Merge branch 'rtmaster' into user/texr/integrate-master

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Tex Riddell 2018-07-26 16:07:02 -07:00
Родитель 071b568f69 fec1adb90e
Коммит ec4219002e
38 изменённых файлов: 1778 добавлений и 867 удалений

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@ -2894,204 +2894,218 @@ The set of validation rules that are known to hold for a DXIL program is identif
.. <py::lines('VALRULES-RST')>hctdb_instrhelp.get_valrules_rst()</py>
====================================== =======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
Rule Code Description
====================================== =======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
BITCODE.VALID TODO - Module must be bitcode-valid
CONTAINER.PARTINVALID DXIL Container must not contain unknown parts
CONTAINER.PARTMATCHES DXIL Container Parts must match Module
CONTAINER.PARTMISSING DXIL Container requires certain parts, corresponding to module
CONTAINER.PARTREPEATED DXIL Container must have only one of each part type
CONTAINER.ROOTSIGNATUREINCOMPATIBLE Root Signature in DXIL Container must be compatible with shader
DECL.DXILFNEXTERN External function must be a DXIL function
DECL.DXILNSRESERVED The DXIL reserved prefixes must only be used by built-in functions and types
DECL.FNATTRIBUTE Functions should only contain known function attributes
DECL.FNFLATTENPARAM Function parameters must not use struct types
DECL.FNISCALLED Functions can only be used by call instructions
DECL.NOTUSEDEXTERNAL External declaration should not be used
DECL.USEDEXTERNALFUNCTION External function must be used
DECL.USEDINTERNAL Internal declaration must be used
FLOW.DEADLOOP Loop must have break
FLOW.FUNCTIONCALL Function with parameter is not permitted
FLOW.NORECUSION Recursion is not permitted
FLOW.REDUCIBLE Execution flow must be reducible
INSTR.ALLOWED Instructions must be of an allowed type
INSTR.ATTRIBUTEATVERTEXNOINTERPOLATION Attribute %0 must have nointerpolation mode in order to use GetAttributeAtVertex function.
INSTR.BARRIERMODEFORNONCS sync in a non-Compute Shader must only sync UAV (sync_uglobal)
INSTR.BARRIERMODENOMEMORY sync must include some form of memory barrier - _u (UAV) and/or _g (Thread Group Shared Memory). Only _t (thread group sync) is optional.
INSTR.BARRIERMODEUSELESSUGROUP sync can't specify both _ugroup and _uglobal. If both are needed, just specify _uglobal.
INSTR.CALLOLOAD Call to DXIL intrinsic must match overload signature
INSTR.CANNOTPULLPOSITION pull-model evaluation of position disallowed
INSTR.CBUFFEROUTOFBOUND Cbuffer access out of bound
INSTR.CHECKACCESSFULLYMAPPED CheckAccessFullyMapped should only used on resource status
INSTR.COORDINATECOUNTFORRAWTYPEDBUF raw/typed buffer don't need 2 coordinates
INSTR.COORDINATECOUNTFORSTRUCTBUF structured buffer require 2 coordinates
INSTR.CREATEHANDLEIMMRANGEID Local resource must map to global resource.
INSTR.DXILSTRUCTUSER Dxil struct types should only used by ExtractValue
INSTR.DXILSTRUCTUSEROUTOFBOUND Index out of bound when extract value from dxil struct types
INSTR.EVALINTERPOLATIONMODE Interpolation mode on %0 used with eval_* instruction must be linear, linear_centroid, linear_noperspective, linear_noperspective_centroid, linear_sample or linear_noperspective_sample
INSTR.EXTRACTVALUE ExtractValue should only be used on dxil struct types and cmpxchg
INSTR.FAILTORESLOVETGSMPOINTER TGSM pointers must originate from an unambiguous TGSM global variable.
INSTR.HANDLENOTFROMCREATEHANDLE Resource handle should returned by createHandle
INSTR.IMMBIASFORSAMPLEB bias amount for sample_b must be in the range [%0,%1], but %2 was specified as an immediate
INSTR.INBOUNDSACCESS Access to out-of-bounds memory is disallowed
INSTR.MINPRECISIONNOTPRECISE Instructions marked precise may not refer to minprecision values
INSTR.MINPRECISONBITCAST Bitcast on minprecison types is not allowed
INSTR.MIPLEVELFORGETDIMENSION Use mip level on buffer when GetDimensions
INSTR.MIPONUAVLOAD uav load don't support mipLevel/sampleIndex
INSTR.NOGENERICPTRADDRSPACECAST Address space cast between pointer types must have one part to be generic address space
INSTR.NOIDIVBYZERO No signed integer division by zero
INSTR.NOINDEFINITEACOS No indefinite arccosine
INSTR.NOINDEFINITEASIN No indefinite arcsine
INSTR.NOINDEFINITEDSXY No indefinite derivative calculation
INSTR.NOINDEFINITELOG No indefinite logarithm
INSTR.NOREADINGUNINITIALIZED Instructions should not read uninitialized value
INSTR.NOUDIVBYZERO No unsigned integer division by zero
INSTR.OFFSETONUAVLOAD uav load don't support offset
INSTR.OLOAD DXIL intrinsic overload must be valid
INSTR.ONLYONEALLOCCONSUME RWStructuredBuffers may increment or decrement their counters, but not both.
INSTR.OPCODERESERVED Instructions must not reference reserved opcodes
INSTR.OPCONST DXIL intrinsic requires an immediate constant operand
INSTR.OPCONSTRANGE Constant values must be in-range for operation
INSTR.OPERANDRANGE DXIL intrinsic operand must be within defined range
INSTR.PTRBITCAST Pointer type bitcast must be have same size
INSTR.RESOURCECLASSFORLOAD load can only run on UAV/SRV resource
INSTR.RESOURCECLASSFORSAMPLERGATHER sample, lod and gather should on srv resource.
INSTR.RESOURCECLASSFORUAVSTORE store should on uav resource.
INSTR.RESOURCECOORDINATETOOMANY out of bound coord must be undef
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORBUFFERLOADSTORE buffer load/store only works on Raw/Typed/StructuredBuffer
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORCALCLOD lod requires resource declared as texture1D/2D/3D/Cube/CubeArray/1DArray/2DArray
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORGATHER gather requires resource declared as texture/2D/Cube/2DArray/CubeArray
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORGETDIM Invalid resource kind on GetDimensions
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORSAMPLE sample/_l/_d requires resource declared as texture1D/2D/3D/Cube/1DArray/2DArray/CubeArray
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORSAMPLEC samplec requires resource declared as texture1D/2D/Cube/1DArray/2DArray/CubeArray
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORTEXTURELOAD texture load only works on Texture1D/1DArray/2D/2DArray/3D/MS2D/MS2DArray
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORTEXTURESTORE texture store only works on Texture1D/1DArray/2D/2DArray/3D
INSTR.RESOURCEOFFSETTOOMANY out of bound offset must be undef
INSTR.SAMPLECOMPTYPE sample_* instructions require resource to be declared to return UNORM, SNORM or FLOAT.
INSTR.SAMPLEINDEXFORLOAD2DMS load on Texture2DMS/2DMSArray require sampleIndex
INSTR.SAMPLERMODEFORLOD lod instruction requires sampler declared in default mode
INSTR.SAMPLERMODEFORSAMPLE sample/_l/_d/_cl_s/gather instruction requires sampler declared in default mode
INSTR.SAMPLERMODEFORSAMPLEC sample_c_*/gather_c instructions require sampler declared in comparison mode
INSTR.SIGNATUREOPERATIONNOTINENTRY Dxil operation for input output signature must be in entryPoints.
INSTR.STATUS Resource status should only used by CheckAccessFullyMapped
INSTR.STRUCTBITCAST Bitcast on struct types is not allowed
INSTR.TEXTUREOFFSET offset texture instructions must take offset which can resolve to integer literal in the range -8 to 7
INSTR.TGSMRACECOND Race condition writing to shared memory detected, consider making this write conditional
INSTR.UNDEFRESULTFORGETDIMENSION GetDimensions used undef dimension %0 on %1
INSTR.WRITEMASKFORTYPEDUAVSTORE store on typed uav must write to all four components of the UAV
INSTR.WRITEMASKMATCHVALUEFORUAVSTORE uav store write mask must match store value mask, write mask is %0 and store value mask is %1
META.BARYCENTRICSFLOAT3 only 'float3' type is allowed for SV_Barycentrics.
META.BARYCENTRICSINTERPOLATION SV_Barycentrics cannot be used with 'nointerpolation' type
META.BARYCENTRICSTWOPERSPECTIVES There can only be up to two input attributes of SV_Barycentrics with different perspective interpolation mode.
META.BRANCHFLATTEN Can't use branch and flatten attributes together
META.CLIPCULLMAXCOMPONENTS Combined elements of SV_ClipDistance and SV_CullDistance must fit in 8 components
META.CLIPCULLMAXROWS Combined elements of SV_ClipDistance and SV_CullDistance must fit in two rows.
META.CONTROLFLOWHINTNOTONCONTROLFLOW Control flow hint only works on control flow inst
META.DENSERESIDS Resource identifiers must be zero-based and dense
META.DUPLICATESYSVALUE System value may only appear once in signature
META.ENTRYFUNCTION entrypoint not found
META.FLAGSUSAGE Flags must match usage
META.FORCECASEONSWITCH Attribute forcecase only works for switch
META.FUNCTIONANNOTATION Cannot find function annotation for %0
META.GLCNOTONAPPENDCONSUME globallycoherent cannot be used with append/consume buffers
META.INTEGERINTERPMODE Interpolation mode on integer must be Constant
META.INTERPMODEINONEROW Interpolation mode must be identical for all elements packed into the same row.
META.INTERPMODEVALID Interpolation mode must be valid
META.KNOWN Named metadata should be known
META.MAXTESSFACTOR Hull Shader MaxTessFactor must be [%0..%1]. %2 specified
META.NOENTRYPROPSFORENTRY EntryPoints must have entry properties.
META.NOSEMANTICOVERLAP Semantics must not overlap
META.REQUIRED TODO - Required metadata missing
META.SEMAKINDMATCHESNAME Semantic name must match system value, when defined.
META.SEMAKINDVALID Semantic kind must be valid
META.SEMANTICINDEXMAX System value semantics have a maximum valid semantic index
META.SEMANTICLEN Semantic length must be at least 1 and at most 64
META.SEMANTICSHOULDBEALLOCATED Semantic should have a valid packing location
META.SEMANTICSHOULDNOTBEALLOCATED Semantic should have a packing location of -1
META.SIGNATURECOMPTYPE signature %0 specifies unrecognized or invalid component type
META.SIGNATUREDATAWIDTH Data width must be identical for all elements packed into the same row.
META.SIGNATUREILLEGALCOMPONENTORDER Component ordering for packed elements must be: arbitrary < system value < system generated value
META.SIGNATUREINDEXCONFLICT Only elements with compatible indexing rules may be packed together
META.SIGNATUREOUTOFRANGE Signature elements must fit within maximum signature size
META.SIGNATUREOVERLAP Signature elements may not overlap in packing location.
META.STRUCTBUFALIGNMENT StructuredBuffer stride not aligned
META.STRUCTBUFALIGNMENTOUTOFBOUND StructuredBuffer stride out of bounds
META.SYSTEMVALUEROWS System value may only have 1 row
META.TARGET Target triple must be 'dxil-ms-dx'
META.TESSELLATOROUTPUTPRIMITIVE Invalid Tessellator Output Primitive specified. Must be point, line, triangleCW or triangleCCW.
META.TESSELLATORPARTITION Invalid Tessellator Partitioning specified. Must be integer, pow2, fractional_odd or fractional_even.
META.TEXTURETYPE elements of typed buffers and textures must fit in four 32-bit quantities
META.USED All metadata must be used by dxil
META.VALIDSAMPLERMODE Invalid sampler mode on sampler
META.VALUERANGE Metadata value must be within range
META.WELLFORMED TODO - Metadata must be well-formed in operand count and types
SM.APPENDANDCONSUMEONSAMEUAV BufferUpdateCounter inc and dec on a given UAV (%d) cannot both be in the same shader for shader model less than 5.1.
SM.CBUFFERELEMENTOVERFLOW CBuffer elements must not overflow
SM.CBUFFEROFFSETOVERLAP CBuffer offsets must not overlap
SM.CBUFFERTEMPLATETYPEMUSTBESTRUCT D3D12 constant/texture buffer template element can only be a struct
SM.COMPLETEPOSITION Not all elements of SV_Position were written
SM.COUNTERONLYONSTRUCTBUF BufferUpdateCounter valid only on structured buffers
SM.CSNORETURN Compute shaders can't return values, outputs must be written in writable resources (UAVs).
SM.DOMAINLOCATIONIDXOOB DomainLocation component index out of bounds for the domain.
SM.DSINPUTCONTROLPOINTCOUNTRANGE DS input control point count must be [0..%0]. %1 specified
SM.DXILVERSION Target shader model requires specific Dxil Version
SM.GSINSTANCECOUNTRANGE GS instance count must be [1..%0]. %1 specified
SM.GSOUTPUTVERTEXCOUNTRANGE GS output vertex count must be [0..%0]. %1 specified
SM.GSTOTALOUTPUTVERTEXDATARANGE Declared output vertex count (%0) multiplied by the total number of declared scalar components of output data (%1) equals %2. This value cannot be greater than %3
SM.GSVALIDINPUTPRIMITIVE GS input primitive unrecognized
SM.GSVALIDOUTPUTPRIMITIVETOPOLOGY GS output primitive topology unrecognized
SM.HSINPUTCONTROLPOINTCOUNTRANGE HS input control point count must be [0..%0]. %1 specified
SM.HULLPASSTHRUCONTROLPOINTCOUNTMATCH For pass thru hull shader, input control point count must match output control point count
SM.INSIDETESSFACTORSIZEMATCHDOMAIN InsideTessFactor rows, columns (%0, %1) invalid for domain %2. Expected %3 rows and 1 column.
SM.INVALIDRESOURCECOMPTYPE Invalid resource return type
SM.INVALIDRESOURCEKIND Invalid resources kind
SM.INVALIDTEXTUREKINDONUAV Texture2DMS[Array] or TextureCube[Array] resources are not supported with UAVs
SM.ISOLINEOUTPUTPRIMITIVEMISMATCH Hull Shader declared with IsoLine Domain must specify output primitive point or line. Triangle_cw or triangle_ccw output are not compatible with the IsoLine Domain.
SM.MAXTGSMSIZE Total Thread Group Shared Memory storage is %0, exceeded %1
SM.MAXTHEADGROUP Declared Thread Group Count %0 (X*Y*Z) is beyond the valid maximum of %1
SM.MULTISTREAMMUSTBEPOINT When multiple GS output streams are used they must be pointlists
SM.NAME Target shader model name must be known
SM.NOINTERPMODE Interpolation mode must be undefined for VS input/PS output/patch constant.
SM.NOPSOUTPUTIDX Pixel shader output registers are not indexable.
SM.OPCODE Opcode must be defined in target shader model
SM.OPCODEININVALIDFUNCTION Invalid DXIL opcode usage like StorePatchConstant in patch constant function
SM.OPERAND Operand must be defined in target shader model
SM.OUTPUTCONTROLPOINTCOUNTRANGE output control point count must be [0..%0]. %1 specified
SM.OUTPUTCONTROLPOINTSTOTALSCALARS Total number of scalars across all HS output control points must not exceed
SM.PATCHCONSTANTONLYFORHSDS patch constant signature only valid in HS and DS
SM.PSCONSISTENTINTERP Interpolation mode for PS input position must be linear_noperspective_centroid or linear_noperspective_sample when outputting oDepthGE or oDepthLE and not running at sample frequency (which is forced by inputting SV_SampleIndex or declaring an input linear_sample or linear_noperspective_sample)
SM.PSCOVERAGEANDINNERCOVERAGE InnerCoverage and Coverage are mutually exclusive.
SM.PSMULTIPLEDEPTHSEMANTIC Pixel Shader only allows one type of depth semantic to be declared
SM.PSOUTPUTSEMANTIC Pixel Shader allows output semantics to be SV_Target, SV_Depth, SV_DepthGreaterEqual, SV_DepthLessEqual, SV_Coverage or SV_StencilRef, %0 found
SM.PSTARGETCOL0 SV_Target packed location must start at column 0
SM.PSTARGETINDEXMATCHESROW SV_Target semantic index must match packed row location
SM.RESOURCERANGEOVERLAP Resource ranges must not overlap
SM.ROVONLYINPS RasterizerOrdered objects are only allowed in 5.0+ pixel shaders
SM.SAMPLECOUNTONLYON2DMS Only Texture2DMS/2DMSArray could has sample count
SM.SEMANTIC Semantic must be defined in target shader model
SM.STREAMINDEXRANGE Stream index (%0) must between 0 and %1
SM.TESSFACTORFORDOMAIN Required TessFactor for domain not found declared anywhere in Patch Constant data
SM.TESSFACTORSIZEMATCHDOMAIN TessFactor rows, columns (%0, %1) invalid for domain %2. Expected %3 rows and 1 column.
SM.THREADGROUPCHANNELRANGE Declared Thread Group %0 size %1 outside valid range [%2..%3]
SM.TRIOUTPUTPRIMITIVEMISMATCH Hull Shader declared with Tri Domain must specify output primitive point, triangle_cw or triangle_ccw. Line output is not compatible with the Tri domain
SM.UNDEFINEDOUTPUT Not all elements of output %0 were written
SM.VALIDDOMAIN Invalid Tessellator Domain specified. Must be isoline, tri or quad
SM.VIEWIDNEEDSSLOT ViewID requires compatible space in pixel shader input signature
SM.ZEROHSINPUTCONTROLPOINTWITHINPUT When HS input control point count is 0, no input signature should exist
TYPES.DEFINED Type must be defined based on DXIL primitives
TYPES.I8 I8 can only used as immediate value for intrinsic
TYPES.INTWIDTH Int type must be of valid width
TYPES.NOMULTIDIM Only one dimension allowed for array type
TYPES.NOVECTOR Vector types must not be present
UNI.NOWAVESENSITIVEGRADIENT Gradient operations are not affected by wave-sensitive data or control flow.
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======================================== =======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
Rule Code Description
======================================== =======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
BITCODE.VALID TODO - Module must be bitcode-valid
CONTAINER.PARTINVALID DXIL Container must not contain unknown parts
CONTAINER.PARTMATCHES DXIL Container Parts must match Module
CONTAINER.PARTMISSING DXIL Container requires certain parts, corresponding to module
CONTAINER.PARTREPEATED DXIL Container must have only one of each part type
CONTAINER.ROOTSIGNATUREINCOMPATIBLE Root Signature in DXIL Container must be compatible with shader
DECL.ATTRSTRUCT Attributes parameter must be struct type
DECL.DXILFNEXTERN External function must be a DXIL function
DECL.DXILNSRESERVED The DXIL reserved prefixes must only be used by built-in functions and types
DECL.EXTRAARGS Extra arguments not allowed for shader functions
DECL.FNATTRIBUTE Functions should only contain known function attributes
DECL.FNFLATTENPARAM Function parameters must not use struct types
DECL.FNISCALLED Functions can only be used by call instructions
DECL.NOTUSEDEXTERNAL External declaration should not be used
DECL.PARAMSTRUCT Callable function parameter must be struct type
DECL.PAYLOADSTRUCT Payload parameter must be struct type
DECL.RESOURCEINFNSIG Resources not allowed in function signatures
DECL.SHADERMISSINGARG payload/params/attributes parameter is required for certain shader types
DECL.SHADERRETURNVOID Shader functions must return void
DECL.USEDEXTERNALFUNCTION External function must be used
DECL.USEDINTERNAL Internal declaration must be used
FLOW.DEADLOOP Loop must have break
FLOW.FUNCTIONCALL Function with parameter is not permitted
FLOW.NORECUSION Recursion is not permitted
FLOW.REDUCIBLE Execution flow must be reducible
INSTR.ALLOWED Instructions must be of an allowed type
INSTR.ATTRIBUTEATVERTEXNOINTERPOLATION Attribute %0 must have nointerpolation mode in order to use GetAttributeAtVertex function.
INSTR.BARRIERMODEFORNONCS sync in a non-Compute Shader must only sync UAV (sync_uglobal)
INSTR.BARRIERMODENOMEMORY sync must include some form of memory barrier - _u (UAV) and/or _g (Thread Group Shared Memory). Only _t (thread group sync) is optional.
INSTR.BARRIERMODEUSELESSUGROUP sync can't specify both _ugroup and _uglobal. If both are needed, just specify _uglobal.
INSTR.BUFFERUPDATECOUNTERONRESHASCOUNTER BufferUpdateCounter valid only when HasCounter is true
INSTR.CALLOLOAD Call to DXIL intrinsic must match overload signature
INSTR.CANNOTPULLPOSITION pull-model evaluation of position disallowed
INSTR.CBUFFEROUTOFBOUND Cbuffer access out of bound
INSTR.CHECKACCESSFULLYMAPPED CheckAccessFullyMapped should only used on resource status
INSTR.COORDINATECOUNTFORRAWTYPEDBUF raw/typed buffer don't need 2 coordinates
INSTR.COORDINATECOUNTFORSTRUCTBUF structured buffer require 2 coordinates
INSTR.CREATEHANDLEIMMRANGEID Local resource must map to global resource.
INSTR.DXILSTRUCTUSER Dxil struct types should only used by ExtractValue
INSTR.DXILSTRUCTUSEROUTOFBOUND Index out of bound when extract value from dxil struct types
INSTR.EVALINTERPOLATIONMODE Interpolation mode on %0 used with eval_* instruction must be linear, linear_centroid, linear_noperspective, linear_noperspective_centroid, linear_sample or linear_noperspective_sample
INSTR.EXTRACTVALUE ExtractValue should only be used on dxil struct types and cmpxchg
INSTR.FAILTORESLOVETGSMPOINTER TGSM pointers must originate from an unambiguous TGSM global variable.
INSTR.HANDLENOTFROMCREATEHANDLE Resource handle should returned by createHandle
INSTR.IMMBIASFORSAMPLEB bias amount for sample_b must be in the range [%0,%1], but %2 was specified as an immediate
INSTR.INBOUNDSACCESS Access to out-of-bounds memory is disallowed
INSTR.MINPRECISIONNOTPRECISE Instructions marked precise may not refer to minprecision values
INSTR.MINPRECISONBITCAST Bitcast on minprecison types is not allowed
INSTR.MIPLEVELFORGETDIMENSION Use mip level on buffer when GetDimensions
INSTR.MIPONUAVLOAD uav load don't support mipLevel/sampleIndex
INSTR.NOGENERICPTRADDRSPACECAST Address space cast between pointer types must have one part to be generic address space
INSTR.NOIDIVBYZERO No signed integer division by zero
INSTR.NOINDEFINITEACOS No indefinite arccosine
INSTR.NOINDEFINITEASIN No indefinite arcsine
INSTR.NOINDEFINITEDSXY No indefinite derivative calculation
INSTR.NOINDEFINITELOG No indefinite logarithm
INSTR.NOREADINGUNINITIALIZED Instructions should not read uninitialized value
INSTR.NOUDIVBYZERO No unsigned integer division by zero
INSTR.OFFSETONUAVLOAD uav load don't support offset
INSTR.OLOAD DXIL intrinsic overload must be valid
INSTR.ONLYONEALLOCCONSUME RWStructuredBuffers may increment or decrement their counters, but not both.
INSTR.OPCODERESERVED Instructions must not reference reserved opcodes
INSTR.OPCONST DXIL intrinsic requires an immediate constant operand
INSTR.OPCONSTRANGE Constant values must be in-range for operation
INSTR.OPERANDRANGE DXIL intrinsic operand must be within defined range
INSTR.PTRBITCAST Pointer type bitcast must be have same size
INSTR.RESOURCECLASSFORLOAD load can only run on UAV/SRV resource
INSTR.RESOURCECLASSFORSAMPLERGATHER sample, lod and gather should on srv resource.
INSTR.RESOURCECLASSFORUAVSTORE store should on uav resource.
INSTR.RESOURCECOORDINATETOOMANY out of bound coord must be undef
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORBUFFERLOADSTORE buffer load/store only works on Raw/Typed/StructuredBuffer
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORCALCLOD lod requires resource declared as texture1D/2D/3D/Cube/CubeArray/1DArray/2DArray
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORGATHER gather requires resource declared as texture/2D/Cube/2DArray/CubeArray
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORGETDIM Invalid resource kind on GetDimensions
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORSAMPLE sample/_l/_d requires resource declared as texture1D/2D/3D/Cube/1DArray/2DArray/CubeArray
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORSAMPLEC samplec requires resource declared as texture1D/2D/Cube/1DArray/2DArray/CubeArray
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORTEXTURELOAD texture load only works on Texture1D/1DArray/2D/2DArray/3D/MS2D/MS2DArray
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORTEXTURESTORE texture store only works on Texture1D/1DArray/2D/2DArray/3D
INSTR.RESOURCEKINDFORTRACERAY TraceRay should only use RTAccelerationStructure
INSTR.RESOURCEMAPTOSINGLEENTRY Fail to map resource to resource table
INSTR.RESOURCEOFFSETTOOMANY out of bound offset must be undef
INSTR.RESOURCEUSER Resource should only used by Load/GEP/Call
INSTR.SAMPLECOMPTYPE sample_* instructions require resource to be declared to return UNORM, SNORM or FLOAT.
INSTR.SAMPLEINDEXFORLOAD2DMS load on Texture2DMS/2DMSArray require sampleIndex
INSTR.SAMPLERMODEFORLOD lod instruction requires sampler declared in default mode
INSTR.SAMPLERMODEFORSAMPLE sample/_l/_d/_cl_s/gather instruction requires sampler declared in default mode
INSTR.SAMPLERMODEFORSAMPLEC sample_c_*/gather_c instructions require sampler declared in comparison mode
INSTR.SIGNATUREOPERATIONNOTINENTRY Dxil operation for input output signature must be in entryPoints.
INSTR.STATUS Resource status should only used by CheckAccessFullyMapped
INSTR.STRUCTBITCAST Bitcast on struct types is not allowed
INSTR.TEXTUREOFFSET offset texture instructions must take offset which can resolve to integer literal in the range -8 to 7
INSTR.TGSMRACECOND Race condition writing to shared memory detected, consider making this write conditional
INSTR.UNDEFRESULTFORGETDIMENSION GetDimensions used undef dimension %0 on %1
INSTR.WRITEMASKFORTYPEDUAVSTORE store on typed uav must write to all four components of the UAV
INSTR.WRITEMASKMATCHVALUEFORUAVSTORE uav store write mask must match store value mask, write mask is %0 and store value mask is %1
META.BARYCENTRICSFLOAT3 only 'float3' type is allowed for SV_Barycentrics.
META.BARYCENTRICSINTERPOLATION SV_Barycentrics cannot be used with 'nointerpolation' type
META.BARYCENTRICSTWOPERSPECTIVES There can only be up to two input attributes of SV_Barycentrics with different perspective interpolation mode.
META.BRANCHFLATTEN Can't use branch and flatten attributes together
META.CLIPCULLMAXCOMPONENTS Combined elements of SV_ClipDistance and SV_CullDistance must fit in 8 components
META.CLIPCULLMAXROWS Combined elements of SV_ClipDistance and SV_CullDistance must fit in two rows.
META.CONTROLFLOWHINTNOTONCONTROLFLOW Control flow hint only works on control flow inst
META.DENSERESIDS Resource identifiers must be zero-based and dense
META.DUPLICATESYSVALUE System value may only appear once in signature
META.ENTRYFUNCTION entrypoint not found
META.FLAGSUSAGE Flags must match usage
META.FORCECASEONSWITCH Attribute forcecase only works for switch
META.FUNCTIONANNOTATION Cannot find function annotation for %0
META.GLCNOTONAPPENDCONSUME globallycoherent cannot be used with append/consume buffers
META.INTEGERINTERPMODE Interpolation mode on integer must be Constant
META.INTERPMODEINONEROW Interpolation mode must be identical for all elements packed into the same row.
META.INTERPMODEVALID Interpolation mode must be valid
META.KNOWN Named metadata should be known
META.MAXTESSFACTOR Hull Shader MaxTessFactor must be [%0..%1]. %2 specified
META.NOENTRYPROPSFORENTRY EntryPoints must have entry properties.
META.NOSEMANTICOVERLAP Semantics must not overlap
META.REQUIRED TODO - Required metadata missing
META.SEMAKINDMATCHESNAME Semantic name must match system value, when defined.
META.SEMAKINDVALID Semantic kind must be valid
META.SEMANTICINDEXMAX System value semantics have a maximum valid semantic index
META.SEMANTICLEN Semantic length must be at least 1 and at most 64
META.SEMANTICSHOULDBEALLOCATED Semantic should have a valid packing location
META.SEMANTICSHOULDNOTBEALLOCATED Semantic should have a packing location of -1
META.SIGNATURECOMPTYPE signature %0 specifies unrecognized or invalid component type
META.SIGNATUREDATAWIDTH Data width must be identical for all elements packed into the same row.
META.SIGNATUREILLEGALCOMPONENTORDER Component ordering for packed elements must be: arbitrary < system value < system generated value
META.SIGNATUREINDEXCONFLICT Only elements with compatible indexing rules may be packed together
META.SIGNATUREOUTOFRANGE Signature elements must fit within maximum signature size
META.SIGNATUREOVERLAP Signature elements may not overlap in packing location.
META.STRUCTBUFALIGNMENT StructuredBuffer stride not aligned
META.STRUCTBUFALIGNMENTOUTOFBOUND StructuredBuffer stride out of bounds
META.SYSTEMVALUEROWS System value may only have 1 row
META.TARGET Target triple must be 'dxil-ms-dx'
META.TESSELLATOROUTPUTPRIMITIVE Invalid Tessellator Output Primitive specified. Must be point, line, triangleCW or triangleCCW.
META.TESSELLATORPARTITION Invalid Tessellator Partitioning specified. Must be integer, pow2, fractional_odd or fractional_even.
META.TEXTURETYPE elements of typed buffers and textures must fit in four 32-bit quantities
META.USED All metadata must be used by dxil
META.VALIDSAMPLERMODE Invalid sampler mode on sampler
META.VALUERANGE Metadata value must be within range
META.WELLFORMED TODO - Metadata must be well-formed in operand count and types
SM.64BITRAWBUFFERLOADSTORE i64/f64 rawBufferLoad/Store overloads are allowed after SM 6.3
SM.APPENDANDCONSUMEONSAMEUAV BufferUpdateCounter inc and dec on a given UAV (%d) cannot both be in the same shader for shader model less than 5.1.
SM.CBUFFERELEMENTOVERFLOW CBuffer elements must not overflow
SM.CBUFFEROFFSETOVERLAP CBuffer offsets must not overlap
SM.CBUFFERTEMPLATETYPEMUSTBESTRUCT D3D12 constant/texture buffer template element can only be a struct
SM.COMPLETEPOSITION Not all elements of SV_Position were written
SM.COUNTERONLYONSTRUCTBUF BufferUpdateCounter valid only on structured buffers
SM.CSNOSIGNATURES Compute shaders must not have shader signatures.
SM.DOMAINLOCATIONIDXOOB DomainLocation component index out of bounds for the domain.
SM.DSINPUTCONTROLPOINTCOUNTRANGE DS input control point count must be [0..%0]. %1 specified
SM.DXILVERSION Target shader model requires specific Dxil Version
SM.GSINSTANCECOUNTRANGE GS instance count must be [1..%0]. %1 specified
SM.GSOUTPUTVERTEXCOUNTRANGE GS output vertex count must be [0..%0]. %1 specified
SM.GSTOTALOUTPUTVERTEXDATARANGE Declared output vertex count (%0) multiplied by the total number of declared scalar components of output data (%1) equals %2. This value cannot be greater than %3
SM.GSVALIDINPUTPRIMITIVE GS input primitive unrecognized
SM.GSVALIDOUTPUTPRIMITIVETOPOLOGY GS output primitive topology unrecognized
SM.HSINPUTCONTROLPOINTCOUNTRANGE HS input control point count must be [0..%0]. %1 specified
SM.HULLPASSTHRUCONTROLPOINTCOUNTMATCH For pass thru hull shader, input control point count must match output control point count
SM.INSIDETESSFACTORSIZEMATCHDOMAIN InsideTessFactor rows, columns (%0, %1) invalid for domain %2. Expected %3 rows and 1 column.
SM.INVALIDRESOURCECOMPTYPE Invalid resource return type
SM.INVALIDRESOURCEKIND Invalid resources kind
SM.INVALIDTEXTUREKINDONUAV Texture2DMS[Array] or TextureCube[Array] resources are not supported with UAVs
SM.ISOLINEOUTPUTPRIMITIVEMISMATCH Hull Shader declared with IsoLine Domain must specify output primitive point or line. Triangle_cw or triangle_ccw output are not compatible with the IsoLine Domain.
SM.MAXTGSMSIZE Total Thread Group Shared Memory storage is %0, exceeded %1
SM.MAXTHEADGROUP Declared Thread Group Count %0 (X*Y*Z) is beyond the valid maximum of %1
SM.MULTISTREAMMUSTBEPOINT When multiple GS output streams are used they must be pointlists
SM.NAME Target shader model name must be known
SM.NOINTERPMODE Interpolation mode must be undefined for VS input/PS output/patch constant.
SM.NOPSOUTPUTIDX Pixel shader output registers are not indexable.
SM.OPCODE Opcode must be defined in target shader model
SM.OPCODEININVALIDFUNCTION Invalid DXIL opcode usage like StorePatchConstant in patch constant function
SM.OPERAND Operand must be defined in target shader model
SM.OUTPUTCONTROLPOINTCOUNTRANGE output control point count must be [0..%0]. %1 specified
SM.OUTPUTCONTROLPOINTSTOTALSCALARS Total number of scalars across all HS output control points must not exceed
SM.PATCHCONSTANTONLYFORHSDS patch constant signature only valid in HS and DS
SM.PSCONSISTENTINTERP Interpolation mode for PS input position must be linear_noperspective_centroid or linear_noperspective_sample when outputting oDepthGE or oDepthLE and not running at sample frequency (which is forced by inputting SV_SampleIndex or declaring an input linear_sample or linear_noperspective_sample)
SM.PSCOVERAGEANDINNERCOVERAGE InnerCoverage and Coverage are mutually exclusive.
SM.PSMULTIPLEDEPTHSEMANTIC Pixel Shader only allows one type of depth semantic to be declared
SM.PSOUTPUTSEMANTIC Pixel Shader allows output semantics to be SV_Target, SV_Depth, SV_DepthGreaterEqual, SV_DepthLessEqual, SV_Coverage or SV_StencilRef, %0 found
SM.PSTARGETCOL0 SV_Target packed location must start at column 0
SM.PSTARGETINDEXMATCHESROW SV_Target semantic index must match packed row location
SM.RAYSHADERPAYLOADSIZE For shader '%0', %1 size is smaller than argument's allocation size
SM.RAYSHADERSIGNATURES Ray tracing shader '%0' should not have any shader signatures
SM.RESOURCERANGEOVERLAP Resource ranges must not overlap
SM.ROVONLYINPS RasterizerOrdered objects are only allowed in 5.0+ pixel shaders
SM.SAMPLECOUNTONLYON2DMS Only Texture2DMS/2DMSArray could has sample count
SM.SEMANTIC Semantic must be defined in target shader model
SM.STREAMINDEXRANGE Stream index (%0) must between 0 and %1
SM.TESSFACTORFORDOMAIN Required TessFactor for domain not found declared anywhere in Patch Constant data
SM.TESSFACTORSIZEMATCHDOMAIN TessFactor rows, columns (%0, %1) invalid for domain %2. Expected %3 rows and 1 column.
SM.THREADGROUPCHANNELRANGE Declared Thread Group %0 size %1 outside valid range [%2..%3]
SM.TRIOUTPUTPRIMITIVEMISMATCH Hull Shader declared with Tri Domain must specify output primitive point, triangle_cw or triangle_ccw. Line output is not compatible with the Tri domain
SM.UNDEFINEDOUTPUT Not all elements of output %0 were written
SM.VALIDDOMAIN Invalid Tessellator Domain specified. Must be isoline, tri or quad
SM.VIEWIDNEEDSSLOT ViewID requires compatible space in pixel shader input signature
SM.ZEROHSINPUTCONTROLPOINTWITHINPUT When HS input control point count is 0, no input signature should exist
TYPES.DEFINED Type must be defined based on DXIL primitives
TYPES.I8 I8 can only used as immediate value for intrinsic
TYPES.INTWIDTH Int type must be of valid width
TYPES.NOMULTIDIM Only one dimension allowed for array type
TYPES.NOVECTOR Vector types must not be present
UNI.NOWAVESENSITIVEGRADIENT Gradient operations are not affected by wave-sensitive data or control flow.
======================================== =======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

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@ -429,6 +429,7 @@ DxilPartWriter *NewProgramSignatureWriter(const DxilModule &M, DXIL::SignatureKi
DxilPartWriter *NewRootSignatureWriter(const RootSignatureHandle &S);
DxilPartWriter *NewFeatureInfoWriter(const DxilModule &M);
DxilPartWriter *NewPSVWriter(const DxilModule &M, uint32_t PSVVersion = 0);
DxilPartWriter *NewRDATWriter(const DxilModule &M, uint32_t InfoVersion = 0);
class DxilContainerWriter : public DxilPartWriter {

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ public:
// Major/Minor version of highest shader model
static const unsigned kHighestMajor = 6;
static const unsigned kHighestMinor = 3;
static const unsigned kOfflineMinor = 0xF;
bool IsPS() const { return m_Kind == Kind::Pixel; }
bool IsVS() const { return m_Kind == Kind::Vertex; }
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ public:
bool IsSM62Plus() const { return IsSMAtLeast(6, 2); }
bool IsSM63Plus() const { return IsSMAtLeast(6, 3); }
const char *GetName() const { return m_pszName; }
std::string GetKindName() const;
const char *GetKindName() const;
unsigned GetNumTempRegs() const { return DXIL::kMaxTempRegCount; }
unsigned GetNumInputRegs() const { return m_NumInputRegs; }
unsigned GetNumOutputRegs() const { return m_NumOutputRegs; }
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ public:
static const ShaderModel *Get(unsigned Idx);
static const ShaderModel *Get(Kind Kind, unsigned Major, unsigned Minor);
static const ShaderModel *GetByName(const char *pszName);
static std::string GetKindName(Kind kind);
static const char *GetKindName(Kind kind);
bool operator==(const ShaderModel &other) const;
bool operator!=(const ShaderModel &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ private:
unsigned m_NumInputRegs, unsigned m_NumOutputRegs,
bool m_bUAVs, bool m_bTypedUavs, unsigned m_UAVRegsLim);
static const unsigned kNumShaderModels = 48;
static const unsigned kNumShaderModels = 49;
static const ShaderModel ms_ShaderModels[kNumShaderModels];
static const ShaderModel *GetInvalid();

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@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ namespace dxilutil {
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> LoadModuleFromBitcode(llvm::MemoryBuffer *MB,
llvm::LLVMContext &Ctx, std::string &DiagStr);
void PrintDiagnosticHandler(const llvm::DiagnosticInfo &DI, void *Context);
// Returns true if type contains HLSL Object type (resource)
bool ContainsHLSLObjectType(llvm::Type *Ty);

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@ -41,12 +41,19 @@ enum class ValidationRule : unsigned {
ContainerRootSignatureIncompatible, // Root Signature in DXIL Container must be compatible with shader
// Declaration
DeclAttrStruct, // Attributes parameter must be struct type
DeclDxilFnExtern, // External function must be a DXIL function
DeclDxilNsReserved, // The DXIL reserved prefixes must only be used by built-in functions and types
DeclExtraArgs, // Extra arguments not allowed for shader functions
DeclFnAttribute, // Functions should only contain known function attributes
DeclFnFlattenParam, // Function parameters must not use struct types
DeclFnIsCalled, // Functions can only be used by call instructions
DeclNotUsedExternal, // External declaration should not be used
DeclParamStruct, // Callable function parameter must be struct type
DeclPayloadStruct, // Payload parameter must be struct type
DeclResourceInFnSig, // Resources not allowed in function signatures
DeclShaderMissingArg, // payload/params/attributes parameter is required for certain shader types
DeclShaderReturnVoid, // Shader functions must return void
DeclUsedExternalFunction, // External function must be used
DeclUsedInternal, // Internal declaration must be used
@ -56,6 +63,7 @@ enum class ValidationRule : unsigned {
InstrBarrierModeForNonCS, // sync in a non-Compute Shader must only sync UAV (sync_uglobal)
InstrBarrierModeNoMemory, // sync must include some form of memory barrier - _u (UAV) and/or _g (Thread Group Shared Memory). Only _t (thread group sync) is optional.
InstrBarrierModeUselessUGroup, // sync can't specify both _ugroup and _uglobal. If both are needed, just specify _uglobal.
InstrBufferUpdateCounterOnResHasCounter, // BufferUpdateCounter valid only when HasCounter is true
InstrBufferUpdateCounterOnUAV, // BufferUpdateCounter valid only on UAV
InstrCBufferClassForCBufferHandle, // Expect Cbuffer for CBufferLoad handle
InstrCBufferOutOfBound, // Cbuffer access out of bound
@ -106,8 +114,11 @@ enum class ValidationRule : unsigned {
InstrResourceKindForSampleC, // samplec requires resource declared as texture1D/2D/Cube/1DArray/2DArray/CubeArray
InstrResourceKindForTextureLoad, // texture load only works on Texture1D/1DArray/2D/2DArray/3D/MS2D/MS2DArray
InstrResourceKindForTextureStore, // texture store only works on Texture1D/1DArray/2D/2DArray/3D
InstrResourceKindForTraceRay, // TraceRay should only use RTAccelerationStructure
InstrResourceMapToSingleEntry, // Fail to map resource to resource table
InstrResourceOffsetMiss, // offset uninitialized
InstrResourceOffsetTooMany, // out of bound offset must be undef
InstrResourceUser, // Resource should only used by Load/GEP/Call
InstrSampleCompType, // sample_* instructions require resource to be declared to return UNORM, SNORM or FLOAT.
InstrSampleIndexForLoad2DMS, // load on Texture2DMS/2DMSArray require sampleIndex
InstrSamplerModeForLOD, // lod instruction requires sampler declared in default mode
@ -178,11 +189,12 @@ enum class ValidationRule : unsigned {
FlowReducible, // Execution flow must be reducible
// Shader model
Sm64bitRawBufferLoadStore, // i64/f64 rawBufferLoad/Store overloads are allowed after SM 6.3
SmAppendAndConsumeOnSameUAV, // BufferUpdateCounter inc and dec on a given UAV (%d) cannot both be in the same shader for shader model less than 5.1.
SmCBufferElementOverflow, // CBuffer elements must not overflow
SmCBufferOffsetOverlap, // CBuffer offsets must not overlap
SmCBufferTemplateTypeMustBeStruct, // D3D12 constant/texture buffer template element can only be a struct
SmCSNoReturn, // Compute shaders can't return values, outputs must be written in writable resources (UAVs).
SmCSNoSignatures, // Compute shaders must not have shader signatures.
SmCompletePosition, // Not all elements of SV_Position were written
SmCounterOnlyOnStructBuf, // BufferUpdateCounter valid only on structured buffers
SmDSInputControlPointCountRange, // DS input control point count must be [0..%0]. %1 specified
@ -219,6 +231,8 @@ enum class ValidationRule : unsigned {
SmPSTargetIndexMatchesRow, // SV_Target semantic index must match packed row location
SmPatchConstantOnlyForHSDS, // patch constant signature only valid in HS and DS
SmROVOnlyInPS, // RasterizerOrdered objects are only allowed in 5.0+ pixel shaders
SmRayShaderPayloadSize, // For shader '%0', %1 size is smaller than argument's allocation size
SmRayShaderSignatures, // Ray tracing shader '%0' should not have any shader signatures
SmResourceRangeOverlap, // Resource ranges must not overlap
SmSampleCountOnlyOn2DMS, // Only Texture2DMS/2DMSArray could has sample count
SmSemantic, // Semantic must be defined in target shader model
@ -261,6 +275,11 @@ bool VerifyPSVMatches(_In_ llvm::Module *pModule,
_In_reads_bytes_(PSVSize) const void *pPSVData,
_In_ uint32_t PSVSize);
// PSV = data for Pipeline State Validation
bool VerifyRDATMatches(_In_ llvm::Module *pModule,
_In_reads_bytes_(RDATSize) const void *pRDATData,
_In_ uint32_t RDATSize);
bool VerifyFeatureInfoMatches(_In_ llvm::Module *pModule,
_In_reads_bytes_(FeatureInfoSize) const void *pFeatureInfoData,
_In_ uint32_t FeatureInfoSize);

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@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ public:
bool DisaseembleHex = false; //OPT_Lx
bool LegacyMacroExpansion = false; // OPT_flegacy_macro_expansion
unsigned long AutoBindingSpace = UINT_MAX; // OPT_auto_binding_space
bool ExportShadersOnly = false; // OPT_export_shaders_only
bool IsRootSignatureProfile();
bool IsLibraryProfile();

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@ -232,8 +232,12 @@ def rootsig_define : Separate<["-", "/"], "rootsig-define">, Group<hlslcomp_Grou
def enable_16bit_types: Flag<["-", "/"], "enable-16bit-types">, Flags<[CoreOption, DriverOption]>, Group<hlslcomp_Group>,
HelpText<"Enable 16bit types and disable min precision types. Available in HLSL 2018 and shader model 6.2">;
def ignore_line_directives : Flag<["-", "/"], "ignore-line-directives">, HelpText<"Ignore line directives">, Flags<[CoreOption]>, Group<hlslcomp_Group>;
def auto_binding_space : Separate<["-", "/"], "auto-binding-space">, Group<hlslcomp_Group>, Flags<[CoreOption]>, HelpText<"Set auto binding space - enables auto resource binding in libraries">;
def exports : Separate<["-", "/"], "exports">, Group<hlslcomp_Group>, Flags<[CoreOption]>, HelpText<"Specify exports when compiling a library: export1[[,export1_clone,...]=internal_name][;...]">;
def auto_binding_space : Separate<["-", "/"], "auto-binding-space">, Group<hlslcomp_Group>, Flags<[CoreOption]>,
HelpText<"Set auto binding space - enables auto resource binding in libraries">;
def exports : Separate<["-", "/"], "exports">, Group<hlslcomp_Group>, Flags<[CoreOption]>,
HelpText<"Specify exports when compiling a library: export1[[,export1_clone,...]=internal_name][;...]">;
def export_shaders_only : Flag<["-", "/"], "export-shaders-only">, Group<hlslcomp_Group>, Flags<[CoreOption]>,
HelpText<"Only export shaders when compiling a library">;
// SPIRV Change Starts
def spirv : Flag<["-"], "spirv">, Group<spirv_Group>, Flags<[CoreOption, DriverOption]>,
@ -268,7 +272,7 @@ def Wno_vk_ignored_features : Joined<["-"], "Wno-vk-ignored-features">, Group<sp
// fxc-based flags that don't match those previously defined.
def target_profile : JoinedOrSeparate<["-", "/"], "T">, Flags<[CoreOption]>, Group<hlslcomp_Group>, MetaVarName<"<profile>">,
HelpText<"Set target profile. \n\t<profile>: ps_6_0, ps_6_1, ps_6_2, vs_6_0, vs_6_1, vs_6_2, \n\t\t cs_6_0, cs_6_1, cs_6_2, gs_6_0, gs_6_1, gs_6_2, \n\t\t ds_6_0, ds_6_1, ds_6_2, hs_6_0, hs_6_1, hs_6_2, \n\t\t lib_6_0, lib_6_1, lib_6_2">;
HelpText<"Set target profile. \n\t<profile>: ps_6_0, ps_6_1, ps_6_2, ps_6_3, \n\t\t vs_6_0, vs_6_1, vs_6_2, vs_6_3, \n\t\t cs_6_0, cs_6_1, cs_6_2, cs_6_3, \n\t\t gs_6_0, gs_6_1, gs_6_2, gs_6_3, \n\t\t ds_6_0, ds_6_1, ds_6_2, ds_6_3, \n\t\t hs_6_0, hs_6_1, hs_6_2, hs_6_3, \n\t\t lib_6_3">;
def entrypoint : JoinedOrSeparate<["-", "/"], "E">, Flags<[CoreOption]>, Group<hlslcomp_Group>,
HelpText<"Entry point name">;
// /I <include> - already defined above

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@ -193,17 +193,29 @@ StringRefUtf16::StringRefUtf16(llvm::StringRef value) {
static bool GetTargetVersionFromString(llvm::StringRef ref, unsigned *major, unsigned *minor) {
try {
*major = (unsigned)std::stoul(std::string(1, ref[ref.size() - 3]));
*minor = (unsigned)std::stoul(std::string(1, ref[ref.size() - 1]));
return true;
catch (std::invalid_argument &) {
*major = *minor = -1;
unsigned len = ref.size();
if (len < 6 || len > 11) // length: ps_6_0 to rootsig_1_0
return false;
catch (std::out_of_range &) {
if (ref[len - 4] != '_' || ref[len - 2] != '_')
return false;
char cMajor = ref[len - 3];
char cMinor = ref[len - 1];
if (cMajor >= '0' && cMajor <= '9')
*major = cMajor - '0';
return false;
if (cMinor == 'x')
*minor = 0xF;
else if (cMinor >= '0' && cMinor <= '9')
*minor = cMinor - '0';
return false;
return true;
namespace hlsl {
@ -285,9 +297,14 @@ int ReadDxcOpts(const OptTable *optionTable, unsigned flagsToInclude,
// Set entry point to impossible name.
opts.EntryPoint = "";
} else if (Args.getLastArg(OPT_exports)) {
errors << "library profile required when using -exports option";
return 1;
} else {
if (Args.getLastArg(OPT_exports)) {
errors << "library profile required when using -exports option";
return 1;
} else if (Args.hasFlag(OPT_export_shaders_only, OPT_INVALID, false)) {
errors << "library profile required when using -export-shaders-only option";
return 1;
llvm::StringRef ver = Args.getLastArgValue(OPT_hlsl_version);
@ -379,7 +396,10 @@ int ReadDxcOpts(const OptTable *optionTable, unsigned flagsToInclude,
unsigned Major = 0;
unsigned Minor = 0;
if (!opts.TargetProfile.empty()) {
GetTargetVersionFromString(opts.TargetProfile, &Major, &Minor);
if (!GetTargetVersionFromString(opts.TargetProfile, &Major, &Minor)) {
errors << "unable to parse shader model.";
return 1;
if (opts.TargetProfile.empty() || Major < 6 || (Major == 6 && Minor < 2)) {
@ -442,6 +462,7 @@ int ReadDxcOpts(const OptTable *optionTable, unsigned flagsToInclude,
opts.DisassembleByteOffset = Args.hasFlag(OPT_No, OPT_INVALID, false);
opts.DisaseembleHex = Args.hasFlag(OPT_Lx, OPT_INVALID, false);
opts.LegacyMacroExpansion = Args.hasFlag(OPT_flegacy_macro_expansion, OPT_INVALID, false);
opts.ExportShadersOnly = Args.hasFlag(OPT_export_shaders_only, OPT_INVALID, false);
if (opts.DefaultColMajor && opts.DefaultRowMajor) {
errors << "Cannot specify /Zpr and /Zpc together, use /? to get usage information";
@ -514,6 +535,11 @@ int ReadDxcOpts(const OptTable *optionTable, unsigned flagsToInclude,
return 1;
if (opts.IsLibraryProfile() && Minor == 0xF) {
// Disable validation for offline link only target
opts.DisableValidation = true;
// SPIRV Change Starts
const bool genSpirv = opts.GenSPIRV = Args.hasFlag(OPT_spirv, OPT_INVALID, false);

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@ -506,6 +506,9 @@ public:
bChanged |= AllocateDxilResources(DM);
if (m_bIsLib && DM.GetShaderModel()->GetMinor() == ShaderModel::kOfflineMinor)
return bChanged;
// Make sure no select on resource.
bChanged |= RemovePhiOnResource();

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@ -1236,6 +1236,10 @@ DxilPartWriter *hlsl::NewPSVWriter(const DxilModule &M, uint32_t PSVVersion) {
return new DxilPSVWriter(M, PSVVersion);
DxilPartWriter *hlsl::NewRDATWriter(const DxilModule &M, uint32_t InfoVersion) {
return new DxilRDATWriter(M, InfoVersion);
class DxilContainerWriter_impl : public DxilContainerWriter {
class DxilPart {

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@ -1046,6 +1046,7 @@ void DxilLinkJob::RunPreparePass(Module &M) {

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@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ void DxilMDHelper::EmitDxilShaderModel(const ShaderModel *pSM) {
pShaderModelNamedMD = m_pModule->getOrInsertNamedMetadata(kDxilShaderModelMDName);
Metadata *MDVals[kDxilShaderModelNumFields];
MDVals[kDxilShaderModelTypeIdx ] = MDString::get(m_Ctx, pSM->GetKindName().c_str());
MDVals[kDxilShaderModelTypeIdx ] = MDString::get(m_Ctx, pSM->GetKindName());
MDVals[kDxilShaderModelMajorIdx] = Uint32ToConstMD(pSM->GetMajor());
MDVals[kDxilShaderModelMinorIdx] = Uint32ToConstMD(pSM->GetMinor());
@ -184,7 +184,8 @@ void DxilMDHelper::LoadDxilShaderModel(const ShaderModel *&pSM) {
unsigned Major = ConstMDToUint32(pShaderModelMD->getOperand(kDxilShaderModelMajorIdx));
unsigned Minor = ConstMDToUint32(pShaderModelMD->getOperand(kDxilShaderModelMinorIdx));
string ShaderModelName = pShaderTypeMD->getString();
ShaderModelName += "_" + std::to_string(Major) + "_" + std::to_string(Minor);
ShaderModelName += "_" + std::to_string(Major) + "_" +
(Minor == ShaderModel::kOfflineMinor ? "x" : std::to_string(Minor));
pSM = ShaderModel::GetByName(ShaderModelName.c_str());
if (!pSM->IsValidForDxil()) {
char ErrorMsgTxt[40];

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@ -1295,8 +1295,6 @@ void DxilModule::LoadDxilMetadata() {
std::unique_ptr<DxilEntryProps> pEntryProps =
llvm::make_unique<DxilEntryProps>(props, m_bUseMinPrecision);
DXASSERT(pSignatures->get() == nullptr || !props.IsRay(),
"Raytracing has no signature");
m_pMDHelper->LoadDxilSignatures(*pSignatures, pEntryProps->sig);
m_DxilEntryPropsMap[pFunc] = std::move(pEntryProps);

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@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ void OP::GetMinShaderModelAndMask(OpCode C, bool bWithTranslation,
// Instructions: IgnoreHit=155, AcceptHitAndEndSearch=156
if ((155 <= op && op <= 156)) {
major = 6; minor = 3;
mask = SFLAG(Library) | SFLAG(AnyHit);
mask = SFLAG(AnyHit);
// Instructions: CallShader=159

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@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ void DxilEmitMetadata::patchIsFrontfaceTy(Module &M) {
unsigned ValMajor, ValMinor;
DM.GetValidatorVersion(ValMajor, ValMinor);
bool bForceUint = ValMajor >= 1 && ValMinor >= 2;
bool bForceUint = ValMajor == 0 || (ValMajor >= 1 && ValMinor >= 2);
if (pSM->IsPS()) {
patchIsFrontface(DM.GetInputSignature(), bForceUint);
} else if (pSM->IsGS()) {

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@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ ShaderFlags ShaderFlags::CollectShaderFlags(const Function *F,
// Try to maintain compatibility with a v1.0 validator if that's what we have.
uint32_t valMajor, valMinor;
M->GetValidatorVersion(valMajor, valMinor);
bool hasMulticomponentUAVLoadsBackCompat = valMajor <= 1 && valMinor == 0;
bool hasMulticomponentUAVLoadsBackCompat = valMajor == 1 && valMinor == 0;
Type *int16Ty = Type::getInt16Ty(F->getContext());
Type *int64Ty = Type::getInt64Ty(F->getContext());

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@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ bool ShaderModel::IsValidForDxil() const {
case 2:
case 3:
return true;
case kOfflineMinor:
return m_Kind == Kind::Library;
@ -139,6 +141,12 @@ const ShaderModel *ShaderModel::GetByName(const char *pszName) {
else return GetInvalid();
case 'x':
if (kind == Kind::Library && Major == 6) {
Minor = kOfflineMinor;
else return GetInvalid();
default: return GetInvalid();
if (pszName[Idx++] != 0)
@ -161,6 +169,7 @@ void ShaderModel::GetDxilVersion(unsigned &DxilMajor, unsigned &DxilMinor) const
DxilMinor = 2;
case 3:
case kOfflineMinor: // Always update this to highest dxil version
DxilMinor = 3;
@ -185,6 +194,10 @@ void ShaderModel::GetMinValidatorVersion(unsigned &ValMajor, unsigned &ValMinor)
case 3:
ValMinor = 3;
case kOfflineMinor:
ValMajor = 0;
ValMinor = 0;
DXASSERT(0, "IsValidForDxil() should have caught this.");
@ -192,15 +205,17 @@ void ShaderModel::GetMinValidatorVersion(unsigned &ValMajor, unsigned &ValMinor)
static const char *ShaderModelKindNames[] = {
"ps", "vs", "gs", "hs", "ds", "cs", "lib", "invalid",
"ps", "vs", "gs", "hs", "ds", "cs", "lib",
"raygeneration", "intersection", "anyhit", "closesthit", "miss", "callable",
std::string ShaderModel::GetKindName() const {
const char * ShaderModel::GetKindName() const {
return GetKindName(m_Kind);
std::string ShaderModel::GetKindName(Kind kind) {
return std::string(ShaderModelKindNames[static_cast<unsigned int>(kind)]);
const char * ShaderModel::GetKindName(Kind kind) {
return ShaderModelKindNames[static_cast<unsigned int>(kind)];
const ShaderModel *ShaderModel::GetInvalid() {
@ -265,6 +280,9 @@ const ShaderModel ShaderModel::ms_ShaderModels[kNumShaderModels] = {
SM(Kind::Library, 6, 2, "lib_6_2", 32, 32, true, true, UINT_MAX),
SM(Kind::Library, 6, 3, "lib_6_3", 32, 32, true, true, UINT_MAX),
// lib_6_x is for offline linking only, and relaxes restrictions
SM(Kind::Library, 6, kOfflineMinor, "lib_6_x", 32, 32, true, true, UINT_MAX),
SM(Kind::Invalid, 0, 0, "invalid", 0, 0, false, false, 0),

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "dxc/HLSL/DxilTypeSystem.h"
#include "dxc/HLSL/DxilUtil.h"
#include "dxc/HLSL/DxilModule.h"
#include "dxc/HLSL/HLModule.h"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/ReaderWriter.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DiagnosticInfo.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DiagnosticPrinter.h"
@ -370,5 +371,29 @@ llvm::Instruction *FirstNonAllocaInsertionPt(llvm::Function* F) {
bool ContainsHLSLObjectType(llvm::Type *Ty) {
// Unwrap pointer/array
while (llvm::isa<llvm::PointerType>(Ty))
Ty = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(Ty)->getPointerElementType();
while (llvm::isa<llvm::ArrayType>(Ty))
Ty = llvm::cast<llvm::ArrayType>(Ty)->getArrayElementType();
if (llvm::StructType *ST = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::StructType>(Ty)) {
if (ST->getName().startswith("dx.types."))
return true;
// TODO: How is this suppoed to check for Input/OutputPatch types if
// these have already been eliminated in function arguments during CG?
if (HLModule::IsHLSLObjectType(Ty))
return true;
// Otherwise, recurse elements of UDT
for (auto ETy : ST->elements()) {
if (ContainsHLSLObjectType(ETy))
return true;
return false;

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Просмотреть файл

@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ bool llvm::InlineFunction(CallSite CS, InlineFunctionInfo &IFI,
if (PHI) {
auto &DL = Caller->getParent()->getDataLayout();
if (Value *V = SimplifyInstruction(PHI, DL, nullptr, nullptr,
&IFI.ACT->getAssumptionCache(*Caller))) {
IFI.ACT ? &IFI.ACT->getAssumptionCache(*Caller) : nullptr)) { // HLSL Change: fix nullptr dereference

Просмотреть файл

@ -204,6 +204,8 @@ public:
unsigned HLSLDefaultSpace = UINT_MAX;
/// HLSLLibraryExports specifies desired exports, with optional renaming
std::vector<std::string> HLSLLibraryExports;
/// ExportShadersOnly limits library export functions to shaders
bool ExportShadersOnly = false;
// HLSL Change Ends
/// Regular expression to select optimizations for which we should enable
/// optimization remarks. Transformation passes whose name matches this

Просмотреть файл

@ -391,7 +391,8 @@ CGMSHLSLRuntime::CGMSHLSLRuntime(CodeGenModule &CGM)
// set profile
// set entry name
if (!SM->IsLib())
// set root signature version.
if (CGM.getLangOpts().RootSigMinor == 0) {
@ -4396,29 +4397,6 @@ void CGMSHLSLRuntime::SetPatchConstantFunctionWithAttr(
static bool ContainsDisallowedTypeForExport(llvm::Type *Ty) {
// Unwrap pointer/array
while (llvm::isa<llvm::PointerType>(Ty))
Ty = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(Ty)->getPointerElementType();
while (llvm::isa<llvm::ArrayType>(Ty))
Ty = llvm::cast<llvm::ArrayType>(Ty)->getArrayElementType();
if (llvm::StructType *ST = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::StructType>(Ty)) {
if (ST->getName().startswith("dx.types."))
return true;
// TODO: How is this suppoed to check for Input/OutputPatch types if
// these have already been eliminated in function arguments during CG?
if (HLModule::IsHLSLObjectType(Ty))
return true;
// Otherwise, recurse elements of UDT
for (auto ETy : ST->elements()) {
if (ContainsDisallowedTypeForExport(ETy))
return true;
return false;
static void ReportDisallowedTypeInExportParam(CodeGenModule &CGM, StringRef name) {
DiagnosticsEngine &Diags = CGM.getDiags();
unsigned DiagID = Diags.getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error,
@ -4600,8 +4578,23 @@ void CGMSHLSLRuntime::FinishCodeGen() {
if (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().ExportShadersOnly) {
for (Function &f : m_pHLModule->GetModule()->functions()) {
// Skip declarations, intrinsics, shaders, and non-external linkage
if (f.isDeclaration() || f.isIntrinsic() ||
GetHLOpcodeGroup(&f) != HLOpcodeGroup::NotHL ||
m_pHLModule->HasDxilFunctionProps(&f) ||
m_pHLModule->IsPatchConstantShader(&f) ||
f.getLinkage() != GlobalValue::LinkageTypes::ExternalLinkage)
// Mark non-shader user functions as InternalLinkage
// Disallow resource arguments in (non-entry) function exports
if (m_bIsLib) {
// unless offline linking target.
if (m_bIsLib && m_pHLModule->GetShaderModel()->GetMinor() != ShaderModel::kOfflineMinor) {
for (Function &f : m_pHLModule->GetModule()->functions()) {
// Skip llvm intrinsics, non-external linkage, entry/patch constant func, and HL intrinsics
if (!f.isIntrinsic() &&
@ -4610,12 +4603,12 @@ void CGMSHLSLRuntime::FinishCodeGen() {
!m_pHLModule->IsPatchConstantShader(&f) &&
GetHLOpcodeGroup(&f) == HLOpcodeGroup::NotHL) {
// Verify no resources in param/return types
if (ContainsDisallowedTypeForExport(f.getReturnType())) {
if (dxilutil::ContainsHLSLObjectType(f.getReturnType())) {
ReportDisallowedTypeInExportParam(CGM, f.getName());
for (auto &Arg : f.args()) {
if (ContainsDisallowedTypeForExport(Arg.getType())) {
if (dxilutil::ContainsHLSLObjectType(Arg.getType())) {
ReportDisallowedTypeInExportParam(CGM, f.getName());

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// RUN: %dxc -auto-binding-space 13 -T lib_6_3 -export-shaders-only %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: class.Buffer
// CHECK-NOT: unused
// CHECK-NOT: @"\01?HSPerPatchFunc1@@YA?AUHSPerPatchData@@V?$InputPatch@UPSSceneIn@@$0BA@@@@Z"
// CHECK: define void @"\01?HSPerPatchFunc2
// CHECK: define void @HSMain1()
// CHECK: define void @HSMain2()
// CHECK: define void @HSMain3()
// CHECK: define void @"\01?HSPerPatchFunc1@@YA?AUHSPerPatchData@@XZ"
Buffer<float> T_unused;
Buffer<float> GetBuffer_unused() { return T_unused; }
struct PSSceneIn
float4 pos : SV_Position;
float2 tex : TEXCOORD0;
float3 norm : NORMAL;
struct HSPerPatchData
float edges[3] : SV_TessFactor;
float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
struct HSPerPatchDataQuad
float edges[4] : SV_TessFactor;
float inside[2] : SV_InsideTessFactor;
// Should not be selected, since later candidate function with same name exists.
// If selected, it should fail, since patch size mismatches HS function.
HSPerPatchData HSPerPatchFunc1(
const InputPatch< PSSceneIn, 16 > points)
HSPerPatchData d;
d.edges[0] = -5;
d.edges[1] = -6;
d.edges[2] = -7;
d.inside = T_unused.Load(1).x;
return d;
HSPerPatchDataQuad HSPerPatchFunc2(
const InputPatch< PSSceneIn, 4 > points)
HSPerPatchDataQuad d;
d.edges[0] = -5;
d.edges[1] = -6;
d.edges[2] = -7;
d.edges[3] = -7;
d.inside[0] = -8;
d.inside[1] = -8;
return d;
void HSMain1( const uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID,
const InputPatch< PSSceneIn, 3 > points )
void HSMain2( const uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID,
const InputPatch< PSSceneIn, 4 > points )
void HSMain3( const uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID,
const InputPatch< PSSceneIn, 3 > points )
// actual selected HSPerPatchFunc1 for HSMain1 and HSMain3
HSPerPatchData HSPerPatchFunc1()
HSPerPatchData d;
d.edges[0] = -5;
d.edges[1] = -6;
d.edges[2] = -7;
d.inside = -8;
return d;

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// RUN: %dxc -T lib_6_x %s | FileCheck %s
// resources in return/params allowed for lib_6_x
// CHECK: alloca %struct.T
// CHECK: store %struct.RWByteAddressBuffer
// CHECK: call void @"\01?resStruct@@YA?AUT2@@UT@@V?$vector@I$01@@@Z"(%struct.T2
// CHECK: %[[ptr:[^, ]]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.T2
// CHECK: %[[val:[^, ]]] = load %"class.RWStructuredBuffer<D>", %"class.RWStructuredBuffer<D>"* %[[ptr]]
// CHECK: call %dx.types.Handle @"dx.op.createHandleForLib.class.RWStructuredBuffer<D>"(i32 160, %"class.RWStructuredBuffer<D>" %[[val]])
struct T {
RWByteAddressBuffer outputBuffer;
RWByteAddressBuffer outputBuffer2;
struct D {
float4 a;
int4 b;
struct T2 {
RWStructuredBuffer<D> uav;
T2 resStruct(T t, uint2 id);
RWByteAddressBuffer outputBuffer;
RWByteAddressBuffer outputBuffer2;
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void main( uint2 id : SV_DispatchThreadID )
T t = {outputBuffer,outputBuffer2};
T2 t2 = resStruct(t, id);
uint counter = t2.uav.IncrementCounter();
t2.uav[counter].b.xy = id;

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// RUN: %dxc -T lib_6_x -Od -Zi -auto-binding-space 11 %s | FileCheck %s
// lib_6_x allows phi on resource, targeting offline linking only.
// CHECK: phi %struct.ByteAddressBuffer
RWByteAddressBuffer outputBuffer : register(u0);
ByteAddressBuffer ReadBuffer : register(t0);
ByteAddressBuffer ReadBuffer1 : register(t1);
void test( uint cond)
ByteAddressBuffer buffer = ReadBuffer;
if (cond > 2)
buffer = ReadBuffer1;
uint v= buffer.Load(0);
outputBuffer.Store(0, v);

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// RUN: %dxc -T lib_6_x -auto-binding-space 11 %s | FileCheck %s
// lib_6_x allows select on resource, targeting offline linking only.
// CHECK: select i1 %{{[^, ]+}}, %struct.ByteAddressBuffer
RWByteAddressBuffer outputBuffer : register(u0);
ByteAddressBuffer ReadBuffer : register(t0);
ByteAddressBuffer ReadBuffer1 : register(t1);
void test( uint cond)
ByteAddressBuffer buffer = ReadBuffer;
if (cond > 2)
buffer = ReadBuffer1;
uint v= buffer.Load(0);
outputBuffer.Store(0, v);

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// RUN: %dxc -auto-binding-space 13 -T lib_6_3 -export-shaders-only %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: %struct.Payload
// CHECK: class.Buffer
// CHECK-NOT: unused
// CHECK: define void @"\01?AnyHit
// CHECK: define void @"\01?Callable
// CHECK: define void @PSMain()
Buffer<float> T_unused;
Buffer<float> GetBuffer_unused() { return T_unused; }
float unused_nonshader_export() { return 1.0; }
float unused_nonshader_export2() { return unused_nonshader_export(); }
struct Payload {
float f;
void AnyHit(inout Payload p, BuiltInTriangleIntersectionAttributes a) {
p.f += a.barycentrics.x;
if (p.f > 1.0)
p.f += a.barycentrics.y;
void Callable(inout Payload p) {
p.f += 0.2;
float4 PSMain(float2 coord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target {
return coord.xyxy;

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// RUN: %dxc -T lib_6_3 -auto-binding-space 11 %s | FileCheck %s
// verify failure for exported library function
// CHECK: Opcode IgnoreHit not valid in shader model lib_6_3(lib)
// CHECK: Opcode AcceptHitAndEndSearch not valid in shader model lib_6_3(lib)
struct Payload {
float foo;
struct Attr {
float2 bary;
void libfunc(inout Payload p, Attr a) {
float4 result = 2.6;
if ( < 2) {
result.x = 1; // unused
AcceptHitAndEndSearch(); // does not return
result.y = 3; // dead code
if (a.bary.x < 9) {
result.x = 2; // unused
IgnoreHit(); // does not return
result.y = 4; // dead code
} = result;

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// RUN: %dxc -T lib_6_x -auto-binding-space 11 %s | FileCheck %s
// lib_6_x does not reduce phi/select of resource or handle in lib.
// CHECK: phi %"class.RWBuffer
// CHECK: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %"class.
// CHECK: ret <4 x float>
RWBuffer<float4> BufArray[2][2][3];
float4 test(int i, int j, int m) {
RWBuffer<float4> a = BufArray[m][0][0];
RWBuffer<float4> b = BufArray[0][m][1];
RWBuffer<float4> c = BufArray[0][1][m];
RWBuffer<float4> bufarr[2][3] = BufArray[m];
RWBuffer<float4> buf = c;
while (i > 9) {
while (j < 4) {
if (i < m)
buf = b;
bufarr[i%2][j%3] = buf;
buf[j] = i;
if (m > j)
buf = a;
buf[m] = i;
buf[i] = j;
bufarr[m%2][j%3][j] = m;
return j;

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// RUN: %dxc -T lib_6_x -auto-binding-space 11 %s | FileCheck %s
// lib_6_x allows phi/select of resource in lib.
// phi/select of handle should not be produced in this case, but would be allowed if it were.
// CHECK: entry:
// CHECK-NOT: phi %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK-NOT: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK: phi %"class.
// CHECK-NOT: phi %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK-NOT: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %"class.
// CHECK-NOT: phi %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK-NOT: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %dx.types.Handle
// Make sure get dimensions returns 24
// CHECK: ret i32 24
struct MyStruct {
float2 a;
int b;
float3 c;
RWStructuredBuffer<MyStruct> BufArray[3];
uint test(int i, int j, int m) {
RWStructuredBuffer<MyStruct> a = BufArray[0];
RWStructuredBuffer<MyStruct> b = BufArray[1];
RWStructuredBuffer<MyStruct> c = BufArray[2];
RWStructuredBuffer<MyStruct> buf = c;
while (i > 9) {
while (j < 4) {
if (i < m)
buf = b;
buf[j].b = i;
if (m > j)
buf = a;
buf[m].b = i;
buf[i].b = j;
uint dim = 0;
uint stride = 0;
buf.GetDimensions(dim, stride);
return stride;

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// RUN: %dxc -T lib_6_x -auto-binding-space 11 %s | FileCheck %s
// lib_6_x allows phi/select of resource in lib.
// phi/select of handle should not be produced in this case, but would be allowed if it were.
// CHECK: entry:
// CHECK-NOT: phi %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK-NOT: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK: phi %"class.
// CHECK-NOT: phi %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK-NOT: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %"class.
// CHECK-NOT: phi %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK-NOT: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %dx.types.Handle
// Make sure get dimensions returns 24
// CHECK: ret i32 24
struct MyStruct {
float2 a;
int b;
float3 c;
RWStructuredBuffer<MyStruct> a;
RWStructuredBuffer<MyStruct> b;
RWStructuredBuffer<MyStruct> c;
uint test(int i, int j, int m) {
RWStructuredBuffer<MyStruct> buf = c;
while (i > 9) {
while (j < 4) {
if (i < m)
buf = b;
buf[j].b = i;
if (m > j)
buf = a;
buf[m].b = i;
buf[i].b = j;
uint dim = 0;
uint stride = 0;
buf.GetDimensions(dim, stride);
return stride;

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// RUN: %dxc -T lib_6_x -auto-binding-space 11 %s | FileCheck %s
// lib_6_x allows phi/select of resource in lib.
// phi/select of handle should not be produced in this case, but would be allowed if it were.
// CHECK: entry:
// CHECK-NOT: phi %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK-NOT: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK: phi %"class.
// CHECK-NOT: phi %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK-NOT: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %"class.
// CHECK-NOT: phi %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK-NOT: select i1 %{{[^,]+}}, %dx.types.Handle
// CHECK: ret <4 x float>
RWBuffer<float4> BufArray[2][2][3];
RWBuffer<float4> Buf2;
float4 test(int i, int j, int m) {
RWBuffer<float4> a = BufArray[m][0][0];
RWBuffer<float4> b = BufArray[0][m][1];
RWBuffer<float4> c = BufArray[0][1][m];
RWBuffer<float4> bufarr[2][3] = BufArray[m];
RWBuffer<float4> buf = c;
while (i > 9) {
while (j < 4) {
if (i < m)
buf = b;
bufarr[i%2][j%3] = Buf2; // Illegal: assign different global resource
buf[j] = i;
if (m > j)
buf = a;
buf[m] = i;
buf[i] = j;
bufarr[m%2][j%3][j] = m;
return j;

Просмотреть файл

@ -400,6 +400,11 @@ public:
compiler.getLangOpts().IsHLSLLibrary = opts.IsLibraryProfile();
// Clear entry function if library target
if (compiler.getLangOpts().IsHLSLLibrary)
compiler.getLangOpts().HLSLEntryFunction =
compiler.getCodeGenOpts().HLSLEntryFunction = "";
// NOTE: this calls the validation component from dxil.dll; the built-in
// validator can be used as a fallback.
bool produceFullContainer = !opts.CodeGenHighLevel && !opts.AstDump && !opts.OptDump && rootSigMajor == 0;
@ -900,6 +905,9 @@ public:
// processed export names from -exports option:
compiler.getCodeGenOpts().HLSLLibraryExports = Opts.Exports;
// only export shader functions for library
compiler.getCodeGenOpts().ExportShadersOnly = Opts.ExportShadersOnly;
// IDxcVersionInfo

Просмотреть файл

@ -879,8 +879,8 @@ TEST_F(DxilContainerTest, CompileWhenOkThenCheckRDAT2) {
"register(u0); Texture2D<float> ThreeTextures[3] : register(t0); "
"float function1();"
"[shader(\"raygeneration\")] void RayGenMain() { Uav[0] = "
"ThreeTextures[0].Sample(Sampler, float2(0, 0)) + "
"ThreeTextures[2].Sample(Sampler, float2(0, 0)) + function1(); }";
"ThreeTextures[0].SampleLevel(Sampler, float2(0, 0), 0) + "
"ThreeTextures[2].SampleLevel(Sampler, float2(0, 0), 0) + function1(); }";
CComPtr<IDxcCompiler> pCompiler;
CComPtr<IDxcBlobEncoding> pSource;
CComPtr<IDxcBlob> pProgram;

Просмотреть файл

@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ public:
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public:
CComPtr<IDxcOperationResult> pResult;
CComPtr<IDxcBlob> pProgram;
CA2W shWide("lib_6_1", CP_UTF8);
CA2W shWide("lib_6_x", CP_UTF8);
m_dllSupport.CreateInstance(CLSID_DxcCompiler, &pCompiler));
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(pCompiler->Compile(pSource, L"hlsl.hlsl", L"", shWide,
@ -359,7 +359,6 @@ TEST_F(LinkerTest, RunLinkMatParamToLib) {
{"bitcast <12 x float>* %1 to %class.matrix.float.4.3*"}, {});
#if 0 // unsupported for lib_6_3, but possibly future or offline-only target
TEST_F(LinkerTest, RunLinkResRet) {
CComPtr<IDxcBlob> pEntryLib;
CompileLib(L"..\\CodeGenHLSL\\shader-compat-suite\\lib_out_param_res.hlsl", &pEntryLib);
@ -377,7 +376,6 @@ TEST_F(LinkerTest, RunLinkResRet) {
Link(L"test", L"ps_6_0", pLinker, {libName, libName2}, {}, {"alloca"});
TEST_F(LinkerTest, RunLinkToLib) {
LPCWSTR option[] = {L"-Zi"};
@ -424,7 +422,6 @@ TEST_F(LinkerTest, RunLinkToLibExport) {
{L"-exports", L"renamed_test,cloned_test=\\01?mat_test@@YA?AV?$vector@M$02@@V?$vector@M$03@@0AIAV?$matrix@M$03$02@@@Z;main"});
#if 0 // unsupported for lib_6_3, but possibly future or offline-only target
TEST_F(LinkerTest, RunLinkFailSelectRes) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1, 3)) return;
CComPtr<IDxcBlob> pEntryLib;
@ -442,9 +439,8 @@ TEST_F(LinkerTest, RunLinkFailSelectRes) {
RegisterDxcModule(libName2, pLib, pLinker);
LinkCheckMsg(L"main", L"ps_6_0", pLinker, {libName, libName2},
{"Local resource must map to global resource"});
{"local resource not guaranteed to map to unique global resource"});
TEST_F(LinkerTest, RunLinkToLibWithUnresolvedFunctions) {
LPCWSTR option[] = { L"-Zi" };

Просмотреть файл

@ -324,6 +324,7 @@ public:
@ -359,12 +360,24 @@ public:
dxc::DxcDllSupport m_dllSupport;
VersionSupportInfo m_ver;
@ -415,9 +428,13 @@ public:
CA2W shWide(pShaderModel, CP_UTF8);
wchar_t *pEntryName = L"main";
if (llvm::StringRef(pShaderModel).startswith("lib_"))
pEntryName = L"";
m_dllSupport.CreateInstance(CLSID_DxcCompiler, &pCompiler));
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(pCompiler->Compile(pSource, L"hlsl.hlsl", L"main", shWide,
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(pCompiler->Compile(pSource, L"hlsl.hlsl", pEntryName, shWide,
pArguments, argCount, pDefines,
defineCount, nullptr, &pResult));
CheckOperationResultMsgs(pResult, nullptr, false, false);
@ -3035,6 +3052,19 @@ TEST_F(ValidationTest, WhenPSVMismatchThenFail) {
TEST_F(ValidationTest, WhenRDATMismatchThenFail) {
"float4 main(float f) : semantic { return f; }",
"float4 main() : semantic { return 0; }",
{ DFCC_RuntimeData },
"Container part 'Runtime Data (RDAT)' does not match expected for module.",
"Validation failed."
TEST_F(ValidationTest, WhenFeatureInfoMismatchThenFail) {
"float4 main(uint2 foo : FOO) : SV_Target { return asdouble(foo.x, foo.y) * 2.0; }",
@ -3048,6 +3078,51 @@ TEST_F(ValidationTest, WhenFeatureInfoMismatchThenFail) {
TEST_F(ValidationTest, RayShaderWithSignaturesFail) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1, 3)) return;
"struct Payload { float f; }; struct Attributes { float2 b; };\n"
"struct Param { float f; };\n"
"[shader(\"raygeneration\")] void RayGenProto() { return; }\n"
"[shader(\"intersection\")] void IntersectionProto() { return; }\n"
"[shader(\"anyhit\")] void AnyHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.x; }\n"
"[shader(\"closesthit\")] void ClosestHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.y; }\n"
"[shader(\"miss\")] void MissProto(inout Payload p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"[shader(\"callable\")] void CallableProto(inout Param p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"[shader(\"vertex\")] float VSOutOnly() : OUTPUT { return 1; }\n"
"[shader(\"vertex\")] void VSInOnly(float f : INPUT) : OUTPUT {}\n"
"[shader(\"vertex\")] float VSInOut(float f : INPUT) : OUTPUT { return f; }\n"
, "lib_6_3",
{ "!{void \\(\\)\\* @VSInOnly, !\"VSInOnly\", !([0-9]+), null,(.*)!\\1 = "
,"!{void \\(\\)\\* @VSOutOnly, !\"VSOutOnly\", !([0-9]+), null,(.*)!\\1 = "
,"!{void \\(\\)\\* @VSInOut, !\"VSInOut\", !([0-9]+), null,(.*)!\\1 = "
,"!{void \\(\\)\\* @\"\\\\01\\?RayGenProto@@YAXXZ\", !\"\\\\01\\?RayGenProto@@YAXXZ\", null, null,"
,"!{void \\(\\)\\* @\"\\\\01\\?IntersectionProto@@YAXXZ\", !\"\\\\01\\?IntersectionProto@@YAXXZ\", null, null,"
,"!{void \\(%struct.Payload\\*, %struct.Attributes\\*\\)\\* @\"\\\\01\\?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", !\"\\\\01\\?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", null, null,"
,"!{void \\(%struct.Payload\\*, %struct.Attributes\\*\\)\\* @\"\\\\01\\?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", !\"\\\\01\\?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", null, null,"
,"!{void \\(%struct.Payload\\*\\)\\* @\"\\\\01\\?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\", !\"\\\\01\\?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\", null, null,"
,"!{void \\(%struct.Param\\*\\)\\* @\"\\\\01\\?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z\", !\"\\\\01\\?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z\", null, null,"
{ "!{void ()* @VSInOnly, !\"VSInOnly\", !1001, null,\\2!1001 = "
,"!{void ()* @VSOutOnly, !\"VSOutOnly\", !1002, null,\\2!1002 = "
,"!{void ()* @VSInOut, !\"VSInOut\", !1003, null,\\2!1003 = "
,"!{void ()* @\"\\\\01?RayGenProto@@YAXXZ\", !\"\\\\01?RayGenProto@@YAXXZ\", !1001, null,"
,"!{void ()* @\"\\\\01?IntersectionProto@@YAXXZ\", !\"\\\\01?IntersectionProto@@YAXXZ\", !1002, null,"
,"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\\\01?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", !\"\\\\01?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", !1003, null,"
,"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\\\01?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", !\"\\\\01?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", !1001, null,"
,"!{void (%struct.Payload*)* @\"\\\\01?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\", !\"\\\\01?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\", !1002, null,"
,"!{void (%struct.Param*)* @\"\\\\01?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z\", !\"\\\\01?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z\", !1003, null,"
{ "Ray tracing shader '\\\\01\\?RayGenProto@@YAXXZ' should not have any shader signatures"
,"Ray tracing shader '\\\\01\\?IntersectionProto@@YAXXZ' should not have any shader signatures"
,"Ray tracing shader '\\\\01\\?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z' should not have any shader signatures"
,"Ray tracing shader '\\\\01\\?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z' should not have any shader signatures"
,"Ray tracing shader '\\\\01\\?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z' should not have any shader signatures"
,"Ray tracing shader '\\\\01\\?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z' should not have any shader signatures"
TEST_F(ValidationTest, ViewIDInCSFail) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1,1)) return;
RewriteAssemblyCheckMsg(" \
@ -3208,7 +3283,18 @@ TEST_F(ValidationTest, Float32DenormModeAttribute) {
{ "\"fp32-denorm-mode\"=\"ftz\"" },
{ "\"fp32-denorm-mode\"=\"invalid_mode\"" },
"contains invalid attribute 'fp32-denorm-mode' with value 'invalid_mode'",
TEST_F(ValidationTest, ResCounter) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1, 3)) return;
"RWStructuredBuffer<float4> buf; float GetCounter() {return buf.IncrementCounter();}",
{ "!\"buf\", i32 0, i32 -1, i32 1, i32 12, i1 false, i1 true, i1 false, !" },
{ "!\"buf\", i32 0, i32 -1, i32 1, i32 12, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, !" },
"BufferUpdateCounter valid only when HasCounter is true",
TEST_F(ValidationTest, FunctionAttributes) {
@ -3220,5 +3306,318 @@ TEST_F(ValidationTest, FunctionAttributes) {
{ "\"fp32-denorm-mode\"=\"ftz\"" },
{ "\"dummy_attribute\"=\"invalid_mode\"" },
"contains invalid attribute 'dummy_attribute' with value 'invalid_mode'",
}// TODO: reject non-zero padding
TEST_F(ValidationTest, LibFunctionResInSig) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1, 3)) return;
"Texture2D<float4> T1;\n"
"struct ResInStruct { float f; Texture2D<float4> T; };\n"
"struct ResStructInStruct { float f; ResInStruct S; };\n"
"ResStructInStruct fnResInReturn(float f) : SV_Target {\n"
" ResStructInStruct S1; S1.f = S1.S.f = f; S1.S.T = T1;\n"
" return S1; }\n"
"float fnResInArg(ResStructInStruct S1) : SV_Target {\n"
" return S1.f; }\n"
"struct Data { float f; };\n"
"float fnStreamInArg(float f, inout PointStream<Data> S1) : SV_Target {\n"
" S1.Append((Data)f); return 1.0; }\n"
, "lib_6_x",
{ "!{!\"lib\", i32 6, i32 15}", "!dx.valver = !{!2}" },
{ "!{!\"lib\", i32 6, i32 3}", "!dx.valver = !{!1002}\n!1002 = !{i32 1, i32 3}" },
{ "Function '\\01?fnResInReturn@@YA?AUResStructInStruct@@M@Z' uses resource in function signature"
,"Function '\\01?fnResInArg@@YAMUResStructInStruct@@@Z' uses resource in function signature"
,"Function '\\01?fnStreamInArg@@YAMMV?$PointStream@UData@@@@@Z' uses resource in function signature"
// TODO: Unable to lower stream append, since it's used in a non-GS function.
// Should we fail to compile earlier (even on lib_6_x), or add lowering to linker?
,"Function 'dx.hl.op..void (i32, %\"class.PointStream<Data>\"*, float*)' uses resource in function signature"
TEST_F(ValidationTest, RayPayloadIsStruct) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1, 3)) return;
"struct Payload { float f; }; struct Attributes { float2 b; };\n"
"[shader(\"anyhit\")] void AnyHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.x; }\n"
"void BadAnyHit(inout float f, in Attributes a) { f += a.b.x; }\n"
"[shader(\"closesthit\")] void ClosestHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.y; }\n"
"void BadClosestHit(inout float f, in Attributes a) { f += a.b.y; }\n"
"[shader(\"miss\")] void MissProto(inout Payload p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"void BadMiss(inout float f) { f += 1.0; }\n"
, "lib_6_3",
{ "!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*)* @\"\\01?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\", "
{ "!{void (float*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXAIAMUAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (float*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXAIAMUAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (float*)* @\"\\01?BadMiss@@YAXAIAM@Z\", "
{ "Argument 'f' must be a struct type for payload in shader function '\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXAIAMUAttributes@@@Z'"
,"Argument 'f' must be a struct type for payload in shader function '\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXAIAMUAttributes@@@Z'"
,"Argument 'f' must be a struct type for payload in shader function '\\01?BadMiss@@YAXAIAM@Z'"
TEST_F(ValidationTest, RayAttrIsStruct) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1, 3)) return;
"struct Payload { float f; }; struct Attributes { float2 b; };\n"
"[shader(\"anyhit\")] void AnyHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.x; }\n"
"void BadAnyHit(inout Payload p, in float a) { p.f += a; }\n"
"[shader(\"closesthit\")] void ClosestHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.y; }\n"
"void BadClosestHit(inout Payload p, in float a) { p.f += a; }\n"
, "lib_6_3",
{ "!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
{ "!{void (%struct.Payload*, float)* @\"\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUPayload@@M@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*, float)* @\"\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXUPayload@@M@Z\", "
{ "Argument 'a' must be a struct type for attributes in shader function '\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUPayload@@M@Z'"
,"Argument 'a' must be a struct type for attributes in shader function '\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXUPayload@@M@Z'"
TEST_F(ValidationTest, CallableParamIsStruct) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1, 3)) return;
"struct Param { float f; };\n"
"[shader(\"callable\")] void CallableProto(inout Param p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"void BadCallable(inout float f) { f += 1.0; }\n"
, "lib_6_3",
{ "!{void (%struct.Param*)* @\"\\01?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z\", "
{ "!{void (float*)* @\"\\01?BadCallable@@YAXAIAM@Z\", "
{ "Argument 'f' must be a struct type for callable shader function '\\01?BadCallable@@YAXAIAM@Z'"
TEST_F(ValidationTest, RayShaderExtraArg) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1, 3)) return;
"struct Payload { float f; }; struct Attributes { float2 b; };\n"
"struct Param { float f; };\n"
"[shader(\"anyhit\")] void AnyHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.x; }\n"
"[shader(\"closesthit\")] void ClosestHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.y; }\n"
"[shader(\"miss\")] void MissProto(inout Payload p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"[shader(\"callable\")] void CallableProto(inout Param p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"void BadAnyHit(inout Payload p, in Attributes a, float f) { p.f += f; }\n"
"void BadClosestHit(inout Payload p, in Attributes a, float f) { p.f += f; }\n"
"void BadMiss(inout Payload p, float f) { p.f += f; }\n"
"void BadCallable(inout Param p, float f) { p.f += f; }\n"
, "lib_6_3",
{ "!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*)* @\"\\01?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Param*)* @\"\\01?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z\", "
{ "!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*, float)* @\"\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@M@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*, float)* @\"\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@M@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*, float)* @\"\\01?BadMiss@@YAXUPayload@@M@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Param*, float)* @\"\\01?BadCallable@@YAXUParam@@M@Z\", "
{ "Extra argument 'f' not allowed for shader function '\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@M@Z'"
,"Extra argument 'f' not allowed for shader function '\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@M@Z'"
,"Extra argument 'f' not allowed for shader function '\\01?BadMiss@@YAXUPayload@@M@Z'"
,"Extra argument 'f' not allowed for shader function '\\01?BadCallable@@YAXUParam@@M@Z'"
TEST_F(ValidationTest, ResInShaderStruct) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1, 3)) return;
// Verify resource not used in shader argument structure
"struct ResInStruct { float f; Texture2D<float4> T; };\n"
"struct ResStructInStruct { float f; ResInStruct S; };\n"
"struct Payload { float f; }; struct Attributes { float2 b; };\n"
"[shader(\"anyhit\")] void AnyHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.x; }\n"
"void BadAnyHit(inout ResStructInStruct p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.x; }\n"
"[shader(\"closesthit\")] void ClosestHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.y; }\n"
"void BadClosestHit(inout ResStructInStruct p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.x; }\n"
"[shader(\"miss\")] void MissProto(inout Payload p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"void BadMiss(inout ResStructInStruct p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"struct Param { float f; };\n"
"[shader(\"callable\")] void CallableProto(inout Param p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"void BadCallable(inout ResStructInStruct p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
, "lib_6_x",
{ "!{!\"lib\", i32 6, i32 15}", "!dx.valver = !{!2}",
"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*)* @\"\\01?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Param*)* @\"\\01?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z\", "
{ "!{!\"lib\", i32 6, i32 3}", "!dx.valver = !{!1002}\n!1002 = !{i32 1, i32 3}",
"!{void (%struct.ResStructInStruct*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUResStructInStruct@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.ResStructInStruct*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXUResStructInStruct@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.ResStructInStruct*)* @\"\\01?BadMiss@@YAXUResStructInStruct@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.ResStructInStruct*)* @\"\\01?BadCallable@@YAXUResStructInStruct@@@Z\", "
{ "Function '\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUResStructInStruct@@UAttributes@@@Z' uses resource in function signature"
,"Function '\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXUResStructInStruct@@UAttributes@@@Z' uses resource in function signature"
,"Function '\\01?BadMiss@@YAXUResStructInStruct@@@Z' uses resource in function signature"
,"Function '\\01?BadCallable@@YAXUResStructInStruct@@@Z' uses resource in function signature"
TEST_F(ValidationTest, WhenPayloadSizeTooSmallThenFail) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1, 3)) return;
"struct Payload { float f; }; struct Attributes { float2 b; };\n"
"struct Param { float f; };\n"
"[shader(\"raygeneration\")] void RayGenProto() { return; }\n"
"[shader(\"intersection\")] void IntersectionProto() { return; }\n"
"[shader(\"anyhit\")] void AnyHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.x; }\n"
"[shader(\"closesthit\")] void ClosestHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.y; }\n"
"[shader(\"miss\")] void MissProto(inout Payload p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"[shader(\"callable\")] void CallableProto(inout Param p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"struct BadPayload { float2 f; }; struct BadAttributes { float3 b; };\n"
"struct BadParam { float2 f; };\n"
"void BadRayGen() { return; }\n"
"void BadIntersection() { return; }\n"
"void BadAnyHit(inout BadPayload p, in BadAttributes a) { p.f += a.b.x; }\n"
"void BadClosestHit(inout BadPayload p, in BadAttributes a) { p.f += a.b.y; }\n"
"void BadMiss(inout BadPayload p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"void BadCallable(inout BadParam p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
, "lib_6_3",
{ "!{void ()* @\"\\01?RayGenProto@@YAXXZ\", !\"\\01?RayGenProto@@YAXXZ\","
,"!{void ()* @\"\\01?IntersectionProto@@YAXXZ\", !\"\\01?IntersectionProto@@YAXXZ\","
,"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", !\"\\01?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\","
,"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", !\"\\01?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\","
,"!{void (%struct.Payload*)* @\"\\01?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\", !\"\\01?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\","
,"!{void (%struct.Param*)* @\"\\01?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z\", !\"\\01?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z\","
{ "!{void ()* @\"\\01?BadRayGen@@YAXXZ\", !\"\\01?BadRayGen@@YAXXZ\","
,"!{void ()* @\"\\01?BadIntersection@@YAXXZ\", !\"\\01?BadIntersection@@YAXXZ\","
,"!{void (%struct.BadPayload*, %struct.BadAttributes*)* @\"\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUBadPayload@@UBadAttributes@@@Z\", !\"\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUBadPayload@@UBadAttributes@@@Z\","
,"!{void (%struct.BadPayload*, %struct.BadAttributes*)* @\"\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXUBadPayload@@UBadAttributes@@@Z\", !\"\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXUBadPayload@@UBadAttributes@@@Z\","
,"!{void (%struct.BadPayload*)* @\"\\01?BadMiss@@YAXUBadPayload@@@Z\", !\"\\01?BadMiss@@YAXUBadPayload@@@Z\","
,"!{void (%struct.BadParam*)* @\"\\01?BadCallable@@YAXUBadParam@@@Z\", !\"\\01?BadCallable@@YAXUBadParam@@@Z\","
{ "For shader '\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUBadPayload@@UBadAttributes@@@Z', payload size is smaller than argument's allocation size"
,"For shader '\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUBadPayload@@UBadAttributes@@@Z', attribute size is smaller than argument's allocation size"
,"For shader '\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXUBadPayload@@UBadAttributes@@@Z', payload size is smaller than argument's allocation size"
,"For shader '\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXUBadPayload@@UBadAttributes@@@Z', attribute size is smaller than argument's allocation size"
,"For shader '\\01?BadMiss@@YAXUBadPayload@@@Z', payload size is smaller than argument's allocation size"
,"For shader '\\01?BadCallable@@YAXUBadParam@@@Z', params size is smaller than argument's allocation size"
TEST_F(ValidationTest, WhenMissingPayloadThenFail) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1, 3)) return;
"struct Payload { float f; }; struct Attributes { float2 b; };\n"
"struct Param { float f; };\n"
"[shader(\"anyhit\")] void AnyHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.x; }\n"
"[shader(\"closesthit\")] void ClosestHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.y; }\n"
"[shader(\"miss\")] void MissProto(inout Payload p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"[shader(\"callable\")] void CallableProto(inout Param p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"void BadAnyHit(inout Payload p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"void BadClosestHit() {}\n"
"void BadMiss() {}\n"
"void BadCallable() {}\n"
, "lib_6_3",
{ "!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", !\"\\01?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\","
,"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", !\"\\01?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\","
,"!{void (%struct.Payload*)* @\"\\01?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\", !\"\\01?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\","
,"!{void (%struct.Param*)* @\"\\01?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z\", !\"\\01?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z\","
{ "!{void (%struct.Payload*)* @\"\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\", !\"\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\","
,"!{void ()* @\"\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXXZ\", !\"\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXXZ\","
,"!{void ()* @\"\\01?BadMiss@@YAXXZ\", !\"\\01?BadMiss@@YAXXZ\","
,"!{void ()* @\"\\01?BadCallable@@YAXXZ\", !\"\\01?BadCallable@@YAXXZ\","
{ "anyhit shader '\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAXUPayload@@@Z' missing required attributes parameter"
,"closesthit shader '\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXXZ' missing required payload parameter"
,"closesthit shader '\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAXXZ' missing required attributes parameter"
,"miss shader '\\01?BadMiss@@YAXXZ' missing required payload parameter"
,"callable shader '\\01?BadCallable@@YAXXZ' missing required params parameter"
TEST_F(ValidationTest, ShaderFunctionReturnTypeVoid) {
if (m_ver.SkipDxilVersion(1, 3)) return;
// Verify resource not used in shader argument structure
"struct Payload { float f; }; struct Attributes { float2 b; };\n"
"struct Param { float f; };\n"
"[shader(\"raygeneration\")] void RayGenProto() { return; }\n"
"[shader(\"anyhit\")] void AnyHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.x; }\n"
"[shader(\"closesthit\")] void ClosestHitProto(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { p.f += a.b.y; }\n"
"[shader(\"miss\")] void MissProto(inout Payload p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"[shader(\"callable\")] void CallableProto(inout Param p) { p.f += 1.0; }\n"
"float BadRayGen() { return 1; }\n"
"float BadAnyHit(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { return p.f; }\n"
"float BadClosestHit(inout Payload p, in Attributes a) { return p.f; }\n"
"float BadMiss(inout Payload p) { return p.f; }\n"
"float BadCallable(inout Param p) { return p.f; }\n"
, "lib_6_3",
{ "!{void ()* @\"\\01?RayGenProto@@YAXXZ\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?AnyHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?ClosestHitProto@@YAXUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Payload*)* @\"\\01?MissProto@@YAXUPayload@@@Z\", "
"!{void (%struct.Param*)* @\"\\01?CallableProto@@YAXUParam@@@Z\", "
{ "!{float ()* @\"\\01?BadRayGen@@YAMXZ\", "
"!{float (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAMUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{float (%struct.Payload*, %struct.Attributes*)* @\"\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAMUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z\", "
"!{float (%struct.Payload*)* @\"\\01?BadMiss@@YAMUPayload@@@Z\", "
"!{float (%struct.Param*)* @\"\\01?BadCallable@@YAMUParam@@@Z\", "
{ "Shader function '\\01?BadRayGen@@YAMXZ' must have void return type"
,"Shader function '\\01?BadAnyHit@@YAMUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z' must have void return type"
,"Shader function '\\01?BadClosestHit@@YAMUPayload@@UAttributes@@@Z' must have void return type"
,"Shader function '\\01?BadMiss@@YAMUPayload@@@Z' must have void return type"
,"Shader function '\\01?BadCallable@@YAMUParam@@@Z' must have void return type"

Просмотреть файл

@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ class db_dxil(object):
for i in "IgnoreHit,AcceptHitAndEndSearch".split(","):
self.name_idx[i].category = "AnyHit Terminals"
self.name_idx[i].shader_model = 6,3
self.name_idx[i].shader_stages = ("library","anyhit")
self.name_idx[i].shader_stages = ("anyhit",)
for i in "CallShader".split(","):
self.name_idx[i].category = "Indirect Shader Invocation"
self.name_idx[i].shader_model = 6,3
@ -1908,6 +1908,9 @@ class db_dxil(object):
self.add_valrule("Instr.ResourceClassForSamplerGather", "sample, lod and gather should on srv resource.")
self.add_valrule("Instr.ResourceClassForUAVStore", "store should on uav resource.")
self.add_valrule("Instr.ResourceClassForLoad", "load can only run on UAV/SRV resource")
self.add_valrule("Instr.ResourceMapToSingleEntry", "Fail to map resource to resource table")
self.add_valrule("Instr.ResourceUser", "Resource should only used by Load/GEP/Call")
self.add_valrule("Instr.ResourceKindForTraceRay", "TraceRay should only use RTAccelerationStructure")
self.add_valrule("Instr.OffsetOnUAVLoad", "uav load don't support offset")
self.add_valrule("Instr.MipOnUAVLoad", "uav load don't support mipLevel/sampleIndex")
self.add_valrule("Instr.SampleIndexForLoad2DMS", "load on Texture2DMS/2DMSArray require sampleIndex")
@ -1918,6 +1921,7 @@ class db_dxil(object):
self.add_valrule("Instr.DxilStructUserOutOfBound", "Index out of bound when extract value from dxil struct types")
self.add_valrule("Instr.HandleNotFromCreateHandle", "Resource handle should returned by createHandle")
self.add_valrule("Instr.BufferUpdateCounterOnUAV", "BufferUpdateCounter valid only on UAV")
self.add_valrule("Instr.BufferUpdateCounterOnResHasCounter", "BufferUpdateCounter valid only when HasCounter is true")
self.add_valrule("Instr.CBufferOutOfBound", "Cbuffer access out of bound")
self.add_valrule("Instr.CBufferClassForCBufferHandle", "Expect Cbuffer for CBufferLoad handle")
self.add_valrule("Instr.FailToResloveTGSMPointer", "TGSM pointers must originate from an unambiguous TGSM global variable.")
@ -1986,13 +1990,16 @@ class db_dxil(object):
self.add_valrule_msg("Sm.MultiStreamMustBePoint", "When multiple GS output streams are used they must be pointlists", "Multiple GS output streams are used but '%0' is not pointlist")
self.add_valrule("Sm.CompletePosition", "Not all elements of SV_Position were written")
self.add_valrule("Sm.UndefinedOutput", "Not all elements of output %0 were written")
self.add_valrule("Sm.CSNoReturn", "Compute shaders can't return values, outputs must be written in writable resources (UAVs).")
self.add_valrule("Sm.CSNoSignatures", "Compute shaders must not have shader signatures.")
self.add_valrule("Sm.CBufferTemplateTypeMustBeStruct", "D3D12 constant/texture buffer template element can only be a struct")
self.add_valrule_msg("Sm.ResourceRangeOverlap", "Resource ranges must not overlap", "Resource %0 with base %1 size %2 overlap with other resource with base %3 size %4 in space %5")
self.add_valrule_msg("Sm.CBufferOffsetOverlap", "CBuffer offsets must not overlap", "CBuffer %0 has offset overlaps at %1")
self.add_valrule_msg("Sm.CBufferElementOverflow", "CBuffer elements must not overflow", "CBuffer %0 size insufficient for element at offset %1")
self.add_valrule_msg("Sm.OpcodeInInvalidFunction", "Invalid DXIL opcode usage like StorePatchConstant in patch constant function", "opcode '%0' should only be used in '%1'")
self.add_valrule_msg("Sm.ViewIDNeedsSlot", "ViewID requires compatible space in pixel shader input signature", "Pixel shader input signature lacks available space for ViewID")
self.add_valrule("Sm.64bitRawBufferLoadStore", "i64/f64 rawBufferLoad/Store overloads are allowed after SM 6.3")
self.add_valrule("Sm.RayShaderSignatures", "Ray tracing shader '%0' should not have any shader signatures")
self.add_valrule("Sm.RayShaderPayloadSize", "For shader '%0', %1 size is smaller than argument's allocation size")
# fxc relaxed check of gradient check.
#self.add_valrule("Uni.NoUniInDiv", "TODO - No instruction requiring uniform execution can be present in divergent block")
@ -2013,6 +2020,13 @@ class db_dxil(object):
self.add_valrule_msg("Decl.FnIsCalled", "Functions can only be used by call instructions", "Function '%0' is used for something other than calling")
self.add_valrule_msg("Decl.FnFlattenParam", "Function parameters must not use struct types", "Type '%0' is a struct type but is used as a parameter in function '%1'")
self.add_valrule_msg("Decl.FnAttribute", "Functions should only contain known function attributes", "Function '%0' contains invalid attribute '%1' with value '%2'")
self.add_valrule_msg("Decl.ResourceInFnSig", "Resources not allowed in function signatures", "Function '%0' uses resource in function signature")
self.add_valrule_msg("Decl.PayloadStruct", "Payload parameter must be struct type", "Argument '%0' must be a struct type for payload in shader function '%1'")
self.add_valrule_msg("Decl.AttrStruct", "Attributes parameter must be struct type", "Argument '%0' must be a struct type for attributes in shader function '%1'")
self.add_valrule_msg("Decl.ParamStruct", "Callable function parameter must be struct type", "Argument '%0' must be a struct type for callable shader function '%1'")
self.add_valrule_msg("Decl.ExtraArgs", "Extra arguments not allowed for shader functions", "Extra argument '%0' not allowed for shader function '%1'")
self.add_valrule_msg("Decl.ShaderReturnVoid", "Shader functions must return void", "Shader function '%0' must have void return type")
self.add_valrule_msg("Decl.ShaderMissingArg", "payload/params/attributes parameter is required for certain shader types", "%0 shader '%1' missing required %2 parameter")
# Assign sensible category names and build up an enumeration description
cat_names = {

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@ -983,19 +983,19 @@ def get_min_sm_and_mask_text():
return code
check_pSM_for_shader_stage = {
'vertex': 'pSM->IsVS()',
'pixel': 'pSM->IsPS()',
'geometry': 'pSM->IsGS()',
'compute': 'pSM->IsCS()',
'hull': 'pSM->IsHS()',
'domain': 'pSM->IsDS()',
'library': 'pSM->IsLib()',
'raygeneration': 'pSM->GetKind() == DXIL::ShaderKind::RayGeneration',
'intersection': 'pSM->GetKind() == DXIL::ShaderKind::Intersection',
'anyhit': 'pSM->GetKind() == DXIL::ShaderKind::AnyHit',
'closesthit': 'pSM->GetKind() == DXIL::ShaderKind::ClosestHit',
'miss': 'pSM->GetKind() == DXIL::ShaderKind::Miss',
'callable': 'pSM->GetKind() == DXIL::ShaderKind::Callable',
'vertex': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::Vertex',
'pixel': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::Pixel',
'geometry': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::Geometry',
'compute': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::Compute',
'hull': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::Hull',
'domain': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::Domain',
'library': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::Library',
'raygeneration': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::RayGeneration',
'intersection': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::Intersection',
'anyhit': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::AnyHit',
'closesthit': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::ClosestHit',
'miss': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::Miss',
'callable': 'SK == DXIL::ShaderKind::Callable',
def get_valopcode_sm_text():
@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ def get_valopcode_sm_text():
model_cond = stage_cond = None
if last_model != (6,0):
model_cond = "pSM->GetMajor() > %d || (pSM->GetMajor() == %d && pSM->GetMinor() >= %d)" % (
model_cond = "major > %d || (major == %d && minor >= %d)" % (
last_model[0], last_model[0], last_model[1])
if last_stage:
stage_cond = ' || '.join([check_pSM_for_shader_stage[c] for c in last_stage])