247 строки
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247 строки
10 KiB
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
using MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra;
using HEWrapper;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace NeuralNetworks
public class PoolLayer : BaseLayer
ConvolutionEngine convolutionEngine = new ConvolutionEngine();
double[] _Weights = null;
public double[] Weights { get { return _Weights; } set { _Weights = value; layerPrepared = false; } }
double[] _Bias = null;
public double[] Bias { get { return _Bias; } set { _Bias = value; layerPrepared = false; } }
public int[] InputShape { get { return convolutionEngine.InputShape; } set { convolutionEngine.InputShape = value; layerPrepared = false; } }
public int[] KernelShape { get { return convolutionEngine.KernelShape; } set { convolutionEngine.KernelShape = value; layerPrepared = false; } }
public double WeightsScale { get; set; } = 1.0;
public override double GetOutputScale()
return ((Weights == null) ? Offsets.Length : WeightsScale) * Source.GetOutputScale();
public int[] Stride { get { return convolutionEngine.Stride; } set { convolutionEngine.Stride = value; layerPrepared = false; } }
public bool[] Padding { get { return convolutionEngine.Padding; } set { convolutionEngine.Padding = value; layerPrepared = false; } }
public int[] Upperpadding { get { return convolutionEngine.Upperpadding; } set { convolutionEngine.Upperpadding = value; layerPrepared = false; } }
public int[] Lowerpadding { get { return convolutionEngine.Lowerpadding; } set { convolutionEngine.Lowerpadding = value; layerPrepared = false; } }
public int[] MapCount { get { return convolutionEngine.MapCount; } set { convolutionEngine.MapCount = value; layerPrepared = false; } }
private int kernelSize = -1; // the value -1 is used such that it will throw an exception if it was not computed
IVector[] weightWindows = null;
IVector[] biasVectors = null;
int[][] Offsets { get { return convolutionEngine.Offsets; } }
int[][] Corners { get { return convolutionEngine.Corners; } }
private ConcurrentBag<IVector> TempVectors = new ConcurrentBag<IVector>();
public override void Dispose()
if (weightWindows != null)
foreach (var w in weightWindows)
if (w != null) w.Dispose();
if (biasVectors != null)
foreach (var b in biasVectors)
if (b != null) b.Dispose();
weightWindows = null;
biasVectors = null;
public override void Prepare()
if (layerPrepared) return;
kernelSize = KernelShape.Aggregate(1, (acc, val) => acc * val);
if (Bias == null) kernelSize++;
if (Weights == null) return;
biasVectors = null;
layerPrepared = true;
IVector ElementAt(IMatrix m, int[] Corner, int[] offset, int[] shape, int bias = 0)
var l = convolutionEngine.Location(Corner, offset, shape, bias);
if (l < 0)
var t = Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(new double[m.RowCount]);
var z = (m.IsEncrypted) ? Factory.GetEncryptedVector(t, EVectorFormat.dense, m.Scale) :
Factory.GetPlainVector(t, EVectorFormat.dense, m.Scale);
return z;
return m.GetColumn(l);
void ReleaseTemp()
Parallel.ForEach(TempVectors, v => v.Dispose());
lock(this) // clear the list of temp-vectors
TempVectors = new ConcurrentBag<IVector>();
double ElementAt(double[] w, int[] corner, int[] offset, int[] shape, int bias = 0)
var l = convolutionEngine.Location(corner, offset, shape, bias);
if (l < 0) return 0;
return w[l];
void PrepareWeightsWindows()
int maps = (MapCount == null) ? 1 : MapCount.Aggregate(1, (acc, val) => acc * val);
weightWindows = new IVector[maps];
for (int m = 0; m < maps; m++)
var w = Offsets.Select(offset => ElementAt(Weights, null, offset, KernelShape, m * kernelSize));
weightWindows[m] = Factory.GetPlainVector(Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfEnumerable(w), EVectorFormat.sparse, WeightsScale);
IVector ConvolveOnce(IMatrix m, int cornerIndex, int mapIndex, IComputationEnvironment env)
var corner = Corners[cornerIndex];
// patch matrix should not be disposed since this will result in deleting the inputs which are copied only by reference
var patch = Factory.GetMatrix(Offsets.Select(offset => ElementAt(m, corner, offset, InputShape)).ToArray(), EMatrixFormat.ColumnMajor, CopyVectors: false);
patch.DataDisposedExternaly = true;
return patch.Mul(weightWindows[mapIndex], env);
/// this is for a pool layer which is a convolution but with all the weights equal 1
/// the scale of the result is normalized such that it will act as if an average was performed (as opposed to sum)
IVector SumOnce(IMatrix m, int[] corner)
IVector agg = null;
var res = ProcessInEnv( env =>
foreach (var offset in Offsets)
var element = ElementAt(m, corner, offset, InputShape);
if (element != null)
var t = agg;
agg = (agg == null) ? element : agg.Add(element, env);
if (t != null) t.Dispose();
agg.RegisterScale(agg.Scale * Offsets.Length);
return agg;
return res;
public override IMatrix Apply(IMatrix m)
if (Weights == null) // pool without convolve
var res = Factory.GetMatrix(Corners.Select(Corner => SumOnce(m, Corner)).ToArray(), EMatrixFormat.ColumnMajor, CopyVectors: false);
return res;
int maps = (MapCount == null) ? 1 : MapCount.Aggregate(1, (acc, val) => acc * val);
if (Bias != null)
if (biasVectors == null || biasVectors[0].Dim != m.RowCount)
if (biasVectors != null)
foreach (var b in biasVectors)
if (b != null) b.Dispose();
biasVectors = new IVector[maps];
ParallelProcessInEnv(maps, (env, taskIndex, mapIndex) =>
var t = Enumerable.Range(0, (int)m.RowCount).Select(i => Bias[mapIndex]);
biasVectors[mapIndex] = Factory.GetPlainVector(Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfEnumerable(t), EVectorFormat.dense, Source.GetOutputScale() * WeightsScale);
var res = new IVector[maps * Corners.Length];
Console.WriteLine("Pool (bias) layer with {0} maps and {1} locations (total size {2}) kernel size {3}",
maps, Corners.Length, res.Length, kernelSize);
ParallelProcessInEnv(maps * Corners.Length, (env, currentTask, k) =>
int mapIndex = k / Corners.Length;
int CornerIndex = k - (mapIndex * Corners.Length);
using (var conv = ConvolveOnce(m, CornerIndex, mapIndex, env))
res[k] = conv.Add(biasVectors[mapIndex], env);
if (k % 17 == 0) Console.Write("Done (bias) {0}\r", k);
var mat = Factory.GetMatrix(res, EMatrixFormat.ColumnMajor, CopyVectors: false);
return mat;
if (biasVectors == null || biasVectors[0].Dim != m.RowCount)
if (biasVectors != null)
foreach (var b in biasVectors)
if (b != null) b.Dispose();
biasVectors = new IVector[maps];
ParallelProcessInEnv(maps, (env, taskIndex, mapIndex) =>
var t = Enumerable.Range(0, (int)m.RowCount).Select(i => Weights[(mapIndex + 1) * kernelSize - 1]);
biasVectors[mapIndex] = Factory.GetPlainVector(Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfEnumerable(t), EVectorFormat.dense, Source.GetOutputScale() * WeightsScale);
var res = new IVector[maps * Corners.Length];
Console.WriteLine("Pool (no-bias) layer with {0} maps and {1} locations (total size {2}) kernel size {3}",
maps, Corners.Length, res.Length, kernelSize);
ParallelProcessInEnv(res.Length, (env, currentTask, k) =>
int mapIndex = k / Corners.Length;
int CornerIndex = k - (mapIndex * Corners.Length);
using (var conv = ConvolveOnce(m, CornerIndex, mapIndex, env))
res[k] = conv.Add(biasVectors[mapIndex], env);
if (k % 17 == 0) Console.Write("Done (bias) {0}\r", k);
IMatrix mat = Factory.GetMatrix(res, EMatrixFormat.ColumnMajor, CopyVectors: false);
return mat;
public override int OutputDimension()
if (!layerPrepared) Prepare();
int count = Corners.Length;
if (Weights == null)
return count;
int maps = (MapCount == null) ? 1 : MapCount.Aggregate(1, (acc, val) => acc * val);
return count * maps;