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169 строки
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// LinearAllocator.h
// A linear allocator. When Allocate is called it will try to return you a pointer into
// existing graphics memory. If there is no space left from what is allocated, more
// pages are allocated on-the-fly.
// Each allocation must be smaller or equal to pageSize. It is not necessary but is most
// efficient for the sizes to be some fraction of pageSize. pageSize does not determine
// the size of the physical pages underneath the virtual memory (that's given by the
// XMemAttributes) but is how much additional memory the allocator should allocate
// each time you run out of space.
// preallocatePages specifies how many pages to initially allocate. Specifying zero will
// preallocate two pages by default.
// This class is NOT thread safe. You should protect this with the appropriate sync
// primitives or, even better, use one linear allocator per thread.
// Pages are freed once the GPU is done with them. As such, you need to specify when a
// page is in use and when it is no longer in use. Use RetirePages to prompt the
// allocator to check if pages are no longer being used by the GPU. Use InsertFences to
// mark all used pages as in-use by the GPU, removing them from the available pages
// list. It is recommended you call RetirePages and InsertFences once a frame, usually
// just before Present().
// Why is RetirePages decoupled from InsertFences? It's possible that you might want to
// reclaim pages more frequently than locking used pages. For example, if you find the
// allocator is burning through pages too quickly you can call RetirePages to reclaim
// some that the GPU has finished with. However, this adds additional CPU overhead so it
// is left to you to decide. In most cases this is sufficient:
// allocator.RetirePages();
// allocator.InsertFences( pContext, 0 );
// Present(...);
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=615561
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
namespace DirectX
class LinearAllocatorPage
LinearAllocatorPage() noexcept;
LinearAllocatorPage(LinearAllocatorPage&&) = delete;
LinearAllocatorPage& operator= (LinearAllocatorPage&&) = delete;
LinearAllocatorPage(LinearAllocatorPage const&) = delete;
LinearAllocatorPage& operator=(LinearAllocatorPage const&) = delete;
size_t Suballocate(_In_ size_t size, _In_ size_t alignment);
void* BaseMemory() const noexcept { return mMemory; }
ID3D12Resource* UploadResource() const noexcept { return mUploadResource.Get(); }
D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS GpuAddress() const noexcept { return mGpuAddress; }
size_t BytesUsed() const noexcept { return mOffset; }
size_t Size() const noexcept { return mSize; }
void AddRef() noexcept { mRefCount.fetch_add(1); }
int32_t RefCount() const noexcept { return mRefCount.load(); }
void Release() noexcept;
friend class LinearAllocator;
LinearAllocatorPage* pPrevPage;
LinearAllocatorPage* pNextPage;
void* mMemory;
uint64_t mPendingFence;
size_t mOffset;
size_t mSize;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> mUploadResource;
std::atomic<int32_t> mRefCount;
class LinearAllocator
// These values will be rounded up to the nearest 64k.
// You can specify zero for incrementalSizeBytes to increment
// by 1 page (64k).
_In_ ID3D12Device* pDevice,
_In_ size_t pageSize,
_In_ size_t preallocateBytes = 0) noexcept(false);
LinearAllocator(LinearAllocator&&) = default;
LinearAllocator& operator= (LinearAllocator&&) = default;
LinearAllocator(LinearAllocator const&) = delete;
LinearAllocator& operator=(LinearAllocator const&) = delete;
LinearAllocatorPage* FindPageForAlloc(_In_ size_t requestedSize, _In_ size_t alignment);
// Call this at least once a frame to check if pages have become available.
void RetirePendingPages() noexcept;
// Call this after you submit your work to the driver.
// (e.g. immediately before Present.)
void FenceCommittedPages(_In_ ID3D12CommandQueue* commandQueue);
// Throws away all currently unused pages
void Shrink() noexcept;
// Statistics
size_t CommittedPageCount() const noexcept { return m_numPending; }
size_t TotalPageCount() const noexcept { return m_totalPages; }
size_t CommittedMemoryUsage() const noexcept { return m_numPending * m_increment; }
size_t TotalMemoryUsage() const noexcept { return m_totalPages * m_increment; }
size_t PageSize() const noexcept { return m_increment; }
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PROFILE)
// Debug info
const wchar_t* GetDebugName() const noexcept { return m_debugName.c_str(); }
void SetDebugName(const wchar_t* name);
void SetDebugName(const char* name);
LinearAllocatorPage* m_pendingPages; // Pages in use by the GPU
LinearAllocatorPage* m_usedPages; // Pages to be submitted to the GPU
LinearAllocatorPage* m_unusedPages; // Pages not being used right now
size_t m_increment;
size_t m_numPending;
size_t m_totalPages;
uint64_t m_fenceCount;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Device> m_device;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Fence> m_fence;
LinearAllocatorPage* GetPageForAlloc(size_t sizeBytes, size_t alignment);
LinearAllocatorPage* GetCleanPageForAlloc();
LinearAllocatorPage* FindPageForAlloc(LinearAllocatorPage* list, size_t sizeBytes, size_t alignment) noexcept;
LinearAllocatorPage* GetNewPage();
void UnlinkPage(LinearAllocatorPage* page) noexcept;
void LinkPage(LinearAllocatorPage* page, LinearAllocatorPage*& list) noexcept;
void LinkPageChain(LinearAllocatorPage* page, LinearAllocatorPage*& list) noexcept;
void ReleasePage(LinearAllocatorPage* page) noexcept;
void FreePages(LinearAllocatorPage* list) noexcept;
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PROFILE)
std::wstring m_debugName;
static void ValidateList(LinearAllocatorPage* list);
void ValidatePageLists();
void SetPageDebugName(LinearAllocatorPage* list) noexcept;