in (np.float32, np.float64, np.float16):
raise ValueError(
'NumPy type "%s" is not supported' % arg.dtype)
elif isinstance(arg, _VARIABLE_OR_FUNCTION):
var_outputs = arg.outputs
if len(var_outputs) > 1:
raise ValueError(
'expected single output, but got %i' % len(var_outputs))
var_type = var_outputs[0].get_data_type()
if cntk_py.DataType_Double == var_type:
elif cntk_py.DataType_Float == var_type:
elif cntk_py.DataType_Float16 == var_type:
# We don't know anything so we convert everything to float32. If it
# works, we know the type.
# TODO figure out a better/faster way.
np.asarray(arg, dtype=np.float32)
if cntk_dtypes:
if np.float64 in cntk_dtypes:
return np.float64
elif np.float32 in cntk_dtypes:
return np.float32
elif np.float16 in cntk_dtypes:
return np.float16
if np.float64 in numpy_dtypes:
return np.float64
elif np.float32 in numpy_dtypes:
return np.float32
elif np.float16 in numpy_dtypes:
return np.float16
def get_python_function_arguments(f):
Helper to get the parameter names and annotations of a Python function.
# Note that we only return non-optional arguments (we assume that any optional args are not specified).
# This allows to, e.g., accept max(a, b, *more, name='') as a binary function
import sys
if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
from inspect import getfullargspec
def getfullargspec(f):
from inspect import getargspec
from ..variables import Record
annotations = getattr(f, '__annotations__', {})
#f.__annotations__ = None # needed when faking it under Python 3 for debugging purposes
a = getargspec(f)
#f.__annotations__ = annotations
return Record(args=a.args, varargs=a.varargs, varkw=a.keywords, defaults=a.defaults, kwonlyargs=[], kwonlydefaults=None, annotations=annotations)
param_specs = getfullargspec(f)
annotations = param_specs.annotations
arg_names = param_specs.args
defaults = param_specs.defaults # "if this tuple has n elements, they correspond to the last n elements listed in args"
if defaults:
arg_names = arg_names[:-len(defaults)] # we allow Function(functions with default arguments), but those args will always have default values since CNTK Functions do not support this
return (arg_names, annotations)
def map_function_arguments(params, params_dict, *args, **kwargs):
Helper to determine the argument map for use with various call operations.
Returns a dictionary from parameters to whatever arguments are passed.
Accepted are both positional and keyword arguments.
This mimics Python's argument interpretation, except that keyword arguments are not optional.
This does not require the arguments to be Variables or Functions. It is also called by train_minibatch() and @Signature.
# start with positional arguments
arg_map = dict(zip(params, args))
# now look up keyword arguments
if len(kwargs) != 0:
for name, arg in kwargs.items(): # keyword args are matched by name
if name not in params_dict:
raise TypeError("got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % name)
param = params_dict[name]
if param in arg_map:
raise SyntaxError("got multiple values for argument '%s'" % name)
arg_map[param] = arg # add kw argument to dict
assert len(arg_map) == len(params)
return arg_map
def _ones_like(batch, precision):
Returns a new batch, which has the same format as ``batch`` but all values
set to 1.
batch (list of NumPy arrays): a list of sequences, which are NumPy arrays
from cntk.internal import sanitize_precision
return [np.ones_like(sample, dtype=sanitize_precision(precision)) for sample in batch]
def eval(op, arguments=None, precision=None, device=None, backward_pass=False, expected_backward=None):
It evaluates ``op`` on the data provided by the reader. This is useful
mainly to explore the operators and for convenient unit testing.
op (:class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`): operation to evaluate
arguments: maps variables to their input data. The
interpretation depends on the input type:
* `dict`: keys are input variable or names, and values are the input data.
* any other type: if node has a unique input, ``arguments`` is mapped to this input.
For nodes with more than one input, only `dict` is allowed.
In both cases, every sample in the data will be interpreted
as a new sequence. To mark samples as continuations of the
previous sequence, specify ``arguments`` as `tuple`: the
first element will be used as ``arguments``, and the second one will
be used as a list of bools, denoting whether a sequence is a new
one (`True`) or a continuation of the previous one (`False`).
Data should be either NumPy arrays or a
:class:`~cntk.io.MinibatchData` instance.
seq_starts (list of bools or None): if None, every sequence is
treated as a new sequence. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a list of
Booleans that tell whether a sequence is a new sequence (`True`) or a
continuation of the sequence in the same slot of the previous
minibatch (`False`)
precision (str or None): precision being 'float32', 'float64', 'float16', or
None, in which case it will be determined by inspecting the operator
device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`, default None): device
this value should be put on
backward_pass (`bool`, optional): whether a backward pass is performed
expected_backward (`dict` or None): keys are variables for which to
compute a backward ouptut. By default (None) all entries from
'arguments' are used
mapping of output variables to their values.
if backward_pass:
state, forward_output = op.forward(arguments, op.outputs, op.outputs,
if expected_backward is None:
expected_backward = arguments
root_gradients = {v: _ones_like(o, precision) for v, o in
backward_output = op.backward(state, root_gradients, expected_backward)
return forward_output, backward_output
state, forward_output = op.forward(
arguments, op.outputs, None, device=device)
return forward_output, None
def _to_cntk_dict_value(py_value):
if isinstance(py_value, dict):
return DictionaryValueFromDict(_py_dict_to_cntk_dict(py_value))
if isinstance(py_value, list):
py_list = list(map(_to_cntk_dict_value, py_value))
return DictionaryValue(py_list)
if isinstance(py_value, np.ndarray):
py_value = NDArrayView.from_dense(py_value)
return DictionaryValueFromNDArrayView(py_value)
if isinstance(py_value, cntk_py.training_double_parameter_schedule):
return cntk_py.DictionaryValueFromTrainingDoubleParameterSchedule(py_value)
if py_value is None:
return DictionaryValue()
return DictionaryValue(py_value)
def _py_dict_to_cntk_dict(py_dict):
Recursively converts a Python dictionary into a CNTK Dictionary
whose values are CNTK DictionaryValue instances.
py_dict (dict): a dictionary to be converted.
A :class:`~cntk.cntk_py.Dictionary` that has been converted from the input `dict`
res = Dictionary()
for k, v in py_dict.items():
res[k] = _to_cntk_dict_value(v)
return res