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CNTK configuration language redesign (ongoing work)
F. Seide, August 2015
These are the original notes from before coding began. Basic ideas are correct, but may be a bit outdated.
- config specifies all configurable runtime objects and their initialization parameters
- basic concepts: dictionaries and runtime-object definitions
- basic syntactic elements:
- runtime object definitions // new classname initargsdictionary
- macro definition // M(x,y,z) = expression // expression uses x, y, and z
- expressions
- dictionaries // [ a=expr1 ; c=expr2 ]
- math ops and parentheses as usual // W*v+a, n==0
- conditional expression // if c then a else b
- array // a:b:c ; array [1..N] (i => f(i))
- syntax supports usual math and boolean expressions
- functions are runtime objects defined through macros, e.g. Replace(s,with,withwhat) = String [ from=s ; replacing=what ; with=withwhat ]
- config is parsed eagerly but evaluated lazily
- CNTK command line "configFile=conf.bs a=b c=d" expands to "new CNTK {content of conf.bs} + [ a=b ; c=d ]"
current issues
- syntax does not distinguish between dictionary members, intermediate variables, and actual parameter names
- dictionary editing needs to allow a.b.c syntax; and subtracting is not pretty as it needs dummy values -> maybe use a delete symbol? a=delete?
- missing: optional parameters to macros; and how this whole thing would work with MEL
// --- top level defines a runtime object of class 'CNTK'
// example: new CNTK [ actions=train ; train=TrainAction [ ... ] ] // where "new CNTK [" is prepended by the command-line parser
$ = $dictitems // this is a dictionary without enclosing [ ... ] that defines instantiation args of CNTK class
// --- defining a runtime object and its parameters
// example: new ComputeNode [ class="Plus" ; arg1=A ; arg2=B ]
$newinstance = 'new' $classname $expr
where $expr must be a dictionary expression
$classname = $identifier
where $identifier is one of the known pre-defined C++ class names
// --- dictionaries are groups of key-value pairs.
// Dictionaries are expressions.
// Multiple dictionaries can be edited (dict1 + dict2) where dict2 members override dict1 ones of the same name.
// examples: [ arg1=A ; arg2=B ]
// dict1 + (if (dpt && layer < totallayers) then [ numiter = 5 ] else []) // overrides 'numiter' in 'dict1' if condition is fulfilled
$dictdef = '[' $dictitems ']'
$dictitems = $itemdef*
$itemdef = $paramdef // var=val
| $macrodef // macro(args)=expression
$paramdef = $identifier '=' $expr // e.g. numiter = 13
$macrodef = $identifier '(' $arg (',' $arg) ')' = $expr // e.g. sqr(x) = x*x
// --- expressions
// Expressions are what you'd expect. Infix operators those of C, with addition of '.*' '**' ':' '..'
// ML-style "let ... in" (expression-local variables) are possible but not super-pretty: [ a=13; b=42; res=a*b ].res
// There are infix ops for strings (concatenation) and dictionaries (editing).
$expr = $operand
| $expr $infixop $operand
| $expr '.' $memberref // dict.member TODO: fix this; memberrefs exist without '.'
where $expr is a dictionary
| $expr '(' $expr (',' $expr)* ')' // a(13) also: dict.a(13); note: partial application possible, i.e. macros may be passed as args and curried
where $expr is a macro
| $expr '[' $expr ']' // h_fwd[t]
where first $expr must be a array and second $expr a number (that must be an integer value)
$infixop = // highest precedence level
'*' // numbers; also magic short-hand for "Times" and "Scale" ComputeNodes
| '/' // numbers; Scale ComputeNode
| '.*' // ComputeNodes: component-wise product
| '**' // numbers (exponentiation, FORTRAN style!)
| '%' // numbers: remainder
// next lower precedence level
| '+' // numbers; ComputeNodes; strings; dictionary editing
| '-' // numbers; ComputeNodes; dictionary editing
// next lower precedence level
| '==' '!=' '<' '>' '<=' '>=' // applies to config items only; objects other than boxed primitive values are compared by object identity not content
// next lower precedence level
| '&&' // booleans
// next lower precedence level
| '||' | '^' // booleans
// next lower precedence level
| ':' // concatenate items and/or arrays --TODO: can arrays have nested arrays? Syntax?
$operand = $literal // "Hello World"
| $memberref // a
| $dictdef // [ a="Hello World" ]
| $newinstance // new ComputeNode [ ... ]
| ('-' | '+' | '!') $operand // -X+Y
| '(' $expr ')' // (a==b) || (c==d)
| $arrayconstructor // array [1..N] (i => i*i)
$literal = $number // built-in literal types are numeric, string, and boolean
| $string
| $boolconst
$number = // floating point number; no separate 'int' type, 'int' args are checked at runtime to be non-fractional
$string = // characters enclosed in "" or ''; no escape characters inside, use combinations of "", '', and + instead (TODO: do we need string interpolation?).
// Strings may span multiple lines (containing newlines)
$boolconst = 'true' | 'false'
$memberref = $identifier // will search parent scopes
$arrayconstructor = 'array' '[' $expr '..' $expr ']' '(' $identifier '=>' $expr ')' // array [1..N] (i => i*i)
where ^start ^end (int) ^index variable ^function of index variable
// --- predefined functions
// *All* functions are defined as macros that instantiate a runtime object. (The same is true for operators above, too, actually.)
// functions that really are macros that instantiate ComputeNodes:
// - Times(,), Plus(,), Sigmoid(), etc.
// numeric functions:
// - Floor() (for int division), Ceil(), Round() (for rounding), Abs(), Sign(), ...
// string functions:
// - Replace(s,what,withwhat), Str(number) (number to string), Chr(number) (convert Unicode codepoint to string), Format(fmt,val) (sprintf-like formatting with one arg)
// other:
// - Fail("error description") --will throw exception when executed; use this like assertion
- dictionaries are key-value pairs; they are records or compound data structures for use inside the config file itself
- dictionaries are immutable and exist inside the parser but are not serialized to disk with a model --TODO: it might be needed to do that for MEL
- the argument to a runtime-object instantiation is also a dictionary
- the config file can access that dictionary's members directly from the runtime-object expression, for convenience
- intermediate variables that are only used to construct dictionary entries also become dictionary entries (no syntactic distinction) --TODO: should we distinguish them?
- macros are also dictionary members
- dictionary values are read out using dict.field syntax, where 'dict' is any expression that evaluates to a dictionary
- object instantiations will also traverse outer scopes to find values (e.g. precision, which is shared by many)
- runtime objects themselves are inputs to other runtime objects, but they cannot have data members that output values
- instead, output arguments use a proxy class ComputeNodeRef that can be used as a ComputeNode for input, and gets filled in at runtime
- dictionaries can be "edited" by "adding" (+) a second dictionary to it; items from the second will overwrite the same items in the first.
Subtracting a dictionary will remove all items in the second dict from the first.
This is used to allow for overriding variables on the command line. --TODO: not fully fleshed out how to access nested inner variables inside a dict
- another core data type is the array. Like dictionaries, arrays are immutable and exist inside the parser only.
- arrays are created at once in two ways
- 'array' expression:
array [1..N] (i => f(i)) // fake lambda syntax could be made real lambda; also could extend to multi-dim arrays
- ':' operator concatenates arrays and/or elements. Arrays are flattened.
- elements are read-accessed with index operator
- example syntax of how one could define useful operators for arrays
- Append(seq,item) = seq : item
- Repeat(item,N) = array [1..N] (i => item)
- arrays with repetition can be created like this:
0.8 : array [1..3] (i => 0.2) : 0.05
0.8 : Repeat(0.2,3) : 0.05
- the array[] () argument looks like a C# lambda, but for now is hard-coded syntax (but with potential to be a true lambda in the future)
towards MEL
Model editing is now done in a functional manner, like this:
TIMIT_AddLayer = new EditAction [
currModelPath = "ExpDir\TrainWithPreTrain\dptmodel1\cntkSpeech.dnn"
newModelPath = "ExpDir\TrainWithPreTrain\dptmodel2\cntkSpeech.dnn.0"
model = LoadModel(currModelPath);
newModel = EditModel(model, [
// new items here
do = ( Dump(newModel, newModelPath + ".dump.txt")
: SaveModel(newModel, newModelPath) )
// This sample is a modification of the original TIMIT_TrainSimpleNetwork.config and TIMIT_TrainNDLNetwork.config.
// The changes compared to the origina syntax are called out in comments.
stderr = ExpDir + "\TrainSimpleNetwork\log\log" // before: $ExpDir$\TrainSimpleNetwork\log\log
actions = TIMIT_TrainSimple // before: command = ... ('command' is singular, but this can be a sequence of actions)
// these values are used by several runtime-object instantiations below
precision = 'float' // before: precision = float
deviceId = DeviceNumber // before: $DeviceNumber$
# TRAINING CONFIG (Simple, Fixed LR) #
Repeat(val,count) = array [1..count] (i => val) // new: array helper to repeat a value (result is a array) (this would be defined in a library eventually)
TIMIT_TrainSimple = new TrainAction [ // new: added TrainAction; this is a class name of the underlying runtime object
// new: TrainAction takes three main parameters: 'source' -> 'model' -> 'optimizer' (-> indicating logical dependency)
//action = train // removed (covered by class name)
traceLevel = 1
// new: Model object; some parameters were moved into this
model = new Model [ // this is an input to TrainAction
modelPath = ExpDir + "\TrainSimpleNetwork\model\cntkSpeech.dnn" // before: $ExpDir$\TrainSimpleNetwork\model\cntkSpeech.dnn
// EXAMPLE 1: SimpleNetworkBuilder --TODO: do we even need a C++ class, or can we use a macro instead? Would make life easier re connecting inputs
network = new SimpleNetworkBuilder [ // before: SimpleNetworkBuilder = [
layerSizes = 792 : Repeat(512,3) : 183 // before: 792:512*3:183
layerTypes = 'Sigmoid' // before: no quotes
initValueScale = 1.0
applyMeanVarNorm = true
uniformInit = true
needPrior = true
// the following two belong into SGD, so they were removed here
//trainingCriterion = CrossEntropyWithSoftmax
//evalCriterion = ErrorPrediction
// new: connect to input stream from source; and expose the output layer
input = source.features.data // these are also ComputeNodeRefs, exposed by the source
output = ComputeNodeRef [ dim = source.labels.dim ] // SimpleNetworkBuilder will put top layer affine transform output (input to softmax) here
// criteria are configurable here; these are ComputeNodes created here
trainingCriterion = CrossEntropyWithSoftmax (source.labels.data, output)
evalCriterion = ErrorPrediction (source.labels.data, output)
// new: (and half-baked) define Input nodes
myFeatures=Input(featDim) // reader stream will reference this
// EXAMPLE 2: network from NDL (an actual config would contain one of these two examples)
network = new NDL [ // before: run=ndlCreateNetwork ; ndlCreateNetwork=[
featDim = myFeatures.dim // before: 792 hard-coded; note: myFeatures and myLabels are defined below
labelDim = myLabels.dim // before: 183 hard-coded
hiddenDim = 512
// input nodes
myFeatures=Input(featDim) // before: optional arg tag=feature
myLabels=Input(labelDim) // before: optional arg tag=label
// old
//# define network
//featNorm = MeanVarNorm(myFeatures)
//L1 = SBFF(featNorm,hiddenDim,featDim)
//L2 = SBFF(L1,hiddenDim,hiddenDim)
//L3 = SBFF(L2,hiddenDim,hiddenDim)
//CE = SMBFF(L3,labelDim,hiddenDim,myLabels,tag=Criteria)
//Err = ErrorPrediction(myLabels,CE.BFF.FF.P,tag=Eval)
//logPrior = LogPrior(myLabels)
// new:
// Let's have the macros declared here for illustration (in the end, these would live in a library)
FF(X1, W1, B1) = W1 * X1 + B1 // before: T=Times(W1,X1) ; P=Plus(T, B1)
BFF(in, rows, cols) = [ // before: BFF(in, rows, cols) { ... }
B = Parameter(rows, init = fixedvalue, value = 0)
W = Parameter(rows, cols)
z = FF(in, w, b) // before: FF = ...; illegal now, cannot use same name again
SBFF(in, rowCount, colCount) = [ // before: SBFF(in,rowCount,colCount) { ... }
z = BFF(in, rowCount, colCount).z // before: BFF = BFF(in, rowCount, colCount)
Eh = Sigmoid(z)
// Macros are expressions. FF returns a ComputeNode; while BFF and SBFF return a dictionary that contains multiple named ComputeNode.
// new: define network in a loop. This allows parameterizing over the network depth.
numLayers = 7
layers = array [0..numLayers] ( layer =>
if layer == 0 then featNorm
else if layer == 1 then SBFF(layers[layer-1].Eh, hiddenDim, featDim)
else if layer < numLayers then SBFF(layers[layer-1].Eh, hiddenDim, hiddenDim)
else BFF(layers[layer-1].Eh, labelDim, hiddenDim)
outZ = layers[numLayers].z // new: to access the output value, the variable name (dictionary member) cannot be omitted
// alternative to the above: define network with recursion
HiddenStack(layer) = if layer > 1 then SBFF(HiddenStack(layer-1).Eh, hiddenDim, hiddenDim) else SBFF(featNorm, hiddenDim, featDim)
outZ = BFF(HiddenStack(numlayers).Eh, labelDim, hiddenDim)
// define criterion nodes
CE = CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(myLabels, outZ)
Err = ErrorPrediction(myLabels, outZ)
// define output node for decoding
logPrior = LogPrior(myLabels)
ScaledLogLikelihood = outZ - logPrior // before: Minus(CE.BFF.FF.P,logPrior,tag=Output)
// the SGD optimizer
optimizer = new SGDOptimizer [ // before: SGD = [
epochSize = 0
minibatchSize = 256 : 1024
learningRatesPerMB = 0.8 : Repeat(3.2,14) : 0.08 // (syntax change for repetition)
momentumPerMB = 0.9
dropoutRate = 0.0
maxEpochs = 25
// new: link to the criterion node
trainingCriterion = model.network.CE // (note: I would like to rename this to 'objective')
// The RandomizingSource performs randomization and mini-batching, while driving low-level random-access readers.
source = new RandomizingSource [ // before: reader = [
//readerType = HTKMLFReader // removed since covered by class name
// new: define what utterances to get from what stream sources
dataSetFile = ScpDir + "\TIMIT.train.scp.fbank.fullpath" // (new) defines set of utterances to train on; accepts HTK archives
streams = ( [ // This passes the 'features' and 'labels' runtime objects to the source, and also connects them to the model's Input nodes.
reader = features // random-access reader
input = model.network.myFeatures // Input node that this feeds into
: [
reader = labels
input = model.network.myLabels
] ) // note: ':' is array syntax. Parentheses are only for readability
readMethod = 'blockRandomize' // before: no quotes
miniBatchMode = 'Partial' // before: no quotes
randomize = 'Auto' // before: no quotes
verbosity = 1
// change: The following two are not accessed directly by the source, but indirectly through the 'streams' argument.
// They could also be defined outside of this dictionary. They are from the NDL, though.
// The 'RandomizingSource' does not know about features and labels specifically.
features = new HTKFeatReader [ // before: features = [
//dim = 792 // (moved to 'data' node)
scpFile = dataSetFile // HTK reader can share source's archive file that defines dataSet
data = new ComputeNodeRef [ dim = 792 ] // an input node the model can connect to; dimension is verified when files are opened
labels = new HTKMLFReader [ // before: labels = [
mlfFile = MlfDir + "\TIMIT.train.align_cistate.mlf.cntk" // before: $MlfDir$\TIMIT.train.align_cistate.mlf.cntk
//labelDim = 183 // (moved to 'data' node)
labelMappingFile = MlfDir + "\TIMIT.statelist" // before: $MlfDir$\TIMIT.statelist
data = new ComputeNodeRef [ dim = 183 ] // an input node the model can connect to; dimension is verified when reading statelist file
Example 2: truncated bidirectional RNN
network = new NDL [
// network parameters
hiddenDim = 512
numHiddenLayers = 6 // 6 hidden layers
T = 41 // total context window
// data sources
myFeatures = source.features.data
myLabels = source.labels.data
// derived dimensions
augmentedFeatDim = myFeatures.dim // feature arrays are context window frames stacked into a single long array
labelDim = myLabels.dim
centerT = Floor(T/2) // center frame to predict
featDim = Floor(augmentedFeatDim / T)
// split the augmented input vector into individual frame vectors
subframes = array [0..T-1] (t => RowSlice(t * featDim, featDim, myFeatures))
// hidden layers
// Hidden state arrays for all frames are stored in a array object.
layers = array [1..numHiddenLayers] (layer => [ // each layer stores a dictionary that stores its output hidden fwd and bwd state vectors
// model parameters
W_fwd = Parameter(hiddenDim, featDim) // Parameter(outdim, indim) --in_fwd.rows is an initialization parameter read from the dict
W_bwd = if layer > 1 then Parameter(hiddenDim, hiddenDim) else Fail("no W_bwd") // W denotes input-to-hidden connections
H_fwd = Parameter(hiddenDim, hiddenDim) // H denotes hidden-to-hidden lateral connections
H_bwd = Parameter(hiddenDim, hiddenDim)
b = Parameter(hiddenDim, 1) // bias
// shared part of activations (input connections and bias)
z_shared = array [0..T-1] (t => if layers > 1 then W_fwd * layers[layer-1].h_fwd[t] + W_bwd * layers[layer-1].h_bwd[t] + b // intermediate layer gets fed fwd and bwd hidden state
else W_fwd * subframes + b) // input layer reads frames directly
// recurrent part and non-linearity
neededT = if layer < numHiddenLayers then T else centerT+1 // last hidden layer does not require all frames
step(H,h,dt,t) = Sigmoid(if (t+dt > 0 && t+dt < T) then z_shared[t] + H * h[t+dt]
else z_shared[t])
h_fwd = array [0..neededT-1] (t => step(H_fwd, h_fwd, -1, t))
h_bwd = array [T-neededT..T-1] (t => step(H_bwd, h_bwd, 1, t))
// output layer --linear only at this point; Softmax is applied later
outZ = [
// model parameters
W_fwd = Parameter(labelDim, hiddenDim)
W_bwd = Parameter(labelDim, hiddenDim)
b = Parameter(labelDim, 1)
// output
topHiddenLayer = layers[numHiddenLayers]
z = W_fwd * topHiddenLayer.h_fwd[centerT] + W_bwd * topHiddenLayer.h_bwd[centerT] + b
].z // we only want this one & don't care about the rest of this dictionary
// define criterion nodes
CE = CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(myLabels, outZ)
Err = ErrorPrediction(myLabels, outZ)
// define output node for decoding
logPrior = LogPrior(myLabels)
ScaledLogLikelihood = outZ - logPrior // before: Minus(CE.BFF.FF.P,logPrior,tag=Output)