@ -1,343 +1,297 @@
Function Convert-LBFO2Set {
Virtual Switches attached to an LBFO team has been deprecated by Microsoft. Use this tool, to
migrate your team to the alternative teaming solution, Switch Embedded Teaming (SET).
This script will allow you to migrate a LBFO Team into a SET team. It will also migrate a vSwitch (if added to the LBFO Team)
To a new vSwitch on SET including the vNICs. This enables you to migrate a host with active virtual machines.
The name of the LBFO Team to be migrated
The name of the SET team to be created (the team does not need to already exist)
.PARAMETER AllowOutage
Use this to allow a migration of a team and vSwitch with only one pNIC. In this case, the migration will incur an outage
for any virtual NICs connected to the team because the underlying pNIC can only be connected to one team at a time
.PARAMETER EnableBestPractices
Use this to set Microsoft recommended best practices for the team and/or Virtual Switch. If this switch is omitted, the
existing settings from the LBFO team will be configured on SET
Convert-LBFO2Set -LBFOTeam NameofLBFOTeam -SETTeam NewSETTeamName
Convert-LBFO2Set TODO
Author: Microsoft Edge OS Networking Team and Microsoft CSS
Please file issues on GitHub @ GitHub.com/Microsoft/Convert-LBFO2SET
More projects : https://github.com/topics/msftnet
Windows Networking Blog : https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/networking/
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String] $LBFOTeam ,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String] $SETTeam ,
[parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[Switch] $AllowOutage = $false,
[parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[Switch] $EnableBestPractices = $false
Write-Verbose "Collecting data and validating configuration."
# check whether $LBFOTeam is the vSwitch or the LBFO team name bound to a vSwitch
# if there is an LBFO team with the name we simply use that
$isLBFOTeam = Get-NetLbfoTeam -Name $LBFOTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-NOT $isLBFOTeam)
# check to see whether this is a vSwitch
$isvSwitch = Get-VMSwitch $LBFOTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($isvSwitch)
Write-Verbose "LBFOTeam is a vSwitch. Verifying that an LBFO team is attached."
## a vSwitch was found. Now make sure there is an LBFO team attached.
# get the vSwitch adapter(s) based on the InterfaceDescription contained in the vSwitch object
$tmpAdapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object InterfaceDescription -in $isvSwitch.NetAdapterInterfaceDescriptions
# compare to list of LBFO team adapters
$tmpTeam = Get-NetLbfoTeam | Where-Object { $_.Name -in $tmpAdapter.Name -or $_.Name -eq $tmpAdapter.Name }
if ($tmpTeam)
# we found the LBFO team attached to the vSwitch! Set that to $LBFOTeam. We'll rediscover the vSwitch later.
$LBFOTeam = $tmpTeam.Name
Throw "An LBFO team associated with $LBFOTeam could not be detected."
Throw "Failed to find an LBFO team or vSwitch named $LBFOTeam`."
Remove-Variable isLBFOTeam,isvSwitch,tmpAdapter,tmpTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
else {
Remove-Variable isLBFOTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Function Convert-LBFO2Set
Virtual Switches attached to an LBFO team has been deprecated by Microsoft. Use this tool, to
migrate your team to the alternative teaming solution, Switch Embedded Teaming (SET).
# get the path to where the module is stored
$here = Split-Path -Parent (Get-Module -Name Convert-LBFO2SET).Path
if (-NOT $here)
throw "Could not find the module path."
# detect the version of Windows
$osMajVer = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major
$osBldVer = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build
switch ($osMajVer)
switch ($osBldVer)
14393 {
$nicReconnBin = "nicReconnect1.exe"
17763 {
$nicReconnBin = "nicReconnect5.exe"
throw "This version of Windows is not yet certified for Convert-LBFO2SET."
throw "A supported version of Windows was not detected."
#region Data Collection
$configData = @{ NetLBFOTeam = Get-NetLbfoTeam -Name $LBFOTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
$ValidationResults = Invoke-Pester -Script "$here\tests\unit\unit.tests.ps1" -Tag PreValidation -PassThru
$ValidationResults | Select-Object -Property TagFilter, Time, TotalCount, PassedCount, FailedCount, SkippedCount, PendingCount | Format-Table -AutoSize
If ($ValidationResults.FailedCount -ne 0) {
Write-Warning 'Prerequisite checks have failed.'
Write-Warning "`n`nPlease note: if the failure was due to LACP: `n`t - We will intentionally NOT convert this type of team as the new team will not be functional until the port-channel on the physical switch has been modified"
Write-Warning "To continue with an LACP conversion, please break the port-channel on the physical switch and modify the LBFO team to Switch Independent (Set-NetLbfoTeam -TeamingMode SwitchIndependent)"
$configData += @{
NetAdapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name $configData.NetLBFOTeam.TeamNics -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
NetAdapterBinding = Get-NetAdapterBinding -Name $configData.NetLBFOTeam.TeamNics -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$configData += @{
LBFOVMSwitch = Get-VMSwitch -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object NetAdapterInterfaceGuid -eq $configData.NetAdapter.InterfaceGuid
if ($ConfigData.LBFOVMSwitch) {
$configData += @{
VMNetworkAdapter = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -All | Where-Object SwitchName -EQ $configData.LBFOVMSwitch.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Grabbing host vNICs (ManagementOS) attached to the LBFO vSwitch
$configData += @{ HostvNICs = @(Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -SwitchName $configData.LBFOVMSwitch.Name) }
# EnableIOV should be $true as a best practice unless Hyper-V QoS is in use. Enabling IOV turns the vSwitch Bandwidth mode to 'None' so no legacy QoS
Switch ($ConfigData.LBFOVMSwitch.BandwidthReservationMode) {
{'Absolute' -or 'Weight'} {
If ($configData.VMNetworkAdapter.BandwidthSetting)
$IovEnabled = $false
$IovEnabled = $true
'None' { $IovEnabled = $true }
default { $IovEnabled = $false }
#region Create new SET team
#TODO: test this logic thuroughly...
if ($AllowOutage -eq $true -and $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Members.Count -eq 1)
$NetAdapterNames = $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Members
# Only one pnIC - Destroy the LBFOTeam
Remove-NetLbfoTeam -Name $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Name -Confirm:$false
$NetAdapterNames = $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Members[0]
Remove-NetLbfoTeamMember -Name $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Members[0] -Team $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Name -Confirm:$False
$SETTeamParams = @{
Name = $SETTeam
NetAdapterName = $NetAdapterNames
EnableIov = $IovEnabled
EnablePacketDirect = $false
EnableEmbeddedTeaming = $true
AllowManagementOS = $false
$vSwitchExists = Get-VMSwitch -Name $SETTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-NOT $vSwitchExists)
New-VMSwitch @SETTeamParams
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
Write-Verbose "Team named [$SETTeam] exists and will be used"
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Remove-Variable SETTeamParams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$vmNICs = ($configData.VMNetworkAdapter | Where-Object VMName -ne $Null)
$vNICMigrationNeeded = If ($vmNICs) { $true } Else { $false }
# TODO: Add vmNIC and Host vNIC to test cases.
if ($vNICMigrationNeeded) { Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNICs -SwitchName $SETTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
# migrate host vNIC(s)
Foreach ($HostvNIC in $configData.HostvNics) {
& "$($here)\helpers\$($nicReconnBin)" -r "$($HostvNIC.Name)" "$SETTeam" | Out-Null
# validation to make sure there are no more vmNICs attached
$vmMigGood = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -All | Where-Object SwitchName -EQ $configData.LBFOVMSwitch.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($vmMigGood)
throw "Critical vmNIC migration failure. The following virtual NICs were not migrated to the new SET switch:`n$($vmMigGood | ForEach-Object { "`n`t$($_.Name) [$(if ($_.VMName) {"$($_.VMName)"} else {"host"})] " })"
#region Fire and Brimstone
$remainingAdapters = $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Members
if ($configData.LBFOVMSwitch)
Remove-VMSwitch -Name $configData.LBFOVMSwitch.Name -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
This script will allow you to migrate a LBFO Team into a SET team. It will also migrate a vSwitch (if added to the LBFO Team)
To a new vSwitch on SET including the vNICs. This enables you to migrate a host with active virtual machines.
Remove-NetLbfoTeam -Name $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Name -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#TODO: May need to check that the switch and / or team actually were removed before moving on
Add-VMSwitchTeamMember -NetAdapterName $remainingAdapters -VMSwitchName $SETTeam
Remove-Variable HostvNIC -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
<# Temporarily removing till we work through host vNIC migration plan
foreach ($HostvNIC in ($configData.HostvNICs)) {
$NewNetAdapterName = $configData.HostvNICs.$($HostvNIC.Keys).HostvNICNetAdapter.Name
Rename-NetAdapter -Name "$NewNetAdapterName-446f776e2057697468204c42464f" -NewName $NewNetAdapterName
The name of the LBFO Team to be migrated
The name of the SET team to be created (the team does not need to already exist)
.PARAMETER AllowOutage
Use this to allow a migration of a team and vSwitch with only one pNIC. In this case, the migration will incur an outage
for any virtual NICs connected to the team because the underlying pNIC can only be connected to one team at a time
.PARAMETER EnableBestPractices
Use this to set Microsoft recommended best practices for the team and/or Virtual Switch. If this switch is omitted, the
existing settings from the LBFO team will be configured on SET
Convert-LBFO2Set -LBFOTeam NameofLBFOTeam -SETTeam NewSETTeamName
Convert-LBFO2Set TODO
Author: Microsoft Edge OS Networking Team and Microsoft CSS
Please file issues on GitHub @ GitHub.com/Microsoft/Convert-LBFO2SET
More projects : https://github.com/topics/msftnet
Windows Networking Blog : https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/networking/
if ($EnableBestPractices) {
$SETInterfaces = (Get-VMSwitchTeam -Name $SETTeam).NetAdapterInterfaceDescription
$SETAdapters = (Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object InterfaceDescription -in $SETInterfaces).Name
Foreach ($interface in $SETAdapters) {
Reset-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $interface -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
-DisplayName 'NVGRE Encapsulated Task Offload', 'VXLAN Encapsulated Task Offload', 'IPV4 Checksum Offload',
'NetworkDirect Technology', 'Recv Segment Coalescing (IPv4)', 'Recv Segment Coalescing (IPv6)',
'Maximum number of RSS Processors', 'Maximum Number of RSS Queues', 'RSS Base Processor Number',
'RSS Load Balancing Profile', 'SR-IOV', 'TCP/UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4)', 'TCP/UDP Checksum Offload (IPv6)'
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $interface -DisplayName 'Packet Direct' -RegistryValue 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $interface -RegistryValue 1 -DisplayName 'Receive Side Scaling', 'Virtual Switch RSS', 'Virtual Machine Queues', 'NetworkDirect Functionality' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[Switch]$AllowOutage = $false,
[parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[Switch]$EnableBestPractices = $false
Write-Verbose "Collecting data and validating configuration."
# check whether $LBFOTeam is the vSwitch or the LBFO team name bound to a vSwitch
# if there is an LBFO team with the name we simply use that
$isLBFOTeam = Get-NetLbfoTeam -Name $LBFOTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-NOT $isLBFOTeam)
# check to see whether this is a vSwitch
$isvSwitch = Get-VMSwitch $LBFOTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($isvSwitch)
Write-Verbose "LBFOTeam is a vSwitch. Verifying that an LBFO team is attached."
## a vSwitch was found. Now make sure there is an LBFO team attached.
# get the vSwitch adapter(s) based on the InterfaceDescription contained in the vSwitch object
$tmpAdapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object InterfaceDescription -in $isvSwitch.NetAdapterInterfaceDescriptions
# compare to list of LBFO team adapters
$tmpTeam = Get-NetLbfoTeam | Where-Object { $_.Name -in $tmpAdapter.Name -or $_.Name -eq $tmpAdapter.Name }
if ($tmpTeam)
# we found the LBFO team attached to the vSwitch! Set that to $LBFOTeam. We'll rediscover the vSwitch later.
$LBFOTeam = $tmpTeam.Name
Throw "An LBFO team associated with $LBFOTeam could not be detected."
Throw "Failed to find an LBFO team or vSwitch named $LBFOTeam`."
Remove-Variable isLBFOTeam, isvSwitch, tmpAdapter, tmpTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Variable isLBFOTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# get the path to where the module is stored
$here = Split-Path -Parent (Get-Module -Name Convert-LBFO2SET).Path
if (-NOT $here)
throw "Could not find the module path."
# detect the version of Windows
$osMajVer = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major
$osBldVer = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build
switch ($osMajVer)
switch ($osBldVer)
14393 {
$nicReconnBin = "nicReconnect1.exe"
17763 {
$nicReconnBin = "nicReconnect5.exe"
throw "This version of Windows is not yet certified for Convert-LBFO2SET."
throw "A supported version of Windows was not detected."
#region Data Collection
$configData = @{ NetLBFOTeam = Get-NetLbfoTeam -Name $LBFOTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
$ValidationResults = Invoke-Pester -Script "$here\tests\unit\unit.tests.ps1" -Tag PreValidation -PassThru
$ValidationResults | Select-Object -Property TagFilter, Time, TotalCount, PassedCount, FailedCount, SkippedCount, PendingCount | Format-Table -AutoSize
If ($ValidationResults.FailedCount -ne 0)
Write-Warning 'Prerequisite checks have failed.'
Write-Warning "`n`nPlease note: if the failure was due to LACP: `n`t - We will intentionally NOT convert this type of team as the new team will not be functional until the port-channel on the physical switch has been modified"
Write-Warning "To continue with an LACP conversion, please break the port-channel on the physical switch and modify the LBFO team to Switch Independent (Set-NetLbfoTeam -TeamingMode SwitchIndependent)"
$configData += @{
NetAdapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name $configData.NetLBFOTeam.TeamNics -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
NetAdapterBinding = Get-NetAdapterBinding -Name $configData.NetLBFOTeam.TeamNics -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$configData += @{
LBFOVMSwitch = Get-VMSwitch -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object NetAdapterInterfaceGuid -eq $configData.NetAdapter.InterfaceGuid
if ($ConfigData.LBFOVMSwitch)
$configData += @{
VMNetworkAdapter = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -All | Where-Object SwitchName -EQ $configData.LBFOVMSwitch.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Grabbing host vNICs (ManagementOS) attached to the LBFO vSwitch
$configData += @{ HostvNICs = @(Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -SwitchName $configData.LBFOVMSwitch.Name) }
# EnableIOV should be $true as a best practice unless Hyper-V QoS is in use. Enabling IOV turns the vSwitch Bandwidth mode to 'None' so no legacy QoS
Write-Verbose "Bandwidth Reservation Mode: $($ConfigData.LBFOVMSwitch.BandwidthReservationMode)"
Switch ($ConfigData.LBFOVMSwitch.BandwidthReservationMode)
{ 'Absolute' -or 'Weight' } {
If ($ConfigData.VMNetworkAdapter.BandwidthSetting)
$IovEnabled = $true
$IovEnabled = $false
'None' { $IovEnabled = $true }
default { $IovEnabled = $false }
#region Create new SET team
#TODO: test this logic thuroughly...
if ($AllowOutage -eq $true -and $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Members.Count -eq 1)
$NetAdapterNames = $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Members
# Only one pnIC - Destroy the LBFOTeam
Remove-NetLbfoTeam -Name $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Name -Confirm:$false
$NetAdapterNames = $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Members[0]
Remove-NetLbfoTeamMember -Name $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Members[0] -Team $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Name -Confirm:$False
Write-Verbose "IOV Enabled: $IovEnabled"
$SETTeamParams = @{
Name = $SETTeam
NetAdapterName = $NetAdapterNames
EnablePacketDirect = $false
EnableEmbeddedTeaming = $true
AllowManagementOS = $false
MinimumBandwidthMode = $($ConfigData.LBFOVMSwitch.BandwidthReservationMode)
EnableIov = $IovEnabled
Write-verbose "SETTeam Parameters: $($SETTeamParams | Out-String)"
$vSwitchExists = Get-VMSwitch -Name $SETTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-NOT $vSwitchExists)
New-VMSwitch @SETTeamParams
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
Write-Verbose "Team named [$SETTeam] exists and will be used"
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Remove-Variable SETTeamParams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$vmNICs = ($configData.VMNetworkAdapter | Where-Object VMName -ne $Null)
$vNICMigrationNeeded = If ($vmNICs) { $true }
Else { $false }
# TODO: Add vmNIC and Host vNIC to test cases.
if ($vNICMigrationNeeded) { Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNICs -SwitchName $SETTeam -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
# migrate host vNIC(s)
Foreach ($HostvNIC in $configData.HostvNics)
& "$($here)\helpers\$($nicReconnBin)" -r "$($HostvNIC.Name)" "$SETTeam" | Out-Null
# validation to make sure there are no more vmNICs attached
$vmMigGood = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -All | Where-Object SwitchName -EQ $configData.LBFOVMSwitch.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($vmMigGood)
throw "Critical vmNIC migration failure. The following virtual NICs were not migrated to the new SET switch:`n$($vmMigGood | ForEach-Object {
"`n`t$($_.Name) [$(if ($_.VMName) { "$($_.VMName)" }
else { "host" })] "
#region Fire and Brimstone
$remainingAdapters = $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Members
if ($configData.LBFOVMSwitch)
Remove-VMSwitch -Name $configData.LBFOVMSwitch.Name -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Remove-NetLbfoTeam -Name $configData.NetLBFOTeam.Name -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#TODO: May need to check that the switch and / or team actually were removed before moving on
Add-VMSwitchTeamMember -NetAdapterName $remainingAdapters -VMSwitchName $SETTeam
Remove-Variable HostvNIC -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
<# Temporarily removing till we work through host vNIC migration plan
foreach ($HostvNIC in ($configData.HostvNICs)) {
$NewNetAdapterName = $configData.HostvNICs.$($HostvNIC.Keys).HostvNICNetAdapter.Name
Rename-NetAdapter -Name "$NewNetAdapterName-446f776e2057697468204c42464f" -NewName $NewNetAdapterName
$NodeOSCaption = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_OperatingSystem').Caption
Switch -Wildcard ($NodeOSCaption) {
'*Windows Server 2016*' {
$SETSwitchUpdates = @{ DefaultQueueVrssQueueSchedulingMode = 'StaticVRSS' }
$vmNICUpdates = @{ VrssQueueSchedulingMode = 'StaticVRSS' }
$HostvNICUpdates = @{ VrssQueueSchedulingMode = 'StaticVRSS' }
'*Windows Server 2019*' {
$SETSwitchUpdates = @{
EnableSoftwareRsc = $true
DefaultQueueVrssQueueSchedulingMode = 'Dynamic'
$vmNICUpdates = @{ VrssQueueSchedulingMode = 'Dynamic' }
$HostvNICUpdates = @{ VrssQueueSchedulingMode = 'Dynamic' }
$SETSwitchUpdates += @{
Name = $SETTeam
DefaultQueueVrssEnabled = $true
DefaultQueueVmmqEnabled = $true
DefaultQueueVrssMinQueuePairs = 8
DefaultQueueVrssMaxQueuePairs = 16
$vmNICUpdates += @{
VMName = '*'
VrssEnabled = $true
VmmqEnabled = $true
VrssMinQueuePairs = 8
VrssMaxQueuePairs = 16
$HostvNICUpdates += @{
ManagementOS = $true
VrssEnabled = $true
VmmqEnabled = $true
VrssMinQueuePairs = 8
VrssMaxQueuePairs = 16
Set-VMSwitch @SETSwitchUpdates
Set-VMSwitchTeam -Name $SETTeam -LoadBalancingAlgorithm HyperVPort
Set-VMNetworkAdapter @HostvNICUpdates
Set-VMNetworkAdapter @vmNICUpdates
Remove-Variable SETSwitchUpdates, vmNICUpdates, HostvNICUpdates, NodeOSCaption -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Verbose "Enable Best Practices Parameter Present: $EnableBestPractices"
if ($EnableBestPractices)
$SETInterfaces = (Get-VMSwitchTeam -Name $SETTeam).NetAdapterInterfaceDescription
$SETAdapters = (Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object InterfaceDescription -in $SETInterfaces).Name
Foreach ($interface in $SETAdapters)
Reset-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $interface -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
-DisplayName 'NVGRE Encapsulated Task Offload', 'VXLAN Encapsulated Task Offload', 'IPV4 Checksum Offload',
'NetworkDirect Technology', 'Recv Segment Coalescing (IPv4)', 'Recv Segment Coalescing (IPv6)',
'Maximum number of RSS Processors', 'Maximum Number of RSS Queues', 'RSS Base Processor Number',
'RSS Load Balancing Profile', 'SR-IOV', 'TCP/UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4)', 'TCP/UDP Checksum Offload (IPv6)'
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $interface -DisplayName 'Packet Direct' -RegistryValue 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $interface -RegistryValue 1 -DisplayName 'Receive Side Scaling', 'Virtual Switch RSS', 'Virtual Machine Queues', 'NetworkDirect Functionality' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$NodeOSCaption = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_OperatingSystem').Caption
Switch -Wildcard ($NodeOSCaption)
'*Windows Server 2016*' {
$SETSwitchUpdates = @{ DefaultQueueVrssQueueSchedulingMode = 'StaticVRSS' }
$vmNICUpdates = @{ VrssQueueSchedulingMode = 'StaticVRSS' }
$HostvNICUpdates = @{ VrssQueueSchedulingMode = 'StaticVRSS' }
'*Windows Server 2019*' {
$SETSwitchUpdates = @{
EnableSoftwareRsc = $true
DefaultQueueVrssQueueSchedulingMode = 'Dynamic'
$vmNICUpdates = @{ VrssQueueSchedulingMode = 'Dynamic' }
$HostvNICUpdates = @{ VrssQueueSchedulingMode = 'Dynamic' }
$SETSwitchUpdates += @{
Name = $SETTeam
DefaultQueueVrssEnabled = $true
DefaultQueueVmmqEnabled = $true
DefaultQueueVrssMinQueuePairs = 8
DefaultQueueVrssMaxQueuePairs = 16
$vmNICUpdates += @{
VMName = '*'
VrssEnabled = $true
VmmqEnabled = $true
VrssMinQueuePairs = 8
VrssMaxQueuePairs = 16
$HostvNICUpdates += @{
ManagementOS = $true
VrssEnabled = $true
VmmqEnabled = $true
VrssMinQueuePairs = 8
VrssMaxQueuePairs = 16
Set-VMSwitch @SETSwitchUpdates
Set-VMSwitchTeam -Name $SETTeam -LoadBalancingAlgorithm HyperVPort
Set-VMNetworkAdapter @HostvNICUpdates
Set-VMNetworkAdapter @vmNICUpdates
Remove-Variable SETSwitchUpdates, vmNICUpdates, HostvNICUpdates, NodeOSCaption -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue