127 строки
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127 строки
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# CNTK Configuration File for training a simple CIFAR-10 convnet.
# During the hands-on tutorial, this will be fleshed out into a ResNet-20 model.
command = TrainConvNet:Eval
makeMode = false ; traceLevel = 0 ; deviceId = "auto"
rootDir = "." ; dataDir = "$rootDir$" ; modelDir = "$rootDir$/Models"
modelPath = "$modelDir$/cifar10.cmf"
# Training action for a convolutional network
TrainConvNet = {
action = "train"
BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = {
imageShape = 32:32:3
labelDim = 10
MySubSampleBN (x, depth, stride) =
s = Splice ((MaxPoolingLayer {(1:1), stride = (stride:stride)} (x) : ConstantTensor (0, (1:1:depth/stride))), axis = 3) # sub-sample and pad: [W x H x depth/2] --> [W/2 x H/2 x depth]
b = BatchNormalizationLayer {spatialRank = 2} (s)
MyConvBN (x, depth, initValueScale, stride) =
c = ConvolutionalLayer {depth, (3:3), pad = true, stride = (stride:stride), bias = false,
init = "gaussian", initValueScale = initValueScale} (x)
b = BatchNormalizationLayer {spatialRank = 2} (c)
ResNetNode (x, depth) =
c1 = MyConvBN (x, depth, 7.07, 1)
r1 = ReLU (c1)
c2 = MyConvBN (r1, depth, 7.07, 1)
r = ReLU (c2)
ResNetIncNode (x, depth) =
c1 = MyConvBN (x, depth, 7.07, 2) # note the 2
r1 = ReLU (c1)
c2 = MyConvBN (r1, depth, 7.07, 1)
r = ReLU (c2)
model (features) =
conv1 = ReLU (MyConvBN (features, 16, 0.26, 1))
rn1 = ResNetNode (ResNetNode (ResNetNode (conv1, 16), 16), 16)
rn2_1 = ResNetIncNode (rn1, 32)
rn2 = ResNetNode (ResNetNode (rn2_1, 32), 32)
rn3_1 = ResNetIncNode (rn2, 64)
rn3 = ResNetNode (ResNetNode (rn3_1, 64), 64)
pool = AveragePoolingLayer {(8:8)} (rn3)
z = LinearLayer {labelDim, init = "gaussian", initValueScale = 0.4} (pool)
# inputs
features = Input {imageShape}
labels = Input {labelDim}
# apply model to features
z = model (features)
# connect to system
ce = CrossEntropyWithSoftmax (labels, z)
errs = ClassificationError (labels, z)
featureNodes = (features)
labelNodes = (labels)
criterionNodes = (ce)
evaluationNodes = (errs)
outputNodes = (z)
SGD = {
epochSize = 50000
maxEpochs = 160 ; minibatchSize = 128
learningRatesPerSample = 0.0078125*80:0.00078125*40:0.000078125
momentumAsTimeConstant = 1200
L2RegWeight = 0.0001
firstMBsToShowResult = 10 ; numMBsToShowResult = 500
reader = {
verbosity = 0 ; randomize = true
deserializers = ({
type = "ImageDeserializer" ; module = "ImageReader"
file = "$dataDir$/cifar-10-batches-py/train_map.txt"
input = {
features = { transforms = (
{ type = "Crop" ; cropType = "random" ; cropRatio = 0.8 ; jitterType = "uniRatio" } :
{ type = "Scale" ; width = 32 ; height = 32 ; channels = 3 ; interpolations = "linear" } :
{ type = "Transpose" }
labels = { labelDim = 10 }
# Eval action
Eval = {
action = "eval"
minibatchSize = 16
evalNodeNames = errs
reader = {
verbosity = 0 ; randomize = true
deserializers = ({
type = "ImageDeserializer" ; module = "ImageReader"
file = "$dataDir$/cifar-10-batches-py/test_map.txt"
input = {
features = { transforms = (
{ type = "Scale" ; width = 32 ; height = 32 ; channels = 3 ; interpolations = "linear" } :
{ type = "Transpose" }
labels = { labelDim = 10 }