
1699 строки
82 KiB

// <copyright file="HTKMLFReader.cpp" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// HTKMLFReader.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <objbase.h>
#include "basetypes.h"
#include "htkfeatio.h" // for reading HTK features
#include "latticearchive.h" // for reading HTK phoneme lattices (MMI training)
#include "simplesenonehmm.h" // for MMI scoring
#include "msra_mgram.h" // for unigram scores of ground-truth path in sequence training
#include "rollingwindowsource.h" // minibatch sources
#include "utterancesourcemulti.h"
#include "utterancesource.h"
#include "utterancesourcemulti.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "readaheadsource.h"
#include "chunkevalsource.h"
#include "minibatchiterator.h"
#define DATAREADER_EXPORTS // creating the exports here
#include "DataReader.h"
#include "commandArgUtil.h"
#include "HTKMLFReader.h"
#include <vld.h> // for memory leak detection
#ifdef __unix__
#include <limits.h>
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
typedef unsigned int UNINT32;
#pragma warning (disable: 4127) // conditional expression is constant; "if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))" triggers this
#ifdef _WIN32
int msra::numa::node_override = -1; // for numahelpers.h
namespace msra { namespace lm {
/*static*/ const mgram_map::index_t mgram_map::nindex = (mgram_map::index_t) -1; // invalid index
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// Create a Data Reader
//DATAREADER_API IDataReader* DataReaderFactory(void)
template<class ElemType>
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::Init(const ConfigParameters& readerConfig)
m_cudaAllocator = nullptr;
m_mbiter = NULL;
m_frameSource = NULL;
#ifdef _WIN32
m_readAheadSource = NULL;
m_lattices = NULL;
m_truncated = readerConfig("Truncated", "false");
m_convertLabelsToTargets = false;
ConfigArray numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs = readerConfig("nbruttsineachrecurrentiter", "1");
m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs = numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs;
for (int i = 0; i < m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs.size(); i++)
m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch = m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs[i];
if (m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch < 1)
LogicError("nbrUttsInEachRecurrentIter cannot be less than 1.");
if (!m_truncated && m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch != 1)
LogicError("nbrUttsInEachRecurrentIter has to be 1 if Truncated is set to false.");
m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch = m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs[0];
m_actualnumberOfuttsPerMinibatch = m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch;
m_sentenceEnd.assign(m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, true);
m_processedFrame.assign(m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, 0);
m_noData = false;
string command(readerConfig("action",L"")); //look up in the config for the master command to determine whether we're writing output (inputs only) or training/evaluating (inputs and outputs)
if (readerConfig.Exists("legacyMode"))
RuntimeError("legacy mode has been deprecated\n");
if (command == "write"){
m_trainOrTest = false;
m_trainOrTest = true;
// Load all input and output data.
// Note that the terms features imply be real-valued quanities and
// labels imply categorical quantities, irrespective of whether they
// are inputs or targets for the network
template<class ElemType>
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::PrepareForTrainingOrTesting(const ConfigParameters& readerConfig)
vector<wstring> scriptpaths;
vector<wstring> mlfpaths;
size_t firstfilesonly = SIZE_MAX; // set to a lower value for testing
vector<vector<wstring>> infilesmulti;
vector<wstring> filelist;
size_t numFiles;
wstring unigrampath(L"");
//wstring statelistpath(L"");
size_t randomize = randomizeAuto;
size_t iFeat, iLabel;
iFeat = iLabel = 0;
vector<wstring> statelistpaths;
vector<size_t> numContextLeft;
vector<size_t> numContextRight;
// for the multi-utterance process
std::vector<std::wstring> featureNames;
std::vector<std::wstring> labelNames;
GetDataNamesFromConfig(readerConfig, featureNames, labelNames);
if (featureNames.size() + labelNames.size() <= 1)
RuntimeError("network needs at least 1 input and 1 output specified!");
//load data for all real-valued inputs (features)
foreach_index(i, featureNames)
ConfigParameters thisFeature = readerConfig(featureNames[i]);
ConfigArray contextWindow = thisFeature("contextWindow", "1");
if (contextWindow.size() == 1) // symmetric
size_t windowFrames = contextWindow[0];
if (windowFrames % 2 == 0 )
RuntimeError("augmentationextent: neighbor expansion of input features to %d not symmetrical", windowFrames);
size_t context = windowFrames / 2; // extend each side by this
else if (contextWindow.size() == 2) // left context, right context
RuntimeError("contextFrames must have 1 or 2 values specified, found %d", contextWindow.size());
// update m_featDims to reflect the total input dimension (featDim x contextWindow), not the native feature dimension
// that is what the lower level feature readers expect
m_featDims[i] = m_featDims[i] * (1 + numContextLeft[i] + numContextRight[i]);
string type = thisFeature("type","Real");
if (type=="Real"){
m_nameToTypeMap[featureNames[i]] = InputOutputTypes::real;
RuntimeError("feature type must be Real");
m_featureNameToIdMap[featureNames[i]]= iFeat;
m_featureNameToDimMap[featureNames[i]] = m_featDims[i];
foreach_index(i, labelNames)
ConfigParameters thisLabel = readerConfig(labelNames[i]);
if (thisLabel.Exists("labelDim"))
else if (thisLabel.Exists("dim"))
RuntimeError("labels must specify dim or labelDim");
string type;
if (thisLabel.Exists("labelType"))
type = thisLabel("labelType"); // let's deprecate this eventually and just use "type"...
type = thisLabel("type","Category"); // outputs should default to category
if (type=="Category")
m_nameToTypeMap[labelNames[i]] = InputOutputTypes::category;
RuntimeError("label type must be Category");
wstring labelToTargetMappingFile(thisLabel("labelToTargetMappingFile",L""));
if (labelToTargetMappingFile != L"")
std::vector<std::vector<ElemType>> labelToTargetMap;
if (thisLabel.Exists("targetDim"))
RuntimeError("output must specify targetDim if labelToTargetMappingFile specified!");
size_t targetDim = ReadLabelToTargetMappingFile (labelToTargetMappingFile,statelistpaths[i], labelToTargetMap);
if (targetDim!=m_labelDims[i])
RuntimeError("mismatch between targetDim and dim found in labelToTargetMappingFile");
if (iFeat!=scriptpaths.size() || iLabel!=mlfpathsmulti.size())
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf ("# of inputs files vs. # of inputs or # of output files vs # of outputs inconsistent\n"));
if (readerConfig.Exists("randomize"))
const std::string& randomizeString = readerConfig("randomize");
if (randomizeString == "None")
randomize = randomizeNone;
else if (randomizeString == "Auto")
randomize = randomizeAuto;
randomize = readerConfig("randomize");
m_framemode = readerConfig("frameMode", "true");
int verbosity = readerConfig("verbosity","2");
// determine if we partial minibatches are desired
std::string minibatchMode(readerConfig("minibatchMode","Partial"));
m_partialMinibatch = !_stricmp(minibatchMode.c_str(),"Partial");
// get the read method, defaults to "blockRandomize" other option is "rollingWindow"
std::string readMethod(readerConfig("readMethod","blockRandomize"));
if (readMethod == "blockRandomize" && randomize == randomizeNone)
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Randomize cannot be set to None when readMethod is set to blockRandomize. Change it Auto");
randomize = randomizeAuto;
// see if they want to use readAhead
#ifdef _WIN32
m_readAhead = readerConfig("readAhead", "false");
// read all input files (from multiple inputs)
// TO DO: check for consistency (same number of files in each script file)
std::wstring scriptpath = scriptpaths[i];
fprintf(stderr, "reading script file %S ...", scriptpath.c_str());
size_t n = 0;
for (msra::files::textreader reader(scriptpath); reader && filelist.size() <= firstfilesonly/*optimization*/; )
filelist.push_back (reader.wgetline());
fprintf (stderr, " %lu entries\n", n);
if (i==0)
if (n!=numFiles)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("number of files in each scriptfile inconsistent (%d vs. %d)", numFiles,n));
do "..." expansion if SCP uses relative path names
"..." in the SCP means full path is the same as the SCP file
for example, if scp file is "//aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd.scp"
and contains entry like
the features will be read from
This works well if you store the scp file with the features but
do not want different scp files everytime you move or create new features
wstring scpdircached;
for (auto & entry : filelist)
ExpandDotDotDot(entry, scriptpath, scpdircached);
if (readerConfig.Exists("unigram"))
unigrampath = (wstring)readerConfig("unigram");
// load a unigram if needed (this is used for MMI training)
msra::lm::CSymbolSet unigramsymbols;
std::unique_ptr<msra::lm::CMGramLM> unigram;
size_t silencewordid = SIZE_MAX;
size_t startwordid = SIZE_MAX;
size_t endwordid = SIZE_MAX;
if (unigrampath != L"")
unigram.reset (new msra::lm::CMGramLM());
unigram->read (unigrampath, unigramsymbols, false/*filterVocabulary--false will build the symbol map*/, 1/*maxM--unigram only*/);
silencewordid = unigramsymbols["!silence"]; // give this an id (even if not in the LM vocabulary)
startwordid = unigramsymbols["<s>"];
endwordid = unigramsymbols["</s>"];
if (!unigram)
fprintf (stderr, "trainlayer: OOV-exclusion code enabled, but no unigram specified to derive the word set from, so you won't get OOV exclusion\n");
// currently assumes all mlfs will have same root name (key)
set<wstring> restrictmlftokeys; // restrict MLF reader to these files--will make stuff much faster without having to use shortened input files
if (infilesmulti[0].size() <= 100)
foreach_index (i, infilesmulti[0])
msra::asr::htkfeatreader::parsedpath ppath (infilesmulti[0][i]);
const wstring key = regex_replace ((wstring)ppath, wregex (L"\\.[^\\.\\\\/:]*$"), wstring()); // delete extension (or not if none)
restrictmlftokeys.insert (key);
// get labels
//if (readerConfig.Exists("statelist"))
// statelistpath = readerConfig("statelist");
double htktimetoframe = 100000.0; // default is 10ms
//std::vector<msra::asr::htkmlfreader<msra::asr::htkmlfentry,msra::lattices::lattice::htkmlfwordsequence>> labelsmulti;
std::vector<std::map<std::wstring,std::vector<msra::asr::htkmlfentry>>> labelsmulti;
//std::vector<std::wstring> pagepath;
foreach_index(i, mlfpathsmulti)
const msra::lm::CSymbolSet* wordmap = unigram ? &unigramsymbols : NULL;
labels(mlfpathsmulti[i], restrictmlftokeys, statelistpaths[i], wordmap, (map<string,size_t>*) NULL, htktimetoframe); // label MLF
// get the temp file name for the page file
if (!_stricmp(readMethod.c_str(),"blockRandomize"))
// construct all the parameters we don't need, but need to be passed to the constructor...
std::pair<std::vector<wstring>,std::vector<wstring>> latticetocs;
std::unordered_map<std::string,size_t> modelsymmap;
m_lattices = new msra::dbn::latticesource(latticetocs, modelsymmap);
// now get the frame source. This has better randomization and doesn't create temp files
m_frameSource = new msra::dbn::minibatchutterancesourcemulti(infilesmulti, labelsmulti, m_featDims, m_labelDims, numContextLeft, numContextRight, randomize, *m_lattices, m_latticeMap, m_framemode);
//m_frameSource = new msra::dbn::minibatchutterancesource(infilesmulti[0], labelsmulti[0], m_featDims[0], m_labelDims[0], numContextLeft[0], numContextRight[0], randomize, *m_lattices, m_latticeMap, m_framemode);
else if (!_stricmp(readMethod.c_str(),"rollingWindow"))
#ifdef _WIN32
std::wstring pageFilePath;
std::string pageFilePath;
std::vector<std::wstring> pagePaths;
if (readerConfig.Exists("pageFilePath"))
pageFilePath = readerConfig("pageFilePath");
// replace any '/' with '\' for compat with default path
std::replace(pageFilePath.begin(), pageFilePath.end(), '/','\\');
#ifdef _WIN32
// verify path exists
DWORD attrib = GetFileAttributes(pageFilePath.c_str());
throw std::runtime_error ("pageFilePath does not exist");
#ifdef __unix__
struct stat statbuf;
if (stat(pageFilePath.c_str(), &statbuf)==-1)
throw std::runtime_error ("pageFilePath does not exist");
else // using default temporary path
#ifdef _WIN32
GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, &pageFilePath[0]);
#ifdef __unix__
pageFilePath = "/tmp/temp.CNTK.XXXXXX";
#ifdef _WIN32
if (pageFilePath.size()>MAX_PATH-14) // max length of input to GetTempFileName is MAX_PATH-14
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("pageFilePath must be less than %d characters", MAX_PATH-14));
#ifdef __unix__
if (pageFilePath.size()>PATH_MAX-14) // max length of input to GetTempFileName is PATH_MAX-14
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("pageFilePath must be less than %d characters", PATH_MAX-14));
foreach_index(i, infilesmulti)
#ifdef _WIN32
wchar_t tempFile[MAX_PATH];
GetTempFileName(pageFilePath.c_str(), L"CNTK", 0, tempFile);
#ifdef __unix__
char* tempFile;
//GetTempFileName(pageFilePath.c_str(), L"CNTK", 0, tempFile);
tempFile = (char*) pageFilePath.c_str();
int fid = mkstemp(tempFile);
unlink (tempFile);
close (fid);
const bool mayhavenoframe=false;
int addEnergy = 0;
//m_frameSourceMultiIO = new msra::dbn::minibatchframesourcemulti(infilesmulti, labelsmulti, m_featDims, m_labelDims, randomize, pagepath, mayhavenoframe, addEnergy);
m_frameSource = new msra::dbn::minibatchframesourcemulti(infilesmulti, labelsmulti, m_featDims, m_labelDims, numContextLeft, numContextRight, randomize, pagePaths, mayhavenoframe, addEnergy);
RuntimeError("readMethod must be rollingWindow or blockRandomize");
// Load all input and output data.
// Note that the terms features imply be real-valued quanities and
// labels imply categorical quantities, irrespective of whether they
// are inputs or targets for the network
template<class ElemType>
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::PrepareForWriting(const ConfigParameters& readerConfig)
vector<wstring> scriptpaths;
vector<wstring> filelist;
size_t numFiles;
size_t firstfilesonly = SIZE_MAX; // set to a lower value for testing
size_t evalchunksize = 2048;
vector<size_t> realDims;
size_t iFeat = 0;
vector<size_t> numContextLeft;
vector<size_t> numContextRight;
std::vector<std::wstring> featureNames;
std::vector<std::wstring> labelNames;
GetDataNamesFromConfig(readerConfig, featureNames, labelNames);
foreach_index(i, featureNames)
ConfigParameters thisFeature = readerConfig(featureNames[i]);
ConfigArray contextWindow = thisFeature("contextWindow", "1");
if (contextWindow.size() == 1) // symmetric
size_t windowFrames = contextWindow[0];
if (windowFrames % 2 == 0)
RuntimeError("augmentationextent: neighbor expansion of input features to %d not symmetrical", windowFrames);
size_t context = windowFrames / 2; // extend each side by this
else if (contextWindow.size() == 2) // left context, right context
RuntimeError("contextFrames must have 1 or 2 values specified, found %d", contextWindow.size());
// update m_featDims to reflect the total input dimension (featDim x contextWindow), not the native feature dimension
// that is what the lower level feature readers expect
realDims[i] = realDims[i] * (1 + numContextLeft[i] + numContextRight[i]);
string type = thisFeature("type","Real");
if (type=="Real"){
m_nameToTypeMap[featureNames[i]] = InputOutputTypes::real;
RuntimeError("feature type must be Real");
m_featureNameToIdMap[featureNames[i]]= iFeat;
m_featureNameToDimMap[featureNames[i]] = realDims[i];
if (labelNames.size()>0)
RuntimeError("writer mode does not support labels as inputs, only features");
std::wstring scriptpath = scriptpaths[i];
fprintf(stderr, "reading script file %S ...", scriptpath.c_str());
size_t n = 0;
for (msra::files::textreader reader(scriptpath); reader && filelist.size() <= firstfilesonly/*optimization*/; )
filelist.push_back (reader.wgetline());
fprintf (stderr, " %d entries\n", (int)n);
if (i==0)
if (n!=numFiles)
throw std::runtime_error (msra::strfun::strprintf ("HTKMLFReader::InitEvalReader: number of files in each scriptfile inconsistent (%d vs. %d)", numFiles,n));
m_fileEvalSource = new msra::dbn::FileEvalSource(realDims, numContextLeft, numContextRight, evalchunksize);
// destructor - virtual so it gets called properly
template<class ElemType>
delete m_mbiter;
#ifdef _WIN32
delete m_readAheadSource;
delete m_frameSource;
delete m_lattices;
if (!m_featuresBufferMultiIO.empty())
if (m_featuresBufferMultiIO[0] != nullptr)
foreach_index(i, m_featuresBufferMultiIO)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[i] = nullptr;
if (!m_labelsBufferMultiIO.empty())
if (m_labelsBufferMultiIO[0] != nullptr)
foreach_index(i, m_labelsBufferMultiIO)
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[i] = nullptr;
if (/*m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch > 1 && */m_truncated)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch; i ++)
if (m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i] != NULL)
delete[] m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i];
m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i] = NULL;
if (m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i] != NULL)
delete[] m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i];
m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i] = NULL;
delete m_cudaAllocator;
//StartMinibatchLoop - Startup a minibatch loop
// mbSize - [in] size of the minibatch (number of frames, etc.)
// epoch - [in] epoch number for this loop
// requestedEpochSamples - [in] number of samples to randomize, defaults to requestDataSize which uses the number of samples there are in the dataset
template<class ElemType>
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::StartDistributedMinibatchLoop(size_t mbSize, size_t epoch, size_t subsetNum, size_t numSubsets, size_t requestedEpochSamples /*= requestDataSize*/)
assert(subsetNum < numSubsets);
assert(((subsetNum == 0) && (numSubsets == 1)) || this->SupportsDistributedMBRead());
m_mbSize = mbSize;
m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch = m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatchForAllEpochs[epoch];
m_actualnumberOfuttsPerMinibatch = m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch;
m_sentenceEnd.assign(m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, true);
m_processedFrame.assign(m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, 0);
m_toProcess.assign(m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, 0);
m_switchFrame.assign(m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, 0);
if (m_trainOrTest)
// For distributed reading under truncated BPTT of LSTMs, we distribute the utterances per minibatch among all the subsets
if (m_truncated)
if ((numSubsets > 1) && (m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch < numSubsets))
LogicError("Insufficient value of 'nbruttsineachrecurrentiter'=%d for distributed reading with %d subsets", m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, numSubsets);
m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch = (m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch / numSubsets) + ((subsetNum < (m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch % numSubsets)) ? 1 : 0);
StartMinibatchLoopToTrainOrTest(mbSize, epoch, subsetNum, numSubsets, requestedEpochSamples);
// No distributed reading of mini-batches for write
if ((subsetNum != 0) || (numSubsets != 1))
LogicError("Distributed reading of mini-batches is only supported for training or testing");
template<class ElemType>
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::StartMinibatchLoopToTrainOrTest(size_t mbSize, size_t epoch, size_t subsetNum, size_t numSubsets, size_t requestedEpochSamples)
size_t datapasses=1;
//size_t totalFrames = m_frameSource->totalframes();
size_t totalFrames;
totalFrames = m_frameSource->totalframes();
size_t extraFrames = totalFrames%mbSize;
size_t minibatches = totalFrames/mbSize;
// if we are allowing partial minibatches, do nothing, and let it go through
if (!m_partialMinibatch)
// we don't want any partial frames, so round total frames to be an even multiple of our mbSize
if (totalFrames > mbSize)
totalFrames -= extraFrames;
if (requestedEpochSamples == requestDataSize)
requestedEpochSamples = totalFrames;
else if (minibatches > 0) // if we have any full minibatches
// since we skip the extraFrames, we need to add them to the total to get the actual number of frames requested
size_t sweeps = (requestedEpochSamples-1)/totalFrames; // want the number of sweeps we will skip the extra, so subtract 1 and divide
requestedEpochSamples += extraFrames*sweeps;
else if (requestedEpochSamples == requestDataSize)
requestedEpochSamples = totalFrames;
// delete the old one first (in case called more than once)
delete m_mbiter;
msra::dbn::minibatchsource* source = m_frameSource;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (m_readAhead)
if (m_readAheadSource == NULL)
m_readAheadSource = new msra::dbn::minibatchreadaheadsource (*source, requestedEpochSamples);
else if (m_readAheadSource->epochsize() != requestedEpochSamples)
delete m_readAheadSource;
m_readAheadSource = new msra::dbn::minibatchreadaheadsource (*source, requestedEpochSamples);
source = m_readAheadSource;
m_mbiter = new msra::dbn::minibatchiterator(*source, epoch, requestedEpochSamples, mbSize, subsetNum, numSubsets, datapasses);
if (!m_featuresBufferMultiIO.empty())
if (m_featuresBufferMultiIO[0] != nullptr) // check first feature, if it isn't NULL, safe to assume all are not NULL?
foreach_index(i, m_featuresBufferMultiIO)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[i] = nullptr;
if (!m_labelsBufferMultiIO.empty())
if (m_labelsBufferMultiIO[0] != nullptr)
foreach_index(i, m_labelsBufferMultiIO)
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[i] = nullptr;
if (m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch && m_truncated == true)
m_noData = false;
for (size_t u = 0; u < m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch; u ++)
if (m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[u] != NULL)
delete[] m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[u];
m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[u] = NULL;
m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiUtt[u] = 0;
if (m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[u] != NULL)
delete[] m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[u];
m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[u] = NULL;
m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiUtt[u] = 0;
template<class ElemType>
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::StartMinibatchLoopToWrite(size_t mbSize, size_t /*epoch*/, size_t /*requestedEpochSamples*/)
if (m_featuresBufferMultiIO[0] != nullptr) // check first feature, if it isn't NULL, safe to assume all are not NULL?
foreach_index(i, m_featuresBufferMultiIO)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[i] = nullptr;
// GetMinibatch - Get the next minibatch (features and labels)
// matrices - [in] a map with named matrix types (i.e. 'features', 'labels') mapped to the corresponing matrix,
// [out] each matrix resized if necessary containing data.
// returns - true if there are more minibatches, false if no more minibatchs remain
template<class ElemType>
bool HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::GetMinibatch(std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*>& matrices)
if (m_trainOrTest)
return GetMinibatchToTrainOrTest(matrices);
return GetMinibatchToWrite(matrices);
template<class ElemType>
bool HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::GetMinibatchToTrainOrTest(std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*>& matrices)
size_t id;
size_t dim;
bool skip = false;
// on first minibatch, make sure we can supply data for requested nodes
std::map<std::wstring,size_t>::iterator iter;
if (m_checkDictionaryKeys)
for (auto iter=matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end();iter++)
if (m_nameToTypeMap.find(iter->first)==m_nameToTypeMap.end())
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("minibatch requested for input node %ws not found in reader - cannot generate input\n",iter->first.c_str()));
if (m_truncated == false)
if (!(*m_mbiter))
return false;
// now, access all features and and labels by iterating over map of "matrices"
bool first = true;
typename std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*>::iterator iter;
for (iter = matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end(); iter++)
// dereference matrix that corresponds to key (input/output name) and
// populate based on whether its a feature or a label
Matrix<ElemType>& data = *matrices[iter->first]; // can be features or labels
if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::real)
id = m_featureNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_featureNameToDimMap[iter->first];
const msra::dbn::matrixstripe feat = m_mbiter->frames(id);
const size_t actualmbsize = feat.cols(); // it may still return less if at end of sweep TODO: this check probably only needs to happen once
if (first)
m_sentenceBegin.Resize((size_t)1, (size_t)feat.cols());
m_sentenceBegin.SetValue((ElemType) SEQUENCE_MIDDLE);
m_sentenceBegin.SetValue(0, 0, (ElemType) SEQUENCE_START);
m_sentenceBegin.SetValue(0, (size_t)feat.cols()-1, (ElemType) SEQUENCE_END);
std::fill(m_minibatchPackingFlag.begin(), m_minibatchPackingFlag.end(), MinibatchPackingFlag::None);
m_minibatchPackingFlag[0] = MinibatchPackingFlag::SequenceStart;
m_minibatchPackingFlag[(size_t)feat.cols() - 1] = MinibatchPackingFlag::SequenceEnd;
first = false;
assert (actualmbsize == m_mbiter->currentmbframes());
skip = (!m_partialMinibatch && m_mbiter->requestedframes() != actualmbsize && m_frameSource->totalframes() > actualmbsize);
// check to see if we got the number of frames we requested
if (!skip)
assert(feat.rows()==dim); // check feature dimension matches what's expected
if ((m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id] == nullptr) ||
(m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] < (feat.rows() * feat.cols())) /*buffer size changed. can be partial minibatch*/)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id] = AllocateIntermediateBuffer(data.GetDeviceId(), feat.rows() * feat.cols());
m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = feat.rows() * feat.cols();
// copy the features over to our array type
if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float))
for (int j=0; j < feat.cols(); j++) // column major, so iterate columns
// copy over the entire column at once, need to do this because SSEMatrix may have gaps at the end of the columns
memcpy_s(&m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get()[j * feat.rows()], sizeof(ElemType) * feat.rows(), &feat(0, j), sizeof(ElemType) * feat.rows());
for (int j=0; j < feat.cols(); j++) // column major, so iterate columns in outside loop
for (int i = 0; i < feat.rows(); i++)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get()[j * feat.rows() + i] = feat(i, j);
data.SetValue(feat.rows(), feat.cols(), m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get(), matrixFlagNormal);
else if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::category)
id = m_labelNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_labelNameToDimMap[iter->first];
const vector<size_t> & uids = m_mbiter->labels(id);
// need skip logic here too in case labels are first in map not features
const size_t actualmbsize = uids.size(); // it may still return less if at end of sweep TODO: this check probably only needs to happen once
assert (actualmbsize == m_mbiter->currentmbframes());
skip = (!m_partialMinibatch && m_mbiter->requestedframes() != actualmbsize && m_frameSource->totalframes() > actualmbsize);
if (!skip)
// copy the labels over to array type
//data.Resize(udims[id], uids.size());
// loop through the columns and set one value to 1
// in the future we want to use a sparse matrix here
//for (int i = 0; i < uids.size(); i++)
// assert(uids[i] <udims[id]);
// data(uids[i], i) = (ElemType)1;
if ((m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id] == nullptr) ||
(m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] < (dim * uids.size())))
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id] = AllocateIntermediateBuffer(data.GetDeviceId(), dim * uids.size());
m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = dim * uids.size();
memset(m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id].get(), 0, sizeof(ElemType) * dim * uids.size());
if (m_convertLabelsToTargetsMultiIO[id])
size_t labelDim = m_labelToTargetMapMultiIO[id].size();
for (int i = 0; i < uids.size(); i++)
assert(uids[i] < labelDim); labelDim;
size_t labelId = uids[i];
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id].get()[i * dim + j] = m_labelToTargetMapMultiIO[id][labelId][j];
// loop through the columns and set one value to 1
// in the future we want to use a sparse matrix here
for (int i = 0; i < uids.size(); i++)
assert(uids[i] < dim);
//labels(uids[i], i) = (ElemType)1;
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id].get()[i * dim + uids[i]] = (ElemType)1;
data.SetValue(dim, uids.size(), m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id].get(), matrixFlagNormal);
throw runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("GetMinibatchMultiIO:: unknown InputOutputType for %S\n",(iter->first).c_str()));
// advance to the next minibatch
if (m_noData)
bool endEpoch = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch; i++)
if (m_processedFrame[i] != m_toProcess[i])
endEpoch = false;
return false;
size_t numOfFea = m_featuresBufferMultiIO.size();
size_t numOfLabel = m_labelsBufferMultiIO.size();
m_sentenceBegin.Resize(m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, m_mbSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_mbSize; j++)
m_sentenceBegin.SetValue(i,j,(ElemType) SEQUENCE_MIDDLE);
std::fill(m_minibatchPackingFlag.begin(), m_minibatchPackingFlag.end(), MinibatchPackingFlag::None);
vector<size_t> actualmbsize;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch; i++)
size_t startFr = m_processedFrame[i];
size_t endFr = 0;
if ((m_processedFrame[i] + m_mbSize) < m_toProcess[i])
if(m_processedFrame[i] > 0)
m_sentenceEnd[i] = false;
m_switchFrame[i] = m_mbSize+1;
if (m_processedFrame[i] == 1)
m_sentenceBegin.SetValue(i, 0, (ElemType)SEQUENCE_END);
m_minibatchPackingFlag[0] = MinibatchPackingFlag::SequenceEnd;
m_switchFrame[i] = 0;
m_sentenceEnd[i] = true;
m_sentenceBegin.SetValue(i, 0, (ElemType)SEQUENCE_START);
m_minibatchPackingFlag[0] = MinibatchPackingFlag::SequenceStart;
actualmbsize[i] = m_mbSize;
endFr = startFr + actualmbsize[i];
typename std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*>::iterator iter;
for (iter = matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end(); iter++)
// dereference matrix that corresponds to key (input/output name) and
// populate based on whether its a feature or a label
Matrix<ElemType>& data = *matrices[iter->first]; // can be features or labels
if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::real)
id = m_featureNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_featureNameToDimMap[iter->first];
if ((m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id] == nullptr) ||
(m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] < (dim * m_mbSize * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch)) /*buffer size changed. can be partial minibatch*/)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id] = AllocateIntermediateBuffer(data.GetDeviceId(), dim * m_mbSize * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch);
m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = dim * m_mbSize * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch;
if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float))
for (size_t j = startFr,k = 0; j < endFr; j++,k++) // column major, so iterate columns
// copy over the entire column at once, need to do this because SSEMatrix may have gaps at the end of the columns
memcpy_s(&m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get()[(k * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch + i) * dim], sizeof(ElemType) * dim, &m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i][j * dim + m_featuresStartIndexMultiUtt[id + i * numOfFea]], sizeof(ElemType) * dim);
for (size_t j=startFr,k=0; j < endFr; j++,k++) // column major, so iterate columns in outside loop
for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get()[(k * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch + i) * dim + d] = m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i][j * dim + d + m_featuresStartIndexMultiUtt[id + i * numOfFea]];
else if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::category)
id = m_labelNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_labelNameToDimMap[iter->first];
if ((m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id] == nullptr) ||
(m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] < (dim * m_mbSize * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch)))
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id] = AllocateIntermediateBuffer(data.GetDeviceId(), dim * m_mbSize * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch);
m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = dim * m_mbSize * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch;
for (size_t j = startFr,k=0; j < endFr; j++,k++)
for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id].get()[(k * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch + i) * dim + d] = m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i][j * dim + d + m_labelsStartIndexMultiUtt[id + i * numOfLabel]];
m_processedFrame[i] += m_mbSize;
actualmbsize[i] = m_toProcess[i] - m_processedFrame[i];
endFr = startFr + actualmbsize[i];
typename std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*>::iterator iter;
for (iter = matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end(); iter++)
// dereference matrix that corresponds to key (input/output name) and
// populate based on whether its a feature or a label
Matrix<ElemType>& data = *matrices[iter->first]; // can be features or labels
if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::real)
id = m_featureNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_featureNameToDimMap[iter->first];
if ((m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id] == nullptr) ||
(m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] < (dim * m_mbSize * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch)) /*buffer size changed. can be partial minibatch*/)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id] = AllocateIntermediateBuffer(data.GetDeviceId(), dim * m_mbSize * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch);
m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = dim * m_mbSize * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch;
if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float))
for (size_t j = startFr,k = 0; j < endFr; j++,k++) // column major, so iterate columns
// copy over the entire column at once, need to do this because SSEMatrix may have gaps at the end of the columns
memcpy_s(&m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get()[(k * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch + i) * dim], sizeof(ElemType) * dim, &m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i][j * dim + m_featuresStartIndexMultiUtt[id + i * numOfFea]], sizeof(ElemType) * dim);
for (size_t j=startFr,k=0; j < endFr; j++,k++) // column major, so iterate columns in outside loop
for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get()[(k * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch + i) * dim + d] = m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i][j * dim + d + m_featuresStartIndexMultiUtt[id + i * numOfFea]];
else if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::category)
id = m_labelNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_labelNameToDimMap[iter->first];
if ((m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id] == nullptr) ||
(m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] < (dim * m_mbSize * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch)))
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id] = AllocateIntermediateBuffer(data.GetDeviceId(), dim * m_mbSize * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch);
m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = dim * m_mbSize * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch;
for (size_t j = startFr,k=0; j < endFr; j++,k++)
for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id].get()[(k * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch + i) * dim + d] = m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i][j * dim + d + m_labelsStartIndexMultiUtt[id + i * numOfLabel]];
m_processedFrame[i] += (endFr-startFr);
m_switchFrame[i] = actualmbsize[i];
if (actualmbsize[i] < m_mbSize)
m_sentenceBegin.SetValue(i, actualmbsize[i], (ElemType)SEQUENCE_START);
m_minibatchPackingFlag[actualmbsize[i]] |= MinibatchPackingFlag::SequenceStart;
if (actualmbsize[i] == m_mbSize)
m_sentenceBegin.SetValue(i, actualmbsize[i]-1, (ElemType)SEQUENCE_END);
m_minibatchPackingFlag[actualmbsize[i]-1] |= MinibatchPackingFlag::SequenceEnd;
startFr = m_switchFrame[i];
endFr = m_mbSize;
bool reNewSucc = ReNewBufferForMultiIO(i);
for (iter = matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end(); iter++)
// dereference matrix that corresponds to key (input/output name) and
// populate based on whether its a feature or a label
//Matrix<ElemType>& data = *matrices[iter->first]; // can be features or labels
if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::real)
id = m_featureNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_featureNameToDimMap[iter->first];
if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float))
for (size_t j = startFr,k = 0; j < endFr; j++,k++) // column major, so iterate columns
// copy over the entire column at once, need to do this because SSEMatrix may have gaps at the end of the columns
memcpy_s(&m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get()[(j * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch + i) * dim], sizeof(ElemType) * dim, &m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i][k * dim + m_featuresStartIndexMultiUtt[id + i * numOfFea]], sizeof(ElemType) * dim);
for (size_t j=startFr,k=0; j < endFr; j++,k++) // column major, so iterate columns in outside loop
for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get()[(j * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch + i) * dim + d] = m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i][k * dim + d + m_featuresStartIndexMultiUtt[id + i * numOfFea]];
else if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::category)
id = m_labelNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_labelNameToDimMap[iter->first];
for (size_t j = startFr,k=0; j < endFr; j++,k++)
for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id].get()[(j * m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch + i) * dim + d] = m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i][k * dim + d + m_labelsStartIndexMultiUtt[id + i * numOfLabel]];
if (reNewSucc) m_processedFrame[i] += (endFr-startFr);
typename std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*>::iterator iter;
for (iter = matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end(); iter++)
// dereference matrix that corresponds to key (input/output name) and
// populate based on whether its a feature or a label
Matrix<ElemType>& data = *matrices[iter->first]; // can be features or labels
if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::real)
id = m_featureNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_featureNameToDimMap[iter->first];
data.SetValue(dim, m_mbSize*m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get(), matrixFlagNormal);
else if (m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::category)
id = m_labelNameToIdMap[iter->first];
dim = m_labelNameToDimMap[iter->first];
data.SetValue(dim, m_mbSize*m_numberOfuttsPerMinibatch, m_labelsBufferMultiIO[id].get(), matrixFlagNormal);
} // keep going if we didn't get the right size minibatch
return true;
template<class ElemType>
bool HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::GetMinibatchToWrite(std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*>& matrices)
std::map<std::wstring,size_t>::iterator iter;
if (m_checkDictionaryKeys)
for (auto iter=m_featureNameToIdMap.begin();iter!=m_featureNameToIdMap.end();iter++)
if (matrices.find(iter->first)==matrices.end())
fprintf(stderr,"GetMinibatchToWrite: feature node %ls specified in reader not found in the network\n", iter->first.c_str());
throw std::runtime_error("GetMinibatchToWrite: feature node specified in reader not found in the network.");
for (auto iter=matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end();iter++)
if (m_featureNameToIdMap.find(iter->first)==m_featureNameToIdMap.end())
throw std::runtime_error(msra::strfun::strprintf("minibatch requested for input node %ws not found in reader - cannot generate input\n",iter->first.c_str()));
if (m_inputFileIndex<m_inputFilesMultiIO[0].size())
// load next file (or set of files)
foreach_index(i, m_inputFilesMultiIO)
msra::asr::htkfeatreader reader;
const auto path = reader.parse(m_inputFilesMultiIO[i][m_inputFileIndex]);
// read file
msra::dbn::matrix feat;
string featkind;
unsigned int sampperiod;
msra::util::attempt (5, [&]()
{ (path, featkind, sampperiod, feat); // whole file read as columns of feature vectors
fprintf (stderr, "evaluate: reading %d frames of %S\n", (int)feat.cols(), ((wstring)path).c_str());
m_fileEvalSource->AddFile(feat, featkind, sampperiod, i);
// turn frames into minibatch (augment neighbors, etc)
// populate input matrices
bool first = true;
typename std::map<std::wstring, Matrix<ElemType>*>::iterator iter;
for (iter = matrices.begin();iter!=matrices.end(); iter++)
// dereference matrix that corresponds to key (input/output name) and
// populate based on whether its a feature or a label
if (m_nameToTypeMap.find(iter->first)!=m_nameToTypeMap.end() && m_nameToTypeMap[iter->first] == InputOutputTypes::real)
Matrix<ElemType>& data = *matrices[iter->first]; // can be features or labels
size_t id = m_featureNameToIdMap[iter->first];
size_t dim = m_featureNameToDimMap[iter->first];
const msra::dbn::matrix feat = m_fileEvalSource->ChunkOfFrames(id);
if (first)
m_sentenceBegin.Resize((size_t)1, (size_t)feat.cols());
m_sentenceBegin.SetValue(0, 0, (ElemType)SEQUENCE_START);
m_sentenceBegin.SetValue(0, (size_t)feat.cols() - 1, (ElemType)SEQUENCE_END);
std::fill(m_minibatchPackingFlag.begin(), m_minibatchPackingFlag.end(), MinibatchPackingFlag::None);
m_minibatchPackingFlag[0] = MinibatchPackingFlag::SequenceStart;
m_minibatchPackingFlag[(size_t)feat.cols() - 1] = MinibatchPackingFlag::SequenceEnd;
first = false;
// copy the features over to our array type
assert(feat.rows()==dim); dim; // check feature dimension matches what's expected
if ((m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id] == nullptr) ||
(m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] < (feat.rows() * feat.cols())) /*buffer size changed. can be partial minibatch*/)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id] = AllocateIntermediateBuffer(data.GetDeviceId(), feat.rows() * feat.cols());
m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO[id] = feat.rows() * feat.cols();
if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float))
for (int j=0; j < feat.cols(); j++) // column major, so iterate columns
// copy over the entire column at once, need to do this because SSEMatrix may have gaps at the end of the columns
memcpy_s(&m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get()[j * feat.rows()], sizeof(ElemType) * feat.rows(), &feat(0, j), sizeof(ElemType) * feat.rows());
for (int j=0; j < feat.cols(); j++) // column major, so iterate columns in outside loop
for (int i = 0; i < feat.rows(); i++)
m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get()[j * feat.rows() + i] = feat(i, j);
data.SetValue(feat.rows(), feat.cols(), m_featuresBufferMultiIO[id].get(), matrixFlagNormal);
return true;
return false;
template<class ElemType>
bool HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::ReNewBufferForMultiIO(size_t i)
if (m_noData)
return false;
size_t numOfFea = m_featuresBufferMultiIO.size();
size_t numOfLabel = m_labelsBufferMultiIO.size();
size_t totalFeatNum = 0;
foreach_index(id, m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiIO)
const msra::dbn::matrixstripe featOri = m_mbiter->frames(id);
size_t fdim = featOri.rows();
const size_t actualmbsizeOri = featOri.cols();
m_featuresStartIndexMultiUtt[id+i*numOfFea] = totalFeatNum;
totalFeatNum = fdim * actualmbsizeOri + m_featuresStartIndexMultiUtt[id+i*numOfFea];
if (m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i]==NULL)
m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i] = new ElemType[totalFeatNum];
m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiUtt[i] = totalFeatNum;
else if (m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiUtt[i] < totalFeatNum) //buffer size changed. can be partial minibatch
delete[] m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i];
m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i] = new ElemType[totalFeatNum];
m_featuresBufferAllocatedMultiUtt[i] = totalFeatNum;
size_t totalLabelsNum = 0;
for (auto it = m_labelNameToIdMap.begin(); it != m_labelNameToIdMap.end(); ++it)
size_t id = m_labelNameToIdMap[it->first];
size_t dim = m_labelNameToDimMap[it->first];
const vector<size_t> & uids = m_mbiter->labels(id);
size_t actualmbsizeOri = uids.size();
m_labelsStartIndexMultiUtt[id+i*numOfLabel] = totalLabelsNum;
totalLabelsNum = m_labelsStartIndexMultiUtt[id+i*numOfLabel] + dim * actualmbsizeOri;
if (m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i]==NULL)
m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i] = new ElemType[totalLabelsNum];
m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiUtt[i] = totalLabelsNum;
else if (m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiUtt[i] < totalLabelsNum)
delete[] m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i];
m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i] = new ElemType[totalLabelsNum];
m_labelsBufferAllocatedMultiUtt[i] = totalLabelsNum;
bool first = true;
foreach_index(id, m_featuresBufferMultiIO)
const msra::dbn::matrixstripe featOri = m_mbiter->frames(id);
const size_t actualmbsizeOri = featOri.cols();
size_t fdim = featOri.rows();
if (first)
m_toProcess[i] = actualmbsizeOri;
first = false;
if (m_toProcess[i] != actualmbsizeOri)
throw std::runtime_error("The multi-IO features has inconsistent number of frames!");
assert (actualmbsizeOri == m_mbiter->currentmbframes());
if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float))
for (int k = 0; k < actualmbsizeOri; k++) // column major, so iterate columns
// copy over the entire column at once, need to do this because SSEMatrix may have gaps at the end of the columns
for (int k=0; k < actualmbsizeOri; k++) // column major, so iterate columns in outside loop
for (int d = 0; d < featOri.rows(); d++)
m_featuresBufferMultiUtt[i][k*featOri.rows()+d+m_featuresStartIndexMultiUtt[id+i*numOfFea]] = featOri(d,k);
for (auto it = m_labelNameToIdMap.begin(); it != m_labelNameToIdMap.end(); ++it)
size_t id = m_labelNameToIdMap[it->first];
size_t dim = m_labelNameToDimMap[it->first];
const vector<size_t> & uids = m_mbiter->labels(id);
size_t actualmbsizeOri = uids.size();
if (m_convertLabelsToTargetsMultiIO[id])
size_t labelDim = m_labelToTargetMapMultiIO[id].size();
for (int k=0; k < actualmbsizeOri; k++)
assert(uids[k] < labelDim); labelDim;
size_t labelId = uids[k];
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
m_labelsBufferMultiUtt[i][k*dim + j + m_labelsStartIndexMultiUtt[id+i*numOfLabel]] = m_labelToTargetMapMultiIO[id][labelId][j];
// loop through the columns and set one value to 1
// in the future we want to use a sparse matrix here
for (int k=0; k < actualmbsizeOri; k++)
assert(uids[k] < dim);
//labels(uids[i], i) = (ElemType)1;
m_processedFrame[i] = 0;
if (!(*m_mbiter))
m_noData = true;
return true;
// GetLabelMapping - Gets the label mapping from integer to type in file
// mappingTable - a map from numeric datatype to native label type stored as a string
template<class ElemType>
const std::map<typename IDataReader<ElemType>::LabelIdType, typename IDataReader<ElemType>::LabelType>& HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::GetLabelMapping(const std::wstring& /*sectionName*/)
return m_idToLabelMap;
// SetLabelMapping - Sets the label mapping from integer index to label
// labelMapping - mapping table from label values to IDs (must be 0-n)
// note: for tasks with labels, the mapping table must be the same between a training run and a testing run
template<class ElemType>
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::SetLabelMapping(const std::wstring& /*sectionName*/, const std::map<typename IDataReader<ElemType>::LabelIdType, typename IDataReader<ElemType>::LabelType>& labelMapping)
m_idToLabelMap = labelMapping;
template<class ElemType>
size_t HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::ReadLabelToTargetMappingFile (const std::wstring& labelToTargetMappingFile, const std::wstring& labelListFile, std::vector<std::vector<ElemType>>& labelToTargetMap)
if (labelListFile==L"")
throw std::runtime_error("HTKMLFReader::ReadLabelToTargetMappingFile(): cannot read labelToTargetMappingFile without a labelMappingFile!");
vector<std::wstring> labelList;
size_t count, numLabels;
// read statelist first
msra::files::textreader labelReader(labelListFile);
msra::files::textreader mapReader(labelToTargetMappingFile);
size_t targetDim = 0;
std::wstring line(mapReader.wgetline());
// find white space as a demarcation
std::wstring::size_type pos = line.find(L" ");
std::wstring token = line.substr(0,pos);
std::wstring targetstring = line.substr(pos+1);
if (labelList[count]!=token)
RuntimeError("HTKMLFReader::ReadLabelToTargetMappingFile(): mismatch between labelMappingFile and labelToTargetMappingFile");
if (count==0)
targetDim = targetstring.length();
else if (targetDim!=targetstring.length())
RuntimeError("HTKMLFReader::ReadLabelToTargetMappingFile(): inconsistent target length among records");
std::vector<ElemType> targetVector(targetstring.length(),(ElemType)0.0);
foreach_index(i, targetstring)
if (,1,L"1")==0)
targetVector[i] = (ElemType)1.0;
else if (,1,L"0")!=0)
RuntimeError("HTKMLFReader::ReadLabelToTargetMappingFile(): expecting label2target mapping to contain only 1's or 0's");
// verify that statelist and label2target mapping file are in same order (to match up with reader) while reading mapping
if (count!=labelList.size())
RuntimeError("HTKMLFReader::ReadLabelToTargetMappingFile(): mismatch between lengths of labelMappingFile vs labelToTargetMappingFile");
return targetDim;
// GetData - Gets metadata from the specified section (into CPU memory)
// sectionName - section name to retrieve data from
// numRecords - number of records to read
// data - pointer to data buffer, if NULL, dataBufferSize will be set to size of required buffer to accomidate request
// dataBufferSize - [in] size of the databuffer in bytes
// [out] size of buffer filled with data
// recordStart - record to start reading from, defaults to zero (start of data)
// returns: true if data remains to be read, false if the end of data was reached
template<class ElemType>
bool HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::GetData(const std::wstring& /*sectionName*/, size_t /*numRecords*/, void* /*data*/, size_t& /*dataBufferSize*/, size_t /*recordStart*/)
throw std::runtime_error("GetData not supported in HTKMLFReader");
template<class ElemType>
bool HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::DataEnd(EndDataType endDataType)
// each minibatch is considered a "sentence"
// other datatypes not really supported...
// assert(endDataType == endDataSentence);
// for the truncated BPTT, we need to support check wether it's the end of data
bool ret = false;
switch (endDataType)
case endDataNull:
case endDataEpoch:
case endDataSet:
throw std::logic_error("DataEnd: does not support endDataTypes: endDataNull, endDataEpoch and endDataSet");
case endDataSentence:
if (m_truncated)
ret = m_sentenceEnd[0];
ret = true; // useless in current condition
return ret;
template<class ElemType>
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::SetSentenceEndInBatch(vector<size_t> &sentenceEnd)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_switchFrame.size() ; i++)
sentenceEnd[i] = m_switchFrame[i];
template<class ElemType>
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::SetSentenceSegBatch(Matrix<float> &sentenceBegin, vector<MinibatchPackingFlag>& minibatchPackingFlag)
if (!m_framemode)
minibatchPackingFlag = m_minibatchPackingFlag;
// GetFileConfigNames - determine the names of the features and labels sections in the config file
// features - [in,out] a vector of feature name strings
// labels - [in,out] a vector of label name strings
template<class ElemType>
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::GetDataNamesFromConfig(const ConfigParameters& readerConfig, std::vector<std::wstring>& features, std::vector<std::wstring>& labels)
for (auto iter = readerConfig.begin(); iter != readerConfig.end(); ++iter)
auto pair = *iter;
ConfigParameters temp = iter->second;
// see if we have a config parameters that contains a "file" element, it's a sub key, use it
if (temp.ExistsCurrent("scpFile"))
else if (temp.ExistsCurrent("mlfFile"))
template<class ElemType>
void HTKMLFReader<ElemType>::ExpandDotDotDot(wstring & featPath, const wstring & scpPath, wstring & scpDirCached)
wstring delim = L"/\\";
if (scpDirCached.empty())
scpDirCached = scpPath;
wstring tail;
auto pos = scpDirCached.find_last_of(delim);
if (pos != wstring::npos)
tail = scpDirCached.substr(pos + 1);
if (tail.empty()) // nothing was split off: no dir given, 'dir' contains the filename
size_t pos = featPath.find(L"...");
if (pos != featPath.npos)
featPath = featPath.substr(0, pos) + scpDirCached + featPath.substr(pos + 3);
template class HTKMLFReader<float>;
template class HTKMLFReader<double>;