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// File: PBREffect.cpp
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
#include "pch.h"
#include "EffectCommon.h"
namespace DirectX
namespace EffectDirtyFlags
constexpr int ConstantBufferBones = 0x100000;
using namespace DirectX;
using Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr;
// Constant buffer layout. Must match the shader!
struct PBREffectConstants
XMVECTOR eyePosition;
XMVECTOR worldInverseTranspose[3];
XMMATRIX worldViewProj;
XMMATRIX prevWorldViewProj; // for velocity generation
XMVECTOR lightDirection[IEffectLights::MaxDirectionalLights];
XMVECTOR lightDiffuseColor[IEffectLights::MaxDirectionalLights];
// PBR Parameters
float Metallic;
float Roughness;
int numRadianceMipLevels;
// Size of render target
float targetWidth;
float targetHeight;
static_assert((sizeof(PBREffectConstants) % 16) == 0, "CB size not padded correctly");
XM_ALIGNED_STRUCT(16) BoneConstants
XMVECTOR Bones[SkinnedPBREffect::MaxBones][3];
static_assert((sizeof(BoneConstants) % 16) == 0, "CB size not padded correctly");
// Traits type describes our characteristics to the EffectBase template.
struct PBREffectTraits
using ConstantBufferType = PBREffectConstants;
static constexpr int VertexShaderCount = 8;
static constexpr int PixelShaderCount = 5;
static constexpr int ShaderPermutationCount = 22;
static constexpr int RootSignatureCount = 1;
// Internal PBREffect implementation class.
class PBREffect::Impl : public EffectBase<PBREffectTraits>
explicit Impl(_In_ ID3D11Device* device);
void Initialize(_In_ ID3D11Device* device, bool enableSkinning);
ComPtr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView> albedoTexture;
ComPtr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView> normalTexture;
ComPtr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView> rmaTexture;
ComPtr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView> emissiveTexture;
ComPtr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView> radianceTexture;
ComPtr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView> irradianceTexture;
bool biasedVertexNormals;
bool velocityEnabled;
bool instancing;
int weightsPerVertex;
XMVECTOR lightColor[MaxDirectionalLights];
int GetCurrentShaderPermutation() const noexcept;
void Apply(_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext);
BoneConstants boneConstants;
ConstantBuffer<BoneConstants> mBones;
// Include the precompiled shader code.
#if defined(_XBOX_ONE) && defined(_TITLE)
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
const ShaderBytecode EffectBase<PBREffectTraits>::VertexShaderBytecode[] =
{ PBREffect_VSConstant, sizeof(PBREffect_VSConstant) },
{ PBREffect_VSConstantVelocity, sizeof(PBREffect_VSConstantVelocity) },
{ PBREffect_VSConstantBn, sizeof(PBREffect_VSConstantBn) },
{ PBREffect_VSConstantVelocityBn, sizeof(PBREffect_VSConstantVelocityBn) },
{ PBREffect_VSConstantInst, sizeof(PBREffect_VSConstantInst) },
{ PBREffect_VSConstantBnInst, sizeof(PBREffect_VSConstantBnInst) },
{ PBREffect_VSSkinned, sizeof(PBREffect_VSSkinned) },
{ PBREffect_VSSkinnedBn, sizeof(PBREffect_VSSkinnedBn) },
const int EffectBase<PBREffectTraits>::VertexShaderIndices[] =
0, // constant
0, // textured
0, // textured + emissive
4, // instancing + constant
4, // instancing + textured
4, // instancing + textured + emissive
6, // skinning + constant
6, // skinning + textured
6, // skinning + textured + emissive
1, // textured + velocity
1, // textured + emissive + velocity
2, // constant (biased vertex normals)
2, // textured (biased vertex normals)
2, // textured + emissive (biased vertex normals)
5, // instancing + constant (biased vertex normals)
5, // instancing + textured (biased vertex normals)
5, // instancing + textured + emissive (biased vertex normals)
7, // skinning + constant (biased vertex normals)
7, // skinning + textured (biased vertex normals)
7, // skinning + textured + emissive (biased vertex normals)
3, // textured + velocity (biased vertex normals)
3, // textured + emissive + velocity (biased vertex normals)
const ShaderBytecode EffectBase<PBREffectTraits>::PixelShaderBytecode[] =
{ PBREffect_PSConstant, sizeof(PBREffect_PSConstant) },
{ PBREffect_PSTextured, sizeof(PBREffect_PSTextured) },
{ PBREffect_PSTexturedEmissive, sizeof(PBREffect_PSTexturedEmissive) },
{ PBREffect_PSTexturedVelocity, sizeof(PBREffect_PSTexturedVelocity) },
{ PBREffect_PSTexturedEmissiveVelocity, sizeof(PBREffect_PSTexturedEmissiveVelocity) },
const int EffectBase<PBREffectTraits>::PixelShaderIndices[] =
0, // constant
1, // textured
2, // textured + emissive
0, // instancing + constant
1, // instancing + textured
2, // instancing + textured + emissive
0, // skinning + constant
1, // skinning + textured
2, // skinning + textured + emissive
3, // textured + velocity
4, // textured + emissive + velocity
0, // constant (biased vertex normals)
1, // textured (biased vertex normals)
2, // textured + emissive (biased vertex normals)
0, // instancing + constant (biased vertex normals)
1, // instancing + textured (biased vertex normals)
2, // instancing + textured + emissive (biased vertex normals)
0, // skinning + constant (biased vertex normals)
1, // skinning + textured (biased vertex normals)
2, // skinning + textured + emissive (biased vertex normals)
3, // textured + velocity (biased vertex normals)
4, // textured + emissive + velocity (biased vertex normals)
// Global pool of per-device PBREffect resources. Required by EffectBase<>, but not used.
SharedResourcePool<ID3D11Device*, EffectBase<PBREffectTraits>::DeviceResources> EffectBase<PBREffectTraits>::deviceResourcesPool = {};
// Constructor.
PBREffect::Impl::Impl(_In_ ID3D11Device* device)
: EffectBase(device),
if (device->GetFeatureLevel() < D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0)
throw std::runtime_error("PBREffect requires Feature Level 10.0 or later");
static_assert(static_cast<int>(std::size(EffectBase<PBREffectTraits>::VertexShaderIndices)) == PBREffectTraits::ShaderPermutationCount, "array/max mismatch");
static_assert(static_cast<int>(std::size(EffectBase<PBREffectTraits>::VertexShaderBytecode)) == PBREffectTraits::VertexShaderCount, "array/max mismatch");
static_assert(static_cast<int>(std::size(EffectBase<PBREffectTraits>::PixelShaderBytecode)) == PBREffectTraits::PixelShaderCount, "array/max mismatch");
static_assert(static_cast<int>(std::size(EffectBase<PBREffectTraits>::PixelShaderIndices)) == PBREffectTraits::ShaderPermutationCount, "array/max mismatch");
void PBREffect::Impl::Initialize(_In_ ID3D11Device* device, bool enableSkinning)
// Lighting
static const XMVECTORF32 defaultLightDirection = { { { 0, -1, 0, 0 } } };
for (int i = 0; i < MaxDirectionalLights; i++)
lightColor[i] = g_XMOne;
constants.lightDirection[i] = defaultLightDirection;
constants.lightDiffuseColor[i] = g_XMZero;
// Default PBR values
constants.Albedo = g_XMOne;
constants.Metallic = 0.5f;
constants.Roughness = 0.2f;
constants.numRadianceMipLevels = 1;
if (enableSkinning)
weightsPerVertex = 4;
for (size_t j = 0; j < SkinnedPBREffect::MaxBones; ++j)
boneConstants.Bones[j][0] = g_XMIdentityR0;
boneConstants.Bones[j][1] = g_XMIdentityR1;
boneConstants.Bones[j][2] = g_XMIdentityR2;
int PBREffect::Impl::GetCurrentShaderPermutation() const noexcept
int permutation = 0;
// Using an emissive texture?
if (emissiveTexture)
permutation += 1;
if (biasedVertexNormals)
// Compressed normals need to be scaled and biased in the vertex shader.
permutation += 11;
if (weightsPerVertex > 0)
// Vertex skinning.
permutation += 6;
else if (instancing)
// Vertex shader needs to use vertex matrix transform.
permutation += 3;
else if (velocityEnabled)
// Optional velocity buffer (implies textured).
permutation += 9;
if (albedoTexture && !velocityEnabled)
// Textured RMA vs. constant albedo/roughness/metalness.
permutation += 1;
return permutation;
// Sets our state onto the D3D device.
void PBREffect::Impl::Apply(_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext)
assert(deviceContext != nullptr);
// Store old wvp for velocity calculation in shader
constants.prevWorldViewProj = constants.worldViewProj;
// Compute derived parameter values.
matrices.SetConstants(dirtyFlags, constants.worldViewProj);
// World inverse transpose matrix.
if (dirtyFlags & EffectDirtyFlags::WorldInverseTranspose)
{ = XMMatrixTranspose(;
const XMMATRIX worldInverse = XMMatrixInverse(nullptr,;
constants.worldInverseTranspose[0] = worldInverse.r[0];
constants.worldInverseTranspose[1] = worldInverse.r[1];
constants.worldInverseTranspose[2] = worldInverse.r[2];
dirtyFlags &= ~EffectDirtyFlags::WorldInverseTranspose;
dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBuffer;
// Eye position vector.
if (dirtyFlags & EffectDirtyFlags::EyePosition)
const XMMATRIX viewInverse = XMMatrixInverse(nullptr, matrices.view);
constants.eyePosition = viewInverse.r[3];
dirtyFlags &= ~EffectDirtyFlags::EyePosition;
dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBuffer;
if (weightsPerVertex > 0)
#if defined(_XBOX_ONE) && defined(_TITLE)
void* grfxMemoryBone;
mBones.SetData(deviceContext, boneConstants, &grfxMemoryBone);
ComPtr<ID3D11DeviceContextX> deviceContextX;
deviceContextX->VSSetPlacementConstantBuffer(1, mBones.GetBuffer(), grfxMemoryBone);
if (dirtyFlags & EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBufferBones)
mBones.SetData(deviceContext, boneConstants);
dirtyFlags &= ~EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBufferBones;
ID3D11Buffer* buffer = mBones.GetBuffer();
deviceContext->VSSetConstantBuffers(1, 1, &buffer);
// Set the textures
if (albedoTexture)
ID3D11ShaderResourceView* textures[6] =
albedoTexture.Get(), normalTexture.Get(), rmaTexture.Get(),
radianceTexture.Get(), irradianceTexture.Get()
deviceContext->PSSetShaderResources(0, 6, textures);
ID3D11ShaderResourceView* textures[6] =
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
radianceTexture.Get(), irradianceTexture.Get()
deviceContext->PSSetShaderResources(0, 6, textures);
// Set shaders and constant buffers.
ApplyShaders(deviceContext, GetCurrentShaderPermutation());
// PBREffect
PBREffect::PBREffect(_In_ ID3D11Device* device, bool skinningEnabled)
: pImpl(std::make_unique<Impl>(device))
pImpl->Initialize(device, skinningEnabled);
PBREffect::PBREffect(PBREffect&&) noexcept = default;
PBREffect& PBREffect::operator= (PBREffect&&) noexcept = default;
PBREffect::~PBREffect() = default;
// IEffect methods.
void PBREffect::Apply(_In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext)
void PBREffect::GetVertexShaderBytecode(_Out_ void const** pShaderByteCode, _Out_ size_t* pByteCodeLength)
pImpl->GetVertexShaderBytecode(pImpl->GetCurrentShaderPermutation(), pShaderByteCode, pByteCodeLength);
// Camera settings.
void XM_CALLCONV PBREffect::SetWorld(FXMMATRIX value)
pImpl-> = value;
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::WorldViewProj | EffectDirtyFlags::WorldInverseTranspose;
void XM_CALLCONV PBREffect::SetView(FXMMATRIX value)
pImpl->matrices.view = value;
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::WorldViewProj | EffectDirtyFlags::EyePosition;
void XM_CALLCONV PBREffect::SetProjection(FXMMATRIX value)
pImpl->matrices.projection = value;
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::WorldViewProj;
void XM_CALLCONV PBREffect::SetMatrices(FXMMATRIX world, CXMMATRIX view, CXMMATRIX projection)
pImpl-> = world;
pImpl->matrices.view = view;
pImpl->matrices.projection = projection;
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::WorldViewProj | EffectDirtyFlags::WorldInverseTranspose | EffectDirtyFlags::EyePosition;
// Light settings
void PBREffect::SetLightingEnabled(bool value)
if (!value)
throw std::invalid_argument("PBREffect does not support turning off lighting");
void PBREffect::SetPerPixelLighting(bool)
// Unsupported interface method.
void XM_CALLCONV PBREffect::SetAmbientLightColor(FXMVECTOR)
// Unsupported interface.
void PBREffect::SetLightEnabled(int whichLight, bool value)
pImpl->constants.lightDiffuseColor[whichLight] = (value) ? pImpl->lightColor[whichLight] : g_XMZero;
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBuffer;
void XM_CALLCONV PBREffect::SetLightDirection(int whichLight, FXMVECTOR value)
pImpl->constants.lightDirection[whichLight] = value;
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBuffer;
void XM_CALLCONV PBREffect::SetLightDiffuseColor(int whichLight, FXMVECTOR value)
pImpl->lightColor[whichLight] = value;
pImpl->constants.lightDiffuseColor[whichLight] = value;
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBuffer;
void XM_CALLCONV PBREffect::SetLightSpecularColor(int, FXMVECTOR)
// Unsupported interface.
void PBREffect::EnableDefaultLighting()
// PBR Settings
void PBREffect::SetAlpha(float value)
// Set w to new value, but preserve existing xyz (constant albedo).
pImpl->constants.Albedo = XMVectorSetW(pImpl->constants.Albedo, value);
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBuffer;
void PBREffect::SetConstantAlbedo(FXMVECTOR value)
// Set xyz to new value, but preserve existing w (alpha).
pImpl->constants.Albedo = XMVectorSelect(pImpl->constants.Albedo, value, g_XMSelect1110);
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBuffer;
void PBREffect::SetConstantMetallic(float value)
pImpl->constants.Metallic = value;
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBuffer;
void PBREffect::SetConstantRoughness(float value)
pImpl->constants.Roughness = value;
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBuffer;
// Texture settings.
void PBREffect::SetAlbedoTexture(_In_opt_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView* value)
pImpl->albedoTexture = value;
void PBREffect::SetNormalTexture(_In_opt_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView* value)
pImpl->normalTexture = value;
void PBREffect::SetRMATexture(_In_opt_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView* value)
pImpl->rmaTexture = value;
void PBREffect::SetEmissiveTexture(_In_opt_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView* value)
pImpl->emissiveTexture = value;
void PBREffect::SetSurfaceTextures(
_In_opt_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView* albedo,
_In_opt_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView* normal,
_In_opt_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView* roughnessMetallicAmbientOcclusion)
pImpl->albedoTexture = albedo;
pImpl->normalTexture = normal;
pImpl->rmaTexture = roughnessMetallicAmbientOcclusion;
void PBREffect::SetIBLTextures(
_In_opt_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView* radiance,
int numRadianceMips,
_In_opt_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView* irradiance)
pImpl->radianceTexture = radiance;
pImpl->irradianceTexture = irradiance;
pImpl->constants.numRadianceMipLevels = numRadianceMips;
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBuffer;
// Normal compression settings.
void PBREffect::SetBiasedVertexNormals(bool value)
pImpl->biasedVertexNormals = value;
// Instancing settings.
void PBREffect::SetInstancingEnabled(bool value)
if (value && (pImpl->weightsPerVertex > 0))
throw std::invalid_argument("Instancing is not supported for SkinnedPBREffect");
pImpl->instancing = value;
// Additional settings.
void PBREffect::SetVelocityGeneration(bool value)
if (value && (pImpl->weightsPerVertex > 0))
throw std::invalid_argument("Velocity generation is not supported for SkinnedPBREffect");
pImpl->velocityEnabled = value;
void PBREffect::SetRenderTargetSizeInPixels(int width, int height)
pImpl->constants.targetWidth = static_cast<float>(width);
pImpl->constants.targetHeight = static_cast<float>(height);
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBuffer;
// SkinnedPBREffect
// Animation settings.
void SkinnedPBREffect::SetWeightsPerVertex(int value)
if ((value != 1) &&
(value != 2) &&
(value != 4))
throw std::invalid_argument("WeightsPerVertex must be 1, 2, or 4");
pImpl->weightsPerVertex = value;
void SkinnedPBREffect::SetBoneTransforms(_In_reads_(count) XMMATRIX const* value, size_t count)
if (count > MaxBones)
throw std::invalid_argument("count parameter exceeds MaxBones");
auto boneConstant = pImpl->boneConstants.Bones;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
XMStoreFloat3x4A(reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT3X4A*>(&boneConstant[i]), value[i]);
// Xbox One XDK has an older version of DirectXMath
XMMATRIX boneMatrix = XMMatrixTranspose(value[i]);
boneConstant[i][0] = boneMatrix.r[0];
boneConstant[i][1] = boneMatrix.r[1];
boneConstant[i][2] = boneMatrix.r[2];
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBufferBones;
void SkinnedPBREffect::ResetBoneTransforms()
auto boneConstant = pImpl->boneConstants.Bones;
for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxBones; ++i)
boneConstant[i][0] = g_XMIdentityR0;
boneConstant[i][1] = g_XMIdentityR1;
boneConstant[i][2] = g_XMIdentityR2;
pImpl->dirtyFlags |= EffectDirtyFlags::ConstantBufferBones;