CryptoNets/HE Wrapper/RawMatrix.cs

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Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода, которые могут быть отображены не так, как показано ниже. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы показать скрытые символы.

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
using MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra;
using System.IO;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using MathNet.Numerics.Data.Text;
namespace HEWrapper
public class RawMatrix : IMatrix
public EMatrixFormat Format { get; private set; }
Matrix<double> m;
public Double Scale { get; private set; } = 1;
public static double Max;
public ulong BlockSize { get; private set; }
public RawMatrix(Matrix<double> m, double scale, EMatrixFormat format, ulong BlockSize)
Scale = scale;
Format = format;
this.m = (m * scale).PointwiseRound();
this.BlockSize = BlockSize;
Max = Math.Max(Max, m.Enumerate().Max(x => (x < 0) ? -x : x));
private RawMatrix() { }
public Matrix<double> Decrypt(IComputationEnvironment env)
Max = Math.Max(Max, m.Enumerate().Max(x => (x < 0) ? -x : x));
return m / Scale;
public static RawMatrix Read(StreamReader str)
var mtx = new RawMatrix()
Scale = Double.Parse(str.ReadLine()),
m = DelimitedReader.Read<double>(str),
BlockSize = ulong.Parse(str.ReadLine())
Max = Math.Max(Max, mtx.m.Enumerate().Max(x => (x < 0) ? -x : x));
return mtx;
public void Dispose()
m = null;
public void Write(StreamWriter str)
DelimitedWriter.Write<double>(str, m);
public IVector Mul(IVector v, IComputationEnvironment env, bool ForceDenseFormat = false)
var vr = v as RawVector;
var res = new RawVector(m.Multiply((Vector<double>)vr.Data), 1, v.BlockSize);
res.RegisterScale(Scale * vr.Scale);
return res;
public IMatrix ElementWiseMultiply(IMatrix m, IComputationEnvironment env)
if (m.Format != Format) throw new Exception("Format mismatch");
if (m.RowCount != RowCount) throw new Exception("row-count mismatch");
if (m.ColumnCount != ColumnCount) throw new Exception("column count mismatch");
var mr = m as RawMatrix;
var res = new RawMatrix(this.m.PointwiseMultiply(mr.m), 1, Format, m.BlockSize)
Scale = Scale * m.Scale
return res;
public IMatrix Add(IMatrix m, IComputationEnvironment env)
if (m.Format != Format) throw new Exception("Format mismatch");
if (m.RowCount != RowCount) throw new Exception("Row count mismatch");
if (m.ColumnCount != ColumnCount) throw new Exception("Column count mismatch");
if (m.Scale != Scale) throw new Exception("Scale mismatch");
var mr = m as RawMatrix;
return new RawMatrix(this.m.Add(mr.m), Scale, Format, m.BlockSize);
public IVector GetColumn(int columnNumber)
if (columnNumber >= m.ColumnCount) throw new Exception("Column does not exist");
if (Format != EMatrixFormat.ColumnMajor) throw new Exception("Columns can be extracted only from a column major matrix");
var col = m.Column(columnNumber);
var v = new RawVector(col, 1, BlockSize);
return v;
public IVector GetRow(int rowNumber)
if (rowNumber >= m.RowCount) throw new Exception("Row does not exist");
if (Format != EMatrixFormat.RowMajor) throw new Exception("Row can be extracted only from a row major matrix");
var v = new RawVector(m.Row(rowNumber), 1, BlockSize);
return v;
public void SetColumn(int columnNumber, IVector vector)
if (columnNumber >= m.ColumnCount) throw new Exception("Column does not exist");
if (Format != EMatrixFormat.ColumnMajor) throw new Exception("Columns can be set only from a column major matrix");
m.SetColumn(columnNumber, (Vector<double>)vector.Data);
Max = Math.Max(Max, m.Enumerate().Max(x => (x < 0) ? -x : x));
public void RegisterScale(double scale)
Scale = scale;
public IVector ConvertToColumnVector(IComputationEnvironment env)
if ((ulong)m.ColumnCount * (ulong)m.RowCount > this.BlockSize) throw new Exception("block too long for interleaving");
var v = new RawVector(Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfEnumerable(m.Enumerate()), 1, BlockSize);
return v;
Vector<double> Shift(Vector<double> v, int shift)
var w = Vector<double>.Build.Dense(v.Count);
if (shift < 0)
v.CopySubVectorTo(w, -shift, 0, v.Count + shift);
v.CopySubVectorTo(w, 0, shift, v.Count - shift);
return w;
public IVector Interleave(int shift, IComputationEnvironment env)
int items = (shift > 0) ? shift : -shift;
bool allignedToEnd = (shift < 0);
if (items == 0) throw new Exception("number of items cannot be zero");
var w = m.Column(0);
for (int i = 1; i < m.ColumnCount; i++)
w = w.Add(Shift(m.Column(i), shift * i));
var t = new RawVector(w, 1, BlockSize);
return t;
public ulong RowCount { get { return (ulong)m.RowCount; } }
public ulong ColumnCount { get { return (ulong)m.ColumnCount; } }
public object Data { get { return Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfMatrix(m); } }
public bool IsEncrypted { get { return false; } }
public bool DataDisposedExternaly { get; set; } = false;