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242 строки
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// <copyright file="simplesenonehmm.h" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// latticearchive.h -- managing lattice archives
#pragma once
#include "basetypes.h"
#include "fileutil.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <algorithm> // for find()
#include "simple_checked_arrays.h"
namespace msra { namespace asr {
// ===========================================================================
// simplesenonehmm -- simple senone-based CD-HMM
// ===========================================================================
class simplesenonehmm
public: // (TODO: better encapsulation)
static const size_t MAXSTATES = 3; // we use a fixed memory allocation since it's almost always 3 anyway
struct transP;
struct hmm
const char * name; // (this points into the key in the hash table to save memory)
struct transP * transP; // underlying transition matrix
unsigned char transPindex; // index of transP in struct transP
unsigned char numstates; // number of states
unsigned short senoneids[MAXSTATES]; // [0..numstates-1] senone indices
const char * getname() const { return name; } // (should be used for diagnostics only)
size_t getsenoneid (size_t i) const { if (i < numstates) return (size_t) senoneids[i]; throw std::logic_error ("getsenoneid: out of bounds access"); }
size_t getnumstates() const { return (size_t) numstates; }
unsigned char gettransPindex() const { return transPindex;}
const struct transP & gettransP() const { return *transP; }
bool operator< (const hmm & other) const
return memcmp (this, &other, sizeof (other)) < 0;
std::vector<hmm> hmms; // the set of HMMs
std::unordered_map<std::string,size_t> symmap; // [name] -> index into hmms[]
struct transP
size_t numstates;
float loga[MAXSTATES+1][MAXSTATES+1];
void check (int from, size_t to) const { if (from < -1 || from >= (int) numstates || to > numstates) throw std::logic_error ("transP: index out of bounds"); }
void resize (size_t n) { if (n > MAXSTATES) throw std::runtime_error ("resize: requested transP that exceeds MAXSTATES"); numstates = n; }
size_t getnumstates() const { return numstates; }
// from = -1 and to = numstates are allowed, but we also allow 'from' to be size_t to avoid silly typecasts
float & operator() (int from, size_t to) { check (from, to); return loga[from+1][to]; } // from >= -1
const float & operator() (int from, size_t to) const { check (from, to); return loga[from+1][to]; } // from >= -1
const float & operator() (size_t from, size_t to) const { check ((int)from, to); return loga[from+1][to]; } // from >= 0
transP() : numstates (0) {}
std::vector<transP> transPs; // the transition matrices --TODO: finish this
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> transPmap; // [transPname] -> index into transPs[]
// get an hmm by index
const hmm & gethmm (size_t i) const { return hmms[i]; }
// get an hmm by name
size_t gethmmid (const string & name) const
auto iter = symmap.find (name);
if (iter == symmap.end())
throw std::logic_error ("gethmm: unknown unit name: " + name);
return iter->second;
// diagnostics: map state id to senone name
std::vector<std::string> statenames;
const char * getsenonename (size_t senoneid) const { return statenames[senoneid].c_str(); }
// inverse lookup, for re-scoring the ground-truth path for sequence training
// This may be ambiguous, but we know that for current setup, that's only the case for /sil/ and /sp/.
std::vector<int> senoneid2transPindex; // or -1 if ambiguous
std::vector<int> senoneid2stateindex; // 0..2, or -1 if ambiguous
// construct from model files
simplesenonehmm (const std::wstring & cdphonetyingpath, const std::wstring & statelistpath, const std::wstring & transPpath)
if (cdphonetyingpath.empty()) // no tying info specified --just leave an empty object
fprintf (stderr, "simplesenonehmm: reading '%S', '%S', '%S'\n", cdphonetyingpath.c_str(), statelistpath.c_str(), transPpath.c_str());
// read the state list
vector<char> textbuffer;
auto readstatenames = msra::files::fgetfilelines (statelistpath, textbuffer);
foreach_index (s, readstatenames)
statenames.push_back (readstatenames[s]);
std::unordered_map<std::string,size_t> statemap; // [name] -> index
statemap.rehash (readstatenames.size());
foreach_index (i, readstatenames)
statemap[readstatenames[i]] = i;
msra::strfun::tokenizer toks (" \t", 5);
auto transPlines = msra::files::fgetfilelines (transPpath, textbuffer);
transPs.resize (transPlines.size());
string key; key.reserve (100);
foreach_index (i, transPlines)
toks = transPlines[i];
if (toks.size() < 3)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: too few tokens in transP line: " + string (transPlines[i]));
key = toks[0]; // transPname --using existing object to avoid malloc
transPmap[key] = i;
size_t numstates = msra::strfun::toint (toks[1]);
if (numstates == 0)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: invalid numstates: " + string (transPlines[i]));
auto & transP = transPs[i];
transP.resize (numstates);
size_t k = 2; // index into tokens; transP values start at toks[2]
for (int from = -1; from < (int) numstates; from++) for (size_t to = 0; to <= numstates; to++)
if (k >= toks.size())
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: not enough tokens on transP line: " + string (transPlines[i]));
const char * sval = toks[k++];
const double aij = msra::strfun::todouble (sval);
if (aij > 1e-10) // non-0
transP(from,to) = logf ((float) aij); // we store log probs
transP(from,to) = -1e30f;
if (toks.size() > k)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: unexpected garbage at endof transP line: " + string (transPlines[i]));
// allocate inverse lookup
senoneid2transPindex.resize (readstatenames.size(), -2);
senoneid2stateindex.resize (readstatenames.size(), -2);
// read the cd-phone tying info
auto lines = msra::files::fgetfilelines (cdphonetyingpath, textbuffer);
hmms.reserve (lines.size());
symmap.rehash (lines.size());
// two tables: (1) name -> HMM; (2) HMM -> HMM index (uniq'ed)
map<string,hmm> name2hmm; // [name] -> unique HMM struct (without name)
map<hmm,size_t> hmm2index; // [unique HMM struct] -> hmm index, hmms[i] contains full hmm
foreach_index (i, lines)
toks = lines[i];
if (toks.size() < 3)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: too few tokens in line: " + string (lines[i]));
const char * hmmname = toks[0];
const char * transPname = toks[1];
// build the HMM structure
hmm hmm;
hmm.name = NULL; // for use as key in hash tables, we keep this NULL
// get the transP pointer
// TODO: this becomes a hard lookup with failure
key = transPname; // (reuse existing memory)
auto iter = transPmap.find (key);
if (iter == transPmap.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: unknown transP name: " + string (lines[i]));
size_t transPindex = iter->second;
hmm.transPindex = (unsigned char) transPindex;
hmm.transP = &transPs[transPindex];
if (hmm.transPindex != transPindex)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: numeric overflow for transPindex field");
// get the senones
hmm.numstates = (unsigned char) (toks.size() - 2); // remaining tokens
if (hmm.numstates != transPs[transPindex].getnumstates())
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: number of states mismatches that of transP: " + string (lines[i]));
if (hmm.numstates > _countof (hmm.senoneids))
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: hmm.senoneids[MAXSTATES] is too small in line: " + string (lines[i]));
for (size_t s = 0; s < hmm.numstates; s++)
const char * senonename = toks[s+2];
key = senonename; // (reuse existing memory)
auto iter = statemap.find (key);
if (iter == statemap.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: unrecognized senone name in line: " + string (lines[i]));
hmm.senoneids[s] = (unsigned short) iter->second;
if (hmm.getsenoneid(s) != iter->second)
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: not enough bits to store senone index in line: " + string (lines[i]));
// inverse lookup
if (senoneid2transPindex[hmm.senoneids[s]] == -2) // no value yet
senoneid2transPindex[hmm.senoneids[s]] = hmm.transPindex;
else if (senoneid2transPindex[hmm.senoneids[s]] != hmm.transPindex)
senoneid2transPindex[hmm.senoneids[s]] = -1; // multiple inconsistent values
if (senoneid2stateindex[hmm.senoneids[s]] == -2)
senoneid2stateindex[hmm.senoneids[s]] = (int) s;
else if (senoneid2stateindex[hmm.senoneids[s]] != (int) s)
senoneid2stateindex[hmm.senoneids[s]] = -1;
for (size_t s = hmm.numstates; s < _countof (hmm.senoneids); s++) // clear out the rest if needed
hmm.senoneids[s] = USHRT_MAX;
// add to name-to-HMM hash
auto ir = name2hmm.insert (std::make_pair (hmmname, hmm)); // insert into hash table
if (!ir.second) // not inserted
throw std::runtime_error ("simplesenonehmm: duplicate unit name in line: " + string (lines[i]));
// add to hmm-to-index hash
// and update the actual lookup table
size_t hmmindex = hmms.size(); // (assume it's a new entry)
auto is = hmm2index.insert (std::make_pair (hmm, hmmindex));
if (is.second) // was indeed inserted: add to hmms[]
// insert first, as this copies the name; we can then point to it
auto it = symmap.insert (std::make_pair (hmmname, hmmindex)); // insert into hash table
hmm.name = it.first->first.c_str(); // only use first name if multiple (the name is informative only anyway)
hmms.push_back (hmm);
else // not inserted
hmmindex = is.first->second; // use existing value
symmap.insert (std::make_pair (hmmname, hmmindex)); // insert into hash table
fprintf (stderr, "simplesenonehmm: %d units with %d unique HMMs, %d tied states, and %d trans matrices read\n",
(int)symmap.size(), (int)hmms.size(), (int)statemap.size(), (int)transPs.size());
// exposed so we can pass it to the lattice reader, which maps the symbol ids for us
const std::unordered_map<std::string,size_t> & getsymmap() const { return symmap; }
// inverse lookup --for scoring the ground-truth
// Note: /sil/ and /sp/ will be ambiguous, so need to handle them as a special case.
int senonetransP (size_t senoneid) const { return senoneid2transPindex[senoneid]; }
int senonestate (size_t senoneid) const { return senoneid2stateindex[senoneid]; }
const size_t getnumsenone () const {return senoneid2stateindex.size(); }
const bool statebelongstohmm (const size_t senoneid, const hmm & hmm) const // reutrn true if one of the states of this hmm == senoneid
size_t numstates = hmm.getnumstates();
for (size_t i = 0; i < numstates; i++)
if (hmm.senoneids[i] == senoneid)
return true;
return false;