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# Defines the fit-estimate routines
#' Minimum estimated_partition class
#' @param partition partition
#' @param cell_stats cell_stats
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @return object of class estimated_partition
#' @export
estimated_partition <- function(partition, cell_stats, ...) {
extra_params = list(...)
if(!"m_mode" %in% names(extra_params)) extra_params$m_mode = DS.SINGLE
if(!"M" %in% names(extra_params)) extra_params$M = 1
return(structure(c(list(partition=partition, cell_stats=cell_stats), extra_params),
# Inherited params: bump_ratio, max_splits, max_cells, bucket_min_n, bucket_min_d_var, split_check_fn, breaks_per_dim, verbosity, partition_i
# y, X, d, min_size
# Params expanded here: bump_samples, pr_cl, cv_folds
# Hidden params:
# - @param honest Whether to use the emse_hat or mse_hat. Use emse for outcome mean. For treatment effect,
# use if want predictive accuracy, but if only want to identify true dimensions of heterogeneity
# then don't use.
# Hidden returns: honest (don't advertise); m_mode, M (user knows this and I don't expose constants yet); has_d (user knows and not important)
#' Fit Grid Partition and estimate cell stats
#' Split the data, one one side train/fit the partition using \code{\link{fit_partition}} and then on the other estimate subgroup effects.
#' @inheritSection fit_partition Multiple estimates
#' @param cv_folds Number of CV Folds or a vector of foldids.
#' If m_mode==DS.MULTI_SAMPLE, then a list with foldids per Dataset.
#' Each must be over the training sample
#' @param tr_split Number between 0 and 1 or vector of indexes. If Multiple effect #3 and using vector then pass in list of vectors.
#' @param ctrl_method Method for determining additional control variables. Empty ("") for nothing, "all", "LassoCV", or "RF"
#' @param pr_cl Default NULL. Parallel cluster. Used for: \enumerate{
#' \item CVing the optimal lambda,
#' \item fitting full tree (at each split going across dimensions),
#' \item fitting trees over the bumped samples
#' \item for importance weights to estimate models over limited X domains
#' }
#' @param alpha Significance threshold for confidence intervals. Default=0.05
#' @param bump_samples Number of bump bootstraps (default 0), or list of such length where each items is a bootstrap sample.
#' If m_mode==DS.MULTI_SAMPLE then each item is a sublist with such bootstrap samples over each dataset.
#' Each bootstrap sample must be over the train split of the data
#' @param importance_type Options:
#' single - (smart) redo full fitting removing each possible dimension
#' interaction - (smart) redo full fitting removing each pair of dimensions
#' "" - Nothing
#' @inheritParams fit_partition
#' @return An object with class \code{"estimated_partition"}.
#' \item{partition}{\code{\link{grid_partition}} obj defining cuts}
#' \item{cell_stats}{Cell stats from \code{\link{est_cell_stats}$stats} on the est sample}
#' \item{importance_weights}{Importance weights for each feature}
#' \item{interaction_weights}{Interaction weights for each pair of features}
#' \item{lambda}{lambda used}
#' \item{is_obj_val_seq}{In-sample objective function values for sequence of partitions}
#' \item{complexity_seq}{Complexity #s (# cells-1) for sequence of partitions}
#' \item{partition_i}{Index of Partition selected in sequence}
#' \item{split_seq}{Sequence of \code{partition_splits}s. Note that split i corresponds to partition i+1}
#' \item{index_tr}{Index of training sample (we might have generated it). Order N}
#' \item{cv_foldid}{CV foldids for the training sample (Size of N_tr)}
#' \item{varnames}{varnames (or c("X1", "X2",...) if X doesn't have colnames)}
#' \item{est_plan}{Fitted \code{\link{EstimatorPlan}} used.}
#' \item{full_stat_df}{Full sample average stats from \code{\link{est_full_stats}}}
#' @export
fit_estimate_partition <- function(y, X, d=NULL, tr_split = 0.5, max_splits=Inf, max_cells=Inf, min_size=3,
cv_folds=5, potential_lambdas=NULL, partition_i=NA,
verbosity=0, breaks_per_dim=NULL,
bucket_min_n=NA, bucket_min_d_var=FALSE,
ctrl_method="", pr_cl=NULL, alpha=0.05, bump_samples=0, bump_ratio=1,
importance_type="", ...) {
extra_params = list(...)
if(length(extra_params)>0) {
if("honest" %in% names(extra_params)) honest = extra_params[['honest']]
#don't check all extra names here as others are passed to another public function that takes hidden arguments
assert_that(!honest, msg="Honest eval metric not currently implimented.")
list[M, m_mode, N_tr, K] = get_sample_type(y, X, d, checks=TRUE)
if(is_sep_sample(X) && length(tr_split)>1) {
assert_that(is.list(tr_split) && length(tr_split)==M, msg="When separate sample & length(tr_split)>1, need is.list(tr_split) && length(tr_split)==M")
X = ensure_good_X(X)
X = update_names_m(X)
X_range = get_X_range(X)
if(!is.list(breaks_per_dim)) {
breaks_per_dim = get_quantile_breaks(X, X_range, g=breaks_per_dim)
dim_cat = which(get_dim_cat_m(X))
index_tr = expand_tr_split_info(tr_split, N_tr, m_mode)
list[y_tr, y_es, X_tr, X_es, d_tr, d_es, N_est] = split_sample_m(y, X, d, index_tr)
#Setup est_plan
if(is.character(ctrl_method)) {
if(ctrl_method=="") {
est_plan = gen_simple_est_plan(has_d=!is.null(d))
else {
assert_that(ctrl_method %in% c("all", "LassoCV", "RF"), !is.null(d), msg="String ctrl_method sepecified but not undestood or d is null.")
est_plan = if(ctrl_method=="RF") grid_rf() else lm_est(lasso = ctrl_method=="LassoCV")
else {
assert_that(inherits(ctrl_method, "estimator_plan"), msg="Non-string ctrl_method specified that doesn't inherit from estimator_plan")
est_plan = ctrl_method
if(is_sep_estimators(m_mode)) {
est_plan1 = est_plan
est_plan = list()
for(m in 1:M) est_plan[[m]] = est_plan1
X_range = get_X_range(X)
t0 = Sys.time()
main_params = list(X=X, y=y, d=d, X_tr=X_tr, y_tr=y_tr, d_tr=d_tr, y_es=y_es, X_es=X_es, d_es=d_es,
X_range=X_range, max_splits=max_splits, max_cells=max_cells, min_size=min_size,
cv_folds=cv_folds, potential_lambdas=potential_lambdas, partition_i=partition_i,
verbosity=verbosity, breaks_per_dim=breaks_per_dim, bucket_min_n=bucket_min_n,
bucket_min_d_var=bucket_min_d_var, honest=honest,
alpha=alpha, bump_samples=bump_samples, pr_cl=pr_cl,
bump_ratio=bump_ratio, M=M, m_mode=m_mode,
dim_cat=dim_cat, N_est=N_est, est_plan=est_plan)
main_ret =, c(main_params, extra_params))
list[partition, is_obj_val_seq, complexity_seq, partition_i, partition_seq, split_seq, lambda, cv_foldid, cell_stats, full_stat_df, est_plan] = main_ret
importance_weights <- interaction_weights <- NULL
if(importance_type=="interaction") {
import_ret =, c(main_params, list(partition=partition), extra_params))
importance_weights = import_ret$delta_k
interaction_weights = import_ret$delta_k12
else if(importance_type %in% c("single", "fast")) {
importance_weights =, c(main_params, list(partition=partition, type=importance_type),
tn = Sys.time()
td = tn-t0
if(verbosity>0) cat(paste("Entire Fit-Estimation Duration: ", format(as.numeric(td)), " ", attr(td, "units"), "\n"))
class = c("estimated_partition")))
#' is object estimated_partition
#' Tests whether the object is an \code{estimated_partition} object.
#' @param x an R object
#' @return True if x is an estimated_partition
#' @export
#' @describeIn fit_estimate_partition is estimated_partition
is_estimated_partition <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "estimated_partition")
#' @describeIn num_cells estimated_partition
#' @export
num_cells.estimated_partition <- function(obj) {
# Inherited params: y, X, d
#' Change the complexity of a fit_estimate_partition
#' Change the complexity level of the partition and re-estimate cell statistics.
#' If you have a minimal estimated_partition then you need to pass in the other params.
#' Note: doesn't update the importance weights
#' @inheritSection fit_partition Multiple estimates
#' @param fit estimated_partition
#' @param partition_i partition_i - 1 is the last include in split_seq included in new partition
#' @inheritParams fit_partition
#' @param index_tr Split between train and estimate samples (default is to get from \code{fit})
#' @param split_seq sequential list of splits (default is to get from \code{fit})
#' @return updated estimated_partition
#' @export
change_complexity <- function(fit, y, X, d=NULL, partition_i, index_tr = fit$index_tr,
split_seq = fit$split_seq, est_plan=fit$est_plan) {
#TODO: Refactor checks from fit_estimation_partition and put them here
X = ensure_good_X(X)
X = update_names_m(X)
list[y_tr, y_es, X_tr, X_es, d_tr, d_es, N_est] = split_sample_m(y, X, d, index_tr)
fit$partition = partition_from_split_seq(split_seq, fit$partition$X_range,
varnames=fit$partition$varnames, max_include=partition_i-1)
list[cell_factor, stats] = est_cell_stats(y_es, X_es, d_es, fit$partition, est_plan=est_plan)
fit$cell_stats = stats
#' Get descriptive data.frame
#' Get information for each cell
#' @inheritParams get_desc_df
#' @param import_order Whether should use importance ordering
#' (most important on the left) or input ordering (default) for features. Rows
#' will be ordered so that the right-most will change most frequently.
#' @return data.frame with columns: partitioning columns, {N_est, param_ests,
#' pval} per estimate
#' @export
get_desc_df.estimated_partition <- function(obj, cont_bounds_inf=TRUE, do_str=TRUE, drop_unsplit=TRUE, digits=NULL, unsplit_cat_star=TRUE, import_order=FALSE, ...) {
M = obj$M
stats = obj$cell_stats[c(F, rep(T,M), rep(T,M), rep(F,M),rep(F,M), rep(F,M), rep(F,M), rep(T,M), rep(F,M), rep(F,M))]
part_df = get_desc_df(obj$partition, cont_bounds_inf=cont_bounds_inf, do_str=do_str, drop_unsplit=drop_unsplit, digits=digits, unsplit_cat_star=unsplit_cat_star)
imp_weights = obj$importance_weights
if(drop_unsplit) {
imp_weights = imp_weights[obj$partition$nsplits_by_dim>0]
if(import_order) {
part_df = part_df[, order(imp_weights, decreasing=TRUE)]
part_df = part_df["order",part_df),] #re-sorts so that rightward changes most frequently
return(cbind(part_df, stats))
# Inherited params: do_str, drop_unsplit, digits, import_order
#' Print estimated_partition
#' Print a summary of the estimated partition. Uses \code{\link{get_desc_df}}
#' @param x estimated_partition object
#' @inheritParams get_desc_df
#' @param import_order Whether should use importance ordering
#' (most important on the left) or input ordering (default) for features.
#' @param ... Additional arguments. These will be passed to
#' @return string (and displayed)
#' @export
print.estimated_partition <- function(x, do_str=TRUE, drop_unsplit=TRUE, digits=NULL, import_order=FALSE, ...) {
return(print(get_desc_df(x, do_str, drop_unsplit, digits, import_order=import_order),
digits=digits, ...))
#libs required and suggested. Use if sourcing directly.
#lapply(lib_list, require, character.only = TRUE)
#CausalGrid_libs <- function(required=TRUE, suggested=TRUE, load_Rcpp=FALSE) {
# lib_list = c()
# if(required) lib_list = c(lib_list, "caret", "gsubfn", "assertthat")
# if(load_Rcpp) lib_list = c(lib_list, "Rcpp")
# if(suggested) lib_list = c(lib_list, "ggplot2", "glmnet", "gglasso", "parallel", "pbapply", "ranger")
# #Build=Rcpp. Full dev=testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, renv, rprojroot
# return(lib_list)
#' Test for any sign effect
#' Accounting for multiple testing, is there a group with statistically significant specified sign effect
#' @param obj an \code{estimated_partition} object
#' @param check_negative If true, check for a negative. If false, check for positive.
#' @param method one of c("fdr", "sim_mom_ineq"). \code{fdr} is conservative.
#' \code{sim_mom_ineq} Need samples sizes to sufficiently large so that the effects are normally distributed
#' @param alpha alpha
#' @param n_sim n_sim
#' @return list(are_any= boolean of whether effect is negative)
#' @export
test_any_sign_effect <- function(obj, check_negative=T, method="fdr", alpha=0.05, n_sim=500) {
#TODO: could also
assert_that(method %in% c("fdr", "sim_mom_ineq"), msg="Unknown method (must be one of fdr or sim_mom_ineq.")
if(method=="fdr") {
assert_that(obj$has_d, alpha>0, alpha<1, msg="Testing significance requires d and alpha in (0,1)")
dofs = obj$cell_stats[["N_est"]] - obj$est_plan$dof
pval_right= pt(obj$cell_stats$tstats, df=dofs, lower.tail=FALSE) #right-tailed. Checking for just a positive effect (H_a is "greater")
pval_left = pt(obj$cell_stats$tstats, df=dofs, lower.tail=TRUE) #left-tailed. Checking for just a negative effect (H_a is "less")
pval1s = if(check_negative) pval_left else pval_right
pval1s_fdr = p.adjust(pval1s, "BH")
are_any = sum(pval1s_fdr<alpha) > 0
return(list(are_any=are_any, pval1s=pval1s, pval1s_fdr=pval1s_fdr))
else {
N_cell = nrow(obj$cell_stats)
te_se = sqrt(obj$cell_stats[["var_ests"]])
tstat_ext = if(check_negative) min(obj$cell_stats[["tstats"]]) else max(obj$cell_stats[["tstats"]])
sim_tstat_exts = rep(NA, n_sim)
for(s in 1:n_sim) {
sim_te = rnorm(N_cell, mean=0, sd=te_se)
sim_tstat_exts[s] = if(check_negative) min(sim_te/te_se) else max(sim_te/te_se)
if(check_negative) {
are_any = sum(sim_tstat_exts < quantile(sim_tstat_exts, alpha)) > 0
else {
are_any = sum(sim_tstat_exts > quantile(sim_tstat_exts, 1-alpha)) > 0
# Inherited params: y, X, d
#' Estimate parameters across the cells
#' Estimate the parameters (including standard errors) across the cells in the sample.
#' @inheritSection fit_partition Multiple estimates
#' @param partition (Optional, need this or cell_factor) partitioning returned from fit_estimate_partition
#' @param cell_factor (Optional, need this or partition)
#' @param estimator_var (Optional) a function with signature list(param_est, var_est) = function(y, d)
#' (where if no d then can pass in null). If NULL then will choose between built-in
#' mean-estimator and scalar_te_estimator
#' @param est_plan Estimator plan
#' @param alpha Significance threshold
#' @inheritParams fit_partition
#' @return list
#' \item{cell_factor}{Factor with levels for each cell for X. Length N.}
#' \item{stats}{data.frame(cell_i, N_est, param_ests, var_ests, tstats, pval, ci_u, ci_l, p_fwer, p_fdr)}
#' @export
est_cell_stats <- function(y, X, d=NULL, partition=NULL, cell_factor=NULL, estimator_var=NULL,
est_plan=NULL, alpha=0.05) {
list[M, m_mode, N_tr, K] = get_sample_type(y, X, d, checks=TRUE)
X = ensure_good_X(X)
if(is.null(est_plan)) {
if(is.null(estimator_var)) est_plan = gen_simple_est_plan(has_d=!is.null(d))
else est_plan = simple_est(NULL, estimator_var)
if(is.null(cell_factor)) {
cell_factor = predict(partition, X)
list[lvls, n_cells] = lcl_levels(cell_factor)
param_ests = matrix(NA, nrow=n_cells, ncol=M)
var_ests = matrix(NA, nrow=n_cells, ncol=M)
cell_sizes = matrix(NA, nrow=n_cells, ncol=M)
for(cell_i in 1:n_cells) {
list[y_cell, d_cell, X_cell, N_l] <- get_cell(y, X, d, cell_factor, cell_i, lvls)
cell_sizes[cell_i,] = N_l
list[param_ests_c, var_ests_c] = Param_Est_m(est_plan, y_cell, d_cell, X_cell, sample="est", ret_var=TRUE, m_mode=m_mode)
param_ests[cell_i,] = param_ests_c
var_ests[cell_i,] = var_ests_c
dofs = t(t(cell_sizes) - get_dofs(est_plan, M, m_mode)) #subtract dofs from each row
colnames(cell_sizes) = if(M==1) "N_est" else paste("N_est", 1:M, sep="")
colnames(param_ests) = if(M==1) "param_ests" else paste("param_ests", 1:M, sep="")
colnames(var_ests) = if(M==1) "var_ests" else paste("var_ests", 1:M, sep="")
base_df = cbind(data.frame(cell_i=1:n_cells), cell_sizes, param_ests, var_ests)
list[stat_df, pval] = exp_stats(base_df, param_ests, var_ests, dofs, alpha=alpha, M)
p_fwer = matrix(p.adjust(pval, "hommel"), ncol=ncol(pval)) #slightly more powerful than "hochberg". Given indep these are better than "bonferroni" and "holm"
p_fdr = matrix(p.adjust(pval, "BH"), ncol=ncol(pval)) #ours are independent so don't need "BY"
colnames(p_fwer) = if(M==1) "p_fwer" else paste("p_fwer", 1:M, sep="")
colnames(p_fdr) = if(M==1) "p_fdr" else paste("p_fdr", 1:M, sep="")
stat_df = cbind(stat_df, p_fwer, p_fdr)
return(list(cell_factor=cell_factor, stats=stat_df))
# Inherited params: y, X, d, est_plan, alpha
#' Estimate stats on the full samples
#' Estimates the parameters on the full and \code{est} samples
#' @inheritSection fit_partition Multiple estimates
#' @param y_es y for \code{est} sample. Omit if providing \code{index_tr}.
#' @param X_es X for \code{est} sample. Omit if providing \code{index_tr}.
#' @param d_es d for \code{est} sample. Omit if providing \code{index_tr}.
#' @param index_tr Indexes of the \code{train} sample. Can be omitted if providing \code{y_es}, \code{X_es}, \code{d_es}.
#' @inheritParams est_cell_stats
#' @return Stats df
#' @export
est_full_stats <- function(y, X, d, est_plan, y_es=NULL, X_es=NULL, d_es=NULL, index_tr=NULL, alpha=0.05) {
list[M, m_mode, N_tr, K] = get_sample_type(y, X, d, checks=TRUE)
X = ensure_good_X(X)
if(is.null(y_es)) {
list[y_tr, y_es, X_tr, X_es, d_tr, d_es, N_est] = split_sample_m(y, X, d, index_tr)
N_es = nrow_m(X_es, M)
full_Ns = rbind(N_tr, N_es)
colnames(full_Ns) = if(M==1) "N_est" else paste("N_est", 1:M, sep="")
list[full_param_ests_all, full_var_ests_all] = Param_Est_m(est_plan, y, d, X, sample="est", ret_var=TRUE, m_mode=m_mode)
list[full_param_ests_es, full_var_ests_es] = Param_Est_m(est_plan, y_es, d_es, X_es, sample="est", ret_var=TRUE, m_mode=m_mode)
M = length(full_param_ests_all)
full_param_ests = rbind(full_param_ests_all, full_param_ests_es)
colnames(full_param_ests) = if(M==1) "param_ests" else paste("param_ests", 1:M, sep="")
full_var_ests = rbind(full_var_ests_all, full_var_ests_es)
colnames(full_var_ests) = if(M==1) "var_ests" else paste("var_ests", 1:M, sep="")
base_df = cbind(data.frame(sample=c("all", "est")), full_Ns, full_param_ests, full_var_ests)
dofs = t(t(full_Ns) - get_dofs(est_plan, M, m_mode)) #subtract dofs from each row
list[full_stat_df, pval] = exp_stats(base_df, full_param_ests, full_var_ests, dofs, alpha=alpha, M)
#' Generate predicted estimates per observations
#' Predicted unit-level treatment effect or outcome
#' @param object estimated_partition object
#' @param new_X new X
#' @param new_d new d. Required for type="outcome"
#' @param type "effect" or "outcome" (currently not implemented)
#' @param ... Additional arguments. Unused.
#' @return predicted treatment effect
#' @export
predict.estimated_partition <- function(object, new_X, new_d = NULL, type = "effect", ...) {
#TODO: for mode 1 &2 maybe return a matrix rather than list
new_X = ensure_good_X(new_X)
new_X_range = get_X_range(new_X)
cell_factor = predict(object$partition, new_X, new_X_range)
M = object$M
if(M==1) {
cell_factor_df = data.frame(id=1:N, cell_i = as.integer(cell_factor))
m_df = merge(cell_factor_df, object$cell_stats)
m_df = m_df[order(m_df[["id"]]), ]
N = nrow_m(new_X, M)
rets = list()
for(m in 1:M) {
cell_factor_df = data.frame(id=1:N[m], cell_i = as.integer(cell_factor[[m]]))
m_df = merge(cell_factor_df, object$cell_stats)
m_df = m_df[order(m_df[["id"]]), ]
rets[[m]] = m_df[["param_ests"]]
# Inherited params: y, X, d
#' Evaluate the MSE_hat objective function
#' Evaluate the MSE_hat objective function over the cells for the sample
#' @param y_tr y_tr
#' @param X_tr X_tr
#' @param d_tr d_tr
#' @param y_te y_te
#' @param X_te X_te
#' @param d_te d_te
#' @param N_est Size of estimation sample. Unused for this objective function.
#' @param partition Grid partition. Pass in this or \code{cell_factor}.
#' @param cell_factor_tr Factor for cells for each observation. Pass in this or \code{partition}.
#' @param est_plan Estimation plan. If this and \code{estimator} are null, then one is created as \code{gen_simple_est_plan(has_d=!is.null(d))}
#' @param estimator If not passing in \code{est_plan}, can pass in this estimation routine and one is created using \code{\link{simple_est}}.
#' @param debug T/F whether we are in debug mode (and print out more info)
#' @param warn_on_error T/F for whether to display a warning when estimation fails (NA values returned)
#' @param sample Passed to \code{\link{est_params}}
#' @return \code{c(val, N_cell_empty, N_cell_error)}
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
eval_mse_hat <-function(y_tr, X_tr, d_tr, y_te=NULL, X_te=NULL, d_te=NULL, N_est, partition=NULL, cell_factor_tr=NULL, cell_factor_te=NULL, est_plan=NULL, estimator=NULL, debug=FALSE,
warn_on_error=FALSE, sample="trtr", ...) {
incl_te = !is.null(y_te)
if(is.null(est_plan)) {
if(is.null(estimator)) est_plan = gen_simple_est_plan(has_d=!is.null(d_tr))
else est_plan = simple_est(estimator, estimator)
if(is.null(cell_factor_tr)) {
cell_factor_tr = predict(partition, X_tr)
if(incl_te) cell_factor_te = predict(partition, X_te)
list[M, m_mode, N_tr, K] = get_sample_type(y_tr, X_tr, d_tr, checks=FALSE)
if(incl_te) list[M, m_mode, N_te, K] = get_sample_type(y_te, X_te, d_te, checks=FALSE)
list[lvls, n_cells] = lcl_levels(cell_factor_tr)
cell_contribs = rep(0, n_cells)
N_eff = 0
N_cell_empty = 0
N_cell_error = 0
for(cell_i in 1:n_cells) {
list[y_tr_cell, d_tr_cell, X_tr_cell, N_tr_l] <- get_cell(y_tr, X_tr, d_tr, cell_factor_tr, cell_i, lvls)
if(incl_te) list[y_te_cell, d_te_cell, X_te_cell, N_te_l] <- get_cell(y_te, X_te, d_te, cell_factor_te, cell_i, lvls)
if(any(N_tr_l==0) || (incl_te && any(N_te_l==0))) {
N_cell_empty = N_cell_empty+1
list[param_est_tr] = Param_Est_m(est_plan, y_tr_cell, d_tr_cell, X_tr_cell, sample=sample, ret_var=FALSE, m_mode)
if(incl_te) list[param_est_te] = Param_Est_m(est_plan, y_te_cell, d_te_cell, X_te_cell, sample=sample, ret_var=FALSE, m_mode)
if(!all(is.finite(param_est_tr)) || (incl_te && !all(is.finite(param_est_te)))) {
N_cell_error = N_cell_error+1
msg = paste("Failed estimation: (N_tr_l=", N_tr_l, ")") #if printing var(d_cell), remember it could be a list
if(incl_te) msg = paste(msg, "(N_te_l", N_te_l, ")")
if(warn_on_error) warning(paste(msg,"\n"))
if(incl_te) t1_mse = sum(N_te_l*(2*param_est_tr*param_est_te - param_est_tr^2))
else t1_mse = sum(N_tr_l*param_est_tr^2)
N_eff = N_eff + ifelse(incl_te, sum(N_te_l), sum(N_tr_l))
cell_contribs[cell_i] = t1_mse
if(debug) {
if(incl_te) print(paste("cell_i=", cell_i, "; N_tr_l=", N_tr_l, "; param_est_tr=", param_est_tr, "; N_te_l=", N_te_l, "; param_est_te=", param_est_te))
else print(paste("cell_i=", cell_i, "; N_tr_l=", N_tr_l, "; param_est_tr=", param_est_tr))
val = -1/N_eff*sum(cell_contribs) # Use N_eff to remove from average given errors
if(debug) print(paste("cell sums", val))
return(c(val, N_cell_empty, N_cell_error))
#Version of the above if we've already estimated the table.
# Doesn't do any error checking
eval_mse_hat_tbl <- function(train_tbl, te_tbl=NULL, incl_base_te=TRUE) {
if(is.null(te_tbl)) {
val = sum(train_tbl['N_est']*train_tbl['param_ests']^2)
val = -1/(sum(train_tbl['N_est']))*val
else {
if(incl_base_te) {
val = sum(te_tbl['N_est']*(te_tbl['param_ests'] - train_tbl['param_ests'])^2)
else {
val = sum(te_tbl['N_est']*(-2*train_tbl['param_ests']*te_tbl['param_ests'] + train_tbl['param_ests']^2))
val = 1/(sum(te_tbl['N_est']))*val
#TODO: Adapt to allow for separate sample evaluation (used for CV). This is done for eval_mse_hat
# If empty and err cells will be removed from the calculation, but counts of these returned
# estimator_var: takes sample for cell and returns coefficient estimate and estimated variance of estimate
# eval_emse_hat<-function(y, X , d, N_est, partition=NULL, cell_factor=NULL, estimator_var=NULL, debug=FALSE,
# warn_on_error=FALSE, alpha=NULL, est_plan=NULL, sample="trtr") {
# if(is.null(est_plan)) {
# if(is.null(estimator_var)) est_plan = gen_simple_est_plan(has_d=!is.null(d))
# else est_plan = simple_est(estimator_var, estimator_var)
# }
# if(is.null(cell_factor)) {
# cell_factor = predict(partition, X)
# }
# if(!is.null(alpha)) {
# stopifnot(alpha>=0 & alpha<=1)
# }
# list[M, m_mode, N_tr, K] = get_sample_type(y, X, d, checks=FALSE)
# list[lvls, n_cells] = lcl_levels(cell_factor)
# cell_contribs1 = rep(0, n_cells)
# cell_contribs2 = rep(0, n_cells)
# N_eff = 0
# N_cell_empty = 0
# N_cell_err = 0
# for(cell_i in 1:n_cells) {
# list[y_cell, d_cell, X_cell, N_l] <- get_cell(y, X, d, cell_factor, cell_i, lvls)
# if(any(N_l==0)) {
# N_cell_empty = N_cell_empty+1
# next
# }
# list[param_est, var_est] = Param_Est_m(est_plan, y_cell, d_cell, X_cell, sample=sample, ret_var=TRUE, m_mode)
# if(!all(is.finite(param_est)) || !all(is.finite(var_est))) {
# N_cell_err = N_cell_err+1
# msg = paste("Failed estimation: (N_l=", N_l, ", param_est=", param_est, ", var_est=", var_est,
# ifelse(!is.null(d), paste(", var_d=", var(d_cell)) , ""),
# ")\n")
# if(warn_on_error) warning(msg)
# next
# }
# t1_mse = sum(N_l*param_est^2)
# t2_var = sum(N_l*var_est)
# N_eff = N_eff + sum(N_l)
# cell_contribs1[cell_i] = t1_mse
# cell_contribs2[cell_i] = t2_var
# if(debug) print(paste("N=", N_tr, "; cell_i=", cell_i, "; N_l=", N_l, "; param_est=", param_est,
# "; var_est=", var_est))
# }
# t1_mse = -1/N_eff*sum(cell_contribs1)
# t2_var = (1/N_eff + 1/N_est)*sum(cell_contribs2)
# val = if(is.null(alpha)) t1_mse + t2_var else alpha*t1_mse + (1-alpha)*t2_var
# if(debug) print(paste("cell sums", val))
# if(!is.finite(val)) stop("Non-finite val")
# return(c(val, N_cell_empty, N_cell_err))
# }
get_cell <- function(y, X, d, cell_factor, cell_i, lvls) {
list[M, m_mode, N_tr, K] = get_sample_type(y, X, d)
if(is_sep_sample(X)) {
y_cell = d_cell = X_cell = list()
N_l = rep(0, M)
for(m in 1:M) {
cell_ind = cell_factor[[m]]==lvls[[m]][cell_i]
y_cell[[m]] = y[[m]][cell_ind]
d_cell[[m]] = d[[m]][cell_ind]
X_cell[[m]] = X[[m]][cell_ind, , drop=FALSE]
N_l[m] = sum(cell_ind)
else {
cell_ind = cell_factor==lvls[cell_i]
N_l = if(M==1) sum(cell_ind) else rep(sum(cell_ind), M)
y_cell = if(is_vec(y)) y[cell_ind] else y[cell_ind, , drop=FALSE]
d_cell = if(is_vec(d)) d[cell_ind] else d[cell_ind, , drop=FALSE]
X_cell = X[cell_ind, , drop=FALSE]
return(list(y_cell, d_cell, X_cell, N_l))
#Split the sample
expand_tr_split_info<-function(tr_split, N_tr, m_mode) {
return(gen_split_m(N_tr, tr_split, m_mode==1))
lcl_levels <- function(cell_factor) {
if(!is.list(cell_factor)) {
lvls = levels(cell_factor)
return(list(lvls, length(lvls)))
lvls = lapply(cell_factor, levels)
return(list(lvls, length(lvls[[1]])))
get_dofs <- function(est_plan, M, m_mode) {
return(sapply(est_plan, function(plan) plan$dof))
#Only 1 estimator but multiple d, so make sure right length
dof = est_plan$dof
if(length(dof)==1) dof=rep(dof, M)
exp_stats <- function(stat_df, param_ests, var_ests, dofs, alpha=0.05, M) {
tstats = param_ests/sqrt(var_ests)
colnames(tstats) = if(M==1) "tstats" else paste("tstats", 1:M, sep="")
t.half.alpha = qt(1-alpha/2, df=dofs)*sqrt(var_ests)
ci_u = param_ests + t.half.alpha
colnames(ci_u) = if(M==1) "ci_u" else paste("ci_u", 1:M, sep="")
ci_l = param_ests - t.half.alpha
colnames(ci_l) = if(M==1) "ci_l" else paste("ci_l", 1:M, sep="")
pval = 2*pt(abs(tstats), df=dofs, lower.tail=FALSE)
colnames(pval) = if(M==1) "pval" else paste("pval", 1:M, sep="")
stat_df = cbind(stat_df, tstats, ci_u, ci_l, pval)
#pval_right= pt(tstats, df=dofs, lower.tail=FALSE) #right-tailed. Checking for just a positive effect (H_a is "greater")
#pval_left = pt(tstats, df=dofs, lower.tail=TRUE) #left-tailed. Checking for just a negative effect (H_a is "less")
return(list(stat_df, pval))
get_importance_weights_full_k <- function(k_i, to_compute, X_d, y, d, X_tr, y_tr, d_tr, y_es, X_es, d_es, X_range, breaks_per_dim, verbosity, ...) {
if(verbosity>0) cat(paste("Feature weight > ", k_i, "of", length(to_compute),"\n"))
k = to_compute[k_i]
X_k = drop_col_k_m(X_d, k)
X_tr_k = drop_col_k_m(X_tr, k)
X_es_k = drop_col_k_m(X_es, k)
main_ret = fit_estimate_partition_int(X_k, y, d, X_tr_k, y_tr, d_tr, y_es, X_es_k, d_es, X_range[-k], breaks_per_dim=breaks_per_dim[-k], verbosity=verbosity, nsplits_k_warn_limit=NA, ...)
nk_val = eval_mse_hat(y_es, X_es_k, d_es, partition=main_ret$partition, est_plan=main_ret$est_plan, sample="est")[1] #use oos version instead of main_ret$is_obj_val_seq[partition_i]
return(list(nk_val, main_ret$partition$nsplits_by_dim))
# Just use mse_hat as we're working not on the Tr sample, but the est sample
# The ... params are passed to get_importance_weights_full_k -> fit_estimate_partition_int
# There's an undocumented "fast" version. Not very great as assings 0 to any feature not split on
get_importance_weights <- function(X, y, d, X_tr, y_tr, d_tr, y_es, X_es, d_es, X_range, breaks_per_dim, partition, est_plan, type, verbosity, pr_cl, ...) {
if(verbosity>0) cat("Feature weights: Started.\n")
K = length(X_range)
if(sum(partition$nsplits_by_dim)==0) return(rep(0, K))
full_val = eval_mse_hat(y_es, X_es, d_es, partition = partition, est_plan=est_plan, sample="est")[1]
if(K==1) {
null_val = eval_mse_hat(y_es, X_es, d_es, partition = grid_partition(partition$X_range, partition$varnames), est_plan=est_plan, sample="est")[1]
if(verbosity>0) cat("Feature weights: Finished.\n")
return(null_val - full_val)
if("fast"==type) {
new_vals = rep(0, K)
factors_by_dim = get_factors_from_partition(partition, X_es)
for(k in 1:K) {
if(partition$nsplits_by_dim[k]>0) {
cell_factor_nk = gen_holdout_interaction_m(factors_by_dim, k, is_sep_sample(X_tr))
new_vals[k] = eval_mse_hat(y_es, X_es, d_es, cell_factor_tr = cell_factor_nk, est_plan=est_plan, sample="est")[1]
if(verbosity>0) cat("Feature weights: Finished.\n")
return(new_vals - full_val)
new_vals = rep(full_val, K)
to_compute = which(partition$nsplits_by_dim>0)
params = c(list(to_compute, X_d=X, y=y, d=d, X_tr=X_tr, y_tr=y_tr, d_tr=d_tr, y_es=y_es, X_es=X_es, d_es=d_es, X_range=X_range, breaks_per_dim=breaks_per_dim, est_plan=est_plan, verbosity=verbosity-1),
rets = my_apply(1:length(to_compute), get_importance_weights_full_k, verbosity==1 || !is.null(pr_cl), pr_cl, params)
for(k_i in 1:length(to_compute)) {
k = to_compute[k_i]
new_vals[k] = rets[[k_i]][[1]]
if(verbosity>0) cat("Feature weights: Finished.\n")
return(new_vals - full_val)
get_feature_interactions_k12 <- function(ks_i, to_compute, X_d, y, d, X_tr, y_tr, d_tr, y_es, X_es, d_es, X_range, breaks_per_dim, verbosity, ...) {
if(verbosity>0) cat(paste("Feature interaction weight > ", ks_i, "of", length(to_compute),"\n"))
ks = to_compute[[ks_i]]
X_k = drop_col_k_m(X_d, ks)
X_tr_k = drop_col_k_m(X_tr, ks)
X_es_k = drop_col_k_m(X_es, ks)
main_ret = fit_estimate_partition_int(X_k, y, d, X_tr_k, y_tr, d_tr, y_es, X_es_k, d_es, X_range[-ks], breaks_per_dim=breaks_per_dim[-ks], verbosity=verbosity, nsplits_k_warn_limit=NA, ...)
nk_val = eval_mse_hat(y_es, X_es_k, d_es, partition=main_ret$partition, est_plan=main_ret$est_plan, sample="est")[1] #use oos version instead of main_ret$is_obj_val_seq[partition_i]
get_feature_interactions <- function(X, y, d, X_tr, y_tr, d_tr, y_es, X_es, d_es, X_range, breaks_per_dim, partition, est_plan, verbosity, pr_cl, ...) {
if(verbosity>0) cat("Feature weights: Started.\n")
K = length(X_range)
dnames = list(colnames(X), colnames(X))
delta_k12 = matrix(as.integer(diag(rep(NA, K))), ncol=K, dimnames=dnames) #dummy for K<3 cases
if(verbosity>0) cat("Feature weights: Finished.\nFeature interaction weights: Started.\nFeature interaction interactions: Finished.\n")
return(list(delta_k=rep(0, K), delta_k12=delta_k12))
full_val = eval_mse_hat(y_es, X_es, d_es, partition = partition, est_plan=est_plan, sample="est")[1]
if(K==1) {
null_val = eval_mse_hat(y_es, X_es, d_es, partition = grid_partition(partition$X_range, partition$varnames), est_plan=est_plan, sample="est")[1]
if(verbosity>0) cat("Feature weights: Finished.\nFeature interaction weights: Started.\nFeature interaction interactions: Finished.\n")
return(list(delta_k=null_val - full_val, delta_k12=delta_k12))
#compute the single-removed values (and keep around the nsplits from each new partition)
new_val_k = rep(full_val, K)
to_compute_k = which(partition$nsplits_by_dim>0)
params = c(list(to_compute=to_compute_k, X_d=X, y=y, d=d, X_tr=X_tr, y_tr=y_tr, d_tr=d_tr, y_es=y_es, X_es=X_es, d_es=d_es, X_range=X_range, breaks_per_dim=breaks_per_dim, est_plan=est_plan, verbosity=verbosity-1),
rets_k = my_apply(1:length(to_compute_k), get_importance_weights_full_k, verbosity==1 || !is.null(pr_cl), pr_cl, params)
for(k_i in 1:length(to_compute_k)) {
k = to_compute_k[k_i]
new_val_k[k] = rets_k[[k_i]][[1]]
delta_k = new_val_k - full_val
if(K==2) {
null_val = eval_mse_hat(y_es, X_es, d_es, partition = grid_partition(partition$X_range, partition$varnames), est_plan=est_plan, sample="est")[1]
delta_k12 = matrix(null_val - full_val, ncol=2) + diag(rep(NA, K))
colnames(delta_k12) = colnames(X)
rownames(delta_k12) = colnames(X)
if(verbosity>0) cat("Feature weights: Finished.\nFeature interaction weights: Started.\nFeature interaction interactions: Finished.\n")
return(list(delta_k=delta_k, delta_k12=delta_k12))
if(verbosity>0) cat("Feature weights: Finished.\n")
#Compute the pair-removed values
if(verbosity>0) cat("Feature interaction weights: Started.\n")
new_val_k12 = matrix(full_val, ncol=K, nrow=K)
to_compute = list()
for(k1 in 1:(K-1)) {
if(partition$nsplits_by_dim[k1]==0) {
new_val_k12[k1,] = new_val_k
new_val_k12[,k1] = new_val_k
else {
k1_i = which(to_compute_k==k1)
nsplits_by_dim_k1= rets_k[[k1_i]][[2]]
for(k2 in (k1+1):K) {
if(nsplits_by_dim_k1[k2-1]==0) { #nsplits_by_dim_k1 is missing k1 so drop k2 back one
new_val_k12[k1,k2] = new_val_k[k1]
new_val_k12[k2,k1] = new_val_k[k1]
else {
to_compute = c(list(c(k1, k2)), to_compute)
params = c(list(to_compute=to_compute, X_d=X, y=y, d=d, X_tr=X_tr, y_tr=y_tr, d_tr=d_tr, y_es=y_es, X_es=X_es, d_es=d_es, X_range=X_range, breaks_per_dim=breaks_per_dim, est_plan=est_plan, verbosity=verbosity-1),
rets_k12 = my_apply(1:length(to_compute), get_feature_interactions_k12, verbosity==1 || !is.null(pr_cl), pr_cl, params)
for(ks_i in 1:length(to_compute)) {
k1 = to_compute[[ks_i]][1]
k2 = to_compute[[ks_i]][2]
new_val = rets_k12[[ks_i]]
new_val_k12[k1, k2] = new_val
new_val_k12[k2, k1] = new_val
delta_k12 = t(t((new_val_k12 - full_val) - delta_k) - delta_k) + diag(rep(NA, K))
colnames(delta_k12) = colnames(X)
rownames(delta_k12) = colnames(X)
if(verbosity>0) cat("Feature interaction interactions: Finished.\n")
return(list(delta_k=delta_k, delta_k12=delta_k12))
fit_and_residualize <- function(est_plan, X_tr, y_tr, d_tr, cv_folds, y_es, X_es, d_es, verbosity, dim_cat) {
est_plan = fit_on_train(est_plan, X_tr, y_tr, d_tr, cv_folds, verbosity=verbosity, dim_cat=dim_cat)
list[y_tr, d_tr] = residualize(est_plan, y_tr, X_tr, d_tr, sample="tr")
list[y_es, d_es] = residualize(est_plan, y_es, X_es, d_es, sample="est")
return(list(est_plan, y_tr, d_tr, y_es, d_es))
# ... params are passed to fit_partition()
fit_estimate_partition_int <- function(X, y, d, X_tr, y_tr, d_tr, y_es, X_es, d_es, dim_cat, X_range, est_plan, honest, cv_folds, verbosity, M, m_mode,
alpha, ...) {
K = length(X_range)
obj_fn = if(honest) eval_emse_hat else eval_mse_hat
list[nfolds, folds_ret, foldids] = expand_fold_info(y_tr, cv_folds, m_mode)
list[est_plan, y_tr, d_tr, y_es, d_es] = fit_and_residualize_m(est_plan, X_tr, y_tr, d_tr, foldids, y_es, X_es, d_es, m_mode, M, verbosity, dim_cat)
if(verbosity>0) cat("Training partition on training set\n")
fit_ret = fit_partition(y=y_tr, X=X_tr, d=d_tr, X_aux=X_es, d_aux=d_es, cv_folds=foldids, verbosity=verbosity,
X_range=X_range, obj_fn=obj_fn, est_plan=est_plan, ...)
list[partition, is_obj_val_seq, complexity_seq, partition_i, partition_seq, split_seq, lambda, cv_foldid] = fit_ret
if(verbosity>0) cat("Estimating cell statistics on estimation set\n")
list[cell_factor, cell_stats] = est_cell_stats(y_es, X_es, d_es, partition, est_plan=est_plan, alpha=alpha)
full_stat_df = est_full_stats(y, X, d, est_plan, y_es=y_es, X_es=X_es, d_es=d_es)
return(list(partition=partition, is_obj_val_seq=is_obj_val_seq, complexity_seq=complexity_seq, partition_i=partition_i, partition_seq=partition_seq, split_seq=split_seq, lambda=lambda, cv_foldid=cv_foldid, cell_stats=cell_stats, full_stat_df=full_stat_df, est_plan=est_plan))