@echo off rem Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. rem Licensed under the MIT License. if %1.==. goto needpackage if %2.==. goto needgdk if %3.==PC. goto haveparams if %3.==XboxOne. goto haveparams if %3.==Scarlett. goto haveparams goto needconsole :haveparams set GXDKEDITION=%2 echo GXDKEDITION: %GXDKEDITION% set PCNUGET=%1\Microsoft.GDK.PC.%GXDKEDITION%\ if NOT EXIST %PCNUGET% goto missingpcnuget set GRDKLatest=%PCNUGET%native\%GXDKEDITION%\GRDK\ echo GRDKLatest: %GRDKLatest% if %3.==PC. goto grdkonly set XBOXNUGET=%1\Microsoft.gdk.xbox.%GXDKEDITION%\ if NOT EXIST %XBOXNUGET% goto missingxboxnuget set GXDKLatest=%XBOXNUGET%native\%GXDKEDITION%\GXDK\ echo GXDKLatest: %GXDKLatest% set GameDK=%XBOXNUGET%native\ set GameDKLatest=%XBOXNUGET%native\%GXDKEDITION%\ set ADDBIN=%GXDKLatest%bin\%3;%PCNUGET%native\bin;%XBOXNUGET%native\bin set ADDINCLUDE=%GXDKLatest%gamekit\include\%3;%GXDKLatest%gamekit\include;%GRDKLatest%gamekit\include set ADDLIB=%GXDKLatest%gamekit\lib\amd64\%3;%GXDKLatest%gamekit\lib\amd64;%GRDKLatest%gamekit\lib\amd64 goto continue :grdkonly set GameDK=%PCNUGET%native\ set GameDKLatest=%PCNUGET%native\%GXDKEDITION%\ set ADDBIN=%PCNUGET%native\bin set ADDINCLUDE=%GRDKLatest%gamekit\include set ADDLIB=%GRDKLatest%gamekit\lib\amd64 :continue echo GameDK: %GameDK% echo GameDKLatest: %GameDKLatest% echo ADDBIN: %ADDBIN% echo ADDINCLUDE: %ADDINCLUDE% echo ADDLIB: %ADDLIB% set PATH=%ADDBIN%;%PATH% set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%ADDINCLUDE% set LIB=%LIB%;%ADDLIB% exit /b 0 :needpackage echo Usage: This script requires the path to the installed NuGet packages as the first parameter. exit /b 1 :needgdk echo Usage: This script requires the GDK edition number in YYMMQQ format as the second parameter exit /b 1 :needconsole echo Usage: This script requires the target type of PC, Scarlett, or XboxOne in the third parameter exit /b 1 :missingpcnuget echo ERROR - Cannot find Microsoft.GDK.PC. installed at '%1' exit /b 1 :missingxboxnuget echo ERROR - Cannot find Microsoft.GDK.Xbox. installed at '%1' exit /b 1