
134 строки
4.8 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$targetConfig, # the config created (CPU, GPU, ...)
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$targetConfigSuffix, # the config suffix (CPU-Only, GPU, GPU-1bit-SGD ...)
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$releaseTag, # the tag of the release (2-0-beta11-0)
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$outputFileName, # the generated zip file name
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$workSpace = $PWD.Path
Write-Verbose "Making binary drops..."
# Set Paths
$basePath = "ToZip"
$baseDropPath = Join-Path $basePath -ChildPath cntk
$baseIncludePath = Join-Path $baseDropPath -ChildPath Include
$buildPath = "x64\Release"
if ($targetConfig -eq "CPU")
$buildPath = "x64\Release_CpuOnly"
# Include Files
$includePath = "Source\Common\Include"
$includePath20 = "Source\CNTKv2LibraryDll\API"
$includeFiles = New-Object string[] 3
$includeFiles[0] = Join-Path $includePath -ChildPath Eval.h
$includeFiles[1] = Join-Path $includePath20 -ChildPath CNTKLibrary.h
$includeFiles[2] = Join-Path $includePath20 -ChildPath CNTKLibraryInternals.h
$sharePath = Join-Path $sharePath -ChildPath $targetConfig
# binaryDrop locations
$artifactPath = Join-Path $workSpace BinaryDrops
$whlArtifactFolder = Join-Path $artifactPath $targetConfigSuffix
New-Item -Path $artifactPath -ItemType directory -force
New-Item -Path $whlArtifactFolder -ItemType directory -force
# Copy wheels to destination
Copy-Item $buildPath\Python\*.whl $whlArtifactFolder
# Make binary drop folder
New-Item -Path $baseDropPath -ItemType directory
# create version.txt file
$fileContent = "CNTK-{0}`r`nRelease`r`n{1}`r`n{2}`r`n" -f $releaseTag, $targetConfigSuffix, $commit
$fileContent | Set-Content -Encoding Ascii $baseDropPath\version.txt
# Copy build binaries
Write-Verbose "Copying build binaries ..."
Copy-Item $buildPath -Recurse -Destination $baseDropPath\cntk
# Clean unwanted items
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\*test*.exe*
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\*.pdb
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\python -Recurse
# Keep EvalDll.lib
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\*.lib -Exclude Cntk.Eval-*.lib, Cntk.Core-*.lib
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\*.exp
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\*.metagen
# Remove specific items
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\CommandEval.exe -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.*
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\java\Main.class
# Make Include folder
New-Item -Path $baseIncludePath -ItemType directory
# Copy Include
Write-Verbose "Copying Include files ..."
Foreach ($includeFile in $includeFiles)
Copy-Item $includeFile -Destination $baseIncludePath
# Copy Examples
Write-Verbose "Copying Examples ..."
Copy-Item Examples -Recurse -Destination $baseDropPath\Examples
# Copy Examples
Write-Verbose "Copying Tutorials ..."
Copy-Item Tutorials -Recurse -Destination $baseDropPath\Tutorials
# Copy Scripts
Write-Verbose "Copying Scripts ..."
Copy-Item Scripts -Recurse -Destination $baseDropPath\Scripts
# Remove some files if they exist
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\Scripts\pytest.ini -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Recurse $baseDropPath\Scripts\install\linux -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Copy all items from the share
# For whatever reason Copy-Item in the line below does not work
# Copy-Item $sharePath"\*" -Recurse -Destination $baseDropPath
# Copying with Robocopy. Maximum 2 retries, 30 sec waiting time in between
Write-Verbose "Copying dependencies and other files from Remote Share ..."
robocopy $sharePath $baseDropPath /s /e /r:2 /w:30 /np
# Check that Robocopy finished OK.
# Any exit code greater than 7 indicates error
# See
If ($LastExitCode -gt 7)
Throw "Copying from Remote Share failed. Robocopy exit code is " + $LastExitCode
Write-Verbose "Making ZIP and cleaning up..."
# Make ZIP file
# Switched to use 7zip because of the backslash separator issue in .NET compressor
# (fixed in 4.6.1, which is not a standard component of build machines
# see )
$source = Join-Path $workSpace -ChildPath $basePath
$destination = Join-Path $artifactPath -ChildPath $outputFileName
Set-Location -Path $source
7za a -bd $destination .
If ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
throw "7za returned exit code $LastExitCode"
Set-Location -Path $workSpace
# Log the file hash
Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $destination, $whlArtifactFolder\*.whl
# Remove ZIP sources
Remove-Item -Recurse $basePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
exit 0