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780 строки
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// <copyright file="SynchronousExecutionEngine.h" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
#pragma once
#include "IExecutionEngine.h"
#include "ComputationNetwork.h"
#include "NDLUtil.h"
#include "fileutil.h" // for fexists()
namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {
// SynchronousNodeEvaluator
// Process the Network Description Language into a Computation Network useable
// by SynchronousExecutionEngine.
template <typename ElemType>
class SynchronousNodeEvaluator : public NDLNodeEvaluator<ElemType>
// Constructor - create evaluator
SynchronousNodeEvaluator(ComputationNetwork<ElemType>& cn) : m_net(cn)
{ }
// Evaluate - evaluate a node and translate into underlying
// node - node we are evaluating
// baseName - base name for all symbols at this level
// pass - NDLPass through the evaluation (0-initial, 1-resolve variables, 2-final)
virtual void Evaluate(NDLNode<ElemType>* node, const wstring& baseName, const NDLPass pass)
// constants don't need to be evaluated, they just translate into numbers...
if (node->GetType() == ndlTypeConstant
|| node->GetType() == ndlTypeArray)
// setup the node parameters, where they start in the parameter list, and how many there are
// this is needed for the ndlPassResolve step to hookup all the inputs
int nodeParamStart = 0;
int nodeParamCount = 0;
// get the parameters
std::vector<NDLNode<ElemType>*> parameter = node->GetParameters();
// get the name for the symbol to be used by CN nodes
std::wstring name = msra::strfun::utf16(node->GetName());
if (!baseName.empty())
name = baseName + L"." + name;
std::wstring cnNodeType = msra::strfun::utf16(node->GetValue());
ComputationNodePtr nodePtr = nullptr;
// get the node pointer for the node, should be stored in the EvalValue;
if (pass > ndlPassInitial)
nodePtr = (ComputationNodePtr)node->GetEvalValue();
if (nodePtr == nullptr)
nodePtr = (ComputationNodePtr)m_net.GetNodeFromName(name);
if (InputValue<ElemType>::TypeName() == cnNodeType)
if (parameter.size() < 1 || parameter.size() > 2)
RuntimeError("%ws should have 1 or 2 parameters[rows, [cols=1]].", cnNodeType);
if (pass == ndlPassInitial)
// evaluate only scalar parameters
vector<void*> params = EvaluateParameters(node, baseName, 0, parameter.size(), pass);
size_t rows = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[0])->GetScalar();
size_t cols = params.size() > 1 ? ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[1])->GetScalar() : 1;
// first look for this node already existing in the network
if (m_net.NodeNameExist(name))
nodePtr = m_net.GetNodeFromName(name);
nodePtr = m_net.CreateInputNode(name, rows, cols);
else if (SparseInputValue<ElemType>::TypeName() == cnNodeType)
if (parameter.size() < 1 || parameter.size() > 2)
RuntimeError("%ws should have 1 or 2 parameters[rows, [cols=1]].", cnNodeType);
if (pass == ndlPassInitial)
// evaluate only scalar parameters
vector<void*> params = EvaluateParameters(node, baseName, 0, parameter.size(), pass);
size_t rows = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[0])->GetScalar();
size_t cols = params.size() > 1 ? ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[1])->GetScalar() : 1;
// first look for this node already existing in the network
if (m_net.NodeNameExist(name))
nodePtr = m_net.GetNodeFromName(name);
nodePtr = m_net.CreateSparseInputNode(name, rows, cols);
else if (cnNodeType == L"ImageInput")
if (parameter.size() < 3 || parameter.size() > 4)
RuntimeError("%ws should have 3 or 4 parameters[imageWidth, imageHeight, imageChannels, [numImages=1]].", cnNodeType);
if (pass == ndlPassInitial)
// evaluate only scalar parameters
vector<void*> params = EvaluateParameters(node, baseName, 0, parameter.size(), pass);
size_t imageWidth = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[0])->GetScalar();
size_t imageHeight = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[1])->GetScalar();
size_t imageChannels = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[2])->GetScalar();
size_t numImages = parameter.size() > 3 ? ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[3])->GetScalar() : 1;
nodePtr = m_net.CreateInputNode(name, imageWidth, imageHeight, imageChannels, numImages);
else if (LearnableParameter<ElemType>::TypeName() == cnNodeType)
if (parameter.size() < 1 || parameter.size() > 2)
RuntimeError("%ws should have 1 or 2 parameters[rows, [cols=1]] plus other optional parameters (needGradient=[true|false], init=[uniform|gaussian|fixedvalue], initValueScale=[1|float], value=[0|float]).", cnNodeType);
if (pass == ndlPassInitial)
// evaluate only scalar parameters
vector<void*> params = EvaluateParameters(node, baseName, 0, parameter.size(), pass);
size_t rows = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[0])->GetScalar();
size_t cols = params.size() > 1 ? ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[1])->GetScalar() : 1;
bool needGradient = node->GetOptionalParameter("needGradient", "true");
nodePtr = m_net.CreateLearnableParameter(name, rows, cols);
nodePtr->NeedGradient() = needGradient;
else if (pass == ndlPassFinal)
static int randomSeed = 1;
std::string initString = node->GetOptionalParameter("init", "uniform");
ElemType initValueScale = node->GetOptionalParameter("initValueScale", "1");
ElemType value = node->GetOptionalParameter("value", "0");
transform(initString.begin(), initString.end(), initString.begin(),tolower);
if (initString == "fixedvalue")
else if (initString == "uniform")
m_net.InitLearnableParameters(nodePtr, true, randomSeed++, initValueScale);
else if (initString == "gaussian")
m_net.InitLearnableParameters(nodePtr, false, randomSeed++, initValueScale);
else if (initString == "fromfile")
std::string initFromFilePath = node->GetOptionalParameter("initFromFilePath", "");
if (initFromFilePath == "")
RuntimeError("initFromFilePath must be set when using \"fromFile\" initialization method");
if(initFromFilePath[0] == '\"' && initFromFilePath[initFromFilePath.size()-1] == '\"')
// remove the opening and closing double quotes
initFromFilePath = initFromFilePath.substr(1, initFromFilePath.size()-2);
RuntimeError("File pointed to by initFromFilePath does not exist: %s", initFromFilePath);
m_net.InitLearnableParametersFromFile(nodePtr, initFromFilePath);
RuntimeError("init must be one of the values of [uniform|gaussian|fixedvalue]");
else if (SparseLearnableParameter<ElemType>::TypeName() == cnNodeType)
if (parameter.size() < 1 || parameter.size() > 2)
RuntimeError("%ws should have 1 or 2 parameters[rows, [cols=1]] plus other optional parameters (needGradient=[true|false], init=[uniform|gaussian|fixedvalue], initValueScale=[1|float], value=[0|float]).", cnNodeType);
if (pass == ndlPassInitial)
// evaluate only scalar parameters
vector<void*> params = EvaluateParameters(node, baseName, 0, parameter.size(), pass);
size_t rows = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[0])->GetScalar();
size_t cols = params.size() > 1 ? ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[1])->GetScalar() : 1;
bool needGradient = node->GetOptionalParameter("needGradient", "true");
nodePtr = m_net.CreateSparseLearnableParameter(name, rows, cols);
nodePtr->NeedGradient() = needGradient;
else if (pass == ndlPassFinal)
static int randomSeed = 1;
std::string initString = node->GetOptionalParameter("init", "uniform");
ElemType initValueScale = node->GetOptionalParameter("initValueScale", "1");
ElemType value = node->GetOptionalParameter("value", "0");
transform(initString.begin(), initString.end(), initString.begin(),tolower);
if (initString == "fixedvalue")
else if (initString == "uniform")
m_net.InitLearnableParameters(nodePtr, true, randomSeed++, initValueScale);
else if (initString == "gaussian")
m_net.InitLearnableParameters(nodePtr, false, randomSeed++, initValueScale);
else if (initString == "fromfile")
std::string initFromFilePath = node->GetOptionalParameter("initFromFilePath", "");
if (initFromFilePath == "")
RuntimeError("initFromFilePath must be set when using \"fromFile\" initialization method");
if(initFromFilePath[0] == '\"' && initFromFilePath[initFromFilePath.size()-1] == '\"')
// remove the opening and closing double quotes
initFromFilePath = initFromFilePath.substr(1, initFromFilePath.size()-2);
RuntimeError("File pointed to by initFromFilePath does not exist: %s", initFromFilePath);
m_net.InitLearnableParametersFromFile(nodePtr, initFromFilePath);
RuntimeError("init must be one of the values of [uniform|gaussian|fixedvalue]");
else if (cnNodeType == L"Constant")
if (parameter.size() != 1)
RuntimeError("Constant should have 1 fixed parameter [val] and two optional parameters [rows=[1|yourvalue], cols=[1|yourvalue]].");
if (pass == ndlPassInitial)
size_t rows = node->GetOptionalParameter("rows", "1");
size_t cols = node->GetOptionalParameter("cols", "1");
nodePtr = m_net.CreateLearnableParameter(name, rows, cols);
nodePtr->NeedGradient() = false;
else if (pass == ndlPassFinal)
ElemType val = parameter[0]->GetScalar();
else if (cnNodeType == RowSliceNode<ElemType>::TypeName())
// setup the parameter position of children so we can hook them up later
nodeParamCount = 1;
// parameters are (rows, [cols], inputNode)
nodeParamStart = parameter.size() > 2?2:1;
if (pass == ndlPassInitial)
// evaluate only scalar parameters
vector<void*> params = EvaluateParameters(node, baseName, 0, parameter.size(), pass);
size_t start_index = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[0])->GetScalar();
size_t num_rows = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[1])->GetScalar();
bool needGradient = node->GetOptionalParameter("needGradient", "false");
nodePtr = m_net.RowSlice(NULL, start_index, num_rows, name);
nodePtr->NeedGradient() = needGradient;
else if (cnNodeType == DelayNode<ElemType>::TypeName())
// setup the parameter position of children so we can hook them up later
nodeParamCount = 1;
// parameters are (rows, [cols], delayNode)
nodeParamStart = parameter.size() > 2?2:1;
if (pass == ndlPassInitial)
// evaluate only scalar parameters
vector<void*> params = EvaluateParameters(node, baseName, 0, parameter.size(), pass);
size_t rows = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[0])->GetScalar();
// if we have three parameters the second is columns
size_t cols = parameter.size() > 2 ? ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[1])->GetScalar() : 1;
bool needGradient = node->GetOptionalParameter("needGradient", "false");
float defaultHiddenActivity = node->GetOptionalParameter("defaultHiddenActivity", "0.1");
nodePtr = m_net.Delay(NULL, defaultHiddenActivity, rows, cols, name);
size_t delayTime = node->GetOptionalParameter("delayTime","1");
nodePtr->NeedGradient() = needGradient;
else if (cnNodeType == ConvolutionNode<ElemType>::TypeName())
if (parameter.size() != 7)
RuntimeError("%ws should have 7 fixed parameters[weightNodeName, inputValueNodeName, kernelWidth, kernelHeight, outputChannels,horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample] and two optional parameters [zeroPadding = [false|yourvalue], maxTempMemSizeInSamples = [0|yourvalue]].", cnNodeType);
// setup the parameter position of children so we can hook them up later
nodeParamCount = 2;
nodeParamStart = 0;
if (pass == ndlPassInitial)
int id = 2; // skip weightNode and inputValueNode
// evaluate only scalar parameters
vector<void*> params = EvaluateParameters(node, baseName, id, parameter.size()-id, pass);
id = 0; // reset counter because the params array starts at zero
size_t kernelWidth = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
size_t kernelHeight = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
size_t outputChannels = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
size_t horizontalSubsample = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
size_t verticalSubsample = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
assert (id == 5);
bool zeroPadding = node->GetOptionalParameter("zeroPadding", "false");
size_t maxTempMemSizeInSamples = node->GetOptionalParameter("maxTempMemSizeInSamples", "0");
nodePtr = m_net.Convolution(NULL, NULL, kernelWidth, kernelHeight, outputChannels,
horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample, zeroPadding, name, maxTempMemSizeInSamples);
else if (cnNodeType == MaxPoolingNode<ElemType>::TypeName())
if (parameter.size() != 5)
RuntimeError("%ws should have 5 parameters[inputValueNodeName, windowWidth, windowHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample].", cnNodeType);
// setup the parameter position of children so we can hook them up later
nodeParamCount = 1;
nodeParamStart = 0;
if (pass == ndlPassInitial)
int id = 1; // skip inputValueNode
// evaluate only scalar parameters
vector<void*> params = EvaluateParameters(node, baseName, id, parameter.size() - id, pass);
id = 0; // reset counter because the params array starts at zero
size_t windowWidth = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
size_t windowHeight = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
size_t horizontalSubsample = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
size_t verticalSubsample = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
assert (id == 4);
nodePtr = m_net.MaxPooling(NULL, /*inputWidth,inputHeight, channels,*/windowWidth, windowHeight,
horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample, name);
else if (cnNodeType == AveragePoolingNode<ElemType>::TypeName())
if (parameter.size() != 5)
RuntimeError("%ws should have 5 parameters[inputValueNodeName, windowWidth, windowHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample].", cnNodeType);
// setup the parameter position of children so we can hook them up later
nodeParamCount = 1;
nodeParamStart = 0;
if (pass == ndlPassInitial)
int id = 1; // skip inputValueNode
// evaluate only scalar parameters
vector<void*> params = EvaluateParameters(node, baseName, id, parameter.size() - id, pass);
id = 0; // reset counter because the params array starts at zero
size_t windowWidth = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
size_t windowHeight = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
size_t horizontalSubsample = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
size_t verticalSubsample = ((NDLNode<ElemType>*)params[id++])->GetScalar();
assert (id == 4);
nodePtr = m_net.AveragePooling(NULL, /*inputWidth,inputHeight, channels,*/windowWidth, windowHeight,
horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample, name);
// setup the variables for node parameter processing
nodeParamCount = parameter.size(); // all parameters are nodes in standard nodes
nodeParamStart = 0;
if (pass == ndlPassInitial)
nodePtr = m_net.CreateComputationNode(node->GetValue(), name);
switch (pass)
case ndlPassInitial:
// evaluate parameters
EvaluateParameters(node, baseName, nodeParamStart, nodeParamCount, pass);
case ndlPassResolve:
std::vector<void*> inputs = EvaluateParameters(node, baseName, nodeParamStart, nodeParamCount, pass);
switch (inputs.size())
case 1:
case 2:
nodePtr->AttachInputs(ComputationNodePtr(inputs[0]), ComputationNodePtr(inputs[1]));
case 3:
nodePtr->AttachInputs(ComputationNodePtr(inputs[0]), ComputationNodePtr(inputs[1]), ComputationNodePtr(inputs[2]));
case 4:
nodePtr->AttachInputs(ComputationNodePtr(inputs[0]), ComputationNodePtr(inputs[1]), ComputationNodePtr(inputs[2]), ComputationNodePtr(inputs[3]));
if (nodeParamCount > 0)
RuntimeError("Invalid number of parameters name = '%s' call = '%s'\n", node->GetName().c_str(), node->GetValue().c_str());
// process common optional parameters (like "tag");
case ndlPassFinal:
#ifdef LATER
// EvaluateDotName - Evaluate a dot name and resolve to target node
// node - NDLNode of the script
// nodeParam - NDLNode parameter we are evaluating
// baseName - name of the base node
// pass - which pass through the NDL nodes
// returns: the node that is the evaluated parameter
virtual NDLNode<ElemType>* EvaluateDotName(NDLNode<ElemType>* node, NDLNode<ElemType>* nodeParam, const std::wstring& baseNameP, const NDLPass pass)
if (pass > ndlPassInitial && evaluateNode)
std::string name = nodeParam->GetName();
std::wstring wname = msra::strfun::utf16(name);
if (nodeParam->GetType() == ndlTypeDotParameter)
// When we see a variable of the form "A.B" in a macro, we need to resolve it to an actual node, by first constructing it's
// fully-qualified name. There are 2 possibilities:
// 1) "A" was defined locally within the macro. In this case, we must find the fully-qualified name of the node that this macro
// call is being assigned to (eg, "C" in the example "C=Macro(X)"), and concatenate it's name with "A.B" (eg, "C.A.B").
// 2) "A" was passed in as a parameter to a macro. In this case, we must find the fully-qualified name of the node that
// was passed in as "A", and replace the "A" and "A.B" with this name.
// Consider the following example:
// NdlBLob=[
// P=MacroCall1(...)
// C=MacroCall2(P)
// ]
// # MacroDefinition
// MacroCall2(X)
// {
// A=MacroCall3(...)
// D=Times(A.B,X.B)}
// }
// In this example, in the call D=Times(A.B,X.B), we need to resolve A.B and X.B appropriately.
// Specifically, "A.B" must be resolved to the fully qualified name "C.A.B", whereas "X.B" must be resolved to the fully qualified name "P.B".
// We then use this fully-qualified name to look up this node in the model (using "m_net.GetNodeFromName").
std::size_t firstDotPos = name.find_first_of(".");
if (firstDotPos == std::string::npos)
LogicError("nodeParam of type \"ndlTypeDotParameter\" doesn't have a dot in its name: %s", name.c_str());
std::string nameBeforeDot = name.substr(0, firstDotPos);
std::string nameAfterDot = name.substr(firstDotPos + 1, name.size() - (firstDotPos + 1));
// look up if "nameBeforeDot" was a parameter to the macro.
NDLNode<ElemType>* resolvedParam = nodeParam->GetParentScript()->FindSymbol(nameBeforeDot);
if (resolvedParam != nullptr && resolvedParam->GetType() == ndlTypeMacroCall)
// if "nameBeforeDot" was a parameter to the macro, builds it's fully qualified name by
// replacing "nameBeforeDot" with the fully qualified name of the node passed in as the parameter.
NDLScript<ElemType>* parentScript = resolvedParam->GetParentScript();
baseName = parentScript->GetBaseName();
std::wstring resolvedParamName = msra::strfun::utf16(resolvedParam->GetName());
wname = baseName.empty() ?
resolvedParamName + L"." + msra::strfun::utf16(nameAfterDot) :
baseName + L"." + resolvedParamName + L"." + msra::strfun::utf16(nameAfterDot);
else if (!baseName.empty())
// else, "nameBeforeDot" wasn't a parameter to the macro, so treat it as a local variable.
wname = baseName + L"." + wname;
else if (!baseName.empty())
wname = baseName + L"." + wname;
// fully qualified names can be looked up in the model
if (m_net.NodeNameExist(wname))
void* np = (void*)m_net.GetNodeFromName(wname);
// NOTE: there is a bug here, we allow an abbreviated node reference (i.e. L1.BFF) based on return values in NDL
// when the actual full node reference that the computational network uses would be L1.BFF.FF.P, so that is what CN sees
// can we do the normal find symbol here to allow abbreviated node references?
// if we still didn't get a value, throw an error
if (nodeParam->GetEvalValue() == nullptr)
LogicError("Dot name could not be resolved '%s': should have a node named '%ls' in computational network\n", nodeParam->GetName().c_str(), name.c_str());
return nodeParam;
// EvaluateParameter - Evaluate a parameter of a call
// node - NDLNode of the script
// nodeParam - NDLNode parameter we are evaluating
// baseName - name of the base node
// pass - which pass through the NDL nodes
// returns: the node that is the evaluated parameter
virtual NDLNode<ElemType>* EvaluateParameter(NDLNode<ElemType>* node, NDLNode<ElemType>* nodeParam, const std::wstring& baseNameP, const NDLPass pass )
// get the parent script that includes the symbol table we are interested in
NDLScript<ElemType>* script = node->GetParentScript();
wstring baseName = baseNameP;
if (script == NULL)
std::wstring name = baseName + L"." + msra::strfun::utf16(node->GetName());
LogicError("no script for a parameter node in call to %ls\n", name.c_str());
// evaluate the parameter if we haven't yet, or if we are in the resolve pass (need to set the inputs)
bool evaluateNode = nodeParam->GetEvalValue() == NULL || pass == ndlPassResolve;
switch (nodeParam->GetType())
// if the node is a parameter then look it up in the symbol table
case ndlTypeUndetermined: // an undetermined parameter needs to be looked up again in the symbol table
case ndlTypeParameter:
// lookup the parameter
NDLNode<ElemType>* nodeResolve = script->FindSymbol(nodeParam->GetName());
// if we have resolved the name, no need to continue evaluation
if (!(pass == ndlPassResolve && nodeResolve && nodeParam->GetEvalValue() == nullptr))
if (pass > ndlPassInitial && evaluateNode && nodeResolve)
std::string name = nodeResolve->GetName();
// we need to start from the parent script, because that is the namespace of the parameter being passed in
NDLScript<ElemType>* parentScript = nodeResolve->GetParentScript();
nodeResolve = parentScript->FindSymbol(name, true);
// if we still didn't get a value
if (nodeResolve == nullptr || nodeResolve->GetEvalValue() == nullptr)
// check for the fully quantified name in the computation network
// this is needed for MEL processing, since CN nodes names can be used as parameters in MEL
std::wstring wname = msra::strfun::utf16(name);
if (m_net.NodeNameExist(wname))
void* np = (void*)m_net.GetNodeFromName(wname);
// if we don't have a resolve node, it's because the name didn't exist in NDL
if (!nodeResolve)
nodeResolve = nodeParam;
RuntimeError("Parameter name could not be resolved '%s'\n", name.c_str());
nodeParam = nodeResolve;
case ndlTypeFunction:
if (evaluateNode)
Evaluate(nodeParam, baseName, pass);
case ndlTypeMacroCall:
if (evaluateNode)
nodeParam->EvaluateMacro(*this, baseName, pass);
// constants and variables are good as is
case ndlTypeConstant:
case ndlTypeVariable:
// everything else is illegal as a parameter
std::wstring name = baseName + L"." + msra::strfun::utf16(node->GetName());
RuntimeError("Invalid parameter (macro definitions and arrays not allowed), see call to %ls\n", name.c_str());
return nodeParam;
// EvaluateParameters - Evaluate the parameters of a call
// node - NDLNode we are evaluating paramters for
// baseName - baseName for the current node
// nodeParamStart - starting parameter that contains a node
// nodeParamCount - ending parameter that contains a node
// pass - NDL pass we are evaluating
// returns: vector of eval pointers, which are ComputationNodePtr for CNEvaluator
virtual std::vector<void*> EvaluateParameters(NDLNode<ElemType>* node, const wstring& baseName, int nodeParamStart, int nodeParamCount, const NDLPass pass)
std::vector<void*> inputs;
std::vector<NDLNode<ElemType>*> parameter = node->GetParameters();
ConfigArray paramString = node->GetParamString();
if (parameter.size() < 1)
return inputs;
if (nodeParamStart + nodeParamCount > parameter.size())
throw logic_error("EvaluateParmeters: nodeParamters specified that do not exist");
size_t numChildren = nodeParamCount;
for (size_t i=0; i < numChildren;++i)
int index = i+nodeParamStart;
NDLNode<ElemType>* nodeParam = parameter[index];
std::wstring paramS = paramString[index];
// default base is same as current
std::wstring baseSymbol = baseName;
NDLNode<ElemType>* nodeResult = EvaluateParameter(node, nodeParam, baseSymbol, pass);
// look for a prefix here and set baseName appropriately
if (pass == ndlPassResolve)
void* np = nodeResult->GetEvalValue();
assert(np != nullptr);
else if (pass == ndlPassInitial) // for initial pass we are only interested in resolved nodes (to get constant values)
// NOTE: in final pass inputs are always NULL
// now return the vector
return inputs;
// ProcessOptionalParameters - Process the optional parameters of a node
virtual void ProcessOptionalParameters(NDLNode<ElemType>* node)
vector<NDLNode<ElemType>*> params = node->GetParameters(true); // get all the optional parameters only
ComputationNode<ElemType>* compNode = (ComputationNode<ElemType>*)node->GetEvalValue();
std::string empty;
// loop through all the optional parameters processing them as necessary
for (NDLNode<ElemType>* param : params)
// make sure it's a "tag" optional parameter, that's all we process currently
if (_strcmpi(param->GetName().c_str(), "tag"))
std::string value = param->GetValue();
if (!_strcmpi(value.c_str(), "feature"))
SetOutputNode(m_net.FeatureNodes(), compNode);
else if (!_strcmpi(value.c_str(), "label"))
SetOutputNode(m_net.LabelNodes(), compNode);
else if (!_strcmpi(value.c_str(), "criteria"))
SetOutputNode(m_net.FinalCriterionNodes(), compNode);
else if (!_strnicmp(value.c_str(), "eval", 4)) // only compare the first 4 characters
SetOutputNode(m_net.EvaluationNodes(), compNode);
else if (!_strcmpi(value.c_str(), "output"))
SetOutputNode(m_net.OutputNodes(), compNode);
// SetOutputNode - Set the output node, checks to see if it already exists first
// nodeGroup - group vector to add to
// compNode - computation node to add
void SetOutputNode(std::vector<ComputationNode<ElemType>*>& nodeGroup, ComputationNode<ElemType>* compNode)
for (ComputationNodePtr node : nodeGroup)
if (node == compNode)
// FindSymbol - Search the nodes for a fully quantified symbol
// symbol - name of the symbol fully quantified name with "dots"
// returns - pointer to the matching EvalValue for that node, of NULL if not found
virtual void* FindSymbol(const wstring& symbol)
if (m_net.NodeNameExist(symbol))
return m_net.GetNodeFromName(symbol);
return NULL;
virtual ~SynchronousNodeEvaluator()
ComputationNetwork<ElemType>& m_net;
typedef ComputationNode<ElemType>* ComputationNodePtr;
void operator=(const SynchronousNodeEvaluator&);
// SynchronousExecutionEngine
// TODO JC Refactor eligible methods and members into abstract base class.
template <typename ElemType>
class SynchronousExecutionEngine : public IExecutionEngine<ElemType>
SynchronousExecutionEngine(short deviceId=AUTOPLACEMATRIX, unsigned long randomSeedOffset=0)
m_computationNetwork = new ComputationNetwork<ElemType>(deviceId);
m_ownNetwork = true;
m_nodeEvaluator = new SynchronousNodeEvaluator<ElemType>(*m_computationNetwork);
SynchronousExecutionEngine(ComputationNetwork<ElemType>* computationNetwork)
m_computationNetwork = computationNetwork;
m_ownNetwork = false;
m_nodeEvaluator = new SynchronousNodeEvaluator<ElemType>(*m_computationNetwork);
virtual ~SynchronousExecutionEngine()
if (m_ownNetwork)
delete m_computationNetwork;
delete m_nodeEvaluator;
ComputationNetwork<ElemType>& GetComputationNetwork()
return *m_computationNetwork;
NDLNodeEvaluator<ElemType>& GetNodeEvaluator()
return *m_nodeEvaluator;
bool m_ownNetwork;
ComputationNetwork<ElemType>* m_computationNetwork;
SynchronousNodeEvaluator<ElemType>* m_nodeEvaluator;
// Copy constructor, should never be called.
SynchronousExecutionEngine(const SynchronousExecutionEngine<ElemType>& /*deepCopyFrom*/)
throw std::logic_error("'SynchronousExecutionEngine(const SynchronousExecutionEngine<ElemType>& deepCopyFrom)' should never be called.");
// Assignment operator, should never be called.
SynchronousExecutionEngine<ElemType>& operator=(const SynchronousExecutionEngine<ElemType>& /*deepCopyFrom*/)
throw std::logic_error("'SynchronousExecutionEngine<ElemType>& operator=(const SynchronousExecutionEngine<ElemType>& deepCopyFrom)' should never be called.");
template class SynchronousExecutionEngine<float>;
template class SynchronousExecutionEngine<double>;
}}} |