This file contains step-by-step instructions on how to build the Python API for CNTK on Windows.
# no support yet for python 2.7
# recommended python version is 3.4 (with numpy & scipy)
# supported platform: 64 bit
# Set up compiler and its variant
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall" amd64
set MSSdk=1
# Make sure swig.exe is in your path. For example, if SWIG is installed to c:\local\swigwin-3.0.10, run the following:
set PATH=c:\local\swigwin-3.0.10;%PATH%
# a) If you are just building to use it locally:
# Build -> generate .pyd
# 1) Run the following:
python .\ build_ext --inplace --force
# 2) add to PATH the path to CNTK dlls (e.g. in ..\..\x64\Release)
set PATH=%CD%\..\..\x64\Release;%PATH%
# 3) Add to PYTHONPATH the local path and the path to the Python examples
# 4) test by running any of the examples or running py.test from inside the cntk\tests or cntk\ops\tests directories.
# b) If you want to package it:
# 1) install the following:
pip install twine wheel
# 2) Run the following (note: --inplace not required when packaging):
python .\ build_ext bdist_wheel
# 3) put the wheel file on some http server
# 4) from your machine, run pip install
pip install http://your-url:your-port/cntk-0.0.0-cp34-cp34m-win_amd64.whl
# 5) check that it is loaded correctly
>>> import cntk
# 6) Running examples:
# Clone the python examples folder from the CNTK repository and add its path to PYTHONPATH
# (e.g. setx PYTHONPATH %PYTHONPATH%;C:\work\cntk\bindings\python\examples in an Admin shell,
# or rather setx PYTHONPATH C:\work\cntk\bindings\python\examples if no PYTHONPATH defined yet).
# Try to run any of the examples, some examples come up with a script that fetches and prepares the data,
# other examples use data files that are checked in inside the cntk repository.