54 строки
1.2 KiB
54 строки
1.2 KiB
name: cameratraps-classifier
- pytorch
- defaults
- conda-forge
- python>=3.7, <=3.7.6
# from pytorch channel
- pytorch==1.9.0
- torchvision==0.10.0
# - cpuonly # for CPU only
- cudatoolkit=11.3 # for GPU
# from defaults channel
- Pillow
- humanfriendly
- ipywidgets
- jsonpickle # used by run_detector_batch.py
- jupyterlab
- matplotlib
- mypy
- nb_conda_kernels
- networkx # used for taxonomy graph
- numpy
- openpyxl # used by taxonomy_mapping/species_by_dataset.py
- pandas
- progressbar2 # used by ai4eutils (which is called by taxonomy-mapping code)
- pylint
- python-graphviz # used for taxonomy visualization
- scikit-learn
- seaborn
- tqdm
- xlrd # for pandas Excel support, needed by taxonomy_mapping/process_species_by_dataset
- pip
# from conda-forge
# faster Pillow replacement for torchvision; Linux-only, see README for information
# - accimage
# Some packages or versions are only available from PyPI
# These may require GCC to be installed
- pip:
- azure-storage-blob> # require v12.5.0 for BlobClient.exists()
# SIMD acceleration for Pillow. Linux-only, see README for information.
# - pillow-simd
# conda (defaults channel) tends to lag PyPI for TensorFlow-related packages
- tensorboard