зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/DbgShell.git
Add CaStringUtil.IndentAndWrap swiss army knife function.
(not currently used anywhere)
This commit is contained in:
@ -626,6 +626,334 @@ namespace MS.Dbg
return sb.ToString();
public enum IndentAndWrapOptions
Default = 0,
NoWordBreaking = 0x01, // No characters (incl. spaces) are replaced with newlines
TruncateInsteadOfWrap = 0x02,
FirstLineAlreadyIndented = 0x04,
DoNotIndentContinuationLines = 0x08, // Could also be named DoNotIndentWrapLines. Takes
// precedence over AddLineLeadingSpaceToAddtlContinuationIndent.
AddLineLeadingSpaceToAddtlContinuationIndent = 0x10, // TODO: could this result in a pathological situation if
// leading space is longer than the entire outputWidth
private const string c_PushAndReset = "\u009b56;0m";
private const string c_StandalonePop = "\u009b57m";
public static string IndentAndWrap( string str,
int outputWidth,
IndentAndWrapOptions options,
int indent,
int addtlContinuationIndent )
bool truncate = 0 != (options & IndentAndWrapOptions.TruncateInsteadOfWrap);
int minContent = 2; // 1 char of content, and a newline char
if( truncate )
minContent = 3; // 1 char of content, 1 ellipsis char, and a newline char
if( addtlContinuationIndent != 0 )
throw new ArgumentException( "The combination of TruncateInsteadOfWrap and non-zero addtlContinuationIndent makes no sense." );
if( (indent + addtlContinuationIndent) > (outputWidth - minContent) )
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
Util.Sprintf( "The outputWidth ({0}) should be somewhat larger than " +
"the max possible indent ({1} + {2}).",
addtlContinuationIndent ),
innerException: null );
if( null == str )
throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof( str ) );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( str.Length * 2 ); // just an estimate
int spaceToUse = outputWidth - indent - 1; // "- 1" because the newline actually uses a spot.
int srcIdx = 0;
int lastSpaceOrTabSrcIdx = -1;
int lastSpaceOrTabDstIdx = -1;
// We may need to replace the last char of content (space or not) when
// truncating (to put an ellipsis in its place).
int lastContentDstIdx = -1;
bool inLeadingSpace = true;
int leadingSpaceLen = 0;
// So that we don't need to inserts push/pops for plain text.
bool haveSeenControlSequence = false;
bool pushInserted = false;
void _insertIndent( int numSpaces )
sb.Append( ' ', numSpaces );
void _rememberLastSpaceOrTabIndexes()
lastSpaceOrTabSrcIdx = srcIdx;
lastSpaceOrTabDstIdx = sb.Length;
void _rememberLastContentIndex()
lastContentDstIdx = sb.Length;
bool _weHaveConsumedAllAvailableOutputWidth()
return spaceToUse == 0;
bool _backtrackToLastSpaceOrTab()
bool backtrackingAllowed = 0 == (options & IndentAndWrapOptions.NoWordBreaking);
if( backtrackingAllowed &&
(lastSpaceOrTabSrcIdx > 0) ) // can't be 0, because we don't count leading space
Util.Assert( lastSpaceOrTabDstIdx >= 0 );
srcIdx = lastSpaceOrTabSrcIdx;
sb.Length = lastSpaceOrTabDstIdx;
return true;
return false;
bool _stillInBounds()
return srcIdx < str.Length;
// Returns true if srcIdx is still within the bounds of str.
bool _consumeControlSequences()
while( _stillInBounds() && (str[ srcIdx ] == CSI) )
haveSeenControlSequence = true;
int pastSeq = _SkipControlSequence( str, srcIdx ); // TODO: make _SkipControlSequence not assert if first char isn't CSI?
sb.Append( str, srcIdx, pastSeq - srcIdx );
srcIdx = pastSeq;
return _stillInBounds();
void _saveAndResetSgrState()
if( haveSeenControlSequence && !pushInserted )
sb.Append( c_PushAndReset );
pushInserted = true;
void _restoreSgrState()
if( haveSeenControlSequence )
Util.Assert( pushInserted );
sb.Append( c_StandalonePop );
pushInserted = false;
void _completeLineAndIndent( int numSpaces, bool isWrap )
// Save the current SGR (color) state and (temporarily) reset to default,
// if necessary.
sb.Append( '\n' );
_insertIndent( numSpaces );
// Restore the SGR state.
// Need to reset various counters/state:
spaceToUse = outputWidth - numSpaces - 1; // "- 1" because the newline actually uses a spot.
Util.Assert( !pushInserted );
lastSpaceOrTabSrcIdx = -1;
lastSpaceOrTabDstIdx = -1;
// This should not be needed... but I'm doing it defensively.
lastContentDstIdx = -1;
if( !isWrap )
// We're actually on the next line of input.
inLeadingSpace = true;
leadingSpaceLen = 0;
void _appendContentChar( char c )
if( Char.IsWhiteSpace( c ) )
if( !inLeadingSpace )
inLeadingSpace = false;
sb.Append( c );
// Returns 'true' if we actually found a newline; false if we hit the end of
// the string first. Will preserve control sequences.
bool _seekToNextLine()
while( _consumeControlSequences() )
char c = str[ srcIdx ];
if( c == '\r' )
// ignore it
else if( c == '\n' )
return true;
return false;
if( (options & IndentAndWrapOptions.FirstLineAlreadyIndented) == 0 )
_insertIndent( indent );
while( _consumeControlSequences() )
// We consume control sequences in the "while" condition, so the
// characters we consider here are purely content.
char c = str[ srcIdx ];
if( c == '\r' )
// ignore it
else if( c == '\n' )
// We consider the case of a newline char before the
// _weHaveConsumedAllAvailableOutputWidth case, because the newline
// does not consume available space (but rather resets it).
_completeLineAndIndent( indent, isWrap: false );
else if( _weHaveConsumedAllAvailableOutputWidth() )
// Need to decide where to put a newline... was there a space where we
// could break up the line, or do we have to just chop right where we
// are?
int totalIndent = indent;
bool backtracked = false;
if( Char.IsWhiteSpace( c ) )
// So we can "backtrack" to it.
bool moreContentAfterTruncation = false;
if( truncate )
if( lastContentDstIdx == -1 )
throw new Exception( "unexpected" );
// Note that we put the ellipsis /after/ resetting SGR (color)
// state. This is a stylistic choice.
sb.Remove( lastContentDstIdx, 1 ); // make way for the ellipsis.
moreContentAfterTruncation = _seekToNextLine();
sb.Append( (char) 0x2026 ); // ellipsis
bool doNotIndentContinuation = 0 != (options & IndentAndWrapOptions.DoNotIndentContinuationLines);
if( doNotIndentContinuation )
totalIndent = 0;
totalIndent += addtlContinuationIndent;
// Could be a backtrack of 0 chars if the current char is a space.
backtracked = _backtrackToLastSpaceOrTab();
if( !doNotIndentContinuation &&
(options & IndentAndWrapOptions.AddLineLeadingSpaceToAddtlContinuationIndent) != 0 )
totalIndent += leadingSpaceLen;
if( !truncate || moreContentAfterTruncation )
_completeLineAndIndent( totalIndent, isWrap: !truncate );
// Don't forget the last POP.
if( !truncate && !backtracked )
// If we didn't backtrack, then we haven't yet accounted for the
// current character--don't lose it!
_appendContentChar( c );
_appendContentChar( c );
} // end while( still more str )
return sb.ToString();
} // end _WordWrap()
// TODO: theme support
@ -800,6 +1128,60 @@ namespace MS.Dbg
} // end class CaStringUtilStripTestCase
private class CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase
public readonly string Input;
public readonly int OutputWidth;
public readonly IndentAndWrapOptions Options;
public readonly int Indent;
public readonly int AddtlContinuationIndent;
public readonly String ExpectedOutput;
public readonly Type ExpectedExceptionType;
private CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( string input,
int outputWidth )
Input = input;
OutputWidth = outputWidth;
public CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( string input,
int outputWidth,
string expectedOutput )
: this( input, outputWidth )
ExpectedOutput = expectedOutput;
public CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( string input,
int outputWidth,
Type expectedExceptionType )
: this( input, outputWidth )
ExpectedExceptionType = expectedExceptionType;
/* public static string IndentAndWrap( string str,
int outputWidth,
IndentAndWrapOptions options,
int indent,
int addtlContinuationIndent ) */
public CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( string input,
int outputWidth,
IndentAndWrapOptions options,
int indent,
int addtlContinuationIndent,
string expectedOutput )
: this( input, outputWidth, expectedOutput )
Options = options;
Indent = indent;
AddtlContinuationIndent = addtlContinuationIndent;
} // end class CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase
private static List< CaStringUtilLengthTestCase > sm_lengthTests = new List< CaStringUtilLengthTestCase >()
@ -1255,6 +1637,140 @@ namespace MS.Dbg
private static List<CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase> sm_indentAndWrapTests = new List<CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase>()
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( null,
outputWidth: 4,
typeof( ArgumentNullException ) ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( "",
outputWidth: 4,
expectedOutput: "" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9",
outputWidth: 4,
expectedOutput: "1 2\n3 4\n5 6\n7 8\n9" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9",
outputWidth: 4,
expectedOutput: " 1\n2 3\n4 5\n6 7\n8 9" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( "12 34 56 78 90",
outputWidth: 4,
expectedOutput: "12\n34\n56\n78\n90" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( " 12 34 56 78 90",
outputWidth: 4,
expectedOutput: " 12\n34\n56\n78\n90" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( "123 456 789 0ab",
outputWidth: 4,
expectedOutput: "123\n456\n789\n0ab" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( "1234 5678 90ab",
outputWidth: 4,
expectedOutput: "123\n4\n567\n8\n90a\nb" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9",
outputWidth: 4,
options: IndentAndWrapOptions.AddLineLeadingSpaceToAddtlContinuationIndent,
indent: 1,
addtlContinuationIndent: 0,
expectedOutput: " 1\n 2\n 3\n 4\n 5\n 6\n 7\n 8\n 9" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9",
outputWidth: 4,
options: IndentAndWrapOptions.Default,
indent: 2,
addtlContinuationIndent: 0,
expectedOutput: " 1\n 2\n 3\n 4\n 5\n 6\n 7\n 8\n 9" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9",
outputWidth: 4,
options: IndentAndWrapOptions.Default,
indent: 2,
addtlContinuationIndent: 0,
expectedOutput: " \n 1\n 2\n 3\n 4\n 5\n 6\n 7\n 8\n 9" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9",
outputWidth: 4,
options: IndentAndWrapOptions.NoWordBreaking,
indent: 2,
addtlContinuationIndent: 0,
expectedOutput: " \n 1\n \n 2\n \n 3\n \n 4\n \n 5\n \n 6\n \n 7\n \n 8\n \n 9" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9",
outputWidth: 4,
options: IndentAndWrapOptions.FirstLineAlreadyIndented,
indent: 2,
addtlContinuationIndent: 0,
expectedOutput: "1\n 2\n 3\n 4\n 5\n 6\n 7\n 8\n 9" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( "1 2\n3 4\n5 6\n7 8\n9",
outputWidth: 4,
options: IndentAndWrapOptions.Default,
indent: 0,
addtlContinuationIndent: 0,
expectedOutput: "1 2\n3 4\n5 6\n7 8\n9" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( "1 2\n3 4\n5 6\n7 8\n9",
outputWidth: 4,
options: IndentAndWrapOptions.Default,
indent: 1,
addtlContinuationIndent: 0,
expectedOutput: " 1\n 2\n 3\n 4\n 5\n 6\n 7\n 8\n 9" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( "1 2\n3 4\n5 6\n7 8\n9",
outputWidth: 4,
options: IndentAndWrapOptions.DoNotIndentContinuationLines,
indent: 1,
addtlContinuationIndent: 0,
expectedOutput: " 1\n2\n 3\n4\n 5\n6\n 7\n8\n 9" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( " 1 2\n3 4\n5 6\n7 8\n9",
outputWidth: 4,
options: IndentAndWrapOptions.DoNotIndentContinuationLines |
indent: 1,
addtlContinuationIndent: 0,
expectedOutput: " 1\n2\n 3\n4\n 5\n6\n 7\n8\n 9" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( "1 2\n3 4\n5 6\n7 8\n9",
outputWidth: 4,
options: IndentAndWrapOptions.TruncateInsteadOfWrap,
indent: 1,
addtlContinuationIndent: 0,
expectedOutput: " 1…\n 3…\n 5…\n 7…\n 9" ),
new CaStringUtilIndentAndWrapTestCase( "1 2\n\u009b91m3 4\n5 6\n7 8\u009bm\n9",
outputWidth: 4,
options: IndentAndWrapOptions.TruncateInsteadOfWrap,
indent: 1,
addtlContinuationIndent: 0,
expectedOutput: $" 1…\n \u009b91m3{c_PushAndReset}…\n {c_StandalonePop}5{c_PushAndReset}…\n {c_StandalonePop}7\u009bm{c_PushAndReset}…\n {c_StandalonePop}9" ),
private static string _EscapeStringForDisplay( string s )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( s.Length * 2 );
foreach( char c in s )
if( c == CSI )
sb.Append( @"\" ).Append( "u009b" );
else if( c == '\r' )
sb.Append( @"\" ).Append( 'r' );
else if( c == '\n' )
sb.Append( @"\" ).Append( 'n' );
sb.Append( c );
return sb.ToString();
public static void SelfTest()
@ -1422,6 +1938,7 @@ namespace MS.Dbg
} // end foreach( testCase )
if( 0 == stripFailures )
Console.WriteLine( "CaStringUtil StripControlSequences tests passed." );
@ -1433,6 +1950,55 @@ namespace MS.Dbg
failures += stripFailures;
int indentAndWrapFailures = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < sm_indentAndWrapTests.Count; i++ )
var testCase = sm_indentAndWrapTests[ i ];
string output = IndentAndWrap( testCase.Input,
testCase.AddtlContinuationIndent );
if( 0 != String.CompareOrdinal( output, testCase.ExpectedOutput ) )
Console.WriteLine( "indentAndWrap test case {0} failed.\n Expected: {1}\n Actual: {2}\n",
_EscapeStringForDisplay( testCase.ExpectedOutput ),
_EscapeStringForDisplay( output ) );
catch( Exception e )
if( e.GetType() != testCase.ExpectedExceptionType )
Console.WriteLine( "IndentAndWrap Test case {0} failed. Expected exception type: {1}, Actual: {2}.",
null == testCase.ExpectedExceptionType ?
"<none>" :
e.GetType().Name );
} // end foreach( testCase )
if( 0 == indentAndWrapFailures )
Console.WriteLine( "CaStringUtil IndentAndWrap tests passed." );
Console.WriteLine( "CaStringUtil IndentAndWrap tests failed ({0} failures).", indentAndWrapFailures );
failures += indentAndWrapFailures;
if( 0 == failures )
Console.WriteLine( "All CaStringUtil tests passed." );
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