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See DXUT for Win32 Desktop Update

Differences from the original DXUT11

  • DXUT11 now makes use of the Standard C++ Library; no longer includes CGrowableArray or CDXUTStack

  • All math functionality uses DirectXMath instead of legacy D3DXMath

  • Includes new helpers to replace common deprecated D3DX usage: DXUTCompileFromFile, DXUTCreateShaderResourceViewFromFile, DXUTCreateTextureFromFile, DXUTSaveTextureToFile

  • This version only supports Direct3D 11. It has no support for Direct3D 9 or Windows XP. The following API elements are therefore no longer in DXUT11:

    • DXUTDevice9.h/.cpp
    • struct DXUTD3D9DeviceSettings
    • enum DXUTDeviceVersion
    • DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceAcceptable, DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceCreated, DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceReset, DXUTSetCallbackD3D9FrameRender, DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceLost, DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceDestroyed
    • DXUTSetD3DVersionSupport. DXUTGetD3D9Object, DXUTGetD3D9Device, DXUTGetD3D9PresentParameters, DXUTGetD3D9BackBufferSurfaceDesc, DXUTGetD3D9DeviceCaps, DXUTGetD3D9DeviceCaps, DXUTDoesAppSupportD3D9, DXUTIsAppRenderingWithD3D9 DXUTIsD3D11Available, DXUTDoesAppSupportD3D11, DXUTIsAppRenderingWithD3D11
    • DXUTSnapD3D9Screenshot, DXUTD3DFormatToString, DXUTConvertDeviceSettings11to9, DXUTConvertDeviceSettings9to11, ConvertFormatD3D9ToDXGI, ConvertFormatDXGIToD3D9, DXUTTraceDecl, DXUTTraceD3DDECLUSAGEtoString, DXUTTraceD3DDECLMETHODtoString, DXUTTraceD3DDECLTYPEtoString
    • DXUTCreateRefDevice9
    • CDXUTXFileMesh
  • DXUT11 no longer uses the legacy DXERR.LIB or DXERR9.LIB. It includes a copy of the standalone DxErr.

  • Removed legacy functionality: DXUTReLaunchMediaCenter, SDKWaveFile.h/.cpp, SDKSound.h/.cpp

  • The #define DXUT_VERSION indicates the release version as a decimal number.


This code is designed to build with Visual Studio 2019 or later. It requires Direct3D 11 headers from the Windows 10 SDK which is included with Visual Studio.

This library has been updated to work without requiring any content from the DirectX SDK. For details, see Where is the DirectX SDK?, Where is the DirectX SDK (2021 Edition)?, and The Zombie DirectX SDK.

Adding to a VS solution

Using project-to-project references

You can either use the Add References feature to reference the DXUT vcxproj files in your solution, or more commonly you just add the various DXUT files directly to your project. By convention, they are put into a "DXUT" filter and this includes both Core and Optional content--only Core is 'required'.

DXUT_2022_Win10 Windows desktop applications for Windows 7 or later building with VS 2022 Community, Professional or higher with the latest Windows SDK.
DXUT_DirectXTK_2022_Win10 Same as above but without the DDSTextureLoader, ScreenGrab or WICTextureLoader modules as it's assumed you'll be linking with DirectXTK which already has them.
DXUT_2019_Win10 Windows desktop applications for Windows 7 or later building with VS 2019 Community, Professional or higher with the latest Windows SDK.
DXUT_DirectXTK_2019_Win10 Same as above but without the DDSTextureLoader, ScreenGrab or WICTextureLoader modules as it's assumed you'll be linking with DirectXTK which already has them.

For VS 2019, use of the 16.11 is required as all previous versions are no longer supported.

In your application's project settings, on the "C++ / General" page set Configuration to "All Configurations", set Platform to "All Platforms", and then add the path $(SolutionDir)\DXUT\Core;$(SolutionDir)\DXUT\Optional; to the Additional Include Directories properties. Click Apply.

Using the vcpkg C++ library manager

The DXUT is also available through the vcpkg C++ Library Manager.

vcpkg install dxut

For the 64-bit version of the library, use:

vcpkg install dxut:x64-windows

If you are using the dxut port in the same project as directxtk, then specify the [dxtk] feature to remove code duplication which can result in link failures.

vcpkg install dxut[dxtk]
vcpkg install directxtk


You can reference the DXUT CMake package using:

find_package(dxut CONFIG REQUIRED)

target_link_libraries(foo Microsoft::DXUT Microsoft::DXUTOpt)

If using vcpkg C++ Package Manager, then you add the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE path to vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake. If not using vcpkg, you need to provide a per-configuration path to the installed location in the dxut_DIR variable. Otherwise the find_package will fail.

The MinGW linker is very sensitive to link library order. If you get unresolved symbols in the DXUT library using this toolset, then try changing the link order (first DXUTOpt, then DXUT, and then Windows system libraries). For examples of this, see directx-sdk-samples.

Direct3D 11.1

If Direct3D 11.1 is supported on the platform at runtime, DXUT will have a Direct3D 11.1 device and immediate device context available for use. If the system only supports DirectX 11.0, these two interface pointers will be null.

auto dev1 = DXUTGetD3D11Device1();
auto context1 = DXUTGetD3D11DeviceContext1();
if ( dev1 )
    // platform supports DirectX 11.1 or later

DirectX 11.1 is supported on Windows 8.0 or later, and Windows 7 Service Pack 1 with KB2670838 installed. Note that DirectX 11.1 specific hardware features including Feature Level 11.1 are only available on Windows 8.x.

Direct3D 11.2

If Direct3D 11.2 is supported on the platform at runtime, DXUT will have a Direct3D 11.2 device and immediate device context available for use. If the system only supports DirectX 11.0 or 11.1, these two interface pointers will be null.

auto dev2 = DXUTGetD3D11Device2();
auto context2 = DXUTGetD3D11DeviceContext2();

if ( dev2 )
    // platform supports DirectX 11.2 or later

DirectX 11.2 is supported on Windows 8.1 or later. The primary feature it provides is Tiled Resources.

Direct3D 11.3

DXUT support for Direct3D 11.3 is optional since it requires the Windows 10 SDK. To enable this support, add a PreprocessorDefine to your VS 2015 project USE_DIRECT3D11_3.

If Direct3D 11.3 is supported on the platform at runtime, DXUT will have a Direct3D 11.3 device and immediate device context available for use. If the system only supports DirectX 11.0, 11.1 or 11.2, these two interface pointers will be null.

auto dev3 = DXUTGetD3D11Device3();
auto context3 = DXUTGetD3D11DeviceContext3();

if ( dev3 )
    // platform supports DirectX 11.3 or later

DirectX 11.3 is supported on Windows 10.

Direct3D 11.4

DXUT support for Direct3D 11.4 is optional since it requires the Windows 10 SDK (15063 or later). To enable this support, add a PreprocessorDefine to your VS 2017/2019 project USE_DIRECT3D11_4.

If Direct3D 11.4 is supported on the platform at runtime, DXUT will have a Direct3D 11.4 device and immediate device context available for use. If the system only supports DirectX 11.0, 11.1 11.2, or 11.3, these two interface pointers will be null.

auto dev4 = DXUTGetD3D11Device4();
auto context4 = DXUTGetD3D11DeviceContext4();

if ( dev4 )
    // platform supports DirectX 11.4 or later

DirectX 11.4 is supported on Windows 10 (15086) or later.

D3D11_FEATURE_D311_OPTIONS4 was added to Windows 10 (14393)

Using in combination with DirectXTK

This updated version of DXUT11 includes copies of the standalone modules DDSTextureLoader, WICTextureLoader, and ScreenGrab to provide support previously provided by the deprecated D3DX11 library. These modules are also present in the DirectX Tool Kit library. If you are using both DXUT and DirectXTK in the same project, you need to remove these three modules (DDSTextureLoader.h, DDSTextureLoader.cpp, ScreenGrab.h, ScreenGrab.cpp, WICTextureLoader.h, and WICTextureLoader.cpp) from DXUT\Core to avoid link errors or header-mismatch.

Removing the DXUT\Optional\SDKmesh.* files is also recommended. Use the DirectXTK Model class instead.

You need to add the DirectXTK\Inc folder to the Additional Includes search path for DXUT.

See this sample.

Note that DXUT uses left-handed view coordinates. Many aspects of DirectXTK default to right-handed view coordinates, but can be made to work with left-handed as well.


The DXUT library requires the D3DCompile DLL to be present at runtime.

  • When using the Windows 8.1 SDK . Windows 10 SDK and targeting only Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, you can rely on the D3DCompile_47.DLL to be present on the system as part of the OS image.

  • When using the Windows 8.x SDK or Windows 10 SDK and targeting Windows Vista or later, you can include the D3DCompile_46.DLL or D3DCompile_47.DLL side-by-side with your application copying the file from the REDIST folder.

    %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows kits\8.0\Redist\D3D\arm, x86 or x64

    %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows kits\8.1\Redist\D3D\arm, x86 or x64

    %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows kits\10\Redist\D3D\arm, x86 or x64

DXUT makes use of LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32 which requires KB 2533623 to be installed (already included with Windows Vista Service Pack 2 and Windows 7 Service Pack 1).

When creating a device with the D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG flag, you must have the correct version of the SDKDebugLayer installed on your system for your OS.

  • d3dcompiler.lib: See above.
  • dxguid.lib: Provides COM GUID values for IID_ID3D11Device, WKPDID_D3DDebugObjectName, etc.
  • comctl32.lib, usp10.lib: These are required for the DXUT GUI library.
  • imm32.lib, version.lib are needed when using the IME features of the DXUT GUI library.
  • windowscodecs.lib or uuid.lib: Provides COM GUID values for WIC usage such as CLSID_WICImagingFactory, CLSID_WICImagingFactory1, CLSID_WICImagingFactory2, etc.
  • For Win32 desktop applications, ole32.lib: Provides CoCreateInstance needed for WIC.

Release Notes

DXUT currently requires that Font.DDS be available in the Media\UI folder. DXUTControls.DDS is not actually read at runtime, but is included for completeness.