350 строки
15 KiB
350 строки
15 KiB
@author: chkarada
# Note: This single process audio synthesizer will attempt to use each clean
# speech sourcefile once, as it does not randomly sample from these files
import os
import glob
import argparse
import ast
import configparser as CP
from random import shuffle
import librosa
import numpy as np
from audiolib import audioread, audiowrite, segmental_snr_mixer, snr_mixer, \
activitydetector, is_clipped, add_clipping
import utils
import pandas as pd
def build_audio(is_clean, params, index, audio_samples_length=-1):
'''Construct an audio signal from source files'''
fs_output = params['fs']
silence_length = params['silence_length']
if audio_samples_length == -1:
audio_samples_length = int(params['audio_length']*params['fs'])
output_audio = np.zeros(0)
remaining_length = audio_samples_length
files_used = []
clipped_files = []
if is_clean:
source_files = params['cleanfilenames']
idx = index
if 'noisefilenames' in params.keys():
source_files = params['noisefilenames']
idx = index
# if noise files are organized into individual subdirectories, pick a directory randomly
noisedirs = params['noisedirs']
# pick a noise category randomly
idx_n_dir = np.random.randint(0, np.size(noisedirs))
source_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(noisedirs[idx_n_dir],
# pick a noise source file index randomly
idx = np.random.randint(0, np.size(source_files))
# initialize silence
silence = np.zeros(int(fs_output*silence_length))
# iterate through multiple clips until we have a long enough signal
tries_left = MAXTRIES
while remaining_length > 0 and tries_left > 0:
# read next audio file and resample if necessary
idx = (idx + 1) % np.size(source_files)
input_audio, fs_input = audioread(source_files[idx])
if fs_input != fs_output:
input_audio = librosa.resample(input_audio, fs_input, fs_output)
# if current file is longer than remaining desired length, and this is
# noise generation or this is training set, subsample it randomly
if len(input_audio) > remaining_length and (not is_clean or not params['is_test_set']):
idx_seg = np.random.randint(0, len(input_audio)-remaining_length)
input_audio = input_audio[idx_seg:idx_seg+remaining_length]
# check for clipping, and if found move onto next file
if is_clipped(input_audio):
tries_left -= 1
# concatenate current input audio to output audio stream
output_audio = np.append(output_audio, input_audio)
remaining_length -= len(input_audio)
# add some silence if we have not reached desired audio length
if remaining_length > 0:
silence_len = min(remaining_length, len(silence))
output_audio = np.append(output_audio, silence[:silence_len])
remaining_length -= silence_len
if tries_left == 0 and not is_clean and 'noisedirs' in params.keys():
print("There are not enough non-clipped files in the " + noisedirs[idx_n_dir] + \
" directory to complete the audio build")
return [], [], clipped_files, idx
return output_audio, files_used, clipped_files, idx
def gen_audio(is_clean, params, index, audio_samples_length=-1):
'''Calls build_audio() to get an audio signal, and verify that it meets the
activity threshold'''
clipped_files = []
low_activity_files = []
if audio_samples_length == -1:
audio_samples_length = int(params['audio_length']*params['fs'])
if is_clean:
activity_threshold = params['clean_activity_threshold']
activity_threshold = params['noise_activity_threshold']
while True:
audio, source_files, new_clipped_files, index = \
build_audio(is_clean, params, index, audio_samples_length)
clipped_files += new_clipped_files
if len(audio) < audio_samples_length:
if activity_threshold == 0.0:
percactive = activitydetector(audio=audio)
if percactive > activity_threshold:
low_activity_files += source_files
return audio, source_files, clipped_files, low_activity_files, index
def main_gen(params):
'''Calls gen_audio() to generate the audio signals, verifies that they meet
the requirements, and writes the files to storage'''
clean_source_files = []
clean_clipped_files = []
clean_low_activity_files = []
noise_source_files = []
noise_clipped_files = []
noise_low_activity_files = []
clean_index = 0
noise_index = 0
file_num = params['fileindex_start']
while file_num <= params['fileindex_end']:
# generate clean speech
clean, clean_sf, clean_cf, clean_laf, clean_index = \
gen_audio(True, params, clean_index)
# generate noise
noise, noise_sf, noise_cf, noise_laf, noise_index = \
gen_audio(False, params, noise_index, len(clean))
clean_clipped_files += clean_cf
clean_low_activity_files += clean_laf
noise_clipped_files += noise_cf
noise_low_activity_files += noise_laf
# mix clean speech and noise
# if specified, use specified SNR value
if not params['randomize_snr']:
snr = params['snr']
# use a randomly sampled SNR value between the specified bounds
snr = np.random.randint(params['snr_lower'], params['snr_upper'])
clean_snr, noise_snr, noisy_snr, target_level = snr_mixer(params=params,
# Uncomment the below lines if you need segmental SNR and comment the above lines using snr_mixer
#clean_snr, noise_snr, noisy_snr, target_level = segmental_snr_mixer(params=params,
# clean=clean,
# noise=noise,
# snr=snr)
# unexpected clipping
if is_clipped(clean_snr) or is_clipped(noise_snr) or is_clipped(noisy_snr):
print("Warning: File #" + str(file_num) + " has unexpected clipping, " + \
"returning without writing audio to disk")
clean_source_files += clean_sf
noise_source_files += noise_sf
# write resultant audio streams to files
hyphen = '-'
clean_source_filenamesonly = [i[:-4].split(os.path.sep)[-1] for i in clean_sf]
clean_files_joined = hyphen.join(clean_source_filenamesonly)[:MAXFILELEN]
noise_source_filenamesonly = [i[:-4].split(os.path.sep)[-1] for i in noise_sf]
noise_files_joined = hyphen.join(noise_source_filenamesonly)[:MAXFILELEN]
noisyfilename = clean_files_joined + '_' + noise_files_joined + '_snr' + \
str(snr) + '_tl' + str(target_level) + '_fileid_' + str(file_num) + '.wav'
cleanfilename = 'clean_fileid_'+str(file_num)+'.wav'
noisefilename = 'noise_fileid_'+str(file_num)+'.wav'
noisypath = os.path.join(params['noisyspeech_dir'], noisyfilename)
cleanpath = os.path.join(params['clean_proc_dir'], cleanfilename)
noisepath = os.path.join(params['noise_proc_dir'], noisefilename)
audio_signals = [noisy_snr, clean_snr, noise_snr]
file_paths = [noisypath, cleanpath, noisepath]
file_num += 1
for i in range(len(audio_signals)):
audiowrite(file_paths[i], audio_signals[i], params['fs'])
except Exception as e:
return clean_source_files, clean_clipped_files, clean_low_activity_files, \
noise_source_files, noise_clipped_files, noise_low_activity_files
def main_body():
'''Main body of this file'''
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Configurations: read noisyspeech_synthesizer.cfg and gather inputs
parser.add_argument('--cfg', default='noisyspeech_synthesizer.cfg',
help='Read noisyspeech_synthesizer.cfg for all the details')
parser.add_argument('--cfg_str', type=str, default='noisy_speech')
args = parser.parse_args()
params = dict()
params['args'] = args
cfgpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), args.cfg)
assert os.path.exists(cfgpath), f'No configuration file as [{cfgpath}]'
cfg = CP.ConfigParser()
cfg._interpolation = CP.ExtendedInterpolation()
params['cfg'] = cfg._sections[args.cfg_str]
cfg = params['cfg']
clean_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'CleanSpeech')
if cfg['speech_dir'] != 'None':
clean_dir = cfg['speech_dir']
if not os.path.exists(clean_dir):
assert False, ('Clean speech data is required')
noise_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Noise')
if cfg['noise_dir'] != 'None':
noise_dir = cfg['noise_dir']
if not os.path.exists:
assert False, ('Noise data is required')
params['fs'] = int(cfg['sampling_rate'])
params['audioformat'] = cfg['audioformat']
params['audio_length'] = float(cfg['audio_length'])
params['silence_length'] = float(cfg['silence_length'])
params['total_hours'] = float(cfg['total_hours'])
if cfg['fileindex_start'] != 'None' and cfg['fileindex_start'] != 'None':
params['num_files'] = int(cfg['fileindex_end'])-int(cfg['fileindex_start'])
params['fileindex_start'] = int(cfg['fileindex_start'])
params['fileindex_end'] = int(cfg['fileindex_end'])
params['num_files'] = int((params['total_hours']*60*60)/params['audio_length'])
params['fileindex_start'] = 0
params['fileindex_end'] = params['num_files']
print('Number of files to be synthesized:', params['num_files'])
params['is_test_set'] = utils.str2bool(cfg['is_test_set'])
params['clean_activity_threshold'] = float(cfg['clean_activity_threshold'])
params['noise_activity_threshold'] = float(cfg['noise_activity_threshold'])
params['snr_lower'] = int(cfg['snr_lower'])
params['snr_upper'] = int(cfg['snr_upper'])
params['randomize_snr'] = utils.str2bool(cfg['randomize_snr'])
params['target_level_lower'] = int(cfg['target_level_lower'])
params['target_level_upper'] = int(cfg['target_level_upper'])
if 'snr' in cfg.keys():
params['snr'] = int(cfg['snr'])
params['snr'] = int((params['snr_lower'] + params['snr_upper'])/2)
params['noisyspeech_dir'] = utils.get_dir(cfg, 'noisy_destination', 'noisy')
params['clean_proc_dir'] = utils.get_dir(cfg, 'clean_destination', 'clean')
params['noise_proc_dir'] = utils.get_dir(cfg, 'noise_destination', 'noise')
if 'speech_csv' in cfg.keys() and cfg['speech_csv'] != 'None':
cleanfilenames = pd.read_csv(cfg['speech_csv'])
cleanfilenames = cleanfilenames['filename']
cleanfilenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(clean_dir, params['audioformat']))
params['cleanfilenames'] = cleanfilenames
params['num_cleanfiles'] = len(params['cleanfilenames'])
# If there are .wav files in noise_dir directory, use those
# If not, that implies that the noise files are organized into subdirectories by type,
# so get the names of the non-excluded subdirectories
if 'noise_csv' in cfg.keys() and cfg['noise_csv'] != 'None':
noisefilenames = pd.read_csv(cfg['noise_csv'])
noisefilenames = noisefilenames['filename']
noisefilenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(noise_dir, params['audioformat']))
if len(noisefilenames)!=0:
params['noisefilenames'] = noisefilenames
noisedirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(noise_dir, '*'))
if cfg['noise_types_excluded'] != 'None':
dirstoexclude = cfg['noise_types_excluded'].split(',')
for dirs in dirstoexclude:
params['noisedirs'] = noisedirs
# Call main_gen() to generate audio
clean_source_files, clean_clipped_files, clean_low_activity_files, \
noise_source_files, noise_clipped_files, noise_low_activity_files = main_gen(params)
# Create log directory if needed, and write log files of clipped and low activity files
log_dir = utils.get_dir(cfg, 'log_dir', 'Logs')
utils.write_log_file(log_dir, 'source_files.csv', clean_source_files + noise_source_files)
utils.write_log_file(log_dir, 'clipped_files.csv', clean_clipped_files + noise_clipped_files)
utils.write_log_file(log_dir, 'low_activity_files.csv', \
clean_low_activity_files + noise_low_activity_files)
# Compute and print stats about percentange of clipped and low activity files
total_clean = len(clean_source_files) + len(clean_clipped_files) + len(clean_low_activity_files)
total_noise = len(noise_source_files) + len(noise_clipped_files) + len(noise_low_activity_files)
pct_clean_clipped = round(len(clean_clipped_files)/total_clean*100, 1)
pct_noise_clipped = round(len(noise_clipped_files)/total_noise*100, 1)
pct_clean_low_activity = round(len(clean_low_activity_files)/total_clean*100, 1)
pct_noise_low_activity = round(len(noise_low_activity_files)/total_noise*100, 1)
print("Of the " + str(total_clean) + " clean speech files analyzed, " + \
str(pct_clean_clipped) + "% had clipping, and " + str(pct_clean_low_activity) + \
"% had low activity " + "(below " + str(params['clean_activity_threshold']*100) + \
"% active percentage)")
print("Of the " + str(total_noise) + " noise files analyzed, " + str(pct_noise_clipped) + \
"% had clipping, and " + str(pct_noise_low_activity) + "% had low activity " + \
"(below " + str(params['noise_activity_threshold']*100) + "% active percentage)")
if __name__ == '__main__':