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78 строки
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2010/07/nuspec.xsd">
<metadata minClientVersion="2.8.6">
<title>DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 12 (VS 2017/2019/2022 Win32 for Windows 10/11)</title>
<summary>The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK) is a collection of helper classes for writing Direct3D 12 code in C++.</summary>
<description>This version is for Windows desktop applications using Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2019, or Visual Studio 2022.
Audio - low-level audio API using XAudio2
BufferHelpers - C++ helpers for creating D3D resources from CPU data
CommonStates - common D3D state combinations
DDSTextureLoader - light-weight DDS file texture loader
DescriptorHeap - helper for managing DX12 descriptor heaps
DirectXHelpers - misc C++ helpers for D3D programming
Effects - set of built-in shaders for common rendering tasks
EffectPipelineStateDescription - helper for creating PSOs
GamePad - gamepad controller helper using XInput
GeometricPrimitive - draws basic shapes such as cubes and spheres
GraphicsMemory - helper for managing graphics memory allocation
Keyboard - keyboard state tracking helper
Model - draws meshes loaded from .CMO, .SDKMESH, or .VBO files
Mouse - mouse helper
PostProcess - set of built-in shaders for common post-processing operations
PrimitiveBatch - simple and efficient way to draw user primitives
RenderTargetState - helper for communicating render target requirements when creating PSOs
ResourceUploadBatch - helper for managing texture resource upload to the GPU
ScreenGrab - light-weight screen shot saver
SimpleMath - simplified C++ wrapper for DirectXMath
SpriteBatch - simple & efficient 2D sprite rendering
SpriteFont - bitmap based text rendering
VertexTypes - structures for commonly used vertex data formats
WICTextureLoader - WIC-based image file texture loader</description>
<releaseNotes>Matches the February 28, 2022 release on GitHub.</releaseNotes>
<repository type="git" url="https://github.com/microsoft/DirectXTK12" />
<license type="expression">MIT</license>
<copyright>© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.</copyright>
<tags>DirectX DirectXTK DirectXTK12 native nativepackage</tags>
<file target="docs" src="*.md" />
<file target="include" src="Inc\*" exclude="Inc\XboxDDSTextureLoader.h" />
<file target="native\lib\Win32\Debug" src="Bin\Desktop_2017_Win10\Win32\Debug\*.lib" />
<file target="native\lib\Win32\Debug" src="Bin\Desktop_2017_Win10\Win32\Debug\*.pdb" />
<file target="native\lib\Win32\Release" src="Bin\Desktop_2017_Win10\Win32\Release\*.lib" />
<file target="native\lib\Win32\Release" src="Bin\Desktop_2017_Win10\Win32\Release\*.pdb" />
<file target="native\lib\x64\Debug" src="Bin\Desktop_2017_Win10\x64\Debug\*.lib" />
<file target="native\lib\x64\Debug" src="Bin\Desktop_2017_Win10\x64\Debug\*.pdb" />
<file target="native\lib\x64\Release" src="Bin\Desktop_2017_Win10\x64\Release\*.lib" />
<file target="native\lib\x64\Release" src="Bin\Desktop_2017_Win10\x64\Release\*.pdb" />
<file target="native\lib\ARM64\Debug" src="Bin\Desktop_2017_Win10\ARM64\Debug\*.lib" />
<file target="native\lib\ARM64\Debug" src="Bin\Desktop_2017_Win10\ARM64\Debug\*.pdb" />
<file target="native\lib\ARM64\Release" src="Bin\Desktop_2017_Win10\ARM64\Release\*.lib" />
<file target="native\lib\ARM64\Release" src="Bin\Desktop_2017_Win10\ARM64\Release\*.pdb" />
<file src=".nuget/directxtk12_desktop_2017.targets" target="build\native" />
<file src=".nuget/icon.jpg" target="images\" />