
1350 строки
54 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS // "secure" CRT not available on all platforms --add this at the top of all CPP files that give "function or variable may be unsafe" warnings
#include "Basics.h"
#include "ComputationNode.h"
#include "ComputationNetwork.h"
#include "ComputationNetworkBuilder.h" // used for load & save
#include "LinearAlgebraNodes.h"
#include "NonlinearityNodes.h"
#include "ConvolutionalNodes.h"
#include "RecurrentNodes.h"
#include "ReshapingNodes.h"
#include "TrainingNodes.h"
#include "PreComputeNodes.h"
#include "EvaluationNodes.h"
#include "SpecialPurposeNodes.h"
#include "MPIWrapper.h" // TODO: does not belong here
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <list>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MatrixPool methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
template <>
vector<shared_ptr<Matrix<float>>>& MatrixPool::GetReleasedMatrices<float>()
return m_releasedFloatMatrices;
template <>
vector<shared_ptr<Matrix<double>>>& MatrixPool::GetReleasedMatrices<double>()
return m_releasedDoubleMatrices;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// construction
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// clear the object to empty state; this is used in the destructor, and also when loading
// This is necessary to make sure we don't leave nodes hanging due to recurrent cyclic references.
void ComputationNetwork::ClearNetwork()
// release all references to nodes
for (auto groupIter : GetAllNodeGroups())
// break cycles
// BUGBUG: This only works if nodes are not shared across networks.
// Once we allow that (BrainScript editing), we need proper cycle detectors. Luckily, we know our cycles, so it won't be too hard.
// Or just use weak ptrs.
for (auto& iter : m_nameToNodeMap)
m_pMBLayout->Init(1, 0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// serialization
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// after after editing--network is possibly not validated/compiled
void ComputationNetwork::SaveEdited(const wstring& fileName, const FileOptions fileFormat)
if (!IsCompiled())
Save(fileName, fileFormat);
void ComputationNetwork::Save(const wstring& fileName, const FileOptions fileFormat) const
// In case of parallel training only the main node should we saving the model to prevent
// the parallel training nodes from colliding to write the same file
// TODO: This does not belong here.
if ((g_mpi == nullptr) || g_mpi->IsMainNode())
// Saving into temporary file and then renaming it to the requested fileName
// This is a standard trick to avoid havign corrupted model files if process dies during writing
wstring tmpFileName = fileName + L".tmp";
SaveToFileImpl(tmpFileName, fileFormat);
renameOrDie(tmpFileName, fileName);
// TODO: how does the file distinguish float vs double nodes?
void ComputationNetwork::SaveToFileImpl(const wstring& fileName, const FileOptions fileFormat) const
File fstream(fileName, fileFormat | FileOptions::fileOptionsWrite);
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BCN");
// model version
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BVersion");
fstream << (size_t) CURRENT_CNTK_MODEL_VERSION;
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"EVersion");
fstream << (size_t) m_nameToNodeMap.size();
// put all node info first
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BNodeList");
for (auto nodeIter = m_nameToNodeMap.begin(); nodeIter != m_nameToNodeMap.end(); nodeIter++)
ComputationNodeBasePtr nodePtr = nodeIter->second;
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ENodeList");
// put relationship
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BRelation");
for (auto nodeIter = m_nameToNodeMap.begin(); nodeIter != m_nameToNodeMap.end(); nodeIter++)
ComputationNodeBasePtr nodePtr = nodeIter->second;
fstream << nodePtr->NodeName() << nodePtr->GetNumInputs();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nodePtr->GetNumInputs(); i++)
if (!nodePtr->Input(i))
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: node %ls 's child is null, please check your ndl/mel file.\n", nodePtr->NodeName().c_str());
fstream << nodePtr->Input(i)->NodeName();
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ERelation");
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BRootNodes");
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BFeatureNodes");
fstream << m_features.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_features.size(); i++)
fstream << m_features[i]->NodeName();
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"EFeatureNodes");
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BLabelNodes");
fstream << m_labels.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_labels.size(); i++)
fstream << m_labels[i]->NodeName();
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ELabelNodes");
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BCriterionNodes");
fstream << m_finalCriteria.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_finalCriteria.size(); i++)
fstream << m_finalCriteria[i]->NodeName();
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ECriterionNodes");
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BEvalNodes");
fstream << m_evalNodes.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_evalNodes.size(); i++)
fstream << m_evalNodes[i]->NodeName();
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"EEvalNodes");
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BOutputNodes");
fstream << m_outputNodes.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_outputNodes.size(); i++)
fstream << m_outputNodes[i]->NodeName();
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"EOutputNodes");
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ERootNodes");
fstream.PutMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ECN");
// load the section of nodes that contain persistable parameters
// This is used for reloading a model without recreating it, e.g. during training.
// TODO: Why not just reload it? Because SGD::Train() holds pointers to the parameters directly? That should be fixed.
template <class ElemType>
void ComputationNetwork::ReadPersistableParameters(File& fstream, bool create)
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BCN");
// model version
size_t modelVersion = CNTK_MODEL_VERSION_1; // if version info is not there it is version 1
if (fstream.TryGetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BVersion"))
fstream >> modelVersion;
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"EVersion");
InvalidArgument("Read: The model file has a newer format version (%d) than this CNTK version can handle (%d).", (int)modelVersion, (int)CURRENT_CNTK_MODEL_VERSION);
size_t numNodes;
fstream >> numNodes;
// get all node info first
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BNodeList");
for (size_t i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
wstring opName, nodeName;
fstream >> opName >> nodeName;
ComputationNodeBasePtr node;
if (create) // loading from scratch
node = ComputationNetworkBuilder<ElemType>::NewNode(opName, m_deviceId, nodeName);
else // reloading existing
node = GetNodeFromName(nodeName);
node->Load(fstream, modelVersion);
if (create) // loaded from scratch
else // reloaded existing
node->Validate(true); // nothing that propagates should have changed --TODO: have a more rigid mechanism to prevent resizing; this should only reload the model parameters
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ENodeList");
// deserialize the model
// This does not post-process the model (CompileNetwork()). Use Load() instead.
template <class ElemType>
void ComputationNetwork::Read(const wstring& fileName)
File fstream(fileName, FileOptions::fileOptionsBinary | FileOptions::fileOptionsRead);
ReadPersistableParameters<ElemType>(fstream, true);
size_t numNodes = m_nameToNodeMap.size();
// get relationship
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BRelation");
for (size_t i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
wstring nodeName;
size_t numChildren;
fstream >> nodeName >> numChildren;
if (numChildren > 0)
vector<wstring> childrenNames;
for (size_t j = 0; j < numChildren; j++)
fstream >> childrenNames[j];
// TODO: how does the file distinguish float from double?
ComputationNodeBasePtr nodePtr = GetNodeFromName(nodeName);
vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> childrenNodes;
for (int j = 0; j < numChildren; j++)
childrenNodes[j] = GetNodeFromName(childrenNames[j]);
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ERelation");
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BRootNodes");
wstring nodeName;
size_t num;
if (fstream.TryGetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BFeatureNodes"))
fstream >> num;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++)
fstream >> nodeName;
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"EFeatureNodes");
if (fstream.TryGetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BLabelNodes"))
fstream >> num;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++)
fstream >> nodeName;
// BUGBUG: Should this be inside the block?
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ELabelNodes");
if (fstream.TryGetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BCriterionNodes") ||
fstream.TryGetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BCriteriaNodes" /*legacy*/))
fstream >> num;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++)
fstream >> nodeName;
if (!fstream.TryGetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ECriteriaNodes" /*legacy*/))
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ECriterionNodes"); // check legacy first so err msg will use new name
// this section is for back compat only, skip over
if (fstream.TryGetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BNodesReqMultiSeqHandling"))
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Ignoring defunct 'BNodesReqMultiSeqHandling' section in input file.\n");
fstream >> num;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++)
fstream >> nodeName; // dummy
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ENodesReqMultiSeqHandling");
if (fstream.TryGetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BEvalNodes"))
fstream >> num;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++)
fstream >> nodeName;
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"EEvalNodes");
if (fstream.TryGetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BOutputNodes"))
fstream >> num;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++)
fstream >> nodeName;
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"EOutputNodes");
// this section is for back compat only, skip over
if (fstream.TryGetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerBeginSection, L"BPairNodes"))
fstream >> num;
if (num > 0)
RuntimeError("Read: PairNodes are no longer supported");
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"EPairNodes");
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ERootNodes");
fstream.GetMarker(FileMarker::fileMarkerEndSection, L"ECN");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// node construction
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// non-static version needed because it accesses m_randomSeedOffset
// Excessively used by SimpleNetworkBuilder, but always after CreateLearnableParameter(), so we should really absorb it there
template <class ElemType>
void ComputationNetwork::InitLearnableParameters(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& node, const bool uniformInit, const unsigned long randomSeed, const ElemType initValueScale, bool initOnCPUOnly)
auto learnableParameterNode = dynamic_pointer_cast<LearnableParameter<ElemType>>(node);
learnableParameterNode->InitRandom(uniformInit, randomSeed + GetRandomSeedOffset(), initValueScale, initOnCPUOnly);
bool ComputationNetwork::IsTypicalCriterionNode(ComputationNodeBasePtr nodePtr)
// TODO: just use return!
if (nodePtr->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(SquareErrorNode) ||
nodePtr->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(LogisticNode) ||
nodePtr->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(CrossEntropyWithSoftmaxNode) ||
nodePtr->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(SequenceWithSoftmaxNode) ||
nodePtr->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(CrossEntropyNode) ||
nodePtr->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(ClassBasedCrossEntropyWithSoftmaxNode) ||
nodePtr->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(ErrorPredictionNode) ||
nodePtr->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(CRFNode) ||
nodePtr->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(DummyCriterionNode))
return true;
return false;
// return list of nodes that require precomputation and not precomputed yet
list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> ComputationNetwork::GetNodesRequiringPreComputation(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& rootNode, bool checkComputed)
list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> nodes;
for (const auto& node : GetEvalOrder(rootNode))
auto pcnode = dynamic_pointer_cast<IPreComputeNode>(node);
if (pcnode)
if (!checkComputed || !pcnode->HasComputed())
return nodes;
// create the m_inputValues[] and m_learnableParameters[] lists
// This enumerates all leaves reachable from rootNode.
// Leaves are:
// - inputs
// - learnable parameters
// It does not traverse disabled ones, i.e.
// - inputs that are only reachable through PrecomputeNodes that have completed computation
// - learnable parameters that are constants
void ComputationNetwork::CollectInputAndLearnableParameters(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& rootNode)
assert(m_inputValues.find(rootNode) == m_inputValues.end()); // this function must only be called once
assert(m_learnableParameters.find(rootNode) == m_learnableParameters.end());
// gather the lists
set<ComputationNodeBasePtr> visited;
list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> inputs, learnableParameters;
if (rootNode)
CollectInputAndLearnableParametersRec(rootNode, visited, inputs, learnableParameters);
for (const auto& root : m_allRoots)
CollectInputAndLearnableParametersRec(root, visited, inputs, learnableParameters);
// sort learnable parameters by name so that we get consistent order when load it from saved file
learnableParameters.sort([](const ComputationNodeBasePtr& a, const ComputationNodeBasePtr& b)
return a->NodeName() < b->NodeName();
m_inputValues[rootNode] = move(inputs);
m_learnableParameters[rootNode] = move(learnableParameters);
void ComputationNetwork::CollectInputAndLearnableParametersRec(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& node, set<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& visited, list<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& inputs, list<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& learnableParameters)
if (visited.find(node) != visited.end()) // allready got this one
else if (node->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(InputValue) || node->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(SparseInputValue))
else if (node->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(LearnableParameter) && node->IsParameterUpdateRequired())
// PreComputeNodes that are already done should not be traversed
auto pcnode = dynamic_pointer_cast<IPreComputeNode>(node);
if (pcnode && pcnode->HasComputed())
// recurse
for (const auto & input : node->GetInputs())
CollectInputAndLearnableParametersRec(input, visited, inputs, learnableParameters);
template <class ElemType>
/*static*/ void ComputationNetwork::SetDropoutRate(ComputationNetworkPtr net, const ComputationNodeBasePtr& criterionNode, const double dropoutRate, double& prevDropoutRate, unsigned long& dropOutSeed)
if (dropoutRate != prevDropoutRate)
fprintf(stderr, "Switching dropout rate to %.8g.\n", dropoutRate);
// TODO: Change this to use an interface that is independent of <ElemType>.
list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> dropoutNodes = net->GetNodesWithType(OperationNameOf(DropoutNode), criterionNode);
if (dropoutNodes.size() == 0 && dropoutRate > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: there is no dropout node.\n");
for (auto nodeIter = dropoutNodes.begin(); nodeIter != dropoutNodes.end(); nodeIter++)
auto node = dynamic_pointer_cast<DropoutNode<ElemType>>(*nodeIter);
prevDropoutRate = dropoutRate;
//set sequence training parameters, e.g. smoothing weight, frame drop threshhold
template <class ElemType>
void ComputationNetwork::SetSeqParam(ComputationNetworkPtr net,
const ComputationNodeBasePtr criterionNode,
const double& hsmoothingWeight,
const double& frameDropThresh,
const bool& doreferencealign,
const double& amf /*= 14.0f*/,
const double& lmf /*= 14.0f*/,
const double& wp /*= 0.0f*/,
const double& bMMIfactor /*= 0.0f*/,
const bool& sMBR /*= false*/
fprintf(stderr, "Setting Hsmoothing weight to %.8g and frame-dropping threshhold to %.8g\n", hsmoothingWeight, frameDropThresh);
fprintf(stderr, "Setting SeqGammar-related parameters: amf=%.2f, lmf=%.2f, wp=%.2f, bMMIFactor=%.2f, usesMBR=%s\n",
amf, lmf, wp, bMMIfactor, sMBR ? "true" : "false");
list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> seqNodes = net->GetNodesWithType(OperationNameOf(SequenceWithSoftmaxNode), criterionNode);
if (seqNodes.size() == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: there is no sequence node.\n");
for (auto nodeIter = seqNodes.begin(); nodeIter != seqNodes.end(); nodeIter++)
auto node = dynamic_pointer_cast<SequenceWithSoftmaxNode<ElemType>>(*nodeIter);
node->SetGammarCalculationParam(amf, lmf, wp, bMMIfactor, sMBR);
/*static*/ void ComputationNetwork::SetMaxTempMemSizeForCNN(ComputationNetworkPtr net, const ComputationNodeBasePtr& criterionNode, const size_t maxTempMemSizeInSamples)
if (maxTempMemSizeInSamples > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Setting max temp memory size for Convolution operations to %lu samples.\n", maxTempMemSizeInSamples);
list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> convolutionNodes = net->GetNodesWithType(OperationNameOf(ConvolutionNode), criterionNode);
if (convolutionNodes.size() == 0 && maxTempMemSizeInSamples != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No Convolution operation found.\n");
for (auto nodeIter = convolutionNodes.begin(); nodeIter != convolutionNodes.end(); nodeIter++)
auto nodef = dynamic_pointer_cast<ConvolutionNode<float>>(*nodeIter);
if (nodef)
auto noded = dynamic_pointer_cast<ConvolutionNode<double>>(*nodeIter);
if (noded)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// unit test
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
call unit test of each node
this adds a verification of the correctness of node operations.
bool ComputationNetwork::UnitTest(bool allowFragment)
vector<wstring> vErrors;
// currently only validates nodes, we should validate everything we can
if (FeatureNodes().size() == 0 && !allowFragment)
RuntimeError("No Feature nodes specified");
// first give criteria nodes as root node
if (FinalCriterionNodes().size() > 0)
for (auto& node : FinalCriterionNodes())
if (!allowFragment)
// this->SetActualMiniBatchSizeFromFeatures();
if (!UnitTest(node))
else if (!allowFragment)
RuntimeError("No Criterion nodes specified");
// now output nodes
if (OutputNodes().size() > 0)
for (auto& node : OutputNodes())
if (!UnitTest(node))
else if (!allowFragment)
RuntimeError("No Output nodes specified");
// now evaluation nodes
if (EvaluationNodes().size() > 0)
for (auto& node : EvaluationNodes())
if (!UnitTest(node))
return vErrors.empty();
bool ComputationNetwork::UnitTest(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& rootNode)
fprintf(stderr, "\n\n Unit test node %ls \n", rootNode->NodeName().c_str());
for (const auto& nodeIter : GetEvalOrder(rootNode))
if (!nodeIter->UnitTest())
return false;
fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// topological plot [erw]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class DotGraphConfigure
wstring m_LearnableParameterStyle;
wstring m_featuresStyle;
wstring m_CriteriaStyle;
wstring m_nodesReqMultiSeqHandlingStyle;
wstring m_labelsStyle;
wstring m_normalNodeStyle;
wstring m_PrecomputingNodeStyle;
wstring m_pastValueNodeStyle;
wstring m_futureValueNodeStyle;
m_LearnableParameterStyle = L"node [ shape = box , color = gray , style = \"filled, rounded\" ]; ";
m_featuresStyle = L"node [ shape = ellipse , color = red , fillcolor = white ]; ";
m_CriteriaStyle = L"node [ shape = doublecircle , color = red , fillcolor = white ]; ";
m_nodesReqMultiSeqHandlingStyle = L"node [ shape = doublecircle , color = brown , fillcolor = white ]; ";
m_normalNodeStyle = L"node [ shape = ellipse, color = blue, fillcolor = white, style = solid ]; ";
m_PrecomputingNodeStyle = L"node [ shape = box , color = black, style = \"dashed, filled\", fillcolor= limegreen ] ;";
m_labelsStyle = L"node [ shape = diamond, color = brown, style = bold ] ; ";
m_pastValueNodeStyle = L"node [ shape = box3d , color = lightgray, style = \"filled\" , fillcolor = white ] ";
m_futureValueNodeStyle = L"node [ shape = box3d , color = red, style = \"filled\" , fillcolor = white ] ";
wstring ComputationNetwork::FormSpecialNodes(wstring style, vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& specialNodes)
if (specialNodes.empty())
return L"";
wstring str = style;
for (const auto& x : specialNodes)
str = str + msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"\"%ls\" ", x->GetName().c_str());
return str + L"; \n";
void ComputationNetwork::DescribeNetworkUsingDot(list<ComputationArc>& arcs,
wstring outFile)
DotGraphConfigure dotcfg;
File fstream(outFile, FileOptions::fileOptionsText | FileOptions::fileOptionsWrite);
// get precompute node
vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> PreComputedNodes;
vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> allnodes = GetAllNodes();
for (const auto& n : allnodes)
if (n->RequiresPreCompute())
// get PastValue node
vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> pastValueNodes;
for (const auto& n : allnodes)
if (n->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(PastValueNode) || n->OperationName() == L"Delay")
// get FuturetValue node
vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> futureValueNodes;
for (const auto& n : allnodes)
if (n->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(FutureValueNode))
// get learnableParameters
vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> learnableParameters;
for (const auto& n : allnodes)
if (n->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(LearnableParameter))
fstream << "strict digraph {\n";
fstream << "rankdir = BT ; \n";
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// special nodes
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
fstream << L"// special nodes \n";
// learnable parameters:
fstream << FormSpecialNodes(dotcfg.m_LearnableParameterStyle, learnableParameters);
// features
fstream << FormSpecialNodes(dotcfg.m_featuresStyle, m_features);
// labels
fstream << FormSpecialNodes(dotcfg.m_labelsStyle, m_labels);
// critera
fstream << FormSpecialNodes(dotcfg.m_CriteriaStyle, m_finalCriteria);
// pre-compute nodes
fstream << FormSpecialNodes(dotcfg.m_PrecomputingNodeStyle, PreComputedNodes);
// PastValue nodes
fstream << FormSpecialNodes(dotcfg.m_pastValueNodeStyle, pastValueNodes);
// FutureValue nodes
fstream << FormSpecialNodes(dotcfg.m_futureValueNodeStyle, futureValueNodes);
// normal nodes
fstream << dotcfg.m_normalNodeStyle << L"\n";
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// add labels for each node
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
fstream << L"\n// add labels and operation name\n";
wstring line;
for (const auto& x : allnodes)
line = msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L" \"%ls\" [ label = \"%ls [%s%s]\\n%ls\" ] ;\n",
x->GetName().c_str(), x->GetName().c_str(), string(x->GetSampleLayout()).c_str(), x->HasMBLayout() ? " x *" : "",
fstream << line;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// sub-graph
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// subgraph source
fstream << L"subgraph {\n";
fstream << L"\t\t rank=source ; ";
for (const auto& x : m_features)
line = line + msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"\"%ls\" ", x->GetName().c_str());
fstream << line << L"\n}\n";
// subgraph eval/output/criteria
fstream << L"subgraph {\n";
fstream << L"\t\t rank=sink ; ";
for (const auto& x : m_finalCriteria)
line = line + msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"\"%ls\" ", x->GetName().c_str());
for (const auto& x : m_outputNodes)
line = line + msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"\"%ls\" ", x->GetName().c_str());
for (const auto& x : m_evalNodes)
line = line + msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"\"%ls\" ", x->GetName().c_str());
fstream << line << L"\n}\n";
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// specify arc connections
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
for (auto x = arcs.begin(); x != arcs.end(); x++)
ComputationNodeBasePtr src = (*x).first;
ComputationNodeBasePtr des = (*x).second;
wstring srcname = src->GetName();
wstring desname = des->GetName();
if (des->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(PastValueNode) || des->OperationName() == L"Delay")
// special treament for arc with PastValue node as the children
// create a dummy node
ComputationNodeBasePtr pastValueNode = des;
wstring dummyName = des->GetName() + L".dummy";
wstring out = msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"node [ shape = box3d , color = lightgray, style = \"filled\" , label = \"%ls\" ] ; \"%ls\"\n",
(pastValueNode->GetName() + L"\\n(PastValue)").c_str(),
line = out;
line += msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"\"%ls\" -> \"%ls\" ; \n", dummyName.c_str(), srcname.c_str());
else if (des->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(FutureValueNode))
// special treament for arc with FutureValue node as the children
// create a dummy node
ComputationNodeBasePtr futureValueNode = des;
wstring dummyName = des->GetName() + L".dummy";
wstring out = msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"node [ shape = box3d , color = red, style = \"filled\" , label = \"%ls\" ] ; \"%ls\"\n",
(futureValueNode->GetName() + L"\\n(FutureValue)").c_str(),
line = out;
line += msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"\"%ls\" -> \"%ls\" ; \n", dummyName.c_str(), srcname.c_str());
line = msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"\"%ls\" -> \"%ls\" ; \n", desname.c_str(), srcname.c_str());
fstream << line;
fstream << L"\n}\n";
void ComputationNetwork::PlotNetworkTopology(const wstring outputFile) // [1/13/2015 erw] plot network topology using dot language
// ValidateNetwork(false, true);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// step 1. get all the arcs in the network
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
unordered_set<ComputationNodeBasePtr> visited;
list<ComputationArc> arcs;
for (auto groupIter : GetAllNodeGroups())
// note: this will also loop over m_features and m_labels, which will do nothing since they have no inputs
// TODO: test whether that is true
const auto& group = *groupIter;
for (size_t i = 0; i < group.size(); i++)
group[i]->EnumerateArcs(visited, arcs);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// step 2. output dot description
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DescribeNetworkUsingDot(arcs, outputFile);
// enumerate all arcs that can be reached starting from the current node's children
// [in/out] visited record already visited nodes
void ComputationNodeBase::EnumerateArcs(std::unordered_set<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& visited, std::list<ComputationArc>& arcs)
std::list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> tovisit;
if (visited.find(shared_from_this()) == visited.end()) // only do when this node has not been visited before
while (!tovisit.empty())
ComputationNodeBasePtr curNode = tovisit.front();
if (visited.find(curNode) == visited.end())
for (size_t i = 0; i < curNode->m_inputs.size(); i++)
arcs.push_back(ComputationArc(curNode, curNode->m_inputs[i]));
if (visited.find(curNode->m_inputs[i]) == visited.end()) // this children has not been visited before
tovisit.push_front(curNode->m_inputs[i]); // going to visit each of the children
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// specialized operations
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO: Lift this into config language, move underlying code to math lib. This should be a model-editing operation.
// ========================================
// This function performs SVD decomposition for different groups of learnable parameters
// we perform SVD decomposition such that
// A \approx B*C, where rank(B)=rank(C)=r < rank(A)
// After SVD decomposition, the node A will become an intermediate node whose children are B,C ;
// B and C are two learnable parameters
// ========================================
// BUGBUG: this only currently works for one ElemType, not both
template <class ElemType>
void ComputationNetwork::PerformSVDecomposition(const map<wstring, float>& SVDConfig, size_t AlignedSize)
vector<pair<vector<wstring>, float>> nodeGroups;
wregex NameFilter;
for (const auto& e : SVDConfig)
wstring regexStr = e.first;
float keepRatio = e.second;
vector<wstring> NamesInGroup;
for (auto n = m_nameToNodeMap.begin(); n != m_nameToNodeMap.end(); n++)
if (!regexStr.empty() && !regex_match(n->first, NameFilter))
// if regexStr is not empty and the the node node does not match with the regexStr
shared_ptr<ComputationNode<ElemType>> ptr = dynamic_pointer_cast<LearnableParameter<ElemType>>(n->second);
if (!ptr)
if (ptr->Value().GetNumCols() == 1 || ptr->Value().GetNumRows() == 1)
// still here ?
nodeGroups.push_back(make_pair(NamesInGroup, keepRatio));
size_t groupID = 0;
for (auto& group : nodeGroups)
float keepratio = group.second;
"ParameterSVD: start to process group %d with KeepRatio=%.2f\n",
(int) groupID++, keepratio);
for (const auto& name : group.first)
if (m_nameToNodeMap.find(name) == m_nameToNodeMap.end())
// could be deleted in the previous groups
shared_ptr<ComputationNode<ElemType>> pNode = dynamic_pointer_cast<LearnableParameter<ElemType>>(m_nameToNodeMap[name]);
// Step 1. do SVD decomposition
Matrix<ElemType> A = pNode->ValueAsMatrix();
// it is a vector, no need to do it
if (A.GetNumCols() == 1 || A.GetNumRows() == 1)
size_t m = A.GetNumRows();
size_t n = A.GetNumCols();
Matrix<ElemType> S(-1), U(-1), VT(-1), W(-1);
chrono::time_point<chrono::system_clock> stTime = chrono::system_clock::now();
Matrix<ElemType>::SVD(A, S, U, VT, W);
chrono::time_point<chrono::system_clock> enTime = chrono::system_clock::now();
// A \in R^{mXn}
// U \in R^{mXm}
// VT \in R^{nXn}
// S \in R^{min(m,n),1}
// S is in descending order
ElemType totalenergy = 0.0f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < S.GetNumRows(); i++)
totalenergy += S(i, 0);
ElemType keepenergy = totalenergy * keepratio;
ElemType runenergy = 0.0f;
size_t r = 0;
for (size_t indx = 0; indx < S.GetNumRows(); indx++)
runenergy += S(indx, 0);
if (runenergy > keepenergy)
r = indx + 1;
r = r > S.GetNumRows() ? S.GetNumRows() : r;
if (r % AlignedSize != 0)
r -= r % AlignedSize;
r = r + AlignedSize > S.GetNumRows() ? S.GetNumRows() : r + AlignedSize;
// r = (r + 7) & (~7); // to keep the number of rows/cols of resultant matrix a multipier of 8
// which can be helpful at runtime
chrono::duration<double> elapsedtime = enTime - stTime;
"Performing SVD for a %5d-by-%-5d matrix (node name: %-20ls) --- computation time %5.2f secs ; keep %4.1f%% energy ===> keep %5d svd values (reduce to %4.1f%% parameters) \n",
(int) m, (int) n, name.c_str(), elapsedtime.count(),
keepratio * 100, (int) r,
((m + n) * r + 0.0f) / m / n * 100);
// redU in R^ {mXr}
Matrix<ElemType> redU = U.ColumnSlice(0, r);
Matrix<ElemType> redVT(-1);
// redVT in R^{rXn}
redVT.Resize(r, n);
redVT.AssignRowSliceValuesOf(VT, 0, r);
Matrix<ElemType> redS(r, (size_t)1, A.GetDeviceId());
for (size_t i = 0; i < r; i++)
ElemType sqrtsigma = (ElemType) sqrt((double) S(i, 0));
redS(i, 0) = sqrtsigma;
// Step 2. create two new Parameter nodes and one Times node
wstring leftChildName = name + L"-U";
wstring rightChildName = name + L"-V";
shared_ptr<ComputationNode<ElemType>> pLeft = AddNodeToNetWithElemType(New<LearnableParameter<ElemType>>(m_deviceId, leftChildName, m, r));
shared_ptr<ComputationNode<ElemType>> pRight = AddNodeToNetWithElemType(New<LearnableParameter<ElemType>>(m_deviceId, rightChildName, r, n));
pLeft->ValueAsMatrix() = redU;
pRight->ValueAsMatrix() = redVT;
shared_ptr<ComputationNode<ElemType>> pTimes = AddNodeToNetAndAttachInputs(New<TimesNode<ElemType>>(m_deviceId, name + L"-SVD"), pLeft, pRight);
// Step 3. remove old node
ReplaceLeafNode(name, pTimes);
// redo necessary post-processing
// save network to legacy DBN.exe format
class DbnLayer
DbnLayer() : Node(nullptr), Bias(nullptr), Sigmoided(false) {}
ComputationNodeBasePtr Node;
ComputationNodeBasePtr Bias;
bool Sigmoided;
~DbnLayer() {};
template <class ElemType>
void ComputationNetwork::SaveToDbnFile(ComputationNetworkPtr net, const std::wstring& fileName) const
// Helper methods
auto VerifyTypeAll = [](const std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& nodes, const std::wstring& typeValue) -> bool
return std::find_if(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), [&typeValue](ComputationNodeBasePtr node)->bool { return node->OperationName() != typeValue; }) == nodes.end();
auto GetNodeConsumers = [&net](const ComputationNodeBasePtr node) -> std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr>
std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> consumers;
for (auto& item : net->GetAllNodes())
for (auto& input : item->GetInputs())
if (input == node)
return consumers;
auto GetFirstDifferentNode = [](const std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& list, const ComputationNodeBasePtr node) -> ComputationNodeBasePtr
auto foundNode = std::find_if(list.begin(), list.end(), [&node](ComputationNodeBasePtr item)->bool { return item != node; });
return foundNode == list.end() ? nullptr : *foundNode;
auto GetFirstNodeWithDifferentType = [](const std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& list, const std::wstring& type) -> ComputationNodeBasePtr
auto foundNode = std::find_if(list.begin(), list.end(), [&type](ComputationNodeBasePtr item)->bool { return item->OperationName() != type; });
return foundNode == list.end() ? nullptr : *foundNode;
auto WhereNode = [](const std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& nodes, const function<bool(ComputationNodeBasePtr)>& predicate) -> std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr>
std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> results;
for (auto& node : nodes)
if (predicate(node))
return results;
auto GetNodesWithType = [](const std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& list, const std::wstring& type) -> std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr>
std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> results;
for (auto& node : list)
if (node->OperationName() == type )
return results;
auto GetAllPriorNodes = [](ComputationNodeBasePtr node)->bool
std::wstring lowerName = node->GetName();
std::transform(lowerName.begin(), lowerName.end(), lowerName.begin(), ::tolower);
return node->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(LearnableParameter) && (lowerName.find(L"prior") != wstring::npos);
// Get output node
std::list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> outputNodes = net->GetNodesWithType(OperationNameOf(ErrorPredictionNode));
ComputationNodeBasePtr outputNode = GetFirstNodeWithDifferentType(outputNodes.front()->GetInputs(), OperationNameOf(InputValue));
if (outputNode == nullptr)
RuntimeError("Cannot find output node");
std::list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> orderList;
std::stack<ComputationNodeBasePtr> nodeStack;
while (nodeStack.size() > 0)
auto node =;
auto nodeInputs = node->GetInputs();
for (auto& input : nodeInputs)
for (auto& item : orderList)
if (item == input)
RuntimeError("Cyclic dependency on node '%ls'", item->GetName().c_str());
// All multiplication nodes that multiply a symbolic variable
std::list<ComputationNodeBasePtr> multNodes;
typedef shared_ptr<DbnLayer> DbnLayerPtr;
std::list<DbnLayerPtr> dbnLayers;
for (auto& item : orderList)
if (item->OperationName() == OperationNameOf(TimesNode) && !VerifyTypeAll(item->GetInputs(), OperationNameOf(LearnableParameter)))
for (auto& node : multNodes)
std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> consumers = GetNodeConsumers(node);
if (consumers.size() == 1)
bool sigmoided = false;
std::wstring layerId(node->GetName());
ComputationNodeBasePtr firstConsumer = consumers.front();
if (firstConsumer->OperationName() != OperationNameOf(PlusNode))
RuntimeError("Expected a plus node to consume the times node.");
ComputationNodeBasePtr bias = GetFirstDifferentNode(firstConsumer->GetInputs(), node);
auto consumer2 = GetNodeConsumers(consumers.front()).front();
if (consumer2->OperationName() == L"Sigmoid")
sigmoided = true;
layerId = consumer2->GetName();
layerId = firstConsumer->GetName();
// If one of its inputs was itself a multiplication node, then split it out
// into dbn-style.
std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> aggTimes = GetNodesWithType(node->GetInputs(), OperationNameOf(TimesNode));
if (aggTimes.size() > 0)
ComputationNodeBasePtr multNode = aggTimes.front();
DbnLayerPtr l1 = make_shared<DbnLayer>();
DbnLayerPtr l2 = make_shared<DbnLayer>();
auto firstInput = multNode->GetInputs()[0];
auto secondInput = multNode->GetInputs()[1];
l2->Bias = bias;
l2->Node = firstInput;
l1->Bias = nullptr;
l1->Node = secondInput;
l1->Sigmoided = false;
l2->Sigmoided = sigmoided;
auto paramNode = GetNodesWithType(node->GetInputs(), OperationNameOf(LearnableParameter)).front();
DbnLayerPtr l1 = make_shared<DbnLayer>();
l1->Bias = bias;
l1->Node = paramNode;
l1->Sigmoided = sigmoided;
// Write the layers to the output
// DBN wants std not invstd, so need to invert each element
std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> normalizationNodes = GetNodesWithType(net->GetAllNodes(), OperationNameOf(PerDimMeanVarNormalizationNode));
if (normalizationNodes.size() == 0)
RuntimeError("Model does not contain at least one node with the '%ls' operation.", OperationNameOf(PerDimMeanVarNormalizationNode).c_str());
ComputationNodeBasePtr meanNode = normalizationNodes.front()->GetInputs()[1];
ComputationNodeBasePtr stdNode = normalizationNodes.front()->GetInputs()[2];
Matrix<ElemType> meanNodeMatrix = meanNode->As<ComputationNode<ElemType>>()->Value();
Matrix<ElemType> stdNodeMatrix = stdNode->As<ComputationNode<ElemType>>()->Value();
Matrix<ElemType> invStdNodeMatrix(stdNodeMatrix.ElementInverse());
std::vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> priorNodes = WhereNode(net->GetAllNodes(), GetAllPriorNodes);
if (priorNodes.size() != 1)
RuntimeError("Could not reliably determine the prior node!");
// =================
// Write to the file
// =================
File fstream(fileName, FileOptions::fileOptionsBinary | FileOptions::fileOptionsWrite);
// local helper functions for writing stuff in DBN.exe-expected format
auto PutTag = [&fstream](const char * tag) { while (*tag) fstream << *tag++; };
auto PutString = [&fstream](const char * string) { fstream.WriteString(string, 0); };
auto PutInt = [&fstream](int val) { fstream << val; };
// write a DBN matrix object, optionally applying a function
auto PutMatrixConverted = [&](const Matrix<ElemType> * m, size_t maxelem, const char * name, float(*f)(float))
size_t numRows = m->GetNumRows();
size_t numCols = m->GetNumCols();
if (maxelem == SIZE_MAX)
else // this allows to shorten a vector, as we need for mean/invstd
// this code transposes the matrix on the fly, and outputs at most maxelem floating point numbers to the stream
size_t k = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < numCols && k < maxelem; j++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < numRows && k < maxelem; i++, k++)
fstream << f((float)(*m)(i, j));
auto PutMatrix = [&](const Matrix<ElemType> * m, const char * name) { PutMatrixConverted(m, SIZE_MAX, name, [](float v) { return v; }); };
// write out the data
// Dump DBN header
PutString("DBN\ncomment=dbn finetune epoch 121\niter.state.frameacc=61.327412\niter.state.logp=0.090508");
PutInt(0); // a version number
PutInt(static_cast<int>(dbnLayers.size())); // number of layers
// Dump feature norm
PutMatrixConverted(&meanNodeMatrix, meanNodeMatrix.GetNumRows() / 4, "gmean", [](float v) { return v; });
PutMatrixConverted(&invStdNodeMatrix, invStdNodeMatrix.GetNumRows() / 4, "gstddev", [](float v) { return v; });
auto lastOne = dbnLayers.end();
for (auto ii = dbnLayers.begin(), e = dbnLayers.end(); ii != e; ++ii)
DbnLayerPtr& layer = *ii;
if (ii == dbnLayers.begin())
else if (ii == lastOne)
else if (layer->Sigmoided)
// Write out the main weight matrix
auto weight = (layer->Node->As<ComputationNode<ElemType>>()->Value());
auto transpose = weight.Transpose();
PutMatrix(&transpose, "W");
// Write out biasing vector
// Is mandatory, so pack with zeroes if not given
auto rows = layer->Node->GetAsMatrixNumRows();
if (layer->Bias == nullptr)
auto zeros = Matrix<ElemType>::Zeros(rows, 1, CPUDEVICE);
PutMatrixConverted(&zeros, rows, "a", [](float v) { return v; });
PutMatrixConverted(&(layer->Bias->As<ComputationNode<ElemType>>()->Value()), rows, "a", [](float v) { return v; });
// Some sort of legacy vector that is useless
auto zeros = Matrix<ElemType>::Zeros(0, 0, CPUDEVICE);
PutMatrix(&(zeros), "b");
// Dump the priors
PutMatrix(&(priorNodes.front()->As<ComputationNode<ElemType>>()->Value()), "Pu");
template void ComputationNetwork::InitLearnableParameters<float>(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& node, const bool uniformInit, const unsigned long randomSeed, const float initValueScale, bool initOnCPUOnly);
template void ComputationNetwork::Read<float>(const wstring& fileName);
template void ComputationNetwork::ReadPersistableParameters<float>(File& fstream, bool create);
template void ComputationNetwork::PerformSVDecomposition<float>(const map<wstring, float>& SVDConfig, size_t alignedsize);
template /*static*/ void ComputationNetwork::SetDropoutRate<float>(ComputationNetworkPtr net, const ComputationNodeBasePtr& criterionNode, const double dropoutRate, double& prevDropoutRate, unsigned long& dropOutSeed);
template void ComputationNetwork::SetSeqParam<float>(ComputationNetworkPtr net, const ComputationNodeBasePtr criterionNode, const double& hsmoothingWeight, const double& frameDropThresh, const bool& doreferencealign,
const double& amf, const double& lmf, const double& wp, const double& bMMIfactor, const bool& sMBR);
template void ComputationNetwork::SaveToDbnFile<float>(ComputationNetworkPtr net, const std::wstring& fileName) const;
template void ComputationNetwork::InitLearnableParameters<double>(const ComputationNodeBasePtr& node, const bool uniformInit, const unsigned long randomSeed, const double initValueScale, bool initOnCPUOnly);
template void ComputationNetwork::Read<double>(const wstring& fileName);
template void ComputationNetwork::ReadPersistableParameters<double>(File& fstream, bool create);
template void ComputationNetwork::PerformSVDecomposition<double>(const map<wstring, float>& SVDConfig, size_t alignedsize);
template /*static*/ void ComputationNetwork::SetDropoutRate<double>(ComputationNetworkPtr net, const ComputationNodeBasePtr& criterionNode, const double dropoutRate, double& prevDropoutRate, unsigned long& dropOutSeed);
template void ComputationNetwork::SetSeqParam<double>(ComputationNetworkPtr net, const ComputationNodeBasePtr criterionNode, const double& hsmoothingWeight, const double& frameDropThresh, const bool& doreferencealign,
const double& amf, const double& lmf, const double& wp, const double& bMMIfactor, const bool& sMBR);
template void ComputationNetwork::SaveToDbnFile<double>(ComputationNetworkPtr net, const std::wstring& fileName) const;
// register ComputationNetwork with the ScriptableObject system
ScriptableObjects::ConfigurableRuntimeTypeRegister::Add<ComputationNetwork> registerComputationNetwork(L"ComputationNetwork");
} } }