309 строки
11 KiB
309 строки
11 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script takes a CNTK text format file and a header file, and converts it
# to a CNTK binary format file.
# The header file must list all of the streams in the input file in the
# following format:
# <desired stream name> <stream alias> <matrix type> <sample dimension>
# Where:
# <desired stream name> is the desired name for the input in CNTK.
# <stream alias> is the alias for the stream in the input file.
# <matrix type> is the matrix type, i.e., dense or sparse
# <sample dimension> is the dimension of each sample for the input
import sys
import argparse
import struct
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x636e746b5f62696e;
class ElementType:
class MatrixEncodingType:
# TODO: use varint encoding for sparse indices,
# use varint encoding for integer values,
# use a single byte for boolean values (e.g., one-hot values).
# This will convert data in the CTF format into the binary format
class Converter(object):
def __init__(self, name, sample_dim, element_type):
self.name = name
self.sample_dim = sample_dim
# contains length (in samples) for each sequence in the chunk
self.sequences = []
self.element_type = element_type
def write_header(self, output):
# First is the matrix type.
output.write(struct.pack('<B', self.get_matrix_type()))
# Next comes the stream name.
output.write(struct.pack('<I', len(self.name)))
# Next is the elem type
output.write(struct.pack('<B', self.element_type))
# Finally, the sample dimension.
output.write(struct.pack('<I', self.sample_dim))
def write_signed_ints(self, output, ints):
output.write(b''.join([struct.pack('<i', x) for x in ints]))
def write_floats(self, output, floats):
format = 'f' if self.is_float() else 'd'
output.write(b''.join([struct.pack(format, x) for x in floats]))
def is_float(self):
return self.element_type == ElementType.FLOAT
def get_matrix_type(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def reset(self):
self.sequences = []
def start_sequence(self):
def add_sample(self, sample):
raise NotImplementedError()
# Specialization for dense inputs
class DenseConverter(Converter):
def get_matrix_type(self):
return MatrixEncodingType.DENSE;
def add_sample(self, sample):
if(len(sample) != self.sample_dim):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid sample dimension for input {0}".format(self.name))
byte_size = len(sample) * (4 if self.is_float() else 8)
if(len(self.sequences) == 0):
byte_size += 4;
self.sequences[-1].append([float(x) for x in sample])
return byte_size
def write_data(self, output):
for sequence in self.sequences:
output.write(struct.pack('<I', len(sequence)))
for sample in sequence:
self.write_floats(output, sample)
# Specialization for sparse inputs
class SparseConverter(Converter):
def add_sample(self, sample):
pairs = list(map(lambda x: (int(x[0]),float(x[1])),
[pair.split(':', 1) for pair in sample]))
for pair in pairs:
index = pair[0]
if (index >= self.sample_dim):
raise ValueError("Invalid sample dimension for input {0}. Max {1}, given {2}"
.format(self.name, self.sample_dim, index))
byte_size = len(list(pairs)) * (8 if self.is_float() else 12) + 4
if(len(self.sequences) == 0):
byte_size += 8;
return byte_size
def get_matrix_type(self):
return MatrixEncodingType.SPARSE;
def write_data(self, output):
format = 'f' if self.is_float() else 'd'
for sequence in self.sequences:
# write out each sequence in sparse format
values = []
indices = []
sizes = []
for sample in sequence:
sample.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
for (index, value) in sample:
output.write(struct.pack('<I', len(sequence))) #number of samples in this sequence
# nnz and indices have to be written out as signed ints, since
# this is the index type of the CNTK sparse matrix
output.write(struct.pack('<i', len(values))) #total nnz count for this sequence
self.write_floats(output, values)
self.write_signed_ints(output, indices)
self.write_signed_ints(output, sizes)
# Process the entire sequence
def process_sequence(data, converters, chunk):
byte_size = 0;
for converter in converters.values():
for line in data:
for input_stream in line.split("|")[1:]:
split = input_stream.split(None, 1)
if (len(split) < 2):
(alias, values) = split
# We need to ignore comments
if(len(alias) > 0 and alias[0] != '#'):
byte_size += converters[alias].add_sample(values.split())
sequence_length_samples = max([len(x.sequences[-1]) for x in converters.values()])
return byte_size
# Output a binary chunk
def write_chunk(binfile, converters, chunk):
chunk.offset = binfile.tell()
# write out the number of samples for each sequence in the chunk
binfile.write(b''.join([struct.pack('<I', x) for x in chunk.sequences]))
for converter in converters.values():
# TODO: add a hash of the chunk
def get_converter(input_type, name, sample_dim, element_type):
if(input_type.lower() == 'dense'):
return DenseConverter(name, sample_dim, element_type)
if(input_type.lower() == 'sparse'):
return SparseConverter(name, sample_dim, element_type)
raise ValueError('Invalid input format {0}'.format(input_type))
# parse the header to get the converters for this file
# <name> <alias> <input format> <sample size>
def build_converters(streams_header, element_type):
converters = OrderedDict();
for line in streams_header:
(name, alias, input_type, sample_dim) = line.strip().split()
converters[alias] = get_converter(input_type, name, int(sample_dim), element_type)
return converters
class Chunk:
def __init__(self):
self.offset = 0
self.sequences = []
def num_sequences(self):
return len(self.sequences)
def num_samples(self):
return sum(self.sequences)
def add_sequence(self, num_samples):
return self.sequences.append(num_samples)
class Header:
def __init__(self, converters):
self.converters = converters
self.chunks = []
def add_chunk(self, chunk):
assert(isinstance(chunk, Chunk))
# Output the binary format header.
def write(self, output_file):
header_offset = output_file.tell()
# First, write the magic number (uint64, 8 bytes)
output_file.write(struct.pack('<Q', MAGIC_NUMBER));
# Next is the number of chunks (uint32, 4 bytes)
output_file.write(struct.pack('<I', len(self.chunks)))
# Finally the number of input streams (uint32, 4 bytes)
output_file.write(struct.pack('<I', len(self.converters)))
for converter in self.converters.values():
# write the chunk table
for chunk in self.chunks:
# int64: start offset for chunk
output_file.write(struct.pack('<q', chunk.offset))
# uint32: number of sequences in the chunk
output_file.write(struct.pack('<I', chunk.num_sequences()))
# uint32: number of samples in the chunk
output_file.write(struct.pack('<I', chunk.num_samples()))
output_file.write(struct.pack('<q', header_offset))
def process(input_name, output_name, streams, element_type, chunk_size=32<<20):
converters = build_converters(streams, element_type)
output = open(output_name, "wb")
# The very first 8 bytes of the file is the CBF magic number.
output.write(struct.pack('<Q', MAGIC_NUMBER));
# Next 4 bytes is the CBF version.
output.write(struct.pack('<I', CBF_VERSION));
header = Header(converters)
chunk = Chunk()
with open(input_name, "r") as input_file:
sequence = []
seq_id = None
estimated_chunk_size = 0
for line in input_file:
(prefix, _) = line.rstrip().split('|',1)
prefix = prefix.strip()
# if the sequence id is empty or not equal to the previous sequence id,
# we are at a new sequence.
if((not seq_id and not prefix) or (len(prefix) > 0 and seq_id != prefix)):
if(len(sequence) > 0):
estimated_chunk_size += process_sequence(sequence, converters, chunk)
sequence = []
if(estimated_chunk_size >= chunk_size):
write_chunk(output, converters, chunk)
chunk = Chunk()
seq_id = prefix
# we must parse the last line
if(len(sequence) > 0):
process_sequence(sequence, converters, chunk)
write_chunk(output, converters, chunk)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Transforms a CNTK Text Format file into CNTK binary format given a header.")
parser.add_argument('--input', help="CNTK Text Format file to convert to binary.", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--header', help="Header file describing each stream in the input.", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--chunk_size', type=int, help='Chunk size in bytes.', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--output', help='Name of the output file, stdout if not given', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--precision', help='Floating point precision (double or float). Default is float',
choices=["float", "double"], default="float", required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.header) as header:
streams = header.readlines()
element_type = ElementType.FLOAT if args.precision == 'float' else ElementType.DOUBLE
process(args.input, args.output, streams, element_type, int(args.chunk_size)) |