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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License.
# # Chain network CyberBattle Gym played by a random agent
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# # Gym random agent attacking a chain-like network
# ## Chain network
# We consider a computer network of Windows and Linux machines where each machine has vulnerability
# granting access to another machine as per the following pattern:
# Start ---> (Linux ---> Windows ---> ... Linux ---> Windows)* ---> Linux[Flag]
# The network is parameterized by the length of the central Linux-Windows chain.
# The start node leaks the credentials to connect to all other nodes:
# For each `XXX ---> Windows` section, the XXX node has:
# - a local vulnerability exposing the RDP password to the Windows machine
# - a bunch of other trap vulnerabilities (high cost with no outcome)
# For each `XXX ---> Linux` section,
# - the Windows node has a local vulnerability exposing the SSH password to the Linux machine
# - a bunch of other trap vulnerabilities (high cost with no outcome)
# The chain is terminated by one node with a flag (reward).
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# ## Benchmark
# The following plot shows the average and one standard deviation cumulative reward over time as a random agent attacks the network.
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# <img src="random_plot.png" width="300">
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import sys
import logging
import gymnasium as gym
import cyberbattle.simulation.actions as actions
import cyberbattle._env.cyberbattle_env as cyberbattle_env
import cyberbattle.agents.random_agent as random_agent
import cyberbattle.samples.chainpattern.chainpattern as chainpattern
import importlib
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.ERROR, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
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# chainpattern.create_network_chain_link(2)
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gym_env = gym.make("CyberBattleChain-v0", size=10, attacker_goal=None).unwrapped
assert isinstance(gym_env, cyberbattle_env.CyberBattleEnv)
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for i in range(100):
# %% tags=["parameters"]
iterations = 10000
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random_agent.run_random_agent(1, iterations, gym_env)
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o, r, d, _, i = gym_env.step(gym_env.sample_valid_action())
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