/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // dxcapi.use.cpp // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // // // // Provides support for DXC API users. // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "dxc/Support/WinIncludes.h" #include "dxc/Support/dxcapi.use.h" #include "dxc/Support/FileIOHelper.h" #include "dxc/Support/Global.h" #include "dxc/Support/SharedLibAffix.h" // header generated during DXC build #include "dxc/Support/Unicode.h" #include "dxc/Support/WinFunctions.h" namespace dxc { const char *kDxCompilerLib = CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX "dxcompiler" CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX; const char *kDxilLib = CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX "dxil" CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX; #ifdef _WIN32 static void TrimEOL(char *pMsg) { char *pEnd = pMsg + strlen(pMsg); --pEnd; while (pEnd > pMsg && (*pEnd == '\r' || *pEnd == '\n')) { --pEnd; } pEnd[1] = '\0'; } static std::string GetWin32ErrorMessage(DWORD err) { char formattedMsg[200]; DWORD formattedMsgLen = FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, nullptr, err, 0, formattedMsg, _countof(formattedMsg), 0); if (formattedMsgLen > 0 && formattedMsgLen < _countof(formattedMsg)) { TrimEOL(formattedMsg); return std::string(formattedMsg); } return std::string(); } #else static std::string GetWin32ErrorMessage(DWORD err) { // Since we use errno for handling messages, we use strerror to get the error // message. return std::string(std::strerror(err)); } #endif // _WIN32 void IFT_Data(HRESULT hr, LPCWSTR data) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return; CW2A pData(data); std::string errMsg; if (HRESULT_IS_WIN32ERR(hr)) { DWORD err = HRESULT_AS_WIN32ERR(hr); errMsg.append(GetWin32ErrorMessage(err)); if (data != nullptr) { errMsg.append(" ", 1); } } if (data != nullptr) { errMsg.append(pData); } throw ::hlsl::Exception(hr, errMsg); } void EnsureEnabled(DxcDllSupport &dxcSupport) { if (!dxcSupport.IsEnabled()) { IFT(dxcSupport.Initialize()); } } void ReadFileIntoBlob(DxcDllSupport &dxcSupport, LPCWSTR pFileName, IDxcBlobEncoding **ppBlobEncoding) { CComPtr library; IFT(dxcSupport.CreateInstance(CLSID_DxcLibrary, &library)); IFT_Data(library->CreateBlobFromFile(pFileName, nullptr, ppBlobEncoding), pFileName); } void WriteOperationErrorsToConsole(IDxcOperationResult *pResult, bool outputWarnings) { HRESULT status; IFT(pResult->GetStatus(&status)); if (FAILED(status) || outputWarnings) { CComPtr pErrors; IFT(pResult->GetErrorBuffer(&pErrors)); if (pErrors.p != nullptr) { WriteBlobToConsole(pErrors, STD_ERROR_HANDLE); } } } void WriteOperationResultToConsole(IDxcOperationResult *pRewriteResult, bool outputWarnings) { WriteOperationErrorsToConsole(pRewriteResult, outputWarnings); CComPtr pBlob; IFT(pRewriteResult->GetResult(&pBlob)); WriteBlobToConsole(pBlob, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); } static void WriteWideNullTermToConsole(const wchar_t *pText, DWORD streamType) { if (pText == nullptr) { return; } bool lossy; // Note: even if there was loss, print anyway std::string consoleMessage; Unicode::WideToConsoleString(pText, &consoleMessage, &lossy); if (streamType == STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", consoleMessage.c_str()); } else if (streamType == STD_ERROR_HANDLE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", consoleMessage.c_str()); } else { throw hlsl::Exception(E_INVALIDARG); } } static HRESULT BlobToUtf8IfText(IDxcBlob *pBlob, IDxcBlobUtf8 **ppBlobUtf8) { CComPtr pBlobEncoding; if (SUCCEEDED(pBlob->QueryInterface(&pBlobEncoding))) { BOOL known; UINT32 cp = 0; IFT(pBlobEncoding->GetEncoding(&known, &cp)); if (known) { return hlsl::DxcGetBlobAsUtf8(pBlob, nullptr, ppBlobUtf8); } } return S_OK; } static HRESULT BlobToWideIfText(IDxcBlob *pBlob, IDxcBlobWide **ppBlobWide) { CComPtr pBlobEncoding; if (SUCCEEDED(pBlob->QueryInterface(&pBlobEncoding))) { BOOL known; UINT32 cp = 0; IFT(pBlobEncoding->GetEncoding(&known, &cp)); if (known) { return hlsl::DxcGetBlobAsWide(pBlob, nullptr, ppBlobWide); } } return S_OK; } void WriteBlobToConsole(IDxcBlob *pBlob, DWORD streamType) { if (pBlob == nullptr) { return; } // Try to get as UTF-16 or UTF-8 BOOL known; UINT32 cp = 0; CComPtr pBlobEncoding; IFT(pBlob->QueryInterface(&pBlobEncoding)); IFT(pBlobEncoding->GetEncoding(&known, &cp)); if (cp == DXC_CP_WIDE) { CComPtr pWide; IFT(hlsl::DxcGetBlobAsWide(pBlob, nullptr, &pWide)); WriteWideNullTermToConsole(pWide->GetStringPointer(), streamType); } else if (cp == CP_UTF8) { CComPtr pUtf8; IFT(hlsl::DxcGetBlobAsUtf8(pBlob, nullptr, &pUtf8)); WriteUtf8ToConsoleSizeT(pUtf8->GetStringPointer(), pUtf8->GetStringLength(), streamType); } } void WriteBlobToFile(IDxcBlob *pBlob, LPCWSTR pFileName, UINT32 textCodePage) { if (pBlob == nullptr) { return; } CHandle file(CreateFileW(pFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr)); if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { IFT_Data(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()), pFileName); } WriteBlobToHandle(pBlob, file, pFileName, textCodePage); } void WriteBlobToHandle(IDxcBlob *pBlob, HANDLE hFile, LPCWSTR pFileName, UINT32 textCodePage) { if (pBlob == nullptr) { return; } LPCVOID pPtr = pBlob->GetBufferPointer(); SIZE_T size = pBlob->GetBufferSize(); std::string BOM; CComPtr pBlobUtf8; CComPtr pBlobWide; if (textCodePage == DXC_CP_UTF8) { IFT_Data(BlobToUtf8IfText(pBlob, &pBlobUtf8), pFileName); if (pBlobUtf8) { pPtr = pBlobUtf8->GetStringPointer(); size = pBlobUtf8->GetStringLength(); // TBD: Should we write UTF-8 BOM? // BOM = "\xef\xbb\xbf"; // UTF-8 } } else if (textCodePage == DXC_CP_WIDE) { IFT_Data(BlobToWideIfText(pBlob, &pBlobWide), pFileName); if (pBlobWide) { pPtr = pBlobWide->GetStringPointer(); size = pBlobWide->GetStringLength() * sizeof(wchar_t); BOM = "\xff\xfe"; // UTF-16 LE } } IFT_Data(size > (SIZE_T)UINT32_MAX ? E_OUTOFMEMORY : S_OK, pFileName); DWORD written; if (!BOM.empty()) { if (FALSE == WriteFile(hFile, BOM.data(), BOM.length(), &written, nullptr)) { IFT_Data(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()), pFileName); } } if (FALSE == WriteFile(hFile, pPtr, (DWORD)size, &written, nullptr)) { IFT_Data(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()), pFileName); } } void WriteUtf8ToConsole(const char *pText, int charCount, DWORD streamType) { if (charCount == 0 || pText == nullptr) { return; } std::string resultToPrint; wchar_t *wideMessage = nullptr; size_t wideMessageLen; Unicode::UTF8BufferToWideBuffer(pText, charCount, &wideMessage, &wideMessageLen); WriteWideNullTermToConsole(wideMessage, streamType); delete[] wideMessage; } void WriteUtf8ToConsoleSizeT(const char *pText, size_t charCount, DWORD streamType) { if (charCount == 0) { return; } int charCountInt = 0; IFT(SizeTToInt(charCount, &charCountInt)); WriteUtf8ToConsole(pText, charCountInt, streamType); } } // namespace dxc