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@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
# Configuration for generating Noisy Speech Dataset
# - sampling_rate: Specify the sampling rate. Default is 16 kHz
# - audioformat: default is .wav
# - audio_length: Minimum Length of each audio clip (noisy and clean speech) in seconds that will be generated by augmenting utterances.
# - silence_length: Duration of silence introduced between clean speech utterances.
# - total_hours: Total number of hours of data required. Units are in hours.
# - snr_lower: Lower bound for SNR required (default: 0 dB)
# - snr_upper: Upper bound for SNR required (default: 40 dB)
# - target_level_lower: Lower bound for the target audio level before audiowrite (default: -35 dB)
# - target_level_upper: Upper bound for the target audio level before audiowrite (default: -15 dB)
# - total_snrlevels: Number of SNR levels required (default: 5, which means there are 5 levels between snr_lower and snr_upper)
# - clean_activity_threshold: Activity threshold for clean speech
# - noise_activity_threshold: Activity threshold for noise
# - fileindex_start: Starting file ID that will be used in filenames
# - fileindex_end: Last file ID that will be used in filenames
# - is_test_set: Set it to True if it is the test set, else False for the training set
# - noise_dir: Specify the directory path to all noise files
# - Speech_dir: Specify the directory path to all clean speech files
# - noisy_destination: Specify path to the destination directory to store noisy speech
# - clean_destination: Specify path to the destination directory to store clean speech
# - noise_destination: Specify path to the destination directory to store noise speech
# - log_dir: Specify path to the directory to store all the log files
# Configuration for unit tests
# - snr_test: Set to True if SNR test is required, else False
# - norm_test: Set to True if Normalization test is required, else False
# - sampling_rate_test: Set to True if Sampling Rate test is required, else False
# - clipping_test: Set to True if Clipping test is required, else False
# - unit_tests_log_dir: Specify path to the directory where you want to store logs
sampling_rate: 48000
audioformat: *.wav
audio_length: 30
# 15, 12, 30
silence_length: 0.2
total_hours: 1000
# 1000
# 2.5, 500, 100
snr_lower: -5
#-5, 0
snr_upper: 20
# 25, 40
randomize_snr: True
target_level_lower: -35
target_level_upper: -15
total_snrlevels: 31
# 5
clean_activity_threshold: 0.0
noise_activity_threshold: 0.2
fileindex_start: None
fileindex_end: None
is_test_set: False
# True, False
noise_dir: /mnt/f/4th_DNSChallenge/ICASSP_2022/DNS-Challenge/datasets/noise
# datasets\noise
# \datasets\noise
speech_dir: /mnt/f/4th_DNSChallenge/ICASSP_2022/DNS-Challenge/datasets/clean
# D:\kanhawin_git\primary_speakers_VCTK_16k_for_synthesizer
# datasets\test_set2\Singing_Voice\wav_16k
# dir with secondary speaker clean speech
speech_dir2: /mnt/f/4th_DNSChallenge/ICASSP_2022/DNS-Challenge/datasets/clean
# datasets\test_set2\Singing_Voice\wav_16k
spkid_csv: /mnt/f/4th_DNSChallenge/ICASSP_2022/DNS-Challenge/datasets/filelists/complete_ps_split.csv
# datasets\clean
noise_types_excluded: None
rir_dir: /mnt/f/4th_DNSChallenge/ICASSP_2022/DNS-Challenge/datasets/pdns_training_set/impulse_responses
# F:\4th_DNSChallenge\ICASSP_2022\DNS-Challenge\datasets\impulse_responses
# \datasets\clean
noisy_destination: /mnt/f/4th_DNSChallenge/ICASSP_2022/DNS-Challenge/datasets/pdns_training_set/mixed/noisy
# datasets/training_data/noisy
# datasets\test_set2\synthetic_personalizeddns\noisy
clean_destination: /mnt/f/4th_DNSChallenge/ICASSP_2022/DNS-Challenge/datasets/pdns_training_set/mixed/clean
# training_set2_onlyrealrir\clean
# \clean
noise_destination: /mnt/f/4th_DNSChallenge/ICASSP_2022/DNS-Challenge/datasets/pdns_training_set/mixed/noise
# datasets/training_data/noise
# \noise
log_dir: logs
# \logs
# Config: add singing voice to clean speech
clean_singing: datasets\clean_singing\VocalSet11\FULL
singing_choice: 3
# 1 for only male, 2 for only female, 3 (default) for both male and female
# Config: add reverb to clean speech
rir_choice: 1
# 1 for only real rir, 2 for only synthetic rir, 3 (default) use both real and synthetic
lower_t60: 0.3
# lower bound of t60 range in seconds
upper_t60: 1.3
# upper bound of t60 range in seconds
rir_table_csv: datasets\acoustic_params\RIR_table_simple.csv
clean_speech_t60_csv: datasets\acoustic_params\cleanspeech_table_t60_c50.csv
# percent_for_adding_reverb=0.5 # percentage of clean speech convolved with RIR
# pdns testsets
# primary_data: D:\kanhawin_git\primary_speakers_VCTK_16k
# secondary_data='D:\kanhawin_git\secondary_speakers_voxCeleb2_16k'
# noise_data= datasets\test_set2\synthetic\noise
# pdns_testset_clean= datasets\test_set2\pdns\clean
# pdns_testset_noisy= datasets\test_set2\pdns\noisy
# adaptation_data_seconds=120
# num_primary_spk=100
# num_clips=600
# Unit tests config
snr_test: True
norm_test: True
sampling_rate_test = True
clipping_test = True
unit_tests_log_dir: unittests_logs