release/9.33 - Commerce Sample Update
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Note: The repo contains only samples, so its not required to clone this repo.
| [Release/9.30]( | 9.30.\* | 10.0.20 |
| [Release/9.31]( | 9.31.\* | 10.0.21 |
| [Release/9.32]( | 9.32.\* | 10.0.22 |
| [Release/9.33]( | 9.33.\* | 10.0.23 |
**Extension repository:**
Extension code or repository if required can download and consume the samples and templates from [microsoft]([Dynamics365Commerce.ScaleUnit](, the sample scale unit repo contains nuget.config, repo.props, CustomizationPackage.props and build pipelines script which provide guidance on how extension can setup the repo metadata files.
@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ Samples for instore components like Modern POS, Cloud POS, Hardware station and
Readme file inside the Commerce Runtime, ChannelDatabase and ScaleUnit contain more details on how to run the samples.
If you don't need POS or other samples from the repo, exclude the corresponding projects from the solution.
**Download reference packages for creating Commerce extension APIs and consuming messages, request, entities, and contracts:**
Commerce contracts, messages, entities, and request packages are published in this public feedfor commerce extension code to consume and customize existing functionalities or build new functionalities for Dynamics 365 Commerce product.
@ -127,6 +129,9 @@ Consume the commerce packages from this [location](
| 9.32.x.x-preview | 10.0.22 PEAP release |
| 9.32.x.x | 10.0.22 Customer preview |
| 9.32.x.x | 10.0.22 GA |
| 9.33.x.x-preview | 10.0.23 PEAP release |
| 9.33.x.x | 10.0.23 Customer preview |
| 9.33.x.x | 10.0.23 GA |
Extension project can consume the correct version by adding the package reference to the project with full version number or use wild card to always get the latest version, recommend option is to use the full version number and update the version based on your go-live version.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<BuildNumber Condition="'$(BuildNumber)' == ''">0.0</BuildNumber>
@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
<PublisherDisplayName Condition="'$(PublisherDisplayName)' == ''">Contoso Ltd.</PublisherDisplayName>
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
"dependsOrder": "sequence",
"dependsOn" : [
@ -58,7 +59,16 @@
"label": "check-ps-bitness", // Check the PowerShell bitness
"type": "shell",
"windows": {
"command": [
// Clean and uninstall tasks
@ -1 +1,19 @@
This project contains samples on how to create POS extensions.
This project contains samples on how to create POS extensions,
[POS Extension Overview](
Steps to run the sample:
1. If you are using Modern POS (MPOS), install the MPOS using the Sealed MPOS installer available in LCS, these samples will not work with legacy MPOS installers.
2. To install the Sealed MPOS installer follow the steps documented [here](, if you are using Cloud POS (CPOS) then it’s not required to install the MPOS.
3. Before running the POS samples, install the [development environment prerequisites to build the POS samples.](
4. Build the POS sample, output installer package will be created.
5. Run the extension installer generated using command prompt.
Ex: C:\ModernPos.Installer\bin\Debug\net461> .\ModernPos.Installer.exe install
6. After you've finished installing the extension, close Modern POS if it's running. Then, to load the extension, open Modern POS by using the Install/Update Modern POS icon on the desktop. The extensions .appx file will be installed. The previous steps copy the .appx file and other files to the correct location.
7. Validate the extension scenarios, search for a product in the POS search header bar, POS will navigate to the POS search view, you should see the Custom Navigate to Full System Example View app bar button and clicking that button POS should navigate to a custom view.
Detailed MPOS and CPOS deployment and packaging steps are documented [here](
@ -11,4 +11,22 @@ if (-not $msbuildPath)
Write-CustomError "Unable to find 'msbuild.exe'. Please ensure the path to msbuild.exe is listed in the PATH environment variable and try again. To find the location of msbuild.exe execute the command 'where msbuild' in the Command Prompt or Developer Command Prompt for VS xx."
exit 1
$foundVersions = (Get-Command msbuild.exe -All -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Property Source, Version | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders | Out-String).Trim()
$msbuildVersionString = (& msbuild.exe /version) | Select -Last 1
$msbuildVersion = [Version]::new($msbuildVersionString)
if ($msbuildVersion.Major -lt 15)
$VersionMessage = (Get-Content (Join-Path "Scripts" "MsBuildMessage.txt")).Replace("<MsbuildVersionString>", $msbuildVersionString).Replace("<FoundVersions>", $foundVersions) | Out-String
Write-CustomError $VersionMessage
exit 1
Write-Host "Current version of Msbuild is '$msbuildVersionString'."
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Checks that powershell bitness is 64.
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "ErrorDecorator.psm1")
$psBitnessIs64 = [Environment]::Is64BitProcess
if (-not $psBitnessIs64)
$bitnessErrorMessage = "The PowerShell version installed appears to be 32-bit. The scripts require the 64-bit PowerShell in order to correctly launch the installers needed to set up the debugging."
$bitnessErrorMessage += "`r`n" + "Please download and install the 64-bit PowerShell from"
$bitnessErrorMessage += "`r`n" + ""
$bitnessErrorMessage += "`r`n" + "The link to the version you need will look like 'PowerShell-<version>-win-x64.msi'."
$bitnessErrorMessage += "`r`n" + "You will need to restart the VSCode after installing the correct version of the PowerShell."
Write-CustomError $bitnessErrorMessage
exit 1
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Msbuild version "<MsbuildVersionString>" is below the minimum supported version "15".
The list of Msbuild versions already installed and found in current PATH variable is:
Please ensure the latest Msbuild is listed in the PATH environment variable:
1. If you don't have a VisualStudio installed you may download the "Build Tools for Visual Studio"
Choose the ".NET desktop build tools" and proceed with installation.
2. To find the location of msbuild.exe execute the command 'where.exe msbuild' in the Command Prompt.
3. To modify the PATH variable value, open Windows Settings.
4. Open "System" setting option.
5. Select "About" from the menu on the left.
6. At the bottom, select "System info"
7. Select "Advanced system settings"
8. On the new "System Properties" dialog (or in an "Advanced" Tab), click on "Environment Variables"
9. From "System variables" select the variable "Path" and click "Edit..." (the bottom one of the two).
10. Click "New"
11. Paste the path for Msbuild 15.x or greater. It could be (depends on your drives) similar to
if Visual Studio is installed:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin"
or if Build Tools for Visual Studio are installed:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\Bin"
12. On the right, click "Move Up" until it reaches the top. Press OK button in the opened windows to apply the changes.
13. Restart the VSCode for the changes to take effect.
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