* made individualized policy return the delta from the current treatment as effect of recommendation, as compared to delta with respect to baseline. this seems more interpretable.
* linting errors. Also added confidence intervals to the heterogeneity tree output dictionary
Description of changes: Fixing spelling on notebook
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* fixed max_samples=.5 in default grid for cfddml.tune
* relaxed rscorer test
* fixed rounding versus flooring in clauclating size of subsample. Fixed tests in grf_python so that this error would have been caught.
* changed how aggregation happens in policy ensembles. Added policy learning to mulit-investment attribution. Fixed some mistkaes in that case study
* added clipping to the denominator in the dr correction to avoid division by zero, in the dr estimate of ate and att in cfdml.
* Make StatsmodelsLinearRegresssion allow fractional weight for each individual sample, which is sample_weight. Rename the weights used as the count of observations for corresponding sample_var as freq_weight.
* For all the child classes inherit from _OrthoLearner, only expose freq_weight and sample_weight when the final stage is StatsmodelsLinearRegression or its parent class.
* Fix a few places to make sure it works consistently with un-summarized data when both weights exist.
* added policy learning module
* added cython policy tree and policy forest
* extended policy cate interpreter to interpret multiple treatments using the new policy tree
* added doubly robust policy learning tree and doubly robust policy learning forest
* fixed randomness in weightedkfold, that was causing tests to fail due to non-fixed-randomness behavior
* added notebook on policy learning
* remove the deprecated args in ForestDRLearner and add strong condition on search params from dowhy wrapper
* remove all the deprecated n_splits/n_crossfit_splits
* enalbed training data doubly robust ate and att calculation and inference. added a summary functionality to the causal forest.
* added ate__inference in dml notebook
* removed warm start from cfdml.